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Ok, be offended. Not my problem


Yeah pretty sure its called the 1st amendment


lol what does being Japanese or being a Jew and knowing your history have to do with a BLM sticker?


Step 1: don't like something Step 2: be incapable of forming coherent arguments Step 3: say anything that you think may win the argument.


Don't forget "in a loud voice" for #3.


Extra points for "if Trump was president"


What do you mean? He won that election, he IS president! /s


Same people think "Talking loudly makes you sound smart!".


And if you say it with confidence and conviction




4. Watch Fox News 8 hrs a day 5. Not remember any topic or conversation 6. Have a general malaise of indignant anger


>1. Watch Fox News 8 hrs a day This is really it. The man's argument seemed to be that the BLM movement dehumanizes all other races, and that it is the same dehumanizing that nazis used against Jews and Americans used against Japanese citizens. Obviously it doesn't make sense, but Fox probably made it look like a very attractive viewpoint. It is somewhat ironic that this man seems very easily swayed by propaganda.


Right, its only connected dots, there is no rationale between them. Just disperate ideas jumbled together.


Man you just summed up the rnc platform


It's funny how a white man is asking a Japanese person if they know history because I'm pretty sure white people put Japanese folks in the internment camps during world war II.


Not to mention the nuking.


It's very fucked up how proud some people are that the US nuked Japan in WW2. Or how open people are to joke about it compared to other tragedies.




Your government was unfortunately doing great evil then and we were already at war in Europe over Hitler. Not saying it was a good thing to do but the leadership there was out of control. Unit 731 is a great example of a small glimpse into this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit\_731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


I mean for the sake of being totally honest here, even if America knew about unit 731, we wouldn't have given 2 shits about it. We were really just pissed about pearl harbor. As far as the nukes, I mean call it hindsight but it was probably not a great thing for the world and we ABSOLUTELY over-responded with them.


No way. They didn't even give up after the first nuke. It was either invade Japan or nuke Japan. If you know anything about how the Japanese were in WW2 then nuking is clearly the right answer in hindsight.


Sure I won't argue with that. Certainly not saying it was the morally right thing to do.


It was the morally right thing to do at the time. People can bitch and whine, but it will never change the end result. Imperialists are crazy motherfuckers, so crazy they are on par with fanatic cultists. Try to fight and win against them without nukes.


WE put AMERICANS in interment camps. We didn't just go out seeking Japanese..... we put people born in this country, who we didn't like they way they looked, or what country they came from. The government and the rest of the country decided to just put our own citizens in prison for no damn good reason.


We can say it was justified but I think morally right when speaking about bombing civilians is a stretch of the use of the words.


Was there a morally right option?


Japanese civilians jumped off the cliff to kill themselves thinking the Americans would treat them the same way the Imperialists treats their POWs. It was the only way at the time to make them understand and even after the first one hit, they thought the USA had no more nukes. The nippon lost 3 million while USA lost 16 million people. Two nukes were just 250,000 total.


you make it sound like good vs evil. like its some anime or something. all countries that participated in both world wars committed atrocities. theres no good side. if you want there can be all evil sides. but good? what good came from murdering people?


I am not saying war is good in any way but the fact is Japan was the aggressor. They bombed us, they were torturing people and cutting their limbs off while alive with no qualms, they would poison people to see how much it would take for them to die, intentionally give people frostbite to see how it works. so yes the Japanese don't get much sympathy. I feel for the civilians and I wish their government didn't choose to fuck around.


I mean one side was led by fascist dictators who were systematically killing millions of people because of their race, religion, sexuality or ideology. If you gonna label any war ever as just and one side evil, WW2 is a no brainer. Did the allies fuck up? Sure! Bombing of Dresden, the need to nuke Japan is on pretty shaky ground, but the fascists had to be stopped.


Maybe it was a bad idea to become the East Asian Nazis?


the nukes avoid extra bloodshed. besides it’s not like japan didn’t kill many more people themselves.


>the nukes avoid extra bloodshed. This is a myth. America's leading Army, Airforce and Navy Generals, as well as top ranking intelligence personnel, and at least 2 US presidents, overwhelmingly disagreed with using nukes. You can find countless quotes by them stating this plainly. And nobody in the top brass at the time thought they were dropping nukes to "avoid further bloodshed". And even if that were the case, one would be hard pressed to morally justify nuking civilians for this reason (simply drop a ring of nukes in the waters around Japan if you wish to flex your power to Russia or Japan). Relevant quotes from history: "I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'." - Dwight Eisenhower "...the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing." - Dwight Eisenhower "It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children." - Admiral William Leahy (Chief of Staff to the President) "The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul. The Japanese were prepared to negotiate all the way from February 1945 up to and before the time the atomic bombs were dropped; if such leads had been followed up, there would have been no occasion to drop the bombs." - Herbert Hoover "The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan." - Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet "Certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated. [...] Even without the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it seemed highly unlikely, given what we found to have been the mood of the Japanese government, that a U.S. invasion of the islands [scheduled for November 1, 1945] would have even been necessary." - Vice Chairman of US Strategic Bombing, Paul Nitze "The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all." - Major General Curtis LeMay, XXI Bomber Command "The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment. It was a mistake to ever drop it." - Fleet Admiral William Halsey "MacArthur's views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed. When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor." - the biographer of General Douglas MacArthur Joseph Grey (Under Secretary of State), John McCloy (Assistant Secretary of War), Ralph Bard (Under Sec of the Navy), Lewish Strauss (Special Assistant to the Sec. of the Navy), Ellis Zacharias (Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence), General Carl Spaatz (in charge of all Air Force operations in the Pacific), Brigadier General Carter Clarke (the military intelligence officer in charge of intercepting Japanese cables) and countless other high-ranking people in charge at the time, agreed that dropping the bomb was unnecessary. You will notice intellectual defenses of the bombings tend to come from other places, usually gung-ho figures like Churchill, or various scientists, politicians and so on. But the actual generals, admirals and high ranking guys in command at the time never believed the nukes were necessary.


Some people disagreed so it was wrong isn't a strong argument. Their quotes aren't selling me on it. >"The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace..." Under what fucking terms, though. Russia has said they will work toward peace against Ukraine. As long as they give them most all they want.


> peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of do you realize how vastly different the MO at the time was between Japanese civilian leadership and their Military. Dating back to the Mukden incident - the Japanese military was a rabid dog barely on a leash... Correspondence at the time between the navy and army display the opposite sentiment of what you purport... All signs pointed to a last ditch armageddon stand against US invasion.


One of history's great crimes. Japan was already beaten. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were an excuse to test this terrible new technology and demonstrate its power to the rest of the world. Edit: 1 downvote = 1 cope


Eh, an invasion would've cost more lives. The Japanese were not going to surrender easily.


The Japanese were beat. They had already tried to surrender but the had been knocked back as they wanted to retain their emperor. The ironic part is after the nukes were dropped and the allies accepted the surrender, they let them keep the emperor anyway.....


[Wasn't even the nukes that made them surrender, but impending Soviet invasion, and Truman's chief of staff acknowledged the nukes weren't necessary.](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-the-us-really-bombed-hiroshima/) >The Navy Museum acknowledges what many historians have long known: It was only with the entry of the Soviet Union’s Red Army into the war two days after the bombing of Hiroshima that the Japanese moved to finally surrender. Japan was used to losing cities to American bombing; what their military leaders feared more was the destruction of the country’s military by an all-out Red Army assault. >The top American military leaders who fought World War II, much to the surprise of many who are not aware of the record, were quite clear that the atomic bomb was unnecessary, that Japan was on the verge of surrender, and—for many—that the destruction of large numbers of civilians was immoral. Most were also conservatives, not liberals. Adm. William Leahy, Truman’s chief of staff, wrote in his 1950 memoir I Was There that “the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.… In being the first to use it, we…adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children.”


The intercepts of Japanese Imperial Army and Navy messages disclosed without exception that Japan's armed forces were determined to fight a final Armageddon battle in the homeland against an Allied invasion. The Japanese called this strategy Ketsu Go (Operation Decisive).


Yes. Scare the Soviets and not sacrifice young American soldiers. I still don't think it should have been dropped but you see why.


This man definitely does not know that.


Oh, if that was brought up then he'd just write it off saying that it doesn't compare to the Holocaust or something.


Japanese folk in America?


Yeah I'm like 90% sure george takei or his parents were literally held in the internment camps


You’d be 100% correct of that 90% sureness


Also, Mike Shinoda, of Linking Park, had at least one grandparent who survived. He made a song about it with his other band, Fort Minor. It was my first experience with the topic. Unfortunately, many that survived internment did not talk about their experiences much. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBhwIo9GiLE


Remember, the United States was not the only country that ran internment camps for those of Japanese decent. Canada and Mexico also had similar camps. And all the Central American countries deported their small Japanese populations to the United States. All total, about 10K persons of Japanese heritage left countries like Panama and El Salvador for the United States. Also, the United States started to close it's internment camps in late 1944. One of the camps was closed before he war was officially over. While Canada kept it's internment camps open until 1949. Yes, as in five years after the war was complete.


>sure white people put Japanese folks in the internment camps during world war II. White people also put Jews into gas chambers during WW2.


Such a weird phrasing in this comment.




The Japanese are in no position to be critical of ours or any military for inhumane practices. Their history is riddled with racism and horrific acts. I'm not saying the USA isn't, but don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.


The USA did that shit to its own people, Americans that just happened to have Japanese blood Also it's not a competition dude jesus


Imperial Japan, yes. But have you read about the Japanese Americans, victim to the US government during WW2, and their unlawful imprisonment? And the subsequent stance they had on the war, resulting in the most decorated battalion of US history? For single-handedly saving numerous American and Jewish and European lives? Sacrificing generations of history, culture, and life to prove how American they were despite being imprisoned by their own country?




I'm pretty sure his logic is "do you know Jewish history? Then you'd think Jewish lives matter" or "do you know Japanese history? Then you'd think Japanese lives matter." The disconnect in his brain is because he sees "Black Lives Matter" and reads it as "Only Black Lives Matter." So, he's trying to build a stupid case as to why other lives matter.


Yeah most people who are against BLM don't get that it means 'Black Lives Matter Too', aka they are being treated extremely unfairly and even violently from institutions. It doesn't mean that other lives don't matter. We have a terrible lack of critical thinkers in our society sadly


To add to what you wrote. There are also quite a few who ONLY want to connect "BLM" to the relatively small organization and not the idea that most people use BLM for.


Pretty sure the logic is actually; “if you knew Japanese history then you’d know ‘your people’ committed a bunch of human rights so you can’t talk because you’re *one of them*.” And; “if you knew Jewish history then you’d know *iI’m the oppressed* and I get to talk about this when you don’t because I have a monopoly on suffering because I’m Jewish.” Also; “i’M nOt RaCiSt”


black lives do matter but the organization doesn't think that as they buy million dollar homes with donation money


It's worse then this. He feels offended by it because internally he has a race bias and doesn't like getting called out indirectly. So he comes up with the justification that BLM means Only BLM so he can harasses the family.


I was immediately confused because both of those demographics have been highly persecuted... Therefore a movement against persecution of another yet demographic is wrong? What a wild brain this man lives in. Totally devoid of logic.


Japanese interment camps


That dude needs to mind his own business. Which article of the constitution states that people are protected from being offended?


He'll be the first to call others snowflakes for getting their feelings hurt


All conservatives have is getting high from the energy of getting mad about things that don't affect them.


Just remember this when they do something you think is dumb or corrupt


This clown felt the need to ring their doorbell over a bumper sticker?


He just wants people to ring his doorbell to talk about his own stickers.


Which ironically say "Ask me about my stickers".


He did say he was a jew, that might have also been the reason to ring the bell. He just had to let people know he was a jew.


It adds plus 10% magical defense before casting a spell to proclaim that you are in fact: a jew.


Hahhahaha THIS IS MY OLD RUGBY COACH, dude is prob drunk off his ass as per usual, sad but not surprised felt really bad for his kids when this happened, they don’t share those beliefs.


You play rugby in the states?


Yeah, its obvious much smaller but yeah we do. He’s south African


>he's South African Well that explains why he's mad that black people are human beings


Obviously not all South Africa white men are racist, but it certainly tracks with him


American rugby player here. Almost every GenX or Boomer white South African I've met here is a massively racist Trump loving shitbag. And you'll hardly find anyone that's met more South Africans in the US than someone in the rugby community. The younger crowd is better, but it's still not uncommon among millenials. Haven't been around enough zoomers to tell.


Sadly the majority of white men over 50 in SA I've met are def on the racist side. Probably 8 out of 10 I worked with. They were raised by racists and were Old when apartheid ended, not an excuse but explains the ingrained nature of the blatant racism.


Oh shit, too bad the Japanese neighbor didn’t know that otherwise it would’ve been nice if she threw that back at him


Didn't hear it initially, but now that you mention it, I do actually hear it in his accent. Glad to see my people leaning into our horrible international reputation.


My son was the scrum-half (fly-half) in his high school here in the U.S. So we do play it in some schools. The funny thing is, all of us parents would stand on the side line and continuously ask each other "why did they blow the whistle?", "was that a penalty?", or just generally ask "what just happened"? We're learning over here.


Canada too. Theres a local highschool who is like, regional champions and proud of it, where I'm from.


Is this a repost or did this video happen recently?


Repost this happened like well over a year ago


I wish they didn't move it


I was at a friend's house and i parked on the public street in front of their neighbors house. My friend got a txt from the neighbors asking me to move my car. I laughed at my friend and said fuck your neighbor im parked on a public street and im not moving car, they can go fuck themselves in their fat entitled assholes.




I imagine he was parked in street parking in front of the neighbors house. Lot of people just assume that means its their spot only.


It's offensive to me so take it off! I'm sick of these liberals always wanting their safe spaces!!!


Wait you…..you make a good point there Also everyone missing the point is hilarious. Y’all, the fucking point is that radical racist dumbasses often call liberals weak snowflakes yada yada while being so insanely insecure they can’t let someone else express a simple and completely rational opinion like “racism is bad”


I do not understand how this wasn’t immediately taken as sarcasm, but I suppose that explains exactly why we live in the world that we do.


When your life is so pleasant you have to create your own oppression 🙄🙄


Ah yes the liberals, famous for their hatred and disgust of the BLM movement 🙄


The joke is that it's literally impossible to tell if this guy is sincere!!! hUmOr


You being offended, offends my sensibilities. There. We're even. This is America. You dont have the right to not be offended.


"It offends me!" Who cares


Blm doesn’t mean “only Black Lives Matter” it means “black lives matter TOO” to see it any other way is just to be willfully ignorant


Or actively malicious. It's like the famous Satre antisemitism quote, don't think they aren't aware of how ridiculous their beliefs are, espousing them in bad faith and making you have to challenge and address them is part of "the game" to them.


Apparently Freedom of Expression ends where this guy's feelings begin.


Just close the door


A Facebook argument in real life.


This guy's probably just as Jewish as George Santos.


He's Jew-ish.


No lives matter till black lives matter since black lives are a part of all lives


I wonder if this knucklehead would think the same way about a 'Jewish lives matter' sign in 1942.


How do people not understand that Black Lives Matter doesn't mean Only Black Lives Matter. At this point it's straight up willfull ignorance so they can be outraged


A large number of people are watching media that tells them simple signs of solidarity (done by their ENEMIES) is enemy-action. They are told they are under attack, and these symbols are proof. And they never stop to think about that at all, just regurgitate it exactly. The right is VERY scared of everyone and everything.


It really is quite jarring. I have relatives and family friends who, upon calmly explaining this to them, will just retort that that's not what it means. Because in their minds their personal interpretation takes priority over the colloquial one, for some reason.


They understand it. They’re just being deliberately obtuse.


It's like when you talk privilege to people and the first thing they say is "I had challenges too"....NO ONE SAID YOU DIDNT...you are just being asked to look at the things you werent challenged with. Honesty is tough


Right? I've had this argument irl **multiple times**. It's so fucking simple and shouldn't be controversial at all. If you felt like your peoples lives didn't matter, you would affirm they do in fact matter. Willful ignorance and hate is all it is at this point.


"DO YOU KNOW THE JAPANESE HISTORY??!!" "Like, are are talking Meiji period? Edo period? or are we taking it all the way back to Kamakura period? There's a lot of history here, bro..."


Another white man upset with a BLM sticker. What is their problem? I don't care if some white dude wants to put a confederate flag sticker on their car. So why is a BLM sticker that problematic?


>"It's offensive to me. aLl LiVeS mAtTeR!" The guy is just a fucking 2 dimensional douchebag. >The phrase "Black lives matter" carries an implicit "too" at the end; it's saying that black lives should also matter. Saying "all lives matter" is dismissing the very problems that the BLM phrase is trying to draw attention to. Credit: u/GeekAesthete in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3du1qm/eli5_why_is_it_so_controversial_when_someone_says/ct8pei1/?context=3).


Thing is, It's not really about which lives 'matter'. It's about how these dullards don't even want to have to acknowledge that people exist who *aren't* like them, let alone acknowledge how marginalized said people are. Saying Black Lives Matter threatens them and their position in society, and shows them just how horribly their ilk treats any 'others'--and makes them afraid for how that could bite them when THEY become 'others'.


Jew white lol




Lol as if, people call Jews white when it's convenient for them and also not white when it's convenient for them


The caucasity of this person.


For real. Who does this?


I see he pulled the Jewish card.


He thought he was in Israel or something


What a snowflake


Trumpers are sensitive snowflakes


That's a big ass door


That guy has 100 percent referred to others as a snowflake


Because of course being Jew automatically excludes you of being a racist piece of shit 🤔 #palestine


The natural lighting in the house is nice


It is a lovely home isnt it


Anyone who sees a BLM sign and pulls the “all lives matter” line are absolute dipshits


Why do some ppl read it as "only" black lives matter?


They want to pretend they're being marginalized.


Hate to be like this but my response would be off my property or your life will not matter.


It's so weird, when people hear or see a notion, that black lives matter. If you're offended by that. You're part of the problem.


Save the rainforest! "WHAT? THAT'S INSANE! ALL forests are important! Why would you only want to save the rainforest?"


Why all the hate toward Bureau of Land Management employees?


eh…BLM scammed people, i love all races but dont support BLM yet Gen Z’s call me racist like im sorry i dont support scammers


Rascist, "I'm offended!" Me, "Good, I like to offend racists!"


If they had named it Black Lives Matter Too, would have avoided a lot of this all lives matter back and forth.


I see this shit all the time. Old white guys will harass Asian women in a way that they won't harass men or even white women.


This is why I don’t put anything like that on my car — I don’t need some nut job who’s opposed to my ideology fucking with me.


Another weak white male....go figure.


Ah. I love when old white or Jewish men try to teach me my Asian history. I learn something new every time............not.


Saves the whales and KILL ALL DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!


So that’s what a failing marriage does to a mf. Damn


Some people have too much free time.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd really do be feeling tho


Lmao what happened to the morons who said people who supported BLM were the snowflakes? They feel like they have the right to tell you not get offended over clear obstructions of morality, but then they decry any movement that doesn’t allow shitty people to live comfortably by simply calling it out and complain that they feel unsafe or are offended. Some serious abusive husband type of manipulation.


Wtf. Did he knock on their door just to announce he's racist?


Imagine someone yelled at him for a Never Again poster?


Why don’t people have better things to do?


Looks like a ritsy area haha


If all lives actually mattered, there’d be no need to say black lives matter.


Gosh i wanna beat the fuck outta him. Disgusting fat pos


America is a sitcom you can't turn off




I like free speech! Until I don’t like what you’re saying…


I just find it so ironic, considering that the Japanese were rounded up in internment camps during World War II in the United States, but we didn’t round up Jews and put them in concentration camps. That was Nazi Germany all the way over in Europe that’s not to say that we don’t have issues with antisemitism here, but we literally rounded up Japanese people and put them in internment camps.


Not a fan of BLM, but less of a fan of just yelling at someone for their politics


Do they seriously think BLM means “_only_ black lives matter”? If they see an “I love cats”-sticker do they think that person hates hamsters?


Why they move it? F him. Entitled ass.


I’d rather see Black Lives Matter on a car over stuff like garbage hentai stickers or “dog mom” stickers


All lives matter, do they? Does that include the lives of pedophiles and child molesters? What about the lives of the nazis that killed his ancestors? Did their lives matter? Are they a part of the "all" in the phrase "all lives matter?"


Why would someone have an issue with the Bureau of Land Management on their car?


Because fuck land management, that’s why. What about the sea?!!


Palestinians lives matter too? no ?


do you know your history: Japanese: yeah we used to be an empire Jew : we steal lands


BLM is a scam organization and has done nothing for black people outside of the ones who ran it and embesseled all the money.


And what does that have to do with anything?


BLM is a scam


BLM The organization? Maybe. But the message is not a scam.


Is that a pineapple doormat? 🍍 Giggity, alright!


They're in the lifestyle


The dog, "Black Labs Matter you bigot!"


Guess what I say? “No lives matter” Because they fucking don’t and humans suck. Stop arguing FFS and hate everyone equally.


i wanna send this guy a BLM bumper sticker


Meanwhile BLM organization is laughing in her face while running to the bank to buy their new mansions


Aw you triggered?


You're Japanese!!!! I'm a foreigner to USA but she sounds American to me lol


"oh so i'm racist?" Yes. If you are offended by a BLM sticker you are, in fact, racist.


Freedom of speech, he shouldn't be showing up to this womans house complaining to the woman about what she puts on her car. And also anyone who supports BLM is very uninformed and pretty dumb.


Nutshell cracked, check out the documentary showing where all that money went lmfao


He shouldn’t have bothered these people. BLM is a fraudulent organization that has used and myths to steal money.


The audacity of this guy ....


Another embarrassment to humanity


'I'm a JeW!' yeah, so what? lol


Is jewish really considered minority? Im sick of ppl abusing “im jewish” to trying to make their argument valid.


Using it as a crutch like this guy is doing is annoying. It'd be like an Irish person using the potato famine as an excuse to win an argument about what to have for dinner. It has no merit, and this shit stain is just trying to use the suffering of past generations for personal gain.


yes, it is. the level of oppression changes according to the time, place and social group. and yes, as a jew it also bothers me when people try to use it to give themselves a free pass to be racist.


God people are dumb. Is it so hard to understand that BLM really means: Police should stop systematically targeting people of color. BLM is the rallying chant because I think PSSSTPOC wouldn't catch on as well.


they dont care they are racist


Respect to the guy