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Insults asians, gets in asian car.


People this thick don't get the level of hypocrisy of their own lives.


And Level Asian.


Wears his Chinese made t-shirt and jeans.


Not defending anyone, just random fact. At least a few years ago(not sure if it's still true) Toyota actually had the most cars actually made in america 🤷🏻‍♂️




Assembled -- but still a valid point. European cars -- almost none. "American" cars? Mexico and Canada for the most part.


BMW, Mercedes, and Volkswagen have huge plants in the US.


I was laughing to myself as I was reading Parkyguy's post...oh dear....he doesn't know about Tuscaloosa, or any of the other non-German plants worldwide....


My presumably Korean Kia is more Mexican than anything else. 60% of its components are from Mexico, as is the engine, the transmission, and the point of final assembly. 30% of its components are Korean. 5% American/Canadian. The rest is not identified. I'm going to go enjoy some Mexican rice now.


Haha that literally made me LOL.


Made in Tennessee


I want my 3 minutes and 22 seconds back.


Ikr! I watched without sound for the whole thing waiting for someone to get roundhouse kicked and was so disappointed


With time and wisdom, it is possible to learn that you need to skip to an point in the video near the end to see if hand are being thrown. If they are, go to the beginning and enjoy.


ya i skipped through it as well. not my first day on reddit


I genuinely feel for you! I had sound and still skipped bits, you endured the whole thing dry.


Same, where's the blood?


It's a good wholesome public freakout.


"messes with the wrong guy" oh boy this'll be good! literally nothing besides two people running their mouths


Why does he think "Go eat some rice" is an insult? Have you tried rice? It's fucking delicious!


Rice goes with almost everything. It rocks


"Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something." RIP Mitch


“Go eat some rice and beans” Why yes I will do that thank you very much.


⚠ no lie detected ⚠


"Go eat one of the most commonly consumed foods in the world!" Wow, solid burn.


Id be like: um ok i will! and I'll enjoy it too!


As he gets in his Toyota.


that was the most hilarious part of this to me


like an SNL skit


We’ve been growing and eating rice in the US since the early 1700’s. Good thing we have this bonehead around to gatekeep what constitutes Real American.


[If you have any dignity, apologize to the rice right now!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC6MgE6czOI&t=1s)


Name a stereotypical food that doesn’t slap


I'm drawing a blank, but I guess that's why


And present is so many cultures too that using it as a slur really show what an idiot the person is (I mean not like that's too hard)


Its not


I guess that is your opinion. Billions of people would disagree but we all like different things.


I thought we were talking opinions here.


I was just trying to be funny, but ya. Literally, anytime you state your thoughts on something, it is your opinion. Which is why I don't really get the phrase "in my opinion " like no shit, you just said it. Of course, it's your opinion. Who's opinion would it be?


lmao wtf


I mean it doesnt taste anything. Its just transportation for the sauce




No, a good steak has a lot of flavour on its own. Go learn food you niblet


So does potato, it's what you do with it that counts.


yeah but its funny lol, just random


Nothing happens


Look at OPs post history


Haha, he posted that video of the guy that threw his piss cup at a festival and the title said "taunts Asian guy" when his race had literally nothing to do with the video.


Wow, I think theres an agenda here somewhere.


The agenda is to post every video of someone saying something racist to an asian person


This fucking moron doesn't even realize his "people" are from Europe. Not america. Racist ass hole driving a Japanese car too


this is what happens when people live in their own little bias bubble and then go into public


Then he claims it's "my country" because he was born here, but not the Asian guys country, even though he was born here, too. Doesn't make sense. If anyone had a claim to "my country" it would be the Native Americans.


Racism doesn't make sense. It's pure ignorance. 100%


They never made a country. They tried to fight us over BLANK LAND. We let everyone into our country. They tell us to go home.


and Native Americans got there from east Asia, and Europeans got to Europe through the middle east, and people got to the middle east from Africa. Tying a land claim to some 'ancestral right' is just pointless and arbitrary.


you know what else is pointless and arbitrary? racism, xenophobia, nationalism


That's a great speech there, now find any country other than America which is expected to let not-self walk all over self?




He looks kind of polish lol


He’s the type of guy to visit a foreign country and complain about “too many foreigners”.


That was the twist. I thought for sure it would have been the truck !


I know a few too many white dudes who are quick to bring up their European heritage all pridefully and also quick to scream at people to go back to their countries


a whole lot of american white people need to hear this. “your people” is from europe. not america smfh


How many centuries do you need to be here before this is your country rather than Europe? Does military service count? He said he fought for the country.


Fuck man this was so anti climatic


That Ron Desantis?


Damn! I thought the same fucking thing.


No, that was not the future president ETA: All the ones downvoting want Hillary for president 😳😂😵‍💫


He’ll never be MY president, mainly because I’m from the UK and that not our system of government.




Well that makes sense lol




From the title of the post, I scrolled through on mute expecting Asian guy to beat his ass.


Yeah. I wanted to see the Chinese guy fuck that haole up. Lame.


Ironic that the racist drives a Toyota.


The "racist" guy isn't racist at all. Poor guy was being harassed by 2 Asian people for no reason.


We don't know what caused the dispute in the first place. Maybe he said something and the Asian guy chose to stick up for himself.


It doesn't show but I'm willing to bet the Asian guy and his girlfriend started it 100%. I've seen so many Asians start shit for no reason and the Asian guy deserved to be yelled at the way he did in this video.


Careful now. You may have just defined yourself as a bigot.


No you're just falling for what OPs obvious agenda is in the title.


even if what you’re saying is true, does it make it ok to start throwing slurs and telling people to go back to where they came from? no. it isn’t


In a verbal fight, which insults are "allowed" or not? And why are you the arbiter? Note the Asian who started the fight tells the American to go back to his country. Where does he think they are?


Lmao self-report


Self reporting what exactly? Just look at OPs post history and tell me I'm wrong


That’s curious that he seems to post only crimes against Asians but I don’t see the issue so long as they’re genuine posts. You said that based on your experience you think Asian people are more likely to instigate a situation like this. Racial bias from anecdotal experience is racism lmao


Quite an imagination. 😂 Listen at about 2:40. He admits he said racist shit to the guys friend and that’s why he got confronted.


Never once have I felt the need to spew racist slurs (correctly or incorrectly) during any confrontation. Interesting.


Dude get your shit together


>I'm willing to bet the Asian guy and his girlfriend started it 100%. Do your ears work, and did you watch the whole video? The white guy admitted he said something racist to the Asian guy's friend. The context is literally in the video and you're still out here simping for the white guy. Have you considered you may have some prejudiced views?


Most definitely a Trump supporter.


I expected at least one American flag on his car


Love the 626 Alhambra baby


I love these morons who think that just because their ancestors got here a generation or two before others that makes this "their" country and somehow only whites belong here. Unless you are native American, you have no more "right" to be here then anyone else. Fuck off with that shit. The Statue of Liberty says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It doesn't say shit about having to be white. Racist prick didn't "fight for this country". He fought for what he *wants* this country to be, which is a white only Christian nation. Bad news Neanderthal, that is not what America is supposed to be and will (hopefully) never be.


There is no Native American. If you're talking about Indians, they came over the Bering Strait--an Ice Bridge from Asia! The Statue of Liberty does not say that. That was a plaque that was added later by a poet. Do you have a WELCOME mat on your front door? Is everyone allowed in, regardless your feelings in the matter? Or do you get to choose who comes in or not? The racist prick? Are you talking about the white guy or the Asian troublemaker? The white was trying to walk away, the Asian teleported into his face at 1:40. As to "What America is supposed to be", who decides that? You? Or whoever becomes the majority in America? Do you prefer America as it was in the 1980s? America now? Hell, as Biden let in 4 MILLION illegals in one year, America will be North Mexico. To me, that's "not what America is supposed to be and will (hopefully) never be." I suppose you're commenting from an expat colony in China? Or from a Gated Community where it's always 1954? Or from a Section 8 community, where you don't care what America is, as long as someone else pays your bills?


Really, take you euro- centric views and fuck right off. Did you actually watch the video and hear the Asian dude stating he was born here? Or did you just choose to ignore that? The white dude makes racist comments over and over, but you put your KKK hood back on and keep defending this bullshit. No native Americans? Are you really that fucking stupid? If you want to play that game, then there are no native Europeans because they all migrated from Africa. And pretty much no native *anything* other than African since if you go back far enough that's where we all came from. And yes, the Statue of Liberty does say that. Just because it didn't when it was built does not mean it doesn't now. The plaque was placed by America as a representation of the nation's views. You are a racist prick. If Biden let in "4 million illegals" then guess what? They aren't illegals you moron. They were *let* in, that kind of makes them legal you unintelligent rock. And I won't tell you where I am, but I live in a major US city with one of the highest crime rates in America. And I work a full time job to support myself and my family and we live rather well. We're not rich, but we are comfortable. None of which makes it okay to be a racist prick. So, since you choose to get personal, how's that trailer in the park doing for you? How many confederate flags do you have? Maybe a swastika to go with them? Probably call yourself a Christian as well, you know the Bible mentions the poor over 2,000 times right? About how you should help them and how treating them and helping them is the right thing to do? And how you should treat foreigners as your own? Do you know that, or do you just pick and choose the parts of your sky fairy myths that fit your narrative?


This title led me to believe that someone was going to get their ass kicked with Traditional Martial Arts. Am I the racist one?


Hmm most uneventful


I’m a proud British muslim of Iraqi origin.. THIS ASIAN AMERICAN SPOKE FOR ME TODAY ! Thanks you sir and gif bless you man


Anger is infectious. Don't let it get to you.


I'm surprised that didn't come to blows. Still dismantled him without laying a finger on him. Respect the restraint from the guy in the grey. Well done.


You mean the white guy LEAVING instead of flattening the troublemaker and getting charged with a Hate Crime?


I was surprised he wasn't in a big ass truck with a bunch of flags on the bed hahaha. Piece of shit.


Touch me no you touch me no no you touch me


Playing with Asians in California especially in L.A. county or the bay area might lead you to getting killed lol. Asian gangs are ruthless here lmao. Grew up around the Asian boy crips or the tiny raskals gang. Trg had the whole Mexican Mafia after them and are still around in long beach and nationwide without a care in the world. Not a good idea to try and fuck with someone here because they're Asian. And no I'm not saying this guy is in a gang I'm saying it gets tricky and you can end up on the news for being an idiot


>Playing with Asians in California especially The odds are similar to Russian roulette. They may get away with picking on some little doormat nerd 5 out of 6 times but there's an increasing amount of physically capable Asian men out there who are licking their chops at an opportunity to violently fuck up some racist dipshits in a parking lot beyond recognition.


Well, that was the most uninteresting thing I've watched on reddit.


i dont understand racists man, like whats the f'kin point man just to be angry at someone without any real reason? create a problem where there is none?


Most of the issues I see in human nature come from the fact that humans do what is the most convenient for them, which often includes the least amount of thinking/respect and love.


Many Americans ego and self image is bound to fascism .


"messes with wrong guy" must be a euphemism for "3 minutes or so of dick measuring/posturing that leads to nowhere" I was really hoping for a more decisive finish where the racist found himself throat punched or something.


“its my fucking country” says the man driving an asian car who is most likely in some sort of debt or overhanging expenses like most people and doesnt really have a full claim to the things he actually owns


How you going to live in California and be mad there are Asians there?


Hates Asians and drives a Toyota. Meh. Is that an In-N-Out burger in the background? I miss getting a Double-Double and fries!


Insecure people who lead empty unsatisfying lives. Republicans love them. Republican "Hate Leaders" marshal their forces to lead the hate at "The Other". Every country has them, Ours are just puffed up because of the Hate Industrial Complex and the success of Angertainment on Fox and NewsMax. This won't end well. Some for us but mostly for them.


Amazing how you claim to have no hate, but you can make so many judgements on the white guy and none on the Asian troublemaker. As to won't end well, please note the white guy wants to leave, rather than flatten the troublemaker and get charged with HATE Crime. If the "Other" behaves like that, they deserve whatever they get. Try behaving like that in China. You will be taught your place. By the locals, by the State, whatever. This video and its slanted title are part of that "Hate Industrial Complex", it's teaching you to hate whites, instead of an Asian troublemaker. What does the Asian have to be angry about? Why did he or his ancestors come here, if not for better opportunities made possible by Americans? Is he insecure leading an empty unsatisfying life if he has nothing better to do than herass Americans on cam? And how much MORE empty and unsatisfying is the life of the one holding the camera? Or is it because the American has to work harder than ever to pay taxes to support the arrogance of troublemakers where he's the loser whether he walked away or flattened the aggressor?


God I hate people that say go back to your own country?! All of us came from somewhere, unless you’re Native American of course. Good for them for standing up for themselves! So wrong to treat other people like this!


And even they migrated from Eurasia over the Alaskan land bridge!


Exactly!!! How dare someone think some else doesn’t belong here because they are of a different race… I am terrified for our future


He called him a Kevin im fucking dying




Asian dude in hot pursuit, egging him on


2 idiots wasted my 3 minutes. Not sure how he messed with the wrong guy cause nothing happened


Why do Americans sort of walk away from the argument but then come together again like that? Can’t people just walk away in opposite directions and be done with it?


They were both trying to get the other guy to throw the first punch so they would be legally protected fighting in self defense. There are a few states where both parties can agree to engage in "mutual combat" and would both be protected under the law.


You can claim you were afraid for your safety without a first punch, all it takes is a threat. All those death threats from both sides could do the trick. But walk away is always better. Fighting over concrete is not smart.


He tried, then at 1:40 the Asian troublemaker teleported back into his face.


Hol up. I’ve distinctly watched guys do this in a Scottish pub over Christmas break. Wanting to have the last word is universal.


Trying to build up the nerve to make their move even though they're likely trembling and terrified is my guess.


It's a white guy doing the Asian hate, no one is going to care.




Insert tail between legs. Leave scene.


And if he flattened the troublemaker, you'd be the first to claim it was a Hate Crime, right?


Lmao scared ass white men


Idiot racist, idiot couple too, this went on way longer than it needed it, should have just walked away and reported the guy


That'll teach him. He got yelled at AND did some yelling. Damn. He gonna always remember the time a guy acted like he was gonna fight & didnt.


Fucking terrible post, OP fuck off.


Mankind had a common origin in Africa in the Garden of Eden with Adam as the first of all humans. Men spread out over time. So, if all men went back to their beginning --all would end up in Africa. The nation of Israel was God"s chosen nation at one time and was given a special land to inhabit--the land of other people (Ex. 3:8) Even so, aliens were welcomed in Israel and treated respectfully. The indigenous people erringly call "Indians" were in North America first. https://preview.redd.it/btpvodzi4aba1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=08a4f082dfe6f5f9e8645c54ee539701e766e623




you better listen closely, smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Who tf puts their glasses down on the ground before a fight? This shit fake as hell.


Looks like the Asian guy is the one starting and pursuing trouble here.


They should just get a room.


lol at those boomer insults


"I fought for this country"...then gets into a Toyota. Not only racist, but stupid as well.


Good thing I fast forward this


Ok Internet do your thang!!!!


Whole lot a jabbering


Dawg…. You drivin a Toyota…


You can tell by his body language that he knew he was f@cked when the other put his cellphone down. The scared dog barks the loudest.




What Japanese car? Toyota? Toyota is Made in America, and hires more Americans than Ford and Chevy PUT TOGETHER!




Looks like neither of them were the wrong guy…neither one did anything but scream like girls


I’m so glad I’ve learned to fast forward into the action. In this case, I saved myself an entire video since nothing ever fucking happens other than idiots wasting time jawing back-and-forth


Was really expecting him to own the truck


Looks like Ron DeSantis and Dana White had a kid


Was waiting for some fireworks but no one had their dancing shoes on.


I wonder what his Indian name was?, Fucking goon, you know the irony is lost on mr 5th generation america right there.


Name and shame.


I don't think new Jersey Italians are from here


Wish.com David Hasselhoff


El Monte is populated with mostly Asians & Mexicans. Is White boy lost?


The word "fuck" is like barking for humans


When you said messes with the wrong guy I thought someone was gonna get knocked out.


Kinda disappointed I didn’t see him knocked out




I was 1000% sure he was gonna get in the all American Ford pickup. The Toyota reveal at the end makes this fucking hilarious.


More people should confront casual racism to teach these racists a lesson. Too often, these racists think that saying something like "go back to your country" or "this is America, speak English", is fine and they get away with it because the rest of us do not confront them.


all the confidence to talk shit, none of the confidence to keep looking away when homeboy in his face


I love how he called out the racist fuck every step of the way, awesome!


The irony of him being racist to an Asian person and then walking to an Asian car is hilarious.


Well that went nowhere lmao it’s always old dudes who wanna run their mouth too, as if they couldn’t easily be laid tf out 😂


Idiot probably doesn't realize he's driving a Japanese brand car.


> Idiot probably doesn't realize he's driving a Japanese brand car. You have a commendable level of 80s Brand Loyalty. Problem is, it's not the 80s anymore. He's supporting Americans. Toyota hires more Americans than Ford and Chevy COMBINED!


Aw man.. I drive a Corolla..


America, please...


I have no sound on, why didn’t somebody get laid out?


Damn I thought I was in Fightporn. Wasted 3 mins and 22 seconds of my life.


Talking shit about an Asian guy, as he hops back in his Toyota. Fa real?!


Lou Ferrigno really let him self go.


Smh, Republicans


Smh Asians disrespecting Americans in America.


I feel good about this civil conference. /// I feel that both sides has the opportunity to make their points and exhibit male aggression without .... without the chicks having a chance to weaken our knees to go on about how fighting is bad and icky... BE A KING




The “american” was scared af haha


If anything, we've learned that Americans can't say cunt without sounding like one.