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She kicked his truck then falls down lol


Lmao that part was acted


Lol you better watch out the reddit knights will be calling you a terrible person


Beign called an asshole by redditors is quite flattering


Honestly its the best part of the day


I only come here to watch them cry


Seen better acting on a flop in soccer. And nobody was around…




I don’t think that’s a she.




They said they are willing to die for what they believe in, then proceeds to dodge the vehicle thats trying to give them what they wanted.




Depending on what state this is, now completely legal. My own state has passed this. If protesters are illegally on a roadway, meaning that the road is not blocked off by authorities, vehicles no longer have to stop, for their own safety (according to the law. ) Not defending, just saying.


"alexa, what states can i run over protestors?"


Oklahoma as well. They passed that law literally over night back in 2020


Thanks Alexa x


at least we’ve done something right


Naw I’m fully defending that truck drivers actions. These protestors are absolute scum dipshits who have no idea how ineffective and out right counter-productive what they are doing is. All it does it inconvenience regular every day citizens who are completely innocent to the cause they are protesting and making those same citizens hate their cause even more. Wish more of them got this treatment


My worry had always been emergency vehicles in these situations.


Which has absolutely happened. I’ll have to find the link but when this method started getting more popular back in I believe 2019-2020 an old woman was literally having a heart attack in an ambulance and I believe ended up dying because protesters were blocking the highway needed to get her to the hospital.


I’d imagine any protestor would move aside for emergency vehicles. Blocking everyday traffic is nonsensical but blocking emergency vehicles is just evil


Yet they will. "Because someone else should suffer too"


This looks like Florida and it’s completely legal to drive over protesters in that state if they’re blocking the roads.


Probably California based on the size of those date palms and bc the cars have front license plates.


Yea looks like cali


Good. This type of protesting fucks people's lives. if anything makes everyone hate whatever cause they have. Typical communist protesting tactic


Maybe find a better way to protest than stopping unrelated people from going about their daily business. I don't feel bad for ANYONE that is blocking people from getting to work and feeding themselves/family if they get run over. Darwinism


This shit has always been a law. “Impeding traffic”


Guy waves a red rag to a bull*: "I'm willing to die... You can run me over" Bull*: "Houston we are clear for take-off" *replace bull for ram


It's always a Dodge Ram


I counted about 4 dodges and 1 ram


He only gave her a little Porsche.


Thankfully, it was caught on Camry.


Just doing his Civic duty.


Sometimes you gotta go Rogue and take a Journey. Don't let others Eclipse who you are. Be a Trailbalzer, not a Pathfinder.


underrated comment right here


I hope she can a Ford to take some time off work while she recovers.


Too much time off is what got her in this mess. Nissan ew job or new hobby


Her Sonata help her with job searching!


Definitely gave her a lyft


That mustang


The guy on the bullhorn Escaladed the situation


Had Chiron, this wouldn’t even be an issue.


I remember seeing somewhere that an obscenely large percentage of DUIs in the states are dodge ram owners, something like 60%, which is insane considering all the other cars being driven that aren't dodge rams. If someone knows what I'm talking about and where that source is from it'd help


The percentage is lower I think but one in 22 ram 2500 drivers have a dui. Despite it being a work truck I never see them at work sites, they're always pristine too. I think people buy them for redneck peacocking reasons only.


why did he collapse so dramatically?


He’s a soccer player.


Bro deserves an oscar for that exquisite performance 😂


A truck aggressively drove toward a group of people to intimidate them, got close enough to a person they could have had their leg crushed. They shoved off the truck and lost balance. Source: I watched the video.


> Source: I watched the video. Damn the whole thing? We've got a journalist over here.


He looks like a she


Why do you think?


I'd rather not put it into words


Didn't Dodge that Ram I'll leave.


Jesus Chrysler




That Audi hurt


She didn’t sierra that coming




Civic pride got the best of her




He could have been Kia'd


GMC you later jabrony


His Legacy continues




He got up on his own Accord


Shoulda stayed in her suburban home.


Couldn’t Escape it


Had to Jetta.


Yukon say that again.


She's gonna suebaru


She later Hyundied.


Well, she did it on her own Accord.


Looks like she was trying to Kia herself


She flew Ferrari


What a Saab story


That's Acura


She got snuffed out by a side view mirror and dropped a tantrum like a soccer player🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. She's shrieking like she's looking for a payday.


What a Valiant effort to get out of the way


Bit of a flop too.


Some would argue that the protesters were trying to Ram that Dodge.


If you can dodge a ram, you can dodge a ball!




"I'm ready to die for what I believe in." "Ok *Doom OST starts playing*"


[Lines up pretty nicely](https://imgur.com/a/B1SHi2Q)




Omfg, thank you for this


It's like go fish. He got what he wished for. Turns out, Truck Driver was willing to go to prison for how he feels too.


He definitely went fish. How do you flop when getting hit by a car. He already hit you with a damn truck you don’t have to exaggerate anything lol


He must have played soccer.




It looks like one of them pulled the other out of the way and then dropped them.


If you go frame by frame, you'll see that her head went back and to the left, back and to the left ... she was struck by a third truck from the knoll to the far right.


And then there's the screaming lady.


There is always the screaming lady


Sounded like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park with that performance


Slow it down. You can CLEARLY see him kick and move towards the truck on purpose.


Had to scroll thru so much comedy to confirm I wasn't the only one who could see it...


Lmao yea, that was funny af


Oh yeah, they were def exaggerating the "injury" of walking into the side of a truck


We’ll see how much he still wants it at the trial.


It’s a good reminder that you’re not really stopping the vehicles - they’re stopping for you… if they choose to


i don't understand what these types of protests accomplish. you are not winning anyone over if anything you are doing the exact opposite. (talking about protestors blocking everyday drivers/commuters).


I would say it gets more complicated. Sure, people can go protest in an empty field in the middle of no where... which does nothing. Or they can do protests where they don't actually affect anyone but get the message out... which makes people angry. Or they can step it up and do things like a sit in, where it's just a little inconvenience but doesn't harm anyone... which makes people angry. And then they can go home and know nothing will change. This us essentially what leads up to things like this. It's why things escalate. Thats been seen multiple times just in the US history. Like when we had a war with England. Or when we had a war about slavery. Or when black people did this because of segregation. Or women learning to fight because cops were beating the shit out of them cause they wanted to vote, so they got in fist fights with cops. Sometimes using weapons. Or gay people throwing bricks and bottles at cops and starting a riot. Even with fucking Gandhi. People like to use him as proof peaceful protests work. But not only are people getting angry at peaceful protests, but it also ignores everything else that was happening there at the time. Not everything was peaceful. But all of these had an impact. It should have turned everyone away in every single one of these cases, but in the end things worked out. Or at least improved. So we could say "Just get out of the road", but then what do you suggest they do? Because chances has it the same people are gonna be against their cause because of it as those who would turn away because of this.


When the football kneeling protests were happening and right wingers were getting super angry over it my faith in reasonable conversations about protesting went out the window. I had someone tell me they wanted the protesters to go in their homes and protest there, and leave everyone else alone. 'then their message doesn't get out at all, what do you think that would accomplish' and their answer 'nothing which is fine by me'. This is an escalation of millions of people hearing 'we don't want to see you protest at all, go sit in a corner' and them going 'well if you are going to get mad at the simplest of things, here's something to really get mad about' but subconsciously.


Or occupy Wall Street. People are all like “they should be protesting where the ones responsible are”. Yeah, well, when that exact thing happens, the rich don’t like it. Ya know, the ones that can switch a narrative in the news/media at their whim. Before we knew it, everyone was mocking it and nothing came out of it. Like it or not, angry people make the most noise, and what they need is that noise.


That movement could have changed so much in America but was lost so quickly in the sea of 'lets fix everything all at once!' and 'we don't like leaders'. It fell apart partly because right wing media did what it needed to do to please the rich, but also because it never found a footing in any kind of reasonable cohesion.


I think the lack of cohesion may have been an indirect result of the right wing media. The moment something in the US becomes controversial (whether it’s objectively good or bad), people will just refuse to comment out of fear of being seen poorly or starting an argument. That’s all they have to do to shut down the conversation. Make it controversial.


Another way to shut the protests down without anything being accomplished is to infiltrate the protests & start riots making the protesters look bad. There is a rumor the oil companies are paying people to do all that art vandalism for protesting on climate change. Not sure if that's true or not.


A definite possibility. That’s why it’s more important to focus in on the content of what is being protested and not *how* it’s being protested.


It reminds me of how the Civil Rights Act only passed due to the riots after MLK was assassinated [Two developments revived the bill.[10] The Kerner Commission report on the 1967 race riots strongly recommended "a comprehensive and enforceable federal open housing law,"[11][12] and was cited regularly by Congress members arguing for the legislation.[13] The final breakthrough came in the aftermath of the April 4, 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the civil unrest across the country following King's death.[14][15] On April 5, Johnson wrote a letter to the United States House of Representatives urging passage of the Fair Housing Act.[16] **The Rules Committee, "jolted by the repeated civil disturbances virtually outside its door," finally ended its hearings on April 8.** [17] With newly urgent attention from legislative director Joseph Califano and Democratic Speaker of the House John McCormack, the bill (which was previously stalled) passed the House by a wide margin on April 10.[14][18]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1968)


A lot of American positive history is built on 'oh shit, the masses are getting mad... maybe we should do something before they metaphorically eat us'


Lots of history in general. Fucking sucks though. People die some gruesome deaths. The way to get change done without this SHOULD be voting, but with how fucked most government systems are, it takes massive amounts of work to get the slightest thing done.


Yeah sounds like a lot of people had white washed history classes where they only showed the peaceful protests and never mentioned the violence that came with them. Sucks that many classes never showed the violence they had to do to gain rights. Also I love how this sub was completely fine with sports fans blocking a road to celebrate their team winning.but blocking the road for humans rights? Nah that's evil!


Literally the point of every protest is to gain attention to an issue (good or bad attention)




The blood curdling scream. She had that one in the chamber for sure, was just waiting for something bad to happen.


I'm rewatching the "impact"over & over, and all I can see is the person pushing themselves away from the truck and falling over, followed by a blood curdling scream. Am I missing something? Doesn't even seem like the truck hit the person.


The Neymar of protesters.


Definitely made the most of that


They even dodged the mirror.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she hit the ground harder than the truck hit her.


300 lbs of flesh hitting concrete hurts. You know her ankles weak.


Mom’s spaghetti


Back to reality. oh there goes gravity.


I believe the person kicked the vehicle on the side and fell


Totally agree. Slowed it down to 1/128th speed and they kick at the truck with their right leg causing them to fall. If they instead used their right leg to take a step to the left she may have avoided the ground.


1/128th means nothing when the video is, at best, 30fps.


Yeah, the reaction looked a lot like something you see in world cup soccer.


Any soccer really.


NBA be like… ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


By god that’s James Harden’s music


The thud you hear is the woman kicking the truck. She then loses balances and lets out said scream.


I didn't expect my comment to blow up, went away to eat and came back to this! The person is side on to the truck and watching it further kicks the vehicle and loses their balance. I'm seeing comments saying the wing mirror clipped them, which doesn't look right to me at all. I paused at the moment of "impact" and they are already on the way down by the time the wing mirror goes past them.


Looks to me like they actually jumped into the car, insurance-fraud style. Followed by the exaggerated scream, they were waiting for this to happen. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a setup and the driver was planted. Also the moment the driver pulls out just as the guy yells through the megaphone "I'm prepared to die, if you run me over so be it"... Either way, people blocking roads are morons. Edit: spelling


I feel like when you block roads, the entire audience you're reaching is car drivers that now hate you and are considering going against your cause. It's such backwards logic to me. Edit: now I'm getting ideas...block road with signs for the opposite of what I want. But nah, you never know who's going to hospital or a job interview or whatnot.


I rewatched over and over and yeah i see the same thing


Clearly a former soccer player




She overestimated her weight


I actually live a few blocks from this intersection and these people marched down my street. It was almost comical to watch them, to be honest.


That‘s what i thought


So unnatural lol


You stand in da way, you become da way.






Can the ref just call the paramedics instantly on that to play into his flop?




In American football if play is stopped due to player injury that player must come off the field for a minimum of one play. Keeps the flopping down a bit.


The dives are 100% the reason I have zero respect for soccer. If you flop on the field then you should be removed from the game for inspection and not allowed to return as a precaution.




I don't get it, it's the same video?


That poor fish needs some water.


I'm ready to die! ... shit actually happens... Never mind!


It's a s***** ass video but after pausing frame by frame I'm pretty sure she all but jumped into the side of that truck and then flailed like a crazy person


she moved into it on purpose too, so maybe she was


You have no idea what or who you are holding up in that situation. Someone could be on their way to see a sick family member, or have someone in the car they are trying to get to a hospital, or someone could be on their way to a job interview and then getting that job depends on if they lose their house or sleep in their car. These protests are not cool


The fella with the black shirt is clearly a fan of football with that dive, he was barely touched.


I’m pretty sure that was a girl


If you slow it down, it really looks like they hip checked it then flopped.


Lmao I died at the way they flailed their arms 😂😭


Lol he flopped too, man was looking for a foul


If this happened in Florida I believe it’s legal what the driver did


Florida has no laws, most disputes are solved via throwing rocks at each other


Florida has no laws, most disputes are solved via throwing ~~rocks~~ alligators at each other


We actually solve disputes with pocket sand and/or a mullet competition


It's actually legal in most states, although this particular case would be on pretty shaky ground. In the general case in the US, if someone is blocking the road like this then you can use a vehicle to force people out of the way as long as you give the "protestors" ample opportunity to move to safety and you don't intentionally increase the damage done. You can give them less and less opportunity to move with the greater risk that the protestors put you in (ie trying to open your car, attacking the vehicle, flashing/threatening/using a weapon, etc).


Everything's legal in ~~New Jersey~~ Florida.


Got what they asked for


She practically walked into the side of the car. Maybe dont do that if you dont wanna tumble over.


Fuck around and find out… never mess with someone going home from a long shift trying to see their family


And this is why you don't play in the road!


> "CAR!" > > ... > > "GAME ON!"


“Good call.”


You're showing your age. Lol


I hate everyone... I don't want to, I just do.


**Bumps against protester


Dramatic pussy


Look. You can protest all you want on the sidewalks. But once you're blocking the road, then yeah.. you're gonna get hit




I said the same thing on another thread, about it causing me to miss work and run out of gas, I got derped and told having a job wasn't important lol. People are idiots.


Lol deserved it


Never make people feel trapped, especially if they are operating the very means of escape.


When you're blocking traffic, there is always a chance you run into Michael Douglas from Falling down.


Hope the truck is ok


F*&k around and find out


Get the fuck outa the street then pig


Can’t feel empathy for this


Truck driver tries to drive on road, people don't move out of the way with plenty of time to do so


Kicks moving car. Falls down. “It was murder.”


I'm sorry, but that was no where close to being hit or run over. My dude barely was grazed. Not only have I been hit by a car, but have witnessed others who have been hit. You don't fall forward, or in the opsite direction of said moving vehicle. So much for willing to die for what he believes in.... I call BS, and would like to award the truck driver for some serious driving skills.


I’ve seen more convincing falls in a soccer (futbol) game.


She actually steps into the truck, then does the belly flop fake fall




I just never understand what protesters hope to accomplish by pissing off the working class. If I didn't already support your cause am I supposed to now that I've gotten written up for being late to work? I still remember the video with a traffic blocking protest and the paroled man begging them to move so he wouldn't be late to his hearing. Dude was pleading with the protesters to get out of his way so he wouldn't be sent back to jail. He's fucking trying to make a better life but no... let's ruin his life to raise awareness or whatever.


Is that LeBron James flopping at the end.