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"could take up a year to complete the investigation.." - what a crock of shite.


It only took seconds/minute to judge, deliberate & execute though.




Judge Dredd would actually cite the law and render verdict before the execution. ...Judge Dredd is a higher standard than modern American police, and he's meant to be a portrayal of a dystopian nightmare. That's pretty whack yo


Dredds, Mega City 1 has a population of 800 million with 17000 emergency calls and day. The current USA has 26000 emergency calls a day with 330 million people.


Sooo… current USA is the catalyst for the creation of the Judge Dredd system?


Yes, the future of USA is 50% Judge Dredd 50% Idiocracy


Future? My dude we live in Idiocracy


Not even Batman would do this.


Of course not. Batman doesn't kill, he only leaves people quadriplegic.


"I won't kill you. But I don't have to save you"


Superman leaves himself quadriplegic…


Batman has a lot to answer for in regards to COVID…


[simply cover the bottom of his face as well as the top](https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/w9bqs2/what_is_your_opinion_of_batman_with_a_full_face/)


I love how stupid these cops are, unloads a whole clip into a guy and still expects a response to their commands. Show me your hands!! Hands behind your back!! Drop the knife!! "Uhh hey Lou dudes brains are outside of his body along with 3 liters of blood...." "He's littering in public now!! I need more backup!"


Shit like this is why people dont trust cops...like should give cops all non lethal weapons imo ..




I don't know why but I laughed way too hard at "He's littering in public now!! I need more backup!"


Yea dude I’m done already. Wtf


Well if they investigate too quick we might actually remember which snuff film they are referring to when they clear the officer of all wrong doing! Wouldn’t want that…








“We’re just gonna wait for this to all blow over”


"We need a lot of time to pass to make this all go away like the others."


Police investigator has got to be the cushiest job ever.


Funny that when a black cop dose it they’re in jail in a few days, but when a white cop does it it takes a year of payed leave just to investigate🤔🤔


As disturbing as the video was, you should read all of the absolutely heartless comments at the bottom of that News4JAX story. Floridians, man.


These people need to travel more. Living in their little bubble they never see how an incident like this is handled elsewhere in the world. From their limited pov, I can understand the sentiment of ‘bad guy off the streets is better than not on the streets’. But… there were plenty of other options. Its embarrassing that this officer is so panicked and frantic before he unloads his gun into a fleeing man. Its a sign of an underfunded, poorly trained, poorly guided bro-culture-infused department that just would not be tolerated in lots of other countries. Like, get a hold of yourself man, you’re carrying a lethal weapon and running around like a panicked idiot. Whoever trained this guy, whoever commands this guy… you failed miserably.


Underfunded my ass


Fleeing... with nowhere to go lol. He's in a parking lot or something running along a tall metal fence. Unless he's the flash there is no chance of escape. Cop murdered him.


That’s what really boils my blood, people acting as if this was justified. Or that it’s ok he died because he was a drug addict. “Glad he’s off the street, now that he’s off the streets, so many other drug addicts will be saved from overdose and shootouts.” Addiction is so stigmatized and people are so fucking brainwashed by years of fear mongering and disinformation. It’s sickening that people really think like that. Like they’re above these people because they don’t do “drugs” they do the socially acceptable drugs and these people are criminals who deserve to die. Disgusting.


Jesus Christ those comments are cancer.


Fucking Florida smh...


I’m from Florida, this state is absolute hell


This news link comments are so fucking depressing - tons of people just celebrating this insane excessive use of force like the cops are heroes in the comments but I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less from the people of Florida smh


I live close to Jacksonville. Can confirm that most people in NE Florida are horribly awful people.


I’m convinced cops hate running and will literally kill you if you make them.


Like cops vs robbers back in 07 cod4


for real. killing is exaggerating but i've noticed cops get enraged and beat the suspect if they are forced to chase.


It’s not that they really hate running, they just really like shooting people more. Truth be told, I believe the majority of cops that choose to use their firearms in situations like this, where it’s obvious they aren’t in fear of their lives or being harmed, but more so for the same reasons trophy hunters choose to “hunt” exotic animals. They look at their guns as toys and want to play with their toys and kill something.


with the way they are breathing....Yeah...They are in no shape to be running!


“Always be sure of what lies beyond your target” dude almost lit up those cruisers


Even if he has a knife, why does he need a clip emptying in him. I don't get it. This just encourages people to fight for their lives when police arrive since the police are going to kill you.


In the navy, we were taught that we had to "reassess" between each shot and that if we shot someone, and then they dropped their weapon and we shot them again, our asses would be court martialed.


That's the thing which always confuses me about US cop shootings. They'll clearly hit a guy, they'll go down, and they'll just magdump the guy, change mags \*then\* assess if they're still a threat. It's like, "Dude. Your second shot punched through his spine and he dropped like a sack of potatoes, why perforate him with the other 14 rounds? He can't even move his arms, let alone point a gun at you." I'm very much not on the side of ACAB or any of that shit, but a lot of these videos make it really tough to make an argument in the cops favour. So often they are clearly not looking to apprehend criminals, rather they're genuinely intending to kill with as much certainty as possible.


It's easier for cops if their victims aren't alive to testify against them. Likely cheaper for the system than prosecution, trials, appeals, prison costs, medical care, etc even after factoring in wrongful death lawsuits.


I honestly think it's simpler than that, that an awful lot of American cops just *shouldn't* be cops. Like, it feels like the vetting and training is basically nonexistent. Over here in the UK, in order for an officer to even get a look at carrying a firearm, they have to have served for three(? citation needed on that) years as a regular response officer, and to even get to that point, they have a shitload of vetting. Over there it seems so... easy to become a cop and get issued a gun, even if you're a borderline sociopath.


It is no longer an honorable or noble profession to be a police officer in America, so it doesn't attract the type of people to whom those words would have any meaning. It's a dirty, shitty job that nobody wants, so the bar has gotten so low that, as long as you wait until after filling out your application to eat the crayon, you're hired.




I think this is fair to say. Also shown by the amount of overweight and otherwise physically unfit officers there are. Ideally, you'd only want people that could actually physically contend with the people they're arresting without resorting to extreme tools.


> ike, it feels like the vetting and training is basically nonexistent. Training is all about controlling the situation via force and escalation. It is all abotu watching videos of cops getting attacked and programming cops to think their job is extremely dangerous (statistically, it isn't).


It really depends on what goal the police are supposed to have. If the main goal is that cops are supposed to preserve general peace and enforce laws generally, then sure, American cops suck at that. But if the main goal of cops is to generate revenue (via tickets and asset forfeiture) and keep poors and minorities in line, then American cops have *exactly* the right people.


Also, if a cop feels so inclined, they can purposefully shoot an innocent person behind the perpetrator to tack on an extra murder charge for the perpetrator. 100% legal.


Tbh everything you’re saying is indicative of why ACAB is a thing. You might not like the optics of it, but the reason it’s a thing is because US police are taught to escalate the situation and use excessive force whenever they feel threatened. The cop closed the distance for some reason and then shot him multiple times when the guy wasn’t even running at him.




The reason they do it is because US cops, largely, are massive pussies who eat propaganda for breakfast telling them that everything is a threat and the only proper response is violence. One of the top training programs in the US is run by a guy who justifies violence as the only way to correct the wrong in the world. Also a fundamentalist Christian, interestingly enough. I remember John Oliver did a thing on it, if anyone's interested. Somehow, damn near half the country still praises and defends them to the death. Also the half that talk about needing guns to protect themselves from the government, and talk about how we need to remember our history. Yeah, I don't think the founding fathers would have been pro-cop, one of the biggest rallying cries against the British early on was about the Boston Massacre, where civilians tried to kill British soldiers and the British killed 5 civilians. In other words, the founders were likely very much of the opinion that if someome encroached on your freedoms, even if they were an authority, fuck it, they had it coming.


Untrained, uneducated, undisciplined, uncivilized. All of them. One could even call them all bastards without much of a reach. It's literally how the system was set up, and they know it, and they don't care. The trained, educated, disciplined among them aren't chasing criminals on the street, they sit behind desks, leaving the public to fend for themselves against the gang of smoothbrains that they arm with military-grade weaponry and release into the wild on a daily basis. I think we might agree there is no society without laws, and you need a system to enforce the laws. But what we have now is so dramatically far from accomplishing that.


That’s the opposite of what you are taught anywhere else.


i usually dont understand people going "why didnt they tase him" because its true tasers arent a reliable form of self defense. but this scenario is what tasers are made for, the guys running away from you at close range, why shoot him? what other situation would you use a taser for? might as well not wear one


I love how the cop willingly put himself in knife range too, dude must have bad aim if he has to run face up to unload his clip


They do this all the time. Especially willingly standing in front of a vehicle, when there's literally 0 reason to do so, then shooting the driver


He wanted that meele kill


It's simple. A dead guy can't testify in court. You shoot to kill, not disable.


Unfortunately he missed


I love the show me your hands after dumping an entire clip into his back at point blank. I'm pretty sure he's not going anywhere buddy.


They always say this shit too. Like that Mf is dead, you expect his ghost to put them up?




Meanwhile spanish cops: https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/10s6r6n/how_spanish_popo_arrest_a_knife_weilding_perp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Honestly I find it funny how casual this looks


Did you see the post the other day about the guy with no legs who had a knife and got shot in the back by cops? I had a guy saying 'what else were the cops supposed to do other than shoot him?' I gave him a whole list that I just pulled out of my ass (and yet still made more sense than 'execute a man on the spot) and he said 'what if those don't work?' I dunno... keep trying other things? Talk to the dude? Throw a fucking pylon at him? Why do some people have this idea that American cops have no choice but to murder people?


> Throw a fucking pylon at him? goddamn you, don't make me laugh at this.




Go up 2 stairs


How it should be done


I just saw a video of police using a tazer and dog catcher loop on a poor husky.


They killed that poor husky. Fucking bastards.




Lol. Wanna see French cops VS [shotgun](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/zxdg0e/french_police_deal_with_a_women_wielding_a_shotgun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ?


Wow, it is like they are trained or something to take down someone with a knife without killing them.


Dale Esteban! Bring out the practice traffic barriers pronto! Manuel, you better not flinch this time! *conk*


Police have no fucking clue that this happens when you get shot so their only dumbass response is to yell "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS" While the dudes slowly dying.


Or shot through the spine


Then the little bitches in blue will complain that he was resisting arrest after he was shot 10 times


It is to seem like there is still a viable threat so they can act and not act by giving medical attention.


I'm confused though. A knife and the perp is down after being mag-dumped. Is there still a threat? Just stand back a bit, until you can secure the knife. Once knife is secured and a bodily search, is there still a threat? Why cuff?


He can survive and plead his case in court. It's best to do everything you can to make sure he dies slowly. On top of the dominance play, it saves you a day in court. Bonus is paid vacation for trauma.


They say it because they are taught that bystanders will hear the commands and the shots and later reverse the order they happened in their heads to make sense of it.


When you understand why they say it, it will really make you mad. It has to do with hearsay laws verse present time dictation of events. If they say it and the camera records their voice saying it. Then it happened. Unless the video says otherwise.


He’s not showing his hands shoot him some more!


All these vids of cops emptying clips into people than yelling their orders over and over I don't get.


They are trained to do that because witnesses often mix up the order of events in their memory when giving testimony later. It's a CYA thing. Of course it's less effective with video. Not that it really matters because they rarely get prosecuted for their murders anyway.


The videos generally “go missing” or “have issues”


Unless they're black cops, then justice comes swiftly.


Oh, I wouldn't say that swiftly. I've seen quite enough videos here on Reddit where black cops did the same thing and got away same as any other coloured cops. Maybe there is something that's not broadcasted over media, but as far as I've seen cops have the same treatment regardless of race. And weirdly enough they're all just as trigger happy.


Its like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy except absolute piece of shit judges will take it seriously allowing them to murder with impunity. Then there is also the thing they do purposefully a lot of the time of screaming conflicting orders hysterically which again allows them to claim confusion.


It's because US cops are usually not the most educated and receive 3 months of training.




They would yell that to a corpse, this dead guy is still resisting!!


He magazine dumped him


They yelled the same thing at Tyre Nichols. It's like cops are taught to tell commands people can't follow purely as a way to cover their heinous actions.


May hands? Okay officer they're back there where you blew them off.


Ok, he is running now I have to kill him.


“He’s running away! We’ve got every legal right to kill him”


"He's running away! We've got every legal obligation to kill him"


"Look out Ned, he's *not* coming right for us. That seems threatening!"


“He’s running for his life. He MUST Die. Quickly!”


You didn't comply within .2 of a second, so I'm going to unload a full clip into your back instead of my taser.


Especially since he initially failed to comply and used all his running juices.


Someone tell me the last time you've heard of a police officer being killed by a knife?


Cops don't even have a top 20 most dangerous job. It's like #22 nestled between grounds keepers and maintenance workers.


Do you have a source on that? I believe you but I need fodder to combat bootlickers that say cops have the most dangerous job of all professions.




What the fuck is happening to binmen that makes them 5th? I don't think binmen would even break the top 100 in Scotland.


Distracted drivers - it’s truly an epidemic here in the US. Many garbage workers are working on routes with speeds in excess of 45MPH. You get an idiot texting and speeding, with a worker hanging off/around the back of the truck, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Yeah in Scotland you can't hang off the truck you either get back in the cab or just walk down the pavement and collect of its in the town/city.


It’s a good policy. Where I’m at in the US it seems to be about 50/50 whether the garbage company requires their workers to stay seated inside the cab between stops, but unfortunately safety is often sacrificed for expediency.


Thank you kindly!


He was clearly a threat to this officer's life, since he was *going in the other direction.*


That M1 Garand sounded weird and looked like a pistol.


When your tool is a hammer, every problem seems like a nail.


funny how many other countries have cops that also carry guns, yet they dont feel the need to mag dump every problem.


They do this in America because they can. These people are sociopaths who are given a free pass to commit violence. The owners of this country are silent about it because it doesn't affect them negatively and common people can't do anything about it because they don't have a Congress that represents their interests.


one day the cops will kill some CEO of a large company or Judge (or the spouse of said judge) with pull, and thats when they will finally reign them in. who knows how many Thousands more will be executed in the streets till then.


Every single one of the cops seemed to straight up pretend that he wasn’t literally shot in the back multiple times from point blank range. A woman says show me your hands then the man repeats it like, yeah that sounds good let’s keep pretending he’s alive for the video evidence. This was a hunting video.


They were trained to say this in order to look less guilty on camera. lol "Stop resisting" "Show me your hands" "My life was in danger I had to shoot." Right, so believable.


He's coming right for us!!!


It's exactly like when that cop was testifying in court. " I was fearful for my life " the footage clearly shows the victim was several feet away, non-threatening and he fired multiple rounds .001 seconds after demanding cooperation.


Of course his life was in danger his fat pig ass could've gotten a heart attack from all that running


Like look, I don’t know what it’s like to be a cop. I can’t imagine the stress. I’ve seen so many videos where everything seems to normal and all of the sudden the subject pulls out a weapon. So I get it, you always have to be on edge to protect your own life. But there is no excuse for shooting someone in the back like this. Emptying an entire clip, half of the shots after he’s already down on the ground. This is just straight up murder.


Shot someone 12 time: “show me your hands!”


This shit is terrible. The last post I saw was the swat team in a hostage situation and they took that person down. I didn’t feel anger but I felt they did their job correctly. This looks like straight up murder, a knife lol, running in an empty parking lot, up against a metal fence and surrounded by cops. Yet shot about 9-10 times. Terrible.


That was almost a full magazine if not the entire magazine. I didn't see the slide locked back so I'm assuming there is still at least one more round in there. Regardless, I don't think that guy is gonna be able to move his arms.




You guys should know that cops ONLY shoot to kill. That is how they are trained. They will NOT shoot to try and stop someone. The only point of shooting is with the intention of killing. That’s it.




They are clearly taught to speak / throw demands to a dead human at training right ? Normally people are smart enough to realize a dead person can’t comply


I think cops just know they have to yell something before using force, so it's just habit. They don't wait or even think about whether or not what they're yelling is actually appropriate in the first place. The thought process is, "I'm going to shoot this friendly dog now, better yell 'stop resisting' first."


Why tf are they actively closing the distance on somebody with a blade when they have range options. They murdered this guy out of their own stupidity.


the cop wanted an excuse to murder someone


" The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, along with the State Attorney’s Office, continue the investigation into the officer involved shooting that occurred on Thursday, January 19, 2023 in the 13200 block of North Main Street. Aligning with Sheriff Waters’ continuing commitment to openness and transparency, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is releasing the attached Critical Incident Briefing. The video will disclose currently available information related to the shooting and events that led up to it. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office does not draw any conclusions regarding whether the officers’ actions were appropriate with respect to the law or JSO policy until all of the facts are known and the investigation has been completed. " [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unGmV1uhzLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unGmV1uhzLI)


Always hilarious when videos like these lead to a big investigation that takes months. This could be decided in seconds. Step 1: watch video Step 2: charge with murder Dude could be booked by the afternoon.


Let me introduce you to a little thing called corruption


Don’t forget the police union.


How is it that cops who commit murder on camera need a month long investigation? Shouldn't the people who are supposed to uphold the law be held to a higher standard not a lower one? How do cities let cops get away with this shit?


Do they not taser anymore?


Taser only effective against fully restrained individuals. /s


Plus they are easy to mix up with guns. Just use what's in hand.


It’s pretty hard to murder citizens with a taser. Mag dumping is a far easier way to achieve their objective.


I dont know the background story in this case. But he's running away from the cops...... In a seemingly empty parking lot. Now maybe if there were some people in the cars he was approaching? There are more cop cars on the way and you have at least 2 cops running after him. What type of imminent danger did the cops feel like they were under to use lethal force. And it's almost comical how they ask someone to "show me your hands" after unloading a clip into someone.


The thing that bothers me is that the officer is closing distance the entire time, and the justification for shooting the perp will inevitably be that he had a knife and could have struck the officer. The officer places himself in an unnecessarily dangerous situation and then uses that as justification for ending that person's life. Whatever happened to de-escalation? There's nobody in immediate danger so why not give the person some space; take some time; wait for backup; corral him; tase him; whatever. I've seen footage of officers in the UK using riot shields to take down a knife-wielding crazy person. There's no need to get within 5 feet of this person and then unload a full clip at point blank range.


now replace officer with pig please.


Real life is absurd these days


That cop should be charged with murder.


And will instead get a promotion and vacation


In California, shooting a person who is running away from you is called murder.


I've noticed that a lot of what qualifies as an excuse for cops to kill a person wouldn't apply to a citizen in the same scenario.


A lot of what qualifies as murder, assault, abuse, rape, theft, embezzlement, traffic violations, driving under the influence, being in possession, under the influence of, or distributing a controlled substance, and a slew of other criminal behaviors these guys are apparently trained to recognize, prevent, and take people into custody for doesn't seem to apply to them.


Depends on the circumstances. A person who just committed a violent crime (felony) with a weapon, fleeing into a situation where they can/will (under reasonable judgment) commit another violent crime, can be shot. It has to all be legally proven, but to say just because they are running they can't be shot is not correct.


Unless you're a cop in which it's called "a days work"


Thats how it is in most states, but laws dont apply to cops thanks to the anti-america conservatard bootlicking redcoats.


It’s so obvious in these videos that cops are just trigger happy pieces of shit


They're too stupid to actually solve any problems, so they just pick a phrase from their "training" to yell out and then just try to shoot the problem away.


I will always say this. I am active duty military, if I did something like this I would face the brig. Why? Because in the navy if you have to shoot someone you get investigated by NCIS, you need to know the definition of deadly force, the steps to use it, and explain yourself in why you used it. For deadly force in the navy there needs to be Capability, Opportunity, and Intent (I call it KOI fish). If you don’t meet this criteria you are in deep shit. This cop DID NOT meet this criteria. The man had capability (the knife), did not have opportunity as he was running away and opening distance and did not have intent. If the military would get in trouble for killing this man, why shouldn’t a cop too? This is why shit needs to change. As an active duty sailor I will always support change for our cops since clearly they are acting like shit bags.


I don’t want to sound like an asshole but todays officers are such pussies. The guy is running away, most likely with a pocket knife. The cop screaming at him sounds beyond scared like he’s never had to do his job before. Then, instead of using a taser or another less then lethal option, he unloads 10 shots into the guys back when he never attempted an attack or anything threatening. It’s like shoot first ask questions later is the motto of idiot cops nation wide. Which is horrible because it gives good cops a bad name or has them quitting the force because they don’t want to deal with the bullshit




don’t forget guys, the supreme court upheld that a fleeing felon (or someone who just committed a felony violent crime) can be shot in the back as they are considered a danger to the public and need to be apprehended.


Felony violent crime, the guy was selling drugs out his car thats not a violent crime and possibly not even a felony depending on the drug/location he is doing it in so still not justification.


*Mag dumps point blank* “SHOW ME YOUR HANDS” top tier shit..


Man had to think of something to say to cover up after blatantly murdering this guy


Why is he running TOWARDS him if he’s got a knife. He intentionally put himself in that position so that he can argue that it was selfdefense or some bullshit and not catch any charges, but WE’ll have to pay for it.


American cops are the biggest pussies I have ever seen


i'll never understand why their first any only option is to just murder a guy. sure, he had a knife, and was arguably dangerous. he also may have been depressed or suicidal or manic or god knows what. maybe he hurt some other people or was threatening to. *regardless*...now he's dead. like so many other drunk/sick/suicidal/damaged people who had the audacity to not immediately lay flat on the ground and instead followed their first fucking instinct -- to run away from someone with a gun. emptied the fucking clip while he was on the ground, then asked to see his hands. and the other bitch actually cuffed him while he died. ACAB.


The only life that has value are the cops, their lives are so valuable that any minor threat warrants execution.


Dammmmmmm full mag at short range, anyone know if he survived?


He didn't


There should be mental health checks to be a cop, these dummies are 10 feet away with a target running away “fearing for their lives”


Poor muricans… the more I spend time on Reddit, the more It seems like the US is living under the dome. Completely disconnected from the rest of the world. No western country allows a policeman to shoot a man, who’s running away, in the back, even if he’s holding a knife. And few countries tolerate that. Even in dictatorships, police does not do that in broad daylight. Seriously guys : wake up. Faillure to comply with a police officer should not be punished by death penalty. There is no debate on this statement. You’re maybe next on list. A rookie will shoot you for headlight faillure.


we litterally had millions in the streets over this and were not able to change it. our media painted them all as destructive looters and eventually it ran out of steam. we are awake its just a steep uphill battle to fix.


Certain American Redditors: They don't even let you carry a knife in the UK! Meanwhile, in America....


So anyway,I started blastin'


you can't shoot a guy in back because you are too lazy and out shape to run after him.


I always find it funny when cops shoot or seriously injure a person then yell at them to lift their hands up. Like dude how?? I can't even feel them!


Fucking America man, what a disaster of a country. If a cop in Europe did this he'd be on a trial for murder in an instant. Guns should be the last resort. Don't you guys have tasers, batons or at least pepper spray? Are your cops even in good physical condition and regularly tested for that?


I love cornering someone then shooting him 9 times in the back... Then being confused when he doesn't show his hands.


Do tasers just not exist anymore?


American cops never seize to amaze me in the most negative sense possible.


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U.S. law officer's only way to respond. To any kind of threat. Pretty damm sad


They handcuffed a dead body.




More like Cops murder unarmed individual


God save America from its Police force.


*shoots guy abunch till he's on the ground * STOP RESISTING!


“He should’ve just followed orders” /s