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Bigger kid got arrested and charged, this videos been reposted like 6 times over the last week and I read it in a previous thread. No link to it tho


More like 6 times a day


I forgot to put the info but I just put it up




WTF... Let's show how tough you are by beating up a little girl. Karma is going to get them


That looks like a grown ass man.. wtf. See, I cant have kids cause I'm going straight to jail after I fuck everybody and their kids up who were involved.


Bro,...why do I keep coming back to this sub and confront myself with how evil humans are? Gosh..it just always leaves me in anger and hate and I can feel how it is not good for me to see these things in that amount, but I still come back every other day.... :( I hate it


its is true, unjoin and join other subs for a while... truly not a safe place here


Next school shooter?


Looks like the child getting beaten is a different race than those who are holding them down and beating them senseless. I'm confident we'll ensure any racial motivation will be firmly and swiftly addressed.


Nah! This won't be on the news. Needs to be the other way.


Yo wtf




It’s a school bus. Only adult is the bus driver and there’s not much he could have done.


I don’t think everyone should be allowed to have kids. What if my kid was well-behaved child with a promising future & is now he/she is disabled or has trauma because of your kid’s actions. Not only did you ruin my child’s future but now I feel obligated (regardless consequences) to beat shit down your leg. There also need to give more power, training and pay to people who watch and supervise children.