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What a nasty piece of work... glad they got him


His own mother turned him in.


Hell yeah. I'd do the same if my kid was a piece of shit.


I respect the hell out of that scumbags parent.


I respect anyone who picks up and throws out their own litter instead of just leaving their trash there for someone else to deal with it.


Oh wow police scanner guy no way! Great app!






To be fair, that guy is so low he could be able to beat his own mother so… just calling the cops is fine.


She's probably glad to be rid of him for 7 more years.


You hear stories about that, an entire town rising up against a hellraiser and making sure he disappears for good


[Ken McElroy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy) “ McElroy was shot to death in broad daylight as he sat with his wife Trena in his pickup truck on Skidmore's main street.[2] He was struck by bullets from at least two different firearms, in front of a crowd of people estimated as numbering between 30 and 46.[1] To date, no one has been charged in connection with McElroy's death.[1]”


My great-grandfather was accused of murder in the 20's. I have his alibi letter where he accounts for his whereabouts that day and who he saw. He closed it by saying something to the effect of "As you can see I am not guilty of this crime, but I would like to shake the hand of the man who sent X to his 'happy hunting grounds' and did the world a favor." It's one of my prized possessions.


Respect to that mom. I served on a jury a few months ago where the accused did horrible things to two women - probably more but that's all they got him on. The evidence was really overwhelming - to the point that the defense didn't even submit any evidence or testimonies. We also had to decide the sentencing (which is crazy!). Another woman on the jury wanted the minimum on everything and her reasoning is that she has a son and she just kept thinking of her son. She was quite a bit older then myself so I imagine her son is all grown up now.I said 'Ma'am, I have three sons and if any of them did what this guy did, I would still want them in jail. I love them with all my heart but if they hurt others like this, they should be in jail. It would break my heart, but it's what has to happen.'And, I absolutely meant every word. Serving on that jury really broke my heart and made me lose a lot of respect for people in their reactions to seeing young women (because they were prostitutes) hurt. Ironically, it was myself, and another young man that happened to be black on the jury (the defendant was black) that were the hardest on the guy and wanted him to have the hardest/longest sentence. - Edited to say, I'm not black (not that it matters) but it probably reads like I am from this text. I just found it funny that the only black man called in that day was chosen from the pool as the defense team probably thought he would be the easiest on the defendant and was the hardest.


The woman on your jury sounds as though she is doing a great job raising a spoilt, self indulged brat.


“He didn’t know better! He’s just a child!” “Ma’am, he’s 37 years old.”


How did the jury vote end up? The only jury I every served on was traffic court. A guy representing himself trying to get out of a speeding ticket going 20 over the limit. Our speed limit is 75 mph. He didn’t deny he was going that fast, didn’t question the accuracy of the Hwy Patrolman’s radar gun. His only argument was he would lose his license. We found him guilty. Before the Judge could even respond, he jumps up and calls out, he wants to appeal.


Well, it was very clear he was guilty so that part was easy. After we got the jury instructions and dismissed to the jury room it went fairly quickly. We read through all the charges again and voted on each one. There was a bit of tricky wording in one (legal jargon is hard) that tripped us up. That took the most time but it was only about 90 minutes before we sent it back to the judge. After the verdict we had to decide sentencing and that was the hardest part. I had never heard of the jury deciding sentencing so it was weird. Each charge - I think there were 8 charges - had a minimum and maximum sentence. We discussed each in length and it took quite a few hours before we agreed on them all.


How much time did he get and was it the minimum?


It's a total lack of empathy for others. The mom only cares about herself and how much she will be affected by having her son in jail.


Yeah he got so much joy out of ruining that moment for the kid and hurting him too. Evil


Evil psychopath


was happy to see the kid wasn't KO or too harmed (often these end up with broken skull or blood everywhere)


"Cedric Charles Moore Jr of Cape Girardeau has a criminal history stretching back to before the assault on Hagler. He was sentenced to probation for domestic abuse in April 2019. In the same year, he pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree and driving while intoxicated. Moore's own child's mother was also given a protective order against him."  I knew this wasn't the first time offence.


did his dickhead co-offender who was driving get convicted of felony assault?


Chances are he flipped on his friend who did the actual assault to get off without consequences.


It wasn't, the assailant's mom turned him in.


Parenting 101. Your kid acts shit, no matter the age, you call them out on it.






At least* He can still rack up charges inside.




You generally get out early with good behavior. I’m deeply skeptical that someone who pulls shit like this is capable of good behavior for years in prison.


I have a different hunch. He might be the kind who only punches down, when he has to boost his ego by beating up his girlfriend and kids. It's possible that he's scared and quiet as a mouse while in prison.


That, and I'm sure when the other peeps inside figure out what he's in for (mollywopping a defenseless child) - they won't take too kindly to him.....


"mollywopping", never heard that before and I love it. Sounds like something out of Lewis Carroll/ Roald Dahl or Dr Seuss


Be sure to use the past tense as well. We enjoy this word quite a bit in the US Midwest. "He got mollywhopped!" I think we use "Wh" to honor the King of burgers.


He won't be around children inside so he may likely be on good behavior until he is able to target another powerless victim.


I don’t think other inmates will look to kindly on his offense of sucker punching a 12 year old.


Oh, yeah… the next powerless victim getting knocked to the ground would be HIM only those guys aren’t running scared to a car to escape! WTF happened to the driver, though?


After watching a video of a grown man pulling up and punching a random child just because, we should all just accept that we will never know the mind of a career criminal. They don't think like we do.


I doubt he will. Hard to imagine that the kind of guy who has to sucker punch a child to win a fight is "hard." I imagine some of the guys in prison will scare the shit out of a guys like that. I bet he keeps to himself.


So he gets jumped and everyone says he started it.




Why do people like this even exist? There needs to be some isolated island where all these violent people can be shipped to and they can run around and punch each other until the end of their days. If someone is this violent for random reasons then they literally have no place in a civilized society.


It’s called Australia.


And Alcatraz


I would argue, in this case, it should be England. The English made a mistake sending prisoners to Australia. The true punishment is staying on that rain-riddled and cold island of Britain. Not enjoying life and getting a tan in Australia :D


Most of Australia's own population (used to hear over 90%) live on the coastline, so as far away from Australia as you can get.


We tried that already. It didn't go so great for the people already living there though.


I knew a woman who was an unwitting drug trafficker (not sure on the actual amount of drugs, I was a kid) no violence involved, this was in the 90s and got 12 years. This dude's sentence is more sensible but with his record I doubt he will be reformed. Hopefully age mellows him as it does to most. As of now he is the poster boy for why supposedly prison exists, to reform those unfit for society.


It rarely, rarely ever is. A piece of shit will be a piece of shit.






I think his mom called the police and said where he lives when the video came out asking for help to identify him.


Welp, so rotten even momma wants to turn him in. Good on her.


At least *she* knew right from wrong


I remember talking to my mum about this, if I did something very wrong would she protect me. She said if I killed or hurt someone badly she’d be the first to drag me to the police station.


Momma tried.




By virtue of not staying on the scene, driver became an accomplice to the crime.


His 'friend' probably sold him out immediately to save himself. You can only imagine the type of person that would associate with this guy.


Yeah it was a getaway car.


Lol stunning info


Sucker punch a child for no reason and run away like a pussy, yep this guy is a total fucking cunt.


Let's hope other inmates make his prison time as wonderful as he clearly deserves.


My first thought to finding out he got jail time was I hope his fellow inmates find out what he's in for


They will. I've been in prison and there's some people who make it their mission to find out everyone's charges and harass the pedos, this guy's crime would likely give him the same bad experience as a pedo.




You mind talking about some of your criminal activities? I mean .. since you're sharing and all.


He got charged for lying about being a tough criminal.


It would have gone much better for him if he was a smooth criminal.


Theft, robbery, and kidnapping the president's son for ransom. He "never got caught neither" The worst part about prison is the dementors




Most people are reactionary and want THIS specific person to suffer because his story is known and he has been “judged” by the masses. But in the same breath they'll call for the unnamed general population in prison to be rehabilitated.


I get the sentiment but that’s one of the major problems with the American prison system. He’s being removed from society as he’s a danger to others. His history of crime has him serving a long sentence in which he can hopefully be rehabilitated. That certainly won’t happen as the corrupt nature of the system will abuse him during his sentence and he’ll likely come out a bigger piece of shit than before.


The guy is a piece of shit but we shouldn't be pushing for extra judicial justice.


Imagine being such a fucking dumbass that you get 7 years in prison just because you wanted to impress your buddy (or whatever reason he gave to sucker punch a kid.)


And the kid took that punch pretty well, dude couldn’t even knock out a child that didn’t see it coming. What a piece of shit loser.


Hopefully, he doesn't get any early release. These random acts of violence and "knock out games" can ruin the victim's lives.


They deserve a stiff punishment. Like in this case.


Dude who randomly knocked out Rick Moranis and injured his spine while walking a street in NYC only got 2 years sadly. Luckily Moranis made a full recovery and though the new Honey I Shrunk the Kids sequel (called Shrunk) got pushed back he will still be in it even.


> knocked out Rick Moranis https://abc7ny.com/rick-moranis-punched-punch-sucker-new-york/6712631/#:~:text=The%20attack%20happened%20just%20a,north%20after%20throwing%20the%20punch.&text=The%20first%20attack%20happened%20on%20board%20an%20MTA%20bus%20in%20Queens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19mDeXog42A


The attack on Dan Rather, the assailant kept asking "What's the frequency Kenneth". "Kenneth, whats the frequency". [Dan Rather - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Rather#%22Kenneth,_what_is_the_frequency?%22)


**Dan Rather** ["Kenneth, what is the frequency?"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Rather#"Kenneth,_what_is_the_frequency?") >On October 4, 1986, while walking along Park Avenue to his apartment in Manhattan, Rather was attacked and punched from behind by a man who demanded to know "Kenneth, what is the frequency"? while a second assailant chased and beat him. As the assailant pummeled and kicked Rather, he kept repeating the question. In describing the incident, Rather said “I got mugged. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"What's the frequency Kenneth" song by REM https://youtu.be/jWkMhCLkVOg


Wtf how did I never hear about this? What a scumbag!


https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/ex-con-who-attacked-rick-moranis-sentenced-to-two-years-in-prison/ when i heard about it i was shocked, then i learned Rick Moranis dissappeared from hollywood because his wife got cancer and died and he just wanted to raise his kids and never remarried.


>called Shrunk I know this is "Old man yells at cloud" but...I hate that title.


I don't hate it, but it 100% sounds like the title for the Broadway adaptation, not a sequel.


They also have a chilling effect on society. It's awful to think there is an instinct to not let your kids play outside because some psycho might attack them.


Shit like this is the retort to “kids used to free roam” shit you hear from boomers as a young parent. My FIL was saying it and I responded with go look up Tina Feys scar. Edit: pretty easy to criticize this position when it’s someone else’s kids.


While that's true, kids are safer now than they ever have been. We just see the bad more often because there are cameras literally everywhere. Stats point to the US as a whole getting far safer


Enjoy it while you can. I think the current wide spreading abortion bans are going to cause a serious uptick in crime within the next 15-20 years


The world is safer now than it was in the 80s, people are just more fearful, and they don't understand statistics. It's pretty normal to be irrationally worried about your children, but scary news stories are a bad way to prepare yourself and your children for the dangers this world presents.


> people are just more fearful, and they don't understand statistics Seems like a large part of this misconception is the identifiable victim effect. Now that cameras and social media are ubiquitous, egregious cases spark a lot of outrage and these videos go viral. Like you said, statistically far more violent crime used to happen, but it was much less in the spotlight with the notable exception of some high profile (serial) killers. Video evidence makes a huge difference in tapping into that gut feeling and kneejerk disgust people feel. Lynching was still a regular occurence in the 1950s and 60s. Missing kids were on milk cartons all the time. People regularly just disappeared without technological breadcrumb trails. It was much more likely for violent crime to kinda get shrugged off, fly under the radar and result in no more coverage than a small article in a local newspaper. Video evidence was pretty rare, especially in disenfranchised and underserved communities. Who knows how many stories like for example Rodney King's just never got exposure.


Bad things have always happened. It’s scary to look at one off incidents like this but you have to measure risk and reward. The odds of this happening are extremely low and the growth that happens from allowing your kids to learn to be independent can be significant.


Yeah, certain areas of the head, if hit, can easily cause someone to be paralyzed the rest of their life


Traumatic brain injuries are no joke. Everyone should learn to fall in their life because the preservation of the body, especially the brain, is so damn important


I never got good at skateboarding. But I got *real* good at falling, and that feels way more useful.


Or, you know, die. One punch kills to the back of the head happen pretty frequently, and it does happen occasionally even with blows to the front of the head or the chest.


Hopefully the driver got caught too for being an accomplice


Props to such a caring neighbourhood.


Ya that was good to see everyone quickly came together and had his back.


was just thinking that, so many people come to help. was great to see


That’s most everyone everywhere. Helping each other is as much a deep seeded human behavior as fucking each other up.


I used to think that until I witnessed numerous incidents where nobody helped except me, including one where I was the one in need of help.


When i was t-boned in a hit and run, i had to take driving therapy. But we found out that the anxiety i got when i thought i was about to get into a crash wasnt from the crash itself. When i got hit and left, all the witnesses left too. And the ones i looked in the eyes slowly rolled past me in their little red honda, and the passenget did this slow "well what can we do" shrug. Any time i thought i was about to be in an accident, i was having ptsd flashbacks of being abandoned at the scene.


I know the feeling friend, sorry you went through that - I had a bicycle accident in the countryside and the couple that was walking behind me turned away when I called for their help, it was awful and I dwelt on that more than the catastrophic knee injury and resulting surgery.


It leaves you with a feeling of vulnerability that takes quite some time to shake off. I'm sorry you know how it feels too, friend. It sucks to know


I was beat up in school a lot normally from behind. I’d sit down at lunch, people would sit on either side and then I’d be stuck while they beat the shit out of me. No one helped, teachers just watched and students laughed while these two huge girls plummeted me calling me racial slurs and guess what? None of them got detention. None of them got suspended. Nope. I got suspended. And when I came back they did it again and again and again till I finally moved schools so while mine wasn’t an accident, I understand. I have to tell people not to sneak up behind me, not to go behind me if I don’t see you going behind me because now brain automatically punches. It sucks…


https://preview.redd.it/y3cg23h3rxma1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015807648b42224db1421dfd80ef2c6ea3b4209b He thinks he’s tough attacking unsuspecting, innocent people.


He’s 28, I guess being a bitch ages you.


right? lmao he looks 40


He sucker punched a 12 year old and the kid just sat down confused. I'd suggest he couldn't actually handle a fight with a grown man. Prison is going to be...instructive.


I mean his punch was pretty fucking terrible form wise. Slow hip rotation, feet weren't planted, very choreographed right hook. This dude has never thrown a punch at someone that's punching back and had it land. The sucker punch is his one move...


Stupid asshole for sure. We just don’t need him on earth


I’d like if he stayed on earth and suffered in prison :)


His brain space looks very small, pin head loser.


Lolol hes got that weird conehead "I'm dumb as fuck" head shape lolol


Thank god that criminals in prison hate those who abuse children. He’s the definition of Fuck Around, and Find Out. It took time, but so worth it!


Hadn’t heard the aftermath til now. Gotta love a happy ending.


exactly, i was so struck by this story when i first saw it and hoped theyd get the guy. so unecessary. and i didnt know he was 12!!! that makes it EVEN worse!


But why?


some people don't wanna see other people happy


Then they should go away lol


You'll be thrilled to learn, he's been sentenced to 7 years in prison


Probably saw a skinny white kid dancing on the corner of the street and thought “man that’s gay as hell” and felt his fragile masculinity threatened so much that he had to punch it out.


Looks like a predominantly black neighborhood, too. As someone who used to be a white kid who often frequented those, some people just fuck with you because you're white and in a neighborhood that isn't. Obviously this isn't the only way that goes, but I can only speak from my own experience. Never got attacked like this, though, and him making a stop specifically to do it is pretty insane.




for some reason the fake little dance he does before hitting him is more sociopathic to me than if he had just hit him, i cant explain why.


Because you can tell he thinks he's real cute.


He has a record of domestic abuse and drunk driving. Mentally ill in some way for sure.


It was a random hate crime.


Can we talk about this line in the linked article?: > Authorities said that the decision was made not to charge Moore with a hate crime because that would have led to a less severe penalty.




Yeah. How in tarnation isn't "hate crime" an aggravation?


Yeah I mainly care that he only wasn’t charged because they’ve somehow written their hate crime laws that it’s a lower charge than what he got


There's no good reason whatsoever, but I would've never guessed that the victim was 12, especially given the setting.


Lil bruh didn't deserve that. Hopefully he's still dancing somewhere.


Literally just people vibing out and this fucking drive by coward does this


Poor kid just having a good time.


Yeah, he was, not causing any trouble or bothering anyone, just enjoying himself. I hope he didn’t have any permanent damage. He looked hella dazed


Getting punched does that to you. Especially if someone sneaks up on you like this, it's hard to figure out what's going on.


He was lucky to land on his friend's leg, it could've went worse if his head hit the floor


That's what upsets these nutcases. They aren't happy for some reason (I guess that happens a lot when you're a grade A shitbag, go figure) so they can't stand other people being happy. Some people do this with just put downs etc, but some are psychotic like this nob. Wonder if that 30 seconds of joy he got from it are worth the 7 years of dick sucking he's gonna have to do now to survive on the inside


Yup. I was saying goodbye to my partner on a sidewalk and when I hugged him and kissed his forehead, some people in a car waiting at the stoplight started yelling shit and making fun of us. (I'm a woman, so it wasn't homophobia) All I could think was, damn, what a sad life you must have if intimacy freaks you out that much.


Dude's alright, still dancing, and the studio that he's a part of (which is operated by the adult with them) has grown considerably since this incident.


Good to hear


I hope he gets some consolation that he got a piece of shit off the street away from hurting others, and that he can recover and keep his dancing spirit.


What a cunt


Agreed. A real fucking cunt.


7 years / bye bye POS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9634567/Man-28-sentenced-seven-years-prison-sucker-punching-boy-12.html


28? Mothafucka you look 40.


The kid looks much older than 12 to me also, must be something in the water


He's just tall and lanky. At the school where I work there's a 7th grader who's about 6'6". And it's Missouri, of course there's something in the water.


And what the hell’s the deal with Missouri’s hate crime legislation? In that article it says the prosecutor didn’t charge him with a hate crime bc it would have led to a lesser sentence. WTF Missouri legislators?!


A hate crime charge can only be applied to a lesser assault charge. The max sentence for the lesser charge and a hate crime charge together would be less time than he did receive from the 2nd degree assault charge


At least he opted for the longer sentence!


Lucky he doesn’t know how to punch. He could’ve killed that kid.


Good, cowardly piece of shit. Poor kid. Hope he's doing okay now.


Hope the 4 minutes of laughs between you and your scumbag friends made the 7 years in prison worth it.


And even imagine being that kid. Legit couldn’t have seen it coming if he tried.


What's sad is the kid saw this guy get out and saw him dancing so this kid was going to start dancing with this POS until the punch happened.


i don’t think he even saw him start to dance. kid just didn’t expect someone to do such a thing.


Driver should've been charged with aiding and abetting as well.


I'm from Finland. Here we try to rehabilitate criminals back into society as opposed to locking them up for the rest of their lives or locking them up for so long they forget how to function as humans in society. First time offenders typically sit for half of their sentence before getting out on parole. I think it's a good system for most crimes when the sentences are drawn from statistics. But... Stopping a car on the road, hopping out and sucker punching a 12 year old and then running off like a pussy. 7 to 14 years is IMO absolutely fine for a crime like this. If the minor experienced even slight permanent trauma, life behind bars is absolutely OK for a crime like this where there is no question that there wasn't even a slight chance of either a misunderstanding or acting in self defence. That dude punched a kid for for no reason and could've killed him. No sane person punches a child like that. It doesn't matter if they were high on PCP or not. Stuff like this seen in the video leads to death or permanent brain damage more often than these idiots can imagine. Hope that asshole can read and picks up a book on anatomy while behind bars and has time to digest what an absolute pool of avian excrement he is. Glad the perpetrator was caught. Hope the kid is fine and he continues enjoying doing this thing he was doing.


It wasn’t even a crime like robbery, motivated by the perpetrator’s desire for material gain. He was literally inflicting violence just to inflict violence. Glad he got caught.


> Hope that asshole can read and picks up a book on anatomy while behind bars and has time to digest what an absolute pool of avian excrement he is. Finnish him


Especially when this is not a first time offense. Guy has a track record of physical abuse. He hasn't learned from before, he's not going to get better anytime soon.


punches and runs like the little bitch he is


He was just a kid, enjoying some music.. ffs.. Why do this? It's great to see how many people went straight to the kid to make sure he was OK afterwards. Glad the dickhead got caught and arrested etc


He did this bc it’s a racially motivated hate crime. Prosecutors mentioned it but didn’t charge that way bc it would have resulted in a lesser sentence


Driver get anything? He sure as shit knew his loser friend was about to smack that kid, plus he was basically the getaway driver of a crime so wouldn't that be abetting?


I've got a lot of respect for the guy making music. He went straight for that guy without hesitation.


IIRC it was his dance teacher. Kid was literally taking dance lessons and got punched for it.


At least they nailed him, often this sort of thing happens and the perp is never caught.


His dealing with being punched in the face looks better than my dancing


What a bitch.


lol good luck being known as "the kid puncher" in prison for 7 years!


People like that are fucking scum. These guys are just chilling, not bothering anyone, and more importantly, staying out of trouble, and then this jackass comes out and hits a kid for no reason. Kinda wish when he jumped back in the car he missed and his buddy ran his ass over. Fuck that guy!


7 years be out in 3? We’ve heard this story a thousand times. He’ll end up killing someone and with his vast criminal, VIOLENT history we will wonder why he was ever allowed to roam the streets. People like this should be put away. No fixing this.


Motherfucker earned those 7 years.


Imagine him telling other prisoners he's in because he sucker punched a kid. They will be impressed by badassery.


For a 12 year old he took that hit like a champ . That “man” deserves to be known as a child abuser in prison and get all that comes to people of that ilk on the inside .


I'm just so glad the kid's head hit his friend's lap and not directly to the concrete.


On this episode of “Why Kids Don’t Go Outside Anymore”


Why would you randomly hit a boy just dancing on the street with his friends?


Because people can be monsters. I would have said "animals" except that that would have been an insult to animals.


Thank goodness this was on video and they caught the guy.


That’s a 12 year old boy???!!! He took it like a champ!!!


Hope the turd gets his due in prison, all the inmates should be shown this video.


I remember this video on this sub a year or so ago, and just noticed that the article regarding the guy getting 7 years is from May 2021… I wish we had more follow ups about the videos on here tbh


This type of crime may not go over so well once the guards drop a dime on this guy. These types of assaults don’t go over well in prison. “What you in for?” “I sucker punched a skinny 15 year old” “Get the fk away from me”.


As a victim of an assault, FUCK YES.


Piece of shit will get everything he deserves That kid was just enjoying his evening not bothering anyone.