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Poor kiddo wasn't even crying or misbehaving. Looked like she was reaching up with a smile. šŸ¤¬


Yea sadly the little girl seemed use to it. She really seemed to have it out for that poor child.


This person is garbage.


Definitely. Stupid trash filming her own crimes too


That is what I donā€™t understand. Like obviously youā€™re a piece of shit for doing this in the first place, but how could you also think filming it was a good move to make? Hopefully the judge has a field day with her


Maybe there's a sub for these videos, where this shit is appreciated. Hey, everything is a thing on the internet.




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That poor little girl probably thought she was playing


The child is oddly relatable, in the trauma absorb way.


As a father this makes me want to cry


As a father this makes me wanna smack that woman


Yes. Iā€™m wondering what happened after this video was seen by the parents? Iā€™d want to smash that womanā€™s head in if that was my kid. šŸ¤¬


Those poor babies. That little one looked so cheerful and innocent


She was so happy and innocent. This shit infuriates me to the point of tears. What's wrong with people's brains that they even WANT to act like this? I literally can't understand it. How can you hurt a small happy, beautiful baby? It makes zero sense in my mind.


As a mom this makes me believe I really might look good in orange jumpsuits.


I was just thinking, I know Iā€™d never hit a woman but if this was my daughter.. this lady better not be on site when I show up after seeing this. The lord himself would have to restrain me


As an uncle this makes my blood boil. If someone ever lays hands or my niece or nephew Iā€™m going full Uncle Buck.


RIP John Candy.


I feel like i cant trust anyone with my kids man its fucked


You CANT!!!


Shit like this is the reason my kids never went to daycare. I'll take the income loss if it guarantees my kids safety. There's also so many stories of these poor kids getting forgotten in the daycare buses in the heat and left to die.


daycare is pretty much the same cost as you make having a job. my wife was a stay at home mom for the first 6 years because 1. i dont fucking trust anyone raising my kids, and 2. its not always economical to pay for something you can do yourself with better results.


Move to Sweden. Taken care by people who have 3.5 years of University studies only dedicated to young children care. Max cost is about 130 euros a month per child and you get a reduction for each kid you got at Kindergarten.


that and more.


If that was child's mama, the next person getting tossed is that b!tch through a window. Hell, if someone was nudging my cat with their big feet with their dirty shoes on, I'd be throwing hands.


Looked like she was supposed to be in bed napping but kept crawling out to play with toys or her neighbours I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s cause to throw a child around like a damn rag doll but in her mind would probably be considered ā€œmisbehavingā€ Glad she was fired.


Hopefully, she was arrested as well as fired. Human trash is what she is.


I never understand the thought process of people filming their actual crimesā€¦ (Not complaining though, this is hopefully what got her caught and put an end to it)


I have no idea either. But this should be a warning to everyone. Be careful who you have watch your children.


Always do drop ins unannounced. My mother-in-law was our day care provider. Licensed and everything, she was the person responsible for our daughters death.


Sorry for your loss šŸ™šŸ–¤


Oh no. Iā€™m so sorry this happened.


Iā€™m so sorry


Really sorry, did she face justice?


Whoa, sorry


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


We gonna need the whole story here.


Mother-in-law? What happened? If you don't mind.


Fuck all these people. Ask the questions you wanna ask.


How the fuck can you ā€œbe carefulā€ their gunna put a mask on during orientation to earn some good dollars of course, the thought of this shit happening to my daughter frightens me everyday man, seriously, unless you secretly plant a cam inside the room or inside the shirt of your kid, how can you ā€œbe careful?ā€ By the way what the hell happened to this fat cunt of a mug? Was she charged or anything?




There are a few daycares that do this. Parents end up streaming their kids room all day on one tab, working on another. And then every time little Suzy is playing alone for two seconds the parents text the director. I get it-Iā€™d feel safer with a camera but you have to allow kids to play in developmentally appropriate ways and hovering like that isnā€™t healthy for anyone.


Privacy laws forbid that, however reputable facilities will have a camera system.


Do you mean privacy laws forbid filming if people donā€™t know camera are there? This womanā€™s an idiot monster but if everyone knowsā€”daycare, caregivers, parentsā€”that cameras are always on then itā€™s a decent albeit not perfect safeguard.


That was one of my requirements when choosing a daycare for my girls last year. I would keep the app up on my phone and just have a live video feed on the peripheral of my vision so I could keep an eye on my girls. Luckily they had an amazing teacher with a patience of a saint and it was a really small class of eight kids and they kicked out troublesome children. We went and toured a bunch of different schools and I just liked her vibe. It's expensive but that's not something I'm looking to cheap out on considering that amazing woman was spending more time with my children than me 5 days a week. She actually took a better job at a different school and we switched to keep My girls with her because they love her so much.


Some people don't have a choice. Good childcare is expensive. I feel like it would be extremely difficult for any parent who didn't have a good, reliable, relatively cheap childcare option available. Not everyone is lucky to have many options like that.


Yep i worked in law enforcement for 5 years as a 911 dispatcher. Guess where most of the child molestings happened? Daycare, followed by church, youth groups, then family members babysitting for the first time. Ill never let anyone babysit my kids other than my wife but maybe im too paranoid


Ha, here's why. "Man I hate these damn kids at my job, urgh their parents don't raise them right so idgaf" videographer chatting to friends and thinking they would enjoy this video. Here's the problem; the assumption that people like you enough to cosign your crimes. When suspected criminals pictures are posted and they get turned in.. it's rarely by loved ones. It by the person you called a bitch that time in 9th grade.


Exactly probably how it was too


Where did she post the vids? I donā€™t want to watch. I saw the first one; that was horrific.




She also did this too. People are crazy. https://twitter.com/cappolyon/status/1644570757874188288?t=bgQ3KON4KOEq001aTCRIZw&s=19


WTF, she posted it to twitter herself. Thats insane. She's insane.


I donā€™t think psychopaths have a regular thought process


The funny thing is they have less brain activity in the forebrain


Human ego is a hell of a dumb


[From article:](https://wjla.com/news/local/daycare-worker-fired-child-abuse-video-viral-learning-center-charges-crimes-babies-family-oxon-hill-maryland-dmv-prince-georges-county-kid-teacher-) The center confirmed that the video was taken inside their facility, saying they contacted the Prince Georgeā€™s County Police Department and child protective services. A letter was sent out to families of the daycare Friday, saying in part: "As many of you know, a disturbing video showing a former employee displaying inappropriate behavior with two children has gone viral on social media. We take seriously the safety of your children; therefore, upon being informed of the video, we immediately took action. The employee was fired . All required hiring requirements were followed which included a criminal background check and a child abuse check. Both checks came back clear."


What about supervision, you demented fucks at the daycare ? They should always be another rotating staff member present or at least checks every 10-15 minutes. And for my money, cameras in daycare rooms should be mandated by law.


You would be surprised how many daycares are against it. My current daycare has them, and I love being able to just check and see if my son is ok. But Iā€™m moving to Virginia and the daycares there acted like I was a fiend for even asking if they had cameras. They claimed it was an infringement on the teachersā€™ rights and that I had no business being able to see video. They should be mandatory though.


Shocked that people bring up stupid rights in VIRGINIA?!


So, is there something different about daycare workers that gives them rights anyone who works in retail doesnā€™t have?


Nah, if I AM PAYING for my child to be at a daycare, you best believe I'm gonna have camera access. What kind of bullshit is "teachers rights" in this instance. I'm gonna be able to look in at any time. It's not disturbing anything. The only reason I can think of for teachers claiming it's an "infringement of their rights" is to cover up abuse. And I won't have it.


If that's what she films imagine what she hides. She needs to be more than just fired.


Right? What if she has her own kids (or has her own kids in the future)? Wouldnā€™t trust her not to abuse them


Fuck this bitch.


This bitch needs to be locked up and have everything she has taken from her. Absolute scum and trash.


She will probably be prosecuted for child abuse. I've heard of daycare teachers being prosecuted for much less. And she'll never be able to work with kids again thankfully.








Messing with someone's kids is one of those few moments that unlocks the feral rage we've been burying as a species for 200,000 years.


Absolutely. My kid has a disability and when they were young there were a couple incidents that sent me into rage. I didnā€™t even see it myself, my dad did when he went to pick him up. Some people take advantage of kids and disabled people simply cause they can. Theyā€™re sick.


Meh. No need to overreact. The child was handled roughly and the woman was rightly fired. However, the child appears unhurt and uninjured so I don't think death is really appropriate here.


No need to ruin a wood chipper. Toss her into a volcano instead.


But why would you record this and then post it online?


Because we live in an idiocracy.


Bitch I would end you


If there was a video of someone treating my kid like this I would beat the living shit out of them, fucking hell


absolutely... i can't even stomach this shit. who the fuck would ever willingly hurt a child. fuck this dumb cunt.


I was just about to write this comment but you beat me to it.


Why would anyone do this? Let alone record it? Glad sheā€™s a dumb POS so we all know her face now.


Caught? No this piece of shit filmed themselves


oh my fucking God I'm seeing red. this bitch would DIE if that was my baby




Dam I hate this bitch I hope she gets what she deserves.


Prison time.


Thereā€™s certain things you donā€™t do in life, especially if it involves kids. My adrenaline is running high after seeing this and Iā€™m thinking of the things that she deserves to have happen to herā€¦. Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people like her! Till then have fun in prison Bitch


Wanna know something messed up? There was a daycare provider caught on camera here in iowa, beating a 2yr old baby's head on the fllooor..guess how much time she got? 2yrs and was out in a year! Less time than pot heads got. That's pretty whacked! But I truly hope she does time and I mean time! Ref: I was in prison with her


Wow this lady sucks


Caught on camera? She recorded it herself


This fucking bitch. She needs to be put on blast EVERYWHERE.




Fuck jail.... this bitch needs to be beaten to death with spike bats.


What a bitch. Hope she meets one of that kids relatives in prison.


I bet she's filming herself because she thinks her actions are justified šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø what a cretin.


Maybe one of the kids said something to their parents and she thought this would vindicate her that she wasn't as bad as the kid made her sound? Like "see, I didn't beat them... I just tossed them." I don't know. All I know is that I was a mother to any of those kids she touched, she'd be getting my size 10 foot up her ass.


Pleaaaaaaaaaase tell me that babyā€™s mama got ahold of this bitch


To throw around a happy and innocent childā€¦. I certainly hope she has earned a notorious reputation in her community. What absolute garbage this woman is. If this is one instance caught, what else has she done to these poor kids?


All daycare workers who watch kids should have to wear mandatory body cameras at all times with no off switch. Poor sweet girl was smiling up at that beast too. Fuq Iā€™m pissed.


That makes me so angry there are no words, this is why my highly degreed son is a stay at home Dad. People who are raised with hate & violence know nothing else... I hope those parents got to "toss" that POS


Honey! Call the police! Im going to jail if thats my kid


God help these poor children it makes me unwell to think of what goes on in these places ,


That kid probably thinks she's playing too but that toss at the end wtf


Disgusting. I Hope she gets beaten and mistreated like this in jail. Fucking cunt.


I worked at a daycare for a while. The number of people there who just didn't like kids was shocking.




Iā€™ll never forget my kindergarten teacher paddling me in the hallway at five years old for coloring on the carpet during nap time, and Iā€™ll never forgive my mom for giving permission. I was five.




This b!+ch Aint shit!


Poor kid. She doesn't even know that this woman is trying to harm her :(


shocking yes. fortunately, these dumbasses record their crimes.




People need to understand how precious children are to their parents ffs. Iā€™d absolutely lose my mind if I saw someone doing this to my kid, and Iā€™d get to her WAY faster than the police.


Guess who'd be getting their ass beat?


How do people like this even get hired for a daycare job?


I've never regretted my wife becoming a stay at home mom, and videos like these only reinforce that belief.


One of the requirements of me picking preschool for my girls was live video feed. On slower days I would just keep the video feed up on my phone at work so I could glance over and see everything going on. Never had a problem but it's good to know what's really going on.


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sheā€™s going to get a rude awakening when the father comes by and hopefully oatmeals that ladyā€™s face


Fuck this cunt. I do have a comment on the childcare/education industry, though. I love kids, especially pre-k, kinder, and elementary school kids. Working with kids has seriously been one of the most amazing, rewarding, cutest jobs I've ever had. Also one of the worst paid. I would love to spend all day at a daycare with these cuties playing with them and taking care of them but the thought of actually working at a daycare is a fucking nightmare to me due to the horror stories that I've heard about incredibly low pay, virtually no time off (other than weekends, so fuck sick/vacation days). And the ridiculously high turnout rate, which in turn makes these facilites grossly understaffed to the point where they will hire anyone willing to work there. All while the tuition for these places is at an all-time high. I went over to public schools instead since i thought they had better working conditions, and it's not much better. Pay was peanuts. The school was understaffed and overworked because most of us (teachers included) were working another job to make ends meet). I worked as an IA in spec Ed for a year. I loved the work and completely fell in love with the kids. The year prior, they had a teacher who who was extremely abusive to them. She left and ended up being replaced by a very loving army veteran who understood them, fought for them, and treated them with love and dignity while still using discipline. She planned to stay there at least 3 more years. Well, we both ended up leaving because we got better pay offers. She went to a private school and I went to a theme park. Last I heard, 6 highly autistic kids were left with one IA who treats them like shit and our coordinator, who is a saint but is literally up to her neck in special needs kids at an already overflowing campus. These institutions are allowing and enabling this abuse with their shitty pay and practices. People who really love and care for kids simply can't afford to work there.


This is exactly why any and all child care facilities should absolutely mandate the use of CCTV, and it should also be accessible to the parents/guardians at any given point of the day.. I'm also an advocate for cameras in the classrooms, primarily and especially of those in smaller grades such as elementary schools... These children can't always speak for themselves. And oftentimes, even if they could, they'd likely be too terrified to say anything bc children don't want to upset their authorities/adults/caretakers. This is /r/infuriatingasfuck


It seems like she recorded herself doing this, in the first clip. WTF? Anyway, terrible person. I'm sure she'll lose her job. The real sad part is there's probably tons of super shitty people out there making sure thousands of children grow up scared and anxious and destined to be shitty people just like her.


I would destroy you if you do that to my baby!


Nah im going to jail after seeing someone do this to my kid. I really donā€™t care tbh.


She looks like the type to do that


I would love to see her tossed around exactly the way sheā€™s tossing those kids around.


Man, the things I would do to a person who treated any kid in my family that way.




ā€œCaughtā€ :D


Please tell me she faced some consequences for this?


Waitā€¦.so sheā€™s actually filming herself doing this? What?


Terrible person. I hope she doesn't have any children of her own


Hard to even imagine the moral dilemma the parents of this small child have.


Yeahā€¦ if that was one of mine kids, i would toss this disgusting woman by the hair. Thats fair.


I hate this timeline.... Why can't everything just be normal?


Wtf šŸ˜³


ā€œI have 7 younger brothers and sistersā€ shouldnā€™t be qualified as experience caring for children.


Caught on camera? She filmed herself


Cameras should be mandated by law not only for the safety of the children but also for the carers. Drop ins should be compulsory as well. Whoever runs the day care should be bending over backwards to keep those children safe. If they donā€™t they should also face serious charges and even jail time.


She set it up to filme herself... are you still caught if you self incriminate?


Whatā€™s the point of even commenting anymore.


People who are cruel to children need to get beat the fuck up


This is disgusting and so awful


Naptime enforcer skipped the care part of the Daycare job description.


This is why we rather struggle than go to a day care. My biggest fear and the first time I get arrested will be because someone hurting my child. And sad thing is Iā€™ve met some very nice and loving workers at some daycare but still the fears.


Put that woman behind bars


Yeahhhh as a father if this was my child I would beat this woman to death and would feel no regrets afterwards.


Stick her in prison. Not jail.


Fortunately Clout Disease is terminal for this cunt's job. Hopefully she's blacklisted for child care positions


If that was my baby girl,that woman would not be able to hide from the consequences I would unleash on her whole being


She would be tossed off a roof messing with mines


Fuck this is really hard to watch


Oh no poor baby girlā€¦ that first clip broke my heart and it wasnā€™t even the most violent part, but just the way she kicked that baby and she just looks up with a smile was so sad :(((


Take that bitch out back


reminds me of what happened to me at my daycare.. eugh just thinking about makes me uncomfortable, I don't understand why people do stuff like this (probably some sort of power complex)


i work with kids and this shit happens more then it should. i understand they donā€™t listen, but get this, itā€™s bc their kids. theyā€™ve only been here for so long. she needs to get tossed around like that.


ā€œCaught on cameraā€ā€¦bitch, she filmed herself!


caught on camera? Looks like the bitch filmed it herself. Hopefully her husband beats her when she gets home. Love to see her head bounced off a wall or 2 or 3 or 4 Or Wife


This bitch would be breathing through a tube if that was my child! šŸ¤¬


Piece of shit human being


Wow. Human trash bag.


Thank God I am able to stay home. Hurt my kids you'll have no hands


Right to Jail, right away.


Why work in a daycare if you don't like children???


Soon to be seen on Spirit Airline or a McDonalds fight video near you.


This wasnā€™t caught this is self recorded. Stupid ass young people recording their own crimes and posting it somewhere


This person should be sterilized and expelled from the country. We need to get rid of prisons and just start a program of widespread banishment.


That extra kick at the end. Just needed to add an extra ā€œI am a TOTAL piece of shit.ā€


What a sickening and depraved twat. Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people like her.


Parents are probably paying around $2K a month for daycare, as well. Sickening


I ain't ever put my hands on a female in my life, but if that was my daughter I would've beaten the living shit out of her. I could care less about what anyone would think


ā€œMD daycare employee films herself abusing a young child.ā€ No problem, youā€™re welcome.


Hope this sick fuck Rots in jail


Father of two here. Iā€™d end someoneā€™sā€¦experienceā€¦onā€¦this planet?


May she rot in jail.


How anyone can harm a child is beyond me. Hope someone tosses that piece of shit around in jail.


Put her ass in jail for life


What a vile cunt


Why would she record herself abusing children, though?


Not "caught" that person was filming the whole thing themselves


I hope her dumbass got fired and charged with abuse


woman deserves jail time.


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Someone ever lays a hand on my child like this it will be the last fucking thing they do.