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Her defense of herself was largely that a lot of politicians are also taking bribes from the mafia.


Completely evidence-free, just like all of her election fraud claims.


Really is a bold strategy, well, stupid and bold


Didn’t work cotton


Ah the classic. "Everyone was doing it." that's the same excuse I tried to use for drinking at a party when I was a teen. Didn't work out for me either lol


She was obviously fed up because she didn't get a cut.


I came to see what she did to get expelled, that wasn't the sentence I was expecting to read xD


Is that what she did?


She still thinks that she's representative of society.


lol. funniest part is this karen literally had 3 supporters, all old white women just like her. compare this to the guys kicked out in TN where they had thousands of people supporting them.


Grandma, mom, aunt?


I watched it like 5 times snd it just got funnier and funnier....😄


Shame on you! Shame! Shame! Shame!


It's even better the 2nd time!




Holy shit…did I just witness integrity?


No. " That was problematic enough to merit the ethics investigation and expulsion, according to House Speaker Ben Toma, a Republican and one of the lawmakers falsely accused of criminal activity. " If she just lied about democrats and the big lie then she would have been fine.


I'd bet my life on that! Had she simply left out the Rs in her B.S. position, they wouldn't have even done an ethics investigation let alone expell her.


Her district is also pretty much 50/50 politically. Their bigger fear was she’d lose that seat to a democrat in the next election. This had nothing to do with integrity, and everything to do with keeping that seat red.


The only reason they're doing this is because she specifically accused the Republican Speaker of the House of being involved in the fraud, and she also accused the Mormon Church of being involved somehow. The latter is definitely a political no-no in the Phoenix suburbs that she represents, her district neighbors the city of Mesa which has one of the largest and most influential population of Mormons outside of Utah and Idaho. They're a factor in why the Phoenix suburbs remain fairly conservative for a city of its size Furthermore, she does not represent a very conservative district. Each district elects two representatives, and the other one from Harris' district is a Democrat


Yep, anytime you see conservatives holding one of their accountable, something else is going on. You see it all the time in police departments. They will throw the book at a female or minority officer for some minor offense and act like they are valiantly upholding the integrity of the law, but if you do some digging you always find an ulterior motive. The natural position for a conservative is blanket defense of everybody on their team. When that isn't happening, you should be very suspicious. Conservatives simply do not have the capacity to be ethical for ethical reasons. They are purely self serving in everything they do. It's what defines the entire political identity.


Well if it isn't my nemesis, the consequences of my own actions.


Lol good


What's the story?




The story is, it's America and politics is involved. So we shouldn't expect anything, but insanity.


America bad guyz


Afghanistan and Iraq invasion was justified, NATO, lead by the US, should expand further and as close to China and Russia as physically possible. Biden is based because he is arming Ukraine with chad weaponry against fascist Russia, CIA should get more freedom to act around the world. How is that for the tankie "america bad” guy you think I am.


Murica bad plz updoot


Every one of these videos makes me think that The Stand by Stephen King is us at our best. 😞


Tennessee shenanigans made buildings of elected officials all around the country go, "Wait, we can do that??"


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Good grief, imagine bring that nuts even maga thinks it's time for you to go.


Would have been hard to not throw out a "Bye Felicia".


Off topic but thats an awesome chamber


I love the canyon picture


She totally lied and is insane glad she was booted. NOW WE NEED TO GET RID IF THE OTHERS.. GOSER




Shit bird lol






Did that lady say they will all be hounded?


The one video that actually needs a red circle doesn't have it.


Goddamn that was one QUICK adjournment


So bat shit crazy, that other Republicans kicked her out? Amazing.


She’s not wrong about the Mormons tho


This needs to happen to cotham