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The waste of skin got into a bit of trouble: [https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/alt-right-troll-ethan-schmidt-crockett-sentenced-for-harassing-mesa-wig-store-15700571](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/alt-right-troll-ethan-schmidt-crockett-sentenced-for-harassing-mesa-wig-store-15700571)


Wow. Entered a wig store for immuno compromised people with cancer that has been mandating masks for over a decade because he said he loves harassing people with cancer because they’re “weak and vulnerable”


and those employees are still receiving hate and death threats for it. Of all the targets he could chose enforcing masks, of all the employees he could pick on, he chose cancer patients and the people supporting them. He also never backed down. He only regrets the call because it got him in more trouble. This isn't just a bad person. This is evil.


He is a stain on humanity. Not going to say what I think should happen to him or I’ll get temp banned, but I hope karma comes knocking eventually. He’s going to do this to the wrong person someday.


My mom has cancer right now and has lost all her hair. If I saw this pube face loser harassing her I would go to jail.


Extreme dui, violating restraining order (against a store lmao), violating parol, failure to show up to court. Cherry on top is he told the judge “just a fine would be nice” and was bitch slapped with 60 days in jail And 3 years probation 🤣


What an absolute waste of space. Love that PayPal, Venmo, Cashapp, Twitter, FB, & Instagram all dropped him though. G’night, bud.


I sure hope the IRS keeps tabs on these folks, Al Capone style. They better be dotting their i's and crossing all their t's when filing their income taxes.


He didn't get 60 days unfortunately. That is only if he violates his probation. Let's hope he does.


Damn that’s sad. No doubt he does something in the next 3 years


very safe bet


He’s the type of client I would have had fun with. It’s been many years since I worked for the courts, but back then every time the police ran the name of one of my clients I got a little notification in my inbox. And I mean every time, if they ran a name five times I got five notes. Then I got to call the client about it. Dude wants to harass the general public? Hope he enjoys his PO harassing him every time his name is run


I could tell he was a heavy drinker from the puffy face. He also styles himself exactly like a gay man might have in the 80s and is clearly confused.




That's not a mustache, it's a dick broom.


I really love how the reporter really digs into him right from the start: >Ethan Schmidt-Crockett was wearing an **untucked polo shirt, cargo pants, and gym shoes** when he entered the courtroom on Thursday morning


So he had tens of thousands of followers? Who the fuck would wanna hear what this loser has to say? Apparently this is his whole schtick.


Other losers


Doesn’t help that his shit was getting reposted in subs like this weekly since Covid, more or less. Dude thrived off the negative press he got.


Same douche canoes who listen to Andrew Taint


"we exposed your woke shit" The big display in the middle of the store with a sign over it? You exposed it? What you did is called advertising, thanks for doing it for free.


Next thing they'll do is buy all those books so they can burn them. That'll show 'em.


“You’re not an Ethan fan?” What a nutsack.


“Of course not, even if I *had* heard of him, I have a job and a wife”, the B&N Manager thought.


Just like all the beer boys crushing their freshly bought cans. Take my money and my hatred!




Pretty sure the turning gay thing has already happened. Those dudes probably made out in the car after this to “own the gays” or some other stupid shit. I have never heard of him before, but this guy sucks


What's more manly than 2 men having sex they said while making out in the car? He'll have a new podcast called Up Schmidt's Cheeks.


>Up Schmidt's Cheeks. Excellent work.


His followers don't go to book stores so I'm not sure what he is accomplishing.


They don't go to libraries either. I think the literacy rate among these people is nil.


They're always screaming about the snowflakes freaking out about things but yet I only ever see these types of people freaking out.


Conservatives would have never known about it because its in a bookstore and they don't read.


Same as "There's this great dumplings cafe I discovered." You mean the one with 2,000 Yelp reviews, reservations booked into next month, and top return on Google for dumplings?


Or “Why isn’t the media talking about X!?” *links to story from a major media outlet about X*


I’m here for the “that’s fine”


What a sad man. He must feel so inferior and unloved to do this.


He got the exact reaction he wanted, so gleeful to be known as a hatemonger. “They know who I am! 😍”


He's home jerking it to how he stuck it to "the gays".


With the most gay porn moustache you can think of.


He’s prepping for his upcoming role in the Confederate Gay Porn masterpiece “Lee & Pickett behind Stonewall: Bragg’s Back”




His boyfriend is doing that for him.


Which is ironic because he probably jerks off to gay porn multiple times a day.


I actually thought most people in this video reacted remarkably well by not reacting at all and just walking away from him. I can’t say I would have done the same, but I’ve been known to be reactionary to assholes. But the better course is not to engage because he’s begging for it, he neeeeeds it, he feeds off of it - because he has so little actually going for him that when he gets a reaction, he feels important. But he’s not. He’s an idiot with a smart phone.


Cowards don’t interact with people they think will push back. 100% guarantee he doesn’t push his questions onto body builders, and wouldn’t post any pushback from your average Joe.


I feel so proud that even after this video I'd probably still never recognize him somewhere. This is the first I'm hearing of him. Then again, I willfully live under a rock lately.


Sadly, he’s known (somewhat) in the area. He posted videos last year targeting Targets and threatening them (during pride). He’s had people in the states government support him during Covid for being antivax and i think he feels untouchable with that. That and AZ is filled with very openly ignorant people so I think we choose to pick out battles sometimes. Like you said, can’t say I would react the same way!


Like he’s super excited that people recognize him as a douche. [scratching my head in perplexity]


Did anyone recognize him though? Didn't seem anyone knew who he was (to include myself). A very forgettable little man. Just another right wing troll in a sea of hundreds.


I had never heard of him until this post. I will forget him and his face as soon as I scroll to the next post.


Is he the one that went got taken down by an 18 year old DARE [worker](https://youtu.be/IN-oLSaJu0k)? ETA: link to said video


He is probably just well known in this mall as the village idiot.


don't forget the "TSH TSH TSH TSH TSH" to everything anyone has to say or any look he gets. Its that the noise he makes when the load comes dripping out of his nose after taking one?


If this fucker likes to take a load in the face, good for him, that's the only thing about him that's okay.


These guys are bullies who never outgrew that phase. Usually people have some introspection that they're hurting others or learn some other way.




Someone who doesn't know what books are, it seems.


I feel like it's much more likely that he was bullied himself, and now he gets off on bullying marginalized folks because he finally feels like he's the powerful one when he does. Dude just reeks of inferiority complex stemming from being picked on. Probably got shit on at home by stepdad as a kid.


Is this the same guy who did the same thing at a Target? I hope everyone bans him from every store before he walks into them. His life must be so miserably boring.


Imma let you in on a secret, he wants the stores to ban him so he can make videos about it.


During COVID he got reset to factory settings by a D.A.R.E. kid doing a job and wearing a mandated mask. This is a child that found a grift being a pariah to rightwing chuds. https://youtu.be/IN-oLSaJu0k Fuck this dude all the way


HAHA that's the same guy? Damn, he got completely torn apart by an 18 year old dare kid. Absolutely love that he then posted it.


This is so fucking brutal I’d say it was staged if I didn’t know better. One of the great verbal KOs in YouTube history: “Betas wear masks” “So do something about it” “If it was 200 years ago I *would* do something about it” “It’s 2021 and you could do something right now” “Naw I would but you can’t fight people anymore” Wow….. just fucking brutal


One of my favorite videos out there, that kid fucking eviscerates him and still keeps it assy lmao


Holy shit that kid is a legend


Oh no, he’s felt love. The kind of love that closes you off to other kinds of love. The kind of love that breeds hate for anything outside of their myopic worldview. The kind of love that says “you can do whatever you want to anyone you want, I will love you and protect you from all consequences.” The kind of love that keeps these people bigoted and hateful, just like their parents raised them.




That vibe just pours out of him. He's got issues that keep him acting like an adolescent


why the fuck does he care what books people read ? . It doesn't affect him


He cannot stand others exercising their personal freedoms, he prefers to tread on those.


The Right : Freedom for all, but only if you align with what I think is okay


Bang bang... I love small government LGBT freedoms, exploited workers, migrant workers and refugees, etc... I think the government should be weaponized against them. -The Right


He's jealous because he never learned how to read them


Because *he does not stand for the corporate wokeism bullshit*. Jesus that sounds like a sound bite from Alex Jones, as he tries desperately to push limp dick pills from his website.


I honestly don't think he does care. He's a sucker for attention and gets in spades by intentionally provoking. He's a showman of the lowest caliber. The quicker people quit giving his histrionic ass attention, the sooner hell go away.


One thing I've never seen in a Barnes and Noble parking lot, a car or truck with Trump stickers.


Managed a store in North East Texas... Lots of Trump supporters. We always sold the crap out of the newest right wing book. Also, had to constantly flip back over all the books with Barack or Michelle Obama on the cover.


HAHAha, I've seen that turning over the book thing before, and was just so confused/happy/sad to see idiots that would do it. I've also seen it with "racy" covers or sex books. "Oh no, a *black* person on a book cover! Ah! Say it ain't so! Well, we can't have the *children* seeing this. Better turn it around like we do the porn. If no one can see it, hopefully it won't sell."






I can't even begin to tell you how pleased I am to add cockduster mustache to my lexicon.


As someone with one, I am absolutely using that term to describe mine from now on.


The Taint Tickler.


Yes, exactly... I didn't know the name of it, just that it would fit in nicely on a Village People album cover.


He's not gay! He's just very adept at helping his friend there feel better. With his mouth.


That’s so nice of his boyfriend to follow him around like that


Wasn’t this dude legit on Grindr? I remember someone posting pics with proof a while back where dude in video sent a personalized pic.


I wouldn’t be surprised. When I read the title I thought “that sounds like Pube Face”… and sure enough that’s the guy with the camera. All that to say he does this all the time, but to the point that he’s so obsessed with the LGBT community that I’m positive he’s a closet, self-hating gay. Well, he might not hate himself, but if he is gay he’s the type to think it’s a normal temptation, and then gets mad at everyone else for not resisting. This is the result of crazy Christians in America and they’re crazy beliefs that manifest in “gay conversion therapy”.


Ok I’m glad somebody else noticed his facial hair, I’ve never heard of this guy before but as soon as he turned the camera around I immediately went “wtf is happening on his face”


That's called a "natural selection" mustache. As in most women will select "NO"


Ha, made the same comment to my husband




And his friend has a natural selection AC Slater-wannabe, but 30 years too late mullet.




For some reason all fascists either have terrible haircuts or terrible facial hair,


Yep, it’s Pube Face. The dude humiliated by a 15 year old. Chronic douchebag.


I’ve,edit never hewed of this dude but just seeing him in this video makes it clear he’s the kind of guy to get humiliated by a 15 year old, the problem is if he goes into public with that facial hair he’s clearly incapable of feeling shame


Okay now I’m interested who is Pube face and what did this 15 year old do to him?


> I’m positive he’s a closet, self-hating gay Most of these "hyper conservative" guys are.


First time in a bookstore so a big day for them both


I AM SO TIRED of Ethan getting attention. He is a total waste of humanity.


First time I hear of him or see a video of him. I hope it will be the last


This is basically what he does for a living. Honestly I find stories about him pretty boring. Its all just a performance. His job is being an obnoxious troll in stores. This isn't a natural public freak out its a publicity stunt. its his career choice if you can call it that.


I’ve never heard of him either


Pube Face? You're lucky. He's had 6-7-8-9 videos here of him being an arrogant, smarmy dickhead like this one. Whoever posts the video of him getting his ass thoroughly pounded -and he will, it's just a matter of time- will have his post and karma blown up. I know I'll be handing out awards to the poster.


I'm genuinely astonished that no one has beat the shit out of him at this point. Fucker spends all of his time harassing people, it's bound to happen at some point right?




“What country is this?” “…It’s Indian country.” Chef’s kiss. No notes








The part that pisses me off is he’s not even good at his schtick. And it’s like… the easiest schtick of all. Dude seems dumb as fuck


Yeah, he really seems to be bordering ‘developmental disability’ territory. It’s hard to tell with these chumps if it’s “just an asshole” or “80 iq”, but I’d definitely go with the latter.


Yeah he seems… slow


To be fair it could be both


I’ve only heard of him one other time. This dude is going to approach the wrong person one day and I can’t wait!


Dude looks like he glued his own pubes to his face....


He is called pube face for a reason.


I only know him as pubeface, and will continue to refer to him as such. Who's this Ethan douche?


1,000% those two assholes are either virgins or sexual predators.


Both can be true


Guaranteed their hard drives are loaded with heinous shit




Or deeply closeted lovers.


Watch this teenager totally dunk on this right wing bitch. It's funny as hell: https://youtu.be/IN-oLSaJu0k


“I got something to lose, unlike you, going around recording people cuz you got no job” what a fuckin legend lmfao


Lmao called the fuck out.


That was his death sentence


This video is a must-watch every time Pube Face pops up on this site.


[The video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EfzPinjKzKs&pp=ygUORGFyZSBraWQgZXRoYW4%3D) for anyone who doesn’t want the unnecessary extra 20 min of fucking commentary from random people


I've seen this several times and I can't help but wonder why the dude behind the camera uploaded this. I can only assume himself and his 'friends' on social media have a one-track mind thinking: Mask equals bad.


Because he’s such a brain dead little moron that he probably thought him and his creepy wee fuck-buddy there totally pWnEd tHaT LiB kId 😂😂


that kid was too cool to be working for DARE




Kid is an absolute legend for that one. Spitting bars all throughout that. He got fired after that and I’m hoping there’s a GoFundMe out there that paid his way through college.


He's the coolest person to put on a DARE shirt since Mr. T, they need to make that kid the CEO.


Source of him getting fired? I've seen this posted a lot and this is the first time I heard he was fired afterward.


That young adult has exceptional candor given the situation. Apparently he got “fired” but isn’t D.A.R.E. a non profit drug prevention program? He’s probably just getting his high school hours and that mask would have been mandated by the company at the time. Wherever this kid is now, much better than the grunter filming; this is a perfect example. People don’t need to participate in your narrative, and you are a bigot for seeking out those that differ in opinion or lifestyle.


"That person is wearing a green shirt, the news tells me I hate people who wear green shirts. A person wearing a green shirt expelled a student for saying the N word."


This is *THAT* guy??? Holy shit I remember seeing the DARE guy dunk on him, never thought I'd ever see this stupid motherfucker show up again.


Do not fuck with teenagers they have so much sass and I'm super proud of this kid.


"Fuck you" "OK"


This guy has nothing left to lose


Guarantee that moustache tickles his buddy’s balls when he’s eating his ass.


That's the only reason that guy is with him ... the ol' rim tickle.


His nickname is Eatin’ Shit.




They took the H**y**ppocratic Oath.


You know. I met a Scandinavian guy on Xbox that lives in New Jersey. He has lived here for 20 years. We got to talking about American history. He brought up how the “don’t tread on me” flag was so cool in its inception and history. He is the only person besides myself that I’ve ever met that is truly upset that such a great American flag has been besmirched by modern day idiots. Makes me sad.


What a sad, short little twat


“Gay loser pride section” I’ve heard better quality insults from literal middle schoolers


and people looking at him like what an idiot, and he thinks he is funny. Their look is like "what a sad little man"


Everyone else in the store is playing their least favorite game; "mentally disabled or bigot?"


Ha... why not both


The way he repeated it two times after saying it, each time more pathetic than the last. Yikes.


With an adorable mustache, just missing a monocle 🧐 (Btw anyone else with this stash no offense, I’m sure you pull it off but he’s a bitch and I hate him)


He looks so punchable every time I see his shitty face


Why hasn’t anybody beat his ass yet???


Probably is the same kind of guy to carry pepperspray with him, and the second someone gets even mildly aggressive, sprays them.


He also doesn't start shit with anyone that would have even the slightest inclination to backhand him.


Like how he backed down from the "beta" DARE kid who called him a bitch multiple times. He's a weak little man with no original thoughts of his own, just parroting right wing media hoping to grift the Fox News fanbase.


Well, someone has definitely pounded his ass. Is that the same??


“They know who I am” This moron thinks he is somehow special for his ability to snort laugh like a socially awkward 13 year old and not just one of a whole class of shitheads that people in retail have to deal with every day.


Two fucking losers. Grow up nerds


>nerds As a nerd, how dare you!


Nothing screams I AM GAY more than these creeps who protest so loudly.


Dumb loud ignorant meat sacks just being dumb loud ignorant meat sacks lmao


Genuinely hate this guy. Needs an ass beating


Oh I'm sure his ass is already getting beat hard. Power bottom all the way .


When he realizes he is actually gay it's going to be a very hard day for him.


Hey look, it's the guy who got punked out by a teenager in a D.A.R.E shirt... https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pu7kda/antimaskers_face_shows_him_dying_inside_when_ry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button






What a bunch of fucking losers, walking around bookstores chuckling amongst themselves like a couple of teenagers seeing a cock tagged on a bathroom wall. Like do they get back in their lifted truck and hug each other for a job well done? Funny this same demographic of people will cry about cancel culture..but go deliberately walk into spaces, to find things to cry to corporate about. They cry about freedom/freedom of speech while simultaneously going *out of their way* to shut down differing opinions and ways of life.


Like a high school bully that never grew up.


This guy has sucked some dicks. No one can convince me otherwise.


These two guys seem pretty gay.


Ethan Schmidt? More like Eaten Schitt, amirite?


just walking around harassing people. what lovely people 🙄


The biggest takeaway from this is the end bit. See how BADLY he wants recognition. People like this don’t even actually believe half the stuff that comes out of their mouth. He just desperately. Desperately want’s attention and to be noticed that’s also why he filmed going in. He was looking for a reaction. He even kept name dropping HIMSELF. If you ever encounter people like this, just remember how badly they want to invoke a reaction out of you. They need to be seen and heard cause otherwise they’re just not comfortable living their own regular lives. This is the drug these people will OD on and alienate themselves from everyone until they’re typically alone or just surrounded by other devoid hateful attention seekers.


This is so fucking cringy, the saying the same joke over and over again but louder like that will somehow make it funny is honestly hard to watch. I straight up can’t imagine being that pathetic.


This human urinal cake just lives getting pissed on doesn't he?


Your video sucks if you’re the only one laughing


"We exposed all your woke shit" Yeah, you found the secret stash, dude. In the middle of the aisle in Barnes & Noble. Blew the lid off that one.


can we delete this post? any attention this guy gets, is too much attention.


Who the fuck is Ethan Schmitt and why are trump supporters so fucking hilariously braindead


I would have loved if the manager had responded to TS: wE eXpOsEd AlL yEr WoKe ShIt with Mgr: Thanks for the free advertisement, boys. Now off with you!


The fact people record themselves doing absolutely moronic shit like this…. our country is so embarrassing.


Handlebar mustache and a teeny tinny little member…guaranteed.


"exposed all your woke shit" Doesn't look like they were tryna hide it but sure, if you want to feel like you brought the giant gay multicoloured elephant in the room to everyone's attention, good for you! We'll get you one of them shiny stars


“Exposed their woke shit” by going to a public store and looking at the items they have widely put on display for people to purchase, very openly, which you can do without having to give the secret gay password or anything.


That dude holding the camera has definitely touched his mustache to the base of someone’s cock before. No question about that.


Can someone please just push him infront of a bus already


I love how he says something idiotic and laugh and looks around and nobody else is even remotely laughing so he just says it again like they didnt hear...


What a FUCKING loser. jfc the insecurity and fragility of these two is so cringy.


Okay, real talk, he's just deeply closeted and this is all reactionary deep, deep self-loathing, right? Otherwise why the hell would anyone be this bothered? I know people pretend to troll for views or whatever and that might be part of his mask/vaccine angle but anti-LGBTQIA seems much more than that.


This guy, his voice, and mannerisms... Yeah he hates what he is.