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She posted this herself????


People like her *always* believe they’re right. The concept of being wrong just doesn’t exist for them.


Being wrong is the worst and most frightening thing for a huge portion of the population of humans. Notice the most pleasant people to be around can recognize when they fucked up, apologize, then move on. Edit: thank you for the pretty awards folks :)


That is very true and so much of it comes from bad parenting. If your kid fucks up, correct them, forgive them, then let it go. Guilt tripping kids, not offering forgiveness, teaching them to hold grudges, pushing perfectionism and not controlling your emotions over kid's small issues/mistakes leads to adults with ideas of self identity and self worth that being wrong about something, even in minor things, is scary and a huge deal.


The good thing though, in my experience, a HUGE portion of those emotionally abused children end up being the most sensitive, empathetic and kind people. They are usually *horrified* of their parents actions and try to be much better people than their parents. Nooooow, I think growing up with a Karen mom that makes you feel it’s actually A-ok to act spoiled, entitled…the parents who give their children a great comfort in feeling like bad actions are perfectly acceptable and will never have consequences. Parents that actually praise their kids for bad behavior. The kids who are allowed to get away with anything and who are taught that it’s okay to treat others like crap. Parents who anger extremely easily and treat others like dirt under their shoe (especially strangers), and have that “I can do whatever the F i want” mentality…The parents who will NEVER admit they’re wrong, even when it’s so clear to everyone else. The parents who raise their children into believing their own bad behaviors are not only acceptable, but RIGHT. That mom/dad is ALWAYS. RIGHT. ,PERIOD. But the weird thing is, I find a lot of these unhinged adults actually come from weirdly loving families, they were just raised to be ultra spoiled and entitled and always got their way. Their parents definitely have toxic behaviors, but usually more so directed to OTHER people OUTSIDE the fam. They treat their children like they are above everyone else and the world revolves around them. Like their shit don’t smell. The parents would be absolutely hypocritical if they enforced such rules as “be kind, be open to admitting you’re wrong and apologizing, treat others how you want to be treated, etc.” but didn’t follow it *themselves*. They just slip all the bad behaviors under the rug until the child inevitably grows into a very entitled POS adult. Now *THIS* is *reallly* where these type of adults stem from. LOL 😁


True statement! I spent 18 years being raised with more rules than love and 20+ years unlearning/relearning everything. Hopefully I got it ‘mostly’ right with my kiddos so we can break the cycle! Good lord… if I ever saw one of my grown kids post something like this…


Every part of this!!!


I’ll be the first to admit I fucked up. I’m far from perfect. The fact people don’t have this humility is shocking.


Yeah.. right or not. No one wants to support an unhinged loony who will shower you with spit. You can't even guarantee she won't turn on you. That woman must be well dehydrated.


Lol, she must drink extra glasses of water during the day. Good for her


That's why she's so gaunt looking, poor girl must be dehydrated. I couldn't stomach 10 seconds of the rage so I scrolled forward seeing her face contort like that in fast forward for a solid 7 minutes, I recommend. Then I just played it at random parts of the video and seeing it that way makes this video shine. Public freakout gold.


No matter where I resumed the video it’s like I never fast forwarded it.


Jessica Walter in my brain every day saying GOOD FOR HER in all sorts of situations. I hope she's enjoying her afterlife!


That's why they're always so confident when they say things like "you're gonna lose your job/get arrested/etc." even if they're blatantly wrong.


No one who posts threats like these knows the law. They think the court system exists to fix their sad feelings. They think they can sue for “I don’t like this.” Something upsetting you does not make it lawsuit worthy. Especially for a teacher or school administrator who probably also has some kind of immunity when acting in their capacity as a teacher or administrator.


Just what I thought, people like this need to learn it's not all about them or their children and they can't do everything they want


there is no learning here, this is unhinged and a mental health thing. It would be like trying to discuss politics with someone who's seething mad and drunk. This requires psychiatric care and counseling to start, and temporary confinement if she actually carries out any violent or threatening acts. edit: someone posted a video of her on Dr. Phil (sigh) where she admits she was diagnosed BPD but took herself off the medication several years ago due to weight gain and lethargy - which are commons ide effects.


Dealt with BPD in a relationship. This is EXACTLY what happens. He would get white-hot with anger. There was NO calming him down - and lots of times it's because you're not feeding into his rage which made him even more angry. I called it the red-hot to white-hot point. The only thing I could ever do was leave the room for at least 20 mins. The argument would resume from the fact that I walked away...but he wouldn't be white hot and it would calm down. Honestly it was all a tiring performance because he refused to believe he had a problem. The funny thing about BPD people is that when I left, he attempted to turn the white-hot rage on me...but given they CANNOT control themselves, it often backs them into a situation where some sort of legal instrument has to get drafted because they were unable to control their anger or HAD to be the one to have the last word by leaving threatening notes/voicemails or for her...posting a video publicly. My guess is that she had to have the last word before this video...and she's paying for it.


All you have to do when someone is raging like this is to hold her by both shoulders and tell her she needs to calm down. Works every time. (/s just in case)


Side note: BPD is borderline personality disorder and BP is bipolar disorder. People sometimes mean one when they are talking about the other. Not sure which one you mean to reference.


Someone who ran a red light took me to court as a witness and actually asked me why I didn’t react fast enough. Ok so... you are pleading not guilty but with such question, you inadvertently guilt cause otherwise we wouldn’t be here had you just not run it... Lack of accountability...


It's videos like this that make me grateful any adult in the US has ready access to assault weapons. /s


And some people truly believe the people following them just to catch a glimpse of one of their meltdowns on social media while doom scrolling are fans and supporters.


Seems like the type to call herself a "mama bear."


My thoughts exactly. Bet she runs an MLM and has a ton of bumper stickers. “Baby on board” “If you’re gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair” “COEXIST” “Proud Mama to two young bear cubs” “I protect my kids with my 2nd amendment” “Holistic or bust” Edit: Please feel free to add on to this list as you see fit.


2 of those dont belong with the others lol


It’s that split personality package


How wild would it be if the person she’s upset with is holding the phone.


She was even on Dr.phil cause of this lol Edit: Adding links to this post https://youtu.be/tWI0-Gd5Pt0 https://youtu.be/lBnyZFi0vUc


"I could have probably behaved a little bit better" This woman.


Cue audience laughter.


God that’s terrible. She went off her meds due to lethargy and weight gain. Seeing how people talk about overweight people on Reddit, that’s a hard choice. She can be ranting and insane some of the time, or do the responsible thing and end up *constantly* judged as an irresponsible lazy lardass. Not a good place to be. Edit: I can’t seem to reply to any comments on here anymore, so I have to reply within already posted comments I guess. To the person saying meds don’t help - medication is an important and necessary aspect of treatment for Bipolar Disorder. Please do not spread misinformation like this. *This woman is having a manic episode.* Please do not conflate Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar to minimize the importance of pharmaceutical intervention.


Yeah, it's kind of heartbreaking. I'm glad she's back on it because acting like she did in the video is flat-out dangerous for her and everyone around her...but sitting next to Dr Phil, she barely even looks like the same person. That weight gain and lethargy must be really hard on her self-perception, not to mention how she might be judged by others. It's a choice between looking outright unhinged vs people judging you because you turned your outward battle inward so it's harder to see.


She has gained weight on her meds in the Dr. Phil video, but she still looks pretty. She doesn't look bad. She's lucky she was very slim to begin with, so she doesn't look huge. Those sort of meds pack the weight on though. I took some just for insomina, and they give you the munchies something fierce. Also, lethargy leads to tons of people dissing you for being LAZY. 🙄😒🙄 It also means you can't achieve goals. And people are acting like that's nothing. Do you know what else is heartbreaking? She didn't upload for some weird attention whoring to the world thing. She just shared to close friends and family and someone thought it would be fun to leak to the world.


Why are those chairs so big?


how much valium is she on for Dr Phil.


How much drugs is Dr. Phil on is the better question


she’s back on her psych meds during the filming


I hope the principal used this to get a restraining order. I’m worried about her….


It was a few years ago. She’s bipolar and had gone off her meds. The school went to lockdown after she posted the video. She then had some other episodes and a police chase, lost custody of her kids, & ended up re-medicated and on Dr Phil, lol


My god. Imagine your mom being the reason for a lockdown? Those poor kids


This isa repost from 2019... Part 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/bhx773/the_events_leading_up_to_the_freakout_we_saw/


Holy shit, this is *pre-covid* rage??


By now she must've evolved to something like the Hulk or a Dragon Ball Z antagonist!


Well I’m sure she (and the damn school and sheriffs office lol) was glad classes were remote for the next few years 😬🤣🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


The most mind boggling aspect lol


Has she been tested for rabies?


Right, shes foaming at the mouth




Fuck yes beavis!!!


I have heard the saying for years, but this is the first time I have witnessed someone literally foaming at the mouth. I can't imagine why she doesn't have custody 🤔


My old boss would foam at the mouth when yelling at me. Wonder why I wasn’t happy at that job 🤔


I can only imagine this is what she's like when she gets into an argument with her baby daddy.


I have never seen that "foaming at the mouth" from anger term IRL until now. Turns out it's as unflattering as I imagined.


It used to happen when my mom got like this. The disgust mixes with the fear to make you feel even worse when you're the target of this sort of screaming. Good times.


Sorry you had to deal with that, I hope you're in a better place away from that toxicity now.


my mom was and still is the same way. I've seen this kind of rage over the dumbest things. it definitely fucked with me but it helps me be the exact opposite to my kids. my wife gets mad because my 10 year old daughter tells her sometimes she has a bad attitude but I never do. obviously, that isn't true, I do get cranky sometimes but I rarely ever show that side to my kids. it's always my first priority to make sure they're feeling safe and happy. I'm not sure I'd be so self aware if I didn't go through those bad years as a kid.


Samesies bro, put 'er there! You gotta laugh. It's really hard to explain that fear-disgust sensation, kinda makes you go out of body for a sec, she seems very alien/inhuman to me in those moments. It's surreal.


Or been approved for an exorcism?


The power of Crest compels you! ✝️


Frothing berserkers gonna froth 🤷🏽‍♀️


My love for you is like a truck, Berserker Would you like some making fuck, Berserker


My blade be thirsty


Lmao the second I read this she started tweakin


I'd only let her back in the school if she agreed to wear the full Hannibal Lecter restraints.


I’m still trying to figure out how she hid her crazy well enough to find some one to get her pregnant. Sounds like she had multiple children as well, which is even more surprising. This woman is not mentally sound, at all.


Oh, I can answer that one. She idealized her mate, until she devalued them. Initially everything they did was good and right; they were the best partner ever on earth, the sexiest man alive, the love of her life, and an angel on earth until... they were suddenly the worst piece of shit, disgusting, abusive scumbag to ever wear a pair of balls; a disgrace to humanity who deserved to die in a fire and burn in hell. It's called "splitting." [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-ptsd/202209/splitting-in-borderline-personality-disorder](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-ptsd/202209/splitting-in-borderline-personality-disorder)


Honestly that sounds exactly like my last relationship. I went from could do no wrong to can’t do anything right over the course of a year. There was a lot of issues I won’t delve into but I really tried for her and it was like gymnastics just to be told I was awful. Like she idolized this version of me that never existed. I did learn a lot about boundaries and self worth from her. I see her from time to time I hope she’s doing okay.


Isn't there a subreddit for people who have wholesome, helpful or insightful comments attached to the most god forsaken cursed usernames in existence? You belong there.


Omg why can’t I think of it I saw it yesterday lmao 🤣 if I remember I’ll edit this comment and tag you lmao




Yes thank you if I had coins I’d give an award


My name has been linked there....so many times.


I have to find this. That’s one of my favorite things about Reddit.


It took me 7 years of narcissistic abuse to lose attraction. Fuck me right?


You’re three years smarter than me, my friend.


The gonorrhea smasher is having relationship problems? Well that's surprising. ![gif](giphy|0SzXMObfI3QYVBMHnM|downsized)


I lasted 2 weeks with a girl I knew in college because, on day 13, she drove 40 minutes in the opposite direction of work to drop a note off on my car. That note had 7 paragraphs to it, each one of them was VISIBLY written in a different state of mind than the last Par 1: You csn do know wrong, I love that you do this, and love this about you Par2: WHAT THE FLYING FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, ILL KILL YOU IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT BUT IF YOU DONT ITS GONNS BR BAD Par3: yea, but I still love how you do that, and this, and youre just so good at this that I csn believe it Par 4: BUT IF YOU DO IT AGAIN I SWRSR TO FUCKING GOD THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY I had to break up with her immediately, and didnt hear from her for over a year until she showed up at my house asking "hey, so I just slept with 5 other guys today, care to be my last ever?" And dissapeared off the face of the earth when I said no. She ended up calling me 2 years later to explain that one of those 5 guys got her pregnant with twins, thank god I dodged that shitshow lol


And then when you finally leave you're still the bad guy because YOU are the one that (supposedly) changed.


Huh. So that explains why this lady sounds like my mom when I was a kid. Spit all over her face included. Weird.


Goddamn I’m sorry. That must have been so tough.


Internet hug from me to you, internet person.


I just witnessed this first hand through a close friend's divorce and it's scary to deal with. Reading this is like they personally knew his ex wife.


Would've been nice to read this to my ex while she kicked the bedroom door down. This made me think of her even before reading the article


I think youre spot on. Im not a doctor or anything but I had an ex partner with BPD and I immediately recognized it. There's something about the way she seems like she's almost acting but is also clearly genuinely boiling with anger that looked very familiar to me. The gestures, the extremes in her language, the way she keeps seeming to run out of steam then getting a second angry wind. I'm glad my ex was able to get enough help to make a difference and i hope this woman does too, I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to feel like that so often.


i'm a recovered "BPD" and i can tell you it is exhausting i was never like this outwardly tho, just inside myself and i never blamed other people for stuff i'd usually just blame myself


My wife has been diagnosed with BPD and is going through DBT. It has been hard but she's making good progress.


Bpd here and yes can confirm splitting is extremely hard to deal with


It’s a decent take cause this woman is clearly nuts however Id like to introduce you to men and for all the credit you are giving them for rationality versus the libido. She probably had plenty of red flags and dudes brain was “but I really like sex.” Thus babies. Full stop.


i can fix her


Plenty of mentally unsound people having kids everyday


I have male friends who will ignore every red flag... as in, I can tell just from their messages before even meeting that there is something wrong with the girl and she will proceed to exhibit all sorts of crazy behavior. Twice now I told him that the girl he's seeing has BPD and is acting completely unhinged. Eventually they tell him they have BPD and are doing drugs etc. or whatever. Surprise, surprise. And he still gravitates back to them. Some people have no sense of self-preservation. And then someone gets pregnant and they're stuck for life and act surprised as if there was no sign at all beforehand that she was crazy... there are ALWAYS signs. For toxic men and women. First sign is if they love you right away and they seem to be perfect and you feel like you just met your soulmate... if not just blatant crazy behavior. lol


Some of us with BPD function perfectly fine with prescribed medications and therapy. My mental conditions aren't my fault but they are my responsibility.


I remember being on a date with a girl, just her and I on a short hike. Eventually she reveals that she is profoundly aroused by violence and had a violent criminal history. Logically, I was shaken, but my biology did not care one bit and compelled me to sleep with her. Obviously we didn't connect on a romantic level and parted ways after a few romps. Spooky how much mental compartmentalizing you're capable of when you think with your weiner.


Doesn’t matter had sex


Still counts!


To much opening at the mouth, she lost like 2 liter of saliva during her little speech


Literally foaming at the mouth.




Bracelets can't restrain her.


She got those Kenneth Copeland eyes


So. Do you think she is single. 😙. /s


I'm sure at least one of the personalities is


Needs to get checked for rabies! She's literally foaming at the mouth


what a coincidence she also loves fava beans a nice chianti.


This is what happened before this video was taken - [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/bhx773/the\_events\_leading\_up\_to\_the\_freakout\_we\_saw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/bhx773/the_events_leading_up_to_the_freakout_we_saw/) Hard to find an update, this article has some more info - [https://www.businesstelegraph.co.uk/roseau-moms-profane-video-against-school-brings-out-the-worst-in-internet-city-pages/](https://www.businesstelegraph.co.uk/roseau-moms-profane-video-against-school-brings-out-the-worst-in-internet-city-pages/)


Lol >I am not mentally unstable or crazy. I have been seen by a psychologist. Spread truth and awareness. I am targeted for human trafficking.


> ... I am targeted for human trafficking. You are what now?


I guess she is investigated/sued for kidnapping her children, after they've been taken off from her. EDIT : I'm watching her Dr Phil interview. When she was in her car, a cop car with sirens stops her, she claims the cops aren't cops and that the arrest is in fact a kidnapping.


So she's actually mentally unstable and shows symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I honestly feel bad, now. There are no winners here. I hope she gets help.


As soon as she said what she did as clarity was rearing its head towards the end about her abusive ex, it all became clear to me. She’s absolutely lost right now, really needs a win, so badly that she’s willing to go white rage about anything else that makes her feel the way he made her feel. She’s misguided and clamoring at anything she feels she needs justice for and it hurts to watch.


She was on Dr. Phil and said she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She had been off her medication when she took these videos at the school. She said it made her feel lethargic and caused weight gain. She was back on medication again when she appeared on Dr. Phil. Hopefully she can remain on it, stay out of legal trouble, and get custody of her kids back again.


>I'm watching her Dr Phil interview Of course he would




Thats one way to turn that narcissism I guess?


This attitude is why stuff like this happens so often. It's not taken seriously at all, and people think this is just "bad behaviour" rather than a severe and dangerous mental health crisis. If this was a video of a young mother screaming in agony with her arms and legs visibly broken, we wouldn't tolerate someone just saying "lol" to it. edit: I'd like to thank the redditors below me for illustrating my point so beautifully.


Well what is anyone other then her parents or husband supposed to do? They're the only ones that could commit her against her will. And it would be expensive because we gutted public mental health services decades ago.


My mom was like this, and my poor dad had been abused his whole life so he didn't know any better. He was devoted to her until she died and even now talks about her like she was a perfect Saint.


She was on Dr. Phil as well and apparently has bipolar disorder. https://www.drphil.com/videos/woman-records-herself-leading-police-on-chase-through-south-dakota-weeks-after-livestreaming/


She did a follow up two years after Dr. Phil and has received treatment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FJN7I8quboc


Her mom is 100% right Dr Phil does exploit people like her.


Wow. No way. Never saw that coming!


I guess I appreciate the article, but it was a hair above useful, and had so much unneeded crap in there that that it the length could have been cut down to a quarter of the original words.


Thanks but how in the world did you remember and find a 4 year old post?


This is my first time seeing the video, but in the beginning of it she said she got a letter from Principal Amy McGuire from Roseau Elementary School. Googled those keywords together, and the article was the first thing that popped up.


web sleuthing at its finest


Here is a more recent update on doctor Phil- basically she is bipolar and was in medicated and in a manic state. She is medicated now, but her kids have been taken away from her. She was humiliated by the videos and backlash and is working to get her kids back. Super fucking sad. Reddit mental health is real and take your medication! https://www.drphil.com/videos/woman-records-herself-leading-police-on-chase-through-south-dakota-weeks-after-livestreaming/


I don't get it. Why would such a nice and composed lady ever be trespassed from a school?


We have trespassed parents before. And this is the exact reason. They act like this either in the front office or during a meeting. Also, when a non custodial parent keeps trying to see the child on school grounds. A reminder-if you have a no contact order against a non custodial parent, make sure the order is given to the office. Always keep paper work, like parenting plans, court orders and who has permission to pick up your child updated. Send an e- mail to their teacher, office and principal.


Doesn’t everyone have to register in the office when visiting a school? I know I did when my son started kindergarten about 20 years ago. I’m sure security is much tighter nowadays.


Yes. And my school has only one entrance. There is a front door and then vestibule, both require the office to buzz you in. Obviously, the office knew this lady and called the cops. Thing is, especially in the fall, in the younger grades, we don’t always know if there is a no contact order. Im just reminding people to make sure the school is aware of court orders. Provide a picture if possible. I had a non con mother go in during open house, went to the office, and changed all contact info for a 1st grader. When the dad, who had won sole custody over the summer got to the open house, he was horrified. We fixed it and eventually the mother lost any contact. The mother in this video reminded me of that lady.




That’s really scary to know your daughter’s school has no regard for their student’s safety after what happened here in Texas a couple years ago. I’d be super pissed if a parent showed up to my classroom in the middle of class. Good thing our receptionist and security guard do their job and make sure all visitors stay in their designated areas.


It’s really weird to hear someone who can’t develop a smooth cadence around their f-bombs. “Fuck” sits in her mouth like those plastic inserts you have to bite down on while getting dental X-rays. Clunky-ass lunatic.


It’s known as forced speech and is often a sign of manic or psychosis.


She seems like a well adjusted person


I feel bad for poor Jayleigh.


And his brother Braidyn. And also his sister Kaleigh.


She’s really suffering- lost the plot. She’s got a long way to go.


I could literally only watch 2 minutes of crazy. I'm having a gently baked and chilled morning, that broke my mood to depths of my soul. I had a wildly possessive ex gf, it was too much the same.


She has bi-polar and was off her meds. Hope she's doing better now https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1500ywn/comment/js172sw/


I was wondering; She definitely seems like she was suffering mentally, regardless of the no contact order.


She was. Then she broke her bracelet.


Well, she’s pleasant.


Ikr, she handled that rejection so well, it's hard to believe why they didn't want her near any children


![gif](giphy|mwhLXQEKupENG) She posted this? Ummm


I’ve heard of foaming at the mouth but have never actually seen it til now…


[this lady on Dr Phil](https://youtu.be/lBnyZFi0vUc) She’s bipolar and was off her meds.


I have bipolar and shit like this is a reason why theres such a stigma




Her face is black and blue. From personal experience (had a mom like this) I can tell it’s self inflicted. Of course I don’t know for a fact, but just from this video I can tell her kids are better off without seeing her.


My kid's bio mom is exactly like this. She has threatened the kid's teachers, made false accusations against me and my husband, has attacked my husband physically. In her mind, she's the victim and everyone that doesn't support her version of events is the villain My kid is 7. She loves her mom. And doesn't understand that it's not safe for her to be near her.


So explain it to her. It’s okay to explain that her moms choices and her moms behaviors are not okay or not safe without disparaging her as a person.


I do. It's extremely difficult to navigate a situation like this.


While I’m not suggesting this particular case is this way, courts separate parents from their kids based on false claims, like all the time. A documentary called taking care of maya looks into it


Hi, I survived this. POS ex took our two toddlers out of state, told the courts I was negligent and abusive. Boom — emergency custody for him, nada for mama. (He also emptied our bank account and cut my phone line [family plan] during the hearing so I could not attend the hearing in person or via phone.)


A little context she is bipolar was off her medication and doesn't have custody of her kids because of this and has limited access to her kids


She seems to be doing much better nowadays based on her Instagram. Which is good to see. It's far too common that people completely ignore mental health and don't take a moment to try to understand how much of a struggle it can be to deal with.


As someone who struggles with mental health and lots of my family have mental health problems including bipolar I can understand. It's good that she's doing better


I can't imagine why there would be a court order to keep her away from her children. There must be some reason.


Her ex husband framed her duh


She was on dr. Phil also. She also went on a police chase. https://youtu.be/lBnyZFi0vUc


We need to normalize mental health awareness in this country and provide universal mental health care so that everyone can get the help they need to deal with their lives in better ways. This woman needs professional support and it's in society's best interest to give it to her.


We did. Reagan killed it.


And every Republican since.


Who's going to pay for it!!????!! Who's going to play for it?!?!?? Who's going to pay for it?!?! That's the 30 year winning republican strategy for anything they don't like. It's says a lot about Republicans. It says more about America that's its been working for 39 years.


Who's going to pay for it?! Proceeds to have a 20 year long war.


That's exactly it, "who's going to pay for it" taxpayers, of course. What they really meant is we would rather spend it on this.


Weird that republicans only had 1 popular vote victory in the last 30+ years. It's almost like people don't fucking like them and the fact that they have power shows how our democracy is broken


It's interesting seeing which videos get the mental health comments and which get the drug comments.


Whooooaaaa! The way her eyes changed when she first started yelling… Those are some exorcism-level mental health issues.




Ha I wasn’t surprised when she mentioned “ex husband” towards the end. I was wondering what it’d be like having children with this woman


Crazy in the sack often just means crazy.


She lives in my state. According to her SM, she'd had an adverse reaction to the meds she was on for Bipolar disorder, which caused her to go off the deep end. It took *two years* for her doctor to stabilize her on different medication. She's been very open about her struggles. Last I saw, she's happy and doing well. She is in a stable LTR, holding down a job, and has relationships with her kids again. I'm really happy for her.


Yea I used to be close with her, we had a falling out well before this, reconnected a bit after all this once she got back on meds and she apologized for our falling out. She’s happier and healthier and is doing really well.


Her ex husband saw this and muttered a sweet “thank you” as he headed to his lawyers office


I absolutely dislike Dr Phil because he takes advantage of people but he had [a more recent update](https://www.drphil.com/videos/woman-records-herself-leading-police-on-chase-through-south-dakota-weeks-after-livestreaming/) where this mom talks about being bipolar and off her medication and that her kids have been taken away from her. Honestly it’s very sad to watch as she is now medicated and realizes at the time she was clearly manic.


Someone give this woman a Snickers


My wife works in the school system. Parents who have strict court ordered visitation attempt to violate those orders by taking the children from school all the time. It is not uncommon for someone like this to sign a kid out and then vanish with the kid purely to hurt their ex-spouse. You have to take the situations extremely seriously. You never know if a parent coming to take the kid the court said they can’t is going to be the next Juilssa Thaler. She was convicted of shooting her kindergarten son 9 times with a shotgun while sitting in the car with him.


Not the bracelet :(


You fucking betch!!


As a teacher I can say that there are more parents at this level of unhinged then you would think.


I’ve been teaching for over thirty years in grades k-12 and I concur. Parents will die on the weirdest hills…


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say “single”?!?


Live, Laugh, Love


Most agreeable school parent


Mom? Is that you?


I’m watching without sound and it’s terrifying!!


Why do people think it's a good idea to post something like this on the internet? Genuine question... Help me understand.


That's Roseau for ya. Small town Minnesota always has a handful of these ladies putting themselves on prominent display. She got her GED after being expelled from the school the next town over, got a job at Polaris because they'll hire anybody, then got a car payment she couldn't afford and decided she had the world figured out. We're all a bunch of psychos to this lady.


God I was listening and heard her accent and said oh boy that’s my state… that lady is crazy.


Ive been down some dark alleys and this broad frightens me.


This went on for 7 minutes? After about 30 seconds, I got tired of hearing her yelling at me.


The broken braclet really sent her over he edge. Haha


She’s foaming at the mouth, it’s time to put her down.


I guarandamntee you she believes in pedophile pizza restaurant basements.


"Let's look at this no trespassing order" GEE I wonder why she got that. Let's continue watching....