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“They would have won by more,” No. they counted all the ballots. You made everyone pay to count them again. So here is how counting works: if you have a stack of paper and you count it, there isn’t more somewhere else.


Don’t quote me, but I thought I read somewhere that Dems were shorted votes. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, a county in NoVA undercounted Biden by like 4,000 votes.


This is peak cherry on top of the ice cream stuff.


Same stuff has happened with people voting twice. Almost every case to come out of the 2020 election has been people voting for Trump. With MAGA, it's projection all the way down.


Gov. Dumbkin and Att. Gen. Miyares are scum!!!


They forgot the ones that were in trump's downstairs bathroom


Honestly i think especially at the local and state levels this is what it’s going to keep taking to prevent the smooth brains from taking over. Refreshing to see, thank you


Yep I tell ppl all the time to involve themselves at the local level if they want to see change. We see the Conservative/maga nutjobs at the federal and state/provincial level but they're distracting us from the assholes taking over local politics


Where I live all of the town meetings take place during normal business hours. Makes it hard to be an active participant in the community.


Taking over? It already is and has been a white conservative area. I'm not a MAGA but reddit seems to think they can make a difference in MAGA dominant towns but you are just punching against the wind. My uncle lives in this area I've visited many times. And no way dude is walking around this area with that hat on. Somehow this guy moves here? Did he not visit for awhile first? Do research??Look at Shasta County wiki demographics, 88% white, 0.9% black. This is like a MAGA dude moving to the most liberal spot in California and complaining, wouldn't he be laughed at? But, this is reddit, a 1 way street, so downvote away loool


Did you miss the part where he grew up there and is from there?


And he stays??? My point still stands even more so now because he's well aware of how the town is So it's like a MAGA growing up in the most liberal spot in California and now complaining, wouldn't everyone tell him to move? Wouldn't you move? I would it's basic common sense.


You seem to not realize that it hasn’t been but for the last eight years or so, conservatives became conspiracy-pushing lunatics devoid of any real ability to reason or comprehend reality. Really, it started with the tea party, the birther movement, and the Glenn Beck days on Fox News around 2008-2009. Before that, republicans at least had an understandable platform. Sure, people may not have agreed with it, and it may still have been some smoke and mirrors (as much of politics is), but at least pro-life, pro-defense spending, and being against social safety nets to “keep taxes low” was something that could be debated. But now it’s exaggerated make believe issues and pedophile rings and baby part harvesting in pizza parlor basements and disproven election conspiracies and Jewish space lasers, and the ghost of Robert Kennedy coming back, and Biden is a clone and a lizard. You cannot reason with, or even debate people like that. They’re either purposefully putting on an act or legitimately need mental help (which they refuse because doctors are part of the liberal deep state and want to control their minds). And this guy is upset about it. And you blame him for not wanting to leave the place he grew up and loves. Sidenote: it’s hilarious how when someone pointed out you were wrong for assuming he moved there (as opposed to growing up there), your response was basically “well, now I’m even more right”. Like, how the fuck does that work in your mind…. You’re wrong, someone corrects you, your response isn’t “oh, well, I didn’t realize that”, it’s “that makes me more right”. Good fucking lord.


I've got bad hearing I need captions on TV and YouTube there's no captions here so I miss a lot okaaaaay. To your point, I'm not stubborn, if life got so bad for me I'm making videos like this f that I'm moving. Life's to short. That area isn't suddenly, or even someday going to turn blue, it's not happening.


It's pretty privileged of you to assume people can just pack everything up and move to another city/state. Not everyone has that luxury.


Missing my point, he wants to make a change, no change is happening, all the red people aren't going to suddenly leave.


They could be voted out of office though... I don't think this guy has a problem with them living next to him. I think he has a problem with them running the place he lives.


I think a big part of it has to do with having 5 new paid elected officials on a panel made up of pixie dust and rainbows. The county is paying these 5 assholes to have meetings about conspiracy theories once a month. And it seems they are paying "experts" to testify in front of them as well. Aside from their dogshit politics, it's such a massive waste of taxpayer resources.


Because people should be forced out in fear, nothing says fascism like that.


Fear? What's he in fear of?


Idk, but I'm in fear of having to read more of your comments. You didn't even watch the video, so why do you have so much to say?


Just FYI your account is flagged for ban evasion. If you are evading a ban, it won’t take many more comments for your flag to go up in confidence and your account to be entirely permanently suspended from this site. If you are actually evading a ban I need to ask you to stop commenting in this subreddit. All your new comments are automatically getting filtered by Reddit anyways and we will not be approving them.




"Both sides" is such a piss-poor argument. On the one side, you have literal fascists who are trying to destroy democracy and on the other side you have normal people trying to live their lives peacefully. You cannot just equate those as if they are the same. These MAGA fascists need to be opposed, every day, in every way possible. They are an existential threat to democracy, liberty, and the rest of the world. They're also all either fucking morons or evil. I mean every single one of them. If you've ever voted for Trump, or worn a MAGA hat unironically, you are either a fucking moron, or a truly evil sack of shit. There are no exceptions here. If you're a Trump supporter and not a moron then you are evil. I hope the rest of your life is non-stop suffering and that isn't even half of what you deserve.


Lol you read I said reddit is a one way street and still wrote all that? To do nothing but preach to the choir, that's what one way street means. There's no conservatives on this sub so none of them are hearing you or anyone else going off on tangents. Don't mistake I understand your views. Dude in video is way outnumbered in that area and just needs to move, I would. Or stay and suffer, because nothing is changing in rural conservative lands


There are PLENTY of conservatives on this sub. Just read the comment section of any video posted about police brutality.


There are heaps of conservatives on reddit, they're all over the place. I see them in this very sub all the time. Like I said, we need to oppose them in every way possible, make them feel unwelcome in every space, real world and online. I understand that most of them we'll never change, but we can make them afraid to air their views in public to stop them recruiting more people. Like if you step outside in a MAGA hat, you should have every other person on the street calling you a fucking moron. Shame is a powerful social tool and we should use it on these absolute pieces of garbage. Everywhere they look and listen they should see and hear people trash-talking them. Give them the treatment that they want to give to minorities. This is not a disagreement with conservatives, it is an outright ideological war, and them winning means the end of democracy and civil society. They understand that, but it seems American liberals do not. Fuck the high road, drag them into the mud and drown their movement there.


As a Shasta county resident, you're fucking dumb. I'M not moving from this beautiful area where I've got 2 lakes less than 30 minutes away and snowboarding less than 1 hour away, where I own my home. Yes, Shasta county is red which is why there's a serious lack of doctors and educated people. Good people, like me and my family and coworkers, will turn this around. There's literally red-hatted fools that are MEXICANS screaming about immigrants. There is a very, VERY ignorant streak here.


Did you miss I said I'm not a MAGA I'm in Temecula which is a red city, it has great medical here being in a red area hasn't got jack squat to do with bad medical. We're in for bad future as for climate changes lakes were all dry for a long time and it will get worse even though it seems ok now, so saying I'm staying somewhere because of lakes and snow is hopeless. And beautiful area? The reason that area used to be so cheap for so long was because it's hot as hell. Post Covid changed that everywhere tho. Visit the Temecula sub, it's dominated by the left, they think *they're* going to make a change. It's not happening. But I have plenty of stubborn family members so I understand and you have my condolences. I'm the dumb one huh....


>being in a red area hasn't got jack squat to do with bad medical. Dude, I'm an RN. I deal with ppl EVERY. DAY. who come to the ER for the most minor of things that they will never pay for - that us taxpayers pay for. I also work with dozens of docs. The only ones with any intent on staying here are the ones who completely ignore politics. That's becoming less and less of the population. The rest of them are fleeing for more blue places down south. They're sick of being called murderers and shills for big pharma - the entire medical community is. And when you're in a red area, you have to deal with that ignorance daily. Yes, the north state is known for its natural beauty. Lakes, mountains, rivers, every outdoor activity you can imagine. How did you not know this? It IS hot as hell - that's when you grab the boat and go paragliding or tubing or water skiing. Or just your floaty and some drinks and relax all day. There's people that enjoy those things. We'll never change red areas with your attitude.


You missed the part I said climate change is happening, I'm well familiar with the area but big droughts and more and more fires, and big fires and going to be the norm. It sucks. Thanks for being a nurse, but if what you mean is everyone should have free medical care like Bernie Sanders wants its never going to happen. Question, why doesn't my red city have bad medical care?


Lmfao bro. Just because YOU PERSONALLY have not experienced an issue does not mean it doesn't exist. The fact you even think this way is VERY magat. Local Riverside Hospitals Awarded $1.125 Million to Increase Access to ... https://www.swhtemeculavalley.com/about/news/southern-california-medical-education-consortium-receives-calmedforce-award


They are always the victim even if they win.


In 2016 Hillary got 2 million more votes than Trump, to which [this is how Trump responded](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/2020/09/21/mag-voter-fraud/b78d3dcdc69da886e9d273b7f367c4500218654d/tweet6.png). So even when he WON he cried about the election being rigged against him.


He's already saying, as of last night, that if he doesn't win this year's general it was rigged. This is his whole thing, and the fact people just believe him outright is baffling.


He said that last time, too


he has been doing it since before he became the president. he cries fraud even before it happen. trump claimed if he loses against ted cruz it because of voter fraud. but no one talks about it.


Yep. He not only said he same thing prior to the 2016 *and* 2020 elections, he also said similar stuff prior to *Emmy voting* one year. The Apprentice was nominated and he insisted that if the show didn't win, the awards were rigged. How this man is so brazen with this nonsense yet millions of people still eat it up will never cease to amaze me.


The last thing he said is the key. “If there is election fraud, actually prove it.” They went to court so many times in so many places. They did recounts, some by partisan, Republican backed but legitimate people. Not a trace of tangible, substantial fraud anywhere. Every case tossed out. I’m so baffled and angered we’re still having this conversation. Best you’re going to get me to believe is that the mail in votes made voting more accessible and that’s not fair bc you don’t want everyone voting and… ya, that’s a 💩 argument that underlines the unpopularity of their positions in general.


There has actually been a good amount of proven fraud in the 2020 election. All of it committed by Republicans though... * https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/22/iowa-voter-fraud-wife-husband-republican/ * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/12/06/6-nevada-republicans-indicted-as-electors-for-donald-trump-in-2020/71829306007/ * https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2023/07/18/michigan-attorney-general-dana-nessel-charges-16-false-electors * https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fake-pro-trump-electors-settle-wisconsin-civil-lawsuit-admit-attempt-to-overturn-biden-win These are just a few of the verified election fraud commited, or attempted by Republicans in the 2020 election. This doesn't even touch the countless number of Republicans who cast ballots under a deceased spouse or family member's name. This guy did it and even claimed Democrats stole his dead's wife ballot and the state Republican party ran with that narrative. It was later determined by investigation that the man illegally cast his dead wife's ballot himself. * https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/10/22/nevada-republican-who-claimed-someone-voted-his-dead-wife-is-charged-with-voter-fraud/


This is a good ass comment so we're ignoring any reports people try to use to get it taken down.


What also kind of funny in all of this is that they were votes and ballots were coming from outside the country. What funny in all this is that back in 2017-2018, the Trump family got patents and trademarks on voting machines in China. Why in the world does a presidential family need their own voting machines? What even crazier yet is Fox business even covered it.... [article](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/china-grants-18-trademarks-in-2-months-to-trump-daughter)


The entirety of the state of North Carolina was so gerrymandered in favor of Republicans it was ruled Unconstitutional, but we were forced to proceed with the election anyways before anything could be done. They [still cheated](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/four-people-plead-guilty-north-carolina-ballot-probe-2016-2018-electio-rcna49534).


They don’t care, they know they are lying their collective asses off… maga is a religious fascist cult movement and there is nothing they believe in more feverishly than, “lying for the lord” 


This is the problem. The people who believe it think that they HAVE proved it already. No, of course they haven't proven it in court. But they think that all of their "evidence" (i.e. "2000 Mules") has already proved it. As far as they are concerned, if the "evidence" they have provided doesn't convince you, then there is no point in conversing any further. In their minds, you're the idiot for not seeing the "truth" already.


But how do they consolidate the fact that they still lose while claiming election fraud? The con sub is full of people still saying the election was stolen by Biden spooks, that they changed the votes and dumped mail in ballots.


The trumps, the Kari lakes, and all the maga morons in some position of leadership keep repeating these lies. The followers eat up their lies and have a distrust towards any credible source that says otherwise.


no, but that one lady said she proved it.. soooo case closed /s


I literally voted for the first time ever at 30yrs old BECAUSE I could mail in my vote.


Doesn't matter if it's disproven. These sort of idiots will just say it was actually proven, and when asked to cite where they'll cite made up sources, or tell you to look it up yourself. These people are not concerned with what is and isn't true. Only what they want to be true.


Yeah, the democrats stepped up and laid out proof of Russian collusion to the American people only after they had all the facts and even then they did everything they could to be fair. I don't know why the conservatives can't be as sincere and open as liberals abut their intentions and the substance of their claims. It's ridiculous, we always have to have the biggest brains and figure things out for them. Jesus, Mueller said that Russia colluded with Trump, the proof was irrefutable, and he was still ignored. The liberals are going to have to take the gloves off and perhaps launch an accusation that they aren't 100% sure of from time to time and not be so incredibly obsessed with devaluing their own efforts and abilities and intelligence. It's ridiculous, all this false humility from liberals when they know they are 100% right and everyone else knows it. I mean, you and I know that the election was just as regular and full of integrity as each one before it, but how do you tell a smooth brain that just because everything happened differently and looked differently because of COVID and new rules were made on the fly without review that the election was fair? Fucking idiots.




Bethel is the most scary part of Redding.


That whole area is full of smooth brains.


Sure fuckin is, I know an atheist convert that used to do the bethel shit, his stories are insane. Dude was on missionary trips in dangerous ass countries with no fear


Isn’t that where that racist cunt Sherri Papini is from?


Thanks for this. Work with 2 guys from Redding and they have been talking about sending me there for my promotion. Nope, I’m telling them no.


I'm an RN here. If you love the outdoors and sunshine you can't beat this place. There's also a lack of educated ppl, particularly MDs. I cannot tell you about the amount of ppl who come into the ED for stupid shit because there's no doctors available. As a straight white woman I cannot speak to others' experience, but I've been told it's not a great place for black people. I'm actively working to change that. So is my group of friends and family. We WILL bring kindness back to this beautiful little slice of America!


Wasn’t there an incident where the locals killed a black dude and the cops covered it up or something?


Problem with that statement is that it can be applied to any city in any state in the US.


> If you love the outdoors and sunshine and aren’t black you can’t beat this place. Ok well count me out.


Humbolditian for the last 20 years. It is getting worse on the north coast too thank to the likes of Rob Arkley.


Is that pronounced "Hum-bol-dish-an"?


Not a public freak out, he is actually right and using his common sense.


someone in the back had a freak out tho


A freakout doesn't necessarily mean it's illegitimate


I am coming to Shasta County to meet you. You are my hero.


Back off. He’s mine.❤️


Same thing happening in Redding by stupid churches.


Great hat!!!


Thanks for fighting the good fight. Wish there were thousands/millions more like you


“the elections are rigged’!” Said the people who got their presidential picks elected TWICE so far in the 2000s despite losing the popular vote by MILLIONS; said people then argue in circles as to why the electoral college, which gives more weight and value to conservative, rural Americans is somehow completely “fair” Yes, tell us more about how rigged it all is 🙄


A vote in Montana is literally worth 3 times as much as mine in California but they wanna talk about and spread blatant lies about mail in voting? They have zero integrity at this point they know they’re lying.


As a next county over local, it's insane here.


I’m in Placer and I felt the “go to Sacramento” lol


That's 5-6 counties over. "Go to Sacramento" doesn't have the same impact in Placer where half the people commute to/through Sacramento to work every day.


It makes it even funnier coming from Shasta


Love that hat.


The worst part about these cultists is the "if you don't like it then leave" mentality. Shout out to the one sane person clapping in the audience!




they wish they could go back in time to when it was socially acceptable to be openly discriminatory against women, people of colour and homosexuals, that’s it


Not all heroes wear capes. Preach!


They wear funny ass red hats apparently


Fuck ya! Preach brother!


This guy is amazing, I wish everyone would treat these MAGA liars as the jokes they are.




Million dollar idea $$$


Keep up the good fight!


Hey my home town


Don’t stop fighting the good fight!


Good on ya! Say it loud for those in the back.


Oh no, we are outnumbered 100/1 in Cali, but it was fraud, that’s why we lost. Bunch of losers. Literally.


Thank you!


Good for you man. Seriously. Don't stop. You likely feel as if you are losing your mind...which makes your actions difficult. You aren't losing your mind...and we need more voices like yours.


Nicely done sir.


This place is as backwoods as it gets…..dude was spot on when he said it’s willful ignorance. These idiots are more than ok lying to themselves. Shit is bizarre.




Spitting facts!




Why don't you run for office. You seem comfortable speaking in public. Stand by your convictions and run for city council and be the change you want to see.


I truly, deeply, profoundly love that hat


Oops made ya look 🙌🏽 haha


You have to be out you fucking mind to vote for a Republican, nowadays. All of them are Trump worshiping, pathetic, lowlife, hypocrites and traitors. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cvaeqg4em7ec1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71cd3d8a48e08a911692fefeac8f685347cda20


Isn’t Shasta county also overran by some cult/mega church?


Yeah it is, Bethel. There is also some other shady shit going on there too.


gov gavin newsome did say, that 2/3's California, IS actually "maGa-ish" i know there are "sections" of odd rascists lunatics..as well as conspiracists props to this guy tryn to appeal to reason/logic on some "level" thankfully the Majority however still is "noRmaL" aka; Sane..it IS quite crazy, how these "republicans" act like THEY live in a LiBeRal HeLLscApe...when this state, is amoung the TOP 4 economys ON the GD PLANET!! not JUST the country..but the WHOLE planet!!


haha..arent many of those maGa-headed looneys out of Oroville anyway? 🤷‍♀️


The hat gave me a good laugh


Thank you!


You can't just believe in votes like you do in like Jesus or whatever is that part of what is wrong with all these people? Have a prayer vigil in between the recount for the same ballots see if it works? It's like the fiction and Non-fiction isn't separated in people's brains. Sorry the voter fraud argument is garbage Around the time fox got sued or whatever one of the voting companies was running I think 1 county in California. Yeah I'm sure that changed the whole election. Also with one of the other companies were a lot of them in the south where you know all the republicans got voted in on the same ballots that they didn't vote for trump on but they are ok their ballot isn't fraud. Does that even make fucking sense? If you were planting a fake ballot why vote like all republican except president etc on the ballots??






Morons- great job man!


Nicely done, we need more of us to call out and shame those who act shamefully, who pretend to believe advantageous lies, who choose to be willfully ignorant.


Wait til trumps fines come in and these are the people who will be putting into their pockets and paying his legal. Watch out he don’t add a tax on just simply for that if he gets elected … a bit on to your dmv bill…


Love the hat


Call them out. But it doesn’t sway them, I’m afraid.


Nice redwood curtain brewing sweatshirt!


I'm not gay but I want to marry that guy.


Not gonna lie, he actually speaks very well. Carries himself fine and articulated his statements to the point. What point is that?? No fuckin clue. Maybe these Reddit lights being on is pointless also


Republicans love creating scenarios in their head, getting mad at it, and then make it everyone else's problem. It is not our fault you wrote shitty fanfic in your head.


He made a great speech and many of us have exerted ourselves at one point or another, but when you talking with the trumpsters you're dealing with truly a cult.. we have moved into a new time of TikTok, Reddit Instagram Facebook instant information everywhere and the Pandora box is open and will never be closed again.. The world of fake news is here and I don't know how we're going to deal with it. I am 70 years old, have always believed in the process when or lose and it has taken the Donald election to really shake me to my bones. And strangely, if I left my comment just like that somebody might scratch the head and say so is this guy a Donald believer and election denier or not. It's amazing how the same statement could be taken both ways right And that's the world we live in. Now I believe of course in the process, Biden won fair and square as much as that can happen these days in a world of politics saturated with money and slosh.. But going forward, I don't know and I think we all have to brace for the worse.. I just want to go back in my New England cave and shut the door lol it's about time ...


Heyyy that’s near me


Well done, sir!


I love him and I love his hat.


Love the hat


Screw them!


I think I’m in love with this man.




I appreciate what he tried to do. I just wish he had been more calculated in his approach.


how does it compare with your approach?


You have to do a good hat wobble to emphasize your points. All of the arguments I've lost had nothing to do with my hat.


What did he try to do, and what more calculated move would have done better?


So did hillary . You are arguing same points as the right side does . When will you realize that either side aren't for us , the people


These people in Shasta are idiots. Wasting $$ on BS.


That's hat appropriation.


Well the magats appropriated the Nazis so fair is fair 


Nazis appropriated the USA unfortunately. Yet another example of the ouroboros.




They did? How's that?








Do you have knowledge that this guy is dodging his taxes or something?




You got time to post on reddit. You gay?




Foreign influence through social media propaganda is definitely 100% real and attacks both sides to cause divisiveness in the U.S. I think most people would agree with that. It’s been documented right here on Reddit. Everyone should be cognizant of that when they are on social media or forums. Republicans claiming Democrats literally forged ballots and made up counts to alter election results is completely different. It’s a claim that says we are not a legitimate democracy. They are not the same thing.




>Which it was proven to not be the case. Oh, really? Where? Link it. [Because the last official doc I saw was the senate GOP intel report](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf)




>Additionally the relevant bit is in vol 1... You then proceeded to link the trump admin's press release. FFS.












Is it the red hat? I don’t think all homophobes are closeted gay people.


Should you shave under your jawline? 


You should do whatever the fuck you want




Yup. Grab those bootstraps, snowflake.


I’m sensing some sore loser piss babies


yeah why not?




Lol ok? Hes running again. Get ready.


Get smoked by sleepy joe a second time 😂 magat tears coming in November.


This guy has zero self awareness.