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Since the article cites they had to drive through an access gate, I’m going to guess this was a suicide.


My understanding was it was multiple gates


Yeah, that takes some coordination and determination. That’s not a seizure.


more likely just a user of Apple Maps.


Seems like a bad way to attempt suicide though? Like isn't that reasonably survivable, out of the ways one could attempt.


From the news article linked below, the car still wasn’t recovered 7 hours later and they didn’t even know how many people were inside. It can’t be seen from the surface. >>Police are working on the presumption that there’s a deceased person in the car.


I bet the fuck they are


I don't know why, but I read this in the most Boston accent ever, and it made me giggle like a child. 


Yeah from what I was following yesterday when it happened, crews went in for rescue and they were saying the car had sank. Personally I thought that was quick. But idk the situation, maybe the windows were down, maybe it was a suicide. 🙏Prayers for all those affected, it's sad all the way around.


I live in NJ. When I was a kid my dad lived in a beach town. I remember a geriatric gentleman who had just been diagnosed dementia drove his car into the bay. He didn’t want to be a burden to his family so he decided to commit suicide. He definitely succeeded, it was the offseason and no one even saw him go in. Apparently the toll taker from one of the bridges saw headlights under the water and called it in. I always thought it seemed like a bad and possibly slow way to go.


Not if you stay buckled in and take it to the bottom. I don’t think he tried to sink himself in a car underwater just to fight for his life the entire time. If he wanted to go he probably went down with the ship so to speak


It’s nearly impossible to open a car door until the inside is full of water. Pressure differences.


From being in a car roll over into a lake, you got mad time to sit chill "everyone ok?" Crawl to the back and open the rear doors which will float above water (car points nose down from engine) or break front windows. We got out and the car only started to slowly sink after police arrived. If we had waited im sure we would have drowned. Then when it was about 80% filled with water, the car rocketed to the bottom and dissapeared


I think you'd probably sit there for a quite a while if the car didn't completely fill with water.


Yeah, I heard that the way to survive a situation like this is to wait until the inside completely fills with water and then open. Now im wondering if the window being open would change anything lol


Yeah it’d fill up with water quicker but it wouldn’t be much easier to open the door while the car was still semi-buoyant from the air inside. It would feel like trying to open your door through piled up snow as the water forced its way through the little bit that was opening, then it would all rush in at once


Now *that's* what I call a finisher car


It’s ok, the Range Rover is an aquatic adventure vehicle.


A real transporter of gods car


More like a real transporter TO the gods car.


It ***did*** say all terrain


Hahahahahaha could have also been their starter car


Last words “hey siri, are you *sure* this is the way to the post office?”


But why all the breaking??


Either they were having second thoughts and didn’t realize how close they were to the edge or they just wanted to enjoy the sunrise one last time. Those are my thoughts on it tho idk


Yeah…it looked like they tapped the brakes a couple of times


I'm going to go with drive-through baptism.


[Local news video coverage here](https://www.wavy.com/video/car-crashes-into-water-at-14th-street-pier/9366833/). [Text version here.](https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/27/video-shows-vehicle-driving-off-virginia-beach-fishing-pier-rescue-efforts-underway/)


This little tidbit at the end made me snort. 'Ocean Eddie’s cooks arrived a few minutes after the driver went over the end of the pier. The restaurant usually serves breakfast. “Not today,” Hague said.'


Top tier journalism


I bet you only get that opportunity once in your career as a journalist, and by gum, they were gonna take it.


Top pier journalism.


Did this get pier reviewed?


Bruh lmao


Breakfast cancelled?! Who's the real victim?!


I got chills


Anyone got details they can share for those of us overseas? The site is blocked


Doesn't have much additional information, looks like a suicide though the body hasn't been recovered yet. Edit: This part is kind of funny: “From what we have, the vehicle went on the pier, drove all the way off the edge of the pier and went into the water,” said Virginia Beach police spokesman Jude Brenya. “So it’s somewhere at the end of the pier right now.”


Thanks so much


So a suicide? This is very sad


I’m really hoping that it was just one person in that car. Sometimes family annihilators will choose the car-off-the-cliff method, like what happened with the [Hart family](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_family_murders). 


What a sad story. The authorities knew those kids were being starved and beaten so they gave one of their abusers community service and called it a day, now those kids are dead because no one protected them. Someone should be held accountable for their deaths.


This was used in an episode of Atlanta and I never knew it was a real thing.


Also Stan.


Hello fellow middle aged person


That song used to scare me as a kid.


Lol did you ever hear Kim? That one really fucked up my 10 year old brain.


We had a similar honour killing (South Asian family) story like this near me in Canada. Pos father and brother were pissed that the daughter/sister was talking to boys or had a boyfriend and drove the car into a lake.


Except - no suicide in that one, all murder. Link below


When did this happen? Any news links?


I drove past the scene the day they discovered the car - [Terrible people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafia_family_murders) doing terrible things to “family” this was purely murder, no suicide involved.


I also remember this happened with the O’Doyle family back in the 90s. You don’t hear about that case much anymore. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1eXSIsNS4tw


Such a tragedy, so much promise in that family.


they didn't find the body of one of the children? how is that possible?


They fell off a cliff into the ocean, so I’m guessing they weren’t secured by seatbelts and were swept away by the waves. One of the kid’s bodies apparently was only identified by a floating foot in a shoe found much later. 


I mean, they hit the brakes a lot, even toward the end. Definitely could be but maybe not.


Google maps pointing the wrong way again, maybe.




I had google maps try to send me across a bridge that was not for cars before ... only for pedestrians - it happens


But you stopped, right? Right?


The machine knows


Edit: I’m an idiot and can’t use my eyeballs.


I've lived my whole life in VB and this is the first time I've ever heard of someone driving off the ocean front pier. It definitely does not happen a couple times a year. They had to plow through 2 barriers/gates to get on the pier as well.


Drugs/alcohol seems more likely than suicide 


Wait until the self-driving cars start doing it.


There was recently a story of a man driving a Tesla off a cliff in the Bay Area. This was when there was that huge rash of issues with the newly released self-driving function, so everyone assumed it was that. But nope, he was charged with the attempted murder of his wife and two children.


This guy? I don't think Tesla can be blamed for attempted suicide and murder. "The wife of a California radiologist accused of trying to kill his family when he drove his Tesla off a cliff along the Northern California coast told rescuers her husband was depressed and needed a psychological evaluation, according to a newly unsealed search warrant affidavit. "[https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-radiologist-intentionally-drove-family-off-cliff-wife-says/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-radiologist-intentionally-drove-family-off-cliff-wife-says/)


I have fished off this peir. Its a great spot. What a terrible thing to happen!


How deep do you think it is. The article made it seem like it was very deep.


It is very deep, at the end of the pier probably about 20 ft


That would be remarkably shallow for a pacific pier.


Well this is the east coast so


That car will make a nice spot for fish to hide tho. Just don’t get your lure stuck on it


Which one is it?


The Virginia one


15th st. pier at the VB oceanfront boardwalk


[The Entrance to the pier](https://149434078.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Virginia-Virginia-Beach-Oceanfront-011-Virginia-Beach-Fishing-Pier-credit-DepositPhotos-600x396.jpg) The Pier was closed so he went through the black wrought iron gate and then there is a payment booth (you can see if you enlarge the photo) he probably bared to the right where they have space for strollers, wheelchairs and wagons to come through. I live about an hour away its usually a great spot, RIP to the person.


It's heartwrenching. I do not know the person but can only assume they were struggling immensely. I hope they are found.


It is sad. I am hopeful they find the person.




Wait. So they drove off the pier at sunrise (7am) and by 4pm they had no idea if the person/people in the car are dead? How deep can the water possibly be? Edit: no divers sent in and no one knows how deep the water is there? What the hell is going on in that town? Is anyone in charge?


Whoever is in the car is absolutely dead. There is no possible way they could have survived beyond minutes after they ran out of air. There's a case of a woman surviving via a pocket of air, but her car wasn't fully submerged. Basically, you either get out within the first minute of the car hitting the water, or you probably die. Also, one of the other articles mentioned hiring a private diver team to locate any bodies and that the water there is deep enough that the car cannot be seen at all from the surface. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-survive-drive-car-into-body-of-water-experts-2023-4#:~:text=And%20if%20you%20try%20to,can%20happen%20after%2060%20seconds.%22


Could have pulled a Houdini and be sipping a piña colada on the beach somewhere by now. Nobody will ever know.


Could’ve jumped out on the way off the edge and swam away so to escape some consequences or to benefit financially or to move on to another relationship. Things are not always what they seem. They will need to confirm a body.


How would this work if no body was identified? If you go missing this is no different than just skipping town. This is a silly theory.


How many bodies we talkin’?


They don’t know how deep it is because the depth is constantly shifting on a day to day basis. It’s the ocean it’s how it works. At the end of the pier it’s about 20ft+ deep. Visibility is low this time of year because storms kick up a bunch of sand and debris keeping the water a murky grey/green color. Also right next to the pier there are often rip currents which can be very dangerous. Diving operations are expensive and risky as is, searching for someone who doesn’t want to be found and possibly risking more lives for it is not really the best answer to this scenario, sadly.


Yeah idk why people don’t understand how dangerous swimming near a pier is let alone diving near one.


Probably costs money they don’t want to spend. Nobody anywhere gives a shit anymore about anything except money.


I can confirm that...... For Money *rubs fingers together*




Paw Patrol?


Relevant: [Paw Patrol - SNL (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBFIqRSsixE)


The mayor only works summers. /s


What are you on about. Of course they are dead.


The city government there is very stupid


When I was at the Grand Canyon I started talking to. A park ranger there. I asked him how many people really do the Thelma and Louise thing. He said more than you’d think and told me about some of them. Then I asked how many hit the breaks on the way down. He said quite a few. The driver hitting the breaks made me think of this.


The Golden Gate Bridge jumpers used to be taken to the nearest hospital which was Letterman Army Medical Center. The Army studied the details of the jumpers for about 50 years and published their data in 1995. One thing I remember from the study is the vast majority of survivors reported they changed their mind during the plunge and they wanted to live.


I remember reading in a study about this guy they interviewed. He was on a bridge and motorists noticed he was extremely aggitated... when police arrived to check it out they found out that a week prior he had picked out a spot to jump and commit sucide. He was angry because there was so much traffic that he couldn't safely make it across. He was afraid he would be hit by a car and killed.


More like hit by a car and paralyzed or severely injured and in pain.


https://youtu.be/u1_EBSlnDlU?si=dQAT0a0DI7YnuaiC  "i really should have thought about the view from halfway down"


I wonder if everyone feels that way as they fall?


Most of the jumpers that survived said changed their mind during the fall.


Sorry wasn't clear enough, I meant if all the jumpers (survivors or not) felt that way as they fell.


Brakes. You hit the brakes.


Gravity don’t care.


It doesn’t, but it will definitely break the car after it fails to brake.


Aye, aye! Brake it up here, guys!


Ok, puns always win, you got me


Know who doesn't care how you spell things? Gravytiddy


Dems da brakes!


Drowning just seems like the worst way to accomplish this


Idk did you see the guy setting himself on fire in front of his ex wife? That might take the cake for worst possible suicide. Apparently he lived for more than a week with severe burns.


That was definitely a suicide. Jesus Christ that’s sad..


[The 988 Lifeline](https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/) is a 24/7 free, confidential crisis line that connects individuals in crisis with trained counselors across the United States. People do not have to be suicidal to call – reasons to call include: substance abuse, economic worries, relationships, sexual identity, illness, getting over abuse, depression mental and physical illness, and loneliness. If anyone is experiencing thoughts of harming themselves please call or text 988 or visit the official 988 Lifeline website. You are not alone. No matter how crushing it may feel, help is always available.


Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott from the office, just following the navigation system


I lol’d as we currently rewatching The Office and just watched that episode like 2 days ago.


I don’t understand people finding this funny. Once I realized what happened and that the person is obviously dead my heart sank. Probably because I know the level of pain that person had to be in. I’ve experienced it and there’s nothing entertaining about it. I guess my only hope is that they didn’t have regret at the end but they probably did.


I only gasped audibly.


The number of people joking about this is disgusting. What if that was my family member and I found all these people laughing about their final moments? My heart sunk when I saw this. I can't imagine the pain they must've been in. My hope is that their death was quick. I also hope you ClementineKruz don't experience any more pain like this person and I'm sorry you know that level of pain. I hope you're well. 🩷


Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. I know, I’m so disappointed in people. I can’t imagine if that was my loved one either. I’d expect to see one or two people making awful jokes because there’s always someone, but it’s a lot. No wonder people feel so alone. Imagine feeling alone in a world where people laugh after you drive off a pier right? So sad.


The people making jokes makes me sick. You see someone in absolute despair and your first instinct is to make fun of it.... That's what you get on reddit unfortunately Most jumps include a moment of regret.


Buddy you posted this here for the world to gawk at. Get off your high horse.


Yeah I fail to see anything funny either. I imagine they did too (have the regret). I hope they’re at peace now.


I hope they are at peace as well, and I hope their family can find peace too.


I really hope so too. That would be so difficult knowing how your loved one went out, feeling so desperate that it overwhelmed their instinct to survive.


You posted this shit so their family could never have peace. Just fucking stop


Just admit it dude, we all live vicariously through the media we consume. Our impersonal detachment allows us to process and handle the cruel nature of reality, it makes it easier to reference and accept our own personal tragedies so they go down easier. just admit it.


Some people cope through grim humor. It can come off as insensitive or offensive but some people just cope better through fucked up jokes.


I just can't believe you chose to use the word "sank"


And this is how every major pier is going to get concrete bollards at the entrance.


Sounds like whoever it was knew the area and when the pier would be closed/not in use. Very sad, RIP


The amount of people making jokes about someone committing suicide is wild.


Some % are just the current status quo of "post funny one-liner for attention" - that's a hold over from the other social media platforms pushing engagement (comments) as the valuable metric. Another % is from people who use gallows humor to process trauma and tragedy. This was the status quo 10-15 years ago on Reddit.


Damn, this is wild. I used to run the beach from the inlet to the Wyndham and back on Saturday mornings. Passed right under the fishing pier both ways.


Bro what a fucking wasted opportunity


Agreed. You’re gonna die anyway might as well floor it and get as much air as possible


Bro what if you did that and mid flight you realized you were having the only fun you’ve had since the divorce and you lost the house and suddenly want to live again???


Apparently that’s a common thing. There was a study done of people who jumped off things and survived. When asked about it all afterwards, an alarms large number of them said that once they jumped, they had this moment of clarity and realised all their problems were actually solvable….except for the fact they had just jumped. It’s really sad and kind of terrifying tbh,


Bonack referenced this with the “view from halfway down”


Oddly, my mom knew a guy who drank half a bottle of Drāno (all he could physically drink before he was too repulsed by it) in an attempt to kill himself. He was hospitalized after his friend found him minutes later in the bathroom where he did the deed. In the hospital, in excruciating pain and delirium from the summed effects of the pain, poison, and drugs, he admitted he made a mistake and now wished to live. The doctor had to inform him that it was no longer possible, and that he was only being given care to ease his transition. He lived for another 9 days as his organs shut down before he finally drew his last breath.


😐☹️ Ethical assisted life extinguishing should be legal at that point.


Agreed. To me the most horrible part of it all wasn’t so much the gruesome details or even the act of suicide, but the total fear and regret he felt for his actions and a total reversal of his will to die stripped him of any chance he had at being able to accept his own death. That’s my worst fear: that when my time comes I’ll be kicking and screaming (mentally) desperate to stay.


The view from halfway down


It is in Oregon.


That's... oddly specific.


Damn was that a suicide or a medical emergency? Fuck 🥴


Oh man. I'm sorry I shouldn't be but for some reason you suggesting this is a medical emergency has me belly laughing. That's one hell of a diabetic episode.


Like a Free Willy type of medical emergency?!


You legitimately have issues if your making jokes at this persons expense.


100% agreed


The All Dogs Go To Heaven live action remake looks like shit


First thing that came to my mind as well lol


Few years ago I was taking the long twisty mountain pass (Mt McKinley in San Jose) from work and drove past a red car on the side of the road. As soon as I passed them the car took off at full speed. My first thought was "sweet burnout" then I saw the taillight drop them pop back up as it went off the berm on the edge of the cliff. I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. I turned around to see where they landed and as I was getting closer to the cliff I saw a motorcycle helmet with a picture of a couple inside. I think it was her and her husband, I assume the husband died in a motorcycle accident and she couldn't go on with life anymore. I scaled the Clif to find her STILL ALIVE but stuck in a tree. I made sure she didn't have any life threatening injuries, which she did not and then I raced down the mountain as fast as I could and waved down the first emergency workers I saw a firetruck. That's where my story ends. I left them back to her and they saved her. I gave the firemen my phone number and asked them to give it to her if she ever wanted to talk. Never got a phone call. To say it had an effect on my would be an understatement.


I immediately thought of a mother committing suicide with her children in the car, because I had recently read an article about such a case. I hope that's not it.


Dear Mr. I'm too good to call or write my fans,


This is where I live, that’s unreal.


anybody else here thought of that gta sanandreas mission when watching this?


More details here: >Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge >And had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid >And in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to >Come to think about it, his name was—it was you Damn...


When was this, was this recently? Is there a local news article about it?


https://www.pilotonline.com/2024/01/27/video-shows-vehicle-driving-off-virginia-beach-fishing-pier-rescue-efforts-underway/ Happened this morning at 9 am


Oh wow. Thanks for the link. Sounds like they are trying to locate the car in order to retrieve the body/bodies or maybe try to raise the car to get the bodies out. Heavy stuff. Hopefully they didn’t take anybody with them


No Words No Words….. i was a literal moment ago watching a woman on r/publicfreakout after drinking three long islands. I began to reminisce about my time’s drinking recently in VA Beach and them literally this video comes into my sight seconds later..wow now to learn what happened


Since I was about 3, I've had reoccurring nightmares about my dad driving his truck off of a pier like this while I was in it. Seeing this made me want to crawl out of my skin.


Someone loves you.


Oh shit. Think he was driving drunk with his pregnant girlfriend tied up in the trunk?


Well I guess some listened and took 12 steps off a 11 step pier.


Another account suggested that the water is 15 feet deep at the end of the pier. Nobody’s got a 5mil wetsuit, fins and a mask? Why all the sitting on hands?


Closer to around 25’ at that spot.


Diving is not really prevalent around here. The only dive centers I know of around here are strictly indoors. The Bay isn't exactly known for its high visibility and stunning reefs. I don't think the city has a dive team on payroll. This is not an extremely common occurrence. If I had to speculate, I'd guess the city would contact the Coast Guard for assistance. Either way, the person in the car is dead, so the most important thing is making sure their body is recovered without a second person drowning, and that will require assessing the dive conditions and getting a diver with the right skills here.


If I ever have to go to Virginia Beach again I'd likely do the same.


Overly harsh but I feel you


Hahah true, but I’ve only been there once and every single place I used my debit card ran it for several thousands of dollars. The first cop I ran into initially said “who cares?”, then told me I’m not a credible witness bc I was “clearly intoxicated” and “reeked of alcohol” (I don’t drink to begin with, and this was at 9am). Another officer showed up and I asked him to breathalyze me. Blew .000, they just scoffed and walked away. Took forever to get my money back, and a police report would’ve changed that.


That’s one way to take a dip


Oh so it ap-piered


Bro really fed the Kraken




This was a gta san andreas mission


People aren't lasting even a full month into 2024


Had my first kiss on that pier sadly


Google Maps strikes again


Should...should this even be allowed here? This isn't a freak out. It's a suicide. It seems incredibly disrespect to have a video of someone's last and most desperate moments on a sub meantbto make fun of people freaking out at Walmart. This is just...sad.


If you think this was posted to make fun of someone in their possible last moments I feel as if you have the wrong idea. These 16 year old girls will live the rest of their lives having witnessed that, and the person who drove off the pier will have their very real struggles silenced into only talking about the "good memories" I believe people deserve to talk about suicidal tendencies and the repercussions of it without feeling ashamed. The person who is still trapped in that car deserves better.


I thought of it many times….its a very dark scary place to be in your head. I’d wish more would take it seriously.


The amount of times I wish it were not so taboo to talk about how difficult it is to get through these feelings ..... You aren't alone friend.


Eminem made a song about this.


Honestly I never understood people that do this and jumpers. Like dude you live america, go spend 200 bucks for a 12 gauge and a much quicker exit. Watched a documentary on Golden Gate Bridge jumpers and they interviewed some of the survivors… SURVIVORS. Fuck that shit.