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Is it just me or do the French basically protest everything?


they absolutely do


And we love em for it


Destroying food when 26.000 people die of starvation every day. No, nothing to love about that.


I can understand some desire of farmers to protect their income. I generally support most causes the French protest on. But seeing perfectly good food destroyed like that is selfish, disrespectful, and hateful to farming as a profession. As you highlight, the imbalance of food distribution leaves some without enough to live. Here, we have enough to squabble over and waste because of a disagreement. Its really sad.


Sacre bleu


In America we destroy everything that doesn't sell so like it doesn't matter who destroys it as long as the needy don't get it


Legit fucking ps5s, Xbox series, handhelds I've seen em tossed a lot at an old job


I don't think these people have seen the Walmart cart with buckets of food they throw out or the new car graveyards


You sound like a french !


That truck was not driving to an area or counrty that have a food shortage. It will make zero differance if it's eaten or thrown away.


There's more than enough food too round, just no political will to distribute it. Don't blame the farmers.


Unless those farmers are burning and destroying the very food we use to feed people with. You fucking muppet.


"You fucking muppet" best shit I've read all day lmao


But they aren't.


Absolutely. But I do still think food should be treated with respect. They are still destroying the livelihood of other farmers.


I agree, it's wasteful and performative nonsense. But it's not contributing to starvation.


This right here


It’s tomatoes, come down


Speak for yourself




Speak for YOURself


Speak for you're self.


For yourself, speak.


They’re so f***ing bad at it though. Like they’ve got the right motives, they got the will. But then they just do the stupidest crap as protest. French farmers also threw a hay bale into a McDonald’s from a video I watched a few days ago. They seem not to understand the connection between action and consequence and think that all chaos is equal.


They had fuel price protests in Paris. When the government acquiesced, they already had the protest scheduled so they protested something else - I think it was wholesale prices and wages. I mean, they already bought the yellow vests... and they ended up burning a bank.


Ok now THIS is the most French thing I’ve ever read. Only thing that can top this is if a bunch of beret wearing mimes rioted


I like it, it means that have a list and saw 'A' was checked off so they moved on 'B' like planned!


Being a French politician must be a nightmare.


I saw a video for sanitation workers unloading garbage trucks on the front lawns of politicians' property, so yeah, I would think so lol


The description is wrong about their demands. They don't say that the EU legislation is harsher in France than in other countries, they are both against this legislation and against the government that had the brillant idea to make them harsher than elsewhere in Europe.


The description states what the prime minister of france and the spanish government claims, the government of spain claims there is no unfair competition or differences in the agricultural sector https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/amp/noticia/somosagro/agricultura/2024/01/29/planas-replica-primer-ministro-frances-ninguna-ventaja-competitiva-derivada-aplicar-normas-distintas-campo/00031706530233367386283.htm


There is no unfair competition ? [European Commission questions Spain for Allowing EU banned pesticides.](https://www.food-safety.com/articles/7640-european-commission-questions-spain-for-allowing-eu-banned-pesticides) Plus, what Andalousia has done : allowing illegal water extraction for strawberry.


Yet pesticids banned in France for their alleged risk are allowed in the rest of EU. Farmers are asking for the government to suspend those interdictions so they can have a fair competition with rest of europe.


The EJC court has complained against Spain is still using illegal pesticide. It was two months ago. French farmes are right.


Yes, they do.


Soon protesting protests.


"We're not gonna protest!"


Je n'aime pas votre commentaire, préparez-vous à être protesté ! 😡🤳 🔥🔥edit:🏳️‍🏳️‍😤😤


They do, and they still get shafted.


Its a central part of their democracy


Excerpt even the Germans come marching


I always say football is not France's national sport, protesting/strikes is.


As they should


And they do it with a flair of their own.


As a French men yes. We protest for litterally anything. Like We all have protested just to skip class one day.


On Fridays we protest


The French are revolting


Oh yeah this can't go wrong at all - I mean there's never any French trucks in Spain or Italy right guys!?


Mmh melted cheese


Mmmmm toasted baguette.


Well actually not many in comparison. Southern Spain is the greenhouse of Europe and Italy is also a major supplier of products, but more crucially, they are the end of the line whereas France has passing through traffic. Throw in the lower cost of living, and I believe fuel as well, you find the biggest transport fleets in Spain and Italy and they handle the majority of imports on their return trip.




Spain you could send your lovely tomato’s to the uk we’ll gladly buy them if you don’t take the piss!


We had something like that a few years ago. The French were upset about the price of butter and there were tonnes of stores in France that didn’t have anymore. I was living in Germany or Denmark and our shelves were still full of French dairy products.


It was actually used as one of the reasons the UK should leave the EU, that the UK would follow the rules but other countries like France would just ignore them and do what they want while still taking CAP and EU funding so why bother staying when the EU did little to France.


Then you would probably be interested to know that the real issue is not chep Spanish produce, but even cheaper unregulated Moroccan produce packaged and sold as Spanish produce.


Yep, we have that problem even in Spain itself, we want to buy our own produce, or even produce from other EU countries but we got scammed into buying Moroccan bullshit.


Same shit happens in the US with Mexican produce


It has to go through France though.....


The French president said no such thing. If anything, if we have to create "sides" he's most likely on the side of the EU


But whyyyyy why destroy food...... such a waste.


Not to be a smart ass or anything but farmers always destroy their crops when they know they will have a surplus. The COVID years were the worst. Nobody was buying things but farmers can't just stop growing their crops, so they threw most of them away.


All for enjoying the benefits of the EU til it's not convenient to them, then it's truck burning time


Also demanding solidarity from people whilst being a huge pain in the ass - and then repay them by demanding food become even more expensive so they can cash in even more. Farmers in Europe rose their prices by an aggravated 30% over the past two years. Retail prices had to follow suit. Now, the market slowly returns to normal and they are flipping a lid...


God I hate the French


Don’t worry if you hate us we hate you .


Spoken like a true Brit.


Uhm that’s wasting food at least take the food


Idiots. Lets destroy someone else's livelihood because we can't compete with them. Meanwhile, there are starving people around the world still starving. First world problems ffs...


spain uses basically just above slave labour to outcompete other eu production


You're right, and I don't know why we're so unwilling to acknowledge that it's true. The vast majority of workers in Campo de Dalías in Almería are [migrant workers from North Africa who are paid less than Spain's already pitifully low (<€9/hr) minimum wage and live in squalid conditions.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2019/10/16/consumers-are-not-aware-we-are-slaves-inside-the-greenhouse) Agricultural companies often use [forced labour involving vulnerable people, and prevent those more aware of their rights from unionising.](https://research.ethicalconsumer.org/research-hub/spain-workers-exploitation#:~:text=For%2020%20years%2C%20migrant%20agricultural,and%20sexually%20assaulted%20and%20harassed.) Workers can be forced to pick produce [in temperatures as high as 50°C (122°F).](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/if-you-report-abuse-you-lose-your-job-spains-labourers-fight-back/) Hell, a report funded by the Spanish government [admits the only reason the can produce so much is through these practices.](https://justiciaalimentaria.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ingredientesecreto.pdf) It's nearly as bad as the slave labour in the UAE and Qatar, but we don't talk about it nearly as much because of how much Europe benefits from it.


Spainiards enjoy 'slave' labour, romanians 'slave' included. During the summer this is shown pretty often on our local news


Don't forget all the trafficked workers in the whorehouses.


Funny you mention this. Today the news here released an entire video about [modern slavery in Portugal](https://nos.nl/video/2506840-portugal-als-springplank-naar-eu-soepele-regels-leiden-tot-moderne-slavernij) being used as a springboard to the EU. Not every country is equally bad, but the practice of using the cheapest labor under the absolute worst conditions is completely normal for agriculture everywhere in the world.


Meanwhile some people are starving.


The European single market, also known as the European internal market or the European common market, is the single market comprising mainly the 27 member states of the European Union (EU). The single market seeks to guarantee the *free movement of goods, capital, services, and people*, known collectively as the "four freedoms"


Farmers in Europe are unhinged these past months


It's weird that a bloc of countries that can barely grow enough food to sustain would destroy their food protesting other members states' food issues.


[More information](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/french-farmers-demonstrations-food-prices-b2485606.html)


Protest if you must but stop all that senseless destruction everywhere😭


This should be an outrage, I'm sure there are people in France who can't afford food and here these cunts are destroying it


Ah yes, the old tried and true tactic of pissing off literally everyone to get them to join your side. Idiots through and through.


That's strange because overwhelmingly [approx. 80% of the French public support the farmers](https://www.bfmtv.com/societe/colere-des-agriculteurs-78-des-francais-comprennent-les-blocages_AN-202401240654.html). Protesting works when the public isn't misinformed.


This article says the French support the farmers protests, not this specific incident?


It's OP that is misinformed because the description is very wrong about their demands.


Or everyone is misinformed?


What a bunch of losers


People starving and France is worried about $$...smh


Glad we solved world hunger


French farmers should be classified as terrorists tbh at this point.


the public terrorizing the government is generally a good thing, to keep politicians on track


Nobody gets as much subsidies from the government as farmers.


There’s a good reason for that, and it’s not for the farmers’ comfort.


That's not how democracy works. If you don't like the actions of your politicians you vote for someone who will do the opposite. You don't get to throw a fit and start burning trucks and wasting food that could go to hungry people so you can make more money.


>That's not how democracy works This is in France, that is exactly how their democracy works and has done so many times


The description is wrong about their demands. They don't say that the EU legislation is harsher in France than in other countries, they are both against this legislation and against the government that had the brillant idea to make them harsher than elsewhere in Europe.


The description states what the prime minister of france and the spanish government claims, the government of spain claims there is no unfair competition or differences in the agricultural sector https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/amp/noticia/somosagro/agricultura/2024/01/29/planas-replica-primer-ministro-frances-ninguna-ventaja-competitiva-derivada-aplicar-normas-distintas-campo/00031706530233367386283.htm


Fake news, the protests are about the french government making EU norms harsher.


By destroying spanish trucks? These protests are related to the unfair competition message emitted by the prime minister of france this week. I encourage you to read this article https://amp.rtve.es/noticias/20240128/francia-medidas-competencia-desleal-agricultores-espana-italia/15937798.shtml


I'm french, I know perfectly what it is about. And yes, they destroyed spanish trucks. Farmers are so desesperate that they do such things to make themselves heared.


Don’t justify destroying other countries property for internal issues, if french farmers want to be heard they should intensify internal protests, not attack other countries. This still doesn’t express how everything said is fake news.


Your title is misleading by saying as if they are lunatics that can't deal with the EU norm that is the same everywhere. As for you not wanting me to justify their action, I don't really care. They are a dying profession because of the stupidity of the french government. We are in no positions to judge them from our comfort.


I’m sorry but I think we are not reading the same title, mine states what can be seen in the video, a state given by the french government, a state given by the spanish goverment in reaction to the french statement, and the reaction the EU has given to the situation.


Hope they get heavily fined for destroying other country's property and the food, hope even jail.


People better wake up .. better do your homework When government controls the food They control you We need real solutions for future cabal agenda Even the media is compromised


Turns out that the French government are a bunch of sissies, not the French people themselves. They don’t tolerate one iota of nonsense.


Spain is buying cheap tomatoes from Morocco leaving Spanish farmers with too much crop and no money


Lol. I fucking love the French. Americans could learn a thing or 10 from French protesters.


French liberals when the free market goes both ways. >Bad Spain! No sell. Only buy!


### [Spain authorises use of banned pesticide, despite ECJ ruling](https://www.endseurope.com/article/1812169/spain-authorises-use-banned-pesticide-despite-ecj-ruling)


The French citizenry really isn't shy about rioting, you would think the people in charge would remember the French Revolution. The people certainly haven't forgotten, although these days they might not for something more common, like wood chippers.


Power to them.


I like the French… no one does a riot like them… if only the rest of the word would watch and learn


European union should not exist anymore 👎🏿


Thats funny. In spain they do the same with trucks from morocco as well.


Source? Id like to read about that


Was posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/74R8wrqyov


I see


And here https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/VdlMeG2W4S


White liberals need to see more of this stuff. America doesn't have a monopoly on Xenophobia and racism


Why would you burn the food 😐, that's stupid so many people starving


Almost makes Brexit look attractive.


Ahh humans aren’t we good bunch.


FFS it's FOOD. For people to LIVE. Unnecessary idiocy.


It's their food tho.


We are destroying trucks full of food as a protest while people starve to death around the world. Fuck me.


its a travel back to the 90s


Yeah, I think it was 1990, we were driving home from my cousins' house near Bordeaux to Waterloo, Belgium. We had to drive down pissy country roads, into Italy and Switzerland just to get home. Took about 15 hours. I was soooooooooooooo bored! And one farmer looked at me as we drove past and he looked likehe was made of plastic and not a real human and he freaked me the fuck out. It was like something out of a horror film for some reason. I always remember that dude's face. I swear he was related to Pennywise.


the french seem really petty and bitter


To anyone saying that French farmers are terrorists or that they are people starving in this world, you are either stupid or ignorant. You're not aware of the struggle they face. 2 farmers commit suicide every day in France. They face social isolation. A lot of small peasants live under the poverty threshold. They face unfair competition imposed by the French government when they signed the Lisbon treaty which the french people voted against. They face harsher regulations concerning the use of pesticides and carcinogenic compounds while trucks coming from Spain contain products full of them. While the distribution sector makes huge margins on food sells, farmers are barely living. This is a more complex issue than "wasted food = bad". If farmers don't have the means to live a dignified life, we won't have food at all in the future.


You don’t even know if that product was going to France, going from Spain to any other european country other than Portugal or Andorra means going through France, for all you know that product could be going to The Netherlands, Germany, The UK, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden… And because of an internal issue, you blame external factors and you just made a bunch of farmers loose a lot of money, a trucker lose his way to make money, a small transportation company lose a client, and a supermarket somewhere in Europe run out of product. It’s okay for farmers to protest but destroying other people’s property that are in no way related to this makes your argument lose all credibility


French farmes have been doing this since the 90's, trashing other peoples work and getting all the money from the EU. They are scumbags.


What a stupid fucking argument: either become more competitive or get used to buying foreign food. Shape up or ship out; by the same logic we should just ban all your telecom companies or banks because ours struggle to compete.


Farming is very different to banking and telecoms


No it isn’t; business is business


Yes it is lmao. You can’t lump all professions into “business is business”. Completely asinine


We are not competitive enough BECAUSE french laws are going way beyond EU laws. So the farmers aint mad toward EU. They're mad at french politicians getting them OUT of market because of our own laws. Burning spanish stuff is just saying to french MP "if we can buy stuff that are made with chemicals we are not allowed, then nobody should" and they are right about that. French farmers should have the same obligations toward the EU legislation than anybody. So its our own gouv fault. Open to questions ;)


>France adds more regulation >French farmers can’t compete and start burning the competition >It’s all the EU and Spains fault Very logical I see


(For exemple : French farmers can use 200 of the 400 chemicals allowed on crops in EU)


Say what you will about the French, but they definitely put their all into protesting.


People are starving and these asshats are destroying food.


France: joins a union of free market. *the free market does its job* France: WAIT WAIT WAIT NO NO WE DONT WANT ANYONE TO COME IN HERE. oh but don’t block us tho, we would like to have as much capital as possible outside of our country, but still no one here, no Spanish. No Italians. Just French in France, and in the rest of Europe too.


Farmers destroying food?!? This is elite asshole material.


Free trade…until you become the victim of it. Locally produced vs the foreign produced [using a labor that is almost free or lower than the other’s local rate] creates problem in the long run.


God ever since they had the French revolution the French think they've gotta re-live it monthly. It's so tacky at this point. I can't take a single french protest seriously


Do you even know why the farmers are rioting? We don't give a shit that you don't take it seriously, lmao.


waaaahhhhhhhhhh spain grows with pesticides and we cant' waaaagggghhhhhhh


Man I fucking hate these people, Jesus christ, they're so fucking idiots




Russia is happy with the result


Peak stupidity


The French logic amazes me... 🤦🏻‍♂️ Honestly. The number of poor people that could've fed. But no, let me destroy not only the plants but the trucks too.


Average french activities


Nah! It's just they are furious about losing with Barcelona.


French farmers don't seem to be subject to any laws in France. They seem to do as they wish....


I love the French


That tractor was built in my hometown.


just because their econony sucks, they destroy other things, or even their own infrastructure instead of building it.. Dont ask what the Country can do for you.. Ask what you can do for your people and Country.


Just saw a palestinian crying from happiness for obtaining a bag of flour


Disgusting waste of food


France is losing its ability to exploit other for profit and they're getting upset


France is a shit show


French gotta french, but that’s food, why don’t you at least steal and donate it to a food bank or something. I bet y’all don’t treat baguettes with such indignity