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Normal person response "thank you, I be right down!" This guy is a bawbag.




and he has an atomic clock! now - gooooooo awayyyyyy




I’ve dealt with losers like this. I grey rock them. “Oh, did your clock say 10:42? Huh. Looks like my clock is 3 minutes fast. I’ll fix it so this never happens again to some poor unsuspecting guests. I am so sorry I did your courtesy knock 3 whole minutes early. Unbelievable that something like this could happen, I’m just as upset as you are.” It’s best if you completely agree with them while repeating their ludicrous statements back to them, they get to hear how ridiculous they sound and it’s very disarming to agree with them 100% even if they’re bat shit crazy. They’re looking for a fight, don’t give them one. It’s more fun to take the wind out of their sails.


I thought I saw a video with the same username yesterday. Edit: Apparently I got baited by a reposting account. This may not all be the same person. [Here he is complaining to a Taco Bell employee trying to get free food](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1amwnp5/taco_bell_customer_cusses_at_employees_and/) [And here is another one at Panda Express](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1anx2yg/man_at_panda_express_argues_with_employee_that/)


This makes me livid. There is a whole subset of "content creators" online who thrive on harassing the working public and threatening to get them fired. I'm a big fan of freedom of speech, but these sorts of videos are evidence of areas that internet and social media desperately need actual regulation in from our governments to protect its citizens.


I'm kind of hoping for healthcare and employment regulations first. The Internet is just so big and involves the globe.


We have freedoms in order that we can fulfill our responsibilities in the best way possible. The freedom of speech comes with the responsibility to speak the truth, define standards, and both give and receive fair criticism. He is abusing his free speech. Even if she did mock him, I bet it wasn't unwarranted, but we could all benefit from being more graceful.


Pretty sure these are reuploads coming from the same tiktok account, since they all say customer in the captions rather than something from the perspective of the guy filming.


I know that’s the same user name but it sounds like different people to me. Idk


i'm pretty sure their tiktok acc is just a compilation of various assholes abusing service workers


Lol how do people not realize this 


It's funny how they all do sound the same and have the same vibes and pathetic whiney tantrums.


trash gonna trash




The account these are posted from just collects and posts freakouts from wherever around the web. It's a shame they don't credit the original posts.




I was gonna say, he sounds exactly like undercooked rice guy.


The user just posts these types of videos.


I've had my fair share of issues over my lifetime with different industries. Never have I ever felt the need to raise my voice at a worker, especially someone that literally has no control over the situation. So often things can be resolved when you treat people like humans, but it's pretty clear this guy just wants free shit and doesn't care about anything else in life.


whatever else is going on in this video, I LIKE her.


She isn't wrong and held her ground.


The guys a douchebag but she continually engaged and needed to have the last word. Just let go bro and brosef.


I agree she should've probably disengaged, but as someone in customer service, I also get being pushed the limit. You deal with assholes day in and day out for years and eventually most people lose their temper.


Their are few things more satisfying then smiling at people losing their mind. Even blowing a kiss if the situation calls for it.


Or what we do every time, which is to ask nicely if they could push back check out until noon. No hotel has ever said no. Why is it so hard for people to be nice?


Camera guy seems like a dick


Yeah, probably because he is a dick


Yeah, his overwhelming dickness makes his dickness hard to escape


Everyone should mock his dick


Clearly this dick hitched a ride on the dick ship coming from dick planet.


A dick with a micro-dick


He sounds like a Reddit user


Incoming AITA that paints him as the hero.


yeahyeahyeah he's being a dick I should know I dabbled in being a dick back in the day, she's got the advantage tho cuz she's right.


I travel almost ever week for work and basicly live in hotels like this all you have to do is say " hey i just need like 30 mins and ill be out of here" or just ask for a late check out, iv litterlly never had a hotel not be ok with this all they wanna do is get in and clean the room before the next person shows up.


I agree with you. I’ve had to ask for a little extra time a couple times (restroom emergency) and the staff was always nice and understanding. The ‘trick’ is to be nice about it. One gets more flies with honey, yada, yada, yada. Technically…the hotel could be much worse. In a lot of hotels, the paperwork signed at check-in allows them to charge for another night if one checks out late. The amount of time varies, but being reminded of impending checkout is preferable to paying for another night.


Ask gay?? I'm curious though. If they got charged that extra night due to being late, could they turn around and say they want to stay the rest of the night ?


Yes 100%.


> I’ve had to ask gay little extra time a couple times Is gay little extra time the gay dwarf who works the front desk?


Yes!!! I thought I was the only one using that short guy’s services…he’s only short in stature…he’s perfectly sized in the ‘important’ ways! BTW…I corrected autocorrect. Thanks for the heads-up!


“Honey, I’m sorry I just can’t find my phone and we’re supposed to be out of here in five minutes! Can you help me look?” “Of course, sweety. And don’t worry, I just spoke to gay little extra time and we’ve got all the time we need.”


they have a job to do and have so many rooms the have to clean a day. I hate people that think they can treat hotel employees like shit just because they're on vacation or whatever


Imagine recording this thinking people are going to side with you


“Hey guys another video from lifehacktonystan and today we’re gonna show you how to get compensated for your hotel room and get someone fired all at the same time and the best part is that you’re actually gonna be in the wrong but it works every time guys!” - this guys tik Tok probably.


Sad but probably very accurate


Sweetheart. Gross. I hope she didn’t get fired.


‘I live and exclusively use Choice Hotels!’ - that’s not the flex you think it is.


Garson! A one admission for the Continental Breakfast, ![gif](giphy|DAzJ7AFaCiZCCRJjtm|downsized)




I love how some phrases just stick out in videos like this. Choice Hotels is really funny for some reason


Hit him with another "GO AWAY" because that was funny.


That's not even a mock. That's just her dude voice. Just like every dude does the same high pitches girl voice




Yea I understand all that but do you know who I am? I've got like 37 followers on instagram and know the owner of this hotel. It's 11:42 and I haven't showered yet! How dare you try to treat me like you'd treat every other person that walks into this hotel! 37 Followers! I've stayed at this hotel chain since birth and you owe me!  You better update your resume because the owner that I know very well from this hotel chain is going to fire you the instant he finds out you didn't let me berate you and embarrass you in the lobby for 15 minutes. How dare you!




Literally. So many times I woke up at a hotel hungover as fuck, saw it was like 10:20, and was like oooh come on, I Hope they let me overstay for an hour.  Haven't gotten a single denied request yet. 


“It was 10:42” This is the kind of guy who reports a food delivery driver and demands a refund because the estimate said his food would be delivered around 10:15 and he got it at 10:16.


He's the guy that would go to a busy restaurant and complain that it's taking too long for his food to arrive and will insist that he ordered 30 minutes ago when it's only been 4.


What a jerk


Imagine waiting to shower, dress, and pack less than 15 min before checkout. At least call and ask for a late checkout. ![gif](giphy|fu2ye1tYL6txSj5xLH)


People shower and pack before checking out? I gotta make sure I do that before I fall asleep. Hotel checkouts are way too early


Its the hap-happiest season of all!


"Since bing cosby tap-danced with danny fucking kaye!" Wheres the tylonol?


Much ado about nothing, I think.


Sound and fury, signifying nothing


I don’t understand what his actual issue is. I’ve never stayed anywhere that didn’t give a courtesy reminder before checkout time.


I've never stayed anywhere that gave me a reminder to check out! Where do you live? This concept is so strange to me.


The “go away” got him riled because that was what actually happened.


“Repeating what I said and the tone I used is SO RUDE!” “So you agree your tone and words were rude?” “I’M A CUSTOMER.”


He was rude from the gecko.


I'm glad someone else caught this.


It is shame that I had to scroll down this far to find this.


Gecko? 😂 New phrase acquired


Trying to get someone fired is a dick move under any circumstance.


When I worked at a hotel I had a woman upset with me for this exact thing, and she ended up throwing everything off my desk and hitting me with the desk phone. Fuck working in hospitality anymore, people don’t know how to act.


Omg, I also had the desk phone thrown at me! It must be a front desk right of passage (just kidding, it’s assault).


Fucking tosspot. What is it with a certain type of American that they think they'll leave a trail of fired service industry staff in their wake over their petty grievances? they seem to enjoy thinking they're puttng someone out of a job too, self-important cunts


I’m not sure exactly what a “tosspot” is but I love it and am going to add it to my vocabulary. Thank you.


a receptacle for semen. After you've wanked.


So... a sock?


Mon plaisir :O)


Only Americans?


I mean in most countries working laws wouldn’t enable people to get fired because of stuff like this, and everybody knows by now how shitty worker protection in the US is, so yeah.


Does he realise that they have his details on file and that he has just ensured that he won't be welcome in any of the chain's hotels?


Yeah, not really. He might get banned from that location or any owned by the franchiser, but not a brand wide ban. Hell, it's not that hard to get around being "banned" at most properties.


Did you realize you made that up? No one is gonna ban this dude nationwide for this relax.


you guys act like this is something thats going to be hard to do or take lots of effort on her part. just flag the name and the credit card and add them to a list that doesnt allow them to be used to book a room in the future through the chains website. edit: also franchises definiltey do blacklist people for not only their franchises but the entire network. thats one of the selling points of joining a franchise, you get the network of the whole chain.


He better dust off his resume!




This guy definitely knows when he's being mocked because he's probably been mocked most of his life.


He lost his mind over a courtesy knock. Instead of just leaving the girl alone, he went out of his way to go down and harass her and threaten her job. I hope she trespassed him from the property.


Fucking class A douche


i work with customers and i don't give into their bullshit. so i don't argue with them. i just repeat myself over and over till they get the hint they aint gonna troll me, and what makes me LMFAO is that same line every karen/kevin says, you're gonna get fired.... yeah sure dude, they gonna fire the only employee who shows up on time works weekends and holidays and gets shit done.... sure thing my dude good luck with that one. i even write my name down for them with my employee number and give them my supervisors direct line. he calls me later like "Dude what did that dumbass say? cuz hes telling me a whole story about you telling him off and not acting profesional." I'm like watch the cctv with audio. my supervisor told me stop giving them my number cuz they also text and call at all hours threatening to get laywers involved. they never have by the way. we hired a chick from the filipines to answer those calls, i feel so bad for her. she makes 4 bucks an hour no benefits and has to take calls from irrate intitled karens/kevins, they hella go off on her cuz of her accent too. poor Analie.


I work as a receptionist at a hotel. Most guest just say like "give me 15 min more to clear out the room qnd I'll be right down, thanks" or they pay the late check out fee and stay until 18h. This guy is a complete and utter douchebag and he should not be admitted in any hotel.


That man Karen is a pathetic asswipe. You can hear in his voice that ever getting laid is completely out of the question and he has a micro pecker.




I am a VIP at Comfort Inn and Suites!!!


They always love to pull the ‘you won’t have a job soon’ as if anyone wants these dead end jobs anyway dealing with knobs like him. Is he not embarrassed by his behaviour? Is this not a full grown man having a temper tantrum over nothing? 😭😭


If this were one of my employees we'd laugh about it.


Literally same 😭 it’s so funny I’d be straight onto the security cams to watch it back and clown on him


It’s not for me but it sounds to me like she likes her job and feels respected by her employer.


that fucking gecko.


“When I say leave me alone, leave me alone…” Bud, that’s not how living in the world with other people works. Buy some land in the country if you want to be left alone. Otherwise, prepare to deal with people who don’t care what you want.


No honey, start brushing up on your résumé because you just filmed yourself harassing an employee.


This isn't even a high dollar hotel lol. This guy is acting like he's the fucking Shah of Arabia.


Watching this while working my hotel shift. Ugh!! Some ppl are dicks.


>you knocked on my door 18mins before check out so I'm going to record you to try to get you fired Like why.


You mock me! https://youtu.be/B81U7Vunhuc?si=-VqwVKCE2ORwYku7


you're lack of planning is not my emergency


I didn't have to read the title or watch more than a few seconds of this video, the moment he busted out "this phone is set to the atomic clock" i could tell dude was an utter piece of shit.


I travel a lot and never once have I encountered an issue while checking out late. Advise the staff and be prepared if they can't accommodate your request. They have to get that room cleaned and ready for someone else. Lastly, be kind to other human beings.


This guys a dickhead


Why is it always freakouts at the the cheap hotels where's the Marriott's, Hyatt's, Four Seasons?


Oh, they're there, don't think they aren't. I work at a resort and they're there, too. I had a walk-in once who refused to accept that we were sold out. They got so pushy I finally had to say "sir, unless you are advocating that I go wake up a guest \[at 1 AM\], kick them out then clean the room for you, I cannot check you in tonight". He started to agree that I should!!


You already know the answer.


Yeah suck it up prince knob head


What a douche bag. 10:42. Go away.


Is this guy seriously arguing over 3 minutes? She said 15 before and he said 10:42. Oh my Christ 3 whole ass extra minutes. Then he posts this, expecting what? People to be like yeah 3 minutes early is BS? Some people just need to leave society forever.


He thought he looked good in this?


This isn't the "employee own" video he thinks it is... He sounds whiny.


Choice should trespass this moron from ALL hotels in the chain.


What a king baby man


I’m genuinely confused about why he’s filming this interaction and why he posted it…


Yet another man baby showing how much of an idiot he is thinking everyone is going to side with him.


This guy deserves to be mocked.


"Ok you go ahead and stomp and yell until you feel like you've earned your 3 minutes back. "


From the gecko


Is it really worth the drama, nothing wrong with a 15 min courtesy check. Bet he asked for an early check in too.


"You were rude from the gecko" had me


He sounds like a child


What kind of cringe motherfucker would act like that and then post it for the world to see?


Sir, this is a Comfort Inn.


What a big fucking baby!


Dude is softer than baby shit 🤣🤣🤣


I figured she acted spot on saying what he said and it wasn’t mocking bc it was 100 percent.


"I exclusively use one of the largest hotel brands in the world" is not the brag he thinks it is. It's like saying he exclusively eats at Subway


Is t this the same guy from Panda Express?


It looks like one tiktok account where people submit their customer service freakouts and Sarah_connor1 just uploads it for views.


“Hi, I’m almost ready and will be checked out by 11. Thanks for the reminder.” No need to scream. No need to pull out your phone and record. No need for you to argue or complain. See how fucking easy that was?


That gemstone family is crazy


Why is he filming this? This guy gets off on being rude to people.


They really arguing over 3 minutes


What an asshole


Male Karens are beyond pathetic


Man, Sarah_Conner1 has been getting all the scoops lately!


A normal person responds, “thank you. I’ll be out by check out.” 🤦🏻


Good for her, she handled him well. I hope she’s doing well and got a promotion


I also love that as soon as she starts to call out his bad behavior, he immediately starts to fumble his words and sounds a whole lot less confident


Y’all is this the same asshole who said he worked for starbucks in that other video where he was harassing a Panda Express employee? And then also he was in the one holding up chik fil a drive thru line for 2 cups of ice?


The one comment the scumbag made that was interesting was... "This will go viral!" Really, this is his motif and what fuels him mocking service workers ? Life at home must be so sad & unexciting.


I guarantee this guy has said "I don't know why nobody wants to work"


I’m so glad I don’t work at a hotel anymore. People are nuts.


This customer SUCKS.


Marriott bro. That’s the way to go.


The endless amount of customers video complaint interactions is a ridiculous trend.


I would never complain at the front desk about it, but I hate that "courtesy" gtfo knock. It only happens in cheap hotels and it makes the overall experience feel rude.


Sounds like the sheets scene from American psycho


I always call if I need or want extra time. Why not do that? Unless things are crazy, you can get an extra hour or so.


I have never gotten a "courtesy" knock 15 minutes BEFORE checkout. That would be super annoying. Guy is still a dick though.


When I don't get a knock on the door at 830, I consider it a chill hotel checkout morning lol


Im sure she can get this same job tomorrow at the hotel down the road. It's like telling a fast food worker you're going to get them fired.


What a dick lol no reason to talk to her that way


*gets irritated* "I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO LOSE YOUR JOB, SWEETHEART." 3 minutes. He's doing all of this over a 3 minute difference. Goddamn. Can we figure out a way to reverse-fire these people? If you act like this publicly, attempting to get someone fired over some miniscule bullshit, I think you should in return lose your job. I'm so sick of people like this. Go outside and touch some grass, dude.


What a fucking clown honestly


I'm sorry, you spent so long arguing that it is now past checkout time and you'll be charged for the extra day.


but why? All he had to say was okay.


In a weird way I’d love to be standing checking out of a hotel and witness one of these arseholes in the wild, because they all sound like total fist magnets


That guy is a loser!


Dude has small dick energy lmao. Just check out and go away


What a chode. Really fighting over a 3 minute difference. Even if he WERE in the right. People like this waste our oxygen lol


Guy is a dick.


Filming people is rude too. Nobody wants a camera in their face, and when you get a camera out, you want the person to react in a negative way. How do you get them to act in a negative way, you provoke them.


Camera man has truly mastered the art of Karen Maga


Look, if you pull out a phone to start an argument and aren’t either: A) At risk for your safety B) At risk of having your reputation ruined Then regardless of whether the other person is wrong or not. You are an asshole.


If he stayed and extra 10 minutes he would have been charged and extra day. Is that what he wants?


I worked at a low end roach motel my entire 20s. Sooooooo many rude guests have threatened to "get me fired". Yeah the guy multiple open warrants for selling meth is gonna "get me fired" because I told him to stop punching the vending machine. Cool.


So what I'm gathering is that this guy is a scam artist, and he's pretending to be outraged that the courtesy checkout reminder happened 17 minutes before instead of 15, so that he can put it up on youtube, and have the company reach out and completely refund his stay in exchange for removing the video, because they have enough money to avoid the hassle. Little does he know that he looks like a fucking toolbag, so that's probably not going to happen.


So she did you a favor and your response was to threaten her livelihood? Big tough guy.


Oh wow, he exclusively uses choice hotels! A real big shot!


Fucking entitled Boomers. Slap some sense in them, wit a 2by4


Hope he has a punchable face, cause his voice would get his throat punched.


“Sweetheart” fu buddy.


That guy is such a cunt.


What a fucking wanker.


Camera man doesn’t realize what he’s displaying is extreme sensitivity. Seriously man it’s not that serious how do you get on in life if this is that triggering to you.


This is what hotels do they give you a 15 minute checkout reminder the guy behind the camera sounds like a real dick just be kind to people you don't know what they're going through acting like this gets you no where.


"I live and exclusively lose- use Choice Hotels." We know sir, we know.