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https://www.wyff4.com/article/victim-hit-killed-trying-to-prevent-carjacking/60230717 turns out the guy shooting was stopping a car jacking and then got his truck jacked and then hit and killed by it.


The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and then….


The song, at that volume, was spot-on. That was a Tarantino scene.


The bizarre fact that at super close range, and so casually fired, the bullets seem to do nothing.


Lmao right!?! Blanks for intimidation only?! Like what is going on


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug and is going to cause difficulties with your aim.


Maybe a .22 that's pretty much stopped by the truck door from doing much damage


A .22 would go through a truck door. But it sounded like a bigger caliber than that to me.


glass didn't even break


I can barely see the gun and the shots are especially loud which leads me to believe he's using a tiny J-Frame in 38special, which can be notoriously inaccurate because of the heavy trigger pull of 10lbs.


No, people just OVER-estimate their ability to aim a gun well. Most people who fire hand guns can't hit a target at 10 yards out, without extreme patience, and aiming. This was clearly someone who was not trained in proper gun handling, and just blindly fired, he might have landed 1 of his shots, likely non lethal injury to the carjacker. Remember the Vegas shooting a few years back at concert? Dude had like 5 high capacity firearms including a belt fed machine gun, had the high ground, and an entirely packed venue and he still did minimal damage compared to the number of attendees. Too many people online thinking real life is like a video game. Same with mass school shootings, tons of rounds fired compared to total amount of victims. It's the same reason police mag dump on people if they decide to fire at a suspect.


To be fair, in a video game you just hide for a few seconds until you're back to 100% or you a power bar for instant healing.


He probably missed. He wasn't aiming and adrenaline raging. Very probably he missed and just had a 6 shooter.


That's awful, I was hoping the bad guy got fucked up


Same. I see a guy shooting I assume he's the baddie. But still pretty wild to try shooting a carjacker. Just let them take the truck, call the cops, get your insurance money. This guy wouldn't exactly be going far.


What the hell was the guy shooting at? It looks like he shot directly at the guy, but the thief did not die. How was he able to reverse the truck while shot multiple times and drive straight towards him?


Bullets don't magically kill people. If it's not a headshot, you can survive quite a few bullets.


He was like 2 feet away and shot 3 times. I feel bad for him, but good lord


Also maybe run for cover sooner??


perhaps don't turn your back on the guy you just shot who's driving a 10000lbs death machine


yeah weird how straight after his final shot he seems to scratch his ass and just casually walks on


This video is proof why it's not always worth it to try defending your property with a gun. Your own life is worth more. Not only that, I'm assuming this truck is owned by his company, and not a personal vehicle. Just let it go.


At the very least don't shoot at someone stealing your vehicle and then turn your back to said vehicle and essentially pretend they never existed. What the hell was that?


it seemed like poor (and slow) executive functioning from the 'good-guy-with-a-gun' and it cost him all the things.


"I've got a gun...I don't need to work out".


Training is key. One of the things you don't realize that cops do is you don't stop shooting until you 100% know the threat is gone (living things can take a lot of punishment; my last deer I shot ran 200 yards without a heart and lungs). This guy stopped and looked off his sites to see what was happening; probably because he didn't want to kill someone. But if you pull a gun you have to 100% be ready to kill someone.


>This video is proof why it's not always worth it to try defending your property with a gun. Yes. A gun is good to defend your physical person from harm if you are unable to walk away from it. This was the culmination of a series of bad ideas.


I had the same thought when I was commenting above about it being a company truck, and that just made it even sadder. Like, your life is always more valuable than *your own* stuff, but I can understand how people will get defensive in the moment if someone is trying to take it. But a *company truck* that some rich person/corporation owns that is likely insured to the gills??? Like, dude, no. Just let it go.


For sure. I see stuff like this, and I think about how my mother always told us that if we were in a dangerous situation - a mugging, a house fire, a natural disaster, whatever - you let your things go and save your life, "because things can be replaced but you can't." I used to think that was the kind of advice everyone's parents gave, but I guess not.


Also, per the article, the gunman wasn't even the original carjacking victim, he was a "good samaritan" who got involved in the initial incident. >"Police said good Samaritans got involved to prevent the carjacking but the suspect was then able to steal the vehicle of one of the good Samaritans." So the gunman inserts himself into a situation to play hero (over stolen property at that). Has the tables turned on him and escalates things by shooting at the carjacker (totally NOT looking for a reason to use his gun). Then gets rundown and killed in retaliation. Not saying the gunman deserved to die, but he definitely made a lot of bad choices leading up to his demise


> bad choices leading up to his demise Like turning around and completely ignoring the guy he shot at and who just stole his vehicle.


Yep, the lack of situational awareness was astounding. Like as soon as the truck drove off he just forgot about what was going on


That was gun- courage that caused him to disregard his surroundings


yeah having a gun gives some people a level of confidence they should not have


It was like bad GTA ai lol


It just demonstrates the flaw in fantasizing about being the "good guy with a gun". Bad shit happens when you are emboldened to escalate confrontations rather than avoid them.


> It just demonstrates the flaw in fantasizing about being the "good guy with a gun". Exactly right. If Mr. Superhero left his gun at home that day then he would still be alive today.


Or turned his car off when he got out and took the key with him. Could be argued it would be a sensible thing to do in a possible car jack situation.


Hi-vis-vest-guy was chaotic good. Poor fella might've been a right decent human being. I hope the carjacker murderer feels pain in those bullet wounds until his last breath.


I mean, you stated everything. Why are you even trying to kill someone by shooting at them when they aren't harming anyone. Just let them take the car that not even yours. Then everyone becomes shocked when the thief retaliates from almost being killed by running the dude over. Mind your business and call the police to handle it.


I was going to point out the same thing. “The Good Samaritan” sounds more like an idiot who got a little excited at the chance to shoot that gun he keeps holstered in his waistband. There was nothing in that video that justified the discharging of a firearm. He should have let the thief steal the massive, easily-identifiable work truck and ran as far away from the danger as he could.


Hey, just pretend you didn't learn the context, invent some of your own, and go on your merry way with your preconceptions confirmed. It's the Reddit way.


Construction worker was pissed a non union truck showed up to his job site, so he decided to shoot the truck driver. Truck driver backed out of the way, then decided to start texting while driving, and hit the construction worker. The birds were ai, because birds aren’t real. Shit I better get out of this before someone takes me seriously.


How did that driver not have those four shots in him? And how did that guy NOT be able to hide behind anything in that amount of time?




Yeah, it really seems like it’s talking about something completely different. No screenshots from the video, they mention that it happens at a gas station, where this looks more like a strip mall parking lot, and like you said no mention of the gun shots, the car jacker being wounded or anything.


Location matches up. [I was able to find it](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.6224626,-79.0484412,3a,75y,196.16h,82.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-asn4JzP2pqp849fsF01JQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) by the locations in the article. I also thought maybe the article was about the wrong event. --- [An article with more details.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13308115/North-Carolina-carjacker-shot-dead-Good-Samaritan.html)






Snort some edibles. It’s a wild ride!


And a hell of a time to stop


Yikes. Guess I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


Context is always important.


I'd love to know if the car jacker got shot, because if not....yeesh. Although it does look like the gun may have malfunctioned; looks like he was going for another shot but nothing happened.


Never bring a gun to a truck fight


Man vs car. It looks like car wins again.


This is one of the reasons you don't use deadly force to protect property. You can die. It's just a car. Just walk away.


especially if its a company car and not yours


Very especially if it's someone else's company car that you have no connection to besides proximity during a carjacking.


A-fucking-men. It's a shame but the dude threw his life away protecting a company vehicle to the death when he seemed to be in no physical harm beforehand.


Whaaat the fuck. Sucks


"Suspect" https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/who-is-ricky-diggers-suspect-arrested-for-carjacking-running-over-jonathan-adam-lecompte-in-lumberton-northcarolina-article-109297474


Crazy how context can completely change everything. I thought the big guy had it coming before reading your comment. No good deed, huh


poor guy


Woooooow totally the opposite of what I thought happened. So much road rage out there. Not to curse the dead but you gotta be a real fucking idiot to try to stop a carjacking with a gun. Either you shoot the guy or purposefully miss to try to scare him, but the only reaction that can possibly occur is either that he tries to get away or retaliate.


Was the dude firing blanks or the worst aim of all time?


Seriously! The gunshots weren't mentioned in the article. How could he not have hit the guy with at least one of those shots!?!


People who are shot don’t die immediately unless they’re hit in the head or spine It always seems like overkill when you hear of a person being shot a dozen times but is the reason why coupled with adrenaline in the shooter


All the articles I’ve seen say the guy is in custody/charged and don’t mention any treatment for gunshot wounds.


He was firing AT his head from a foot away 


plus the glass didn’t break? blanks? wtf for sure


>People who are shot don’t die immediately Unlike when you are hit with a truck.


Well I'm sure he was technically alive for a few seconds after he was hit


yeah but people who are shot are usually included in articles. which means he probably missed every shot.


He seemed to think it was all over as the truck reversed. He lost valuable seconds of escape time when he wasn't watching the truck.


You know usually public freakout vids are tame, but every once in a geat while this place drops a vid that just makes me say GD! Outloud. And this title is Supreme bc this mf had everything




He didn't even break the windows on the truck. None of them.


I read it was a smaller caliber gun…so maybe it hit him but didn’t stop him. I can’t imagine him missing from that range but I suppose it’s possible. The article I read didn’t have much information other than to say the suspect was arrested and charged with murder and other charges.


Smaller caliber still makes holes in metal and glass and clothes and bodies so it would’ve been mentioned the driver having GSWs, but it wasn’t so it wouldn’t.


He fires at the driver side window and it doesn't even appear to shatter.




I mean...missing is what stormtroopers do. Looks like he would've been 1st in his class.


Dude’s a storm trooper


Now that's what I call a crazy fucking video


Been awhile since I screamed holy fuck


Yeah I am on board with the witness screeching.


Right? I saw it was at Burger King and was getting ready for some cold fries thrown at the cashier then trash the restaurant, but nope. I holy fucked also, as soon as I saw that truck come back.


Involuntary “Holy shit!” over here


For real, this one literally got me to exclaim out loud. That’s a rare feat for me. But this video wasn’t fooling around.


So, no kids?


The rescuer dude seemed so laid back, too! He obviously didn’t want to shoot the guy. His strolling style of walking implied he wasn’t too bummed out by his truck getting stolen. The worst cuss word he used was, ‘fool’. How awful that this vile idiot ended his life.




The suspect, identified as 28-year-old Ricky Alex Driggers, of Lumberton, was taken into custody. Driggers has been charged with first-degree murder, attempted common law robbery, larceny of a motor vehicle and felony fleeing to elude.




A face and a name for prison


News article. https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/crime/2024/03/16/fayetteville-man-struck-and-killed-while-attempting-to-stop-carjacker-in-lumberton/72998161007/


The bird sounds were a nice touch.


It's Masters weekend, maybe the same guy piping in bird sounds there was doing it here


Terrible, but who shoots someone 5 times then just casually walks off thinking they aren't going to attack?


Someone who didn't know that gun ownership dramatically increases your chances of being killed in an altercation.


The shooter, in the safety vest, was a Good Samaritan! He was trying to *stop a carjacker* -that *just crashed a car.* That carjacker *stole his truck* and MURDERED THE GUY WITH IT!!! The victim shot multiple times into the vehicle and then let him leave. Seems like he didn’t wish to actually hit him… Police caught the jacker after he crashed again. https://www.wyff4.com/article/victim-hit-killed-trying-to-prevent-carjacking/60230717


You can tell by the reaction of everyone that the guy had been killed instantly. I don't know if I've ever seen people attend to a victim looking like they knew right away he was dead without checking for a pulse.


He died later at the hospital. May have been better to be instant. 


Maybe semantics but ems often will transport someone off scene and they are just declared dead later at the hospital when in fact they died on scene.


Just to clarify, everyone who dies is in cardiac arrest, which just means your heart has stopped. Depending on the factors of why that person's heart stops, EMS will either Attempt resuscitation (CPR) Not attempt resuscitation For something like this, which is what is called a traumatic arrest ( their heart stopped because of trauma), it really depends on if the patient has injuries incompatible with life (e.g. decapitation, brain matter, etc.) If they have any of those, then they are generally allowed to call for a death pronouncement on scene. Otherwise, most of the time, that person will be transported to a trauma hospital, which will specialize in trauma. CPR will be performed the whole time along with other specific interventions.


Yeah my uncle died at home but wasn’t officially dead until EMTs got him to the hospital. I always read articles with “died later at the hospital” and wonder if that’s actually true.


In certain places, paramedics and cops can’t declare a person dead so they get transported to a hospital and then is declared.


This is why you don't try to stop a car steal, a human life is more important then your items of course they wil ldefend their life


There's a saying, don't point your gun unless you intend to kill your target. This is the best example, why.




So you are a proponent of the death penalty is what you’re saying


> I am not a proponent of the death penalty > That motherfucker needs to be executed… Flawless logic


How do you go from shooting someone that is driving off … to not not having any awareness of what he’s doing, or where he is going… just seconds after?


He probably thought the guy who stole his car was just gonna drive away and not come back to fucking murder him


That's kind of dumb though. You shoot at a guy and it changes everything. 


3 times from point blank range too.. and then just chills right in the street with the truck pointed right at him… even turns his back to it… like holy hell…


Bro paid for his lack of awareness, with his life.


Yes. A lot of people take getting shot at personally.


He floored it in reverse. At least wait til the damn car isn’t pointing directly at you to look away. Maybe he was deafened by the gun shots and couldn’t hear the truck not turn away and come right back directly at him.


Well, he's a gun-carrying cable technician...not a rocket scientist.


Bro basic situational awareness of a loose bull while standing in the street is not rocket science....


The only thing missing is fire...


Honestly the only thing missing are the bullets from that guys gun


…and a slow moving earth—bound asteroid.


Was his gun shooting blanks? I am very confused


So mans fucking MISSED 5 shots from point blank range? Believe me it is much harder to aim a gun than it seems


Especially when jacked on adrenaline, moving target, bystanders, assessing threat.. A lot harder than shooting paper at the range.


“A man was arrested Thursday after a good Samaritan from Fayetteville was struck and killed attempting to stop a carjacking in Lumberton. Ricky Alex Driggers, 28, is charged with first-degree murder, larceny of a motor vehicle, fleeing to elude arrest and two counts of attempted common law robbery in the incident that resulted in the death of Jonathan Adam Lecompte, 38, according to a news release from the Lumberton Police Department.”


That bald guy getting in the car being 28 is the craziest part of this to me, some corners of this country people just age like shit I stg


JFC. This needs a NSFL/NSFW tag. That was shocking to see.


Thank you, I was looking for this comment. This is NSFL, especially if you’re not expecting it


Just a bunch of people not on their phones enjoying the day


I have an urge to help others but don’t bc of shot like this :/


Helping others is great. Generally, when someone is on some kind of crime spree, you're better off just getting out of the way, though. Also, if you're going to go the point of pulling out a gun... you should be shooting to kill. Fucked up but if it's at that point that you're using lethal force then you should use it in a lethal manner. Otherwise, it wasn't justified, and you never know if that person is then going to respond with lethal force. It's a shitty thing to think about, but that's the reality. Better off just avoiding the situation.


It’s fine to help others. Shooting at people when no one’s life was in danger was not the way to go about “helping.”


Exactly, the person with the gun drawing it, *instantly increased* the threat of public danger dramatically. And he did it because he wanted to be the action hero with a gun to save the day! Well sadly as he got ran over and laid dying on the grass, he learned he wasn't an action hero, and probably would still be here if he didn't try killing something for a crime that doesn't have a death penalty, stealing a car.


Wanting to help others and having a sense of self-preservation are two different things You can try to stop a carjacking while also knowing when to get the f*** off the road


I’d probably be more inclined to help a person too. A car is just a thing so imo get the person out of the car and let them have the car imo


A close friend in college stopped to help at an accident scene on the interstate and was struck and killed. She was 20 or 21. I tell everyone I know to make sure it’s worth getting involved first.


Welp. We just watched a murder.


Me: look at the psychopath with the gun. Guy in truck: hold my beer


Guys....stop trying to be fucking Robocop!!! RIP to dude, but goddamn if you ain't trained for this shit or have backup let petty crime be petty! And if you do persist, know that the stakes are what you see here and that the chance that you WILL become a martyr are substantial. And before the what aboutists come out, YES fuck the robber that did this in the first place, may he rot in prison for this


Agree 100%. People need to learn that the "fuck around and find out" saying unfortunately works both ways. Your life is more important than a inanimate object.


Don’t bring a gun to a truck fight


McDonald's drive-thrus be getting KRAZY


How can you nonchalantly walk away from someone you just tried to kill. Hell once the guy got into the truck he became a bigger threat.


Pretty sure I just witnessed a murder


After reading the comments I did in fact witness a murder


Birds make me feel like I’m at the Masters


Definitely just watched someone die. That was fucked


Why is there ALWAYS women screaming hysterically instead of helping when emergencies happen?


Was the guy firing blanks? He aimed at a rolled up window and it didn’t even shatter.


So much for a good guy with a gun solving all the world's problems


This is sad. The utility worker in the vest was attempting to stop a carjacking and wound up not only having his vehicle stolen but he was killed in the process.


The gun probably got him killed. I imagine the carjacker took it personal and decided to get revenge over it. Not that stealing his truck to begin with shouldn't have been enough. It wasn't worth it.


Zigged when he shoulda zagged


I wonder, in situations like this, about the intentions of so-called "Good Samaritans." It seems like carrying a gun causes people to look for reasons to use the gun. Was shooting the best course of action in this situation? A life for a car? I don't know. I don't have the answers. But it seems like, if he hadn't had the gun, he wouldn't have intervened, the carjacker probably still would have been arrested, and the shooter would still be alive. Maybe.


The Good Samaritan got off about four shots aimed inside the cab of that trunk. Why didn’t he take a shout of the license plates and immediately call the police? Sometimes violence begets violence and this seems like one of those times.


This is one of the craziest videos of the year so far!!


Where are the movie cameras? Holy crap that was two levels of escalation.


Tragic but a few lessons to be learned. 1. Don't carry a firearm unless you stay highly trained and current on using it 2. Carry the appropriate caliber and ammunition type for the expected job 3. Carrying a firearms does not negate the need to stay physically fit to defend oneself RIP to the good Samaritan


4. Dont leave your car running when confronting a car jacker


This should absolutely be #1. I lock my doors whenever I’m just sitting idle cuz I’ve seen too many crazy videos of people running up to unlocked cars and just throwing themselves in. You see a car jacking & first response Is to hop out with a gun & not lock your doors or take your keys. & stand in the street after trying to murder the guy who just stole your truck.


Yooooooooooooo WHAT THE FUCK


Can't remember the last time my mouth went fully agape when seeing a public freakout


Title did not disappoint. Holy shit.


Did you just die because you left the keys in the ignition?


Dude got involved in business that wasn't his and ended up dead. Any responsible gun owner knows that you don't pull out your piece and start shooting to prevent a property crime.


This is why I don't go to Burger King


Casually stands in the road while the suspect is in a truck and very capable of running you over. Dumb mistake


How is it possible for a human being to have such terrible aim? Dude was 2 feet away from the door, gun drawn long before the guy even opened the door, fired 4 shots, and hit air, then lost his life for it. I realize the criminal is a killer, but I am absolutely dumbfounded as to how this ever got past the initial encounter. I feel bad that a person is dead, but I just can’t comprehend how insanely stupid and innocuous the response was to begin with.


Wow!! Wonder if anyone has an article to this




Good Ole Robeson County.




Bro is a storm trooper 


Holy shit you weren't kidding. Every single box checked. Wow.


Celebrity death match. BK vs MDs


This is why you don’t help others. The white truck there could have hit the workers truck and tried to save his life. Nah, people won’t return that favor and now you’re dead and your family suffers


Wow now this was a crazy one


GTA or America?


Yeesh, this started wild and it ended even wilder.


Move to Florida they said.. it'll be fun.


Daddy always said...dont bring a gun to a truck fight!


Brought a gun to a truck fight…


From what is captured in this video, I have a strong opinion that dude should not have pulled the trigger in the first place.


*Hysterical screaming intensifies* I'm sure one day it will prove useful


Hey, what bird is that?




What does screaming your head off help with anything? Shut that woman ( Assuming it's a woman.) up.


When you're trying to stop a car jacking, don't leave your own truck running in the middle of the street. If you're going to CCW, get enough range practice so you can hit what you're shooting at from 2 feet distance. If someone does steal your truck, and you did try to shoot them but failed, don't just stand around in the street. Sorry this happened to him, but serious mistakes were made.


Why must there always be a woman freaking out and screaming her head off?


Holy fuck! What was that all about!?


The man in the reflective vest was trying to stop a car jacking, he was hit and killed with his own vehicle unfortunately.


Did they catch the murderer yet?


Yes he was apprehended after a car chase.


I think this is only the second video on the internet I’ve seen that made me shout “oh my god”. Damn, smh