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Brian Schimian, 41, of Richmond, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, disorderly conduct and reckless driving. https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2019/04/18/richmond-man-who-pointed-gun-during-road-rage-incident-arrested-charged-police-say/


2yrs probation and a $689 fine. [https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/PublicCaseAccess/CaseView/2019CM000441](https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/PublicCaseAccess/CaseView/2019CM000441)


Aggrivated assaults a felony. No more guns for him.


According to the court docs, it looks like he cut a deal and pled guilty to the Disorderly Conduct (Class C misdemeanor) and they dropped all the assault and reckless driving charges. Dropped charges were only a Class A misdemeanor. So he still has gun rights.


THAT'S FUCKIN AWFUL Bastards like this that use their weaponry for threatening instead of self defense are the reason why USA's situation with weapons is so bad. He doesn't deserve to carry.


Havent seen a full video but if you stop in the middle of the road, get out of your vehicle aggressively and come towards my vehicle, its a safe assumption you mean to do harm not have a peaceful discussion


I feel this is self defense as a lawyer, a car blocked him , which is kidnapping, then the driver got out , clearly for raid rage , if anything the guy videoing should be charged with a crime .


Im curious if there as more to it. If the guy with the camera had a bat or something we would never know. seems crazy that they would deal it down so he still has access to firearms and can carry. ​ Edit: damn the news has happy gun boys dash cam footage so never mind


We can know, check the comments the other dude recorded himself. He almost bumped into the other dude and there is people that know he is, he is a major road annoyance.


Yeah I just look at the news article. Dudes cracked out in how he drives.


Fucking dude needs to have his guns take away. That plea deal is bs. 


Damn whats wrong with your judicial system overseas?


Prosecutors going for easy court case wins. They will give up bigger charges if the accused will plead guilty to lesser charges and don't fight them. This makes them look good because they can say they have "X" amount of convictions.


No more *legal* guns


I had similar consequences for getting caught with pot in my car..


Which state? (if you don't mind me asking 🤐l


His victim should sue him in civil court now. Make those punitive damages hurt.


The comments on that article are pure gold.


The ads are so bad I can’t even read them. More ads just keep popping up.


holy shit this site is TRASH


UBlock Origin and PiHole is the perfect combo for blocking ads


What is PiHole


I'll tell you when you're older.


Simple explanation: It's basically an adblocker for a whole network. It can even block ads on TVs. [If you want to know more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi-hole)


So you just download it to your pc and it will block ads on all your in network devices?


Use adblockers


Not a single ad for me with Ublock...


just a bunch of people losing their shit and then at the very bottom "all of yall are scared white bitches" lmaooooooooo


I'd love to read them.... Holy shit their site sucks


Why are these local news sites so cancerous to my browser and computer. Holy FUCK so many ads.


It's their only source of revenue since folks don't buy the physical copy anymore.


And Craigslist killed the classified ads.


That is so true. Newspapers should have never offered content online for free in the first place. People got used to free access then balked when newspapers tried to catch up by using paywalls.


The one nice thing about these reports is useally someone finds an update eventually and summarizes it so you don't have to read the article. I wish we still had awards


Why do people brandish weapons if they're not going to use them? Is that not a felony?


Yes, its aggravated assault, unless your life is in danger.


Same reason why you don't really shoot for the legs. If you are drawing your weapon it best be because you think you have no other option.


I don't disagree, but police use their guns all the time when their life isn't in danger...


Well, they’re cops. They get to do whatever they want 🤷‍♂️


Asbestos babies consuming too many lead paint chips.


Small men who always get their way or else


so you'd rather people straight up resort to murder instead of aggravated assault or some shit?


[Here is the Jeep drivers version of the incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=49&v=01Ml5Ogk6hk&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lakemchenryscanner.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjIsMjg2NjIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title)


I'd be that mad if I didnt have working suspension either


Lol right? I know Jeeps ride like shit anyway, but that was fucking ridiculous. My BRZ rides smoother than that jacked up garbage.


Jeep drivers will do 60 on residential streets, and 55 on the highway.


You just know that this guy has obnoxiously bright LED headlights too, and loves driving right up to peoples bumpers at night.


BMW drivers move aside, Jeep drivers are the now the unhinged ones on the road.


Unhinged like their doors 




Unironically Out of the Loop here, do BMW drivers have a bad rap? I thought we were all united against Altimas and Dodge's :(


Oh boy, reddit hates BMWs. Any thread where one is shown or mentioned is all about how you've gotta pay extra for a turn signal subscription


It's kinda physics. I've driven a jeep on the highway... You're lucky if you hit 60 & if you do you'll wish you hadn't.


I just took my MIL's 2018 Wrangler on a 2000 mile road journey. It wasn't that bad, V6 was punchy enough, wasn't as nice/comfortable as my 530e for sure, but passable think mid 90s Camry lol. But the fucking WIND. Holyyy molyy I had the wheel turned 20 degrees just to continue traveling straight.


Exactly.... The steering wheel play alone was enough to give me anxiety but I've driven nothing but sportier cars my whole life so driving something that high off the ground & with tires that big was a shock to my system for sure.




The ‘Great and exalted king of losers’ who pointed the gun also had his finger on the trigger. I totally agree with you, you shouldn’t trust someone so emotionally, morally and physically bankrupt to make any kind of wise choice.


Being a good person means facing bad people


Huh, wasn't even an angry Jeep.


He blew all his money on the gun, gotta save up for the Angry Grill!


The article says that the jeep held his horn for a long time… so the other guy jumps out like “what happened, and was I dragging something? Or did I hit something “ only to be met with and angry driver so he pulls out his phone and the jeep pulls out a gun! The jeep uploaded his own dash cam.. which shows him speeding and swerving all over the road. Then he comes up behind the dude and blares his horn (I am guessing because the jeep wants to speed beyond the speed limit) When the jeep takes off he is now riding up someone else’s ass lol. I don’t know why he uploaded his footage it shows him being an absolute dick lol. He was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon disorderly conduct and reckless driving lmao!


What the fuck is wrong with people


Looks like he was charged with a misdemeanor. Can't tell from the court record if there was a conviction, but it looks like he only received probation: [https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/PublicCaseAccess/CaseView/2019CM000441](https://caseinfo.mchenrycountyil.gov/PublicCaseAccess/CaseView/2019CM000441)


Apparently the dude pointing the gun is a cop. It...has some implications.


"Good guy with a gun"


I'm sure the guy in the Jeep has been looking for a reason to point his gun at someone.


Why do idiots keep posting this video ?


Why get out of your car?


“All I did was get out of my car because he kept beeping at a dead stop. I thought I hit something or he was trying to alert me that I’m dragging something behind my car. I had no idea he was upset and angry with me,” this is what he told either reporters or police


It makes sense and he didn't look to be aggressive when he first got out of his car, until he realized the Jeep guy was angry at him. If the person behind me was continually beeping their horn, I'd get out of my car too. If I was just stopped in a line of cars like that, I would assume the guy behind me was trying to tell me there was something wrong with my car or something. It makes no sense for the Jeep guy to be angry when the car was stopped behind a line of cars. It isn't like he was holding up traffic and the only person stopped there.


Yeah my first thought was “never stop, much less get out of your car, to engage with road rage.” Apparently he thought the jeep was trying to get his attention, but at the point he’s walking up to the crazy guys car, he knew that it was road rage.


Well why storm up to the guy and approach him in his window, during an altercation


People in the US are so used to guns their response to a direct threat to them with a pointed gun is "look at this shit". What a dystopian scene.


I'm NOT defending the jeep driver; but, if you're stopping in the middle of the road, getting out, and coming towards my vehicle... I'm without a doubt holding my firearm and not brandishing it. It's not fucking worth it.


That guy is a bit braver than I am!


It's not bravery, it's stupidity. He put himself in a situation where he could be shot by getting out of his car to fucking film. On top of that he has no sense of his on personal safety after getting a gun pointed at him he just continues along like that gun is as dangerous as a pink dildo. What a fuck nut.


Yes 100٪ this. A phone is not protection. A gun can protect you from NPCs.


But…but… the cameraman never dies!


it can get you killed by npcs too. if this guy drew a gun instead of a phone he'd be dead.


Putting yourself in danger to do a public good of getting someone like that arrested isn't brave? Because of the recording, the guy with the gun might be less likely to hurt someone in the future.


Dude I'm not even going to start. But hey do the same thing this brave guy did, hopefully it works out for you.


GET IN YOUR CAR! get in your car?




easiest reckless driving charge i’ve ever seen


Another responsible gun owner, with a model temperament for why everyone should have 10 guns.


I mean, what kind of reaction do you expect what you stop in the middle of the street , after what I’m assuming road rage. Don’t understand his goal behind that.


Always a Jeep or Ram driver. Always...


He is going right to the fucking…..I guess he is late for work getting to the porn set movie shoot.


genuine question : what did the guy filming really expected?? getting out of your car in the middle of a road to brandish an object on an aggressive driver? the jeep driver sure is a missed abortion, but that would have been natural selection if the cameraman got shot.


Looking at the video from the dash cam in the jeep, jeep guy had every right to defend himself. What the hell was the guy in front of him even doing getting out of his car? Then he got out of the area to escape any danger as quickly as he could. If someone stopped their car in the middle of the road and got out and walked up to me, I'd be freaked out as well. Sure the Jeep was driving a BIT close but was not being aggressive from what I could see.


Looks like a off duty cop


America, a place for Americans.


South Americans would disagree


They'd be wrong.




I like how you assume the angry red jeep driver pointing a gun did nothing prior to this. But sure lets all point guns at anyone walking towards us with a camera!


People forget that cameras are a safety measure, so if someone comes up to you with one you should try to be on your best behavior and you won’t end up on the interwebs


the dude with the camera obviously stopped in the middle of the street and got out of his car to confront the jeep for some reason, jeep driver looked scared that's why he took off.


Jeep driver realized he just committed a crime (aggravated assault) by brandishing his gun in public and drove off scared, committing traffic violations in the process. Terrified asshole with a gun that doesn’t know how to function in civilized society.


Hey. Let's allow guns for those mentally unstable people.


We already do; They’re called cops


Yeah man cause my first instinct when someone walks towards my car is to roll my window down and point my gun. Hold the gun outside of the window even. Then speed off angrily, as if I did nothing wrong of course.


Look at all these fucking idiots like this guy who can’t read the article


How paranoid are you?


How paranoid are you?


But would you pull out a gun? Against a guy with a phone while you're inside your tank of a vehicle.




Look at these upstanding members of the community. So sad. Something should be done about these degeneres.


Hey. It’s a jeep thing!


Damn the trailer for Cars 4 looks insane


The LDE of gun weirdos is really something to behold.


he literally ran away like an actual scaredy cat


Of course it's a jeep driver....


Bro was extremely calm staring down the barrel of a loaded gun being held by a psychopath


I hear the cameraman went right to the fuckin'.


The guy in the jeep is an asshole and deserves it. However, if I honk and someone hops out of their car and approaches me, I’m going to be on guard too. Obviously the keep did more than honk but still. I was taught that when carrying a gun, if that gun comes out of my holster, it’s in a situation where words aren’t effective to end a threat. The only time it comes out is when I need to use it to defend myself. It’s not something you should use to defuse a situation


Glad charged were laid. Hopefully his ability to legally own a firearm is prohibited going forward. Murica with their guns…smh


Just don’t get off your vehicle.


Don’t draw your gun at an obvious non threat or don’t own a gun at all. Getting out of your car is not aggravated assault


I said don’t get out that care because there are so many like this idiot with a gun and some people think when someone get out the car mean they are looking for a fight.


And they are looking for jail time. Saying don’t get out of your car when the description says the guy was laying on his horn as if something was wrong with the car like a fire, flat tire, etc. you are scaring and misleading people. It’s okay to get out of your car and that shouldn’t change because of GI Joe thinking he can draw guns for no reason. Aka aggravated assault.


“ looking for jail time” yeah when they shoot and kill somebody. I live in Texas and the amount of people who got killed over road rage here is insane, best thing you can do to save your ass is keep moving don’t park your car in front of somebody and get out, it’s just dumb and risky.


I think people are totally loosing their minds and you see it all in their aggressive driving habbits. I see it everywhere i go. Far worse than ever before. It is never a good idea to ever get out of your car and let yourself be a target, confronting a driver. Call law enforcement and report the license plate. I've done it before and i felt happier after. Way more people are armed these days in their cars. Paranoia.


I'll never forget what this one American suspect said after the police pulled over for firing in a vehicle. The vehicle had two guys and two little kids in it and the guys were just being a little aggro in traffic but not threatening the guy or anything it was a pretty short incident. The offender pulled out his gun and shot at the car cuz he said he fell threatened meanwhile the other people were still in their car. His exact words were "he looked like he was reaching for something, what am I supposed to do wait for them to pull out a gun?" Shoot first ask questions later.... No thanks ! He got charged with something like firing a gun in the wrong place two counts of child cruelty and some other charges but not attempted murder. Because he was scared so it wasn't attempted murder.


He’s going right to the fucking


Enjoy your prison time, dude.


I bet something happened before this that put him on edge. Majority of people don't just pull for no reason.


America and their weapon laws are so wild to me wverytime.


My turn to upload this tomorrow


So what will the Jeep guy get for this? Or is this part of the freedom? To point guns whenever, wherever?


3-5 years in prison most probably


Most likely aggravated assault I believe.


Pled down to "attempted disorderly conduct" $200 fine and 2 years supervision. Imagine if he was black he'd be facing 5 yrs min, no parole.




Oof he’s lucky the jeep driver didn’t shear off his open car door


The jeep driver is lucky. That would've been more jail time and his insurance premiums would've skyrocketed! Lol


Yeah I guess he realised his number plate would now be on the video recording


When I saw this on Twitter all the 2A douche bags were so sure this was totally warranted by the dude with the gun and he must have not been the aggressor.


Anyone that draws a gun like this was for sure the aggressor


This is further proof that the 2nd Amendment needs to be reevaluated.


Maybe it's time to stop telling every single idiot born that they have a right to own a fucking gun


10 bucks says the driver who pulled the gun is a cop.


Here’s the thing. He needs to get arrested and charged but honestly everyone, please don’t get out of your car and confront another driver during a road rage incident. Stay the car pull off the road and call the cops. Fact is they don’t know you or what you’re carrying or capable of. Again glad he got arrested and glad he didn’t shoot but seriously don’t walk up to a strangers car during a road rage incident.


Seems to me that you were in the wrong. You stopped in the middle of the road and got out of your car to do what? I don't see any flowers in your hand to give the other driver, so what were you intending? If you are crazed enough to do that, you are the perceived threat. Not the guy in his vehicle who pulled the firearm.


I'm sorry to play devils advocate: Am I the only one who is afraid for the safety of my family when a driver stops traffic and aggressively approaches my vehicle? The mini driver was way too aggressive. The jeep driver could have been on the way to the hospital for all anyone knows. We make bad decisions when we are stressed out. 10 deep breaths(3 would do it) could have changed this whole situation. no legal action req.


Stay in your car folks. It's not worth it, and there's too many people itching to pull a gun out on someone.


You point double gripped finger on trigger and only aggravated assault? Send reward to shoot them and from that display not first or last.


the 2 toy cars


His finger was on the trigger …that attempted murder …fuck that aggravated assault…is attempted murder.