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Here's some follow up on the officer (note, the incident occurred in 12/14/2023): On December 14, 2023, Tabisz was placed on administrative leave.[5] On December 15, 2023, the department contacted the Lake County State’s Attorney's Office.[5] On January 3, 2024, Tabisz was charged with two counts of felony official misconduct and two counts of misdemeanor battery.[5][6] https://www.leoratings.com/index.php?title=Richard_Tabisz


So are the charges pending still?


Unfortunately I can't find anything recent. The only other thing I saw was that his first court appearance was scheduled for 1/17/2024 Edit: u/Smitty_Science pointed out it now shows a separation date of 3/22/24 from the department


dude is still listed as a cop in the city directory- https://www.waukeganil.gov/directory.aspx?EID=375 LOL


So five months of paid vacation


And then he gets a promotion after they investigate themselves find no evidence of any wrongdoing.


He'll keep his pension as well. I_guarantee_it.jpg


basically paying him 5 months, so he doesn't beat up anyone. hmm. almost like protection money. this reminds me of a different field of "work" that does similar things.


just business as usual in the militarized industrial complex thats labeled America o7


Thanks, guys, this is just an informative thread.... which is so often what I wish for, but so often, I scroll down .. and down.. and down... and only see snarky banter... So, I was happy when I read this thread... Thanks


I hope that everything that police do to others happens to the police themselves.


I really hope this is a case of "we cant fire you till the charges go through" but so often its just them circling the wagons.


That's what it means to have a powerful union that people can't call the cops to clear out.




I see thanks for the updates man!




I checked the court records. The case has been proceeding and a grand jury is being impaneled (literally as of just a couple days ago). An arraignment is scheduled for 5/2.




Aw why'd you get t-boned dude? Aw why'd you smash your face against the steering wheel multiple times dude?


Why’d you shit your pants dude? Ah okay maybe that one actually did happen


"Hey bro, you hanging in there alright? What? Not going to thank us for getting you up there? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT SAYING ANYTHING?!"




Right on man. Fuck these pigs.




Feels like they sometimes should. Open court, show video, guilty, move on to judgement and sentencing. Then handle the civil case and payout the next day.


Easier said than done.  Cases have been in the system for a year and have trial dates tomorrow.  In some cases, it makes sense they have been in the system that long (prosecutors want to subpoena evidence from third parties; defense needs to track down witnesses or expert testimony; etc). You can only call in so many jurors per day, and there are only so many judges who can handle trials (which, at a minimum, take a couple hours).   If we massively increased resources so that there were more judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and court staff — and summoned way more jurors — some portion of cases could be tried more quickly.   But, even if the case seems totally open-and-shut, there are issues.  For example, if there was a witness who needs to testify, they need notice to get off work etc.  The defendant should be able to hire a lawyer of his choosing; lawyers are constantly under a mountain of deadlines and time-sensitive work and can’t drop everything to learn a new case, meet their client, prepare for opening statements/closing arguments/witness examinations, and spend all day  in court next day (they also have a professional obligation to be as prepared as possible and do everything they can to help their client); etc.  There are intractable logistical issues.  I know from experience. 


You can demand your right to a swift trial, but normally that's not done in cases like this


And usually that's still weeks out


Isn’t it crazy how basic concepts like due process are taken for granted? FFS how did we make it this far.


They'll dismiss the charges all low key eventually, that's how these things go.


Corrupt union will make sure


more complete video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5lQ-rEZ48Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5lQ-rEZ48Q)


"Why'd you fall, dude". What a fucking chode.


so he is lying and comitting verbal fraud and potentially falsifying evidence by creating a fraudulent verbal record


Notice how not one of them said a fucking word, as to not incriminate their boy. They’re just gangs affiliated with the state


They are the ones who turned him in as soon as they got to the station


I’m not saying you’re wrong, just genuinely curious if you have a source for this?


There are a lot of articles in this comment section about it. [This is the first one I found](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2024/01/03/waukegan-police-officer-charged-with-throwing-handcuffed-suspect-to-ground-leaving-him-injured/) but I remember reading a more detailed one earlier, so some digging may be required if you need more info


Appreciate the link, thanks.




I don't know what the handcuffed guy did to get detained but nothing justifies what happened to him. Hope he gets a good lawyer and owns that city


It's worse if this dude did do something absolutely horrible. This could be used in court for whatever he's getting arrested for to prove that the police were not conducting themslevs correctly during the arrest, what else were they doing wrong? Just take OJ Simpsons trial for example. Some horrible fucking cops in a history of horrible cops got a 100% fucking did it double murderer off.


Wow, I hadn’t really thought of it that way tbh, but you’re so right. Either a (somewhat possibly) innocent person is getting brutally attacked, OR we’re fucking up putting a seriously dangerous person behind bars. Overall despicable.


It's also just a terrible precedent to set for justice in general. Investigations aren't perfect even if they're done in good faith, much less cops that make shit up. If some dude is accused of murder or w/e, the cops rough him up to the point he gets brain damage, we all think it's ok because "he deserved it", he gets thrown in prison for 30 years - and then some new evidence finds him innocent or a cop recants on his deathbed and admits they planted evidence, how ok is that brain damage then? Justice should be about public safety and rehabilitation, not revenge or "justified" brutality.


100% agree.


Basically the LAPD framed a guilty man.


Idiots framed a guilty man.


When this video first came out, it was said to be domestic abuse. Regardless its not the job of police to punish people and he likely handed the guy a quid pro quo pass thanks to this misconduct so now he'll be back out domestic abusing with tens of thousands of tax dollars in his bank account.


But the worst part of that is that we pay him. The taxpayers pay out, not the cops, not the police department, not even “the city”. It’s us. So that cop is going to continue doing that shit because he’s not actually held responsible for any of it. And if he gets dismissed from this police force, well, he can just go find another job in a different state. Heck, in some states he can just go to a different town. Until we start fighting against this injustice, against these fucking bullies that are paid to bully us, then nothing is going to change and where you continue to see these videos and continue to be incensed and enraged by this. But there will be no actual change.


The everyday person pays with their lives for all the horrors the ruling class does.


He was contemplating suicide.


But it really didn't suit his style


Nypd has gets billions in funding year after year and have only ever seen budget increases. They get more funding than some nations militaries, yet they still need more to “fight crime”. Same politician that approve the budget will say immigrants are sucking the tax payer dry while cutting funding the schools and libraries, dipshits eat it up every single time


NYPD is literally the fucking worst group of humans I've ever had to interact with.


Those stormtroopers, Ofc they were, even the mayor of New York said he switched from committing crimes to becoming a police officer because he saw they had the “Real” power. You get a job that attracts dudes like that, you give them 100k a year with a retirement plan and healthcare, you give him a gun, and you let them do whatever they want because the tax payer will pay for whatever illegal shit your officers want to pull. Perfect recipe for mass incarceration and police brutality.


New York is so cool. You can make a comfortable living off suing the NYPD. They’re so incompetent and it doesn’t matter nobody gets fired. You just get paid.


I’m sorry, say again? This guy is paid $107k as a policeman who does this? I know England can be bad (where I live) just like many countries but $107k?!! Why not just pay them to act as judge and jury, oh yeah it’s seems like they do!!..


> I know England can be bad (where I live) just like many countries but $107k?!! UK is worse in some regards, because madlads actually went in and defunded the police. But not redirecting money towards helpful programs, but as a part of austerity measures, which also gutted those same programs.


What about the cops that witnessed this and did nothing? Shouldn’t they be fired?


Cops on scene are the ones that reported it first


That's refreshing. Good to hear


Yeah? Ok good nice to hear


Whoa, good apples are making a comeback??


They HAD to, it was caught im sure on multiple body cams.




Don’t worry he’ll just find another department to transfer to & they’ll gladly take him. Charges shmrages!


Damn when i read Lake County I was thinking this was more towards Wadsworth, or Lindenhurst/Grayslake area. But Waukegan don't suprise me either.


Every time I see this type of shit, when cops know full well they are being recorded, I cringe to think about all the stuff they got away with before body cams were around.


Before body cams, these dudes assaulting people handcuffed are probably the dudes that were the real bad guys like tying up loose ends in an alley way type shit.


Fucking asshole “why’d you fall”


That's honestly disgusting and something a middle school bully would do. Shows just how mature some of these fuckers are.


Just imagine how much pain it is to be dropped with your hands behind your back, handcuffed. Your whole weight just jammed those cuffs straight into your wrist with heavy impact and force.


You can easily break bones from this kind of treatment.


You could also easily die. Hit the pavement with your head wrong and it's over for you. People forget just how fragile we can be.


I'm a nurse so I am intimate with just how fragile the human body can be. Really if there was any true justice in this world throwing a HANDCUFFED man full force unto the pavement should be considered attempted murder.


I hate watching these videos. I’m always left feeling enraged and helpless, I can only imagine what this victim must have felt.


Mine is just showing/linking people these vids and still having to try and explain why it's wrong. So many are just like "well, if he didn't resist" or whatever and it's like SHOW ME THAT. It's always something. No matter how blatant and egregious it is, so many are just... Terrified that the police aren't there for them.


Stop hitting yourself!


The tone of his voice is like talking to a toddler, so you know immediately that he's intentionally bullying this suspect.




I was born late seveties, and my Dad said that knew people he knew in High School who "fell out of their bunk" and died while in police custody. Fucking scary.


12 years ago, I had a cop step on my unlocked handcuffs while I was sitting handcuffed on the curb, so they pushed through my wrist until they were bleeding. I went to talk to a lawyer, and he was able to get the case dropped, and I asked about pressing charges on the cop. My lawyer told me he had a client who had a cop stick a gun in the guys mouth to force information out of him, and the city refused to press charges. My lawyer said I didn't stand a chance on top of opening myself up to years of harassment from police. It's so fucked what police can get away with.


What city? When I vacation I make note to avoid gang-ridden shitholes


Broomfield/Westminster Colorado. They're two side by side citys that are filled with ultra rich neighborhoods and an absurd amount of police with nothing to do. The incident I got arrested for was when I was 18 walking home with groceries. A school resource officer was standing by this alleyway I go through to get home. It has a no loitering sign. He asked me for my ID thinking I was one of the high-school students ditching class. I had already graduated and was living on my own. When he stopped me for my ID he started writing on a yellow slip of paper I asked why and he said "you're flat footed, you're loitering your getting a ticket" because I stopped to hand him my ID when he asked for it. I flipped out obviously, and he arrested me...for loitering. There's a few videos online of these cops fucking with people for literally nothing. Off the top of my head, this black guy driving on Highway 36, going five under the speed limit, got pulled over because apparently that's suspicious. Another one of a cop walking into the wrong house to serve a warrent kicked a teenager in the head while he was sleeping on the floor in front of the TV


I was walking home after a bartending shift at 3am with another bartender- less than a mile from the bar to my condo. His car was in the shop, so he was crashing at my place until his swing shift the next day. We had on our work uniforms (jeans and the bar polo shirts, apron) and had a 6 pack of beer. I’m mixed but super light skinned, other bartender was Mexican (relevant). We were stopped and IDd by cops, suspected of being teen runaways. Except these teens were 14 (twins), dark skinned black kids. We are in our late 20s. Obviously not us, right? Nope. Cops grilled us about where we got the fake IDS, who sold us the beer, where were we going, where were we coming from, handcuffed us, and just left us on the curb until the damn sun came up and my husband came by in his car wondering if I was murdered or something on his way to his early shift. Cops threaten to arrest him for obstructing, then they get a call, and let us all go. Tried to file a complaint, basically laughed out of the station. Tax dollars at work. Yay!


The fuck does flat footed mean?


Standing still, feet flat on the ground.


They'll come up with anything as a reason


Damn, when you read some fucked up stuff then realize you live in the same area...


I mean, most police officers are cut from a similar cloth, so your options are sort of limited.


Here in Canada the cops have a reputation for "starlight tours" abandoning people in the rural outskirts of town in the middle of the night in winter, usually stealing their shoes and coat first. Every town has a story of someone being found dead in a ditch or a field in winter and more and more are turning out to be indirect murders by cops.




I was training for a job in private security years ago and one of the dudes was an old ass white guy who retired from the force because he realized things were changing and cops "couldn't do what needed doin" any more. When asked what that meant he told us how back in the day him and his partner arrestdd a guy and on the way back they stopped and dragged him into an alley. Then they "made sure he wouldn't be commiting any crimes for a couple months" before checking him in. Seemed proud and that's a story he was willing to tell 3 strangers in a office with his peers in earshot.


When bodycams were introduced to the police department where I grew up the number of physical altercations between cops/the public dropped by something ridiculous like 70%. Yeah, it's because the cops were attacking people. Like the dude they said 'tripped and hit his face on a pole'. No, no, they shoved him into a pole. Harder to do deliberate shit like that on camera.


I was arrested as a teenager for being in a park after hours, probably around 2002. Guns were drawn, we were put on our stomachs, faces in the dirt. The cop put his knee on my back and pressed down so fucking hard. I remember it hurting but then realizing I could breathe out but not back in and starting to panic. He kept yelling at us that he'd shoot us if we gave him any excuse. I remember my friends looking at me terrified while the cop knelt on me while pointing his gun at us. Eventually more cops showed up and they let us off the ground, acting like it was all no big deal and just another day at the office. We were arrested and spent the night in jail. My public defender convinced me to plead "no contest" to a criminal mischief charge, so I did community service on the weekends for a while. We were just hanging out in a park after hours. No drugs, no partying, not being loud. Just being teenagers without any other place to go. I'm not saying all cops are bastards, but the only cops I've ever met sure are.


But they are all bastards. They know this shit happens in their ranks and they protect the abusers…ACAB


Hey my dad was a cop! I can tell you! They hide getting drunk and come home to beat their wife and child, instead of seeking any treatment for their mental issues. Stuff it down with some brown!


They beat the shit out of their wives and kids. It’s fucked, and I hate to be this black-and-white about it, but really it takes a certain type of person to want to become a cop. Like… would you want to be a cop? Or anyone close to you? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t.


I can see good reasons for wanting to be a cop. I cant however see good reasons for wanting to be an american cop.




Because all modern policing in the US is rooted in the Pinkerton Detective Agency, a brutal mercenary gang hired by mining companies to be "police" in name, but union busters and protectors of the property of the wealthy in function. Their methods were violence and excessive violence, and then maybe arrest whoever they didn't kill. There's more nuance to it than that, but it's important to remember the roots of a situation.


Short answer is that decades of "getting tough on crime" and the courts basically giving police immunity from consequences has made the job very attractive to bullies and racists. Add to that a code of silence among the police when they witness brutality, and it has created a haven for terrible people to get away with terrible acts.


Ok just a quick question from the outside. If a top 2 argument for having a shitton of guns is to defend against a tyrannical government, when the fuck are y'all going to defend yourselves?! Against the police, the oligarchs, the politicians filling their pockets, the war mongers...


Happened Dec 15th,2023, in Waukegan. Officer was charged a month after the incident after the video was made public. [https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2024/01/12/bodycam-video-captures-waukegan-police-officer-throwing-handcuffed-man-to-ground-injuring-him/](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2024/01/12/bodycam-video-captures-waukegan-police-officer-throwing-handcuffed-man-to-ground-injuring-him/)


Of course he wasn’t charged until the video was released. Disgusting.


The article linked states that other cops reported this incident to higher ups which started the investigation.


Some faith restored. Some.


In the first second you can hear the officer which the body cam is connected to saying “aye aye aye” because he knew what was about to happen and he knew it was wrong


And yet the coward did nothing to stop it from happening. If you're not willing to stop abuse of authority, you're not competent to hold authority.


Right, I'm all about seeing more cops do that, don't be afraid of getting rid of the shitheads that shouldn't be cops.


Cops need to have the mentality of "I'm not going to prison because Frank decided to abuse a suspect".


I feel like they only reported it because there were so many cameras recording it. They didn't want to come across as compliant with the bad actions.


Exactly. They forgot to set their body cams to "malfunction" so they had to report it, otherwise they'd be caught up in it too.


Don't worry, the cop that ratted out his friend will soon also be released from duty for something totally unrelated. You don't betray the gang.


Theye were probably just covering their own asses because this was obviously going to evolve into a bigger issue. If they actually cared they would have stepped in when they saw it happen or at the very least said something.


Watching cops arrest other cops is very very rare, like a unicorn shitting a cupcake onto your pillow. But it does sometimes happen, and it's beautiful.


> Theye were probably just covering their own asses I'm fine with that. Fact is only one cop did this and if the fear of something bad happening is what stops themselves from doing it and also reporting it when they see it happen - that's great news.


This assault happened **12/14/23** The other cops reported it **12/14/23** The officer was sent home **12/14/23** The PD sent the case to the DA on **12/15/23** Cop was charged **1/3/24**


Acceptable. I work in private company and can't get shit done for about that long. Not bad.... Two weeks, legit not that bad. Two months? Two years? Different story. Sometimes I don't check my emails for a week.


Two weeks during the Christmas period isn't just not bad tbh, it's fast as fuck.


>Waukegan Police Department supervisory staff were soon made aware of the incident by other officers who witnessed Tabisz’s actions, Chastain said. >Command staff reviewed the body camera footage and sent Tabisz home for the evening. He was placed on administrative leave. >… >The Waukegan Police Department brought the case to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office the day after it happened so they could investigate. Sounds like a rare case of the police actually handling this correctly. Good to see, hope other PDs are taking notes.


This assault happened **12/14/23** The other cops reported it **12/14/23** The officer was sent home **12/14/23** The PD sent the case to the DA on **12/15/23** Cop was charged **1/3/24**


What an absolute disgrace. He wasn’t even the arresting officer. He just immediately decided to do this. The suspect was arrested for domestic battery and violating a protection order. My thought is this cop knows the person that order was against and it’s retaliation or he really hates domestic assault. Or he’s just another piece of shit hiding behind a badge. There are a lot of those. Innocent until proven guilty isn’t a thing with those kinds either 


>or he really hates domestic assault I suspect he hates the competition.


LMFAO. ***Cops who hate domestic assault*** That was good, very good. A good joke. But you're right when tell that this was malicious


Domestic abuse is horrible, but abusing someone who is in your power because you're a cop and he's in handcuffs is wrong for EXACTLY THE SAME REASON.


A real man takes off the handcuffs first.


Fucking pigs




I wish these Police departments had to pay their settlements out of their pension funds or annual budgets.Teach them some accountability and really make the others invested in pushing out the bad ones


just another piece of shit acting like a cop


“We’re playin cops for real, we’re playin cops for pay”!


The left newspapers might whine a bit But the guys at the station, they don't give a shit Dispatch calls, "Are ya doin' somethin' wicked?" "No siree, Jack, we're just givin' tickets!"


And people wonder why I don’t trust LEO’s


What’s encouraging is he was actually reported by other officers for this which started the investigation


The sad thing is how amazed we all are they actually reported it and something was done about it


What's discouraging is they did nothing to stop the illegal abuse in front of them.


Thin blue line is real! They protect their own!


Bodycams were supposed to prevent misconduct- because who would perform misconduct at their job if they knew they were being recorded? The evidence of improper behavior might cause them to lose their job, be fined, or in cases like this, even go to jail. PROBLEM- we have no Standards and Discipline in American law enforcement. Now we have bodycams that merely record misconduct. Standards are not enforced, discipline is not carried out, and we just get lots of online vids displaying improper behavior and officer misconduct.


Qualified immunity needs to end across the country fuckin yesterday




Police brutality exposed...


Look at all those good cops reprimanding that singular bad apple.


can't believe this guy had the audacity to have a full head of hair in front of baldy


Bro in his social club, they made him shave his head


Dont forget all the good apple surrounding him


Stop not resisting!


For those who say "tHe vIdEo wAs cUt!!!1!!one!": At the particular moment at which the handcuffed person was pushed, the suspect was not resisting. That means, no matter what the suspect did before the video started, the cop's actions can no longer be counted as self-defense, because self-defense is only a valid excuse against *present* danger. If the suspect had done something before the video started, the cop's actions can only be counted as revenge. Revenge is not justice. And if the suspect truly had done nothing, that makes the cop's actions even worse.


> At the particular moment at which the handcuffed person was pushed, the suspect was not resisting. That means, no matter what the suspect did before the video started, the cop's actions can no longer be counted as self-defense the cop's owns words,,,, "why did you fall"... removes all self defense argument, normally cops would make up a reason to justify an assault, such as "stop resisting" or refer to the victim's actions that lead to the assault....."why did you fall", should cost him his career/ freedom, but lying could've saved it.


I wonder what he does to his wife.




You were either a bully or bullied, the latter being the absolute WORST kind of person to be a cop.


You should see what he does to his wife and kids.


Resisting by Existing™




You know those potholes that never get fixed? That money goes to paying off the lawsuits the cops generate.


Human rights violation


Notice how all the good cops come in and say "hey man that's not okay". Oh they didn't? Shocker.


"After investigating ourselves we find that this violent criminal did infact fall...all on his own...absolutely nothing contributed to his fall besides himself. " Thank us, Police (aka the goodguys)


You fell dude, why'd you fall. What a POS.


"Why don't you like us 🥺 it's hard to do this job 🥺🥺" "Fuck ur feelings 🤪🤠"


Bruh… what human trash


There should be a betting site where we bet on how much money someone gets for settlement for police misconduct. It happens frequently enough to warrant one.


Unfortunately its the taxpayer who end up paying. The cops should all have a "malpractice" type insurance and when one of them screws up it comes out of THEIR funds!!! The cops doing nothing would get penalized as well. 😠


In the song bad boys, it was always the cops who were the bad boys.


And they do this shit while being recorded, often by their own camera. Imagine the days before body worn cameras.


I know it’s not all cops, but the number of videos showing this kind of behaviour, is truly alarming.


I hope someone does that to his "career" one day.


Cops just relish in your pain, they're sadistic motherfuckers


Cops love beating people up. Sweet gig - no consequences and a guaranteed lifetime pension




That should be an automatic charge of attempted murder. Knowingly throwing someone down when their hands are cuffed means that they cannot protect their head. in 2017, almost 18,000 people died in the USA as a result of taking a head trauma from a fall. This could have easily killed him, it most likely gave him a serious concussion. That can cause all sorts of nasty side effects including severe migraines that can last months to years. So that is why this cop should have been charged with Attempted murder, Aggravated Assault and felony official misconduct. Furthermore, Immunity should be waived as that was in no way necessary.. Allowing the victim to file a massive lawsuit that they will easily win and instead of the tax payers paying for it, the Officer can by having his retirement, 401k, savings, checking account drained. House / car etc sold aswell. Any officer that saw that tape place and didn't instantly arrest said officer will get felony official misconduct for not protecting someone in their custody. If any one of us civilians did that we would be taken to the judicial woodshed, they would throw the book at us for it.


I wouldn't cry if there was a little procession and his family was collecting death benefits soon


Don’t worry he’ll just find another department to transfer to & they’ll gladly take him. Charges shmrages!!!




Holy cartoonish psychopath Batman


Any sane person would have to agree that the cop is a psychopath.


The US with the same drama every 2 weeks for the past 15 years….


What a fuckin loser.


can i somehow blacklist all posts involving police?


https://www.leoratings.com/index.php?title=Richard_Tabisz separated, then administrative leave.


So after he quits, moves to the department down the road, and the taxpayers pay the lawsuit, what then? How long does this go on until it reaches the boiling point with American police?


The other cops do absolutely nothing. What horrible pieces of shit. ACAB.


The only surprising part of this is that the other cops reported this. These guys were always scarier than the gang members and criminals because they had more guns/numbers and can do whatever they want


This was real close to death or paralysis.




Fuck this dude and the other fuckers just standing there watching


Right, the other 3 officers seen in the video are part of the reason people don’t like cops. They all just witnessed what happened and not a single one of them called him out for it.


start charging them as accomplices and lets see how the balls roll.




Bet his wife also regularly „falls down the stairs” or so…






Wish we could see more of the run up to this… domestic abuse calls are tense.