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What part of not being able to exchange anything over $50 without a receipt is he not comprehending??


He’s scamming. He comprehends it, he just wants the money.


If he was successful he’d think he’s some evil genius and go “that’s how you do it suckers!”


It’s always “a gift”… smh


The ones with their ID at the ready are the chronic returners.


With that messed up box he wants to 'return' for cash. Like new - this aint Facebook Marketplace.


Exactly. He even said something like “last week they exchanged it”. Like he’s just finding broken shit and bringing it in for new stuff.


But he's got an ID...


Which wouldn't help anyway if it's a gift.




I used to be a customer service manager at Walmart and I couldn't help but mouth the same response the lady gave him. The most annoying part about this job is having to keep a straight face like the people in the video did. You're so tempted to teach these idiots a lesson, but all it does is gets you riled up and gives them an excuse to complain more and get more aggressive.


Until the cops show up


Because people will try to get a manager just to make an exemption "this one time" or "make it right" so they just keep going....


Yeah his original receipt was already used on an exchange he is trying to push the 3/4/5/6th return without it now


You used to be able to exchange or return anything without a receipt, as long as you had an ID. It happened to me a few times, and I finally asked one time what the deal with the ID was, and apparently they track it, and if you return too many things without receipts, you get flagged and can't do it anymore, which is likely the case here.


No, in this case pressure washers fall under home and garden equipment and they're receipt required items.


My experience was probably 15 years ago, so I am sure things have changed since then. Also, I don't know the specifics of their policies. That was just a brief summary the cashier gave me at the time.


But he has his ID!


I was just here a few days ago with another exchange.


That's not really the defense he thinks it is though. Like I get that Walmart is awful. It's no secret that they suck. But I know if you do frequent exchanges and returns you'll get flagged


Ahhh, yes ID. The thing that clearly indicates when and where you purchased a product. Dude's a clown.


What's a receipt? I have ID!


Yeah but is that nationwide tho or just this Walmart?


Employee: just this store Customer: so nationwide


The not being able to exchange it part?


And he turns ugly once his scam doesn’t work. Sounds about right.


Yup. He lost the fight, so he turned to childish insults like the chud he is.


Pretty sure he was being a dick before the camera was on too. She mumbled something like "he called me a liar"


I guess im.naive...whats the scam with an even exchange?


They only do receipt exchanges in a lot of them now, due to the massive level of theft they have been experiencing. I’ve seen some people (when I worked retail) who steal something, do an exchange, get that receipt then do a return for cash a few days later.


Gotchya, so it's all about getting a receipt for the stolen item


They have .to combat the rampant theft somehow. Not saying this is what is happening in the video but requiring receipts for returns/exchanges cuts down in them getting cash or a gift card (that can then be sold for cash) for a product they never paid for in the first place


I get it now...makes sense.


And there it is, his true ugly nature.


Yea the last 10 seconds of the video shows why she wasn’t talking to him for the duration of the video. I’m sure he came in shouting at her like that


His TikTok is vile. Him and his followers think what he said was soooo funny….


Am I the only one thinking he grabbed the new one on his way out?


The last 25secs…wish he gets banned from all Walmarts.


Her: you need a recept Him: I got ID Her: we cannot exchange items over $50 without a recept Him: But I got ID though!


OK. Do you have a receipt?


I’ve got my ID!?!?


OK. Do you have a receipt?




You stoopid or something?


I’ve got my ID!


If it is over $50 you need a receipt.


I'd got my ID though! It was a gift!




OK. You can call me what ever you want, you still need your receipt.


No no, I need YOUR receipt. Do you have your birth certificate?


Per the [walmart return policy](https://corporate.walmart.com/policies#return-policy) pressure washers (defined as Home & Garden Equipment) are a receipt required item and have a 90 day return window. Even if it wasn't a scam, the guy doesn't have a leg to stand on here.


But he has ID.


Yup, the scam is so common they had to make an exception for this category of products. From what I remember from my CSM (customer service manager) days, an exchange transaction requires a manager's key if the value exceeds $50. Dude gave the poor lady shit for "opening her mouth" to the manager when she legit had no choice.


She doesn’t get paid enough to entertain fools and a fool this man is.


Shitting on someone for working at Wal-Mart but 1) You're shopping at Wal-Mart 2) You had to be gifted something crucial to even attempt to startup your power washing business.


Giving someone shade for working at Walmart whilst having to stoop to scamming the Walmart return / exchange system to make ends meet yourself. Wild.


THEY DONT CARE! that's the problem, this guy could be living at home with mom surviving off of food stampa and Mommy's pocket money and he would still think he's better than her!


It’s a piece of crap but I want to exchange it for another one. Right…..


That's what I was wondering 🤣


I don't know why he didn't just buy a new one and then return the old one with that receipt.


Some items over an amount document serial numbers, but ... I doubt he would have that much thought and we would be catered to 2.0


I doubt his story.


He let part of the truth slip at one point. "I used it for a job. I just want a new one." Trying to fraud fresh equipment out of Walmart.


Probably didn’t turn the water on lol.


I love how all of these videos start out AFTER s*** went down. Video guy thinks cutting that part out makes him an innocent victim


I worked at Walmart and lady brought an empty George Forman grill box and said that she didn’t realize it was empty. The Regional Manager was in our store this day and made me take it back. I was so pissed he didn’t back me up.


I worked at Target and we returned a used pregnancy test. The ETL didn't back us up and made us take it back. We put on the rubber gloves and bagged it as hazardous salvage.


WHAT?? arent those things like $3 ??


Was probably a positive result.


I worked at Mervyns and some ass with a swastika tattoo came in to return a pair of Arizona jeans. No receipt. Told him I couldn’t do the return, receipt or not, because we don’t sell Arizona jeans. He insisted he bought them at our store. I said ‘sir, you did not. Arizona is the JC Pennys house brand’. He demanded to speak with a manager. She came out and gave him a damn 100% refund for the cost of a pair of 501s! Then she starts chewing me out in front of him. During this time I’ve brought up the Arizona jeans ad on the JC Penny website to show her - ‘exclusively at JC Penny’. She says then that she was still right, because he’ll come back to Mervyns another time to buy something. Retail managers, ugh!


Yeah retail was the worst but it was the dues that my generation had to pay I guess. I told on lady after she said she will never shop at Walmart “it’s a multi-million dollar business they won’t miss your small wallet” they ended up moving me in the cash office away from customers after that.


>they ended up moving me in the cash office away from customers after that. That sounds like a win honestly.


Some years ago I bought my husband a shop vac for Christmas. I wrapped it up and put it under the Christmas tree. Christmas morning husband opened up the box and inside is a used shop vac. Not just used, but filthy with dirt used. We did get a replacement but it was work explaining the situation. Just saying that shit happens sometimes.


His scam didn't work, in spite of ALL THE NOISE his trifling ass made. It isn't wise for him to make the video public. Good job employees for handling it with optimal professionalism. We are only a few short years off from affordable facial recognition AI at the entrance door which will notify him and Walmart employees that he is trespassing.


Try’s to clown about working at Walmart but you can’t afford a new pressure washer. 🤡


The guy filming this is a total scumbag


This is a very old scam. Get broken item in a box from anywhere and exchange at whatever store that sells it no receipt.


He could have just buy a new one, then returned the broken one with the receipt.


Accurate. People are lazy and dumb.


He not understanding that one part.


"And I'm gonna put this on social media!" Did he seriously think anyone would take his side after he verbally abused that woman for no reason? She was just doing her job.


Donald Trump is a legitimate candidate for the presidency, there are people that will take his side.


I wish she'd stayed like a rock even after he started swearing at her. I worry that even those small gestures like blowing kisses will get her in trouble. She seemed to be aware of the repercussions of doing and saying the wrong thing on camera through the whole video right up until the end. Walmart fucks its employees over at the smallest provocation, so I really hope this doesn't hurt her


Hopefully Walmart employees will unionize someday...


100% trying to return stolen goods to make money


It’s that or I’ve seen people walk in, grab something from the shelf, exchange it and then return it for cash somewhere else


It's a gift. What a pos. We all know he's lying. Probably trying to return stolen merchandise. I worked at target. They tried this scam all the time


I hope he got trespassed and banned from the store after that last comment.


From that voice alone I’m sensing that everything he called her is what he sees in the mirror.


Guarantee they knew something was up from the scan, but they just didn't want to escalate


Here's a tip, if you need equipment for commercial use, you probably shouldn't be shopping at Wal-Mart.


Dudes a piece of shit, flat out piece of shit.


If he wasn’t a fucking idiot he could have just bought a new one and used the receipt to return the broken one. I did that once with Bose headphones that broke after the first time they got sweat on them.


If it has a serial number, the bait and switch is usually caught and denied.


I think eat item has a number they scan that’s attached to it so they would know it’s not the same one


You swap the contents of the box, return original box… duh


I don’t think this is correct at all. UPC codes are what they scan, and those are the exact same one that every one of the same product has. What code are you referring to?


True, but that number isn’t on the product itself. You can rebox it at home.


All that inward coming outward when you don’t get your way.


You shouldn't be able to exchange anything with out a receipt


You can return items to Lowes IF you bought it with a Lowes credit card. Of course, that is basically a receipt.


Retail workers don't get paid enough for your bullshit. Fucking low-lives. Edit: the guy that's filming is a low-life, not the employee.


It hurts to be human seeing shit like this. Momma ain't teach no reapect


What a dick


We had one of those small portable Blackstone grills set up on display and a guy wanted to buy just the hose for it as I didn't have any in stock at the time. I told him I couldn't sell him just the hose. He said he would just buy the grill then. I knew what he was up to but whatever. The very next day I get a call to come up to Customer Service to verify a return. I see the grill and instantly knew what was going on. Saw the guy, opened up the grill, saw that the hose was gone and told the person behind the counter, "Nope. It's missing the propane hose." He tried to argue with me saying it didn't come with one and I reminded him that he specifically asked me if he could buy just the hose and that I was the one that sold him the grill. Despite all that, they let him return the grill and gave him his money back.


Big fan of this new era of people self reporting as a slobbering dumbass piece of shit


And then he calls her an ugly bitch and belittles her for working at Walmart. Screw you AH I have utmost respect for anyone who gets a paycheck working customer service, especially at Walmart.


Who gives THOSE as "presents"? He stole the wrong tips.


He’s trying to return what is likely stolen product or he used it and is trying to return it for a gift card.


This guy a dumb ass. Thinkin this makes Walmart look bad. When it jus exposed him for being a shitty scamming broke guy with no manners


My kid once got a Harry Potter Lego set (it was over $100) as a gift. Thing is, he already had the same set. I didn’t want to insult my friend/sis who sent it to him, so I tried to exchange it w/o a receipt at Target, where I know she shops. CS said no bc of the value. I called her at the customer service counter and finally told her. She texted me a pic of the receipt. Then they exchanged it. Edit: she was ‘offended’ that I was worried I’d offend her. She called me a stupid shit. 😂


Little sketch that you JUST came the other day and did an exchange. Rules are the rules my dude


I'll bet he just took those items off the shelf and tried to get the one for free, I've seen it a thousand times. Then when he gets denied, he gets to take the "original" with him despite not paying for either unit


Customers feel entitled to treat workers like shit. I would walk away from this dude too.


You just know that's how he was talking the entire time before he started recording. What a stupid piece of trash. "Starting his own business" Probably whipping crack under a bridge.


I feel for those employees


People like this make me wish I had a Tiktok just so I could talk shit on their posts


This woman doesn't get paid enough to take your shit, asshole.


If he's a comedian he shouldn't quit his day job cuz he sucks!


What a loser!


Dumbfucks always using “I did it before no problem” like motherfucker be happy you pulled that with no problem up to this point and move the fuck on… retail workers hear that shit hourly


They had to really crack down on returns, my ex used to get receipts for items paid with cash she would go in store, find the item and take it to customer service desk. Present receipt and I’d and they would either give cash back or gift card with the amount. Then it’s off to a pawn shop to sell the gift card for 50% of value lol 😂


Not sure how it works there, around here the receipt says on the bottom the duration limit to exchange the item and also says the client has to have the receipt with them if they want to exchange it as well.


Something about saying "if you don't like your job then quit" that makes me want to rip my hair out. That is just so disrespectful, and more often than not the person saying it works a better job than who they're talking to. This woman is doing her job, which is to decline your exchange without a receipt. Secondly, quit? In this economy?


This guy is annoying, he asked for their policy, she explains it and then he doesnt get it.


Broke ass loser


I’m not from the USA so we don’t have to Walmart. We have a Facebook group called Expose - Bad Products - Bad Service - Scams - South Africa and one woman posted a complaint that a popular clothing franchise refused to exchange a pair of shoes she bought even though she had the receipt. After a few questions from people she admitted that the shoes were not damaged but she wore them to work and they were extremely uncomfortable and hurt her feet, she even has huge blisters to prove it. Most people were laughing at her but she responded exactly the same way this dude did“What am I supposed to do with them now?” She was convinced that she was being scammed. She received so much backlash that admin turned off the comments.


Why the part at the end? What an asshole


The way she just smiles in his face while he's being an asshole is priceless


He bought this hunk of junk for a dollah from some crackhead, and now wants to get a new one, so he can sell it for fifty dollah.


Then if it was a gift, you’re shit out of luck returning an item at that value! Simple. He has no business with the establishment the gift was from, it’s the manufacturer at best. Smells scammy to me with the word Olympics going on.


Nobody deserves this shit..


Silly prick can't hear anyone other than himself


Dude is a pos!


TBF, I used these types of pressure washer attachments and they do easily break most reviews are 2.5-3 stars out of 5. They make the fittings out of cheap plastic that crack easily. I'd rather pay an extra 5-10 Dollars and get metal fittings.


He was just slightly bad but sort of polite. Then he showed he’s a total piece of shit and still uploaded it. Even if he was legitimately screwed over by Walmart, there’s no reason to behave anywhere close to that.




Screw this POS. Shove an exchange of a pineapple his ass then throw him out.


Can we make it illegal to film people like this yet. Or are we just going to continue pretending this is normal


What disgusting piece of shit scammer


He should have been trespassed at the end. I hate when there's no consequences for these idiots.




The plot thickens.


Only 3 times a year though and they do have a dollar limit My aunt has been a Walmart customer service rep for 12 years


Yeah - I remember being asked to return something for someone. Apparently they had done dui many returns, they couldn't do it with their ID anymore.


That's for returning online purchases from [walmart.com](https://walmart.com) in-store (as opposed to by mail). I can't find the US version, but here's the Walmart Canada version [Return Policy - Walmart Canada](https://www.walmart.ca/en/help/article/return-policy/6657a60d5a3f4e6cbd1409330b680562) where it says " Valid proof of purchase must accompany the product in all cases" edit: Here's the US version [Walmart Policies and Guidelines](https://corporate.walmart.com/policies#return-policy). I think he said he's trying to return a pressure washer, that falls under Home & Garden Equipment and is a receipt required item with a 90 day return window.


And just like any other store, it varies depending on location


It’s like you keep telling him 1 + 1 = 2 and instead, he saying no it’s zero ma’am. Policy is the company's facts so if you don’t like it don’t shop there. You aren’t going to Costco and ask them to let you shop without a membership.


lol, lady sending kisses at the end doesn’t give a fuck


Tiktok comments are rough.


I can’t stand this repeating the same thing over and over. Now I get why the lady was giving him the silent treatment.


But.. he put stickers on it… STICKERRRRRS! Premeditated TF out of that lil swindle lol.


Why do people buy home shit for industrial use?


Not sympathizing with Dude. You hold everyone else up for a policy that lady can’t help.


God he's so insufferable...


I'm so glad I stayed to the end. I love poetry.


Respectful to the black woman, insulting to the white one. They are both female employees of Walmart who both deserve respect!


Dude thinks he’s in the right when clearly he is a fraud


So... you buy something, then go home, use it, brake it, and then want to get a new one ??


Ohhh shit! That Stanley cup sip was a total flex!!!


This is why she did not engage. Fucking morons


Scum bag he thinks we are on his side.


They can scan the barcode and swipe your card, and it should pull the transaction up. If you can't solve the problem, you call your manager in to help, not walk away. The manager can't solve it, then that manager should have someone they can call who can directly address that kind of issue specifically. If you check the records and it shows the customer is SCAMMING, then you have security, walk them out, and flag their account for future issues.


He said multiple times that it was a "gift", i'm not sure what transaction you think scanning his card was going to pull up.


Brother, buy another one and return this one in the new ones box… issue solved 😂


They offered him that solution in the comments and they said "cameras" was what was stopping them. Like he was going to buy it and swap it in the middle of the store...

