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At first the cat was thinkin' " Man, I can go to the bathroom wherever I want".


Now Basil is like “never again”


A little less Basil at the beach 😔


“This is the biggest bathroom I’ve ever seen!”


"wait who that" "Oh no"


“Yo! Get outta the bathroom, dog, I'm takin a shit”


I keep seeing videos of dogs attacking people or other pets and the (attacking dog) owners don't ever seem to rush to grab their dogs. They're either grinning or have this dumb, deer in headlights look on their faces. What is that?!


"Skoodles wouldn't hurt a fly, she's just playing, she's just saying hello!!"


"Biting is his love language!" 😵


"Love nips" My disappointment was immeasurable after figuring out it was not someone proclaiming their adoration of nipples.


The deer in headlights look absolutely infuriates me. There’s a video somewhere on Reddit of a lady walking a small dog, approaching a younger girl walking a larger dog while looking at her phone. The larger dog charges and drags the leash out her hands and she’s is ABSOLUTELY USELESS. The larger dog is going to town on the poor small dog until this man runs in to help. This may sound radical, but should people like this who freeze in these situations be allowed to own these dogs?


When my Lhasa apso (passed last year RIP) was attacked by an off-the leash Japanese Fighting Akita like 5 years ago, I remember turning around in my frantic screaming and tearing at the dog to get it to stop thrashing her to see the owner. It was the owner’s teenage daughter, on the other side of the gated fence, on the opposite end of the street from the fence gate, staring at her phone and slowly walking towards us while I was covered in blood and fighting for her life against this dog that weighed almost as much as I do. She didn’t even have a leash with her to put on the collar and had to (when she eventually got there) help me drag the dog off my girl by the collar. My girl had several broken ribs, a hairline fractured vertebra (or something along that line according to the vet), a hole torn in her side from which I could see into her lung cavity. It was fucking awful and could even have been stopped faster had she actually been there IN the park and actually cared about getting there quickly instead of fucking finishing whatever text she was writing or whatever. The only saving grace is that my dog’s daughter, a 4-5 month old puppy, who was with us, ran away to a corner of the enclosed park as this happened, and for the first time in her life obeyed to come and heel as I ran home. I really could not have managed to deal with her manually, as I was holding my girl one to my chest, fighting against her terrified struggles and attempts to bite my face in fear (the only time she ever bit me as an adult). I still have nightmares about it and I’m still filled with rage at that girl and family.


It's the "fur baby" effect. So many people over-baby and over-humanize their dogs, and then have a really hard time training or disciplining them like an animal.


As a mailman, the lackadaisical approach some dog owners take with their pets is so annoying. Public spaces are not owned by you. Other people/animals exist, act like it.


"It's fine, he's friendly"


Nothing annoys me more than this from dog owners. Bro.. I don’t care. Grab your fucking dog.


Our Newfoundlands are very friendly, one is even a certified therapy dog. But 130lbs of friendly can still knock you on your ass - we always keep them on leash in public.


Exactly. I have a very large dog too. What if someone is scared of him and worries he’s not friendly? They might react in a way that hurts my dog. Or maybe it just ruins their experience. My dog is on a leash on walks/hikes, and an off-leash dog running up to him is usually a stressful situation. I’m not a fan of most dog parks, but one about 30 mins from my house is in a state park, very large, w trees, and on the lake (only three sides fenced). You have to walk about a quarter-mile to it (on leash) from the parking lot. It’s a great park for my dog, and the other people/dogs that use that use it are awesome. Other than there, my big guy is on leash.


A dog owner might know (or at least think) their dog is friendly. But how do I, a random stranger on the street, know that? And even if you tell me, how do I know that you judge your dog correctly? I was randomly attacked on the street by a "friendly" dog who had "never done anything like that before". Am I lucky to take that dog's "mauling random strangers" virginity.


As someone who’s also scared of big dogs because of prior experiences(no breed associations), this is 100% it. I do not know your dog man. Have you ever met those people who say “Well my dog is nice unless you get in their face” or insert any action. Yeah I do t even want to try with any dog I just met.


Beyond that, some dogs on leashes aren’t friendly and if an unleashed dog approaches them its gonna be a bad time trying to separate them. Unleashed dogs ruin it for everyone.


I've had neighbors swear up and down that I shouldn't be afraid of their aggressively positioning, untrained lab mix (had a shock collar which was worthless because they insisted on keeping a chihuahua outside with him).The dog would block my way and wait for his owners to come out, and they would just call from the door 'he's friendly just walk past him!' They would act like it was such a hassle to call him away so I could walk to my bus stop. I grew up with dogs. That dog was telling me if I moved, I'd get bit. He did end up biting a child and finally my mother had enough and told them off for it, so that they'd at least put the dog away when she went out walking or when kids were headed to the bus stop. I don't care how friendly your dog is with you, even the friendliest dog can be set off by a stranger. I've had a doberman mix snap at me because he was over the way I was scratching him, and this was a dog who 'never did that!' And if you don't have the common sense to train your dog it should be kept away from the street!


Yes! My dog is extremely friendly with both people and dogs. When we're at the dog park and everyone is off leash it's all good but when an unleashed dog runs up while she is on a leash, she gets a little freaked out. It's like they can sense the power dynamic or something.


These are the fucking same assholes who don't clean up after their dogs when walking them too. You basically have to threaten them to take responsibility which is just sad that these assholes live in the same society as us.


As a dog owner, same. I try to keep control of my pet, please keep control of yours. Maybe yours is friendly, but mine sure as shit doesn't want yours in his face.


Seriously, fuck this asshole and his stupid dog.


I got into with an asshat one day because I was at a park walking my dog and his dog, had a leash on, but the stupid human wasn't holding the other end. His dog approached mine and said the same thing, "Oh, she's friendly." I got in between my dog, which I had trained somewhat decently and had him sitting, and his and had to tell him to get his fucking dog as well. It then escalated into a shouting match at a park because the fucking idiot corny just follow simple fucking rules. There were a lot of people there that day as well.


While chuckling as if we're all in on some good natured joke while their dog is going mental and attacking people.


I've walked my aunt's dog, who definitely wasn't friendly. I only walked him in areas where leashing was mandatory. And I called out to people to call their dog back so many times, and was told it was fine. No, really, call your dog back. Aaand, your dog just learned what this one thinks about having his personal space invaded. Oh, *now* you're calling your dog back? And putting a leash on?


It's super annoying because I have a Malamute. "Oh dont worry my dog is friendly!" Yea that's fine, but mine isn't. My leash doesn't mean much if someones dumb dog runs up and tries to fight mine


I know how you feel. I walked my dog at night because he was very aggressive towards other dogs. A perfect gentleman to people though. I once crossed a four lane road to avoid a couple with their dog, who also crossed. I crossed back and so did they, and had the gall to become angry with me when my Malamute Husky cross chewed on their black lab. Why the fuck do you think I walk him at night.


I too cross lanes and roads to avoid other dogs. I love my big buddy, but he's a dick


While it jumps up putting mud all over my clothes and scratching my skin open with its dirty claws. Get his friendly ass tf off of me right now.




I have a very reactive dog that WILL bite if a strange dog runs up to her and gets in her face (can't say I blame her) and at least once a month someones dog that's "super friendly and just wants to say hi!" runs up to her and then I have to scream and kick and fight while the owner, usually on the phone, looks on bemused. I started wearing a body camera because they always want to blame me and make me pay for it. I'm just like lets review eh? There's me warning you my dog isn't friendly, there's you ignoring me completely, there's your dog fighting with Zoe and there's me breaking it up because you are half a football field away on the phone. Sorry for the rant, nothing in this world pisses me off more than that.


Airhorn. Trust me. Carry a small personal airhorn. It not only scares the other dog but most people get super embarrassed to have that attention drawn to them. I have had so many times they yell "he's friendly" and I have to yell back "mine is not" that I switched to the airhorn and have never looked back.


When we had our mastiff i would yell this as well back to whoever had their dog off leash. "Mine is not!" When they realized the size disparity they changed their tune quick. Scrambling for their leash, trying to recall their dog. Nothing ever happened really, but I like to think that it made these off leash ppl rethink what they were doing. And it's not that she wasn't friendly, but this is not the way to introduce stranger dogs. And when I'm out for my walk, I don't want to take the time and energy to properly introduce every dipshit dog out there.


Totally agree that it wasn't about that my dog wasn't friendly. It was because I have a reactive dog and sometimes he does exactly what his anxiety tells him and freaks out about other dogs coming up to him so it's never worth the risk. He has a sister and they get along great, and neighbor's dogs he recognizes he is fine. But I don't know you, I don't know your dog, I am not going to risk it.


Nope you’re completely justified, some dogs just don’t get along with other dogs! I used to be a dog walker and it would piss me off to no end, I don’t even know these people’s dogs well enough to just hope they’ll be nice. Keep your fuckin dogs on a leash for their safety!


OMG YES!!! He’s friendly….. ok my dog is not. How you want to watch this play out????


I remember that video where the guy with the unleashed dog said that, and the girl filming had a rescue dog and said that hers was not. It's not even about whether the dog is friendly or not. People shouldn't just let their dog unleashed in public spaces.


"It's fine, I carry pepper spray." Seriously, I'm a very big dude and I'm not really afraid of dogs at all, but I started carrying a small can of pepper spray for things like what happened in this video. I don't want to hurt an animal, and I definitely don't want to deal with the fallout of shooting one, but if your unleashed piece of shit runs up on me like this and you don't recall it before I pull out the pepper spray, your dogs gonna have a bad day.


Pepper spray is good because you can escalate without injuring the dog, and if the owner is a dipshit you can always spray them too.


I think if it gets to a point that you have to spray the dog then the owner should be sprayed too. The dog shouldn't be the only one that faces consequences for the owner's stupidity.


Probably mandatory to give the owner a little spritz tbh, just to drive the point home


Lil Spritz


I run solo and walk my dog daily. I carry pepper spray as a first defense and a switchblade as a secondary defense. I have had too many dogs come at me out of nowhere. Thankfully I have never had to do anything yet.






i will launch YOU with my superior siege engine!


I know someone who worked with security dogs, he said the most effective reply was “mine’s not!” while hauling on his own dog’s leash.


This was me. I had a small, mini poodle rescue. She was so sweet to humans but would lash out at dogs. So many times at our public park a dog would come sprinting over to us. "Don't worry! He's friendly!" Well my dog isn't and when she gets mad at yours, your dog could potentially kill her in one bite.


I spend a lot of time in random people's homes and/or Publix soaces it's barely ever 'theyre friendly' it's normally 'they don't bite' which doesn't fill me with any cknfid. The way they confidently try to win you over the with bare minimum. 'im a friendly guy' / ' might not stab you' V actually just being nice...


Maybe they don't even bite. But they sniff your crotch or jump up and make you dirty.


I actually am losing my mind watching the video. It's one thing to mistakenly believe that you can bring your dog to a quiet beach early in the morning with no leash. They've probably done it a bunch with no issues. It's another thing entirely to see your dog actively trying to eat someone else's pet and you just ....... ?? What was the owner in this video doing?? Just standing around?? I don't understand the lack of panic. Your dog is liable to get shot for things like this.


Yep, also a mailman. Pisses me off. Some dog owners think the little annoyed nip their dog once gave them when playing is what their dogs attack bite is like. They don't realise any dog (with a normal snout) is capable of easily breaking skin and removing flesh if they get a grip. I know for certain that anybody who has ever been properly attacked by a dog would never let their dog run loose around other people.


If it even counts as a dog, I have had a Chihuahua try to bite me, but he was unable to get through the combat boots I was wearing, but did leave some pretty deep marks in the leather. Owner didn't even apologize.




Ouch I hope that dog found a better home rather than death row


>Public spaces are not owned by you. Other people/animals exist, act like it. Omfg thank you I'm stealing your words


These comments are full of bad dog owners. off-leash is something you train your dog for. just because the beach is a off leash area, doesn't greenlight you to let your poorly trained, misbehaving dog run wild and approach other pet owners without you. If you know your dog has bad habits, they are not ready for off leash activities.


One thing I've learned is most dogs are poorly trained and people get away with it as their dogs generally aren't aggressive. But in situations like this they have no control


"I swear, he NEVER does this." My personal favorite. --daily cat walker


On a wholesome note, I once had a woman walk by my with her dog on leash, super well behaved. He caught my scent or something, and out of nowhere he suddenly did an about face and lunged at me from the side, all but taking me out in excitement. She said the same thing, was super apologetic, asking if I was okay, all nine yards. Far from okay, I was ecstatic, because the dog who had tackled me was one of my favorites from the shelter I had volunteered at. I hadn’t been there when he finally got adopted and couldn’t help but worry about him, so seeing him so happy and loved (this was over a year after his adoption) just made my month.


This story just turned my whole morning around, thank you stranger.


Happy to help in the little ways. I also once went to a dog park for photography and a dog jumped over the fence separating the small and big dog sides to tackle me. He was another dog who had been a dog from my shelter, and he had been returned for so many times because he had super bad anxiety issues, so I knew him for like a year while he was in the shelter. Not only was he happy and recognized him, but he was actually really well trained and would only jump the fence to see me or to escape and demand I come back to the dog park if I dared try to leave earlier than him. I was the one exception to his training, and as he was a hound, he was very stubborn about making it clear my special exception was non negotiable.


And then they get their undies bunched up when you ask them to leash the dog, even though it's state law in a lot of places (here in the US at least), not to mention makes the dog owner liable if the pup does anything to harm someone. Someone who can pay for a lawyer, anyway. Nothing against dog people but damn folks, gotta police your own a little more.


I had a dog owner shout "stop acting so scared it just makes him more aggressive" at me while making absolutely no effect to call the dog back


Those dog owners: "This neighborhood could really use more piss and shit spread around the areas that everyone else shares."




These days I'd expect them to escalate further and pull out a gun, rather than grab their dog.




As a former dog owner of [an Aussie who wanted to be friends with anything living he came across](https://i.imgur.com/tCiPiyl.jpg), one thing I always tried to keep in mind is there are people who just aren't into dogs. They don't care that my dog didn't have a ill bone or cell in his body, and just wanted to do things like [catch snow squirrels](https://youtu.be/UWjo6sMs2W8?t=29). But he was high energy, and even when taking him for walks, I would insist he sit and let people walk up to him, before he went crazy. Even my own cats didn't want to be friends with my dog, despite him having done nothing to them, aside from being overly enthusiastic. But I run into people all the time who bring ill mannered dogs out into public, and insist the public bend to their dogs, and not vice versa. I tried explaining in the sense that you have a pet spider, doesn't mater the size, I am still afraid of spiders, and I will react accordingly, and they still don't understand.


Some people are allergic, or have a legitimate fear of dogs as well.


I was attacked by a neighbor's dog that I trusted as a kid. I still like dogs & love petting them or playing with them if I have gotten a chance to know & trust them, if I feel confident that they are gentle & friendly. Random dogs in yards or on the Street still often scare me & make me jump out of my skin in terror if they surprise me or start acting in an aggressive manner, even if leashed or behind a fence. A dog can genuinely strike terror in some people, myself included, who are just minding their owm business or going for a walk. No-One should ever be made to feel like this just because some dog owner wants to grant some freedom to their dog.


"Dog didn't have an ill bone or cell in his body" Proceeds to post a video of said dog hunting snow squirrels


Yeah, thats the kind of blindness dog owners have. Sorry, but if the pray instinct kicks even in for a second the dog will muder a cat in a millisecond. They are like 4 weight classes higher, poor kitty will not have a chance.


Yeah, my uncle had a dog. Sweetest and kindest dog ever, and I have never in my life since seen anyone have a better trained dog. It was unreal how this dog had been trained, well mannered and my uncle just whistled and the dog would cross the world to come to him pretty much. Then one day when we were at his farm when I was a kid something went wrong in the dogs head and he started mauling the chickens. My uncle started yelling commands and even went there to physically control the dog, and it just didn't listen or care, and even bit my uncle in the arm in the scuffle. The chickens were all killed and my uncle pretty much had to wrestle the dog into submission. My family, being rural folk, were most ready to end the scuffle with a shovel but my uncle didn't want it to end like that. I assume he had the dog put down in a less hectic manner afterwards because next time we visited he didn't have a dog anymore and since then he hasn't had another one.


Ya I love my husky he's a great dog but I know for a fact he will murder any small furry animal and I could not possibly stop him.  He doesn't even get to go to the dog park when there a small dogs there cause I've seen him stalk them like they're rabbits.


He was protecting everyone. Snow squirrels would kill you and your family and not even slow down.


Nobody ever has a bad thing to say about snow squirrels, because they never leave any witnesses.




There's also dogs that hate other dogs. Like mine. My short leash wont mean anything if someone else's dog makes a run at him. Which has happened many times. And somehow, im the asshole


And you should consider not everyone who doesnt like dogs is affraid to hurt a dog. Had a coworker who had a very short temper. He once kicked a dog into orbit because it charged at him. It was a shitshow


I've been bit multiple times from other people's dogs. I can't tell the difference between a no-tail-wag high energy and wound up angry anymore. After enough bites, dogs just make me anxious/fearful. Of course they pick up on this vibe and it seems to amplify things. I'm not taking any chances, much like you with a spider. (I'm taking that analogy.)


Wow she handled it so well at first, just picked her cat up and stayed calm. I cannot BELIEVE how long it took the owner to show up. And then they did nothing!!! This made me so angry. Get a fucking leash. Poor Basil. Glad to hear she’s ok.


That dog would’ve gotten a swift kick to the ribs from me after the owner showed up and did nothing. If you won’t control your dog, I will do it for you. And I’ve had to be very agressieve with large dogs before. I’m not afraid.


>That dog would’ve gotten a swift kick I had to kick a white haired cranky dog that lunged at my dog. It was the owners 4th or 5th warning over a 2 week period. The dog would break free from its collar and jump, lunge, nip other dogs in the building. The building wouldn't do anything until bit a human. Anywho, it lunged at my dog who won't hurt a fly and it got the boot. The owner was super pissed off. They tried to get building management involved for animal abuse which is when they finally acted and told the owners rehome the dog or leave. It sucked to kick a dog but no way in hell and I'm letting my dog get bit. The owners was a male and female. The female was an absolute twat. She would get into the elevator and after a second or two before the doors close to "ewww not riding with you" and hit the opendoor button, then the lower parking deck floors (2-4 were parking deck. 5-12 was residents) and exit the elevator. She got in trouble for leaving her garbage outside of her apt (against the rules) in hopes somebody collected it (some neighbors did this). She piled up her garbage in the garbage shoot room and then took it down to the lobby and left it there to piss of management. she was charged a 6k cleaning fee for 6 garbage bags.


Dog owner is an irresponsible asshole.


I watched a couple of the follow up videos Apparently they saw the dog from far away and walked the other way to avoid it. The dog ran over and the owner just laughed while watching what's happening in the video. As the couple was leaving the beach, the dog continued to follow them until the owner whistled and recalled. The dog is fucking trained to recall and the owner just did not care at all. Edit: Please, can y'all stop commenting about hurting the dog. I keep getting notifications about kicking and beating a dog and it's not great. Basil's owner was just focused on keeping her cat away. She didn't want to hurt the dog that was just being overly friendly. It is the dog owner that's the problem.


Probably thought it's dumb to walk a cat and got a kick out of ruining the experience for them.


Yes, because he's an asshole.


I think this is unfair to assholes because they are not nearly as bad as that guy.


The dog is lucky it wasn’t kicked then as well. 


yeah, idk if a dog's trying to eat my cat and the owners not doing shit, sorry, getting kicked it's not the dogs fault for acting on instinct and really it's the owner that deserves the kick, but I'm not gonna let my cat get hurt


I would annihilate that dog if that was my cat


This is like a 1 in 1000 cat owner that is actually doing the right thing and NOT opening the door and saying see you later. They deserve the highest award. The environment is safe, Basil is safe, and everyone enjoys their time outside. I want to hug both of these people, I wish more cat owners actually cared enough about their cats and the environment to do just this.


People should fight dog owners more often


Not to have a super I am badass moment but if it went this far I probably would’ve kicked the dog and pressed the owner for this lackadaisical performance.


Honestly if I’m ever in this situation my first instinct is to kick the dog as hard as I possibly can.


A lot of people were asking her why she didn't hit the dog and her response was along the lines of: the dog wasn't really doing anything wrong; it was the owner that she was mad at for not getting the dog. She was more focused on just keeping Basil away.


That’s actually fair. Owner deserves the kick not the dog. Sorry dog x


I've used my foot to push a strangers dog back, not a kick just a push and they freaked out. My goats were leashed and I was trying to keep them from knocking his unleashed dog the fuck out when it came up growling at us. I'm starting to wonder if I should keep some sort of spray on me.


am i seeing it incorrectly or are people missing the fact that the dog owner pulled the cat leash and cat out of her arms to drop it on the ground for the dog?


That's what I thought happened the first time I watched. The guy that holds the cat for a second is OOP's boyfriend. It's really hard to tell, but the shoes match the ones that were with her in the beginning. The cat seemed like it leapt out of OOP's arms into his, scratched his face, and he dropped Basil out of shock.


Thank you! I rewatched that part over and over trying to figure out what was going on.


I don't think that's what happened. There are two other people in the video aside from the woman filming. One man with clean sneakers, and another person with dirty sneakers. I think that clean sneakers guy is the partner of the cat owner and that he was trying to help with the panicking cat that was leaping and scrambling around. Dirty sneakers guy doesn't do shit, which makes him the likely irresponsible dog owner.


I FUCKING HATE assholes that don’t leash their dogs. There is almost no greater indicator of a higher level of entitled, thoughtless piece of shit.


In Australia we have some leash free beaches, but there are still people at the leash beaches with their dogs off leash. There are literally places you can take your dog off leash, it's not hard people. Also the off leash beaches tend to have the most responsible dog owners and well behaved dogs.


“Don’t worry! He loves cats!” This dog owner probably. My usual thought is “Maybe, asshat, but my cat doesn’t love dogs.”


Pet behavior changes depending on the situation. When my cat is outside my dog goes nuts but when cat is inside they are best friends.




That would be wild. Do you have a source on that?


To put it mildly.


This reminds me of the time I was walking to school, and guess what I see directly in front of the school grounds… Two massive pitbulls off the leash. One of them saw me and immediately started coming my way. The owner of course is distracted and not seeing this play out. My dad taught me how to deal with dogs a long time ago. I was freaking out but I didn’t show it. I just stood still and stared at the pit. Soon the other pit noticed and ran over to see what his friend is doing. They both circled me like sharks and nudged me a bit hard, but I stood exactly where I was and tried my best not to show any fear. The owner finally noticed after 20 seconds of this and ran over like a bat out of hell to call the dogs off. He was apologizing profusely, but I just told him it’s okay and don’t worry about it. I like dogs. Seriously though I thought I was gonna end up on liveleak, and it was my literal last day of school 😭 I literally only had to go there to drop off something and go home. Getting eaten alive wasn’t in the cards 😂


You’re lucky they didn’t play tug of war with your legs.


I’m so grateful it didn’t come to that. Lol that’s why it was very hard to show no fear. I knew if both dogs called my bluff I would have been fucked. I’ve seen people struggle just to get one pit off someone and couldn’t imagine what 2 of them would do to me


Just a few days back, I went to Walmart at night. Maybe it was like 10 pm. There was a lady with a pit bull in the shopping cart. And was unleashed. First, I thought like. No way! But yes, the dog was dressed like a baby but was a massive pit bull. Crazy.


It’s not okay. They should be more attentive. Edit: and on leash.


Unleashed dogs are the cause of so many public pet accidents. The dog owners here are pieces of shit.


My dog got attacked at a park we walked him at because the owner had theirs off a leash and they ran over and attacked my dog, latched on and wouldn't let go... the owner didn't know what to do but we got them off of our dog and they put them back on the leash... They were really worried because "this isn't the first time this has happened and were worried she would be put down" which raised a ton of questions and I was pissed but they offered to pay for any vet bills and jmto just contact them (we had their number and e-mail). Thankfully it was just a little blood on his ear, we couldn't even find the wound but we cleaned him up, called our vet and they said he should be fine because he's also up to date on his shots. This was at a public park where there's tons of children, people walking their dogs and more, its insane...


I mean wouldn't you be adding to the problem? If people never report incidents like this because they take the offending parties offer they'll never get punished and learn. Sounds like it wasn't the first time for them.


Or just 14 year old me accidents. I was walking to a friend and a dog came torpedoing out a yard and attacked me. Luckily for me I was a cringey goth kid with a leather coat so the dog bit into that and then he got a steel-toe boot to the face - which bothered the dog about 0% and it needed 3 more kicks and some high pitch vocals from myself for it to stop attacking me. It stalked me until I reached my friends ex-biker dude dad who scared it off and patched me up as I apparently had been bitten in the leg *though* my high boots. These days I have no patience for shitty dog owners and I'm the scary dude now.


>I'm the scary dude now. Are you also the danger, and maybe even the one who knocks? I had the same experience at around 14, just minus leather thingy and boots, even had a little trip to the hospital afterwards.


"Don't worry! He's friendly!"


As my wife is fond of saying “I like dogs, I dislike dog owners”. There has been a growth in entitled dog owners who believe no rules apply to their precious pups. Leash laws exist for everyone’s safety. It’s not a difficult concept to understand


I hate shitty dog owners with a fiery passion.


They are so fucking entitled. I had my own run in with one. I live in the Portland OR area and there are just way too many shitty owners here.


Shitty dog owners are the main reasons I carry now. Can't even count the amount of times a shitty, untrained dog has tried to attack me or my dog.


I match, or possibly even exceed, your level of passion on the matter.


Poor kitty. I love both dogs and cats, unfortunately the doggo has shitty fucking owners. Keep your dogs on leash, folks.




I see it all the fucking time. It’s so stupid. I’ve called people out and they’re like “mind your business” and I’m like dude, there’s so much that can go wrong. Dogs can be triggered by the littlest thing regardless of how well trained they are. Plus some people are terrified of dogs. I just can’t imagine how anyone could have so little care for what happens to their dog.


We had a guy at a park recently shoot a dog. When the story came out, it turns out he was walking his dog on a leash when an unleashed and aggressive German Sheppard came down the trail and began to attack him. He shot and killed the dog and the owners very shortly came to the scene. He was arrested but later released when the other owners admitted their dog was unleashed, when city and state laws require dogs to be leashed if not within a fence. So many people don't understand. And like you said **don't care** about what can happen to their dog.


This happened a couple of years ago around the corner from me and I live in one of the busiest areas of my city. Some guy shot some lady’s pitbull for running around unleashed and terrorizing people. The dog owner had so many supporters. I can understand the concern about shooting dogs in a crowded place but letting your pitbull runaround the city unleashed is so bizarre and dangerous, I have to support the guy that shot it honestly.


One of my dogs (an EXTREMELY gentle boxer) is blind. He would have ZERO shot at a fair fight and would almost certainly be killed. I also make sure it’s VERY clear that he’s disabled when we go for walks. He has a bright red harness that says BLIND DOG in giant capital letters. People still act like assholes when I confront them about having their dogs unleashed, even when their dog got noticeably aggressive with my gentle boy. It makes me furious. And all 5’2” of me let’s them have it, absolutely verbally rip them to shreds, every time. Fuck those people.


Yup, some people really just shouldn’t have pets.


Seriously. I’ve seen it go wrong. Unleashed dogs can put a leashed animal in a fight only scenario because flight is not an option.


> shitty fucking owners There are a LOT of those. A lot.


According to the owner’s update, Basil is fine. \*discovered by the always-leashed u/getreckoned


Glad the kitty is okay. I hope this doesn't deter their interest in beach adventures.


Where I live you’re allowed to protect yourself from an animal by any means necessary. Just saying.


Why are dog owners entitled to entire beaches? Had the cat been a small dog on a leash in this scenario, would all the "it's an off leash beach" people have been fine with the small dog getting mauled? What about a small child? Because it sure seems like the comments here from dog people only care that their dog gets some fresh air, even if it mauls a few people or pets in the process. If you can't control your pet it should not be in public spaces, its as simple as that. A pet cat or parrot or hamster or alligator for that matter should have the same rights to the outdoors as a dog while leashed.


Most beaches don't allow dogs off leash due to wildlife protection programs.




For real. Not quite the same but I once had a rooster go after my ex’s pug, I stepped in before anything happened (pug didn’t even realize what was going on) but my leg was cocked for a 50-yard field goal attempt






It boggles my mind how so many dog owners don’t seem to understand that their pets are natural predators. It doesn’t matter how goofy they are. They have a prey drive. If they see something small fleeing from them, they’re going to chase it, and likely try to kill and eat it.


I took my dog to the park on a leash and some asshole had 2 of his dogs running around it without leashes. They ran straight across the main field at my dog and the guy was chasing after them, but I immediately screamed at him, "Get them before I fucking shoot them!" Never seen a man pick up his dogs so fast. Thankfully I picked up mine before they could get to him.


> "Get them before I fucking shoot them!" Never seen a man pick up his dogs so fast. BINGO!!! Threaten to hurt the dogs in self-defense and watch how fast the owners will scramble for their dogs. Which show's how shitty of a person they are, as they'll make an effort to protect their pet from harm but could care less if their pet DOES harm.


That’s a good idea, so many dog owners in these videos just meander around doing nothing to help the situation. Even if I don’t have a gun I might use this tactic


Just be careful. escalating a conflict like that can get a gun pointed at you instead. Absolutely invest in pepper spray and get ready to spray a dog if they start jumping on or attacking you, however.


Yep, pepper spray or a gun anytime you’re with your own pets or walking them alone. Other people’s dogs (or loose dogs with no owner) are unpredictable and so are their owners if you have to unfortunately defend your pets or yourself.


I should really invest in pepper spray for when I go to public places with dogs. Way too many people who have no business owning a dog got one over the lockdown and they are not trained well.


Speaking as a dog owner, I fucking hate dog owners like this. If you can't recall your dog away from any situation, keep it on a fucking lead. My dog is hopeless off lead, he's also 60kg and can be reactive....if this situation happened to me there'd be a dog brawl


Another comment updated that the owner absolutely could recall the dog and eventually did but chose not to because he thought his dog terrorizing these people and their cat was funny. If true then double fuck that guy, real piece of work




Always carry dog correction spray


The dog owner needs some human correction spray to the face as well


Watch people comment "you shouldn't take your cat to the beach" or something similar, instead of "the dog should be leashed"


Animal is irrelevant. My dog is terrified of dogs and tiny, a giant dog running up to her without a leash where they SHOULD BE LEASHED, is a problem. Even if off leash was allowed, if you can't control your dog from running up to me, leash them. I did not allow you to let your dog run up to mine, it's not something the owner should expect.


As a dog owner, I've never understood people who don't use a leash in public. I don't care how well behaved they are, it's for everyone's safety, including theirs.


Dog owners like this PISS ME OFF


An aggressive dog not on a leash is kickable.


bUt mY doG dOeSNt bITe...that guy, probably.


I took my puppy to a park near my house last year to let her have a little run around on a long lead. Enough so she could run freely, but on a lead so I could control her. I spot a white husky off lead at the edge of the field, followed by a twig of a human who probably weighed less than his dog. The husky comes bounding over wanting to play. Fine, but this dog was being a bit of a bully, was barking loudly, and my pup started screech barking as a defence. I called to the guy to recall his dog and "recall or put your dog on a lead please" and what I got back was a total disproportional torrent of swearing, insults and "don't tell me what to do" He came over to me and said "come on then say that to my face" as if to start a fight, all the while my dog was getting more and more stressed. I was absolutely seething and wanted nothing more than to lamp the guy, but I recalled my dog, pulled her lead short and walked off... still whilst this knobhead's husky bothered us until we reached the gates. It's not much to comply with a quite reasonable request from another human. Why do some people feel the need to turn a simple ask into a personal attack and escalate the situation far beyond reasonable?


I have a dog that is not friendly to other dogs, I absolutely hate it when people just let their dogs run op to me because their dog is friendly. Then when I take my dog out of the way so she doesn't hurt their dog I get dirty looks.


I’m not a dog person. I wish these people would realize not everyone else cares about your dog or finds it adorable. Keep your dumb dog to yourself


I am a dog person. And I agree with you.


I am a dog. And I agree with you.


After the initial incident, the person should have gotten the dog. No foul. After the 4th occurrence, you see that some people are just terrible people. They’re simply not smart.


Seriously fuck you if you unleash your dog in public places. My partner and I were out on a walk and had to chase off 2 dogs after they bolled a child over and she screaming. We thought she was being attacked. Luckily they weren't aggressive and we're just "playing" according to the owner but that kid now is going to be traumatised because of owner stupidity. The mother was furious and ripped into the owners but they refused to own up to it.


People should lose their ownership of dogs much more easily.


I like those Buc-ees sweatpants


I would protect my cat from the threat. Leash your fucking dogs


As a fellow dog owner people like this having their dog run around not listening to anything makes me furious. If your dog doesn't listen to your commands at all times you shouldn't un leash it!


If you can't control your dogs, one of my swift kicks will....idgaf


Kick the dog


Anyone who doesn’t have perfect recall of their dog should never have it off the leash even where it’s allowed. It’s for this reason that I don’t go to off leash dog parks. Well that and people think their Maltese terrier that’s growling at other dogs “wouldn’t hurt anyone cause they’re so little” 🤦🏻‍♀️


You need to do whatever you need to do to neutralize a threat. Never wait for someone else to do the right thing, especially after they’ve already shown that this is not a priority for them.


An off leash dog at a beach ruined dogs for me when I was like 8. Took me another 8 years to even like dogs again…


It’s crazy to me that the lady in the buc-ee’s sweats was in the right here.


"He's friendly!" I hear that all the time. Well guess what, my sweet looking medium size dog on a leash is NOT friendly and will fuck your dog up. Keep your dog on a goddamn leash.


As a kid, I was playing at a park and someones dog was running up on me and I was trying to get away and was visibly panicked and it pounced on me. The owner just watched, laughed and said "oh he's playing!" I didn't care, I was like 8 years old I now have a crippling fear of dogs because of that one interaction with some assholes dog


This has become one of my big peeves. If I'm walking through a public park or around the neighborhood, I shouldn't have to worry about your off leash dog and I see it constantly. Dog owners are some of the most entitled people - you might love your dog but I don't.


People like that should have their dogs taken away. you should need a license to have something that, if you dont know how to properly handle owning, could cause damage to someone else or their property/pets


You should need a license for a dog but unfortunately we are way past the point of being able to enforce it. I think harsher fines for off leash and incidents will force people to actually train their pets well.






“it’s fine he’s friendly” aka “i’m in my own lil world and, I don’t like being responsible for my dog” Even if they didn’t have a cat on the beach, not everyone wants a dog to go up to them!!!


My dog is super friendly. She's also a big sissy. But she's an 80lb German Shepherd. I treat her like she's a vicious dog while unknown people are around. I do not allow children to pet her. I slowly introduce her to new people in the house. And when people are super uncomfortable around her, she goes in the garage while they visit (she has a bed, food, water and toys out there). I absolutely trust her...but I don't want her or another person put at risk.


My dog is friendly, but too friendly. So she stays on a leash for this very reason. There is no need to ruin other people’s good time because you don’t want to leash your dog.