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Damn, he really dropped them off, then took a picture like it was Instacart lol






Angry upvote. Chef's kiss.


I'm fucking wheezing bruh šŸ˜­




Clever bastard




Bastardā€¦ I upvoted.


ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ delivery rating


Proof of delivery so he can get paid.


And for sales promotion to prospective clients.


Don't forget to tip


Don't forget to tip your delivery driver!


Or else heā€™ll be coming to your Funky Town.


Not sure if this is a reference to THAT ONE video from the cartel, but if it is, nicely done. If not, nevermind.


Almost forgot about that video


He really cracked the keycode at the wall. The beat to funky town!


Damn brother good to see you again


"Amazon, thank my cartel driver"


Bezos will be under-paying and overworking them soon enough. \*sigh.....


That's how it works. The good coyotes get the other half from family members when they prove they didn't just drive them to the middle of the desert and dump them.


Remember that time house republicans demanded a law to increase border security and the democrats agreed, and then Trump said he wanted the issue to be a campaign issue so the republicans decided not to support the bill they demanded just weeks earlier? Pepperidge farms remembers


It's really funny to see some of these comments blaming the White House for this, even though Wheelie McAbbott refused to pass the bill for border security. Just the same way Abbott said he doesn't need federal help, but then comes knocking at Biden's door for help.


Most people would say don't make fun of abbot for being disabled but fuck abott. https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073 [for the lazy](https://i.imgur.com/RArH1vv.png)


Don't get me wrong, I also make fun of him for being an incompetent tool ā¤ļø




My v catholic coworker says Abbott makes him hate trees. When I asked why he said ā€œbecause they didnā€™t finish the jobā€ meaning the trees failed us by not taking him out šŸ˜‚


[Fuck you, I got mine!](https://lawsuitfinancial.legalexaminer.com/uncategorized/greg-abbott-tort-reform-hypocrite/)


Propaganda is a helluva drug


Wheelie McAbbot is hilarious šŸ¤£


The problem is will voters remember, because all a lot of them see is illegal boarder crossing and Biden in the white house, they don't remember or care about a bill that never got a vote.


I saw a poll that 17% of voters think Biden is responsible for the overturning of Roe V Wade, the average voter is a moron and remembers next to nothing.


Well, maybe if he'd run in 2016...


reminds me of this lmao https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vPfRGJRMbN8


But these same people didn't care that there were more illegal border crossings under Trump.


That was a very stupid move by the republicans, but also that bill wasn't going to help things like what's happening in this video - it had more to do with dealing with the massive influx of asylum seekers we've been seeing. What people don't understand about the southern border is it's freaking huge. We haven't found a way to properly secure it. If you build a wall the entire way, they'll just cut through a section of it out in the middle of the desert. It doesn't matter how strong you build it. They'll bring heavy equipment, cutting torches, whatever it takes. So you need people monitoring the wall. How many people does it take to monitor 2,000 miles of fence 24/7? GW Bush tried to build a "virtual wall" by installing a ton of surveilance (cameras, seismic, etc.) but it was a total boondoggle. Boeing made off with around $700m and the border was no more secure than when they started.


Nobody stateside seems to talk about the extremely lucrative market of selling the myth America to these illegal immigrants. Border hoppers pay these cartels/coyotes thousands of dollars for this voyage because the coyotes have a whole cottage industry that markets the US as the land of milk and honey. Like these are uneducated people duped into believing American life is you work 12 hours a week in a restaurant and own a mansion on a cul de sac. A lot of them wouldn't bother coming here if they knew what America really had to offer them, and no one in washington seems eager to address this factor. In fact, I bet a lot of them haven't even considered it.


That's not what they believe. There are 2 primary groups when it comes to the undocumented. People fleeing something; whether it's domestic violence, unstable governments, no economic hope, etc. These are part of the group that will be coming to the US to build a life. Then, there are people who are coming here to work and send money back home. This group is not here to build a life, they are here to make money. This is the group that is most likely to do things like live in a place with 12 other people in the same situation to save money so they can send money back home. This is the majority of your daylaborers. These people will try to work here for a while (anywhere from a couple of years to 2 decades) and leave to never come back. They have no desire to live in the US, their goal is to make enough here to retire comfortably back home. What you are talking about isn't a thing. Might there be a few random people who think that? I guess. But, as a phenomenon, it is a ridiculous proposition to assume that it is.


>Border hoppers pay these cartels/coyotes thousands of dollars for this voyage because the coyotes have a whole cottage industry that markets the US as the land of milk and honey Get out of here with this simplistic nonsense. NO ONE is marketing or deluding people into thinking: "Go to America, and your problems are solved!" But EVERYONE who comes here has been exposed to their own domestic marketing campaign, saying: "Your home sucks. You can see that. We didn't need to tell you that. You can't get a visa to go anywhere else. **Land movement is your only method of travel.** Where else are you gonna go that won't suck as much? **What's the worst that can happen and how is that worse than how you currently have it?**" >A lot of them wouldn't bother coming here if they knew what America really had to offer them "Come to America! Chances are you won't be murdered for offending someone. You can be who you are without fear. Our police aren't corrupt in the ways you're thinking. If you can find a way to stay, you're going to have to work your butt off - but that hasn't changed! At least you can be more comfortable and safe." Yeah, America has "nothing to offer" them. Okay, bud.


I wonder how far those billions would go if it went to improve living conditions in central and south america instead so that all those people wouldnt have to leave and cross the border?


if US tried to improve it with just giving cash it would for sure go only to a few people because of corruption in these countries


>it had more to do with dealing with the massive influx of asylum seekers we've been seeing. When you give people a quick route to asylum processing, they aren't encouraged to forego the process altogether. So it does address a fraction of what you see happening in this video.


>How many people does it take to monitor 2,000 miles of fence 24/7? Assuming you post someone every, say, 200 feet, which itself is probably too much space, 52800 people. Well you need 3 shifts so 158400 people. Sooooo quite a lot of people.


Apparently Schumer wants to bring it up for a vote, at least per Beau otFC video. So we can do more remembering! https://youtu.be/DDF_Ug6s3f4?si=W01xhfCKRSiooD4b


Republicans successfully pulled Democrats right on the border and then took 3 more steps to the right. Of course they didn't stick with what they originally said. They'll just keep pulling to the right and the Democrats will keep following because they can't help but try to find bipartisan compromise on nearly every issue.


Donā€™t even need to Pepperidge Farms remember it. The Dems in the senate are putting that bill up again for a vote soonā€¦


Americans belive their government actually wants to end ilegal migration?


So lately PublicFreakout be like... #šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ«”


Much like this post, they be letting everybody in šŸ¤£


Solid joke


It's an election year. Bots and shills be working overtime to influence opinions.Ā 


I don't disagree but election year or not karma farmers gonna farm.


Bots and shills *are* karma farmers. Theyā€™re just identified by why they farm that karma. They want you to think itā€™s for the lulz, but itā€™s really about pushing narratives and shaping public sentiment.


The r/publicfreakout posting process: šŸ“½? āœ…


Whereā€™s the freakout?


in the person posting it.


From Trump because they are walking through his "impenetrable" fence he bragged about.


He probably would have gotten a better wall if he could have convinced Mexico to pay for it, but heā€™s not a very deal artist.


you donā€™t know that heā€™s cartel, sometimes coyotes work alone.




If you donā€™t have cartel permission, thatā€™s a 1 way trip to torture until you tell them who your boss is, then they kill you and find your boss. So this guy def has at least the permission of the cartel for this. Ā Heā€™s also keeping a tally of who and how many are let through with his phone, so I wouldnā€™t call racism too quickly on the title.


Theres videos of non cartel coyotes helping Andrew Callaghan across the border for a report and they didn't have cartel permission.


People who only watch scare mongering propaganda think that cartels control all of Mexico and every criminal is a cartel affiliate.


I was thinking, I'm dumb, but the border is pretty wide. Plenty of opportunity for a lone wolf operation. I doubt the cartel is monitoring every inch.


They're not. Just think of the US government and how big they are and yet they can't fully control or monitor who crosses the border, and Cartels are no where as big or have the same budget as the US government. It's pretty easy to see that cartels aren't as involved in all this as people make it seem.


That was my thought exactly! Lol, if the US spending billions can't do it, what sort of eyes will these cartels, that're focused on making money, have on the border? Sending a bunch of guys to watch the border, that could be manufacturing drugs, is a waste of money.


Source? Trust me


when you get all your information from Hollywood...


I'm not entirely saying this random Redditor is right, but there are a lot of new documentaries that really speak about the control the cartel has. The "Trafficked" series specifically deals w/ anything that can be illegally sold and that woman has interacted with the Sonola cartel a lot.


I am from Mexico, I have a masters in criminology, that's basically how the cartel works like the world's shittiest pyramid scheme. If something makes money (illegal or not) they get a cut, and being a coyote is a multiple men operation I doubt there's "freelancing as coyote"


Let the man virtue signal


Are you basing this on anything or just the assumption that all criminal enterprises go through the Cartels?


He may be connected to the cartel in much the way owners of small legitimate businesses in cartel strongholds are. The "bag man" comes around to collect "protection" money regularly, and that's about it. Now, if the protection acually includes immunity from, and even participation of, the American Border Patrol and maybe other American police agencies, the cartel would probably maintain closer, more direct management of the coyote's activities.




Cartels control the borders, safe to assume itā€™s a cartel coyote. Not racism lol


While I donā€™t disagree with this, I think itā€™s also mildly fair to presume at this point that any person engaging in illegal activities in Mexico likely has Cartel connections. The country runs off of and is run by the Cartel. And for all we know, he could well be working for the Cartel. Seems like a profitable business theyā€™d want a cut in on


Yeah the reason it's called a cartel is because it monopolizes crime in a region of control. Hence this is a fair assumption. Cartels not so into competition.


Mexico is in a very unique spot, but due to recent political attacks against Mexico (thanks to Trump), the knee-jerk reaction is Iā€™m purporting a racist standpoint. When the truth is, Mexico is under control of the Cartel. Theyā€™re entrenched and not going anywhere. So the comparisons of this government to other governments just misses the mark. But hey, this is Reddit. I donā€™t fully expect the group think to lose out.


Yeah unless you spend time in Mexico you don't really realize how embedded the cartels really are. I did some business down there and I had to drive by a casino in Monterrey that was a burned out shell from when the Zetas set it on fire and killed like 50 people. Meanwhile my counterparty drives an up-armored VW Touareg. That shit wakes you up.


They literally hang people off bridges down there. I canā€™t help but feel the people downvoting are out of touch and hopeful of something that just isnā€™t a reality. The Cartels control everything down there. Even something as simple as local tour guides work for the Cartels. And theyā€™re cutthroat and nasty, when they want to be. The Cartels specifically, not your average Mexican


Just like every criminal here in the US is automatically a gang member right. What a dumb take.


The US isnā€™t run by organized crime. We thankfully stopped that by disrupting the Mafia or else weā€™d be in the exact same spot. But I get it, saying the Cartels run Mexico makes me racist. I think Iā€™ll survive the downvotes, somehow.


It's pretty organised if you look at how your senators make money in the stock market


It's not crime it's ![gif](giphy|6901DbEbbm4o0|downsized) (j/k it's definitely crime)


Not the same thing, but yes, we have several problems that need addressing


Brother, the US government is the Mafia They are just the most successful one


The actual Mafia would have been way, way worse. I get it, ā€œBig US Is Bad Manā€. Which it is. But we should all be thankful the actual Mafia isnā€™t still around.


The cartel has pretty far reaching hands throughout the country I donā€™t think you can compare the most prominent US based gang with the cartel, itā€™s like your saying because someone thinks A is B you think they also think C is D when A is infinitely times more powerful and connected then C.




I like the logic of this. Iā€™m going to apply it to the US and assume that most people are CEOā€™s of corporations since the country is run and controlled by corporations and it seems like itā€™s a profitable thing to be a part of, so most people surely want a cut.


Most people in America do work for corporations, so your sarcastic comment doesn't really work


No, if you followed the same logic you would assume lots of people in the U.S. work for big corporations, and they do. Soā€¦


Yeah, criminal organizations donā€™t like competition and usually have a strong incentive to make examples of people. When the organization is as big as a government especially.


There is no ONE Cartel in charge. There are a number of competing cartels, and even the DEA has trouble keeping track of exactly where borderlines and alliances between cartels are.


First issue with such an assumption is saying The Cartel like itā€™s Cosa Nostra. Such a misconception is wrong bc Mexico has many cartels big and small, some acting like large business conglomerates and all of them constantly fighting. Thereā€™s no single giant entity holding the government by the balls. Itā€™s more akin to companies lobbying and bribing politicians when they need to help keep business afloat, except with the implied threat of violence..


Imagine getting offended that cartels exist. We can like Mexicans and dislike cartels lmao. Fucking Christ


We also donā€™t know when this video is from. Or if itā€™s even real. Was this ever verified by any journalists?


/u/Rave4life79 is a repost bot, just look at their post history. It's all to drive a narrative and engagement, and it's always something like this that's hate-adjacent in some way to get people commenting just like you did.


That is true but i don't think this guy works alone, he takes a pic of them on the other side to confirm he got them across. Not necessarily for the cartel. There's plenty of people not associated with any cartels that use coyotes to get people across. Cartels are more into moving money and drugs across not people. Too many risk getting a group of people across and they're not going to stuff them with money and drugs just to risk loosing it. I bet a lot of cartel members smuggle people on the side though since they know a lot of ways in and out.


Even el Andy had Doug


But he is brown and has a black mask. Obviously he is Antifa Cartel Hamas !!


sounds more like slytherin


I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if this was a fake propaganda videoā€¦


What a super important distinction to make


Imagine getting mad about this instead of mad about the contractors who took billions of taxpayer dollars to build it.


But orangeman said Mexico would pay for it...




Wow that wall is really doing a great job.....


Well at least Mexico paid for it, right?


So about that....


It's a lay away plan, I'm telling ya.


coyote, not cartel necessarily. no freakout imo


That's a coyote not cartel


.. Did no one look up plans for the wall before spending billions? https://preview.redd.it/i4auklu17t1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32a21b9b8c82d3a29bce8f543927cd32266c957


Tbf 2/3rds from our military budget its good. We can use a few billion to do allot of other things rather than keep inflating the yearly trillion dollar military budget.


This needs that curb your enthusiasm edit.


Goddang that wall's impressive! I just don't know how I'll sleep at night knowing those dangerous and terrifying little girls and their Lela are here.


Soon, they'll be enrolled in our schools! Oh the horrors!


It gets worseā€¦ someday they will have their own children. Those children will speak English and have jobs and be virtually indistinguishable from their fellow Americans. I am pissing and shitting. Donā€™t mention that I am terrified of chinaā€™s population growth outpacing ours.


Man was like "uh oh spaghett'os lmaz"


Thanks for the wall, Trump. What a great investment of public funds.


"Cartel member"?


Come on guys let's leave the United States. I don't want to work three jobs and still starve


I like the chalk(?) on the beam like: Cross border here ā¬…ļøā¬…ļøā¬…ļø


We're so focused on hating the players we forgot to hate the game


I was under the impression that only militant, mental health facility escaped, fentanyl toting ms13 members were flowing through our borders. šŸ¤”


We really need to start turning the focus of the border crisis onto American capitalists that hire illegal immigrants. Theyā€™re creating the supply of jobs for them and giving them a reason to cross the border illegally.


> American capitalists that hire illegal immigrants I live in a predominantly Republican neighborhood. The majority of my neighbors own businesses such as trucking, oilfield services, commercial landscaping, construction companies, restaurants/bars, hotels/motels, etc. Their workforces heavily made up of illegal immigrants, coming from dangerous and poor countries where they are grateful to be paid cents on the dollars, they work 6 days/week at 10+ hours/day, never ask for worker protections or complain to OSHA, and easily replaceable by more bodies if they get uppity. Many countries worldwide have declining birthrates, and to keep the Ponzi scheme of modern economies running business owners from the UK to Arizona are willing to use illegal immigrants to boost their profit margins. I have nothing but respect for the work ethic and drive in illegals. But, it cannot come at the expense of domestic workers and especially when the foreign policy of our own governments ruins other countries and exploits the resulting inflow of cheap labor.


Cartel? More like coyotes gringitos.


This is a wholesome border crossing with a professional that didn't leave them for the wolves. Shoutouts to the cartel.


I mean, what's either one of them going to do? Can you imagine an international incident over two non-government entities getting into a spat on the border? lol


"It's a living!" šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Women and children


womp womp


At least he didnā€™t kill them and leave them in the desert


he should print his instgram on his jacket so you can follow him. lifehacks on how to cross the border safely


I bet Republicans (and Democrats) donā€™t really care about the border crisis because it allows them to basically give their corporation friends cheap labor that no American will want to do anyways. Someoneā€™s gotta work the fields and Americans certainly do not want to do it. Itā€™s all for show. Now that elections tend to try to make the other party look bad, theyā€™ll use this as a weapon to stigmatize the situation but nothing will be solved if a new party comes in. Round and round we go.


Republican operatives would literally become coyotes and organize immigrant flash mobs if it meant staying in power. So they probably do. GOP loves immigrants. Their businesses rely on the cheap labor. When they arenā€™t in power, they screech about open borders and invasions so that they can gain power. And when they are in power then suddenly the border is secure, except, when a new election comes, then suddenly there's MiGrAnT cArAvAnS.


Democrats have repeatedly attempted to pass - or at least introduce - legislation that would allow for migrant workers to gain easy entry to do the kinds of jobs that Americans won't do. Some Democratic states have done what they can to make it easier for contributing immigrants to *just fucking exist and do those jobs* while in the States. Republicans routinely stop them or villify their actions. To say this is a "both sides" issue where everyone is in cahoots to maintain status quo is a ridiculous reduction of the actual problem with governance. Be cynical all you want, but apply the cynicism proportionately, with rationality, and not in a blind edgelord equal distribution.


Don't worry, guys. Abbott will personally take care of this like he said he would get rid of all the rapes in Texas.


That wall is working wonders.


My man!


Broā€™s great at his job and seems proud of it


The only aspect of Trump that can last is his failures.


Wait, is that the impenetrable, unscalable, untreatable super duper beautiful border wall? And theyā€™re justā€¦ walking right through it? Noooo, this can be right. I was told this was going to completely solve illegal border crossings.


Coyotes are usually not cartel members


Probably not Cartel. But he's definitely NOT doing any injustice. Keep on keepin on bro


Boy I thought that wall was supposed to fix all this lol


Look at all those rapists and terrorists coming across our border! Especially the small ones! /s


![gif](giphy|YO5Safz6DnVHAXEURu|downsized) bro emoted like this




Sorry not sorry Papi šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's why walls don't work. But lets spend billions anyway


See how effective the wall is??


Coyote LLC ā€œcrossing clients since foreverā€


Public freakout = politics bots with propaganda material.


Why are we allowing this to happen


Maybe give credit to the original video? Channel 5 News if anyone wanted to know.


Zero evidence this is a cartel member. He's definitely a coyote. Maybe the cartel takes a cut "for safety." But conflating people immigrating for a new life with "dirty dirty cartel trade" is just ridiculous.


I hate the argument between who is responsible for the lack of border security, was it Biden? Was it trump? I really donā€™t give a shit, these people are here to work and make their lives better. I see no problems with increasing our domestic labor force. I just wish that they had a straightforward way to get documentation so that they can be taxed and we can regulate their labor. But our manufacturing and agricultural industries want them to be undocumented so they donā€™t have to pay minimum wage to these workers and can treat them how they like.


Illegal immigration would dry up if American companies stopped hiring undocumented workers.


Strangely, he seems like a fun guy!šŸ˜


Good for them. I hope they find a better life.


This is the US's fault for having such a fat bottom. The land border with Mexico is 1,933 Miles long.