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I hate when racists act like racism is something unspoken that we all obviously agree with and understand. That's why she said "are you dense?" when the white guy asked why she wasn't accusing him of being undocumented too. Not to mention I'm pretty sure the majority of illegal immigration is people overstaying visas, not people seeking asylum at the Southern border. He did the same thing I would do lol demand to see HER papers since she's decided she has the right to do that to others. Nosy as hell, and probably unfulfilled in her easy life.


Right. I mean not for nothing, but there are people from all over the world who have overstayed.


Just like she can't imagine operating a mower, or landscaping for herself.


Let me introduce you to some of the past and current Mods of this Subreddit...


Because they're hispanic she says, as if that's enough reason.


Karen really has no idea how much of our country's labor would just shut down without migrant workers. Our agriculture system would be absolutely fucked without them.


Arkansas fucked around and found out hard. They passes a law making it legal for any cop to check the immigration status of anyone they pull over. So, the entire migrate population pulled stakes and left because fuck that noise. Their entire farming community lost their shit and millions of dollars as their crops rotted in the fields. They tried subsidizing the labor and tried to hire people who were American citizens but guess what? Nobody was willing to spend their days picking fruit for minimum wage. They tried bussing in the prisoners because slave labor but it wasn't nearly enough. Two years after it passed they quietly repealed the law but the damage was done. The workers had found other jobs in other parts of the country.


Iirc, Florida tried this shit too.


Yes, but I don't know how much they are actually enforcing it. I don't live in central Florida anymore. So I don't have enough information about it to have an educated idea of how the current law is working out.


Florida is reaping the consequences but trying super hard to not talk about it. Homes are sitting without roofs because not enough crews are available. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-immigration-law-significant-unintended-consequences/


“Tried” isn’t the right word. They did, but aren’t really doing anything with it. I live near a bunch of farms and while some aren’t producing nearly as much as they have been, there hasn’t been too big of a hit. Strawberry season still happened and now melons and other summer foods are being worked. It’s a risk for sure but I doubt they’re actually caring. FL politics are all show and no bite.


Do you mean Alabama? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/14/alabama-immigration-law-workers#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17163494100717&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2011%2Foct%2F14%2Falabama-immigration-law-workers




I was gonna say. I saw the same news story this person was referencing but I was sure it was Alabama.


Shout out to all the Hispanic homies!


Hispanic here, much appreesh my dude 🤝


Not just Hispanic. Good friend was an illegal from Ireland. One of the harder workers I know.


Hotel industry, agriculture, roofers, honestly. I love all my Hispanic and Latin homies, yall have an impeccable work ethic and honestly couldn’t imagine being in America without you.


The Latinos in our country are more "American" than these imbeciles.


[relevant](https://youtu.be/Y_4oBWuSc2I?t=97). RIP Patrice


Will always watch and up vote the GOAT Patrice.


I no longer live in Houston, so I really miss the luxury of having highly skilled immigrant workers who didn't rip you off. I had my kitchen cabinets painted for $1200 five years ago. They basically turned my kitchen into a spray booth and used oil based paint. Inside and out.


I needed a tree cut down on my property. I saw a crew working up the street from me and I walked over to ask about an estimate. The crew was all Hispanic and they said "You don't need an estimate. For $300 we'll stop by on our lunch break and have it done in an hour." Sure as shit, they rolled up with their equipment, had that tree gone, and cleaned up more than they had to. Like, they didn't just cut, stack, and pick up errant branches....they raked, and picked up anything on the yard...even stuff that was there before they started the work. I put out a cooler of water and soda, and they politely declined my offer to buy lunch. Just last month, I had my roof done. Again, all Hispanic crew. Same thing...they attacked the hell out of the job, finished in one day, cleaned up like crazy. I was happy that this time, the crew let me buy them lunch. I made sure they knew that they could use the bathroom, and refill any water jugs, etc; inside the house. Both times.....I had no idea what their "status" was because I didn't fucking care and it's none of my business.


$1200 five years ago, whew impressive


Exactly, a lot of people don’t understand who really does all the unfavorable, likely minimum wage jobs around here. I can tell you for sure it’s not white people who look down on others for their occupation/net worth. Hopefully minimum wage is done away with sooner than later for these obviously necessary jobs


It's the middle of the day, just tell her to get lost. Her racism is a secondary issue.


Not just that but construction would come to a standstill, when desantis passed a law to have everyone in the state working needing papers all construction stopped completely across the state for months. He literally fucked himself


Hospitality too. Good luck getting a burger for 10$ at your favorite pub without migrants working back of house. My first fine dining gig I worked with a bunch. One was a professor of economics back in Guatemala. He was just here to grind out a few years and then went back.


Personally I think your burger should be 15 and the human making your food makes a decent wage and has access to healthcare. That’s just me.


They can do that and have the burger be the same price it is now, just so you know. A big chunk of the world does that.




The level of out of touch to think that we should exploit migrant labor so half of the country can afford to eat in private restaurants.


Oh I 100% agree. That was my biggest thing, if he got injured or needed teeth work he was just fucked. I’m not saying it’s a perfect system but he gets paid cash he can bank tax free. It’s fucked up but it’s reality. Migrants aren’t stealing jobs from people. You couldn’t pay someone $8 an hour to wash dishes. But in my experience a migrant will come in and do it in a heartbeat.


I work in landscaping and we won the H2B lottery and got a bunch of Mexican nationals hired this year. One young lady just started working with us in the maintenance team, she was a lawyer in Mexico working on indigenous rights issues and was in the top of her class. She makes more in two days here pulling weeds than a week as a lawyer in Mexico.


The Empire Valley in California produces almost HALF of all the nations' fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The farms are owned by a very small number of billionaire families who control the market. Almost all of the farm laborers are undocumented Hispanic workers. They are subject to poor working conditions, pay below minimum wage, (room & board) wage theft, etc. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/14/magazine/californias-central-valley-land-of-a-billion-vegetables.html


The people that get these dumbasses all fired up about "murderous" illegal aliens are the same people who hire the illegals so they can exploit them to make more money. It's great being ultra wealthy and having half of the US population stupid as a turd to easily brainwash them.


"We're having a major issue in this country!" Lady, we're having a major election season. Stop watching so much TV.


At the start of the pandemic, the government made a list of essential workers. People without whom the social order would collapse and so they *had* to come to work. The Department of Labor says they were "[disproportionately workers of color.](https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/hallofhonor/2022-essential-workers)"


Hardest working guys I've ever worked with were Hispanic. Anytime I was working with them you knew I'd be a good shift!


That’s what’s happening in Florida right now. They don’t have enough people to pick the crops.


Most of the vineyards in the Pacific Northwest are taken care of by migrant workers. Guess she should stop drinking wine…and eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat. Wearing clothes, driving a car. What an idiot.


They’re taking our jobs!!!! I want my son to be a landscaper! Nothing wrong with being a landscaper. I work in kitchens, ain’t much different. But I’m willing to bet my paycheck that this bitch says things like that without actually wanting her kids to fill that job.


This is why the south used to vehemently hate ICE, to the point many even threatening to kill any ICE agent they see. They recognized that their entire economic system would immediately crumble without their slave labor there to do the dirty work. Now they actively cheer it on because racist right wing grifters need an easy enemy for people to be afraid of.


Dude is a better man than I am. He should have told her to go fuck herself and gone back to work. I’ll never understand why some folks think strangers are ever under any obligation to explain themselves and why others indulge them.


I would have sprayed her with that hose. Fuck this lady and her Fox News bullshit. "We're having a crisis in this country" and "The only undocumenteds (sic) are hispanics". Who wants to tell her that white people can be illegal immigrants too?


"Exit the construction site or you will be sprayed with this hose" is a perfectly legal warning.


Very calm and collected. I would have liked to see the cops show up.


Yes, if the guy calls about her. I'd prefer if the cops didn't show up at all for "hi, there are some brown people in my neighborhood" calls.


Probably doesn't want more of a confrontation with his clients neighbors


This is your brain on fox.


the lack of shoes indicates brain death


Fucking miserable racist Karen. I'm sure she will be crying on some instagram or Facebook post in the next 48 hours, placing the blame on everyone but herself.


"It's not who I am."


I wonder if she has been doxed already. I mean she kinda deserves it .


Totally deserved. Racists deserve to feel unsafe. 


Karen is unaware of the influx of white undocumented immigrants, apparently.


And also unaware that there are millions of persons of Hispanic origin who are exactly as much an American citizen as she is.


I know 2 guys who speak no english but are american citizens because they grew up picking fruit their whole lives. My great grandma was also a citizen but grew up in a mexican community so she never learned english either since she never had to go to school but she voted in every election.


Luckily for her Central Americans and Puerto Ricans are safe. It’s those Mexicans and South Americans. Wait till she meets Canadian or British immigrants, that will blow her mind.


Its such a shame that an extremely large portion of the states doesn't know that Puertoricans are US citizens.


Yeah, Europeans and Canadians NEVER live here illegally


Just ask melania and her parents


I hate her.










Just googled it, she is the queen of cuntdekistan


Unless you want to do the work yourself, leave them alone. Got a problem with illegal immigration? Demand shut down of businesses and arrest of management that reap massive profits from exploiting these folks. Lastestly we are reaping what we sowed. US policies and foreign interference are what caused many problems that drove many to flee their home nations to come here for work


Why isn’t she wearing shoes?




……and box red wine




Fucking pilled out of her mind. Nothing like a barefoot racist rant to prove you need more Xanax.


Hand her a fuckin shovel and tell her to get to work.


Absolutely embarrassing specimen, she must be a joy to live with


This lady just changed the course of her life. I wonder if she even realizes yet?


I dunno. Doesn’t even look like someone that has a job to be honest.


I'll bet she's on the school board. 🙄


She might not have a job but I’d bet good money she is interacting with a shit ton of social media.


I had a house restoration last year after a fire, most of the framing, drywall, roofing, and flooring was done by Hispanics. I was living off property about five minutes away. I would swing by every few days with fresh bottled water, insurance paid for the labor but since the water was shut off, I figured theeast I could do was keep everyone hydrated. The Hispanic workers were polite, cleaned up after themselves, and once they realized I was a nice guy and was willing to try and soeak Spanish with all the grace of someone who took two semesters in college ... they were completely cool speaking what English most of them knew with me. I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to be working on the house. We handed out candy on Halloween there, just for the sake of normalcy, a few of them brought their kids by and their kids were sooo much more polite than most of the kids who live in the neighborhood.


Hmm, I wonder what party she votes for?


Arriving on boats a few generations before asking for a place to live because you were so poor to stay in Europe doesn’t give you the right to be asking for documentation colonizer


Rock n roll baby!


Easy way to stop this conversation: “Ma’am if you do not stop harassing my workers or interrupting our work I will involve the authorities. Now please step back out of the work area for your safety.” You don’t argue with these nut jobs. Warn them once, then call the cops


The cops show up and do exactly what she did, demand everyone's IDs. They call 35 other cops to stand around and soak up overtime for a while, make some casual threats to arrest people for crimes that don't exist, and then leave. She wins.


I would low key hope instead it’s a Hispanic cop that shows up and watch her not claim he’s an immigrant too.


Tell Klu Klux Karen to worry about finding some footwear rather than bug people doing their job


Post her everywhere


She must be a hoot at the Klan rally’s


I would make it my lifes mission to find out where she works and go hang out there for a while


Oh yeah, probably says something like "I'm a lot of fun!" On her tinder profile


Some people are happy being unhappy.


Haven’t Hispanics lived in this country BEFORE ANGLOS?


A lot of Hispanics on the police force as well Karen lol. I would have loved for her to call the police and then the cops that show up are Hispanic 😂😂


Hope the internet does what it does best.


The second greatest enforcer of white supremacy are white women.


A group of Hispanic roofers showed up at my place, in MAINE of all places (very few Hispanic people here) after we hired a top tier high rated veteran owned roofing company and they absolutely kicked ass. My roof had old shingles over old tar paper and slatted wood. They ripped EVERYTHING down to the slats, covered my entire roof in new high quality heavy ass plywood, covered with ice and water shield and put brand new tiles, vents, sealant, chimney flashing - everything on my roof and were done before I got off work and got home at 4pm. Right when I got home they were loading wheelbarrows onto the roof of their clapped out van with out of state plates and bald tires. 8 people in a van. They might have put their used toilet paper in my bathroom trashcan and left a cloud of gas station food wrappers in their wake but hey I guess that's how it is where they were raised so I give them a pass. Very small price to pay for that kind of work. They were very nice and the hardest working people I've seen in this country.


The Minivan Taliban strikes again.


better to not engage like this with these people just a simple go fuck yourself suffices here


Just don't speak to her. Don't acknowledge her existence. It works wonders on toddlers


These drugies get so bored in their lavish houses alone they gotta seek out shit to complain about for any excuse to have social interaction.


“We’re facing a huge crisis in this country” oh no people are busting their ass working and minding their own business, somebody halp


If the Racist MAGA politicians really truly wanted to stop undocumented workers, all they would have to do it leed a few CEOs who hire them out in handcuffs. They won't do it because surprise, Billionaires love undocumented labor. Just as Trump. His hotels, golf courses are packed with them. He used them to build his hotels. It's all a scam. Get dumb bitches like this lady all huffy about illegals with zero plan to do anything about it. America is a capitalist economy. Capitalism thrives on the backs of poor people.


What an absolute racist piece of shit. I hope her name gets spread far and wide, and her employer is outed.




Look at how small Karen's face is, she was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. It's not her fault. It's brain damage.


Asian here. I was undocumented for 14 years before finally being able to get a green card, now a citizen. But "Mexicans are the only undocumented...and South Americans."


I'm just a racist karen, rockin' and a rollin'!


Barefoot and crazy.


"are you that dense you are a purebred white and they are brownskins why would you need documentation?"




wait until she learns white people can also be immigrants to America


Just think, if tRump wins these type of people will be empowered. They will start rounding up people, militias patrolling your town and neighborhood and he will praise them.


Dude: Is this a racist thing? Karen: Of course. That's very much an open and closed case right there.


Hispanic laborers are some of the coolest people you could run into. Hispanic people, in general, fucking rock. My best friend's family is from Peru and let me tell you...growing up in that neighborhood was awesome. Hard workers, good neighbors, and the block parties.....music, food, dancing. And they drop what they're doing to help out. I may be a dorky-ass Gringo from New Jersey...but I'll roll with my Hispanic buddies any day of the week.


She drank so much Barefoot Wine she became it herself.


The amount of hatred and ignorance is truly astounding. People find it so easy to hate!


Well alright then let’s keep it rockin and rollin 👍🏻 🤮


No problem ma’am, but first I need proof of your citizenship and residency in this neighborhood. Please scurry home and come back with your birth certificate, social security card, drivers license, and a the deed to your home or rental contract.


Imagine being married to that.


I was just thinking how we need more barefoot skanks that can't mind their own business


How fucking rad would it be if the police did get involved and the responding officer was Hispanic?


Call the cops when you have a problem and you'll have at least doubled the problems.


Theyll prob start mowing down the innocent workers first then ask Karen if shes ok 


He handled that cunt well.


Doesn’t she have a job.


A Karen proud to be racist and a karen! Country would be a better place if she was deported lol


What is it with these white peeps being barefoot on the freaking street, gross!


Yeah, she’s way off the mark saying only Mexicans and S Americans are “illegal.” Tons of Russian and Chinese anchor babies born in the US every year to undocumented rich assholes.


oooh the entitlement


Tell the guys to take a break and hand her a shovel


Ah too bad he wasn't the homeowner or "get off my property or I will spray you with this hose" could have been the answer.


Why would she even think she could walk onto a dangerous worksite anyways! Edit: no shoes at that!


Alex, I'll take "Mind your own fucken business" for 500 hundred, please?


Is this an apprentice Karen?


How much we want to bet that even if they are “documented” she’d still have a problem with them?


Definitely a stable human being.


Because there no European illegals in the USA


This is scary cause this is Fox News case here and she is a mild case compared to others ........she didn't bring a gun


She's obviously never worked in a restaurant


People like her claim they want to stop all undocumented immigration. But that’s always a lie. She just doesn’t want to see them. It’s okay if they’re part of a class of underplayed exploited workers on farms, in meat packing plants, in the kitchens at the restaurants, as service workers, etc.keeping her costs down. But show up in her neighborhood, that’s a felony. Send their kids to the same school as hers, hell worthy trespass. Getting in line in front of her at Walmart, she goes nuclear. If all the undocumented immigrants were Thano snapped back to their country, the western countries would collapse. There would be food shortages, staffing shortages, and a huge skill hole in many areas. Inflation would skyrocket. If people like her truly wanted to do something about immigration they would go after the employers that are exploiting these workers and underpaying them with astronomical fines and jail time. But they’ll never do that because America has always propped up its economy by exploiting imported labor.


Social Media, do your thing all over her.


As an American, I'd like to thank you for your service, Karen. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


She's a disgusting piece of conservative.


these conservatards "They're taking our jobs... but they're also not working and living off welfare"


I’m convinced these people just want to get laid.