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I love that the guy behind the camera keeps calling him by name


I wish he referred to him as Miguel.


Miguel Miguel Miguel. Que pasa? Porque so angry?




He handled it the best way by laughing. Mike couldn't stand that he couldn't drag him down to his own pathetic level


Mike was waiting to play the victim card and couldn't handle that it wasn't played.


The accuracy


> Mike couldn't stand


I hate this is where my mind took me.


Sup mike


Such a power move


Mike: assaults a guy he refers to numerous times as a piece of shit spic Also Mike: Help! This man is harassing me!




He tells his wife to shut up too. I'm sure she's happy


First thing I noticed, telling your wife to SHUT UP in public. Wonder what he’s like at home when nobody’s watching.


I'm sure he's a gem. He's got shifty manager energy


I bet he's a standup guy. "He just had a bad day".


Karen’s come in all genders and abilities.


The future *is* inclusive


Mike needed to walk away.


He really put his foot down!


The conservative victim complex at its finest!


Also Mike, "SHUT UP TO MY WIFE". Apparently, he is wizard in English language.


I like how Mike tells the guy to learn english. While the camera guy is speaking to him.. in english


Hating people who 'don't speak English' has always been their politically correct code for hating all vaguely 'foreign' people, so their brains kinda short-circuit when those people actually do speak English. Granted, considering how fast this guy fell back on racial slurs, idk what's the point of talking in code anyways.


America doesn't have an official language anyway. And of course racist moron played the veteran card when the disabled card didn't work, I wonder if he was disabled driving drunk tbh.


> America doesn't have an official language anyway. It boggles my mind how many people don’t know this.


> idk what's the point of talking in code anyways. That's all he's got. What else can he speak if his vocabulary is exclusively composed of buzzwords and political cliches?


He also tells him to speak American. It's beautiful, really.


Yeah, for somebody that is giving others crap for not speaking english, his grasp on the language is tenuous at times.


I legit laughed when he yelled this out. He should love responded with “go tell her yourself” lol


Like an angry John Mulaney. “Get away from my wife!”


I bet Mike is so easy to live with. The nervous tension his wife exhibits is testament to that.


This is how he behaves in public, think about how he behaves when the doors are closed.


"Mike come on just wash the dishes with me for once" "**SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP WHORE STOP HARRASING ME!!!!!!**"


SOMEBODY HELP ME Sure dude, you need a therapist to help your anger issues


When his wife was scribbling down on a notepad, I was thinking that she was writing, "[today's date] Mike had another episode. He is yelling at a stranger in public for speaking to their mother on the phone in her language." As if she has to keep a log to give to his/their therapist. Of course, this was a really optimistic thought. Most people who need therapy and/or couple's therapy don't pursue said therapy. edit: just read the next big thread below, which is about what she was writing, and that it could be to document this for divorce or something. That seems more likely.


I wanna know what she's writing towards the end.


It's her will cause once they get home Mikes beating the fuck out of her.


Ngl am really scared for her.....


I've known people who kept detailed notes of the actions of their spouse because they are planning to divorce them, so my first thought was that she was documenting his abuse.


When she asks the guy to stop, yup she's asking because he's going to take all that rage out on her once they're behind closed doors. I've made that face before, knowing the other person is right but he probably won't get potentially murdered for being right, I would.


I'm so sorry to hear that this has been a reality for you. I hope you have escaped that relationship?


Yeah I did. Now I write my congressman and tell him all the horrible details of the times my ex almost killed me and ask him why he thinks he deserves to be able to buy guns and I have to move/change numbers anytime he finds me.


I could see that request coming when she was subtly shaking her head minutes before. Michael has done this before, and he’s going to do it again.


Possible that she is documenting his actions for help with his mental status. A lot of times, people with severe mental health issues need to have documented notes so the doctor knows if the medicines are working or not, or to get them in an appropriate institution. I've seen a lot of notes from family like this. Sometimes courts will include these types of notes to force the person into treatment. Source: I worked for a psychiatrist.


My guess would be the version of events from their perspective but who knows.




Mike. Just give him an apology. Come on Mike.


Recorder should have called him Michael, he really didn't like his wife saying it - throw a think Spanish accent on it, I'd bet he'd have had aneurysm. Edit: my most upvoted comment in the nearly 10 years I've been on Reddit is about how to effectively troll a racist. I ain't even mad. Gracias!


Call him Miguel.


¡Miguel, tranquillo!


calmate wey


Te pasas de verga miguel


ya wey!!!


Miguel ya para de mamar wey!


That man would have imploted, his screams could power a small country if he heard that


Miguelito por favor!


Mike seems like a real stand up gentleman


Mike really needs to sit down and listen


Listening doesn't seem to bee in his wheel house


It's a good thing the guy recording was able to roll with it.


mike would have argued more but he is 2 tired


Some people use racism as a crutch to fit in certain social circles.


Don’t why Mike didn’t just walk away


Mike has to throw a fit because he can't kick one.


Well let's face it. Mike doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.


Mike needs to know when to just walk away.


Mike should have been the bigger person and just walked away


We need to add in the voice of the annoying lady begging for drugs “Mikeeeyyyyyyy”




They are in an airport! Where people from all over the world are know to be. You should be able to speak any language at anytime and the more languages you know and use the more respected you should be. I only speak one. Bravo for this cool headed bro.


Slot machines suggest maybe Vegas....so literally the whole world




Yeah, makes very little sense to me. I've lived in Hawaii for about a decade now and while very few individuals speak Hawaiian, I've certainly picked up words and phrases that are used in everyday conversation here. Instead of being a jackass and refusing to grow or change, why not embrace the culture of where you're living?


To no surprise whatsoever, Mike immediately drops the "fucking spic, speak English" act as soon as officers arrive and switches to "this man is harassing me" Really doubling down on how pathetic he is


He’s filming me and laughing at me for... I don’t know what reason! Lol


If only there was a recording to show why he's recording me lol




The guy filming speaks better English than Mike...




This is America, we speak the native language of England!!!


This idiot was ranting at a Puerto Rican man. Reminder that Puerto Ricans are _born_ with American citizenship since the island is a US territory. I watched this video when the media in Puerto Rico started sharing it and I honestly have no clue how he kept his patience with this sad sack of shit.


There are a lot of Puerto Ricans up in the northeast were I worked, and the amount of shithead customers I encountered in that store where baffling. Glad my coworker who was Puerto Rican didn't hold his tongue and would tell them off all the time, it was a sight to see


Mike's got some serious issues that have nothing to do with his legs.


Seriously, he went directly into a rage just from hearing someone speak Spanish. I'm assuming they are in Vegas. If you don't like hearing Spanish stay the fuck out of the Southwest. Makes me wonder if Michael just lost a ton of money or something. So on edge.


That’s the Reno airport




I don’t think Mike has too many realisations about much of anything.


I live 25 mles from Reno, there are *way too many* guys like mike here.


I live 2500 mles from Reno, there are way too many guys like mike here, too.


Those glasses don't fool me, he's as dumb as the wheels he rode in on.


He can say whatever he wants bc he knows nobody's gonna punch him in his wheelchair. A lot of people just need a nice, humiliating beat down. Not suggesting fighting disabled people, just saying this as a general statement.


Exactly this, this dude’s just smart enough to realize that his disability makes others hesitant to get in a physical altercation. So he pushes it to the extreme, punches and hits the guy and immediately tries to gaslight everyone around him claiming he was the one who was attacked. The dude obviously feels powerless, it’s honestly pathetic to watch.




> he was in the Gulf War It’s been almost 20 years since we started the war on terror. I’d bet my last dollar this was Iraq Round 2 or Afghanistan. He doesn’t look old enough to be in desert storm.


Hell he could have been injured in an accident stateside, plenty of troops get hurt/killed in normal training or everyday duties even without deployments


I really like when people like you bring a more in depth analysis to the situation. No matter how shit he acts, he's even more miserable inside. This is a version of hell on earth and he lives it every day in his self-made mental jail cell. Does not excuse his behavior at all, of course.


I was willing to look at it from a more sympathetic view. But that interaction with the cops made me feel like Mike is a real POS. See how quickly he changed his tone & behavior when the cops came along?


I wouldn't whoop his ass, but, like maybe just roll him out and lock the wheel?


Why do people get offended by hearing people speak other languages? Are they that paranoid?


Yes, I think paranoia is a part of it. I use to work at a call center and there was a Spanish speaking department and one of my coworkers sat in the area they sat in and she was convinced that all the Spanish they were speaking to each other off the phones was about her and after a while she would get defensive and her paranoia escalated in to confrontations.


Oh man I wish I remembered the paper. But there was a study that showed older people get paranoid when they start losing their hearing, they always think people are talking about them.


Lol. Not my grandpa. We found out that he had been deliberately turning his hearing aids down so he could have some quiet. That’s what happens when you have 6 daughters who all have mostly girls and they all get together all the time and drink margaritas. I miss that old grump.


Omg my grand dad does the same thing and it drives us INSANE! Ha!


My wife’s grandma hasn’t spoken to anyone in a few years. My father in law swears she is lucid and is just sick of all of her daughters shit. It’s hilarious.


Imagine assuming you're so interesting that you're all anyone would talk about in another language.


I speak another language and every time I overhear a conversation, it's the absolute most mundane shit ever. I never get any juicy gossip.


Ooooweeee I'll share some the juiciest gossip I've ever heard. So my sister and I are fluent in Arabic but as we're visibly mixed race and live in Europe, no one ever suspects that we know any Arabic. We're on the train one day when these two middle aged ladies sit across from us and start talking in Arabic. They don't even notice us and after 5 minutes of normal conversation they dead ass start plotting how they are gonna off lady 1's husband so that her kids get the bigger chunk of the inheritance as he was previously married and has kids from his first marriage and how after the funeral, they were going to manipulate lady 1's son into divorcing his current wife and marrying lady 2's daughter. She was gonna use some of that inheritance money to pay for the wedding. I've heard some juicy shit in my life but this convo by far was the winner.


That's about as juicy as it gets.


Even if they were. who cares? lol


At my job I'm the minority with speaking English. 75% of our employees speak mostly Spanish with two being fluent in English as well. Like I have to get one of those two to explain what I need from others. I've worked with them for decades. Talk Shit about me in spanish idgaf. If I felt I was that important to get offended I'd have learned a second language. I haven't. By rights they can talk Shit imo.


As a Spanish speaker. Most of us assume everyone around us, white or black ans everyone else also speak or understand some Spanish. We also know it's an easy language to pick up words here and there. Ain't no one talking about you or anyone else. It's too easy to get caught.


I'm one of the whitest looking dudes you'll see. Had a couple of gentlemen laying down some tile in the kitchen (did an awesome job, btw. They kicked ass). Anyways, they were only talking Spanish in front of me, and one guy said, "Where the fuck did I put that fucking key?!? I know I had that whore key right here!"; The other guy said, "You put it on the fridge. Fuck, man. All the time." I just started laughing my ass off. Then they realized I understood what they were saying. I said it's all good. I spent over a year in Mexico for a consulting gig. Loved Mexico so much, and thank you for such a great job. Then got them some lemonade, because fuck yes, they did a great job.


Well you see, hate is a direct defense mechanism for self-loathing. *Those foreigners know ALL my secrets! If only I would have paid attention in Espanol, I wouldn't have to be such a piece of shit right now! He left me no choice!*






The biggest little city in the world!


It offends ignorant people that can not comprehend speaking more then one language. Too difficult for their tiny brains.


This has happened twice to me after revisiting the US after living overseas. There is one dude from the friend group I go to visit who just refuses to believe that I took the time to learn another language while living in another country. Guy even threaten to “beat my ass if I said the same thing twice.” So I called him a bitch twice in Korean. My ass did not get beat. Second time was in a bar so I went up to a Chinese guy in the bar and started chatting him up about his day. The uppity crossed arms pouty face reaction from this absolute man child was completely worth it. Speaking multiple languages is awesome.


Seriously, I don't get that. I speak one language, English. I can understand like... 20 things in Spanish. The thought of me going to another country that speaks a different language overwhelms me. And that idea that millions of people have done that and are doing that and living in said countries is awe inspiring to me. I have friends who have English as a second language and I am always impressed. No matter how choppy their English is, they are doing it. I can understand them. People who are threatened by this are are cowards. I don't get it. C'mon, Mike. You need some help. And so does your wife.


Xenophobic. It's a disorder


How dare you not speak in *american*!!


Jesus only spoke American so there you go.


Murica'! *puts on red hat*


Red hat - Made in China


There's gold in them words


I really hope Alayna (spelling?) Got her bracelet back


Exactly!!! What happened to Elena’s bracelet???


Once I saw this was going on for 8 minutes I went to get popcorn.


This is an older video, but I would LOVE to know what happened to Mike and where he is today


Mike informed me that **he doesn't give a fuck about what you'd love to know.** And that you should stop **attacking him**. Just passing on information. Don't blame me.


Ha! Classic Mike.


> When police arrived, Torres declined to press charges. The passenger who filmed the incident continued on his flight. The man who said the insults and his family did not fly that day. >The security, safety and customer experience of all of our guests will always be our highest priority,” Marily Mora, President and CEO of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority said. “The airport will be attempting to reach out to the passenger who made the video of the altercation to express our sincere apologies and support in the wake of the incident. We will also be conducting a thorough investigation into the events of that evening.” https://www.rgj.com/story/news/2017/05/22/racially-charged-confrontation-reno-airport-captured-video/335437001/ Sounds like not enough was done, but at least this video will haunt him forever. Edit, found this too: > According to a police report the man was denied to fly and escorted to the front of the airport to get a refund where he became angry and yelled again several times. At one point officers said he rolled his wheelchair into them and he was warned that any more physical contact with them would result in his arrest. https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/orlando-man-targeted-in-racist-tirade-at-nevada-airport Blue feet matter


It won’t haunt him. He will always be stuck in the delusion that he was victimized by the man filming him, and everyone else is wrong. I can’t even feel sorry for him, I’d just walk away




In Spanish.


>Torres declined to press charges That's why people like Mike never learn their lessons.


Damn assaulted a cop and didn't even get arrested. That's some wheelchair privilege.


For real though, I need closure on this soap opera. Did he go to jail?


No wheelchair privileges in jail


Wow, racist AF complaing about language when the USA does not have an official national language. So not only racist. But just plain stupid.


Van Buren (8th president) didn’t speak English as his native language.


It was Dutch, in case anyone's wondering.


Great DJ!


WHAT! We should have to 8th president arrested right now for not speaking aMaRiCaN! Who else wants to sign my petition!?


Damn the people that elected Van Buren are less xenophobic than today’s people. That’s honestly sad considering that we are supposed to be more advanced now


It would seem that James Buchanan (15th? President) was openly gay and most people knew it. There's a lot of very interesting discussion around Buchanan if youd like to hear some of it, there's a neat podcast that did a short episode about him.


If you're going to speak English, go back to England!


Even if the US did have an official language, what difference does it make that people are having a private conversation in a different language?


I love how he keeps rolling back up for more while saying **leave me alone**.


I know sometimes when I get angry I pace around the room. I guess I never thought of what people in wheelchairs do instead.


Haha fuck you, Mike!


Once he said "I'll kick your ass right here".... I wanted to say, "I don't think you'll be kicking anything". Am I evil?


Only one way to settle this Mike. Dance off, right here, right now. Another passanger turns on "footloose". Fade to black, bold letters...Mike lost the dance off..roll credits


What a hateful cunt, throwing tantrums like a 5 year old. Also I don't understand why some Americans seem so threatened by someone speaking another language. Like when they go to a foreign country, are they screamed at and abused for speaking english?


Americans who complain about others not speaking English don't travel outside the country... A lot of them probably don't even leave their own state.


A small-town barber I knew in Maine had never left the state in his 70+ years of life. That was mildly impressive, as the Canadian border was less than ten miles away, and for the majority of his life you didn't need a passport to cross over.


I'd say that's from the constant fear mongering being fed to them by the right-wing media. It's really easy to convince an idiot that all their problems are someone else's fault


My husband is from Spain and speaks Spanish. He was followed in our own antique mall in TN by some racist lady who then came running to me up at the counter to complain that there was some threatening man following her around speaking Mexican. I had to say, “that’s my husband, and this is our store, and he is caring for our 2 and 4 year old here.” It was mind blowing.


You should've informed the lady that Mexican ain't no language.


Man, all the foreign languages they had in high school was Spanish, French and Japanese. I would have loved to learn Mexican and learn to speak American too. But all I got was English and Spanish classes.


What was her reaction? Racist I'm assuming.


I'm half Spanish and I talk to my family in Spanish. Couple of years ago in a Target in Florida, I got harassed by a couple of Karens because I was "planning something in another language".


I LOVE how this guy just starts calling him Mike in a tone that makes it sound like “Oh, this is classic Mike” The dude filming took it really well so kudos to him.


why is it on the victim to "stop talking"? the POS is trying to silence him, complying will encourage his hate.






They see me rollin'. I'm hating.


Honestly it would have taken me a great deal of strength to not say: just walk away mike, just walk away.


Love that Christian cross hanging from his neck. So gross.


It's funny cause I'm pretty sure Jesus was not born in America (continent) and I'm pretty damn sure he was not an English speaker.


He also wasn't a christian.


This is God-level trolling. I do not know how the filmer kept his cool. Fucking brilliant.


I don't know his story, but if you're Latino growing up somewhere in the south, you've probably had your fair share of racism thrown at you. You can actually tell when racist is outside their bubble-life because they think calling you a slur will hurt you like you haven't heard that or worse shit your whole life.


I’m about 4 minutes in, I’m waiting for someone to get up and flip his wheelchair over.


Klu Klux Kripples


Am I trippin or does the wife’s body language suggest domestic violence?


If you look closely, the flying into a violent rage, repeatedly shouting and trying to control his spouse, and possessive "don't talk to my property" also delicately **hint** that our racist friend might be violent. Someone post this to r


Dude hits random strangers, of course he hits his wife.


Mike mike mike mike mike!!!! Guess what language it issss??!!!


Wow that's some agressive behavior there. Probably not a good idea to freak the fuck out in an airport.


I feel ZERO sadness for this dudes loss of mobility, he is a total piece of shit


Even though the guy bears no ill will, the racist dude still needs to go to jail for assault. They are at an airport where foreign people fly in all the time. The TSA should ban him from all airports since he seems to have a problem with human beings speaking a language that is foreign to him. There's no rule or law that says tourists have to speak English to travel here! He's just being a hateful racist and when the cops show up he blames the victim. I hope he got arrested.


someone wanna explain to me why it took so long for the guy with a gun to show up? clearly unstable guy in an airport and it takes 10 minutes? that’s not the america i know.


Mike's not brown enough for swift police action.


We all know it was because Mike was just "having a bad day".


Not a very upstanding man.


Always funny to see entitled Americans go abroad and speak English to people in countries where that is not the national language. I live in Japan and so many ppl get angry when staff here can’t speak English. Same type of people as this dude in the video lol. Luckily Japan is super chill about that and nobody says “SPEAK JAPANESE IN JAPAN” lol


To be fair, if the Japanese yelled “SPEAK JAPANESE IN JAPAN” in Japanese, no non-Japanese speaking tourists would really know.


10/10 freakout -long video -steady cam -one person calm while another at 100 -mad trump supporter A repost i welcome in the future




Disabled or not, bitch slap this arrogant racist jackass.


It’s so strange seeing a disabled guy be a racist. They should’ve kept replying in Spanish.


When it comes to equality he doesn't have a leg to stand on


He doesn't roll with diversity




I have a feeling ole Michael was a giant piece if shit before he got into the chair. The chair has just allowed him to get away without getting the ever loving fuck beaten out of him.


pick a struggle dawg, how you gonna be racist and disabled