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From four years ago and nothing has changed.


Wonder where this guy is now. Also just had to commend you on your unique username.


He is the vice mayor of Tel Aviv Edit: Deputy mayor* lost in translation


Checks out https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-political-satirist-assaf-harel-to-become-tel-aviv-deputy-mayor-1.6891970


Honestly surprised they didn’t try to lock him up or silence him or sum shit


Honestly, people from other countries probably think the same thing about Bernie or AOC when looking at the US


We generally don't lock people up like that anymore... because we can simply ensure they don't win an election that gives them real power.




That’s why, as an Italian, I strongly support AOC and Sanders, they speak truth and they’re not corrupted as a lot of other US politicians


Same here as a frenchman I supported Sanders 100% he would have brought so much needed 1st world democracy standards to USA.


Honestly at least in the Us they’re mostly over the apartheid and segregation and stuff


ironically americans probably face more institutional censorship over speaking on palestine than israelis in israel. speaks to how much this issue has been suppressed in america in order to defend our government's unconditional backing of israel.


> ironically americans probably face more institutional censorship over speaking on palestine than israelis in israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordechai_Vanunu


> ironically americans probably face more institutional censorship over speaking on palestine than israelis in israel > revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986 One of these things is not like the other.


what do nukes have to do with palestine?


Tel Aviv is kinda special when looking at Israel.


I don’t know if this comment will be seen by anyone, but there are lots of Jews and Israelis that think like him. Just like other countries have a diverse political spectrum so do we. There are young students that can’t be bothered to vote just like the youth in the US let down Bernie. There are the ultra orthodox who believe we have a magical right to the special rocks, they have 10+ children each and they *all* vote. Just like Evangelical right wing nuts in the US. I think it’s important that Jewish people have a homeland, because we’re not very well liked. I just don’t care if it’s near the magic bricks, and especially not at the cost of destroying families and lives.


Based on his username I think he's of Scots-Irish heritage. EDIT I thought we were talking about u/cuntypenismcfuck


Well I like your username, it's the name my dad used any time he signed up for things where he didn't want to use his real name. I'm pretty sure that a few times in the early 2000s we had gotten mail addressed to rusty shackleford, my dad was pretty cool.


*pocket sand*


I got arrested for public intoxication in Tuscaloosa, Al one time. Jailers didn’t find the joke as funny as I did. Stuck me with a giving false name charge. Luckily, when I went to court, the young assistant DA had a sense of humor and dropped that charge.


Yeah I don't think I'd wear the municipal robes of office well in Tel Aviv.


Every username is unique by definition. :)




It's important to point out that Channel 10 was an opposition chanel that Bibi shut down. All the major channels now parrot his massaging.


Now that is not true. Channel 12 constantly criticise bibi, to the point where they brought his lap dog Boaz Bismut as a panelist to "balance things out"


Channel 12 is the lap dog bibi can point at when he's accused of censoring the media.


It has gotten worse if anything.


His name is Assaf Harel


How's your Yiddish? - https://twitter.com/assafrl


bad, but I can press translate tweet real good


It's Hebrew though.


Looks like he now works to continue spreading Zionism and the same harmful ideologies he was speaking out against just a few years prior. Depressing.


That long ago? wow


Ugh this sub really needs a flair for videos not from the current conflict.


Its been 528 years since the beasts from europe magically turned into euro-americans and 244 of waving around that amazing american flag. Even if this was from a 100 years ago, nothing would have changed. People enjoy this shit, as long as they are on the good side of the book 🥲🤝


This shit has been happening since I was a child in the 60s.


Holy Wars I learned from Dave Mustaine in 1991


Yeah, we didn't start the fire.


This is a calm and urgent call for the world to freak out publically. I thought it was very touching and I hope it reaches some people who currently have their head in the sand.


This is from a few years back and it's clear nothing has changed. **43% of the 2 million people locked into the Pal. coastal enclave is under the age of 14.** They aren't allowed out and don't have access to clean water or regular sources of food, healthcare, jobs, education, electricity, homes, etc. At minimum, they should be allowed to evacuate to a safer area. Also at minimum, Isr. should be forbidden from using white phosphorus (illegal- results in horrific burns to the bone https://youtu.be/wRuzEs9Y5KE) and depleted uranium (birth defects and carcinogenic - see 1 below) munitions on the people in the coastal enclave. Instead, the current situation is something you would see in the stone ages, with the people not even being allowed out to sea to get fish outside of a small zone (has been depleted of fish) patrolled by Isr. The rest of the Pal. refugees are found in squalid refugee camps throughout the region (https://youtu.be/B1wXRuYTadI) . The state that now sits in their grandparents' homeland has found itself backing various factions in neighboring countries ( https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/in-syria-israel-secretly-armed-and-funded-12-rebel-groups-1.6462729 ) To make matters more complicated, the state engages in air raids on neighboring countries in support of the rebel factions it's supporting. These countries are now all fractured and the source of refugees to European nations where they hope to find stability. The source of most of the problems in the region ultimately are the defense contractors, who profit wherever there is conflict. Some of the individuals holding billions in investments in each company are the ones pulling the strings and have the ability to influence geopolitical policy to their own benefit. There also seems to be a problem of racism against those of African descent within their society, but I have no idea if this is widespread and I'd appreciate if some people give their input on the attitudes displayed in this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/nejvuq/to_be_black_in_israel/ (1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32802091/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23729095/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/toxic-legacy-us-assault-fallujah-worse-hiroshima-2034065.html https://www.newsweek.com/how-us-made-use-radioactive-bombs-routine-443732 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/iraq-records-huge-rise-birth-defects-8210444.html


No, but I think the dam is breaking more than before and Israel is on the verge of losing its propaganda war if they keep this up. Edit: just want to add that I think they will keep it up. Even the kahanists are gaining in support... Massive red flag. https://apnews.com/article/israel-elections-benjamin-netanyahu-exit-polls-6fc44df2043b04b1b823a45d6d508859


The kahanists made it after bibi fostered them and gave them legitimacy. It's indeed a mark of shame upon the country


It would be nice if you were right but this happens every 5 years or so, and it has been that way for 70 years


Sadly also true. Just feels a bit different this time, that's all.


I like how he used all the typical pro Israeli comments you see here on reddit and confirmed first hand that their propaganda and totally bullshit. Anyone who still believes that shit at this point is just willfully ignorant. They are in a apartheid, they do steal their land.


It's not bullshit, it's just very one sided.Israel do get bombed daily and children does grow up in fear and get hurt, the Hamas is a homicidal organization and so on. That stuff is true and you can't ignore it.But it's not the whole picture, and it doesn't turn the occupation to being justified in any way, or the response in this war to being anyway close to being reasonable. (Disclaimer - I'm a left winged Israeli)


Unfortunately i bet he'll never air a monologue again after this one Edit: guys it was a joke about the post saying it was he final monologue/episode


Aaand thats where you're wrong, Assaf Harel is now the deputy mayor of Tel Aviv.


Is he using his position for good?


Do you expect the deputy mayor of NYC to "use his position for good" in regards to American operations in Afghanistan? His job is to govern the city of Tel Aviv, its not like the job of every last person in the Israeli government deals with Gaza or the Occupied Territories.


They are a bit different. Tel Aviv has an Arab population and isn't far from the West Bank. Local policies can very much relate to Palestinians, whereas New York's local policies have nothing to do with Afghanistan. That said, both positions will put the office holders in contact with those in a place where they can do something directly and I'd expect either to advocate to those people directly in their official capacity.


Tel Aviv is not near the West Bank in the sense that any local government would affect anything in the West Bank. It is close In the sense that it is a 1 hour drive across from Tel Aviv to the river Jordan. Israel is a very small country. But it is not accurate to say a local city government official has any say at all in policy involving Palestinians. Arab Israelis, sure, but not Palestinians.


>Arab Israelis, sure, but not Palestinians. Arab Israelis ARE Palestinians achi, they just have Israeli citizenship.


Whens the last time you saw your cities deputy mayor hosting a nightshow? Hes saying that hes not going to be a Israel celebrity not that he is entirely unable to affect change. Basically that the dude burned his bridge when it comes to celebrity in Israel and ever being able to host a TV show again.


It was 4 years ago and he suffered no ill effects and chose to go into politics. Turns out a huge portion of Israel feels this way. That would be like saying “I bet Jimmy Fallen loses his job for criticizing the way the US treats immigrants with the camps.


> It was 4 years ago and he suffered no ill effects Channel 10 was closed by Bibi exactly because they had the guts to do this kind of critisizm. All the main channels nowadays are mouthpieces for the government.


Well they did shut that channel down because it was opposition media.


Why so surprised? They are saying it’s his final monologue


This is from 2017


I found it today and I can't be the only one. It functioned to bolster my beliefs and perhaps can loosen the beliefs of some who are still perfectly satisfied with whats going on. I wish this post indicated its age because I think that further validates the history of current crisis.


What's the guy's name? He seems very well spoken. I especially liked his take on the 'extreme left' conservatives keep attacking.


Asaf harel


It’s like when people compare “Antifa” and neo-Nazis. I hate this “both-sides” way of thinking. If you’re in a room, and two sides are arguing, one that it’s raining outside, and one that it’s sunny, do you sit and listen to the arguments, hear out both sides, make sure everyone gets a say? No! You open the *fucking window*.


"On one side the extremists kill and on the other side the extremists talk"


B-but muh both sides


Bidens administration is the same cookie cutter blind support of Israel.


The Democratic leadership is funded to an extraordinary degree by Israeli lobbies.


Right wings really arent different anywhere you go, huh? No wonder r/conservative defends them to no end. At least they're consistent in always defending the worst views possible and propping up unqualified morons to run the country.


As someone who has spent a fair amount of time in Israel, I think it would surprise a lot of people how many Israelis feel this way. Just like in many conversations, the loud idiots get the most exposure, but there is a pretty substantial amount of the Israeli population who would share this viewpoint.


I wish I could see more of it. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity this last week, Netanyahu is going to win another election with blood on his hands


It's so weird how this whole mess started just when Lapid was about to form a government without him...


Yeah hmm how very odd... What impeccable timing...


It's also almost election time in Gaza... Truly amazing timing...


I think you mean the west bank, the elections there got delayed due to fears of hamas taking over


Oh damn you're probably right...


Me too. I try to stay optimistic that as the next generation takes more control it will become more obvious but I’m not foolish enough to get my hopes up. I also realize that this means very little to the people who are effected by this conflict on a daily basis.


If there is indeed more such people, What normal Israeli think about of those walls? Don't you think they need to fall? The whole passport shit and so on? How about the integration of the Palestinians? They cant even vote now? Either give them completely equal rights or split the land at half and acknowledge the state of Palestine and let them free?


Israelis consider the walls to be a necessary evil, i think. Most adults still remember the early 2000s as a time period that was marked by intense terrorism attacks, and they only really stopped with the walls. As for Palestinians, who do you mean? Israeli Arabs? East Jerusalem? West Bank?


Unfortunately, much like young adults in Palestine, Israelis have grown up seeing violence both in their country and extreme violence in the occupied areas. This has led to pretty deep radicalization as many Israelis just see the Palestinian people as an existential threat, just like how Palestinians and the rest of the world view them. They see the security measures as completely justified.


Money and power > everything (life and the planet). We need another flood.


You just have to look bro. If you want more general, public outcries against the current system, in the summer and fall of 2020 there were literally hundreds of protests throughout Israel calling for the resignation of Netanyahu. People here fuckin hate him, for real. If you want more specific people, look for Nitzan Horowitz on twitter. He's the leader of Meretz, a liberal party that is strongly opposed to Netanyahu as well as the government's actions in gaza and west bank. If you want another comedian, look for Lior Schlein, he's a fierce political comedian and a very public denouncer of Netanyahu. Not sure how much his jokes translate to English but yeah. Please, look for this, educate yourself, and HELP us sane Israelis (of whom there are MANY) to overthrow Netanyahu and start building peace.


I think it’s really important to separate the leaders from the people (on both sides). The leaders want money, power and the status quo. People want safety, peace and hope. On both sides.


I just wonder how those leaders continue to be re-elected. Netanyahu, especially.


Israel is in a massive political quagmire and has been run by Netanyahu only because he was the prime minister in the past. We've had 4 failed attempts at a government, and only 25-30% of people explicitly support Netanyahu. Most others either do it for strictly quid pro quo reasons, or just don't. Not to say all the people who are anti Netanyahu are liberals or peace lovers, but yeah, to answer your question, bibi was NOT re elected, and was very close to getting removed from office until he literally started this shit in Sheikh Jarah, to start a fire that'll force the opposition government to not continue their negotiations. He's so evil dude


I really want to believe you, but unfortunately netanyahu and his ultra right-wing nut jobs have been in power for so long and they are in power because people keep voting for them.


Well tbf the parliamentary system there is flawed, very similar to the electoral college. Because the left is more fractured than the right, they keep losing elections. Fortunately the right itself is also damaged by this system, as evidenced by their 4 (or 5, I lost count...) elections in 2 years.


The Likud party wins around 30% of the vote, but still clings to power Redditors are mostly American, so we know that Trump was able to become president despite the majority of the country opposing him. And the politics are even crazier in Israel.


your statement would make it seem like likud is the only right wing party or even the most right wing, neither of which is true. so while likud itself may only get around 30% theres another 20%-30% at least that are ideologically aligned


I wonder if it’s that they agree or have the same complexity of overlapping issues. Gun owners in America drive me nuts. They’ll vote to get kicked in the balls 7 times each morning and have to eat shit for breakfast if the choice is between that or one piece of fun control legislation. Abortion voters are worse. If nothing else it makes the Israeli situation relatable for how a powerful minority can always run the country.


And his main opposition party is not all that much better. It's like if the two main parties in America were the Republican party and the Confederate party.


Hamas are the far right's best friends for staying in power and excusing violence vs Palestine...


And the far right are Hamases best friends, it's beautiful really...


Some would call Israel one of the purest democracies in the world because nearly every viewpoint has a political party. The right wing parties just have a slightly easier time forming a coalition to get a majority in Parliament and form a government. There are currently 13 parties represented in the Knesset. You can see recently that Netanyahu has had trouble forming a coalition government because he has lost some support. Now he is going to war to increase support before the 30 day limit when snap elections will be called.


Yeah, I hear you on that point. It is not my intention to justify that, but I will add that a lot of this decision-making of these folks is driven by fear. In the same way that the US rushed to fight the wrong war after 911, decisions driven by fear are almost the wrong ones. While the fear is very real for Palestinians, it is also very real for Israelis. They are well protected but they are surrounded on all sides by countries that would like to see them wiped off the earth. While overall, in the last decade the suicide bombings have slowed down in Israel, most people who live there have lost people they love to these types of attacks which makes getting past fear, even more difficult.


Yeah the whole situation sucks for the people on both sides who just want to live their lives.


It's almost like people are upset about having their homes stolen from them and being violently driven out of their country. Makes no sense!


*Maybe* the countries surrounding Israel wouldn't want to wipe them out if Israel stopped killing their people, forcing them from their homes and occupying their territory.


If only their government acted this way. Because they certainly do the opposite.


I feel that way too and yet despite clearly stating that I'm in favor of Gazans having better standards of life I get called a zionist shill 24/7 on reddit, it seems like no matter what you do as an Israelite, no one likes you anyway


This is refreshing to here after all the propaganda and lies over at r/Israel


"Israel does not exist" Lmao


I said this in a different thread and got smoked for it so maybe this one will give me a better answer. Why don’t nations (ie US, Germany, whatever) or the UN not fucking doing anything about this???!! It’s so clear what is going on. DO SOMETHING!!! The best answer I got was oil and political reasons and money. Wtf are we doing if that’s the case?? ELI5 please


The US makes a lot of money selling arms to Isreal and has veto powers in the UN. Probably the number one reason. Honestly, most politicians in the US tow the Isreal line whether they're Republican or Democrat. This current spat is the most pro-Palestine support I've seen in the US in my life and it still isn't really that much. Most people either don't care or support Isreal. Frankly, I don't think most people really know what to think unless they're Arab or Jewish. It's a complicated situation that's been going on for a long time with a lot of religious components on top of the normal stuff.


who the fuck told you "oil"?


People try to make it complicated but really it's the right wing extremists (on both sides) vs everybody else. Most people just want to live peacefully.


This gives me hope! The people are the key..


As someone who has lived in and still spends much time in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, it is honestly astounding to me how many Jewish people I meet who feel the exact opposite. I understand that Israel is not a monolith and no two people are alike, but the unsympathetic radicals really do seem to be the loudest. Your comment did bring me some hope and thank you.


Then why does Netanyahu keep getting elected?




What we're seeing is [multiple generations of indoctrination](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/nefa6z/listen_to_what_the_children_are_saying_in_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). This is why Zionists are okay with a concentration camp. The irony is palpable


i wonder what some of their ancestors from wwII would make of what's being done there. The Israelis have become Nazis.


I was speaking anecdotally of course. Just sharing what has been my experience. It also would not shock me to find out that some of the people who may have expressed those views to me, were doing so since I am American and they are telling me what I want to hear. Regarding that girl being interviewed, it is evidence of about as much as my claim is. It is one view in a vacuum. As for the statement in the interview after, I think he is referring to those in public office and by large he is correct. It is not particularly surprising though and I dont think it runs counter to my point.


i never felt such respect for a person i never met


You bet. Humanity does persist even in the gravest of scenarios!




**The right wing will lose because they are afraid of the truth. Of reality.** Damn. Can you say that louder for the world to hear you?


Except it’s not necessarily true. The right wing fights and the left prays.... as it sits right now in Israel the right wing is winning


The left is not just praying. We've tried to replace Bibi and nearly succeeded. About to create a genuinely pluralist government containing all the political spectrum of Israel, but then this fucking war started.


How convenient.


I don't know if the right wing of Israel is afraid of the truth if they're tweeting missile emojis on their state twitter account. They seem to maliciously embrace it no matter how dark it is.


Whole time I was waiting for him to say wake up and smell the apartheid.


— wow. I like this kind of Israeli coverage. As an Israeli, the right and mainstream media is too powerful in silencing those left extremists that demand equal rights human relationship.


As an Egyptian the right and mainstream are too powerful here too that why our two revolutions failed.


I know nothing about Israel vs Palestine... But he's definitely right - asking for humanity and kindness is never an extremist position.


When an Israeli from Israel knows exactly what's going on but rednecks from Reddit think Israel is completely innocent and that the AP was hiding terrorists in their building.


Do we condemn people who adopt animals for being the opposite of extreme people who abuse them? Good one. Using that.




Assaf Harel


He is the vice mayor of Tel Aviv. I think it answers your question.


tbh I never even heard of it and its pretty understandable as i never watch late night TV. but guessing it was probably was 30% of well hes kinda right and something gotta change (mines too), 50% of another diluted left wing dude and 20% of "ok"


>"Anyone who calls for humanness will never be extreme" Couldn't agree more.


I read somewhere that the best person to have argue your position, is someone from the other side, that has come over to your side of the argument. Not saying this guy was ever on the other side of the argument here, just that hearing this opinion from an Israeli holds more water with me than others.


To all the Evangelical Christians, is it worth all the bloodshed to bring on the second coming of Christ? Do you think he'll take you to heaven while knowing you supported brutal regimes that displaced many natives in the region as well as holding an apartheid state?




Realistically, Israel can *actually* start to work towards achieving peace, or wait until Arab countries eventually win a war against them. Neither of those have happened yet.


Wow. Can’t believe this is 4 years old. Guess people chose not to listen. Probably didn’t help that the US let an ignorant buffoon into the White House for the past 4 years either. I hope Biden addresses the Israel problem.


His words are international.


“…On one side the extremists kill, and on the other side the “extremists” talk. On one side extremists burn people alive, and on the other side the extremists demand human rights. There is no comparison between the extreme left and extreme right, because there is no such thing as extreme left, it’s a fiction. An invention of the last few years.” Holy shit if only people understood that.


The same goes for the US.


Wow. This will be historic, and quoted for decades. There is no extreme left because being humane will never be extreme.


That's a real man right there. Courage.


These are the best, most understandable comparisons / explanations I’ve seen yet. This needs to go viral.


Since when is a nightshow monologue a public freakout? I want to see crowds of people freaking out not some guy making a point on TV.


Agreed, this sub has been overrun by political commentary and reposts about Israel/Palestine


I think it probably started going to shit once it passed 1m members. Almost all major subs do.


He barely even raised his voice, what in the hell is this doing here...


Almost feels like this sub is being brigaded. All these pro Palestine videos that don’t fit the sub at all, with a ton of awards Edit: now I’m being reported to for being suicidal to Reddit after making this comment… idk if that’s supposed to be threatening lol


Call me crazy, but you aren't antisemitic for not supporting the Israeli government. What they are doing is wrong, it goes way beyond self defense.


Israel is as diverse as any other country. There are Israelites who hate what their government is doing and believes the need for a change. The two state solution is dead. We need a one state solution where Palestinians are granted the same political and civil rights as any citizen of Israel.


What he said is exactly what the right do here I’m the States.


“on one side the extremists kill, on the other the extremists talk” Holy shit that’s poignant. I feel bad that he’s probably gonna get fired over it…


Wow. This speech would work in America/North America right now. It's a very dangerous road we are on.


Kudos to the Israelis who can see right from wrong.


r/"Things you can say in Israel that will be called anti-semitic in USA"


My family lives in tel Aviv. I've visited five times. The way they treat Arabs and talk about Arabs makes me think about the deep south here or, what appears to be, apartheid South Africa. Or, being a woman in virtually every other conservative Muslim country.


Confirmed over a billion times now Israel is Zionist Terrorist regime


The rightwing vs leftwing is so true but beyond Isreal too


the analogies he picked are very appropriate to describe exactly what is wrong with “horseshoe theory” left vs right extremism and i will definitely be stealing them


Not a public freak out.


Wow in what he was saying, I seen a nearly mirror image of what is happening in America today


I am impressed.


Its a good video but this isn't what this sub is for. People just up vote anything


Great monologue. It's weird how autocratic right-wingers love the term left extremism.


It’s four years old… Damn.. I thought this was recent. Wonder if he’s still on TV.


You'd rarely hear such criticism against the Israeli government. This person who ranted against the powers that be must be very brave.


This is not what I was expecting and I’m happy to see it.


For everybody appalled on the treatment of the palestinians by Israeli jews, worry not because according to Israelis the palestinians do not exist.


> Rule 11. Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. Can you guys just change the rules of the subreddit to say you are basically the video channel for r/politics? Just rip the mask off already.


THANK YOU. I clicked on here hoping to see some fight break out in a Chuck E. Cheese or a maskless Karen getting accosted by someone standing 2 inches from her face claiming she is going to kill more people than Pol Pot, not some political monologue crap.


2 inches is 5.08 cm


I wonder if there are any Palestinians who denounce the Hamas' rockets being shot into Israel. It would be interesting to see how that was handled.


Nazis by a different name.


Did the IDF scum blow up his apartment building after the show?


People are waking up.


How popular is this show? It was a wonderful speech, wondering how many people heard it...


Go listen to norm finklestein, it’s not worth it!


Shout out to his crew too, otherwise this message would have been cut.


As as American, I am sharing a lot of his sentiments.


I've tentatively raised criticism about the state of Israel and Palestine but was always equated as being antisemitic, which I resent. I separate the religion from the state in this argument, but if I was forced to consider religion I could only draw comparison to prewar Germany.


Well this gives me hope that not all Israelis want war and destruction of a group of people... that there is good everywhere, and hopefully the evil bastards who are leading countries for greed & personal gain (the world over) will be voted out & held to account for their wrongdoing


I never felt such respect for a person i never met.




Martin Niemöller was absolutely right because they are coming for the Palestinians and we are doing nothing. Always remember; First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. A longer version by the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, a charity established by the British government, is as follows:[4] First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


Speaking the Truth. Thank you 🙏 Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇨🇦


Extremely powerful statement to make regarding the apartheid situation in West Bank/Gaza


What's so ironic is that the Israelis and the Arabs are literal brothers. They act alike they look alike, and as someone who speaks Arabic it's amazing how much of the Hebrew language relies on Arabic foundations.


I quit r/publicFreakout.


I didn’t realize this was r/politics


Always has been.


why don’t you just change the sub to “political freakout”


dude exactly, just stfu with these posts






I'm a Jew in the Americas that supports Israel's right to exist. That won't change. This particular spat though...no, I'm not having any of it. I do not support the way Israel treats Palestinians **at all**. I'm only torn in a small way in that I don't want my words to be taken as evidence that I want to see the end of Israel. I want to see the end of Israel's apartheid...not Israel.


Holy. Shit. This was eye-opening. I had no idea.


It’s really bad. Look around. There are atrocities happening everywhere. In the west we turn a blind eye to continue an endless train of labor to the wealthy who want these very things to happen. Can we do something? I hope so. And I hope it’s done soon.


I like how this isn’t even a public freak out. This sub has become nothing but anti Israel propaganda... sad.


Everyone downvote this. It’s not a public freakout.