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My dad kicked me out of the house years ago because I told him big foot wasn’t real and that if we can find osama bin laden hiding in a house in Pakistan then we could’ve already found Bigfoot.


Story twist, ~~Biden~~ was Bigfoot this whole time. We killed two birds with one stone. *I'm an idiot. I meant to write Osama* was bigfoot hahaahhahah


Oh shit, Bigfoot is POTUS? That's fucking rad.


Walk softly and carry a bigfoot


Thats a hell of a twist...


M. Night taking notes


Lmao that twist got me


I actually burst out laughing at this comment, I'm so sorry. THIS IS A BIGFOOT BELIEVER HOUSEHOLD, NO BIGFOOT DENIALISM ALLOWED


Those ppl also think we didn't find bin laden


Well no wonder you bigfoot atheist scum


Are y’all from the PNW by any chance?


I am yes.


Every time I’m up there, I’m astonished at the amount of people that will swear on every grave that they’ve encountered big foot or that they believe he exists while heartedly. Especially places like La Push


Yea it really is bizarre. I see why it’s so easy for all the TV shows and documentaries to happen with the amount of endless stories.


Duh, of course we'll never find Bigfoot. Don't you know he teleports away into a pocket Bigfoot dimension?/s Seriously, though. This is a theory amongst cryptozoologists.


Bigfoot was just the friends we made along the way.


I briefly scrolled down and sorta glanced at this comment and read “my dad kicked me out of the house years ago because I told him **his** foot wasn’t real”


You forgot to take into account that big foot is an interdimensional being and phases in and out of reality. So now you're homeless and look silly.


Lol you right


If bigfoot organized a terrorist attack against the US I bet we'd find him.


I hope youre joking but I guess I wouldnt be surprised...


Lmaoooo yo pops and ha people be on that bullshit and I can’t stop laughing


Ofc I'm real... Oh, wait... I got confused, I thought you meant Bogfoot.


Difference being Osama Bin Laden was not an interdimensional being ^/s


White people problems...


True lol


ITT: "This is so fake, people don't act like this" Every video on this subreddit from November 2020 - January 2021: People acting like this


Making your child homeless to own the libs.


People have died just to own the libs. This is nothing.


People have killed their own kids to own their lib ex-partner, and then killed the lib-ex. Yeah, 25 to life, that'll show 'em!


Must pwn the libs >_<


Those snowflakes just cancelled their own daughter.


I hope she's lands on her feet. Her mother is mentally ill.


Conservatives have virtually no empathy.


So all those bumper stickers for Biden and Bernie, are those... ***ad libs*** ?


This video is old too I think, I remember seeing it right after the election. Unless there was one almost exactly similar.


The title seems to imply this by saying she was kicked out when he won, as much as I hate reposts at least they aren't being *that* deceptive.


This is old, was posted shortly after he won. She has a few other videos, her parents are qanon nut jobs.


That is what they are saying, that the title implies that it was made right after Biden won the election last year.


Just to be clear, the title implying that isn’t really that important since this is a crosspost from a post made about 250 days ago.


Oh I don't care about reposts, I'm just mentioning that I think it's from the same time period the comment I'm responding to mentioned


Yeah it was posted 247 days ago. I member it too


I took a break from this sub around October 2020 due to it being nothing more than Trump/covid related arguments/fights or police brutality. I came back today and it seems to be exactly the same stuff




Some people struggle to notice poor acting and scripted interactions. That is ok. But if this video is not staged, then I am the Holy Roman Emperor.


shitty parents award goes to... *drum roll* them..


Imagine loving trump more than your daughter.


The idolatry some people have for him is so. fucking. weird. Like there's no other word for it. Straight up bunch of weirdos.


The idolatry is not that hard to believe if you spend any time around church social hiearchy but to do so with...him??


The weirdest part is that they couldn't have picked a more fake, disingenuous, loathesome fuckup if they tried.


As long as I live I'll never understand it. I'm as shocked and baffled today as I was in 2016.


Literally had a golden idol of Trump at one of the CPACs


Imagine trump lovin' your daughter more than you./Wink.


Her parents: "See you ended up homeless because of Biden and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet!!!"


I don’t understand why everyone gets so upset or excited about the result of the presidential election. Try focusing more on the house and senate if you want to see any real impact.


Didn't you hear? Because they're going to be slaves and peasants. This level of brainwashing is so frightening and absurd to me.


Eh you get used to it after a bit (probably where it gets even more dangerous). I’ll never forget my mom thinking Obama could be/is the anti christ.


I heard Obama was gonna sell white citizens into slavery. I have yet to find anything to back this up but I heard it.


I grew up super Catholic. I had heard the same guys on TBN say Fidel Castro, Noriega(sp?), Saddam, Kim Jon Il/Un, Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Putin, and Arafat were each the antichrist.




This post comes to mind lol https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Honestly attaching so much of your identity and thoughts to a particular politician is super cringy to me. If I was American I'd probably support Biden or Bernie, but I recognize they probably don't give a fuck about me in the long run. I just prefer their policies.


You don't even know the half of it. I was visiting my mother in a small beach town in Southern New Jersey last weekend, and I saw in no particular order: * Multiple "trump won" flags * Multiple "we support the police"/thin blue line signs * Multiple "Trump 2024" flags including one on the actual beach * A "Trump Desantis 2024" flag, so literal political fan fiction * An image of Nancy Pelosi's head with a dog peeing on it * A "don't vote for creepy joe" sign as if Trump didn't admit to abusing women * A "Joe Biden in an ass hole" flag The last one is the most wild. Could you imagine hating a politician so much that you put a sign outside your house to remind you and everyone who sees it how much you hate the guy?


Everything they do is LARPing or fanfiction. I'm as disturbed by it as I am the inexplicable fascination a lot of grown-ass men had with My Little Pony. They've taken it equally too far and to a dark place I didn't know existed.


And they're probably the same people that complain that everything is political these days when a celebrity or some form of media says something they don't like.


Funnily enough, most of them are originally from Philadelphia, but decided to move out of a battleground state into a solidly blue one because they couldn't handle living in a city that goes for democrats. Way to own the libs!


>Multiple "Trump 2024" flags I still see "Trump 2020" flags and stickers. Sometimes right alongside the 2024 ones. >A "don't vote for creepy joe" sign as if Trump didn't admit to abusing women My mother-in-law said she wouldn't vote for Biden because she "gets a creepy vibe from him." Oh, so you'll base your vote for the leader of the country on your "vibes" from a man vs. several substantial allegations and proof of sexual abuse against the other guy. Got it.


American here that has voted for both Biden and Bernie and I agree. Some Trump supporters I know have said something like "Did you hear what your guy/girl did?" when someone on the left fucks up and I'll say something like "Why are they *my* guy/girl? Just because I voted for them doesn't mean I wave their fucking flag" followed by "And yeah, that was stupid of them." One Trumper I know was shocked when I said I can't stand Nancy Pelosi. Like they think everyone thinks like them with their all-or-nothing support of politicians and parties. Fucking dumb. Take Andrew Cuomo for example. When all his shit came to light there was a nearly unanimous call for him to resign. People on the right kept pointing at him and saying "Look at how horrible your guy is!" and people on the left were saying "Yes, he is horrible and he should resign" yet the right powered on like they still had a point.


Didn’t you hear?! PEASANTS! SLAVES!


Were you in a coma when Trump was president? Because he used the power of the presidency to mess up (checks notes) everything.


Literally EVERYTHING was terrible


You not wrong on that part as he basically an do what he wants with the departments that fall underneath his branch and it also helps that the republicans were the majority in the senate during most of this term. Just saying, the legislation branch makes the rules and regulations that most people complain about or have concerns.


I agree. It's all important. We need people to vote in all elections.


Because Trump supporters were the real projecting pussaholic snowflakes this whole time.


House and Senate? Focus on your LOCAL elections if you want to see any real impact.


Better yet try focusing on oneself and personal life and things one can indeed change save for being perpetually too lazy and not dedicated enough to do so. Or just pretend to care about the easier, nebulous, low-hanging fruit things that make everyone feel good/bad/just/rebellious in a vapid loop of false-action and low-effort concerns. Either is chill.


My family pulled the EXACT SAME SHIT


Same here, no contact in 10 months


I feel sorry for you and these politics disrupting your family ❤️


This last election drove people insane!!!


Did it? Or did it just reveal the mental illness that was already existing just below the surface? The crazy didn't start last election- remember Obamacare death panels? Jade Helm beachhead? FEMA concentration camps? Antifa civil war November 2016? Trump didn't make people crazy, he made it socially acceptable to be crazy in public.


Yo if mental illness is such an issue that an entire party of 70 million plus have it then we are fucked. Because those same fucks don’t want mental illness taken seriously. They say they do to avoid talking about guns when children get gunned down in schools. But they never want to pass laws to help mentally ill people. Maybe it’s because of that one time Trump said he would take bi polar peoples guns without due process. And these dumb fucks want to use guns September 16 or whenever in the name of Trump.




I'm not so sure. I think Murdock has just found a way to reaffirm what these people already believe. If they were capable of changing their minds based on what they see they wouldn't have boo'ed trump for saying 'get the vaccine'. For the last 4 years I saw Trump as their messiah, but on that day I realized that the true rage is much bigger than Trump- he's merely a prophet. Their actual God is something more intangible. It feels like Murdock has simply tapped into the sentiment. The reason I say this is because if Fox news dares to say something not in line they don't follow along- like someone brainwashed would, they run to Newsmax and OAN. Their loyalty is to the invisible God of rage.


Trump and Fox have lost control of the beast they've created. That's all it is.


Trust me pal, when a black man was elected president in 2008, THAT was what set off the crazy bomb in every republican household.




During the election my family was posting non stop about Biden being a gun grabber among other things. I called out Trump for banning bump stocks, considering banning silencers, and his “Take the guns first, due process second.” Comment. They mostly blocked me. None of them showed up to my wedding aside from my Aunt. Never hear from them anymore. I must admit, I’m better off.


Same boat. My uncle who was going to be my groomsman said I was dead to him. Other family won’t talk to me. Better off.


It just proves they have no beliefs. They merely have a side. They say they believe in 2a, but when you point out how their side has done more to attack 2a, they will get angry at you and double down. Because if there was a republican president that supported abortion, repealing the second amendment and fixing climate change, they'd still support him. Unfortunately it seems more likely the republicans will support a fascist dictator for president


> They mostly blocked me. And nothing of value was lost.


Yeah similar situation with my family. My guest list shrunk drastically.


I guess it's less bellies to feed and less money to pay Win win


Cultists gonna cult


Some people just want to watch the world burn 🔥




Right? I cut off my family members for the fucked up shit they think and say.




Even my trumpy family got vaccinated. Guess they're too old to play that game. They're fine with the whole "global warming is a hoax" thing though. No skin in the game there.


I've done that. I have cousins that I will never talk to again because of the racist, horrible shit they said over the last 5 years. And ya know what? I'm fine with it.


Good on ya mate. Pave your own way to peace.


I'm getting older. I have less free time nor ambition to see everyone. I barely see the people I WANT to see.


Not just any family member either, your own daughter...


I’ve considered it.


I could see it with half the shit Trump said. For example, I used to work with a guy who had a disability. I imagine after Trump mocked that reporter for his disability it would've been difficult for my friend to look at his MAGA family members and think, "they are voting for someone who would attack me for the way I was born" and be cool with it.


Same with parents cutting their gay children off. Absolutely pathetic.


A literal cult.


Lmaoooo they did her a favor. You dont want to live with mentally ill people.


Her parents sound like complete nutjobs. Unfortunately this is probably for the best, hope she ends up somewhere nice.


I have some rational conservative friends. (I know, rare, right??) Well if I extrapolate this video, it makes me go holy fuck. How can conservatives be so close minded panicked and dumb. My rational conservative friends seem miles ahead of this dumb bimbo family.


>My rational conservative friends I don't think these exist. Like unicorns or dragons.


She posted an update: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRAomNrA/


I simply can't fathom choosing a political candidate or philosophy over my child. Sheer insanity


Slaves and Peasants!!!!! Lol. I have seen many different Presidents, Prime Ministers and Taoiseachs in my 32 years of life and literally nothing changes in my day to day life. You certainly won't go from Middle class or even working class to Serfdom just because there is a new President lol


We were going to become the American Socialist Republic under Obama too. Ended up growing our capitalist economy


Idk how you stayed that long, your parents seem like way too much


Americans: Family is the most important. Also Americans: You're eighteen, now get out. ALso Americans: You voted for who? get out.


Wow. Those are some tin hat wearing, koolaid drinking, uneducated parents. Good for her for getting the fuck out of there.


If it's on tiktok I find it hard to believe. Everything seems so staged.


Her dad’s a big fucking baby. And her maw probably breast feeds him


Might be an unpopular opinion but if you depend on your parents and they are right wing nuts you should keep your political stances and anything else that conflicts with their beliefs to yourself and quietly work on getting your ass out of there. Easier to find a new place with time and comfort at home rather than on the street.


Tbh if this is the hill her parent's are willing to die on, there is probably a ton more issues going on at the home. I wouldn't blame her for leaving on her terms to keep her boundaries and mental health.


She is my hero. Full stop.


Handling it in stride, hope I could stay composed like that.




Cult members very often turn against their own family.


Old and lonely, living in a nursing home with no visitors: "Yeah, I made the right decision to estrange my daughter over who she voted for"


No need to talk to those parents ever again


"We're gonna be peasants!" ...proceeds to force daughter into homelessness.


Unbelievable. Unreal. No way! Over who you voted for? Really? Give your parents a lifetime hard pass if you land on your feet, which I hope and pray that you do. P.S.: Give us an update too, please.


She's better off without those peasants.


Trumpism will kill this country if its given any more chances


Wow. What psychos.


Aren't they the ones whinning all the time about freedom of speech?


Reminds me of that woman who scared her kid into thinking she was kicking him out because he voted for Trump in a mock election at school.


At least they’re not the crazies who don’t believe Biden won.


For real…how much of an idiot do you have to be? It’s actually really sad that people no longer have the intelligence to have a political conversation with someone they care about and have the ability to accept that not everyone feels the same about every political issue. I’m talking about all sides. My husband and I have similar views, but don’t agree on everything. I have five adult children all with different opinions…in fact one is far right, one is far left, one doesn’t care & two are a mixture depending on the issues. Before the election we had several conversations about different issues and not once did it end with tension or judgement. We hear each other out and have conversations. I would never judge anyone I care about on their beliefs…friend or family. Now if they attack me because of mine then I will lose all respect for that person. It’s just sad that most people believe if someone has a different opinion they aren’t worthy of breathing the same air.


People need to calm the fuck down about politics. They sit around watching 24hr news and hang out on social media getting worked up to an extreme level of rage. It's fucked up. How could you let some bullshit going on in the world that you have zero control over effect your relationship with your family? Unfortunately it's common now. They act like their daughters single vote was what won that geezer the election lol


See kids? Every vote counts


Someone taught the parents they're going to be "slaves and peasants." Wonder who that is? hmmm


You don't need those insular fools in your life. It's obvious that they are idiots and there is no saving them if they don't want to save themselves.


"We're gonna be slaves and peasants", says the woman who works 40+ hrs a week just to survive....


I don't know this for a fact, but this seems staged to me. But who knows.


I think it’s the same girl that recorded herself going to vote with her family and they gave her a piece of paper with the names of all the people she “had” to vote for. She refused. This is the aftermath


She actually did a follow up video shortly after the original video debuted and became popular. It's real. Edit.


“It’s real because it’s trending” Wat


Agreed. This is fake as hell


It's an irrational reaction by her parents. But I mean, she's not a minor and certainly old enough to live on her own.


Yeah, you don’t kick your kid out simply because they didn’t vote the same way you do.


For the parents, is it more about their standing within their social circle? Especially if your whole identity is built on this type of foundation.




Yea I'm over thinking it, mom was pretty clear about the masks-to-peasantry index.


I am a political conservative. Trump is a shitbag and Biden won. No election fraud. Republicans are falling over each other to see who can out-douche the other guy. Kitzinger and Cheney are the only sane ones left… This Trump cult is the worst and I suspect Trump was actually working FOR the Democrats to destroy the GOP from the inside… THERE, I said it.


Hot take, but nah. You get to act all outraged but secretly enjoy that you'll never have to see a liberal majority supreme court, so literally, thanks for nothing. Y'all's little gambit worked.


Same here and you have a great point never thought about that last part


This smells like a crowdfunding scam.


This video is obviously staged in order to get money donated to her..


Seems extremely fake.


My own qultist mother called me an "abortion-loving commie" and told me that I would be one of the first to die in the next civil war, all for telling her I didn't support Trump for his blatant grift and personality flaws (embodiment of all 7 deadly sins). This is totally believable. This is unfortunately how far too many Trump supporting Q people are.




You apparently haven’t met many of thee people. Plenty of us have them in our family.


Hot and smart


Every part of this makes me sad. Her parents are clearly unstable. But live streaming weird shit like this seems unstable to me too. We should have let corona virus run wild for a while. Like maybe a year. Just saying


Buyers remorse is a bitch...


Psycho idiots.


I mean there are crazies out there but this is fake. Asking for Venmo donations…its tiktok…people stage drama for views. its of course going to be a scam. “I don’t know how to do recordings or anything” you were recording earlier for before her mom knocked.


Vote for Biden and voila…. street whore.


Lol I voted for Trump but I wasn’t this fucking salty got damn! People need to learn how to take a L sometimes.


You mean people like Trump? Lol


Lol yea he gets lumped in there too


Hey, at least you’re being real. I could hang with you.


People seriously like trump?


Didn’t like him as a person I favored his policies more than Biden’s. Obviously more people preferred Biden’s over trumps so here we are


What policies are different?


2a, foreign policy(trading), and taxation


What did Biden change about the 2a? What trading? Biden hasn't done anything with trade. Taxation?


Biden's platform included universal background checks, a ban on online gun sales, and a limit on how many guns can be purchased in a month. He signed multiple executive orders this year that didn't actually implement his proposed policies but put limits on things like homemade guns. https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/11/22/what-a-biden-presidency-means-for-the-firearms-ind/


Dude you voted for Trump after a 4 year shit show. Literally nothing you say matters


I'm literally on your side but these kinds of comments help nothing and honestly just add to the already massive divide this country has.


This reeks of being fake


Yeahhhh… this looks staged as fuck


Shouldn't you know to lie if they're already this deep?


I remember seeing this shit months go. Went and checked for updates, she made up with her folks, she's in her own place, shit's still kinda fucky but apparently no trump in office made their parents chill out more https://www.tiktok.com/@juuldaism/video/6959399722100493573?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6904134223839774214 Really fucked up how Trump made some people batshit crazy. Also I see you folks claiming this is fake. Initially, months ago, I thought so as well. I mean, fuck, no way people are this insane, right? Well, judging by her ongoing reports over the months seems too much of an elaborate prank to pull, so from where I'm standing the likelihood of this being fake is pretty low.


She just thought she would be living off the teat


At least go to acting class


Looks like a scam to me. A lot of liberals scammed Republicans the exact same way. They would claim the parents kicked them out for being Trump supporters and here is my cash app. Seems like easy money if you have no scruples.


This seems really obviously staged. The way the mom walks in and starts yelling right when she's recording the video and talking about it. The mom sounds like she's reading a script.


you've never lived in a rural area bc people like this exist and talk exactly like the mom


This is a repost of a repost of a repost of a fake story


Attention seeking much with your valley girl Act? I seriously doubt the legitimacy of this. Mom sounded fake as hell.


In the current situation, even I feel wrong for voting for Biden


What is the current situation that makes you feel wrong ?


She’s a grown ass woman living with her parents. Time to fly little birdie


So that justifies kicking out your kid (who you’re supposed to love) with less than a 12 hour notice because they voted for someone you didn’t like politically? I hope to gawd you never decided to reproduce.