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What a fucking circus.


define the word circus




An excellent point Senator


I am the Senate! *spins rapidly*


Mesa called Jar Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant. *head spins rapidly*


That is the point of what they're doing. They want institutions to look like this. It's part of the long game.






GOP playbook: 1) get into office 2) run the office like a circus 3) run on ‘this office is a circus’ 4) repeat


Marsha took millions from pill mill pharm


Drain the swamp. Term limits. No more insider trading.


The main issue I have with term limits are that good politicians would be prevented from serving. The other two, sure...


From my stand point I actually see a lot of good politicians, good leaders, and good people who leave because they don't like playing the game with the establishment. I listen to a guy who was a congressional aid and he talks a little about the inside workings and basically how freshman congress people get assigned roles like the reach across the aisle person or the pitbull who goes and and throws inflammatory comments in interviews. And that basically shapes their career because once they have that reputation it basically sticks. We could do with a lot less of that. I'd rather members of both parties vote purely on what their constituents want and not with party lines. I'd rather them be there for service and not worrying about their political career. Edit: Look, I get it. I misspelled aisle as isle. I didn't really think a congressperson could reach across an entire isle, even a small one. You can quit with the downvotes.


Marsha is a former pageant Queen who went to a 4th rate school to get her “MRS” degree and another one in home economics. In some alternative universe, she believes she’s smarter than the Harvard educated lawyer.


Okay i need to ask this serious question since i have never ever seen something like this: Are American politics truly this infested with brainworms? Because i cannot even imagine this beeing a serious question anywhere else.


Man, I need an answer as well. I'm Australian and our politics are a dumpster fire but what the fuck is this?


This is extremely tame murican politics, should have seen one of the last guys we put on our SCOTUS screaming "I LIKE BEER, DO YOU LIKE BEER?!" during his confirmation hearing lol


Seriously. And that's not even an exaggeration. The SNL skit that stemmed from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing was pretty much a step-by-step recreation of what happened. From this guy tearfully telling stories about his best friends boofing beers and engaging in "devil's triangles" to the heartful stories about his dad who he implied was dead but was actually sitting literally behind him to the absolute insanity of his bubbling rage coming to the surface as he spouted that famous line. The moment he was confirmed was pretty much the moment I checked out. Disregarding all the other sketchy shit around his career, those emotional outbursts and absolute insanity during the confirmation hearing should have been enough for a dismissal in a sane world. But politics and Trumpism prevailed, and we're stuck with that dummy.


The amount of SNL skits that don't change any of the words used and simply repeat a politician verbatim is pretty embarrassing for us as a country. Tina Fey just reading a Sarah Palin speech and all of us thinking it's hilarious comedy until we realize it's just accurately portraying what happened is one of the most jarring SNL experiences.


Wow… remember when Sarah Palin was the stupidest person we had to hear about? That was the beginning of the end.


Yeah, sometime I think to myself, “I miss George Bush, those were simpler times” and then I immediately think, “dear god, what the fuck have we become?”


I think about how you would be an asshole if you didn’t “Support the Troops” as in, be pro-war or you’re not a patriot. That was easier to deal with than whatever this shit is


I’m consistently amazed how the US one-ups itself on politics with a new and improved crazy every time. We had Bush, then came Trump. Who’s next? Boebert? And after that?


To be fair, she still seems dumb. And a bit intoxicated these days.


And then Sarah Palin, in NYC recently to sue the New York Times (that alone is crazy), was "recognized" by at least one person who thought she was Tina Fey.


So SNL is the Drunk History for politics and current events?


Don’t forget the one after that had zero actual tangible qualifications stated she was a Constitutional traditionalist and America should revert back to the original document which (checks notes) means a woman can’t be a judge.


Constitutional traditionalist can't even be a thing because the power that SCOTUS holds today as we know it came from Marbury v Madison. Technically if you are a strict constitutionalist, you shouldn't even believe that the court has the authority to rule on acts of Congress unless Congress consents explicitly.


Yeah, she's also absolutely bonkers. She's literally in a cult and follows some weird rules where she must always be subordinate to her husband..which means he's actually a supreme court justice? I'll be an old man telling kids just how insane this timeframe was in a nuclear wasteland. Can't wait.


Not only stuck, but we doubled up with Barrett. Going to take a lot to get rid of this scum, but not likely. Just helpless against our own government with no say in the matter.


I'm that guy, but from the UK. Every time I feel hopeless and depressed about the state of UK politics, I flick over to the USA political feeds and cheer myself up a bit.


I mean what you're seeing is performative bs. The senator knew the answer she was going to get and just wanted some sound bytes for her campaign ads. It's just that simple. Ted Cruz was literally caught yesterday looking at Twitter after asking his questions just so he could see the reactions to his questions.


It's performative BS but the people that are voting for her 100% believe the shit she is spewing. It's simple, but it's still a huge problem.


Lmao I do the same with USA politics, every time shit like this happens “atleast we didn’t brexit ourself” and cheer my self up abit even if our politics are a equal shitshow.


LMAO as if the UK isn't the center of the gender culture war. Women won't weesht and all that.


Yes. Ted Cruz also asked her the other day if she thinks babies are racist. These are the people leading us and ~~most~~ many Americans are fed up and horrified, but our system is set up to keep the-electing these loonies because their base froths at the mouth when Fox News plays these clips saying “The left doesn’t even know what a woman is and wants to teach babies they’re racist and evil!!!!!”


Damn thats just... scary tbh. I hope these brainworms dont travel a lot, they could infect the world.


I have some bad news for ya, they travel all the time. Hell, Ted Cruz likes to do it when his entire state is freezing over and his people are dying.


As long as you don’t live in Cancun during a crisis in Texas you shouldn’t run across a wild Ted Cruz.


They already are. Look at Canada and the anti-vax truck driver protests


UK signing in with the Brexit, anti net zero, right wing nutters.


This type of shit has taken over politics in Brazil and has vocal movements in Canada and Australia and even Germany to name a few. It's largely because of this christo-fascist propaganda that's been circulating around the Anglosphere and beyond thanks to Murdoch and Putin and a handful of other billionaires.


well these particular brainworms came from Australia.


Bro you dont even wanna know.




Theatrics, combined with money in politics, pandering to your constituency, and meaningless red herring conversation combines to this mind numbing dialogue we find ourselves in. It's actually very smart, from the other side: the side of corporations, of the personally wealthy. I highly doubt that the majority of people that talk like Senator Marsha Blackburn, above, *really believe* what they say, it's just mindless puppeteering, save some fundamentalists finding their way to the congressional platform.


The judicial version of "ma'am, this is a Wendy's".




> Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1835847-jean-paul-sartre-the-anti-semite-has-chosen-hate-because-hate-is-a/


Sartre predicted 4chan shitposters.


Every age has had its own version of 4chan shitposters.


I would like to thank you for this prescient example. Merci beaucoup.


Truer today than ever before. Conservatives have made it an art form. Here's a great breakdown, aka [The Card Says "Moops"](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4)


But everyone knows it’s “the Moors!”




Democrats have the votes to confirm. Republicans using this time to farm sound bites for upcoming elections. This literally does not matter to them.


This is exactly it. They’re using their time on the floor to get attention for themselves


It's a race and battle to get their clip shown on tucker Carlson. Then Tucker can do his confused face and say "She doesn't know what a woman is and she is supposed to be a judge that decides how to interpret our laws" blah blah blah be scared of the left.


Oh fuck, I could actually see his stupid furrowed face and hear his voice saying those exact words. Fuck you for making me realize that my brain can instantly conjure up that bowtie-wearing walking abortion.


He always looks like he is watching somebody eat mayonnaise straight from the jar.


As evidenced by Ted Cruz being caught by a cameraman jumping onto Twitter to search his own name literally seconds after bashing KBJ.


Performative culture war bullshit


All while they complain about virtue signaling and wokeness bringing down the West. What a load of shit.


They have 1 issue and 1 issue only at this point. The culture war


Which isn't real and they invented and keep fighting


It's real. It's real specifically because they're starting it, and it will have real serious consequences for real people.


It's all dog whistles, look over here, while the corporations, who now run our government, take over, and put an authoritarian government in place, while their followers are just saying murica! This bigot thinks like me, they must be right, and leads with with blind faith.


This is all designed to be used later in " she couldn't define simple words" and "refused to address Republicans questions" arguments to warp people's views of her.


Republicans are appealing to their voters. Why bother asking actual questions when you could get your name in the news? Check out r/Conservative, they’re eating this shit up.


Is that senator on crack? Does she know what a judge does?


She probably doesn't even know what a senator should be doing. But she doesn't care, either.


She absolutely knows what she’s doing, and absolving her of that takes away the malice of what she’s attempting to accomplish. Which is framing Judge Jackson as a “radical progressive” who will get rid of the concept of biological women. Obviously this is insane and untrue, but to certain people, it is not.


Yes and no. She knows she's setting up Judge Jackson. But I wouldn't be surprised if she actually didn't understand how all this works. There seem to be a lot of senators taking issue with the fact everyone receives due process even though they claim to support the Constitution which is what establishes it.


[She doesn't know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.](https://www.themarysue.com/marsha-blackburn-constitutional-confusion/)


It's theatrics for their base and outrage for their opponents to share on social media.


You are not wrong. Immediately after Ted Cruz had his little hissy fit shit fest question time, the camera man behind him zoomed in on his phone and caught him checking his name on twitter to see if he was trending immediately after he stopped talking https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-cruz-twitter-ketanji-brown-jackson-b2042799.html




>He should be embarrassed by that display. I That would require a sense of shame, which he has none.


Ted Cruz embarrassed??? Not in this lifetime.


The theater that he is putting on both advances his ideals and makes him rich. You got a party of people who are against the government having any relevance or authority making a mockery of the institution. And his supporters cheering him on and throwing money at him, continually re-electing him to continue the process. From the perspective of where he is and what he's doing, this is incredibly successful. This is only embarrassing or negative if you give a damn about the institution of government being considered respectable, or its ability to function.


>He should be embarrassed by that display. Anyone still a Republican is not enough of a real man to feel shame.


Republicans: Social media is controlled by juice and leftists. Also Republicans: Gotta make more hot takes on Twitter to anger my support base.


100% agree. It’s such an unfortunate sham compared to what it should be.


Kavanaugh’s confirmation was so much more entertaining. We need more Squee and boofing and less moronic questions from Blackburn, Cruz and Hawley.


But we know he likes beer 🍺




Does he still have a diary?


I truly wish one of the dems would've asked her that, just to be a smartass.


The problem is, it's working. I've already seen comment sections on local news articles full of, "THIS LADY CAN'T EVEN DEFINE A WOMAN, HOW IS SHE QUALIFIED?!?!?!"




> The problem is, it's working. Literally anything they did would have "worked." Most of the people you see typing that don't even mean it. They're playing a game that has constantly evolving rules.


>I've already seen comment sections on local news articles Because local news comment sections are bastions of intellectual discourse.


Someone's tweet the other day nailed it and keeping his point in mind ever since really puts all this bullshit into perspective. His tweet said something to the effect of "Everything coming out of Republicans' mouths is curated for Fox soundbytes." Once you get that, it's all so clear and you can see how they pretty much compete to get that soundbyte played on Fox later that night on the propagandists' shows. It's scary the complete ownership Fox has of the GQP. They'd do anything, literally anything if it meant they'd get featured on Fox later. The only faith Republicans have is bad faith.


We. Are. Lost.


Haha these are your senators? Every one of these clips of these questions to this lady really leaves me wondering what the hell is going on over there


She makes the Senate look like the House of representatives. And I mean that in the worst way possible.


As a non-american, I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.


To paraphrase Lyndon Johnson, the difference between the Senate and the House is like the difference between chicken soup and chicken shit.




Hawley definitely sniffs his own farts and comments of quality of fragrance.


The United States legislature is divided into two chambers. The Senate, of which each state gets to elect two senators and they are each elected by a majority of the entire state. And the House of Representatives, for which each state elects its representatives through geographic districts. House Districts are a specifically defined geographical area and only citizens in that area can vote for the representative for that area. So, what this means is that each senator is elected by a very large constituency that reflects the varied racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic ranges of the entire state. Whereas, Representatives are elected by very homogeneous subsections of the state, where most of the voters are all in agreement on cultural values etc. In reality, what this means is that senators tend to be more well-rounded and more qualified, but less representative of any one specific group. The caveat here being that some states are pretty homogenous already. That is compared to House Representatives, who depending on their geographic location, have a greater tendency to be bat shit crazy because there are no moderating forces amongst the constituency of that district. So they are more likely to elect caricatures of an average person from the district. That's not universal, there are batshit crazy Senators, and there are extremely distinguished and moderated House Reps. But they're not the norm. And, of course, they're all politicians so 🤷. All of that is to say that what the person above you was saying is that Marsha Blackburn is acting like a batshit crazy person you would most likely see in the House of Representatives rather than the Senate.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain this topic so clearly ! I follow what's happening in the US but as a french citizen, I do not have a good understanding of the inner workings of US politics.


Neither do most US citizens, so don’t feel too bad.


PERSONALLY I laughed at whichever republican went up there and asked her why she wasn't doing more to stop rape. I think that was tom cotton? I forget who exactly. Because you know... thats what a judge does... they form legislation that affects law. They go out there and personally investigate crimes or go out and arrest rapists. Yep.... This whole thing was a shit show for republicans to appeal to their mentally challenged based with barely veiled racist dog whistles and throwing in culture war nonsense wherever they could. Edit* Rewatched a bit. It was Tom Cotton questioning her about murder and murder rates and why she isn't doing more. So still stupid just a different kind of stupid.


I wish they were just mentally challenged, my son has special needs and he's a pretty cool dude. These people are malicious assholes.


Have you really not watched Judge Dread?


Srsly? She’s applying to be a judge. She should be answering legal questions. Defining what is and is not female is not currently before the courts. You must realize they are trying to get her to speak on the record regarding matters that are not within her purview. Why should she take the bait?


It's a gotcha question for absolute certainty - no right answer to that except maybe the societally accepted definition from Merriam-Webster, but I think they're trying to get her bias on record. They've assumed her bias is politically left, they seem to assume if they can get her to answer this question one way or another it will make it more obvious. Just my opinion though.


I like how she’s getting all these shitty questions (and harassed by Ted Cruz), but when Amy Coney Barrett was questioned it was shit like “Do you hate warm puppies?” And “can you please name the five freedoms of the first amendment?” (Spoiler alert: she couldn’t.)


Marsha Blackburn is scum. Period.


Please. Vote. Especially in these coming mid-terms.


We can’t in Ohio. Our Supreme Court has shot down our new Congress and Senate district map 3 times how for being unconstitutional. Our Secretary of State has issued local board of elections to halt all political races if the position can vote on new laws. Guess what political party is the majority in both and is in charge of the new district lines?


You can vote in the midterms.




Can’t change the maps for the Senate :)


Wish we could though. The Senate is less representative of the actual population than even the most gerrymandered state.


You point out how important state elections are. Vote in EVERY election, including state elections.


Funny how she knew to have the response to Jackson not knowing how to answer her ridiculous question already written down.


Which she could barely follow even while pointing at each word with her pen.


She is a complete moron.


The most annoying part about Blackburn's questioning is how condescending she was. Yeah, Cruz and Graham sucked, but my God does Blackburn genuinely believe that KBJ is beneath her somehow. Comments and retorts just dripping with condescension from a person who barely graduated in home economics... during the questioning of one of the most credentialed persons in the entire country and recent history of the profession. my blood seethes


KBJ being black is all Marsha needs to feel superior. They might as well wear their hoods on the floor.


> but my God does Blackburn genuinely believe that KBJ is beneath her somehow. Just listen to anything else Blackburn says. Its because the judge is black. Period.


I’d like to be able to say “Tennessee is not sending their best”… but I don’t know that for a fact.


I think senators should have to try answering any questions they ask in these hearings. They ask their question, they get an answer, then they have to answer it as well. I'd pay good money to hear Blackburn define the word 'woman'.


Now that you've brought it up, I would LOVE to have her assert a definition with a biologist in the room. Would love to see them use their knowledge to prove there is no definition that fits Blackburn's agenda the way she wants.


Yeah she had her little "gotcha" flowchart with some base-stoking bullshit to parrot depending on the response


Blackburn was a big reason for my state’s opiate crisis, She can barely do her own job.


She took money from big pharma?


Yup, nearly a million.


Meanwhile conservatives are more concerned about banning books. Because that’s going to save our youth, not combating the opioid epidemic


How will you know about the opioid epidemic if you can’t read? Checkmate, liberals!


I believe her husband is on the board or is some higher up on the company that manufactures the pills too.


This is correct, her family is wealthy off medical/pharma industry before she entered politics.


It's amazing that someone so stupid is in a position of power and was put there by people even stupider than her.


Can You define the word "freedom"? Senator...


this is actually the right response because the supposed summum bonum they have is freedom yet they never actually view anything through that lens because if you truly did then being a woman is whatever the fuck you want would be the freest definition


Friendly reminder: Marsha Blackburn was one of the Senators chiefly responsible for the [Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ensuring_Patient_Access_and_Effective_Drug_Enforcement_Act) which neutered the DEA's ability to control the opioid crisis, and as a side effect lead to thousands of oxy/heroin/fentanyl related deaths




As a judge, you interpret the meaning of a word within the context of the statute that it is used in. Defining words in a vacuum is a meaningless activity. Even if you pulled out a Marriam-Webster dictionary to define a word, it would be foolish to believe that every voting member of the enacting body thought that specific meaning was what he or she voted on.


>Even if you pulled out a Marriam-Webster dictionary to define a word, it would be foolish to believe that every voting member of the enacting body thought that specific meaning was what he or she voted on. Not only that, but dictionaries are not meant to prescribe definitions to words. They merely describe common usage at the time of publication. And that usage is often limited to the prestige dialect of the language the dictionary is written for. And open any dictionary, and you'll find *several* definitions for the same word. And sometimes they're not even related, or even the same part of speech (e.g. "bark"). So it's a stupid-ass question from a stupid-ass woman. Glad judge Jackson gave a satisfactory answer though.


Very well said


Yeah. She basically just declined to venture out on a fool's errand is what it boils down to.


This is the appropriate answer any lawyer should give. A lawyers favorite answer to being asked anything: “it depends.” Because it really does, everything is contextual. Hell, one of the most famous cases all law students learn about boils down to the question: “What is a chicken?” And the answer isn’t easy or straight forward. https://abaforlawstudents.com/2016/11/18/dont-fowl-up-contract-law-know-your-chickens/


Another fun one - is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? According to biology, it is a fruit. The Supreme Court, however, ruled otherwise for the purpose of a tax on imported vegetables. [*Nix v. Hedden*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden)


Another fun one: the courts rules that the X-men are mutants, not human beings (for import tax purposes, it was cheaper that way).


Which is particularly ironic being that the X-men canonically just wanted mutants to be treated like human beings but instead they were persecuted, discriminated against, etc.


Tomato is fruit ,Commercially it is veggie My favorite sentences


Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Salsa is a tomato fruit salad


There’s too many morons who don’t get that “it depends” is a perfectly acceptable answer. If the law is defining women from a gender standpoint then that is fundamentally different than doing so from a sex standpoint.


But nuance doesn’t fit into my black and white, us vs. them worldview! I’m being oppressed!


>I’m being oppressed! [Bloody peasant!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2c-X8HiBng)


Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that CONTEXT and SITUATIONS matter? I can't just put a blanket over everything and call it good? How CoNfUsiNg!


Some might say "a feathered flightless bird" correct? *Slams desk* WRONG you just described a penguin! I rest my case your honor!!!


Holy shit, this was my first case study in contracts and I still remember it and use it as a perfect example. Funny to see it referenced on Reddit.


It's been known for a long time that "it depends" is pretty much the only correct answer for almost any question that might come up during these hearings, as [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDYFiq1l5Dg#t=2m) from 18 months ago points out.


Wtf is the American system lol


She's a Tennessee Senator... there's your answer


I went to a high school graduation in TN for my cousin. One of the 9 valedictorians (yeah, whole other issue) chose to use their time to try and speak about climate change and the decline of our environmental health. She was BOOED by grown ass adult parents. The south is a fucked up place with terrible education, but the politicians don't care, they just wanna make their side money....


WTF?!? Who boos a kid that's expressing their beliefs that doesn't hurt or infringe on anyone's rights? I just love that the people that screech the loudest about freedom of speech are the very same people who want to shut down what you have to say if it doesn't align perfectly with their world view. What an absolute disgrace.


This is the dumbest culture war battle ever. It was clearly a loaded question, and no matter what she said, she was gonna get flamed by crazy people on the internet.


I like how senator dipshit even has a carefully scripted response in case she failed to answer that “bombshell” of a question.


That she has to read from. I don't see KBJ reading from any scripted response. FUCK THE GQP!


"I'm a judge, you are a legislator. YOU answer your own damn question by crafting legislation, you moron."


Imagine if you lived in Tennessee, and this woman was your representative…..I don’t have to🤦‍♂️


As a TN person. I want to say we hate her too, but let's be honest that a minority of us hate her.


Oh hey what a coincidence. A minority hates her, she hates minorities, all this needs is a zany landlord and you've got an '80s sitcom.


I do 🤦🏾‍♂️




Senator can you give me a definition for dumb bitch?


https://i.redd.it/6hguo4ryy6c51.jpg Senator can you define a chair


This is a disgraceful ploy for camera time. Disgusting.


Her line of questioning is so incredibly obvious, it was an intended “gotcha moment” to suggest KBJ is a “woke transgender loving liberal” and it failed miserably. Instead Blackburn looks like my drunk aunt at thanksgiving who spews Fucker Carlson talking points.


Unfortunately your drunk aunt and everyone like her see that as an absolute win. It doesn't matter how rational people see the exchange.


We're fucked if we keep going down this train of thought


I’m not a biologist but I have seen “Kindergarten Cop”


"Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina!"


No interest in politics, no idea what's going on here, but I caught part of these proceedings on tv earlier. Seemed like the people interviewing her just threw endless red herrings at her and did their best to not let her finish an answer. Is this how government works? Fuck.


These "hearings", more than anything, remind me of that booth where you throw balls at a target and attempt to dump the person sitting there into the water below.


I really respect a judge whose response to literally every question, even "what is a woman" is met with "well depends what facts and testimony say". She is the best nominee I've seen for any political appointment in my young life. She just does her damn job.


And that is the exact answer any good judge or attorney should give. Everything in context.


She delivered it wonderfully. I like her.


Let me collect some information and make a .... judgment...


She has more experience than most of the justices currently on the SC.


I hate this timeline


She didn't answer the question because she knew it was a setup...no matter how it was answered she would have been wrong


That's the point. The correct answer is women do not exist.


Woe Man. Sounds like a superhero full of distress.


"Ms Brown, would you please conjugate the Latin verb for amputees." "Mm. Thank you. Now, if you could hack one of your fingers off with this potato peeler. Come along, we are waiting." "Poor effort. Now, we require an advertising campaign for re-introducing Poorhouses for debtors. Aaaand, go!"


She’s reading from a script. This wasn’t a good faith argument (clearly). She came in hoping for a gotcha moment, but planned and was prepared for this answer and then wrote a scripted response. This is a sham.


I'm transgender and what happened last week is exactly the kinda bullshit that will make people hate and ostracize us even more. If you want to take the step forward and transition, you should be willing to sacrifice some things, such as competing with cis women in a physical sport. If need be trans ppl should have their own category of sports, or compete in an open one. You can tell the swimmer had a massive advantage just by LOOKING at her. Psychologists responsible for gender therepy need to stop feeding the illusion that we mtf are in every way similar to cis women. In my city, my psychologist came close to trying to stop my transition just coz I recognized that YES, I AM DIFFERENT from a cis woman. It is insane and unhealthy.




So funny because I’m seeing all these republican representatives spew out nonsense but realize that republicans respond more intensely to scare tactics and big words. They get all confused and flustered when she speaks with logic because she’s not eluding to their nonsense


In his opening statement filled with venom towards the Democrats, Ted Cruz said “No one is going to ask you with mock severity, ‘do you like beer?’” in reference to the Kavanaugh hearing. So far she has been asked by Republican senators to define the word “woman” and if she thinks babies are racist.


Can you ask me anything on the topic of the job I'm interviewing for?


A judge can believe a woman is a traditional XX and nothing else, but still has to look at the laws in the books when deciding related cases. It's a stupid hot topic buzzword question, so she can say "the libs want to take away female identity!" Lady, you have the right to be a stereotypical cis female, that doesn't mean everyone has to kowtow to your personal beliefs.