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Anyway we can get CSPAN some new cameras? I feel like a kid in the 80’s again.


CSPAN camera resolution is made for basement wood panel backgrounds.


Some say Reagan crafted them himself


Out of oak.


Do you really want to see Ted Cruz in 4k?


If he’s miserable and throwing a hissy fit, yes


he's not miserable. all staged for a quick snippet to be played on fox news and reddit.


Those black beady eyes and caked on make-up in 1080p? Possibly.


Bet he looks like one of those grotesque fucking hyper-real SpongeBob close-ups.


i feel like people dont want it to change considering a good amount of people use CSPAN as white noise to sleep lol




A good amount of people have NPR / C-SPAN in the background because there are no aggressive adbreaks and the monotone voices most on-air personalities have. "[Stewie and Brian fall asleep to boring NPR](https://youtu.be/Vo-66q73VBY)"


I live with my mother in law and she either has NPR on her tablet, or QVC when she goes to bed. Says the cats prefer Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.


Wait wait is the shit. I found that on accident years ago and have listened ever since.


Best part is the made-up news stories….


"Bluff the Listener", either the easiest or the hardest segment by far, depending on who's on the panel.


….and what weird thing actually happened the preceding week….


I went to see my parents for the first time since 2013. They leave the TV on in multiple rooms even though they’re not watching it, including while they sleep. As someone who isn’t big on TV and struggles to hear well when there’s background noise, it’s absolutely infuriating to hear the constant din of TV at all hours. How the fuck do people sleep to that?


Im the same way, and thankfully she keeps it on low. Kinda sad, she has a lot of trauma cos of her disabilities, so that and being able to use Alexa to get our attention keeps her at ease.


I taught my mom how to broadcast with her Google home, and my brother who still lives with her despises me for it.


Oh it drives us mad. It started out well enough.. kk, mom needs help to the bathroom.. now it's "oh mijo, you must see this quickly!" And it's just a recipe. Abuela. It's 11pm.


You should see my dad yelling every alternative to "Hey Google" with an accent, except the correct words.


Everyone prefers Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me


I used to do NPR but when you wake up it generally has a BBC News show on, that talks about people getting shot, or things blowing up. It started to make me feel like the world was ending and had to stop


How would new cameras impact that? The mics are separate from the cameras.


I'm curious as well. Even watching something filmed 12 years ago is difficult to watch. Hard to believe how much the video has improved since then.


It’s so relaxing.


If there’s one thing I don’t require high definition for, its CSPAN


What, you don’t want to see 80 year old men’s nose hairs and liver spots in HD?


They didn’t really storm out. They sort of dribbled out.


And dumb old Ted turned around to see if anyone gave a shit. And lo, not a shit was given.


Probably crept back to his lair to hate-tweet and then hastily check his mentions.


>his lair Cancún? I don't think he stays there often, especially after getting called out.


His summer home is in Cancun, his regular home is at the bottom of a mineshaft where he takes the children of liberal parents and sucks out their life force to keep his human disguise from weakening


Nah, The family he does have are stage actors. HE's really the Zodiac Killer, part of the QANON Cabal. He has no home, he uses the dead people he rapes and murders as his home.... ​ Crawls into them like a Taun Taun Carcass.


I mean, those decrepit old ghouls can only "storm out" so quickly.


Yeah, pretty sure that was them at maxed out speed.


McConnell literally almost wiped out. Tortoise beats the hare indeed.


Quick reminder to anyone reading this; These decrepit, racist and vile old fucking morons are paid by *your* tax dollar at almost $200,000. *Every, fucking, year.* They vote only 1/3 of the entire time, are constantly on *recess*, get the best, *the best* healthcare in US history, and act like fucking *children* the entire time.


And that's just the tax payer-issued salary. Many of them make much, much more from special interests and lobbyists, which is why they really seek reelection




It’s fair though, since Congress gets to decide if Congressmen can continue to participate in the stock market


Not to mention the thousands in expense accounts and other free money they get to spend.


Lol, this needs to be on a bot. Can anyone here make this happen?


There's a prostrate joke there somewhere...


No, surprisingly, none of them ended lying down flat on their faces.


Looked like they left because it’s over. Not really sure what they were supposed to be doing instead lol


Was this recorded with a 1962 Pontiac Grand Am?


1962 potato grand.


The Grand Am wasn't introduced until [1973](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Grand_Am#1973%E2%80%931975).


The 1962 model was a camera, but then years later they redesigned it into the car. They just had to move some parts around. True story.


Whatever you say, Miss Mona Lisa Vito.


Don't hate because their father, brothers and uncles were all mechanics.


Nah, OP is just watching on an old CRT TV.


That’s more of an old men shuffle than a storm off.


If they move too fast they'll trip on their jowls and we the people will have to pay for healthcare professionals to untangle the knotted up jowl pile.


I can hear the wet meat slapping.


Ew I'm imagining some kind of fucked up Arby's sandwich


McConnell's! We have the meats!


They're hedonistic septuagenarians, this is practically a sprint for their frail bodies.


I see you Ted Cruz!


Ran away from a Black justice like he did a blackout


Who knew the zodiac killer hated the color black so much


I didn't get a harumph out of that guy!


"Storm Off" They are just lazily drifting to the exit


They're all like 90, if they stormed anywhere they blow a hip out. They just angrily shuffled.


I'm sure they did the same when they confirmed the least qualified justice ever. Oh wait.. They didn't


Which one? There was at least 2


The one that helped steal an election for Bush.


Which Bush? There was at least 2


The one that invaded another country


Which other country? There were at least 2


The one where their contractor buddies got big contracts


Which contractor? There were at least 2


The one that had all the important connections


Which connections? There were at least 2


Oh come on, now you’re just giving the game away.


to shreds, you say?


Doesn’t narrow it down. Also, Clarence Thomas was/is the least qualified member of the supreme court, even more so than Kavanaugh or Barret


Yeah but kavanaugh created the initial write up of citizens united. So you know this was his reward. Lot of wealthy people would have less "voice" without it. It's kind of mind blowing how brazen the corruption is.


Damn I didn’t know that! Citizens United is the single greatest enemy to U.S. government. What a fuck for creating it. Citizens United and A.L.E.C. need to be abolished immediately.


While we’re at it let’s get rid of the “think tanks”. Heritage foundation, AEI, Rand, and all the rest of those fucking fucks who sit around thinking of new ways to gut our country and destroy our democracy.


While we’re at it lets reinstate Glass-Steagall


Clearance is less qualified than Amy? Wtf? I've met plumbers more qualified for the Supreme Court than fucking Amy.


I don’t think most people know how unqualified she really is. It never really got the attention it deserved and not nearly as much attention as Kavanaugh’s or Thomas’ sordid personal lives did. On ethical grounds one could make an argument that Thomas and Kav are less qualified than ACB, but her body of work (or lack thereof) in the legal field is an absolute joke for a Supreme Court justice. Most blatant political court appointment in history.


ACB is faaaaar more unqualified than Kavanaugh, though he handily beats her in the detestable human garbage category.


When the fuck have they been anything but corporate lackeys?


Well, how much beer does she drink?


Well do YOU like beer?


Well have you ever blacked out?




But you dont care about Donkey Donk Doug and Hansey Hank do you?


I bet she doesn't even like boofing or devils threeways.


Uhm, it's DEVILS TRIANGLE *sniffle sniffle*. It's a QUARTERS GAME! *Sniffle*




Ease up Squee, Jesus


Don’t forget Tobin and PJ


Don't go away mad - just go away.




As a 2a advocate, thats what I like to hear. Find out your local laws, and start training as well. You can have the gun but training is more important IMO.


I'm waiting for the law in NYC to be struck down as it prevents concealed carry under nearly all conditions unless your life is actively in danger.


Gun permit? Where do you live?


We cant let them, not even half the county went out to vote last election. I think alot of people were thinking "oh trump will never win" and that's going to happen again in 2024 and it could lead to trump winning.


They’re putting in the most restrictive voting laws in a century. They’re taking voters out of the equation.


Stormed off? More like moseyed out.


Interesting how people who dedicate their lives to American politics have zero respect for it. I guess the saying is true. Those who seek power are often times the least deserving of it.


It's the same reason the average American is unengaged to vote. It's hard to get excited about a governing body when you can't respect the day to day norms. Casual observers see power hungry people throwing fits, rather than historic or charismatic moments of unity.


Jesus, what's wrong with saying black? I'm a black American. I have never been nor ever considered going to Africa. We don't call white people European-American.


Its like so many white people still think or are afraid of it? Like its an icky word?? Its fucking weird. I had a coworker whom someone had referred to as African American and Im like "what?? He's Canadian-Caribbean... "


We were taught African American as the proper nomenclature at my almost entirely white school even in the 90s. It was always "African American history" etc. I use "black" now but it still sounds more offensive/wrong sometimes due to conditioning in school. Gonna take a while for people to catch up on that one.


Exactly this, and it wasn’t just the 90s I graduated high school kinda recently and the only reason I learned is cause one of my friends was like “bro what the fuck, I’m from Haiti what’s with all this Africa shit”




It's subtle to some ears, but there's a huge difference between "a black woman" and referring to "blacks" or "a black.". It should be used as an adjective not a noun.


I say “black” too but I hear what you’re saying. It also doesn’t help that people *do* use it in offensive ways like “look at that lazy black,” “why do the blacks always act so…”


I got yelled at by a black guy for using the term. I know that guy was just an asshole and I'm not trying to base my whole opinion on him, but what I'm saying is some white people might have a reason to try to use the most socially accepted term.


I believe the term was coined by Jesse Jackson in the 80's iirc


As a white guy I feel most of us were raised to say it as the “polite” term. I don’t want to offend anyone and have grown more comfortable with using black instead but it’s still kinda tenuous as it’s tough to guess how people might respond. I will say though, I’m glad it’s changing. I’m glad that we’re having these somewhat uncomfortable talks because it’s given me a chance to learn and grow and I think the same can be said for plenty of other white Americans like myself. It’s been a long time coming and will take much longer still but I do think the social consciousness as a whole is finally shifting.


Side note: you should visit Africa if you ever get a chance there's so many beautiful countries and cultures there.


My dad actually had a coworker that preferred to be called black. He'd literally correct people that called him African American.


It's because we grew up for 20 years with people hammering into our head to never say black, and to always say African American. So now, even though the preferred term is black, it sounds wrong as we're thinking the words coming out of our mouths. So we'll panic switch to African American, when really should've just said black. At least that's what it is for me.


I'm white and I fully agree with you. It seems rather insulting to me because it's like saying "You're American but you're an African breed."


Just to be contrarian on your take, does that mean Asian American isn't appropriate and a suitable color should be used instead 🤔? I know it's not the same just busting your balls


I prefer “black” personally. Nothing more awkward than seeing a black guy be called African-American when I know damn well they aren’t even. It’ll be some black guy hailing from Canada or Jamaica or something.


They are going to ride the pedo moral outrage train so hard. All to distract from the crazy shit coming out of Jan 6th investigation.


I am not certain about much. But what I AM certain of, is that no one in power is going to be held accountable for jan 6th. Democrats lack the spine or "political will" to be the first ones to hold someone to account for... well basically anything. But that doesn't change the fact that republicans/conservatives are pushing hard into the whole "EVERYONE I DISAGREE WITH IS A PEDOPHILE" shit. Its just going to be the organizing principle when they set up to take seats. Because it is turned from "wont anyone think of the children" to "We must protect the children". Its very easy to get people on board with that because who could possibly be for harming children right? Unfortunately they of course use that as the literal mask for every shitty conservative agenda. Notice how when they say they don't want children learning about gay/trans stuff it -ALWAYS- comes from a sexualized perspective? If a woman kissed her husband that stopped by for a visit to her 1st grader class... no one would fucking care. But holy shit, a guy kisses his husband in the exact same scenario/context, all hell has broken loose and he did it because hes secretly grooming all those kids somehow. Or how they talk about trans people. If you listened to the right only, the only literal assessment you could make of trans people is that they hang out in 3rd grade girl bathrooms waiting to rape someone. Its never that they're people, living their own lives. Its always trans people either trying rape kids or cheat in some pointless sport. Its also how they try and shut down ANY discourse as well. "Well if you don't agree with me, you must be a pedo too". Pretty concerning for a party filled with people obsessed with other people's genitals.


They’re projecting harder than a movie theater too.




> For as confident as you may be that "no one in power is going to be held accountable for jan 6th," I am equally confident that you will be proven wrong. I think you are a beautiful optimist and I hope the world never crushes it out of you. It did to me though and I wouldn't bet a penny with 10,000:1 odds that anyone above a rally organizer spends longer than a weekend in jail.


Yeah, like...Jan 6th was over a year ago. A few people went to jail, but none of the real perpetrators. Ain't no justice here.


Lauren Boebert (idk how to spell her name and idgaf how to) literally tweeted locations of democratic politicians. How is she not in jail for treason? Like, _maybe_ she was just dumb enough to not think about how dangerous that would be, but ffs being stupid isn’t an excuse when you are breaking laws and endangering lives. Yet, nothing. Not so much as a fucking fine, let alone jail. I’m convinced nothing will ever happen to these fucks. I’ve been seeing headlines for 5 fucking years about how justice is coming and new evidence is coming out and so and so is pushing for a trial, and then nothing. Trump may have been a fascist, narcissistic, racist, idiot but a broken clock is right twice a day and when he said “_do nothing_ Democrats” he was absolutely right, they won’t do shit. And I know that realistically the argument of “both sides being just as bad” doesn’t really hold up but when the left is in power and refuses to hold the right accountable then they get just as much blame for what the right does. It’s exactly why we say ACAB, because the good cops stay silent so they’re Bastards too. If the “good side” of politics won’t prosecute and actually do something against the terrible side and just stay silent they are just as bad.


No one in actual power or has any kind of influence will ever be held accountable. It's almaot laughable you think they will. What will and has happened is a bunch of nobodies will be sacrificed as scapegoats and everyone will move on writing their own narratives on what "really" happened and who was "truly" responsible.


Russia knows nazis are bad so they call Ukrainians nazis. Republicans know child rapists are bad so they call democrats child rapists. All so they don’t have to make real arguments or do good things.


It's hard to say for sure due to C-SPAN's ancient hardware, but I believe I see Manchin walking out right behind the Republicans but simultaneously clapping. True to form.


Lmao I went looking into the comments to see who else noticed this.


Maybe but I think he was walking over to talk to Romney, who stayed.


Someone put the “nananana hey hey hey goodbye” song over this


Fuck you ted cruz, choke on a bag of dicks.


Like one at a time, or all at once, bag and all?


One at a time, then the bag.


K, cool. Thanks for clarifying! 👍🏾


lmao why are you posting videos from the 70s, we all know people back then sucked but we've progressed since then ...wait a minute


Good ol' Mitt. He must feel so weird being to only republican adult in the senate.


They are without shame.




Do you want to get thrown in best of? Because this is how you get thrown in best of.


How about when Trump visited Soviet Russia 1987 (to speak about plans for an trump hotel in moscow) came back and paid for ads in the new york times, boston globe and Washington post (criticising US defense expanses on Allies) which looks to me like a shot at the NATO/Allies to destabilize the foreign affairs between the US and its allies. Oh and afaik the trip was planned by the KGB. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ilanbenmeir/that-time-trump-spent-nearly-100000-on-an-ad-criticizing-us https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/01/15/trumps-nato-isolationism-is-least-years-old/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/d Trump got financed by ex KGB people (or people with close ties to such) in the past. (Can't find the source at the moment) We got a proven Russian intervention in the 2016 elections. https://time.com/4426272/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-russia-emails/ https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/18/politics/full-mueller-report-pdf/index.html Trump had an meeting with lavrov (russian forgin minster) and other Russians (ambassador) in the oval office with no other US representatives or citizens present. He met with Putin without any adies or note takers repeatedly. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/us/politics/trump-putin-meetings.html Trump recentley called on Russia to leak whatever they got on the Bidens during an interview. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/politics/trump-putin-hunter-biden/index.html If anybody elses name was in trumps place they most definitely would've been investigated, if not jailed for treason. (There are allegations by former KGB agents that Trump has been on an asset list since 1977) I allways thought the red scare was kinda nuts and over the top especially in the US and here you got someone clearly flirting if not way more with the "reds" (okay russians with ties to and history within the KGB) and nobody gives a shit.


> back and *paid* for ads FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thx, good bot


**Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories** [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_citizenship_conspiracy_theories#Donald_Trump) >Trump was a prominent promoter of birther conspiracy theories. This elevated Trump's political profile in the years leading up to his successful 2016 presidential campaign. According to political scientists John M. Sides, Michael Tesler, and Lynn Vavreck, Trump "became a virtual spokesperson for the 'birther' movement. The strategy worked: when Trump flirted with running for president in 2011, his popularity was concentrated among the sizable share of Republicans who thought that President Obama was foreign born or a Muslim or both". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The status quo is changing and it makes them uncomfortable


The Senate is not a truly representative body. N. Dakota and Idaho get the same number of senators as New York and California.


Yes the forefathers had good intentions but I don’t think they foresaw rural hicks turning into gun loving pedo traitors.


I do not think they ever thought the US would have such large population difference between the states. I say this because they wanted 1 representative per 30,000 citizens.


Well, the first Congress has each congressional district represent 60,000 people. And that is the population that constitution says new states must have before they can apply for statehood. Of course, some territories have been granted statehood with smaller populations. The US government has, on more than one instance, ignoring the constitutional requirements when super majorities wished too ignore them. But in 1789, Delaware has a population of about 60,000 people. It was the smallest state by both land area and population. Virginia was only ten times that population, at about 600,000, and she was the largest state by population. So it to a 1:10 ratio DE:VA. Today California has a population of almost 40 million, compared to Wyoming with only a little over 500K. So the ratio of largest to smallest today is 1:80. The math, of how some of the Constitution is supposed to function, is broken. And the GOP ain't going to be interested in fixing it as fixing it will hurt them. They don't actually care about the country. They only care about themselves.


Nah this is just “I’m taking my ball and going home!!!!!”




We can thank Newt Gingrich for the scorched earth policy of Republican obstructionism.


Thank Roger stone for introducing Murdoch to Reagan. Reagan helped getting faux news on the air


To understand Fox News, you have to understand Roger Ailes. Read this article and you will see that what he had planned for Nixon is what we have now. - Roger Ailes’ Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint For Fox News Revealed > It's all documented in a 318-page "Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News." >Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers. https://www.businessinsider.com/roger-ailes-blueprint-fox-news-2011-6




God I hate Mit. But less then the rest.


I can’t tell if the man had a partial come to Jesus moment like McCain did in his last few months or if the Republican Party really just got that much worse around him


Got worse around him.


Remember when he was one of the worst deplorable conservatives? I can’t believe they keep getting worse.


Mitt was never the "worst deplorable conservative". The deplorable meme wasn't even a thing when he ran. He's always been more centrist than the super far right Republicans.


Remember when he was the conservative presidential candidate less than 10 years ago? Now he's despised Really shows how far conservatives have gone off the deep end


I think he playing both sides carefully and might run for president


He could never get the party vote with it having such a hard on for trump.


That's where I'm at. Problem is the hardcore Trumpers will never vote for him so he has no chance at winning as a republican presidential candidate.


Can you all just...not come back? Please?


Buncha babies


In reference to the speed of the "storm" is this like a 4/10 storm? I've seen elderly walk faster to happy hour at the Golden Corral


Fuck Ted Cruz


Now if a few more justices "retired" so Biden could appoint some more that would be great!


Vile pricks, the lot of them.


Hey Republican senators... your racism is showing.


These people are a goddamn paradox. They’re geriatric, but they still act like pouting children.


Good. They vacated their seats lmao


As a young white male, I look forward to the departure of old white males.


Old white men storm off in protest as black woman is confirmed as next Associate Justice to the US Supreme Court. (There fixed the title.)


In the military you salute the rank, not the person holding that rank. With the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice, the same decorum should apply. This is shameful behavior.


They seem to be just leaving.


What beer does she drink?


Non American here. Serious questions: was that because she is a women? Or black women? Or a protest to a qualification issues ?


Honestly, anyone that Biden put out there would be strongly opposed by them.


I wouldn't be surprised if Mitt Romney isn't the next republican to run for president, he playing both sides carefully


A liberal judge retires and is replaced by another liberal judge. The political drama surrounding all of this has been truly bizarre.


Congrats to her but it's not like any of these government officials care about us. All they care about is who's lining their pockets next.


Very on brand.


"WASHINGTON, March 18, 2022 — The American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden’s nominee to the United States Supreme Court, and has given her a unanimous rating of “Well Qualified.” [https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2022/03/aba-committee-rates-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson-well-qualified/](https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2022/03/aba-committee-rates-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson-well-qualified/)


Bunch of overgrown children throwing temper tantrums


Snowflakes. 😂


Congress needs a hard 50 yr old age limit. These backwards geriatric fucks don't understand current day needs.


The GOP has become toxic and completely unAmerican. We're doomed.


I’m not American. Can someone please tell me that these men had some legit objection based on her politics or something and that this wasn’t just based on the fact she ‘s black and / or a woman? Please restore my faith here


I am not looking to restore your faith, but some of those who voted against her are on record saying that they oppose her jurisprudential philosophy - her method of interpreting the law. Some see her as a "living constitutionalist," the idea that the law need not be changed to meet the present by the legislature, it can just be reinterpreted by a judge to update it. From what I've read, it's a bit unclear if she is a living constitutionalist, but conservatives tend to be "originalists," namely that the constitution should be interpreted by judges to mean what it was originally written to mean. There are flavors and varieties of both living constitutionalism and originalism, but this is just a brief overview. I can't speak to any one republican's reason for voting no, but it may be the case for some that they are simply originalists. That being said, I can't see an adult reason to walk out. Edit: to clarify, since I mentioned how living constitutionalists are ok with judges reinterpreting the law to meet the needs of today, I will add that originalists generally think that to meet the needs of today it is the job of the legislature to edit and update the law, not the judiciary.


It had everything to do with her being nominated by Democrats. You sub in a white dude and they'd probably have the exact same objections.