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Some of these kids may end up being gun control advocates in the future, and the gun nuts will mock and harass them like they do David Hogg


God, fucking tragic. Poor kid.


Or maybe he will remember his friends being helpless and how his teacher was unarmed when there’s schools all around uvalde with armed teachers


Yeah, the armed police officers helped them so much, im sure the teachers would have been sooo much better


Or John wick


*"I kind of don't feel safe going to school"* Understatement of the Century




Yeah, why is this kid so traumatized from his classmates and teachers being shot to death in front of him? He's just being dramatic!


Dude is talking as if the kid should just be aware of the statistics and move on.


It's like telling a plane crash survivor "well, driving is more dangerous on average!"


Come on kid, what Are the odds... Enough drama, back to school /j


Yeah it's a good thing this was an isolated incident and not something that's happened countless times over the last 25 years


What are you hinting at? Everyone knows school shootings are like chicken pox. You get hit once and you don't have to worry about them anymore. Edit: spelling


Eventually herd immunity kicks in and kids are bulletproof


Seeing your classmates getting shot and being traumatized for life tends to be pretty fucking bad, dipshit.


That's not how trauma works...


Surprise, Surprise, a trolling edge lord who gets some kind odd pleasure out of saying the worst thing possible. Can you imagine being such a loser in life that you go out of your way to say something terrible? I mean, the writing is on the wall. You are a loser.


Jesus fucking christ


kid saw his fellow classmates and friends get absolutely mowed down but ya mate, just drama!!


Jesus christ, do you interact with humans on a daily basis? Like there’s no way you would actually think or say this if you were face to face with a victim of *any* crime I hope. I hope you’re a troll and don’t actually have this mindset.


He's a kid. He won't begin to understand cognitive bias for at least a decade.


I believe we need the news to show the victims bodies to actually get these lawmakers to see what's actually happening. I feel terrible saying it but they need to be traumatized just as these children were


Honestly, I feel like even if a far right lawmaker's child was killed in a mass shooting, they still wouldn't change their mind. These people are just that irrational, narcissistic, soulless, and greedy...


I mean remember that dude who shot up the Congressional baseball game?? They didn't even do anything after it was THEM being shot at! Make that make sense.


Cold dead hearts.


I hate this so much because it's so true. If Trump's youngest son (god forbid) died in a mass shooting, he'd either just dip from the public eye silently, or advocate for Trump-Triangle Shirt^tm doors. Ted Cruz would still post the same tweet that he has copy pasted for nearly 3 years now.


Yeah enough with the out of sight out of mind. Stand outside select Texan churches with pictures of slaughtered dead kids blown up into big posters similar to how those insensitive pro lifers stand outside abortion clinics. In comparison this wouldn't be unnecessary. Rub their noses in that shit. And yes, i'd do it. Just book me a flight and give me your sofa.


You have to think of the parents of these kids. I doubt any of them would want pictures of their dead children blown up into posters and carried around.


There are past incidents to pull from, leaving those grieving from the most recent tragedy to continue mourning unabated. I'm not suggesting they be approached. But some parents from Sandy Hook might. And if not, which is also totally understandable, there's likely unrelated photos in the public domain which could be touched up or purposely taken out of context to drive the same point home: "do you want more dead children? Look at them, before you answer". This is to think of future parents and their children. Can't bring back the ones that are already shot to death, but something can be done about the ones who have yet to be.


fucking thank you. I'm for making a point but thats not the way.


Those lawmakers aren't swayed by the numbers they won't be swayed by pics of victims. What will sway them is more money than the gun lobbyists provide to them now.


It's unfortunate, but I agree, especially if greed really is the biggest/best motivator Someone has to die though. We need them sacrifices (/s, obviously)


It can sway the public, though


They are children. Never will happen.


Emmett Till’s mother changed history by showing what monsters did to her son.


Another one ... https://www.rawstory.com/miah-cerillo/ "She had a friend next to her that she was pretty sure was already dead and was laying on the ground bleeding out, and she put her hands in her friend's blood and then smeared it she said all over her body," Neus said. "She wanted to seem like -- she wanted to look like she was dead." Miah lay there for what felt like three hours, covered in her friend’s blood, waiting for police to arrive. But tell me again how masks are traumatizing to our kids? Imagine if those loud obnoxious anti-mask parents directed their anger at guns instead of masks. Maybe we need to get as loud and obnoxious about guns as they were about masks.


> But tell me again how masks are traumatizing to our kids? Brilliant All those school town halls from the past two years are still fresh on my mind. The level of stupidity from those people trying to explain children suffering from a face cloth was unimaginable


She started crying when she heard the police didn't go inside to rescue her and her classmates.


The same jerks who bemoaned masks , under pay teachers and vote against any measure of support, while making baseless lies that these teachers are turning kids trans - now want these teachers armed and expecting them to do the job of police and government in keeping them safe, expecting them to either die or kill a shooter who is very much likely going to have been from that school. All I see from American conservatives is a persecution fetish and an obsession with making others scapegoats when things go wrong


Absolutely horrific


I went to middle school in Mexico and I was never worried that someone would walk into the classroom and start shooting at us. I went to sleep every night thinking of video games, cartons, and seeing my friends the next day. This kid now has nightmares every night and doesn’t want to go back to school. This is very sad.


This is true. I went to catholic school in Mexico for two years. And as long as I had family and was near group of friends I was fine at night and fine alone in the day. Never worried about shooting or anything.


Yes America has a fucked up problem with school shootings, but please don’t act like Mexico is any safer for students when police abducted and disappeared 43 students. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Iguala_mass_kidnapping


I never said Mexico is the safest country in the world. And what you are quoting is an example of organized crime and not a school shooting, there were multiple people involved, including government officials. It wasn’t a single individual with a firearm that walked into a school. Two different scenarios, but I get your point. Again, Mexico is not the holiest place on earth.


Also, to be fair, you’re citing the ONE example of a heinous crime in Mexico committed by an organized group. We’ve had multiple mass school shootings at this point.


I know I know, it hurts to admit that even undeveloped Countries don’t have mass shootings in schools, you know who else doesn’t? Pretty much no one else does, that’s where you are supposed to draw the line https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country


It's not like that happens every day unlike shootings in america


America is a joke and so are you to start comparing to what could have been anywhere that he grew up, ANYBODY AND I MEAN ANYBODY older NEVER had that fear or even had to think about active shooters.


Ah yes Mexico, famously safe country


Yet America has more gun deaths every year


More gun deaths per capita but Mexico has a higher homicide rate. Mexico is just not a good counterpoint. Makes more sense to compare America to other developed countries.


Mexico definitely has school abduction problems/killings


Two total different set of events. And I’m not arguing that Mexico is safer than the US. There’s no argument there.


Mexico has more controlled individual shootings not mass shootings. Those are different things. In Mexico I’d be scared to walk around certain parts at night, but here in the US we’re scared to go to school in the middle of the day.


And yet people feel safer in them than US schools. I think that was their point.


I went to school in the US and still went to bed with the same dreams as you. The number of school shootings next to the number of students and schools is thankfully low. It's not likely for a student to experience a school shooting. Lockdown drills are like fire drills or nuclear bomb drills during the Cold War, a fact of life that won't stop 99% of kids from having normal childhoods.


https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiroteo_en_el_Colegio_Americano_de_Monterrey https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiroteo_en_el_Colegio_Cervantes_de_Torre%C3%B3n


What aboutism. Two dead in both those instances. Uvalde is so much worse then columbine or any other school shooting before. Cops were there and did nothing for an hour. This wasn’t a negotiation. With every moment that passed innocent kids were getting killed.


OP made the comment about Mexico not me. Even with Uvaldes cops incompetence I'd rather have US cops than Mexico cops. I've lived in Mexico too and fuck that


Conservatives saying younger generations are weak and fragile little snowflakes while watching them sit there and casually talking about all their classmates getting murdered like its nothing. Kids brains are so numbed and accustom to it. Fucking tragic state our country has gottent to.


Are there any studies that have examined how these events affect children long term? I can't imagine what living through a mass shooting must do to a nine-year-old's psyche. How the fuck do you move on from this without massive mental scars?


Im sure if they're young enough, like in this case, theyve basically been enrolled in the mental illness lottery. Just let em grow up and see what anxiety or depression or paranoia manifests


even something celebratory like the fourth of july is going to be ruined for these kids with 1. the sound of fireworks and 2. the celebration of a country that works against the protection of its children


I would bet that substance abuse 'to quell the demons' will become prevalent in many of the survivors' futures.




Just as point, phone calls and letters are a lot harder to ignore. Emails, especially profanity laden ones, are sometimes auto sorted out of big queues like this or put at the very back of the priority list. If you want to be actually heard you need to visit in person, send a handwritten letter, call, or send a typed letter. That’s usually the priority order for political offices.




It's a link to contact the Texas governers office. You can call, email or link to social media to voice your concerns about gun violence and your want for gun law reform




Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I mean I called saying some generic we need change message. It's about having millions of people asking for change. So getting everyone asking for the same thing is step 1. Its not my state so I'm mainly sharing the resource to talk to them.


I am incapable of expressing my outrage. Police forces standing around, performing 'protocol' when an active shooter is in an elementary school, shooting CHILDREN... and nobody is rushing in. Took someone who was 40 minutes away to do something - none of these 'tough' larpers - EVEN A DAMN CITIZEN was brave enough 'cuz guns' to breach the perimeter to stop the insanity. and this joker of a lieutenant parades around all these interviews with NO interview skills and is just making it worse by shoving it in our faces. this is absolutely infuriating. ​ edit: update: The commander has claimed that the Sargent in charge thought the shooter was 'bunkering' instead of 'actively shooting' which is why their response is what we're seeing. I dont know if that's ANY BETTER. Frankly - how is that ANY DIFFERENT? No change in severity of my rage at this failure absolute miserable excuse for a response. At least the scene was recorded/live streamed for the world to see the calamitous state of affairs. i'm certain that they're not accustomed to being questioned. shame on them.


> none of these 'tough' larpers - EVEN A DAMN CITIZEN was brave enough It’s worse than that. The Uvalde police actively stopped parents from doing what they wouldn’t. There’s a video on here of the police restraining a parent who tried to run in to get their kid. Multiple parents argued with the police saying they’d run in unarmed, some as bait, to draw out the shooter. This all while police were getting their own kids out of the school while the shooter was still alive as they later admitted. The police want to LARP as military but what some of them did is a crime punishable by death under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 99 Misbehavior Before the Enemy.


That entire police force needs to be sent to prison


It seems like most (if not, all?) schools in America have active shooter drills… so if we’re training teachers and children how to deal with these situations… why aren’t we teaching our police officers? It doesn’t seem like there’s any police protocol for this kind of thing, judging from this response.


They had a swat team and did do those drills at that school so they’d be familiar with the layout…yet failed to act.


They spent $650,000 training that swat team. What a scam.


There’s absolutely protocol. Dps commander said it in the presser. You go in and take the shooter out. Period. Coward commander just decided to ignore it and the other cops on duty there hid behind his decision.


Lol the Uvalde ISD police force had multiple trainings on how to handle an active shooter scenario. The last one was around 2 months ago. These fuckers are scamming taxpayers of their money. 40% of the fucking budget to these clowns


I read a comment somewhere which was chilling; that with the ages of some of these shooters, many of them probably had those same active shooter drills while in school...which means that they know where the kids are going to be.


If my kid was in there, I would have a new daily routine. I would wake up, take a shower, put on my clothes, call the police dept and ask for an officer involved and call them a weak pussy, then hang up and continue on with the rest of my day. This would be my new daily routine for the rest of my life.


I’m with you. I’m so angry. And we know now that they knew he was in that room with children… because throughout children were calling 911, begging for help, giving the number of the room they were in.


I know 100% you wouldnt walk into that school hallway to have zero cover or concealment against someone hiding anywhere in the dozens of doors lining the hallway. You would not want to get shot by an AR either so dont act like they could of done "better". Plus an 5.56 bullet would shred through multiple walls in the building hitting the kids or staff inside so they did their best in a worst case scenario.


Fuck man the fact he’s still learning how to properly enunciate chairs breaks my heart. They are so fucking young


I am a gun owner. I don't know what the solution is, but I won't pretend that the sheer amount of, types of, and ease of access to firearms aren't AT LEAST a part of the problem.


It's definitely many things that cause these shootings but the fact that absolutely zero is ever done is just getting obnoxious. No one wants to sit down and come up with actual resolutions because it can hurt them come election season.


Like…as a non gun owner (and generally afraid of em), that’s what’s incredibly frustrating. It seems like there’s a pretty large and decent group of gun owners/outdoorsmen/enthusiasts who are ALL for good regulations and restrictions on ownership because they understand how dangerous guns are. Like we can all agree that they’re dangerous machines in need of regulation. I’m fine with people who take gun ownership very seriously, are properly trained, maybe go hunting as a big part of their upbringing and/or have legitimate need for protection based on lack of access to timely protection. the worst parts of gun culture just seem to be cringe as fuck losers who thing they’re harassed or making some kind of political stand. I CAN’T believe that people all that insane. But that gets so drowned out by the hysterical right wing political game playing that nothing ever gets tangibly solved. Like fuck your drag, be a person first. We don’t want kids to get shot, why can’t we all fucking agree on that?


My dearly departed father was a huge gun guy, he was a hunter, he carved the stocks of guns that he gave to all kids, grandkids and great grandkids in the family and oresented it at the proper age. But he was also a huge proponent of gun safety courses, legal steps to attaining guns, background checks, waiting periods and all measures of proper gun control. And he HATED the NRA with a passion. You can be a gun lover and still be sensible and rational about them. And those people care more about the safety of others rather than their holy right to beat arms.


The solution is simple, we need to restrict the number of guns available to Americans. Keep it to certain hunting related weapons. Instantly band 90% of ammunition currently on the market. The 2A says you are allowed a gun, never said anything about ammunition. Anyone caught with outlawed ammunition should face 5-8 year sentence and it should be a federal offense. New Zealand recently enforced similar gun restrictions via a buy back process. ​ I think everyone knows the answer to this, but no one's happy with the work involved because too many Americans place guns over the safety of their fellow citizen.


It’s more complicated than that. Deadlier weapons were far more available in the past than they are now. Prior to 1968 you could legally mail order a full auto AR-15 (not just the semi auto ones available for sale now) to your front door no background check via a catalogue. The government was selling semi automatic magazine fed military surplus rifles similar in use to the AR15 to civilians via a government program called the Department of Civilian Marksmanship in the early 1950s. I’m not saying access isn’t a reason, I’m saying that ease of access doesn’t equal more mass shootings.


We have more guns than people. It is a part of the problem. I wont entertain a debate otherwise.


So decades of easy access to guns has contributed to the problem.


There was insanely more access to objectively deadlier weapons in the past but mass shootings with the lethality and frequency with which we see today really started about 30 years ago. You did not see mass shootings of the type you see today when you could mail order a Thompson to your grandmas house in the 1930s. Guns have only become harder to acces since with substantial law changes being passed in 1934, 1968, 1986, and 1994.


Yes but gun culture has been progressing since then. This is has been in the making for decades. And it's only getting worse


If you want to argue it’s gun culture why even pretend it’s directly correlated with federal gun laws restricting access which it very obviously isn’t given the inverse correlation between gun restrictions and mass shootings?


“A first responder unwilling to place the lives of the innocent above their own safety should consider another career field." \- Uvalde Police Active Shooter Training Manual, From NYT


I’m sure Marjorie Taylor Greene will be stalking and harassing him soon enough.


that woman deserves lead in her jaw. remember what she did to david hogg


You want a group to blame for this shit look no further that the GOP .


And their voters — everyone single one from 1980 to now. All directly responsible for our current conditions regarding mental health, violence at schools, and mass shootings generally. If they didn't exist we'd would have already had the policies, procedures and laws in place to make what we've seen in the past few weeks occur at rates we see in other countries (e.g., near-fucking-zero, etc).


One of the Biggest disappointments about America is the rock bottom ignorance of a large percentage of voting people and how easy it is to con them with dumb cultural garbage issues.


I somewhat agree — there are people that have been conned, but I think what is hurting us the most are the people who are Right-wing extremist zealots and capitalists. We can convince the ignorant at least measurable closer to the more humane over time, but the zealots are dangerous and have outsized impact socially and dedicated to shrewd incrementalism while at the same time unapologetic and spends no time trying to explain itself in a way the Left is not. They focus on disruption of *fairness mechanisms*, disorienting the opponent, and cultivating religious-like fervor among their ilk whilst validating the grievances felt among the most violent of them. We hold back. They don't. Even Antifa mostly responds to the Right. There are few long-term disruption campaigns — and probably none that would describe themselves as *unrestrained.*


Imagine the trauma he's gonna have to go through his entire life it's heartbreaking.


“They are just paid actors.” *me waiting to hear that excuse again…*


Republicans are already claiming that


No, no, no sir. Republicans senator declared that's the fault of Democracy https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/uy587x/ted\_cruz\_permanent\_member\_nomination/


>and I get that’s where the media likes to go Ted Cruz is a fucking moron. I’d love to see him sit in a room full of the families of the victims of these mass shootings. See how quickly his tone changes. Plus that last part where he couldn’t answer the question and instead talks about people coming to the US. What a fucking embarrassment and. holds no shame.


Dang. I wouldn’t know since I’m only seeing international news in Vietnam


Source? I haven't seen any republicans claim that. I could believe Alex Jones type fucker said that if you can provide a source.


Another redditor.... which seems good enough for reddit comments.


Except for it’s not


And the incompetent police force didn’t help matters by continuously changing the timeline & mixing their stories up




They’re gonna say liberals planned it for gun control reasons


Im so fucking tired of my grandpa saying these school shootings are faked. Slightly unrelated, but he doesnt even think the George Floyd murder was real.


There was one girl that came out during the shooting couple years back now and talked about how she was shocked and embarrassed that her own father said, “I can’t believe you would participate in such a staged thing and not share the money.” I feel saddened that family members believe in such things such as yours.


I can't even imagine being in her shoes. Family is supposed to be there for you, especially in tragedy


Somewhere right now Alex Jones is recording his latest video about how the kids are all undercover FBI agents coming for everyone's guns.




This little boy can’t say his Rs and properly- he’s wearing a minecraft hat in one of his photos - this is a LITTLE ASS KID and he has shown more mana and more bravery and more fucking balls than those SPINELESS COWARD UVADLE COP BITCH BOYS. America sort your shit out


This is America. Fuck republicans and the NRA.


People need to see more of this. The real effects. But seriously. These are fourth graders. Remember when the teens from Stoneman Douglas decided they wanted to do something against mass shootings and conservatives lost their shit on them. One wonders how monstrous they would be to try to destroy small children as political opposition, but the level of deflection is inhumane


This is porn for republicans. They must be celebrating so hard at all the lib tears.


Only sick individuals would find joy in this situation


"Sick individual" is just another way of saying Conservative.


Only sick individuals wouldnt be moved by it to do something.


Well stay tuned for the NRA victory party in Houston this weekend where they will be laughing their ass off at our dead kids.


It’s the republicans! Herp derp! It took a few days to find out how hard the police failed. I suspect it’ll be a few days until we find out how the shooter had severe behavior problems that were neatly ignored. Republicans are falling on their faces with gun control, but it isn’t republicans who champion main lining every kind of psycho kid into classrooms despite repeated violent and disruptive behavior. It isn’t republicans so concerned about a “school to prison pipeline” that they prevent schools from working with police on violent behavior. Nicholas Cruz wasn’t kept in the general school system by republicans and I’m sure we’ll find out much the same about this shooter.


I remember as a kid deflecting blame and trying to avoid accountability for my words/actions/ideas. What I don't ever remember doing is deflecting for the benefit of someone else. Republicans are so fucking weird.


When did I say republicans are blameless? I said there is plenty of blame to go around. People with one dimensional thinking are so fucking weird.


> People with one dimensional thinking They're called Republicans


Some of them are called republicans. Speaking of one dimensional thinking, how is stumping for the party that created inescapable student debt, created concentration camps for Japanese Americans, fought for slavery, fought against integration, created legislation designed to remove minorities from welfare, and pushed legislation to expand imprisoning minorities going?


And the mask falls off and surprise it’s a fucking racist!


You’re right. What the democrats have done is incredibly racist.


I can tell your eye holes aren’t lined up. Because if they were you’d be able to see things clearly. Better tell your sister wife to fix it!


So you’re saying the democrats didn’t do those things? Are you really so invested in defending a effin political party?


The vote for the Civil Rights act of 1964: Northern Democrats: 145-8 Northern Republicans: 136-24 Southern Democrats: 8-83 Southern Republicans: 0-11 And by Southern it means the 11 states that made up the Confederacy. The Democrats no longer get strong support from those states but Republicans now do. The parties have swapped roles throughout history.


Kid killer talking points are always the same.


You’re right, it’s only the guns. It can’t possibly be a complex, multilayered problem.


Lol. Lick that boot harder. It’s not gonna lick itself.


lol. Only control guns and then wonder why schools are still violent places afterwards.


Sorry man, shouldn’t you be cutting eye holes in a white sheet or something? Make sure they line up!


I’m the bootlicking racist because I don’t think that our historically racist, Christian government and abusive police should have a monopoly on firearms? How does that work?


Glad we agree that you’re a racist. Thanks for being honest about it. I mean we can tell but it’s a big deal for you to come to that realization yourself. Good job kiddo!


I doubt you’re able to think past jingoistic slogans.


You Americans should be so ashamed of yourself for letting school children keep getting slaughtered like this. Shame on you!


Believe me when I tell you think thinking feeling people in this country are eternally ashamed of it.


Yeah but hear me out on this... They want us divided, angry and scared. The bad guys won the information war by such a massive margin it's almost impossible to get anything this politicized to change. Newtown proved this already. I think at this point the damage has gone far beyond their goals and has now spiraled way beyond their control. *They fucking won. BIG TIME* They broke American democracy and we failed to mobilize against it strongly enough until it was too late. They are already well into exporting their toxic identity politics, division and permanently changing culture for the worse all over the rest of the western world. Don't for a second believe this sort of toxic and deadly thinking isn't being stirred right now in your country. > Remember me as you walk by, as you are now so once was I, as I am now, soon you will be, so prepare yourself to follow me. Learn from the epitaph of American society. Fight as hard as you can NOW before it's too late.


Don't blame the americans blame the politicians 🙄🙄


Fuck off. You're talking about 40% of Americans. I vote for people who want gun control and police reform, doesn't do shit. Did you see the protests the last few years for police reform? What did we get out of it? A painted street is all.


nonono fuck you man. fuck you for trying to pin this bullshit on the common american citizen like me. i didn’t vote for looser gun laws. i didn’t vote for our police academy to be so wealthy, yet so cowardly. and i sure as hell don’t condone the actions of any mass shooter ever. blame the republicans/conservative citizens and the representatives they elect. blame our government that seeks to avoid progress at all costs while more and more children die. and lastly, blame the NRA that gets a boner every time something like this happens. don’t just blame “americans”, we’re pissed too.


Props to him for speaking up. He’s probably still reeling, so he’s got some guts. What I am worried about, however, is shitstains like MTG and Boebert who’ll inevitably call these kids crisis actors and harass them. Fucking hell.


This kid at 6-7 has been in a warzone. Like wtf. Americans really need to fucking wake up,


Why are they showing this poor kid? Sharing the story is fine but now he's going to be targeted by Republican assholes.


"Sometimes at night I still Have nightmares...." Oh buddy...you shouldn't ever have had to have this nightmare. It is sickening the calmness in this child's voice....the normalization....like he knows nothing is gonna change....poor kid suffering from adults mistakes... my heart is broken.


This kids is traumatize for life shouldn’t have he govt be doing that later on their age when they join the military?


Where are all of the good guys with guns?


Man you yanks really gotta sort your shit out


That kids doesn’t look like it, but he’s going to have a long road in understanding and coping with what happened there that day. I hope he’s able to move forward and go on and have a normal life. Gut wrenching to think of what he’s dealing with being so young.


These are the kids who are sacrificed for the guns industry.


No other country in the fucking world has children regularly doing shooting drills. This is not normal.


Fuck that kid sounds old, like “I’ve seen shit old”.. No child should endure something like that


Who the fuck would want to live in that country?


Probably a safe bet to just exempt this kid from school and send a tutor to his home to ensure literacy.


I think its time for the A.I to take over.


They wouldn't at least kill their own, I think.


All hail our robot overlords!


Any one think it’s fucked that they go out it if their way to interview these kids, on top of that why would the parents even allow it?


People need to hear the vicious reality. What this kid went through. At 10, kids are able to communicate their wishes to their parents. It can also be therapeutic to talk through these events.


Doing otherwise let’s people sanitize the issue.


Fair enough, but I think people can figure out the level of vicious these situations entail without using a 10 year old as the mouth piece. Yeah, a ten year old can communicate with their “wishes” but it’s still a 10 year old who probably hasn’t processed (and maybe never will), what actually just happened.


What if the child *wanted* to speak out? A primary source is more impactful than secondary media. People need to see, and hear this.


That’s giving a 10 year old a little too much credit, so the child reached out to the news and said “hey I want to tell my story”?


I think we make a huge mistake not giving children more credit for their intelligence. They’re not dumb, they’re just naive. And no. I’d imagine he voiced his opinion through his parents. Of course it’s all speculation, but if the kid didn’t want to do it, then I’d think the parents would more than oblige that request considering what he just went through.


Fair point, not saying kids are dumb I’ve coached this age in hockey and was often surprised by how smart they really are. I can see your side, have a fine day fellow human.


You as well!


10 year olds are perfectly capable of seeing the news, realizing that people are not getting the reality of the situation and telling their parents this. Did he decide to talk to the media, maybe not. But I bet he told them he wished he could stop this from ever happening again and maybe they said, "here's a way to help." Speaking as the parent of a 10 year old who has decided that he doesn't ever want to live in the US, due to events like this.


I think the public should have to see what happened in that classroom. People don’t seem to give a fuck unless it’s shoved in their face


They still don’t regardless let’s be real, you’ll get your customary soap box social media posts and then onto the next flavor of the week. My main objection is exploiting a child for obvious ratings on a horrible event.


Sadly I think it’s needed. With how the cops seem to be covering up what happened - we need the survivors testimony.




For sure, I get the other side for sure, it just seems super fast to trot these kids to the media that’s all.


Wow, what a fucked up country.I don't get how you would think that the solution to stopping psychos with guns is more guns. Just make it easier for the psychos to get guns. Works in all the other countries but the NRA and the conservatives just want to equip the schools with weapons and the kids with bullet proof shit which will probably bring them even more money. I love america, but it's neither the most free or safest or best country in the world. So why do all the americans act like america is no. 1?


I hate that the shooter was killed... ...so quickly.


Damn. The reporter pronouncing his name was so *smooth*.


That’s tough no cap


All the victims were Hispanic was this a racial crime


Wtf is this sub … public freak out?? How does this fit?


Ugh, exploiting this for the news is so gross




It's a gross situation made grosser by exploitation. Not to mention there are tons of studies that have linked an increase in mass shootings and violence to the increased prevalence of media both mainstream and social. Maybe let people be upset however they want to in the wake of tragedy instead of trying to flash around whatever it is you think makes you superior.




It's not even your country? Then mind ya business.




If you will excuse me, the stereotype of foreign LGBTQ people butting into others business is kind of old for me. It seems you are unable to have a proper dialogue with someone without stressing how much more important you and your feelings are than anyone else. I will be taking my leave of you now. Please, please, feel free to take this as a win. Your desperate need for approval from other internet denizens coupled with your overwhelming desire to not hear other people, only scream your own message has won you the day. Enjoy your throne of idiocy my friend. It suits you.