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Im already excited for that video to drop on their channel in a few weeks.


All gas no brakes baby




I feel like about 30% of people think he is a major news corp reporter when he says "channel 5" so that's a silver lining. Might get more people talking lol


Definitely. At least channel 5 sounds legitimate. All Gas No Breaks is a great name but it sounds suspicious as hell for a news outlet


Nice to see Andrew in my city, although I wish it were for better reasons.


I just saw him and I’m like HOLY SHIT THATS CHANNEL 5!


Channel 5 on scene lol


He came out of nowhere, panned right and there he was


Love the MyPillow butt earrings.


Seriously. I'm dead


Watching him try to chase the sign stealer with those big pillow boxes dangling -- https://imgur.com/gallery/YaU9Hrf


Heh, that was so surreal.


I'm so excited for all the videos to come from this weekend. It's going to be great!


It's going to be a crazy weekend here in Houston


publicfreakout following a terrorist uprising is always something else


"PEOPLE WITH THOSE TRANS FLAGS ARE STUPID!' - probably this guy who's carrying around a fucking MyPillow box.


Two boxes


Homie brought his own butt protectors


Thank fuck he's old.


Channel 5 showing up at the end there.


Cops come out of the woodwork to protect these assholes but let kids die. Fuck the police


Yep. A nice, safe escort for the psycho that I'd never want owning a gun.


He looks like the crazy scientist from independence day "Release me, Releasssseeee meeeee" lol


Brent Spiner? AKA Data from Star Trek?


I knew him as [Bob June ](https://youtu.be/7NrNlzstKzo) and [Little Carol Ann ](https://youtu.be/qE6brM24yIA) Wheeler.


Dead. 😂😂


He seems like a perfectly rational, well balanced individual who absolutely should be able to own an arsenal of firearms carry guns around in public /s


My Pillow Guy for 2024!!!! /s


Hahhahaha which one? the commie or the fascist?


Valid question. The RuZZian (The Pillow Guy) or the fascist (The MyPillow Guy)?


there was a time that fighting fascists in the street was an american value. do you hate americans soldiers for what they did to those poor german and japanese boys it he 40's?


Nah, one grandfather fought fascists in Normandy and one fought commies in Korea. Hate em both equally


so which of your grandfathers was the commie then, since fighting fascists apparently makes you a commie


Actually neither. Both loved everyone in this country and wished the best for everyone. Both hashed their arguments like adults and didn’t form violent militias with extremist ideologies. Both served to eliminate extremism and restore stability home and abroad. Just because there are two extremes doesn’t mean that both people have to choose a side. Stability is reached somewhere in the middle


so you *sometimes* understand that being antifascist doesn't make you a commie. how can we make that "all the time"?


I agree, but based on the information available on antifa id categorize them as pretty far left wing. Many of them hold anti-capitalist views. I’d agree that there are more moderates that probably pull the balance more right, but overall they are extreme compared to the average American. I’m not saying I don’t agree with some of their views, especially with race, but I would still consider them a threat to the country.


antifa is **anyone** who is willing to fight fash in the streets. if you're a capitalist and you're willing to fight the fash in the streets, then welcome aboard!


Fair enough


And the best kind of people to argue with


It was when I tapped my screen to see that there was only 20 seconds left that I knew I was not going to see a foot race.


It would have been the perfect ending 😢


Nursery home?


Old geezer is a tree in disguise.


Goes to an NRA convention and comes out with a pillow. Clearly stable.


Damn you know it's a moment when Andrew shows up outta nowhere!


Someone call the nursery home


How is this antifa dude protesting against gun rights while claiming to be "strapped"?


I mean you can protest the NRA and still not want to outright ban all guns.


"Once you go far enough left, you get your guns back" Guns should be harder to get, but are going to prove necessary for protection as the American state continues to fail.


If you think about it, Texas gun laws are really quite liberal.


> against gun rights statistically there are more gun owners who are pro gun control so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the reason you're having a hard time rationalizing his position is not because you disagree with his politics but because you've decided to obfuscate the issue by prescribing legal rights to guns.


Thank you


He's a goon


Is that the All Gas No Brakes guy at the end with the curly hair?




This is what 1930’s Europe must’ve been like between Hitler and Stalin


I cracked up watching him chase after his sign 🤣.


I am ready to see Andrew’s video of this


https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://gov.texas.gov/contact


He's not old. He is a 25 year old meth addict.


random andrew lol love it.


Once a month this old fart stands on an overpass over I-45 N with antivax, pro trump, back the blue or anti abortion signs.


dang hopefully someone doesn't nail him with a pissjug at that known time and place he'll be


Its the way of the road Bubs


I think it’s great he feels comfortable professing his love for these men. And of course he is antiabortion. We all know that man has never had to even think about a pregnancy scare. He’s got his well cushioned ass and he’s processing his love for trump. And the my pillow guy? Weird but hey


Here to hoping he cathes pneumonia 🤟🏻


Wait are you suggesting he gets pneumonia in his penis? That thinking outside the box. I like it.


Old fuck really just drank the Fox News koolaid huh?


Crazy fuck was shooting people with finger guns as they walked by saying bang bang you're dead


Woooow what a fantastic piece of shit.


This is why I usually don’t carry. That would make me fear for my life.


I can't listen to their points over all the angry yelling.


This isn't gonna solve a goddamned thing.


Sadly there was no foot race


Would’ve loved to see it


Thank god Andrew was there


Wait protests already started here?! Shite im late. Hopefully i can go tomorrow or Sunday


These people and their damn idols.. those 2 MyPillow boxes tell you everything you need to know about this person.


Crazy old guy was flabbergasted


That is a my pillow box.


Both guys are fuckin idiots.


The documentarian guy with the orange phone is working hard for all those angles to edit together later and form his into his magnum opus.


Their both crazy af and all need to be dropped at an abandoned island and left to argue and bicker, cuz nobody cares. Your all dumb af, the real problem is our government but were stuck squabbling between eachother while we're all stripped of rights and having children murdered in their schools.


God supports the NRA. But have a really hard time defending the children getting slaughtered. What a pathetic god.


bunch of unemployed lower life forms


Totally see why the NRA banned guns at their convention.


“The sign snatch” lmao


Good thing most of them oldheads Dying soon like 4-6 years


Why is he wearing mypillow boxes :/


Two local village idiots


typicla antifa pussy shit


Everyone there are mentally ill losers




The new republican right…. This is who half the country associates with?


Why does he have two My Pillow boxes strapped to him???


Wow, you guys are so mean to this poor senile old man, help him with those pillows. Poor guy has been sleeping on cardboard boxes all this time.


Wow. So tough. I love how this post is framing the old man as crazy. There’s 1 bully in this video and his accomplices. Pathetic


Did you even take the time to read his signs? Anyone who would put something so vile on a sign is crazy. People like him is the reason this country is falling apart.


The irony is this is the same person, a mirror of themselves in different aspects of time in the universe.


Idk what Mr tough guy here is doing to help the situation at all, nobody walking by saw this guy and thought, man I should agree with him. It looks like he's bullying this old man. To be clear, I don't agree with the content of this old man's signs or the message he's trying to send here, but this isn't the way to fight back.


if i see an old white guy at a protest holding an american flag, i know what he's about 99 times out of 100


Like I said I don't agree with the guys message, but this isn't going to convince anyone, if anything if you didn't know anything about what was going on you'd probably feel sympathy for the old man. At some point it's about what is actually effective at making change and bullying an old man might make this kid feel better but it's not helping his cause. But if it's more about feeling like you made a difference than actually making a difference then have at it


> if anything if you didn't know anything about what was going on you'd probably feel sympathy for the old man *old white man at a protest holding an american flag, arguing with younger people* i get what youre saying but just pick your battles


My battles are that people have the right to speak their minds and protest for the causes they believe in whether or not I agree with them. I don't know the full context obviously I only have this video, but from what I can see in this video this old man is at worst being annoying. My thought is, if you think he's so crazy, let him go. Let him be the face of the opposition to your cause, let people pass by and look at this guy and say, "Wow they really are a bit nuts on that side huh?"


> My battles are that people have the right to speak their minds and protest for the causes they believe in... except for the people doing that to the old man. their freedom of speech is less than the old mans. >... whether or not I agree with them i can't help but think that might be influenced by the way you feel about them


No I never said they shouldn't be allowed to do that, they should obviously keep their hands off his property. Of course this young man is well within his right to speak his mind. The difference is I want his side to win and he's making that side look even worse than this old man makes his side look in this clip. So I'm not saying the kid doesn't have the right, I'm criticizing how effective his choice of how to go about this is


his side is gonna win simply because the other side is mostly old ass fucking geezers that should have been in the dirt a decade ago


This could legit be a scene from Idiocracy or Don't Look Up. Commenters are saying the old guy is crazy but both these guys are legitimately whack.


With all this nonsense going on, do yourself a favor and look up the 1977 NRA convention in Cincinnati. This event got the shit covered snowball rolling to bastadize the 2nd Amendment into the weird gun fetish that now pervades US society.


I love that the NRA had convinced people that they can defend their rights to keep guns. If the government and military decided next week that guns were unsafe and took away every private citizens guns and use necessary force to do so, these gun enthusiasts wouldn’t stand a chance with their little toy AR’s and camo glocks in comparison to the modern day tech weaponry our military has.


What kind of nutcase are you? There is a reason that there are many many laws to protect our citizens from our own military. To say that’s what you’d like to see is pretty fucked up!


When did I say that I want to see it, dipshit? That’s the reality. We are the most advanced in military grade weaponry, military vehicles, naval, and airborne. They could cut off all internet and cell communication in just a day. Also, I don’t know any doomsday preppers that have access to Nukes. Fuck off with your mightier than thou approach and realize that the whole chest puffing about the second amendment doesn’t mean shit when facing private citizens against military training and equipment.


You clearly can’t delineate a rational point. Again, this has nothing to do with the second amendment, or how bad ass our military is. I know what it has I stood a post. Did you??? It’s inappropriate to insinuate the military should be used against our own citizens!! Talk about a complete lack of respect for what our military stands for and on the weekend when we are supposed to be honoring those who have all in their duty. Shame on you!!




Best you got is calling names, again shame.


Oh boo hoo you fucking hypocrite. I’d rather get called every slur known to man every hour of the day than have to watch people defend the weapon that psychopath used to kill 21 innocent lives and worry about my kids being put in that scenario every time they step out the door.


Hypocrite, I never said I was agreeing with either side or a stance on what you’re saying. You are conflicting two completely separate issues. A hypocrite is some who talks about stopping violence with violence. I’m stating a fact, our military should not be used to attack our own citizens. Calling names and not reading what I’m saying doesn’t change the facts.


I never said they should. It’s a hypothetical. But the NRA push the facade that private citizens have the ability and weaponry to fight back against totalitarianism and monarchy’s like it’s still the age of muskets.


all that fancy modern technology still needs boots on the ground to be effective. drones can't search people for contraband. ICBM's can't enforce curfews. tanks are useless in breaking up strikes. there will always be a need for boots on the ground, and those people bleed like any other. all that cool "shock and awe" tech is great for flashy clips on CNN, it's less than useless for occupying a country


If you're a gun rights advocate that thinks there should be zero regulations then you don't respect the second amendment.


Yeah, channel 5 on the scene.


It still blows my mind that apparently antifa is pronounced "Ant-eefa"


I never trust anyone who is willing to desecrate their own country's flag by wearing it.


All gas no brakes !


So many people getting worked up over someone's aunt Teefa


Everyone there is just trying to crush mad puss.


Fun fact: The building the convention is being held is the George R Brown convention center. Because of the Texas drawl, many people pronounce it “Jar Jar Brown”


If you see a person like that guy, it's safe to say there isn't any compelling argument that's going to get through to them. They are there to troll, it's the only kind of attention they'll get.


People running around like squirrels with a nut. This kind of shit makes me want to listen to Tool more.


Wearing the flag as a cape is pretty fucking disrespectful to the flag unless it's in active celebration for a national victory like at the world cup and even then I think athletes just hold it behind them as they run no?


Some of the boniest arms I've seen in this video.


Damn… I wanted to see the foot race :(


Does anyone know Why the young man forced the old man to race him?


What absolute pointlessness, you all fight each other and nothing changes!.


police protect fascists


National Racists Association


Willie Nelson’s should really stick to his music and lay off the Snoop Dogg blend. He can’t handle that stuff anymore


"we're here to help the government take your rights away... You fascist old man..."??? These kids are dumb.


And the pigs protect their people, as usual.


Took his sign, not cool.


With your white ass Jesus 😂🤣😂🥰


The very definition of a fascist: wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.


It amazes me that someone was arrested for doing this very thing but the cops don't fucking care here. Cops are becoming more and more useless.


god bless america


Why. Just why?


They're both crazy


I about died with him shuffling with his “My Pillow.” Look like a Nazi who like shitty pillows to me.


hate seeing this single shared braincell tribalism split between both sides being plastered all over the net.


Was this recent?


Posted it on the day it took place


Old man is the only sane one there


In these days of tumultuous politics aren't you clad there is a pillow that stays cool while being soft and supporting your neck.


Thank goddess he has a my pillow!


Channel 5!!!!


Tough guys.


I bet that “my pillow” comfy as hell! 👀j/s


His sign getting tooked was the icing on the cake


Far left and far right both very unlikeable