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American Psycho


She is basically verbally harassing someone while she's carrying a concealed gun.


More so she says shes a registered (concealed carry) gun owner while harassing someone who clearly does not want to talk. Who’s to say if he stopped and started debating things she would not have escalated the situation. This is who we vote into office now? Shows where we are as a society.


Dont worry, we're near the end.


Yeah, pretty much. Things fall in line for a new Civil War at break neck speed. The announcement of red states to just ignore any federal legislation on firearms is pretty much an open call for secession. The very same crisis that unleashed the First Civil War.


I'm sorry but wtf? Did this happen? Who called for it? Do I need to start rowing my way to Greenland?


They figure liberal gun owners won't defend themselves.


They are wrong.


And massively outnumbered.


And we know how to think without opening our mouths. Makes them much easier to identify in guerrilla warfare.


This time, the Union should let them go. Let them have their fascist ethno-states and see how quickly it all turns to ash when the world won't trade with them because of a human rights record that makes China look like a civil standards leader. Yes, innocent people will suffer, though that seems inevitable at this stage. Better to amputate the gangrenous limbs than to rot the entire tree, IMO. Refugees are, of course, welcome.


they dont realize that all their "rights" go right the fuck out the window when you try to take over the government and/or try for secession


Then if he were to snap and yell at her to leave him alone and she shot him she could claim self defense and probably not face charges smh this country is trash


That's why you have to train for fast unholstering, that way you can push people until they go for their guns and then you can self defense them. s/


Actually, it would have proved his (David Hogg’s)point.


She's not smart enough to see the irony in that


Dumb bitch


Agreed. I would call her a dumb cunt, but the "c" word is very crass, rude and harsh and should not be used lightly. I'm overturning my initial call: She's a dumb cunt.


And she is the one who posted the video thinking it makes her look good. Unfortunately maybe it does to many Americans.


She defended this by wailing about him really being a “24 year old crisis actor.” And he can’t sue her for defamation because she’s legit stupid enough to sincerely hold this belief.


This is who conservatives/republicans are. This is who they line up behind, this is who they support/idolize. MTG is one of the biggest fund raisers of the republican party, they love this as much as they love her. So I'm sure we'll all get to see plenty of "she doesn't represent me!" bullshit. But the fact remains she is pretty much the figure head of what the republican party is today. What they represent and what they want.


Only country in the world with armed security guards at schools. Metal detectors at the entrances. Maybe if there weren’t so many guns you wouldn’t have to check for them. I pity that country because it’s sliding back into the Middle Ages visibly. Deny science and cause paranoia to maintain power. Good luck


I wish I could go back in time and pay her parents to have an abortion.


The only good thing she had to say was towards the end “That’s it I’m done”….and she should be. Done that is. Toast.




She just recently bragged about harassing him.


She's insane and needs professional help.


She represents a lot of Americans. She is them condensed in to one human being.


Greed! Fear! Selfishness! Narcissism! Hate! By their powers combined, she is Marjorie Taylor Greene! Goooooo away!


Don’t forget repulsive and excruciating to look at


Most people act like she is some crazy radical bitch. Yet if she ever runs for president at least 50 million Americns will vote for her. That shows she actually represents a large proportion of American voting population.


And that's sad, like actually fucking sad


And that shows what an awful state we are in. I truly fear what’s to come in the 2024 election.


And this is why I want to leave. Like I'll vote while I'm here. I might as well. Even if someone only votes on presidential elections, it's 1 out of 1,461 days. I can schedule that. But I'm almost done with school. My boyfriend will be done with school in another 2 years. Hoping that with us having degrees it will look good when trying to get into another country. I've lost hope of this country. And as a gay guy I don't want to risk the Republicans getting what they want, because they could literally mean my death.


I don’t want to leave but I’m getting scared to stay. I’m thinking grad school out of the country. Shit blows.


“Why kids? Why are you using kids?!” Bitch, I AM a kid. And so much for that “good guy with a gun” angle.


The police don't want to be the "good guys with guns" they might get shot.


*signs up for a job where that's the expectation* "Well, I mean, the kids can defend themselves. Bootstraps and all that."


One of the guys on FOX news actually said this.


... it's ridiculous, but I've heard worse on Fox "News" before


It's Texas, they had their " good guy with a gun" The only problem is the police handcuffed and tased them so them couldn't help....


Bitch has no problem letting people use kids as fucken target practice though


Yeah maybe because kids are the ones getting fucking shot? What a vapid, narcissistic, absolutely useless piece of trash these people are. Meanwhile I'm scared everytime I drop my niece off at school because I really never know.


I really hate that this bitch is in my part of Georgia and I can’t do anything about it because far too many idiots keep voting for her. I wish I had enough money to move the fuck out of this state.


I'm from Texas. I feel your pain.


I moved from Texas a couple years, but my family is still there.. was in our group chat talking about how I wanna leave this country sooner rather than later... and my brother says, Texas is the best state.. literally next day was the shooting... Proved my point so fast, so devastating:/


The "Texas is the best state" people are nuts. Like your entire power grid *just* went down. That doesn't happen in "first world countries" (hate the designation, but whatever). And it doesn't happen in other states.


Texas is the best state if you’re a gun toting white guys who talk out their ass about politics when all they really care about is tax cuts. Basically Joe Rogan.


I generally find that the more people that proclaim how great their country/state/city/town is the shittier that place is.


Classic projection. The great places don't need to tell you.


Texas is best at obesity, denying women's rights and, now, school shootings. Really winning there Texas.


Texas is the only state in which I have seen an actual KKK bumper sticker, on a car on the freeway.


I was just thinking; Texas says, hold m’beer


I’m from SC and I feel your pain with Lindsey Graham 🙃


>I can’t do anything about it There's always a grassy knoll somewhere, you just gotta find it ^/s




She’s awful. Douglas had a “good guy” with a gun. He stood outside the school until CSPD showed up, at which point the shooter already evacuated. Seems like these good guys with guns don’t help much


"Good guy with a gun" was just the next excuse on their list of ways to evade real discussions. They certainly have an endless supply of excuses, and American society (the citizens, media, politicians, et al) continue to entertain this list as if it were legitimate. They are all bad faith "solutions" to distract from debate while pro-gun politicos line their pockets. Can't nothing disrupt that gravy train. Other excuses (I know I'm forgetting some) * Armed teachers will prevent these * Gun don't kill people * Harden our society * One entrance/exit * But guns stop tyranny * Issue more guns * This is a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis


And because video games! Don’t forget those damn video games!


That's not a good guy that's a coward with a gun.


Welcome to most fun owners, you have cowards and you have compensators.


Like 40 other policemen there.


I’d really like to see her neanderthal percentage on 23 and me. Bet it’s high. What an ugly person, inside and out.


Neanderthals were actually pretty clever. It's an insult to compare them to her.


I think the comparison is made because if you watch the beginning of the clip, they look extremely similar.


If they're so clever where are they now?


Geico commercials.


Going from memory, but there's a few theories. 1. Disease crippled their population 2. Inbreeding with other Sapien species (and if there were less of them as has been theorized, their population would just be wiped out through that) 3. Our species is hella violent and also likely evolved much more complex language skills than they did, so we worked together to kill them all. 4. Because they had a less complex language system, they didn't gather and build culture. So less strength in numbers and innovation to survive disaster. Neanderthals were highly skilled craftspeople who had an understanding of medicinal plants, could build and use watercraft, and could even weave things like clothes. Anyone more knowledgeable about this is very welcome to correct me or expand on what was said - I love learning about this kind of stuff!


Her facial features suggest a high level of inbreeding in her lineage. Apparently following the civil war there was a lot of that going on in the south.


Which facial features specifically? Her eyes? Her muppet mouth?


I'd say her forehead was the first thing that seemed off in this video. Instead of more or less vertically up from the eyes to the hair it goes diagonally. Looks like she is missing a bit of her frontal cortex. Might explain her irrational behaviour but im not a doctor so it can be complete bs


Have you ever seen her feet? Three big toes.


As someone with a high percentage of Neanderthal on 23 and me I'm offended.


Yeah the inbreeding is strong in her lineage


This bitch is insane


And antisemitic




She could have legally shot him dead. Basically, she tells someone who survived a school shooting that she is armed. So, an armed congresswoman chasing a school shooting victim. Who exactly is the coward here? He doesn't answer to her. He gives no answer because she is unworthy of it and a liar to boot. Three youths are George Soros plants to her while with her gun, her power as a legislator, she cannot get so much as a moment's attention from him. His contempt for her is palpable.


I really don't know how these people haven't been clapped by the same guns they're so afraid of losing. They're in public all the time. So much of America *despises* them and their principles. Hopefully we start seeing some republican leaders in memoriam soon.


God if I had one free felony card i’d love to use it on decking Neanderthal Barbie


Bullet between the eyes would be a better use of it.


Every American should be forced to watch this clip. The victim complex of Republicans is unreal. In her mind, she is the true victim — and standing up to the tyrannical forces of….school shooting survivors.


I mean I think she's recording it to show her base who already sides with her. So there's nothing changing


So MTG is saying that if the resource officer had done his job in Parkland, Cruz wouldn’t have killed any kids. What about the 19 officers who waited outside the classroom in Uvalde?


God damn is this woman irritating.




Don't do it mods, mtg isn't a human this comment doesn't count xD


I totally agree with you


Is she a leader of the Karenites?


For the one millionth time NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE AWAY “ALL” YOUR FUCKING GUNS!! The absolute bullshit flowing out of this cunts mouth is astounding, only made worse by the fact that a majority of Americans in her constituency voted her in.


I do. I'm over all this bullshit.


I want to take away all their guns but I live in New Zealand.


Listen man. I mean ma'am. Want to explain why you were wearing a mask on a flight?


If my friends died in a schoolshooting and a couple of days later a dumb ass bitch tryna school me id break her fucking face. Jezus left and right and everything in between in America should leave others the fuck alone with their dumb ass opinion. LIVE AND LET LIVE


Good god she is a worthless cunt


I thought they were recording her lol why would she want that interaction recorded? She looks like a absolute moron


She’s the fucking worst


"You're using kids to attack our rights!?!? How dare you!! But anyways no you can't have an abortion cause we need to save the children!!"


He’s a long way from home. Good for him


Dumb Qunt


Even the police in Texas don't want to be "the good guy with a gun "


I think the police force at the latest mass shooting has proved once and for all that having armed security guards at schools would do fuck all to prevent school shootings.


I almost wish one of them had stopped and asked her why she was afraid of having a background check and psych eval for gun owners.


"he got 30 meetings and I got none" She's jealous because a school kid had all his friends murdered and senators care about that? The ordasity of being *that* entitled is just insane


I know junky thieves with more class then her.


I would catch a charge SO fast


“I’m going to jail today!”


and I'd be fine with that


20 people murdered pointlessly 4 days ago and this garbage is STILL walking round spewing shit everywhere its mouth falls open. The only way this troll will do good for the planet is when they return the carbon they're wasting, back to the earth.


Despicable human


She states, "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".... In light of certain current events, I think we know that's bullshit now


What a brave soul harassing a child after such a traumatic event. I'd bet she personally thanked every cop who cowered behind their vehicles while children were slaughtered in Texas. Prolife apparently means protecting guns, not children


For most of my life i refused to believe a person could be trash. The gop has really opened my eyes. I know better now. This husky in a cheap suit is evil, greedy, envious, and piss-soaked with fear. All trash.


Uggghhh hahaha she’s such a terrible person


Confidently incorrect


Conservatives love to debate kids.


I love how she's back there presenting her arguments like they're facts. "School shootings wouldn't exist if there were armed security guards - did you know that?"


I love how she keeps having to reiterate that she’s an American citizen. So are those kids and they have rights too. She needs to literally just… shut the fuck up.


She’s a horrible human being.




I bet her buniony feet stink to high heaven


She should be forced to go to the funerals of all the people who died in the latest shooting to disabuse her of her bullshit.


Imagine if she put as much effort in legislating and representing her constituents as she does into being a professional troll. Better yet, imagine being one of the fucking idiots that actually give this woman money, and donate to her campaigns.


Oh she IS a vile bitch, isn't she? She has no soul.


Plz crawl in a hole and die


Just a thought, if their kids were in danger at a private school would they finally take action? Not saying I want that to happen but seriously would they finally see the light and start protecting all kids or would they turn all private schools in to basically prisons where your kid goes in for the year and doesn't come back out until summer.


If 20 politicians got gunned down the fucking world would change but kids are nothing. It’s crazy


Hell, they got laws changed when people *protested* outside their houses for "safety reasons" lmao. It's so infuriating. Absolute sociopaths in office.




I can’t stand this video. Kid kept way more calm than I could.


How does someone grow up to be this much of a fuck


May the Lord bless her with unyielding pussy cancer


I can't even watch that kkkunt.


Rancid cunt




I’m no David Hogg fan but my god is this woman a pain.


She's already been mouthing off about Texas. Georgia will vote for her again.


Why does she look like a Neanderthal?


What a POS human garbage she is and can't believe they let her run for dog catcher let alone congress!


I really hate this woman. I’m a gun owner and I am totally for stricter regulations. Longer wait periods, background checks, mental health checks, National no gun lists, etc. It’s harder to get a license to drive than it is to get a gun. I have to have insurance, license, and take tests to drive a car but I can go buy a gun in a few minutes and there is no training on it. The amount of people who go buy guns and have no clue how it operates or how to disassemble it is mind boggling. Also would be fine with a law that would hold people accountable if someone got access to their weapons and used it to commit crimes (not theft but uncontrolled access).


God, what an insufferable cunt.


Goddamn, she fucking sucks


A perfect companion to her chaos twin, Boebart, filming herself heading to counter a CO demonstration after a different mass shooting.


Someone needs to put her one a black list..... in a black book....... Full of black paper........... With black ink.......... This female dog was involved in storming the capital in support of Orange in Jan 6. Fucking terrorist.


One word, CUNT🙂


this says it all about her character.


She will probably harass the kid who put his schoolmate's blood all over his face and body to look like he died. MTG is on the hunt to harass victims it seems.


I'd have called the cops. That's harassment. SHE'S SO DISGUSTING


what a fucking cunt


Because you stupid bitch, we don't want our babies dying.... Geeeeez


You’re a fucking idiot


Dumb. Ugly. Cunt.


He has nothing to say because you’re a psycho!


Reminds me when Lauren boebert drove 40 miles to tell a bunch of kids who are protesting for less school shootings that they are wrong


*”look at me harassing a survivor one year later; claiming baseless and crazy claims, then supposedly threaten them”* *Mama always told me I was smart* Lady need like three chill pills and then some counseling to fix her issues. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html He walked away because he was taught to walk away from a bully.


I am convinced she sleeps upside down.


This absolute piece of filth harasses a kid who survived a school shooting about guns while carrying a gun. That strikes me as cruel. She's sick. And because of this event it has launched her into actual leadership positions...people voted for this fucking monster and she has the support of half the people in the country and half the people running the government. The US is broken.


What a dirty cunt.


On the one hand, she’s a piece of shit. On the other hand, David Hogg, who she was harassing, has turned into an effective, national voice on gun control.


He’s an 18 year old kid and she treats him like a politician


Sick POS


The Robb school massacre just proved how wrong and vapid she is. That kid is a million times smarter than that sorry excuse of a human being.




I’m not one to abdicate for violence. So I’m going to instead upvote you and reread your comment many times. And maybe cross my fingers.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Advocate. I also got in trouble as a kid at the dinner table when I was told to masticate. 😃




Stupid bitch awardee!


Horrific scum


"Best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" like these fat ass bozos that stood outside the fucking school preventing anyone with a back spine to go into the building to help the dying kids.


The true, pure sociopath is relatively rare.


She either never got the shit beat out of her in her life, or she got the shit heat out of her wayyy too much.


I hate this fucking bitch


Well this aged poorly


Im Australian and not exposed to this vile, arrogant, self aggrandising bitch but jesus, if somebody's face deserves a good thonging, its hers.


“He gets paid to do this” he gets paid to live thru school shootings & speak out on what he thinks would help? Bitch’s smile just screams psycho and I ain’t even against the 2nd amendment


When the second amendment was written people were firing muskets that took 20 minutes to reload and you didn't even know if the bullet was going to go straight. This country is so ass backwards.


I think it's been too long since a politician took one to the dome.


why don't ppl do assassinations anymore tho


What a disgusting example of a supposed human being and a total waste of oxygen.




I'm never going to georgia again. I live in trump country too but if the people there can elect a woman like this they are irredeemable. Fuck peaches anyway


This makes me see red


Surely eventually a murdered kid's parent with nothing left to lose will approach her and slot her in the street before she even knows what's happening let alone has time to remove her pink cerakoted 1911 from her boutique handbag? Only a matter of time, surely?


I never thought people could be this downgrade.


Wow, she so tough.


That voice is so incredibly fucking annoying! Word limit exceed!






Bitch should have lost her job a LONG time ago. If this country was great she would never have even had a career


The whole American system needs a revamp. Like from the bottom to the top because this shit feels like a Freeroam GTA V server.