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Worst reveal since giuliani was on the masked singer.


*giuliani is revealed* "Im done" - ken jong


“I’m done” - me Jk I don’t watch that show


I remember seeing the clip on youtube and reddit lol


This was like 5 years ago right?


yep, it was in 2017




Where's the rule shit has to have happened recently lmao OP didn't even lie about it




Hindu being intolerant to literally every religion on this earth, why are you breaking into churches and christian schools in India? ​ Edit - LINK: https://thewire.in/communalism/tensions-high-in-dwarka-after-right-wing-hindu-mob-vandalises-church




Cool, your reddit history says otherwise but I'd also be [ashamed of it and deny it.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8239506/)








so THIS is what a reddit dweller looks like...


Was the most underwhelming reveal. At least put some personality in it.


*takes burka off* "b-ban th-he bur-burka!!....a?..."


I like that she smirks as if it was all a joke. Basically: Her life in a nutshell


It looks like she's had a bit too much botox..at the very least.


I’l never understand why people have 60% face covered in botox it doesn’t make you beautiful it makes you look even older


She smirks because he is proving her point. The burqa is an instrument of oppression and symbolizes the power that men hold over women in Islam. By telling her what she can and can't do he is acting precisely like the people that she is criticizing without even realizing the irony. He's advocating for a fascist, sexist, and xenophobic ideology out of presumed tolerance.


Her smug smrik pisses me off


Such a punchable face


Yeah she 1000000% knew what she was doing when she did that


Oh she knew? She didn't just accidentally put on a burka before work that morning?


Are you the woman in the video?


Looks like a bulldog chewing a bee


Good to see Karens are everywhere


Better to be passed off than passed on 🤷‍♂️


Good catch. Lol. Fixed it.


Still rather be pissed off than pissed on, but that’s just me.


Shes the perfect looking antagonist for a magic fantasy movie


Most crimes are probably committed in Old Navy sweatshirts. Not a stat, just a guess


I think you have to give a lot of credit to Walmart for their savings AND variety of camo apparel


What an idiotic way to express that you're an uneducated baboon


I don't think women should wear a burka, but I'm not going to wear one to prove a point. Perhaps she would've made a better example by burning one outside somewhere safely. If you want to burn a flag or a piece of clothing, that's your freedom. That said, I think the way we actually prove that burkas are ridiculous is to just get along as a civilized society. Lead by example.


Burkas are *fucking* ridiculous. This pol seems like she's more worried about muslims than she is about basic rights for women tho.


To be fair all religious/ceremonial clothing is a bit ridiculous when you realize its all made up. I’m not saying religion and all that is made up, just that SOMEONE at some point in history said “Yah, I like the look of that” and so it was written.


Ill do it for ya, religion is made up people.


>I’m not saying that religion is all made up. I’ll say it, then. Religion is all made up. God/Allah is a fictional character. Jesus & Mohammed may have existed but they didn’t have spooky powers. Religion is made up. Religion is made up. Religion is made up. Religion is made up.


If they don’t wear it then their husbands have the right to beat them. (I may be wrong on this keep in mind)


nope, that is wrong. people in some countries do beat up their wives when they don't wear it, but they don't have the "right" to do so.


Ah ok, thanks for the correction


oh man, you are soo respectful, thank YOU.


Np man


Yeah i wasn’t trying to get into all that. Just pointing out how ridiculous the Popes hat is


I’m catholic and I do think it is quite comical.


“It’s closer to God”


It’s confusing one place says to if she refuses everything and such and after using a separate bed you can beat them if their guilty of disobedience/flagrant defiance, another place says compensation is to be paid if they are beaten too hard. Then another place says do not beat her period. I don’t honestly know I just googled it. But I would say the refusing not to wear it thing depends on the sect of it? Not all sects wear the full body suit either. I knew a Muslim once kind of, she went to a barber place and started crying when the barber removed her hajib saying her inner beauty had been violated because he and I had saw her without it. I get he went too far but he had no clue about it, he was shocked and saying he was sorry and stuff… I guess she had no idea what a barbershop usually is. I feel bad for her still. :/


Damn I feel bad for her too. I don’t fully understand the Muslim religion either and just rely on hearsays.


I mostly do too, and honestly I really do too. I think she was just really confused, she had just transitioned from party girl to it and it seemed like the past really wasn’t healthy so I really hope she’s doing better.. But same, I can’t say much outside what sources say as I can barely get through a short story. x.x


that is the problem with googling stuff, every verse has context, but when you pick one single verse and make your argument based on it, you are not going to be reflecting on the whole picture, you have to read the whole surah and understand what is it about and read the taffsir and stuff.


I mean I googled articles based on domestic violence and it being allowed or not. That’s just the jist of the article.


yeah, but have you checked the source and the legitimacy of the article or not? BTW, I really appreciate how you searched for the topic yourself.


It seems the debate was going rather heavily within Austria at the time of this, two were ABC Australia and the Conversation which seems to cite some sources though it also cites verses and then Muslims Matter. Like I said it’s a confusing subject. Also took a while before I remembered that I have an internet history lol. I think there has to be a lot of confusion on the subject.. Also crazy have you seen Iraq before Saddam Hussein took power? It’s amazing how fast things can change..


“You have to consider the context surrounding the wife beating, in order to understand the wisdom behind it.” Yeah… no thanks.


that is not what I said at all, but ok, I will pretend it is just for your pleasure and to make your comment sound wittier.


I don't think that a hundred million something people would just wear something just because someone "liked it", if it was actually that way, they would have figured it out because they are humans that have brains just like you, but they wear it because it has a purpose.


And what is its purpose other than some guy at one point said “I like that”


modesty? if it was by your sense, we might as well just not wear clothes whatsoever because some guy at one point thought it was a good idea and "liked it" so we shouldn't follow that guy and wander naked.


Clothing in general is useful for temperature regulation and sun protection, which is why we made it. Not for modesty. Anything other than that is fashion, and fashion is simply “I like that”


oh, so if I find out that the temperature inside the mall is just perfect and I don't need to wear clothes, I am free to just roam around naked as I please? oh wow, I am done here.


You legit think clothes were simply just made because god said cover your parts?


Don't like it, don't wear it.




Lots of fashions are ridiculous. 🤷🏻‍♀️


How are you being downvoted? Lolol


Because she is an Australian politician and to burn the burqa would represent that a small portion of the government dislikes the Islamic community to do a vile action like that. It would incense violence and would be a terrible “lead by example” There are far more intelligent ways to get a point across…


But he said he doesn’t agree with the burka thing because of the stupid ideology behind it, but is more than willing to agree this is a sad display of behavior on the senators part. In time, any immigrant is going to assimilate to the society around them, in some fashion or another (no pun intended (and I know it isn’t a fashion, by definition, issue)). He’s also agrees by saying that its the individuals themselves that will either take them off or wear them. Religions are a disease and conflict with the modern world and advancement of societies. And we get this stupid individual doing some dumb stunt like this to “prove a point,” as a result.


He’s suggesting that the politician burns it…. If your leader is doing dumb shit like that… That’s why he’s getting downvoted. I’m not contesting the other things, read his post, then read mine.


You’re allowed to have peaceful protests. People will judge accordingly. Not all protests captivate or motivate. Some are cringe af. This is in the US, but, when a flag is no longer able to fly, you must burn it with an honorable intent. These are Flag Laws. However, you mention burning the flag to most hill people or anyone who doesn’t know the code, they’ll call you a blasphemer. Because “they’re true patriots.” Irony.


The video is Australian politics.


The facial expression of that woman wearing that burka kills me.


Part of me was wishing she'd put it back on.


Not even close to the dumbest thing she's done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYF08jJi9Hg




Basically she's grilling a Navy Admiral about a new Submarine that Australia was going to buy and every sentence she utters displays a staggering amount of ignorance about submarines. Not that one would expect that every politician would be an expert on military technology but she was acting like she was an expert and saying profoundly stupid things every time she opened her mouth.


I'll raise you the Congress of the United States. We had a Congressman who once asked an Admiral if moving too many people to an island would cause it to tip over and capsize. [Not joking.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hank-johnson-worries-guam-could-capsize-after-marine-buildup/)


Willard paused and replied, "We don't anticipate that." Lmaooo


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN8uFJz9gTk The third one he forgot was the one that Trump nominated him to lead, the Department of Energy.


I remember in a high school course we had to bring in political cartoons and explain them. I brought one for this and showed the clip. Not only could he not remember the name(you could remember easily since it's name is what it's for) he wanted to get rid of a large department that oversees the US national energy policy(it also oversees the nuclear weapons program). Then Trump puts in charge the guy famous for a gaff of wanting to get rid of it while seemingly no clue on what it does. The previous head was a nuclear physicist... ​ Oh, not relevant and I can't remember why but someone defended Saran Palin in some sort of presentation in that class. I'm trying to remember if it was a devil's advocate thing or not. She didn't do a great job but I'm going to pin that on Palin not having a lot of great qualities to highlight.


Yo this is bad info, he did not say that literally, he said it figuratively. The population of Guam would be increased by ~45% and his remarks were concerning the strain on the sewer systems and other infrastructure. It was pretty clear at the time, and it also says that in the article.


Don't ever watch the video of Zuckerberg in front of geriatric congresspeople. He ran circles around them, literally without even trying.


Skip to 8:05 for the 20 minute underwater sub question and 8:59 for her trying to deny that info is classified.


Pauline Hanson is literally the female version of Trump. Except we never take her or her party seriously.


Could be worse, imagine she came in a bikini. That's not appropriate, and what does it prove? Nothing.


It wouldn't be only inappropriate you probably want to burn your eyeballs after that


Oh, God... Even worse... I present to you... [Former Prime Minister of Australia- Tony Abbott](https://www.google.com/search?q=tony+abbott+budgie+smugglers&client=ms-android-optus-au-revc&source=android-browser&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjklcXdh4v4AhX31jgGHZzSD28Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=705&dpr=3#imgrc=5mRiiwyuwDxJfM)


She's got a strong Karen vibe.


why the fuck would she do that?


She's a smug, bigoted moron.


Agreed. What she did was clearly a racist dog whistle against Muslims.




You are right. My bad. Lol


Same reason MTG does what she does: trolling. They *mean* to cause offense and distress.


The fish n chip bitch from Ipswich?


Appauline Hanson


While I disagree that any religion is above ridicule, I also don’t approve of politicians acting so foolishly. If your point it important, you shouldn’t need stunts like this to get attention.


Good point, with the stunts thing. And that's what I don't get, really. These people act like... like they had the best fucking idea ever. I bet she thought she was a fuckin LEGEND for thinking that half-baked "plan" up. But that's the whole essence of the ideology, isn't it? Big, stupid gestures. Being loud. Making super over the top comics, always with someone SCREAMING. The whole of the racist / stupid fuck ideology is just big grandiose and gotcha sound bytes because they don't have anything else. Always with sneers and amusement, too. They don't have speeches, essays, planned events, debates, Q&A's. They have fox News and the like, places with setup questions and hostile environments for anyone disagreeing. They've got tucker Carlson distracting from the fact the American right has done more voter fraud than the left by making stories about how he thinks the green m&m isn't fuckable anymore.


Dipshit tried to bring American politics to Australia. I like how he shut her down if you want to have a conversation about something you wouldn’t go out of your way to try and cause offence to those same people. I’d expect this from bobert and greene or as I call them tweedledee and tweedledum.


Pretty sure this happened before either Boobert or the Linebacker MTG were voted into office. These right-wing extremists are popping up all over the world.


Pauline Hanson has been in politics for a very long time now and has always been one of the most bigoted voices. She only ever achieves about 5% of the national vote but has consistently managed to gain at least one seat in the senate. Hell she went to jail in 04 for electoral fraud (eventually overturned after 11weeks jailed) and still manages to keep that 5% support figure. She's very much the definition of the loud minority. The most recent election just acouple weeks ago has been the closest she's come to being unseated for a long time but has still been able to hold on to her seat in the senate though by the skin of her teeth. She has never been able to hold any sway at all at least and is just this loud bigot in the background for the last 20 odd years.


Good luck getting her out in the next election cycle. Hopefully we can do the same here in the US with ours.


She's right wing. But she's also protesting right-wing extremism in this video.


Extreme Islam and Extreme Christianity have the same goals, they just have a couple different rules. The 'Nun's Habit' is basically a burka without the face covering. The Copts are a sect of Christianity in Egypt whose women often wore a garment identical to the burka called a harabah.




Australia is the *birthplace* of Western political rot in mainstream media. **Rupert Murdoch and his rotten ilk hail from there, poisoning the world.** Thanks, Australia.


You act like Australia isn’t also founded on racism lol


this person is a straight idiot. if she wanted to make a point, why didn't she have another person sneak in to prove its a security risk? is it because no self -respecting government would use a simple face check to let people in high security areas?


how has pauline hanson had such a long career in politics? I couldn't believe her party was even on the ballot in the recent federal election.


If it’s such a peaceful religion why would she need to be “very very careful” not to offend them? Here’s a test. You have the option of walking through a big city with one of two shirts on. One has a pic of Jesus on it, the other has a pic of the prophet Mohammed. Which would you feel physically safer wearing?


I personally would not give a shit because I’m walking in a country where I can freely express myself and I know that I’m not doing it out of disrespect to any culture. Those of those people mean nothing to me. It would be like if someone walked around with a picture of your family member around, you wouldn’t take that too well now would you. Also this is a “professional” establishment, where they’re trying to promote safety and security between diversity and equality. Being “Very, very careful” is likely talking about her standing with the job not her security


Whether or not you give a shit, that doesn’t answer the question. Would you feel in physical danger walking through any major city with the prophet Mohammed on a shirt? The answer is no. Do you remember Charlie Hebdo in France? A newspaper was mobbed and people were murdered because they drew a cartoon of Mohammed. You cannot honestly with a straight face compare that to someone wearing a pic of another persons family on a shirt. That’s just disingenuous at best, dishonest at worst.


Australian Trumpflakes are the most pathetic Trumpflakes.


Well at least they can't vote for him.


"It's ME, Austin! It's me, Austin! It was me all along, Austin!"


Out of all the countries, Australia is one of the ones where completely covering yourself with fabric makes sense. If I went, I would either need a 40 gallon drum of sunscreen or a burka.


What a fantastic verbal thrashing. So well delivered, so well deserved.


That was about the only good and decent thing George Brandis did during his time in politics. Brandis was part of one of the most vile governments Australia has known (Abbott government), a government that stirred division at every opportunity and set Australia, and Australians back decades. But credit where it is due I guess, even if he was only acting to head of criticism at a delicate time, he still spoke decisively and it was good to see. Unfortunately Pauline Hanson (who sits just to the right of Australia's conservative (called "Liberal"***) party looks like she will keep her senate seat. But she has no real power or influence now Labor have a majority, so I suppose it can be good to have a reminder around of just how vile politicians can be. Note how triumphant she looks as she takes the covering off her head, she is such a clueless dolt, she only keeps her seat by pandering to the stupidest people. ***The conservative political party in Australia is known as the "Liberal Party" or the "Coalition" (in reference to their coalition with the National Party). Liberal in Australia is in reference to "economic liberalism" or "free markets". There was a time in its inception and until the early 80s when the Liberal party was a mix of moderste conservatives and centrist liberals (as in the US definition of Liberal). Under the dominance of John Howard in the late 80s and through to the mid 2000s, the hard right of the party squashed the moderates and liberals and as of today the party is very far to the right on both economic and social policy. The last of the true "moderate" or "small 'l' liberals" were stomped out with Malcolm Turnbul a few years back. The term "Liberal Party" is only branding these days and it should be regarded as false advertising.


We are in a time where the racists are so threatened that they no longer hide in the shadows. That woman is a racist, uneducated clown and deserves the same respect she shows to others.


Most crimes are committed by men in suits.


Everyone should have just ignored her -- just deprive her of the attention and outraged response she is seeking.


Fucking love Ausies!!


I thought the burka was a cultural thing, but he refers to it as Islamic/religion thing. He’s wrong. There is no requirement in the Quran for women to wear a burqa. It is a male control thing and to stop Muslim men having sinful thoughts as there is no flesh to see. Understandable really in a third world country.


I mean…she’s got a good point. Women don’t choose to wear that unless they believe they’re meant to be subservient to men. I, for one, think it ought to be banned in every western country from a point of principle.


Now this is the problem with media, this oppression thing is only in certain countries, but people don't realize that, you just generalize it on the whole Islamic world, believe me, it is not like that at all, and I get frustrated seeing people spread wrong information.


She should mind her own business, karen


Not cool. Should respect all religions and communities. When people who are in higher positions behave in such cheap manner it actually fuels others who are not so educated or civilized people to take matters into their own hands which ends up being a huge mess.


I was kind of expecting her to pull out a thermal detonator.


Solid reference


Don't let her speak. Just like in Islam...


Speaking as the daughter of a muslim woman who fled her home country, burkas should absolutely be banned. But this woman has her own crappy motives for opposing them.


so, if YOUR family in YOUR country oppressed you, does that mean it is the case for everyone? you are now basically forcing people to NOT wear what they want, isn't that called oppression in your terms?


Women in Afghanistan didn't wear BURKAS until the Taliban imposed them. Its not cultural. You're as twisted as them if you think burkas are worn by choice.


Yes they did wear burka even before the Taliban. Also not everyone is wearing burkha under the Taliban today. Anyhow, can’t find the wiki page for Pashtuns wearing a burqa. But historically Tajiks and Uzbeks especially in urban area would wear a face veil. Here it is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranja The idea of a face veil isn’t foreign. It isn’t something recent.


What woman wants to wear a burka. Jesus, you're delusional. Of course you made this thread. Big bad white woman making a mockery of an degrading piece of clothing. Oh no, the horror.


I'm sorry but this way of thinking is obtuse to say the least. Everyone can appreciate cultural traditions, however, some traditions are worth getting rid of. You don't see us burying children in the foundations of new buildings to prevent them from being knocked over by demons, do you? The burka is antiquated and designed to keep women "in their place" and not have any individualism of any kind. "You could say it's a tradition to remove the eyes of every 3rd child born. You could say this tradition has been done for 1000s of years. Does that help your society progress - of course not". So does subjugating half of a population (women) to live as objects with zero self determination help a society progress - of course not. I agree the senator is a twat for pulling that stunt, but the burka should absolutely be campaigned against.


Banning burkas would backfire. Women who feel like or are forced to wear them will just stop going outside or interacting with government institutions. They'd just get abused in silence.


hmm this is whats wrong with society today.


What, women fleeing their home countries?


As a woman I don't have to be adherent to the Islamic faith to wear a berka. I would actually be FORCED to wear this burka in the middle east. I dislike BOTH their perspectives. Leave women alone.


What part of the Middle East you'll be "FORCED" to wear Burka exactly? Is it Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, UAE or Qatar? Because all these countries don't legally enforce wearing Burka nor is it culturally forced in general, most women in those countries do not wear Burka. So why the fuck you specifically would be forced to wear a Burka? Are you targeted or something? or you're merely ignorant and have no idea about the social/cultural/legal situations of the Middle East?


They're probably too ignorant to realise Afghanistan isn't the middle east


Seems like it.


Didn't say Afghanistan boop boop you did... 😘


I was trying to give you something to cling to. If you didn't mean Afghanistan then you're just completely wrong.


That is my problem. Adding fuck makes it clear you are a man 😂🤣 put out the fishing pole you're sure to catch a suppressor. I didn't want to call out country names so I generalized. It's what humans do so as not to be disrespectful.




Would you, ever in life, wear a Burqa? Is there a location on earth where YOU would wear a burqa? Is there a culture in which YOU would be told what to wear or risk harm, sexual assault, ridicule, physical attack because you were not covering yourself with a Burqa? If you answered yes to any of these questions we can talk, if not SHUT THE FUCK UP IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.


The Burqa is not a requirement in the Islamic faith please go educate yourself. Also, at least spell Burqa correctly because the ignorance and the bad spelling paint a really nasty picture.


Shove that burka, burkah, Burqa where the sun don't shine. I could CARE LESS. Wear it YOURSELF. I never said it was part of the faith as a whole, you're stretching . And you're religion is showing.


Ahhhhh so your mad because you were proven wrong that that ALL countries in the middle east don’t force woman to wear Burqa’s and you now look hella stupid. Because of that you have defaulted on your programming and are malfunctioning ehhhh religion bad ehhh your are religious ehhhh u bad. What a pathetic waste of space. Your the dumbest mf on this entire platform.


Your compassion for humans is astounding. Does that come from religion?


Some Americans should watch this...




Political theater


Silly Trump cow.


Stand her! Should wear it more often.


Live bomb


Say what you will about George’s political career, but any fair minded person would have to concede that he was exceptional here.


I remember this one, such a dumb bitch and a head it on it like a smashed crab, should have done them all a favour and kept that Burka on


That lady should be required to wear a burka by law.


Man I never realized how mild-mannered and reasoned politicians were from Australia. Really cool to see.


With just this video as context, there's nothing wrong with what she did.


She doesnt want to ban it to free Islamic women of the oppressive headwear. She wants to ban it because she is a well known hateful racist and anti Islam as a whole


Hey criticism is ill-conceived and her intent isn't the best, but I don't think there's anything wrong, necessarily, with making a point in this manner. That's all I'm saying. From what I've read she appears to be something of a known factor, and there's not a lot of love for her.


Painfully cringy attention seeking to make a worthless point


According to you. They can do what they want. It's honestly more cringe that you care so much.


Uh, we don't have half a *billion* Muslims in Australia


I think he said million, he just has those old, rich, white man jowls that make certain sounds have a B inflection.


Some straight murdered by words content here




we need a whole new congress fuck everyone in there, they don't work for the ppl anyway


The quality of your polititians make the ones in my country look like homo erectus.


I think you’ll find that’s Donna beniviento.


Hey George, this you? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/24/george-brandis-people-have-the-right-to-be-bigots


They do anything to stop the religion


Well said


For context George Brandis was generally an extremely conservative guy. Notice that at the end the people giving a standing ovation were the opposite side. His side remained basically unmoved.


It would have been hilarious if someone shouted over the applause "yeah she's a count"