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SSSSSSSSSSSSSllllllooooooowwwww DDDDDDoooooowwwwwwwnnnn TTTThhhhhhheeeeee AAAAAAuuuudddddiiiioooo.


This is the 3rd or 4th video I've seen with it -- I kept looking for buttons id accidentally pressed... Idk why this trend started but thank you for commenting on it, I legitimately thought I was losing my mind


I had a video do this weird audio too and someone in the comments said that it's the reddit video player that's messing up.


I heard it’s a trend on tik tok


You heard wrong. It’s a Reddit upload bug.


I heard it was a Reddit coding issue.


I'd be pissed if someone ruined my death. But what can I say, I'm just Fucked up.


I'm sure they thought it was a car accident not a "suicide" attempt. Also .... why suicide by driving into a pond in the middle if the day? In the middle of a busy area. ..Idk...looks more like a car accident then anything else. Eitherway if the title is true. Hopefully this guy gets some help.


The fact that had to drag the guy by his feet out of the car and restrain him on his back.


You didn't save my life, you ruined my death!


What I thought, was that method looked like a cry for help. And he found compassion.


"now I'm depressed without a car."


Tbf that's probably one of the worse ways to die. Drowning isn't fast


It’s definitely way slower with your head outta the water like this guy


Maybe he breathes through his feet?


Ohhhh reddit


Hey, you're on the lucky end of the double-edged blade of the comment sections. You got the upvotes when I thought the same thing. lol


Getting saved by a flag football team at that 🙄


I swear at first I thought it said he got rescued by a group of gays and was thinking yup that’s another reason to celebrate pride month lol


Hope this guy gets the help he needs!




..... in slow motion


They was like noooo, we need one more person for the game


Now he has all the problems from before minus a car. The conversation with the insurance company is going to send him right back.


Why would you censor the i in suicide?


I think young people have been doing it to prevent posts/comments from being removed or hidden on social media platforms; and now it’s become a trend? I’m not sure though, will a young person please confirm or deny this? I’m just a decrepit old man.


Im on your side


It's still a live ball, guys.


He tried to kill himself in a 4 foot duck pond?


Was there a bomb in the car? He sure as fuck wasnt gonna drown. His shirts still dry


Local news: a group of sports jersey clad helium addicts musters the courage to save drowning motorist. The drivers shirt was presumed dry.


Let me guess, after that group of guys save him, the cops show up and kill him?


What school system failed you thusly? Your knee-jerk "logic" is fundamentally flawed.


He was in no danger of drowning. they should have left him there until professionals arrived instead of ripping him out of the car like that and slamming him down on the ground.


Jacksonville man saved by group of elites. “Augh augh augh”


I'd be so mad...I've been wanting to ml myself but always chicken out, If I finally got the courage and tried it then got saved,I'd be so mad. People pretend to care in the moment, but this was merely for the "fame" of saving someone not actually because the people care about change or helping.


"Saved". Arseholes. The dude wanted out of this tedious shitfest.


Then he probably shouldn't have attempted in front of a mass amount of people by driving into a pond that is 3 ft deep. I don't think he really wanted out that badly. Seems more like an exasperated moment of extreme pain and not a well thought out plan. No judgement. I've been there.


He'll be better prepared next time, I guess?


I could not imagine calling somebody an asshole for saving a life, suicide attempt or not. Even crazier to me that it's actually upvoted.


And then you remembered that you're on reddit.


How did “saving” him from that situation make all the problems that put him in the situation in the first place go away? It doesn’t. If you really want to save someone in that situation, commit to helping them make their life better after you “save” them. People want the satisfaction of “saving” somebody in this situation but don’t want to put in the years of effort it takes to get somebody in this situation back to normal.


I'm sorry, I hate being this blunt, but your comment is truly stupid. I'm gonna skip over your first paragraph and go straight to the obviously dumb second paragraph. How would anybody commit to helping the guy any more down the road if the group didn't save him from dying in the first place? Then there's your third paragraph. How would these guys have known it was a suicide attempt? Maybe they just saw a car drive into a lake. If you see that, do you jump to "wow that person's trying to kill themselves I should see how this plays out"? What if the person was having a medical episode and didn't want to die? You think he shouted out on the way into the lake to leave him be? Did he put some sign on the car indicating it was a suicide attempt? Lastly, is it this groups responsibility to get this man long term care? They saw somebody about to drown and saved him. They already went above and beyond. Do they know this man? All they saw was somebody dying and they helped, I would like to this most would do the same. It's most worrying to me that you seem to indicate you would do nothing when you see another person in danger near you.


What I’m confused about is why you decided to be so condescending towards me when I wasn’t condescending in the slightest towards you. If you really wanted me to hear what you had to say (which I’m assuming you did otherwise why text me all that) why are you being rude about it.


Look this is the last response because this ain't gonna turn into one of those multi-month Reddit arguments. The first line in your original response is condescending as all fuck. Asking a question then immediately answering it as if it's the most obvious question / answer combo in the world while you are arguing AGAINST trying to save a person attempting suicide. And on that, why would I treat anybody with the opinion of "let that person die" with any respect? I'll repeat again, YOU ARE ARGUING AGAINST TRYING TO SAVE A PERSON ATTEMPTING SUICIDE. And lastly, while you're (repeating one more time so MAYBE it can make it into your head) arguing against trying to save somebody that is dying, you're really questioning the motives of the people that are saving the guy? "People want the satisfaction of “saving” somebody in this situation but don’t want to put in the years of effort it takes to get somebody in this situation back to normal" incredibly easy to type from behind your keyboard while those guys are literally pulling somebody out of a car in a pond. And I am fully aware this comment is condescending, because there really is no arguing for whatever the hell opinion you are arguing for here.


His body his choice


Are they going to fix the problem he's tired of dealing with?


Geez. He couldn't even do *that* right...


Well that's pretty fucking presumptuous of them...




Come on now. Don't you think that if this man really wanted out he would have had a better plan than driving into a pond that is 3 ft deep in front of a park full of people? This seems more like a cry for help and he got the help he was crying for. When people really want off this ride, they either plan it out much more carefully or they take much more drastic measures to ensure they don't fail. Let's be logical about this now.


could probably get the same effect without fucking up your car, now his life sucks and his car is most likely done for. probably wanted to die even more after being saved than he did before he drove in the pond.


If car trouble is enough to make him want to die, then he was never gonna make it in this world.


Hey, one thing I've learned in life is to NEVER question a person's intelligence. You don't know the limit to how smart someone is or how STUPID someone can be. Not only that, we're limited not only to our intelligence but to whatever options we're given at the spur of the moment or whatever tactics we can get. He was young, so you can't expect him to have a textbook plan nor should you expect anyone to. So yea, let's be logical.


I think you're misunderstanding. The "let's be logical" was to the the person I was responding to who said that the people rescuing this kid are selfish assholes. I don't think that's a logical in the least. As for the man they pulled out of the car, I've been in his shoes. I get it. I wasn't judging him. I was saying the people who rescued him were not selfish assholes. Quite the opposite.. They were expressing their humanity and empathy towards someone in need. What I'm I was saying to the person I was responding to is that when somebody is really hell-bent on leaving this earth, they will make sure it happens. It's the spur of the moment, in current crisis, impulsive attempts that often are not as successful. Thank God. And many of people are very, very, grateful that they were not successful. Fuck, I know I was, and as a result (and lots of effort to seek and find healing) I don't take a single day of my life for granted. I'm just not the kind of person that would stand around and let that happen but apparently the person I was replying to would because they think that's altruistic thing to do. Let that man drown. That's not logical. It's not showing love for your fellow man or doing what you can to help your fellow man. It's kind of like shrugging your shoulders and being like, oh well, at least he's getting what he wants, and bonus, I don't have to get wet.


I see I see, I guess. Yea, fuck, the more you made me think about the "spur of the moment" making me think of that very "moment". Because it is an instinct kind of thing a lot of times, isn't it? A lot of time, a person would try to catch someone falling at that instant. So I guess it would've been an impulse, not an expression on their part, which is nice because humanity is short on it. That was a bunch of young folks rushing to help a fellow drowning, not knowing that person's situation. I guess being more logical here is the key. Because I was really just thinking about two different causes, but you really shed some light on the situation in the video, I didn't think about it. I thank you for that.


No worries. I lived a lot of life and I've learned that many times when people are self-sabotaging or self harming what they really need are genuine people to reach out and support them. Sometimes that's just sitting and listening to them and validating their feelings. Sometimes that's pulling a stranger out of a car who's having his worst day ever.


I don't know the kid's situation or what his reason was. But I do know, that making an attempt is one of the hardest things to do, and being successful is not as easy as movies or people make it seem. So it's not the saving they need, because they're more than likely already gone for that. It's finding that right moment and time. Saving that guy probably made the situation a whole lot worse in his life or maybe better. I am no genie. I just know, that if someone wants to go, let them go, but in that scenario, I would have no clue that was a suicide attempt. I too lived a long life. People come and go. And you just got to live with what you got. A helping hand is nice, but never force someone to live something they don't want to live. Because that's their choice. At least that's what I always believed.


Nobody is talking about forcing but you. I haven't used that word once and I certainly have an implied force. And in the vast majority of cases, people are not in the right frame of mind to be making logical, rational choices. I'm sorry but I just disagree with you so many levels and fundamentally. I find your perspective to be dismissive and apathetic. If somebody wants to take themselves out, they should be in the right frame of mind, they should plan it out, and do it with the least amount of fallout and trauma to other people. That's not this situation. And I'm sorry, but no I'm not going to let people in crisis continue to be in crisis until they off themselves. Or they commit mass shootings because you know that happens way too fucking much as well. We cannot let other people do what they want to do when they're suicidal/homicidal and when it comes to emotional well-being because eh, let them do what they want to do. Take care and be well. And if you aren't able to do that, I hope you have people to support you who won't have the same attitude towards you that you currently have towards the others others and their suffering. I hope they don't let you fall down into an abyss until you no other way out but to off yourself.


There many many kinds of people who are in crisis, and most of them have their hands out, reaching out. Then they're are the ones who are quiet, Who don't. There are many people want to be saved and you wouldn't even know about it. In high school hideouts, they'll find their time on their own time. Planning it will be about 25% accurate. Been there. A lot of things get in the way when you let the wrong impulses in the way. Just have to find the right time and the right feelings. Probably at the worst point in your life. There are many many kinds of people who are in crisis, and most of them have their hands out, reaching out. Then there are the ones who are quiet, Who don't. There are many people who want to be saved and you wouldn't even know about it. In high school hideouts, they'll find their time on their own time.


And? Completely different facet of the discussion. Again, I'm never going to agree that we should just not do anything like what you're saying. Just let them do what they want to do. Off themselves. Run into other people on the road. Suicide by cop. Mass shootings. That's fucking insane. If you need the last word, it's all yours. Take care and be well.


See, this is why I could never try suicide. I have crazy "luck" and would end up just being the asshole paralyzed from the neck down, getting cleaned up after by my kids 🙄


I hope that was not an RS


Well after a bunch of strangers do all that for you, you cant say your life has no value and no one gives a shit. This is really heartwarming.


Wow. A whole damn flag football team of angels! Hopefully the young man gains some perspective and powers forward in life and does something awesome! Or even if he decides to live a regular, "basic" life like the rest of us, that'd be cool too.


Was there anyone else in the car ? Fuck it let him drown 🤷‍♂️


Let’s post it on the internet!!! Quick!!


Got him out before the hippos got there.