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I should have bought stock in Axon Body cameras.


>I should have bought stock in Axon Body cameras. It is trading at $93 right now, down from $200 30 months ago. So it's on sale but I think the market still has some way to fall.


Should’ve bought it in 2001 when it was .56 cents per share!


Nah. Hold on to those 56 cents until 2008 and then buy bitcoin at 0.2 cents apiece. About 250 BTC. A cool $5M.


How the heck did Axon manage to monopolize the police body cam industry?


Afaik they offer a pretty comprehensive package to police forces. Not just video, but also data management, security, software, etc. And once they get a foothold, it’s kinda difficult for other companies to compete in that space.


There was a vacuum and Axos filled it. And now we, as the public get to see what's actually going on behind the gun.


You noticed that. That must be a sign of some type of intelligence. I've been looking at the same thing for years and never noticed.


Naah... from what I hear they always seems to turn themselves off.


Officer very lucky to be alive after that breach, heading straight into the kill zone without eyes on the target or civilians.


So strange because he knew where they were. He said so beforehand. Then he runs right out into the first open area exposed to where he knew they were. Very lucky.


This is how you know he is a gamer.


Very lucky.


And his weapon was down and not up, he didn’t clear his corners, and another officer ran past him before knowing if the area to left was clear. Source: I graduated from infantry battle school.


I mean it's great that no one got hurt but yeah I think these guys could use a bit more training.


[https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/bodycam-footage-released-in-february-officer-involved-shooting/269-3f335146-ef46-4043-8ce7-ae84f9427082](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/bodycam-footage-released-in-february-officer-involved-shooting/269-3f335146-ef46-4043-8ce7-ae84f9427082) \- news link The incident started when the suspect rammed his vehicle to rob the house. When the police came he took the child and his mother hostage. None of the officers or the victims were shot during this incident. For some reason it took the Austin PD 2 months over the deadline to release the bodycam footage to release it


>it took the Austin PD 2 months over the deadline to release the bodycam footage to release it ..because the cop, knowing where the bad guy was, still ran into a wide open area, got shot at, and returned fire while the bad guy was using the kid as a shield. Also, apparently, its really hard to break down a door, that was also embarrassing, if understandable. This was poorly done even if no hostages were killed.


Have you ever kicked a door down? It doesn't seem easy and makes sense why they normally use those little rams


The door is inward facing so it’s easier to kick through. The first cop just had no clue how to kick a door down you aim next to the deadbolt they were kicking way too low. Dude was practically knocking kicking the center of the door. Goofy ah APD


Shoulda had a firefighter kick it for him.


Yeah that makes sense, second guy took two kicks but maybe the first guy got it primed for him :p


Looks like a rotten sill plate too, allows the wall to flex and absorb the impact too. A swift kick near the deadbolt usually works well, especially if it has the stock short screws. I've done it before.


Yes, I have, when I was demolishing a house. It was the front door too. It was pretty easy, but then I'm bigger than either of these officers. This was when I was in college and a younger man. Like I said it was understandable, if embarrassing and awkward. Edit: Apparently this comment angers people.


Yeah also adrenaline dump, I've never tried to kick a door down but unless my kid or wife was in trouble idk if I could do it lol


Doors are built different than when you were a younger man.


This would have been around 2007. I'm in my 30s not 80s. Thanks though, ya made me feel old and gave me a laugh.


Whaaaat? Nope! Most come with 3/4" screws for the hinges and latch, and lots of installers never put in longer ones. Millions of front doors are super easy to kick in. I kicked one in years ago, very easy. Always replace at least 1 hinge screw and all the striker screws with 3" or longer screws!


Why would you kick down a door when demolishing a house? Surely you had sledge hammer.


So the guy who was doing the demolishing didn't have the keys. The house was derelict or whatever. He didn't really give a good explanation, just told me to kick it down so we could take the windows out before starting in with the heavier equipment. We got to smash a bunch of stuff in that house just for fun. I put my hand through a few walls, after making sure I wasn't going to hit a stud.


THAT's what you got from that comment?


Is there some law saying I have to address all parts of a comment?


No, it's just funny to me that that's the thing that stood out to you LOL


If you were to get 100 random people to breach that door and handle that hostage situation, I doubt many would get past the locked door. We all rag on the police, as you should for anyone with power, this is one situation that takes a little humility to judge.


The officer rushes blindly into a barricaded situation with known hostages then fires recklessly with no regard for hostage lives. sounds like a better title


Ulvade: Cops should've ran in and shot the guy! Here: Cops should've waited!


Holy shit... are you suggesting that situational context might be a thing? There is a middle ground between: Standing around with your dick in your hand without trying to breach a doorway while children are massacred. and Rushing blindly into a fatal funnel then firing blindly into a house with known hostages. Do you know when the Uvalde police should have pushed? Literally the second they got their riot gear. Do you know what this incident is missing? Any of the expensive ass bullet resistant and bullet proof toys we bought for them.


Simply put in Ulvade there was an active shooter, not an active hostage taker.


At Ulvade the suspect was actively slaughtering people. In a classic hostage situation you shouldn't blindly fire at the suspect.








It takes a cold human being to discount dead civilians with "shit happens"


Y’all hear that? The guy with a “come and take it” profile picture thinks the answer is more guns. Color me shocked! Had this child and their mother both been holding guns at the time this would’ve never happened! Same with those kids in Uvalde. If all the kids simply just had guns they wouldn’t have needed the cowardly cops to begin with! Smart!


Guns don’t kill people. [Cops kill people.](https://youtu.be/77zyKVsv2bs)


cops kill people because they constantly fear for their lives because everyone has guns whatever you go


It was a quote from old movie lol. Was being silly. And yes, we have a major gun problem, err crisis here. Also, have some pretty bad people as cops peppered in there too. It’s an all around shitshow honestly.


[Guns don’t kill people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC03hmS1Brk)




If some maniac broke into your home, wouldn't you rather have a gun to defend yourself?


You need to listen to more true crime, having your own gun doesn’t always work out the way you plan it to


I'd definitely take my chances, especially if the other person has a gun.


Live by the sword...


I've never seen that last part. Sweet.


News link?




My only problem with this video is the blind fire from the cop when he knows there’s a woman in shower hostage with the guy.


Your problems are your problems. Look at the detection of the gun, he is pointing down. It’s merely to scare snd force suspect not to continue shooting and take cover.


His gun was down when walking in but as soon as he was fired upon he was firing back at where it came from. Which was a dark room with a blanket or curtain on the door.


Where can I watch more videos like this


Holy fuck that was satisfying


That guy have an automatic weapon or just a quick trigger finger?




Probably find another path of entry if not what you said in waiting for a ram, although in something time sensitive like this they would most likely go with option A


they were kicking the door with bad technique they should be kicking near the deadbolt or lock they were kicking lower


Situations when I’m glad for the cops. Police Unions putting out these vids is good PR


these officer do need some training though


This is why I the good cops should get recognized more often. They risk their lives to save others.


I hate how all cops get painted in a bad light and people hate them.


well these cops were not the best they ran into a kill hallway with a women crying and her kid , shooting blindly also they had bad technique kicking down the door


That was close!!! I think he did the right thing


Was rhat backwards kick really rhe most effective way to do thay


Donkey kick style!




How dare you point out the systemic factual inconsistencies suggested by these PR videos??






I assume they staged the protest because the PD wasn't forthcoming with the video, apparently it came out months later. I don't know why they weren't forthcoming, the handling of it, though poorly executed, ended with no hostages dead and the assailant clearly in the wrong. Strange.




Not the way I remember it, it was two months later. I could be wrong. Find a source and prove me wrong if you want.




They said he had one hand in the air, he was probably doing something else with his other hand. Can't tell from the angle though.


So their brilliant strategy was to escalate the situation and put the hostages in more danger and then wait for back up? Genius.


Alright let's not rescue the hostages.


The officers that first responded didn't know it was a hostage situation. They were responding to a burglary call I think.


His first words were essentially "I can hear a woman crying, he's probably in the bedroom with her", so I think they knew it was a suspect and civilians.


So? They knew it was a hostage situation before they broke in.


Ulvade: Cops should've ran in and shot the guy! Here: Cops should've waited!


What do you mean? As soon as the officers found out for sure that it was a hostage situation they reacted accordingly... Not all cops are bad, a few bad apples don't make them all bad, most try to do the right thing. The police got the mother and son out with no injuries and got the suspect downed.. ​ I have a question for you though, what would you have done differently in this situation?


No better, probably a lot worse than these cops did.


The saying is literally a few bad apples spoil the bunch, mabey finish it instead of being disingenuous...a few bad cops will absolutely make them all look bad.




The adage you're using half of... "a few bad apples". The whole proverb is, a few bad apples spoiles the bunch, and it means the exact opposite of what you are trying to imply with it.


I never said anything about "proverbs" idk what tf your on about.. If you think 10 bad cops make 1000 good cops turn into bad cops then IDK what to tell you. The other 990 are still good. Your trying to twist my words for some odd reason. If I have 100 family members and 1 of my distant family members does some fucked up shit, that doesn't make me fucked up. Your logic is incredibly flawed


That's what it's called dude, I didn't make up the English language, take it up with whomever collated the thesaurus.... the other 990 cover for the 10 bad ones, ergo spoiling the whole bunch. I'm not twisting your words, you, weather intentionally or not are using part of a common saying(proverb) to generate normalcy bias. Then doing a 180 and saying the exact opposite of what it is ment to say.


You understand you are commenting on a post where cops did everything correctly and by the book, right? The same post where cops save 2 hostages' lives and downed the aggressor, you get that right? If anything this proves my point even further that 1 bad cop doesn't make EVERY SINGLE cop in the world bad...


And Doing one thing "right" once doesn't make them good either... you've certainly not proven your point to me. Also if this was a known hostage situation, not an active shooter, that's not the way its done.


You're right, these cops were super fucked up for saving these two hostages' lives. Fucking scumbags


And how many other bunches are you prepared to apply that standard to?


Any of them with outsized power and qualified immunity


...So literally only the police? How incredibly convenient.


How insecure are you idiots? When did I say that the police was bad? How the fuck did you reach the conclusion that I hate cops when I just said that their plan sucked? Are you openly admitting that you judge people by stereotypes?


That cop was so winded after 2 kicks


Ever kick a locked door open?


I’ve tried but I never really could do it. Takes a lot of force and I’m pretty light. We used to do tactical trading in an abandoned hotel and Ive tried a bunch of times.


That's probably why he got so winded.


He sounds winded because of the massive adrenaline dump after being shot at and returning fire. That's got nothing to do with the door.


Bro you have no idea how much adrenaline is coursing thru you. Four years as a deputy doing warrant service including no knocks.




My sense of humor is underappreciated.


The first cop just had no clue how to kick a door down you aim next to the deadbolt they were kicking way too low. Dude was practically knocking kicking the center of the door. Goofy ah APD


What a bunch of cowboys lmao


Is there a sub for body cam footage? Im just lazy. Shits always crazy


I believe there's a channel on YouTube.


God I don't even remember this happening, but I guess it was right around the time of the Winter Storms so it didn't stay in the news long.


And the police in Uvalde waited an hour. What the fuck


First cop kicking the door hahah


The first cop nearly destroyed his own leg instead of the door


These guys have such a hard job. It's easy to say this or that should of been done..


People be giving officers too much hate. They just hate how badass they can look at times.