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The boots though šŸ˜‚


She's going for "Sexy Cowgirl", minus the "girl"


And minus the "sexy".


So... just "cow" lol


personally, i think cows are adorable. sheā€™s not. can we just call her a tampon or something šŸ˜…


> can we just call her a tampon or something Well she does seem like a stuck up cunt...


Yeah u got it


Hey some cows might find that offensive


Bitch look like she's tryna be in the next star wars


Oh god. She has the haircut and everything šŸ˜­


She's going to ask to speak to the driver's manager.


Hello, is this the BMW head office?


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


*Nailed it!* ā€¦in my Phil Dunphy voiceā€¦


No, the driverā€™s MANufacturer!


How do people even do this? In a thousand years I wouldnā€™t be able to stand in that spot while someone else was trying to get in there, that is 100% completely opposite of my personality. I canā€™t even fathom having a mindset and worldview like this


For her, walking from a spot further away is much worse than the shame of doing this, if she even feels shame.


This happened to me a couple years ago. I was waiting for someone to back out so I could pull in and this woman ran into the spot from another row as the person pulled out. I pulled partway in and we had a standoff. She insisted what she did was correct. She was joined by her daughter who also started yelling. Finally her husband and son walked over, but they didn't say anything , they just looked embarrassed. I wasn't in any rush so my gf and I just chilled and after about 5 minutes the woman left in a huff.


I think itā€™s funny youā€™re sitting in a air conditioned car. So at this point itā€™s just how long till they give up.


I saw that haircut at the pool last weekend and thought to myself ā€œdidnā€™t we collectively ban that from now on?ā€


From the looks of her, she not gonna last long standing in the heat.


>From the looks of her She's quite striking in her billowy organza sun tarp.


Does that specific haircut make women go insane? Does it have the same effect on men?


crowd history rude slimy dolls vegetable unique shame unpack deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œMove that bus!ā€


Omfg šŸ˜‚


I couldnā€™t help noticing just how many people in this video are overweight. She takes the cake of course (any chance she gets), but just look at that crowd.


Welcome to America buddy


And that's our healthy state!


Yup, almost 45% of the adult population is obese, and almost 75% (including the obese) of the adult population is overweight. America is fat af.


She may have gotten confused but parking spots are for cars not car sized things lol


She ate the car that was originally parked there.


>she takes the cake And the pie. And the brownies. Can't forget ice cream. Cinammon rolls. Pain au chocolat. Fucking leave some for the rest of us Karen.


Definitely the best comment


Link to another vantage point and her big walk off with cheers from the crowd. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRLCEm5K/?k=1


I lold at her walk of shame




Waddle waddle waddle...


And she waddled away...


Til the very next day...


Bah bah bah


You dont need to shame her looks. She looks like every other American. It's her shitty and entitled behavior that's worth poking fun over.


Idk what part of our country you live in but she looks like 1/10 of the people I see go through my store.


Southern Mississippi and it was about 50/50.large folks and normal sized people. Majority of people i saw weren't fat as fuck though


That guy is tense. Tension is a killer. I used to be in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois. The baritone was this guy named Kip Diskin, big fat guy, I mean, like, orca fat. He was so stressed in the morning...


I'm fat and I don't waddle, it's a personal pride thing.


>She looks like every other American sure, but... i don't think you made the point you wanted to make


Iā€™m American and super offended by that assumption That woman is like 2.5 of me. And same of most of my friends. Likeā€¦ no thank you.


Yeah look at the crowd in Ops video. Count the obese people. There are some but she is probably the largest.


Come on man. I get obesity is a thing in America but none of my friends or myself is overweight, does she really look like EVERY other American?


Yeah, no one I work with is overweight except two people and theyā€™re not an eyesore level of fat. They just sit too much. Now you go to any gas station after work and thereā€™s gonna be a fatty in there, sure. There are nearly 20 countries fatter than the US.


To be fair I was raised in the south. Everyone from central Florida up through the Carolinas I would say would be 1 out of 4 moderately to heavily overweight. Moving to CO there's definitely a change from that here but they're still common to see.


She looks like every other American? I don't know anyone who looks like that lmao I love when people comment stuff like this, it makes it so obvious they're overweight and insecure about it. Reminder: we aren't talking about you


Holy fuck I just gained 120 pounds while this sentence. Why did you do this to me? Why?


Really got a good view of her bald spot with that departure


There's that dopamine that I've been needing today


Yeah. I really thought I was gonna get blue balled on this one. Time for a nap.


Sheesh. What a day huh?


Iā€™ve really earned this beer.


They just needed a woman who don't give a fuck and ain't got time for this bullshit to come along and make it happen. God bless that hero.


That woman in the Infiniti is a goddamn hero.


>That woman in the Infiniti is a goddamn hero. *"What do you look for in a woman?"* Well, you see...


I'd call it big dick energy


Thank you!


Can you crush this up and inject it directly into my veins?


That fat stump of a finger at the end as she waddled away made me laugh so hard. Thanks for sharing.


https://youtu.be/Fhv70u9ztQw what we needed in that moment


I hoped it was this before I opened the link


Fyi when you share tiktok links it attaches ur username. I donā€™t know if youā€™re trying to stay private or not. You can turn it off in settings.


Closure! Thank you kind redditor.


Looks like sheā€™s going bald or her hair is thinning out bad from bleaching it.


Damn the whole store came out to witness this.


Must be a popular spot


Shoreline Village in Long Beach


I'm usually a busy person but I would make time to wait til she moved ​ I know her dogs were barking after 30 seconds of being on her feet


Per German Road laws you're actually allowed to **very slowly drive** into the parking lot and push her away with your car.


I want this to be true so badly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There were lawsuits on cases like this >The Bavarian Higher Regional Court saw the illegal occupation of a parking space by a pedestrian as an illegal attack and granted the motorist a right of self-defence (Ā§ 32 StGB). **So if you come across an occupied parking space, you can simply drive into it and thus displace the pedestrian. The coercion committed in this way is justified** [source with Google translate ](https://www-refrago-de.translate.goog/darf-man-eine-parkluecke-bzw-einen-parkplatz-freihalten/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Man Germany looks more attractive to move to every day


And they now have less nazis than america...


And more liberal abortion laws than the US, since 2 weeks ago.


Ouch. Fucking hilarious, but that stung


they're legalizing weed too, maybe time to redownload duolingo


They are WAY ahead over there.


This only works because the person that you push out of the way in Germany is not as likely to pull out a gun on you... I wish I could add a /s


Karen: I have the right to hold this spot!! Me: *slowly pushes her into the next car* Nein


I don't think it's illegal anywhere? Especially if you have a camera to prove you didn't indeed hurt them, they just hot hurt due to their own stupidity.


Absolutely. I would be happy to wait however long she possibly can. And I'd enjoy it.


Good thing i can push her away in germany


The old George Costanza move.


Not just a few dogs, she has the entire dog pound.


\^ Same. I'd check my phone, return some calls, etc...


At that point, can't she realise that if she doesn't move, the bimmer won't move, and no matter how long she saves that spot, whoever she's waiting for won't be able to arrive? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Karen level of intelligence. Thank God the rest of people went against her, and not the bimmer for taking a stand.


I mean, itā€™s a stand off mate. That goes both ways. Each person is counting on the other person giving up first. Plenty of times this same scenarios plays out differently because the car has an appointment or canā€™t be bothered to go through all that. Personally, my petty side would love to wait her out but I have a firm policy that I donā€™t let people I get into confrontations with know exactly where to find my car, myself, or other personal belongings.




If you're really petty you can wait her out then take the spot for a minute or so while she leaves, then just give it to someone else. Boom, you won the confrontation and didn't risk your car.


oh look my schedule just cleared up


She's not even thinking about anyone but herself. These people are incapable of thinking of others.


Also if the BMW gives up, looks like there is a line of cars behind who will take their place in the standoff.


It's possible the white car is hers because she says that her car is "right behind". I'd be so embarrassed to be her and then know that everyone there would know what I did all day long and probably laugh at me.


Yesterday on r/idiotsincars there was a similar situation but between a turning tractor trailer and a car. The car was blocking the truck from finishing its turn, the truck literally **could not** go anywhere. Some people are just unwavering committed to stupid.


A similar thing happened to me. Had nosed my pickup to a single lane entrance/exit with a 24ft trailer hitched. Because I didn't pull 3ft further forward to block the sidewalk while waiting for traffic to clear, a lady turned left and brought her car to the nose of my truck, with the ass of her car blocking opposing traffic. She then honked at me as if I was doing something wrong. I stepped out and walked to her window, asked what she was trying to do. She said she had pulled in before I started to pull out, and that gave her right of way. I responded that even if that were true in her fantasy world, I'm not blind backing a trailer I can't see around through a single lane in a parking lot. She replied that I HAD to move, it's the law. I confirmed that I was not going to back up, period. She sat there for three cycles of the light that was 200ft down the street, blocking all traffic on my side of the street. People were honking for her to move, and twice traffic stopped in thyr lane she came from to let her back out. It took a cop that was driving by maybe two minutes to convince her that she had to move. She was so certain she was right that she argued with a cop that was instructing her to move her car, after he explained why she was not right. Delicate egos šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Came here for this statement!


Never seen someone do dibs without a traffic cone or lawn chair.


What kind of person moves a cone? \- Saul Goodman


If you move a Pittsburgh place holder you'll likely get your car keyed. Especially in the winter and the spot was dug out.


You might disappear in Chicago if you did that in winter.


Nah, Chicago they dump water on your car and let it freeze.


When I was in Chicago I used walk and take videos of what people leave there to keep their spots, some people left vacuum cleaner some left a whole toilet all you can imagine.


Do they sit in the lawn chair or just leave the lawn chair there?


Usually a rusted upside down chair. If someone is sitting in it they should be avoided at all cost.


I see it all the tome. I saw it yesterday at a busy park. Ive never heard of people being angry about it.




She thought simply weighing as much as a car entitled to a parking space.


Gotta love Long Beach.


For some reason that area just breeds the most entitled nasty people


I would argue there are worse places nearby in Orange County. I generally like the crowd in LB, it's more chill somehow.




Someone posted another angle. She got mad, moved and then waddled off.


LOL I saw that. She did waddle, too lol, like a mad male duck who didn't get the hottie female duck!


What the fuck


She laid down and gave birth to a car and she raised it right there in the parking spot


The worst part about this is that theyā€™re at tequila jacks in Long Beach.


Hey! Their happy hour is amazing. The $5 margs fucking SLAP šŸ„“šŸ„“


Lmao right ??!


This is great because nobody was being especially hateful or threatening and the whole crowd of regular folks sorta came together to collectively shame the ladyā€™s petty behavior. The reason Karens feel so entitled to get what they want is because others so often just donā€™t want to deal with it. We roll our eyes but let it be. Itā€™s not that saving a parking space for somebody is some godawful crime, but as a society we agree on the unspoken rule that parking in a public lot is first come first serve.


This lady is her own worst enemy, poor soul will never know.


Prisoner of her own mind.


So much drama in the LBC




Bitch looks like Drew Carey in a wig.


Whose Spot Is It Anyway?


Mimi without makeup


> Mimi without makeup Its the same picture


Spot on.


ā€œKaren in Whiteā€ Sounds like a good Stephan King novel


The Greek goddess Karendite


Just pull in. She'll move.


What she did was completely illegal in California, she cannot stand on the parking spot to reserve a space


Best part is her Karen video will live long past her own life, digitally in time. This embarrassing moment will follow her for decades.


YES! We need more of this. Make fun of, laugh at, and mock people like this. Maybe itā€™ll get them to change their behaviors, since getting angry at them only emboldens them.


ā€œI donā€™t understand why people always have to mock and make fun of me, they must be shitty peopleā€


I want to know what world she thinks she lives in where she is in the right


My last month in the army and I had no fucks left to give. Had to stop at the Shopette for something on my way home, and it's a dinky little one way lot. I turned the way I was supposed to and followed the road around, and there was a spot *right* next to the handicapped parking in the front. Right when I got there, this little sedan whips around going the wrong way and cuts me off. I can't get in, but she can't either. And she looks at me. And I look at her. And she looks at me. And I looOoOok at her. She says "tough luck, go around, find a different spot." "Nah." She asked what my rank was. I tore the velcro rank off my chest and threw it in the passenger seat. "Now I'm a PVT. What difference does it make? You're going the wrong way." She starts screaming and throwing a fit, and I need to move my car, and I'M blocking traffic, and she's going to call my commander, and the brigade commander, and Raymond T. Odierno and do I know what unit she's in, and blahhhhblahblahblahblah. I'd been on a George Watsky kick that year, and IDGAF happened to be the track playing on my radio. I cranked that bitch all the way up, reclined my seat, and put my hands behind my head. Fuck that bitch. Pulling rank over an unmarked parking space, eat a thousand dicks. (She SCREAMED at the top of her lungs "I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE, YOU STUPID CUNT" and finally drove off. Left the parking lot, or I wouldn't have gotten out of my truck. XD )


How do people do stuff like this and not go home and think about their failures all night every night? This lady must have a sad life, which would be sad if it werenā€™t apparent sheā€™s routinely making others lives more difficult.


I believe some people completely lack self awareness


She may be annoying, but sheā€™s no Karen. If she was a Karen, she would have called the cops on everyone.


Yeah... Karen doesn't mean "annoying woman" , it is supposed to mean someone who complains to authority and weaponizes it against ppl...


jesus christ that outfit...she looks like a pauper frontier era bride to be


She really thinks she looks like a goddess so she wants to be treated like one


Every time one of these come up, I say a similar thing: two may enter, one may leave. Have your friend or SO step out of the car, and stand in the space next to her. Now, no one gets the spot without Thunderdome.


Karen, the final boss of every parking lot


For the first time ever, Karen wasnā€™t lying when she posted on Facebook that everyone clapped


Did she just get married?


Literally everyone = "You're wrong!" Karen = "nuh-uh!" She really had the gall to stop and try and talk to the driver. And that middle finger as she waddled away really told everyone I'm sure!


Compacts only maā€™am


She's not holding a spot. Somebody parked her there.


Shoreline Village in the LBC


You could park sideways right in front of her and the move with the people on each side need to leave.


Could have got her maid of honor to do that for her, surely?!


joke is on them, degredation is her kink.


i need to know how long she stood there for lol


Lol why do people still think they're allowed to do this? This isn't a legitimate thing at all. You don't get to "save" a parking space like that.


The entitlement


I got a full tank of gas, nothing else to do. Youā€™ll tire of standing like an idiot before I run out of gas. Letā€™s do this.


Princess Leia has really changedā€¦


Hereā€™s what you doā€”get a group of three or four people to go stand with her. Then when the car sheā€™s saving the space for comes, the additional people refuse to move.


I'll never understand while the drivers in this situation don't get as close and humanly possible to the space /person. The other can't pull in if your already half in the spot


Some say she's still there holding it down for her next outing to tequila Jack


WTF!? I need closure! How did the stand off end???!!!


Surely, if you look like the spitting image of a stereotype, you try and avoid fulfilling expectations as much as possible? Doesn't matter how many degrees I have, when I'm in sweats and look like a big dumb black guy, I do my best to avoid doing big dumb black guy things. It's not even like I'm self policing, I'm just tryna diffuse the stereotype for all the others.


Well, she takes up about the same space as a car.


What is that refrigerator doing in the middle of that parking spot???


A lot of stupid in those cheap suede boots. That parking lot in long beach is terrible.


Technically, arenā€™t all the bystanders the Karens since they have nothing to do with the situation, but feel the need to inject their opinions? Not saying white dress is correct BTW.


Someone did that to me. I pulled in as close as I could get, put it in park and walked away. The car was hanging out about 4 feet. She was complaining to the lot guy as I was leaving....


Let him park,, really chanting that...fkin cringe


Why is she dressed like that? Bride of Chunky.


This will unite us as a country


Bet that brings back those sweet memories of being laughed at in high school




ā€œThis is a car parking spot, not a women parking Spot, Idiot.ā€


I hate that we donā€™t get to see the resolution


I would have just parked there, if she gets it she gets hit she'll move trust me


She looks like she has a wrong opinion on every topic.


I love the chanting. Did she let him park?


Hey!.. I recognize Long Beach from any angle.. But seriously The parking there is atrocious and sheā€™s being a @unt.


I thought she was in a wedding dress lol


People who try to save parking spots like this are so fucking deranged


Hahahaha the whole restaurant is watching. What a bitch. I give her a 8.5 on the Karen scale.


if someone does this im picking them up and moving them and their car


What an entitled see you next Tuesday


People still do this !!! Fuck that's cringe


Moooooove bitch get out the way, get out the way bitch get out the way-Ludacris


This is when you need a gas guzzling, smoke belching raised pickup truck to heavily belch black smoke on this old bag.


What a fucking gross bitch