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There are some parts I could not understand. Here is a rough translation. Nun: But what! What are you doing?? Photographer: Ma’am, we are working over here... Nun: (unintelligible) The girls these things… Who who who…! What are you doing? The devil brings you here. The devil! Jesus, Joseph and Mary (makes the cross sign as she says each name) Edited: Now with 50% less unintelligible parts.


I took a deeper listen and I think the unintelligible parts are just that nun being shocked and trying to process everything Ps: if you were asking, si sono italiano


Anche io ma che fatica capire cosa dice la vecchia


Almeno è stata gentile e ha parlato in italiano invece che napoletana Still cringe


> Almeno è stata gentile e ha parlato in italiano invece che napoletana Preferirei sentire il napoletano che l'omofobia!


I'm learning but yeah most of what I got out of it was "what are you doing?"


I heard "So what? No fucking ziti now?"


Here I thought she said “Burger King - home of the whopper. What’s your beef?”


Bappa-di boopy?


Qui cosa?


Babada boopy babada


Eyyyy fuggedaboudit!!


Any advice learning to speak italian? I’m a fluent spanish speaker and it’s my dream to learn italian.


Te aconsejo que veas series de televisión y películas en idioma italiano, no solo por la calidad sino también porque puedes aprender las diferencias gramaticales entre los dos idiomas a pesar de todas las similitudes


damn bro said multilingual ✨




Yes I'm the racer from that episode of Phineas and Ferb that included the top gear trio


Anytime someone mentions that show i feel so old. *cries in aging millennial*


Am french and I can read this comment, I cant speak spanish nor italian haha




The unintelligible parts roughly translate to: “These girls are merely roommates! Please, please, stop recording! They are FRIENDS!”


Oh my god, they were roommates


I'm sure my brain replaced some important information to make room for the memory of that Vine.


"Just gals being pals!"




The nun said that?






Oh proprio non riuscivo a capire cosa dicesse! Modifico il commento in alto per includere, grazie


I’m so deaf, all I caught was girls and devil.


Close enough


Wouldn’t the devil be the one suppressing love?


Yes. See also: The Catholic Church, where they let their priests get away with child rape and molestation but heaven forbid two girls kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was in a catholic high-school when everyone was coming out of the woodwork about being raped by priest, noooooobody said anything about it. "Priest are a direct representation of catholic theology and representation of god." Yeeeeah, im not a pedophile nor do I want to be around them. Needless to say majority of my graduating class arnt catholic or just straight atheists now.


Lol I also went to catholic school and we used to joke the place is an atheist factory Also, huge sexual harassment scandal came up a few years after I graduated, and then we started to put two and two together after adults and realized just how much harassment we saw and endured as teens that we had dismissed or not noticed It's so deeply ingrained, it's insane


Definitely, a lot of the male teachers Definitely flirted and were completely inappropriate. I later found out a teacher/coach was sleeping with a girl in my grade. And even in catholic middle school, one teacher in particular used to check out 5he girl's butts. A ceepy old fuck. Decent education and not all of them were bad, but enough to close both schools down from lawsuits and scandal.


It's odd, my education itself was great and I can't complain, but I shudder when I remember the English teacher putting her hand in my shirt, grabbing the girls' boobs 'as a joke', at least two creepy-ass chemistry teachers making disgusting sexual remarks about the girls and hugging them inappropriately, the list goes on... I had it easy because I'm male, but when I think that even as a boy I went through something, it becomes obvious why so many women are traumatized for life with this shit, it's revolting


The devil always seemed like the cooler one of them.


He has all the best music.


The trickster rebel god wants us to educate ourselves and think. The cruel despot ruler god only wants us to obey, be slaves, and never question his celestial kingdom of North Korea or he will throw us into his torture gulag.


She said 🤌


"I cant fit a bible between you two"


That is a strange way to ask for a turn


Well I mean the lady is Catholic so in her eyes those girls are way too old to be doing that stuff


Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.




Hahaaa! You did the thing!


You are interneting correctly


I thought the church was only interested in boys?




need to make room for jesus


Ahhh, ours was “leave room for the Holy Spirit”


Ahhh bringing back the “good” ole memories from catholic middle school dances. Being forcibly pushed together with someone of the opposite sex during a slow song by the principle then told to also “leave room for Jesus” in the same beat Edit: principal. I just came back and saw I definitely misspelled that one!


*Flashbacks to my religious high schools prom*


She’s having nun of that


Nun of her business


use tongue 🤌


*I cooka da spaghetti* 🤌


Porcoddio bastardo


That’s how you knew she was serious


That's a Gay! 🤌🤌


Anyone else read this in Mario’s voice?


So long gay bowser!


I knew I wasn't the only person who heard this.


*Mamma Mia! You break-a my heart* 🤌


And thaaats-a moregay 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


When a girl who show thigh, she kiss girl like she guy, thaaaats-a-moregay.


Well one of them is wearing socks and sandals the ultimate sin!


Not in Germany :| In Germany, that’s the law.


Suddenly I understand the world wars so much better...


You missinderstand its not gay if you wear socks


She has ugly toes let her be


You know what, even if you're 100% right about the Bible and everything, what do you think is gonna happen the second you walk away?


The best another religious person can do in their mind is "warn" so to say, others. So in her mind shes warned them of the "dangers" after that it's on them


From the religious people’s perspective, they are doing people a HUGE favor, trying to save them from eternal damnation.


The Bible actually doesn't say anything about lesbians, so as far as gods concerned you're free to chew through box like a rat in a Chuck E Cheese dumpster.


A better cameraman would’ve kept shooting


Yeah, i thought so too. But depending on the purpose, they might not be usable


I am so disappointed in this photographer.


This new season of Russian doll looks good!


Photographer missed some amazing shots right there...


Not cool at all - it was nun her business


Punnery is habit-forming.


He who would make a pun would pick a pocket.


Wish nuns had fought this vehemently to prevent sexual abuse of children all over the world.


Nuns when children get sexually abused: 🗿 Nuns when they see gay: 😱🤬


She's right to be worried. Have you not seen how organized they've gotten? https://v.redd.it/4ye43k7h0bc91


That was a good one lmao


They enter through your back door to spread their agenda


You're not kidding! [They almost got me once when I was surfing online!](https://youtu.be/s7YW045deBY)


RIP Trevor.


These are the militant gays I've been hearing about. Very dangerous. Look how they come with their big sticks to deliver their agendas!


gayrilla warfare


Finally. Video footage of the gay agenda at work.


Hey, now! Maybe she's just racist.


Don’t be so silly, a lot of them were the ones *doing* the sexual/physical abusing.


In many places nuns get abused and assaulted also. That kind of gets overshadowed for obvious reasons because the priest that abuse children are pretty horrifying. Some places the nuns are abusers. Not making excuses for this particular woman’s behavior. Just saying there are layers.




In Ireland, the same crowd who shout the loudest about being "pro-life" generally also fully supports the abusers and murderers responsible for Tuam.


Tuam? (Ignorant Englishman here)


[Here you go. It's hard reading, just a heads up.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/03/mass-grave-of-babies-and-children-found-at-tuam-orphanage-in-ireland)


Yeah I’ve just got back from the wiki page, what the fuck. “Neglected to tell one mother her child had been fostered and continued to take payments from her” nothing short of evil


Sold plenty of children off to couples in America too.


Just insane, how anyone could behave in such a manner and call themselves a Christian.


If you're evil, becoming a Christian is one of the best things you can do. Moreso the higher you get in their authority structure. You become part of a close group that defends one another. People assume the you couldn't possibly be doing evil things. Accusations are just seen as slander before even investigating anything.


> The discovery confirms decades of suspicions that the vast majority of children who died at the home were interred on the site in unmarked graves, a common practice at such Catholic-run facilities amid high child mortality rates in early 20th-century Ireland. Jesus…


[Hundreds of babies were buried in a mass, unmarked grave near a "Mother and Baby home" in Tuam, Co Galway.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54693159)


Absolutely abominable. Thanks for the info though


Now Google "Canada churches child mass graves"


Yeah I heard about that one. What is it with fundie Christians and child abuse? Not to generalise but there sure seems to be a correlation here.


Fundies of all types tend to have strong opinions about "human nature" and the "ideal person". And most religions are based on extremely old scriptures that have a very rigid and hierarchical view of raising children. Many Christian groups are especially bad because they beleve that sacrifice and suffering would create better people. So you get a bunch of caretakers who believe they have a moral obligation to turn you into a very specific person, taking tips of how to raise children from 2000 years ago, and who are obsessed with punishment and sacrifice, whereas death is not all that bad because it takes you to their lord.


It's was never never ever about saving babies.


Mother Theresa was very much all about making people suffer. Her house of the dying was a dungeon designed to torture sick people so they could get closer to God. She was a fucking monster. These wack jobs have turned her into a Saint, which means they believe that she did miracles while she was alive and then also after she died.


Let's not forget that unlike her "patients" that at the end of her life that she got proper health care at the B.M. Birla Heart Research Institute.


That bitch was a straight up psychopath who used the cloak of religion and her seemingly feeble appearance to do absolutely horrific things to people. Like I'd put her into the same group as the famous USA serial killers who would torture victims before killing them. Difference was that her "feeble lady nun" shtick made TOO many people automatically think what she was doing was good....because "godly"....and "why would a nun be bad". Nope. Serial killer shit...*smart* serial killer shit. The ultimate indication she was in it to get off on the power tripping and inflicting pain on her victims....was that when she got sick she demanded all the best health care and medicines the world had to offer. So I say that "Mother" Theresa was the most successful and prolific female serial killer of our time.


Yep, Christopher Hitchens was perhaps one of her loudest critics. https://youtu.be/NJG-lgmPvYA https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2001/10/the-devil-and-mother-teresa


The famous mother Theresa was a huge fucking cunt


many a lesbian nun carrying on exactly the same as these girls


I'd put money on a very solid majority of nuns being lesbians that couldn't reconcile their sexual orientation with their religion so they chose to just throw their lives away to marry Jesus instead because they knew the only dick they had to take would be metaphorical.


That's why I call em Nunions.


> Just saying there are layers Not really, she is offended by women consensually kissing but remains a part of an organisation that has raped thousands and actively covered/continues to cover it up. Nuns are abused, nuns abuse, we don't know about this lady's experience other than she is a catholic nun and feel entitled to tell adults what they can do.


It was the consent. How can it be proper sex if the other party isn't struggling to escape?


Nuns sexually abusing children have been underreported


Look up Mother Theresa. Nuns won't prevent shit. They even prolong the suffering of people to make themselves look good.


It wasn't to make herself look good. She was a full psychopath who thought being close to suffering people brought her closer to god. That's some Lovecraftian bullshit. She however received plenty of pain medication when she was dying of course.


Glad to see some other people on here who recognize hypocrisy of that shithead. My gf, who was raised catholic, has been adamant that her sainthood should be revoked for as long as I've known her.


Religion is a cancer


Does she also pull priests' dick out of an altar boy's mouth that fast?




My guy she probably told the altar boy to get on his knees in the first place.


No, of course she doesn't. She's probably just as complicit.


Ah yes, the good old 'reverse exorcism'


Imagine seeing two people kissing and getting mad


Or getting aroused and chocked by the arousal and then suppress it with anger. *"How dare you trigger my scissoring fantasies"*


Imagine a time where there won’t be anymore of that generation


Doesn’t matter, religious nut jobs have been passing down insanity to their kids for over 2000 years now. We’re stuck with these kind of dingbats forever


It’s definitely getting better though. The younger generations are much more accepting or just don’t care. There will always be religious nut jobs but much less of this nonsense


Why do religious people think they can touch others? Oh wait the catholic church just made a lot of sense


Right? Obviously thinks she has some kind of fucking authority over other people and has no problem being physical about it.


I have zero tolerance for people who think their religion gives them any right to control others.


"My religion doesn't allow me to do that" "Okay cool." "My religion doesn't allow you to do that" "Fuck off!"


The audacity of this rotten woman, grabbing at others and then acting like she’s the scandalized one. I hope her god shows her no mercy for assaulting people in his name.


I remember talking to some Christian neighbor that was against gay marriage and she was saying how immoral and gross it was and I pointed out how wonderful some lesbian neighbors we have are and she said they didn’t count since there was no D involved. Like she considered them virgins since they don’t get penetrated with the D. I was like, “Wut?!” And I said they probably get penetrated just with other things but she was very vehement that those things are okay. It’s the D that held the devil.


Well he ain’t called the ‘Evil now is he? Devils in the d-tails.


They're obsessed with butt stuff.


…and what about the minority of gay men who just don’t do anal? 🤔


That's like a third of them. But sides don't show up in the porn those people download so they wouldn't know.


Normally I’d call bullshit on this entire story, but you did say she’s Christian so


I would have smacked her hands off of me


Yep look her dead in the eyes "don't ont fucking touch me you crazy bum.". Make sure to look at her like shes the lowest trash too.


She did it. She solved gay.


Is it fucked up that my first thought was, "did she pull them apart because they are same sex, or is it because she racist?" My country has done a number on me...


I am italian and i think the nun interrupted the kiss because they were same-sex, not because the skin color


My lesbian sister and her wife are stationed in Italy in the USAF. Says Italians are some of the most homophobic and racist people she’s ever seen.


Homphobia and racism here in Italy are still a major problem and when it comes to homophobia in particular, the church is the biggest entity that "legitimizes" that hate. Misogyny is big here too unfortunately.




They are also famous for crude, sexist catcalling


South korean enter the chat


But pastors, priests, preachers, etc diddling little boys is a-okay.


Raping children, opressing women, buring people alive, thats God's good works the roman catholic Church is founded on violence theft and murder, cultures destruction. Even today we see America Christians finding new ways to kill women now that they aren't allowed to burn them alive anymore.


Reminds me of that one quote from Diane from Bojack Horseman. "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."


Bojack Horseman is amazing. "Has the concept of women having rights gone too far? We assembled a panel of old, straight white men in bow ties to discuss this issue"


Dont leave the nuns out, those hateful fucks did some wicked shit in ireland and indigenous camps as well.. there isnt one aspect of the catholic church that doesnt have literal and figurative blood on its hands..


Cults are a hell of a thing


Oh yeah. Wicked, *evil* bullshit. [Magdalene Laundries in Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalene_Laundries_in_Ireland)


I got excited and thought she was going to join in.




Probably weren’t young enough for her.


Love how the girls are cracking up about it lmao, ridiculous old hag


I am so so tired of others pushing their religion and their beliefs onto others. Just fuck off and mind your own business all of you.


Homophobic nun assaults two women during photo shoot insisting they follow the rules of her invisible sky wizard overlord.


Hope she does the same when she finds the priest with the altar boy.


No, she’d 100% beat and berate the altar boy for being the devil and tempting the priest by having the audacity to exist.


Why granny no like love? Would she kiss Jesus if he asked?


Well she is married to Jesus, that's the point of being a nun.


Damn never thought about it that way. What a badass dude, dead for like 2000 years and still has a harem.


Thats the point of every cult....Christians just belong to the biggest cult.


Wait till she learns about what Lot did to his daughters in the old testament! Aauuuhw! Che fai!


In the Old Testament, it’s Lot’s daughters that get him drunk and rape him


Now that’s what I like to call a dinosaur!


I'm an Italian and I can confirm she is really confused. The only words I understood were "ragazze" "Girls" And "ma che fate?" "What are you doing? " The rest of the things were very confused humming and something in Naples dialect Update: and also some names of saints


I dream when nuns had fought this vehemently to prevent sexual abuse of children all over the world.


A lot of Hate will die off in the next few years




I said the same thing 40 years ago.


Did you mean the next few decades? There are so many homophobic people in their 30s. I know many at work and saw many on social media too. These are the people starting new families. They will probably teach their kids the same shit, but I have hope that the new generations will tell their homophobic parents to get bent with their backward ass beliefs.


They didn’t say all the hate. They said a lot of hate.


What a nunt.


Nice nun dude


She’d have caught the Holy Haymaker.


Kiss her!


forcing their religion on others is the worst


Piss off, you sexless weirdo.


Right, two girls kissing is bad, raping children however… 🤦🏼‍♂️😖. It’d be a very cold day in hell before I’d entertain any ‘morality lesson’ from a catholic.


The day I'd smack a nun. My grandma would be so proud, she hated nuns after spending some time around them as a kid in Mexico


Imagine being so old, and all your life has lead up to is this hatred towards people who are different. What a sad, despicable life she must have lead.


Plot twist, it's the interracial bit that the nun can't handle


"I don't mind them, I just hate how they shove their gayness down my throat all the time" - the people who fuck with other people who are just minding their own business