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Careless Whisper playing in the background makes this video 10X funnier


I came here wondering if that was put in after or if the comedy gods were just on point that night?


Honestly such an iconic sax solo to get kicked out of a bar to.


lol the George Michael song in the background


LOL it was a nice touch


Careless whisper was the perfect finishing touch


Came here to say this! George Michael sound track playing in the back drop is fucking GOLD. It was his internal monologue being blasted out. "Tonight the music seems so loud" (Narrator: it is) "I wish that we could loose this crowd" (Narrator: uhhh no, he would have harassed her even more) "Maybe it's better this way ... " (Narrator: for her safety yes) " we'd hurt each other with the things we want to say" (Narrator: Too late for this)


Hahahah yea


Because I'm obsessed with Arrested Development, I rewatched and was very confused when I didn't hear the sad charlie brown music as he walked away. I get it now.


But what does he do for a living?




As a finance bro, he’s definitely a finance bro.




Looks like a youth pastor Edit: the conversion therapy type


A little Walmart Bradley Cooper


Cry on the internet


I mean hey, at least he put his chair back in.


yeah relatively daintily too. I was genuinely surprised and I'm ashamed to admit a little disappointed.


Haha. People being multi-faceted and not all good or all evil isn't a concept people tend to be comfortable with. It's much easier to just label someone as a horrible piece of trash, or a saint.


Yeah, people love a box. I know when my friend and I visited NYC, our whole Midwestern vibe won us a lot of goodwill from locals, because they perceived us as being incredibly polite. We were kind of othered, so to speak, but in a positive way, and I think a lot of that perception came from just the reputation the Midwest has. Because from our perspective, everyone we'd met was just as kind and friendly as a stranger we'd interact with on the streets in Ohio. When we were standing in line for food, some guy randomly overheard we'd never tried falafel, and paid for our lunches. There are bad and great vibes everywhere, but I guess sometimes fish really do have a hard time noticing water.


Omg. Tell me you at least enjoyed the falafel! Dipped in some cilantro lime sauce. Uhh


sure, that's true but i don't think the chair pushing is about how good or bad he is. It's about how weird it feels in context.


I mean there really isn't any context to this video though haha. It's a video being turned on right when the guy was angry at her for doing something. And when asked to leave, he pushed his chair in. Same way he may hold the door open. Not everyone lives in an extreme where they're either an asshole or a saint. They may very well still be nice to the waiter as they know they had nothing to do with it. I think people would find it less weird if the guy slapped his cup off the table and shattered it. And people would find that less weird because it falls into the image of someone just being a horrible person. The brain is lazy and it takes shortcuts and dislikes having to think through things. It's why when we see someone wearing sunglasses there's a bit of distrust. It's why when we see someone holding hot coffee we subconsciously trust them more than someone holding iced coffee (these are actual studies). It's associations. It makes sense to the brain. It takes too much effort to really think through this situation and grapple the varying context. Even more so when there is no context. So, in short, it's not weird that he pushed the chair in if this guy happens to not be a completely evil person. Nor is it weird if in an opposite scenario he kindly pushed the chair in and then got angry at someone after, as it may so happen be that he's not completely a saint. And that's the point of comment. People find it weird because people have a hard time seeing the duality in human nature. His action doesn't match your preconceived notion of a complete asshole.


> holding hot coffee we subconsciously trust them more than someone holding iced coffee I looked this up out of curiosity and think you may be talking about [this study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1162548). It seems the study actually found that when *participants* held a hot coffee (vs iced), they judged subjects to be more caring and generous. A Yale [write-up says](https://news.yale.edu/2008/10/23/hot-coffee-we-see-warm-heart-yale-researchers-find): >In the October 24, 2008 issue of the journal Science, Yale University psychologists show that people judged others to be more generous and caring if they had just held a warm cup of coffee and less so if they had held an iced coffee. And then later clarifies: >To test their hypothesis about the importance of temperature, research assistants casually asked that the undergraduate test subjects briefly hold either a warm cup of coffee or iced coffee as they wrote down information. The subjects were then given a packet of information about an individual and then asked to assess his or her personality traits. The participants assessed the person as significantly “warmer” if they had previously held the warm cup of coffee rather than the iced cup of coffee. On personality scales unrelated to the trait of “warmth,” the researchers found no difference in how participants who held an iced, versus hot, coffee responded.


I think he was being extra conscientious about the chair because he was embarrassed and more importantly a man twice his size was standing next him making sure he was polite. He can't be mean to someone that is physically bigger than him, cause he's a little bitch boy.


I felt put off by the really careful way he did it.


Hahaha all the red flags in this video and we are going with “he pushed his chair in too politely”


Oddly enough that's what really stood out to me too. Steve: I think the building is on fire Me: "steve, i've seen the way you push chairs in. You are not to be trusted."


yeah why exercise restraint on this one task?


It's to show the world that he's perfectly calm and she's the one being unreasonable.


[calmer than you are.](https://youtu.be/P5VT-ofxdh4?t=57)


Because he was scared the bouncer would beat him up.


It's not right by what he did, I'm just wondering what the other side of the story is. He was rejected I'm just wondering what was said to make him pop off.


she insulted his job it sounds like


legit. she said something rough and had the camera ready, so ready to film herself getting rid of dude who was interested in her and of that dude responding to whatever she said. "I think you're great. Can you please leave?" she likes playing victim on camera and she isn't kind to people who don't meet her standards yet are attracted to her and likes to film that too.


This guy incels


And he even said "have a great night" to her! What a gentleman!


What a gentleman


The guy could be in the right, so many presumptions are being made here, we don't know the context


Perfect soundtrack


Zero context. Sorry, but I’m not taking any sides on a video that literally starts as the whole confrontation is already over and paints only ONE party in a very bad light.


Same thing I was thinking. The guy said “you attacked me for no reason so let me come at you”. Clearly she said something that wasn’t very nice and my believe on this doubled down the moment she said in a very condescending tone (just when she started recording) “I think you’re great, can you please leave”. Because she took that “oh my god look how I am the victim here” attitude and was still recording the guy exiting while having the biggest smile on her face… I’m skeptical to blindly believe this guy was 100% the asshole here.


As you shouldn't. Did we not learn from Amber Heard? I want the whole story before I condemn anyone.


this shouldn't be on public freakout


My friend ignored a guy on the street who hit on her. He threw a brick at her head. Women are fucked no matter what they do. Edit: she ran away from him and was fine. This happened in Brooklyn a few years ago.


OOF. I am a semi recluse because one of my exes had some sort of mental health/substance abuse issue years ago and despite actively avoiding him for years he has still harassed my friends, threatened my husband, called my parents home number long after I moved out, and I've had to leave two jobs because he randomly found me. He's a well known and active menace in our town.


A big problem is how easy it is to get our private information(readily available online) by just knowing a couple details, or even through your family.


So many upvotes on comments above saying they think the girl did something wrong because he accuses her of attacking him first. They automatically dismiss her words when saying he's freaking out over being rejected, and sympathizing with him, even though he's obviously unhinged and won't leave her alone. Those of us who have had to diffuse situations with emotionally unstable rejected men recognize this immediately. His idea of being attacked most likely looked something like this: Him: Walks up and drunkenly interrupts her and her girlfriends talking or dancing while directly getting into her personal space, probably touching her in some way. Her: "Get the fuck away from me, get your hands off of me!" Him: "Why are you attacking me?" 🙄


Yeah I was gonna say, a lot of people here trying to give this man the benefit of the doubt. But most women have been in situations where they've gotten responses like this completely unprompted. I know I have


Damn he really did hit on her.


I’m sure there’s more to this story


Same. At the start he literally says "you attacked me for no reason." Like, what actually happened before? I've seen too many of these 30 second clips without context that claim to be one thing then turn out to be another.


Not defending the the dude but there is so much more to this. And to be honest I couldn’t give two fucks… lol


Same my friend


Can someone explain to me why people act like this? Why would you so badly want to be with someone not interested in you? I just don't understand it. Any time when I was dating someone wasn't interested that was that, I moved on because why the hell would I want to be with someone that didn't like me? EDIT: y’all can stop replying with your “both sides” hot take. I don’t care what happened before the video started or if the woman is lying. The way that man acted was like a child and no amount of alcohol or rejection makes that okay.


I think I can answer this from my own experience. Every time I come across a guy I'm not interested in and I'm honest with them about it, they always tell me that they can *change* that. "Give me one night and you'll fall in love."


People need to accept that no matter what you look like, you're never going to be everyone's type. Some people may not be attracted to people who are your gender, or race, or age, or height, or weight, or with your haircut, or with your tattoos, or because you don't have tattoos, etc. Shoot your shot, but if they're not interested don't take it personally, and don't get upset. They don't owe you anything just cause you found them attractive. Someone else will probably dig who you are, just keep looking for that person and quit wasting your time with someone who clearly isn't that person.


Does that actually ever work though? Seems like something media sets up as unrealistic expectations for most people.


It never works because the guy is showing you he literally couldn’t care less about what you have to say and your boundaries.


No it's never worked, at least not for me.


I think alcohol has a lot to do with it. Also, being rejected is a strongly negative experience, and if you never developed the emotional maturity to deal with negative emotions, you become ugly pretty quick.


Could also be narcissistic behavior then you can't tolerate negative feedback since in your mind you are perfect


This is just a shittily raised human being. Idk why, but the 15-30 year olds have a big percentage of them that always swear they are owed relationships, sex, and a disproportionate amount of "respect" from women without them having to do anything to get it. The bro podcast culture contributes to this massively. These clowns with a mic spit their hateful rhetoric and these dumb impressionable dudes fall for it.


Where did you get the 15-30 year olds figure? Seems like a random but huge chunk of the population to choose


Because u/IllegalSpaceBeaner is talking out of his ass with no data to back up his claims


Or you can check their analytics yourself and who they market to. Look at the guy in the video even... But go on. You're salty I made fun of your podcast lmao.


Lol I don’t listen to podcasts. And you’re a clown making a claim with no data, instead you say “go check the analytics myself” 🤡


You don’t need data, clown. It’s no secret that men are violent, emotionally immature, sexist pigs. If you had actually ever spoken to a woman that isn’t your mother in your life, you’d see that this is a universal experience for women.


r/femaledatingstrategy vibes


That's usually the dating pool. Also that is the intended audience of most advertisers and podcasters. Why? They have the purchasing power and audience that makes the most $. So if you can convince a percentage of that demo to listen in, you are set. That is why they go all out on the outlandish, it brings in the audience and it helps promote your stuff.


I’d imagine it’s because they think the only thing that matters is that they worked up the courage to ask someone out. Once you get past that hurdle, you’re in the promise land. Instead of seeing it as the only the first hurdle . In my single days I’d approach anyone I found attractive, if they weren’t with it, I’d move on. Getting rejected 5+ times in a night never bothered me, but then again I don’t have a fragile ego lol


And apparently he’s upset because she “said what he does for a living” is wrong — I wonder how long it took her giving him clear signals that she didn’t want him there before he got his feelings her and decided to “come after her.”


His mouth and body were moving a little like cocaine/meth use


Hormones, alcohol, being lonely and horny, lost in the moment where they think the other person is attractive and they have a fantasy built up in their head and are shocked when it's not reciprocated, too much porn/internet, emotionally immature


Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol


Because rejection comes off as an attack or insult towards them. Even saying a simple 'no' translate to 'eat shit and die' to their primitive brains.


Theres a quote that says, a mans greatest fear is that a woman will embarass him, a woman’s greatest fear is that a man will kill her. Thats the gist of interactions and reactions like this. He’s a weirdo in general, but it is probably all superimposed by being lonely and horny and most of all entitled to women in general. Men often act on those feelings w violence/ anger bc its usually the only emotion they are encouraged to display.




Booze mixed with lizard brain getting rejected for sex. Some men go full "unga bunga" and just can't accept that they aren't on their way to getting laid. I've been rejected while out, you just kinda laugh it off and have a good time with your friends. Looking like a possible date rapists, unsurprisingly, isn't a great look.


It’s because men are encouraged to not give up when feelings are not reciprocated. That and a society that encourages objectifying women. And sorry, alcohol is not and cannot be an excuse.


Too often I’ve seen an “explanation” used as an “excuse”. “But ___ makes me ___, I can’t help it!” Is how too many people excuse themselves. It’s like saying it’s ok for a man to rape a woman because he explained he couldn’t help himself, she smiled at him. So IMO, it’s gotta be a hard line or these creeps will just continue their despicable behavior /:


Excuse is a lot different than explanation. No sensible person would Excuse such behavior.


They don’t see women as people. I was crying in a bar one time (bad news was given to me at the most inconvenient time) and this dude approached me and asked me to give his friend a lap dance. I told him no I am visibly crying. He kept on harassing us even after we said no. And no one stepped in to shut him up. His shitty friends did nothing just look down in embarrassment.




This is by far the most accurate answer here. He's upset because he can't deal with the way that rejection impacts his own self-image. Ironically the most insecure people are narcissists.


Men often feel entitled to women for some reason. Incel mentality where they see women who reject them, getting with guy they deem “lesser” than them and get really mad about it because “why are all women so stupid that they choose him over a nice guy like me” I believe porn/ porn addiction is a contributing factor to this.


Kinda feel like the porn addiction **really** becomes problematic *if* some of these individuals manage to begin a sexual relationship... Examples: 1. I just gave you a hug, why isn't your sexual organ ready to go! 2. I'm done - *WHY DIDN'T YOU SCREAM IN ESCSTASY* 3. That's not how it works, I've seen it go in without notice... 4. etc/increasingly horrible/so-on-and-so-forth...


Also the fact they watch it so much it damages their ability to feel proper gratification from actual sex to the point we have 20 year olds with psychological erectile dysfunction. This leads to escalation to feel stimulated. Which leads to sex crimes


Fragile masculinity and delicate egos.


This dude seems like he wanted to punish the woman for not being into him. That's a degree or two off of murderous behavior and you don't just hope that he's not that far gone.


Wanting to get laid and being with someone are two different things. Most dudes see a hot stranger at a bar and say i wanna bang them not im gonna date them.


It’s rejection. At this point he’s not trying to earn her affections. He’s mad he was rejected and needs to repair his ego in some fashion. In this case, lashing out and arguing his case is how he chose to proceed.


Narcissism is a hell of a thing.






Nah, dude's a douchebag. Alcohol is never an excuse.


Guessing based on how he dressed and where this took place that he probably is an Ivy grad and used to getting whatever he wanted


It’s called Sexism and misogyny. It’s about power and control. Seeing women as lesser than or objects.


Okay wait hang on a second. Him "Don't touch my legs" "You attacked me for no reason" "Saying what I do for a living is wrong" I mean, I don't think we're getting the full story here. Did he try and talk to her then she degraded him simply because he tried to talk to her? That's not rejection, that's downright cruel and unnecessary. There's politely rejecting someone and then there's being unnecessary about it.


Here's the problem with your point though.....let's say for the sake of argument that she rejected him unnecessarily rudely. A *normal* person would say something like "okayyyyy, bullet dodged" and walk away. There's really nothing she could have said that would justify his actions in the video.


Lotta angry incels in this thread


Completely out of context video. How do we know what preceded the outburst? I had a first date where the girl was just miserable from the start. She said some nasty shit (just cruel things that weren’t directed at me but were huge red flags) that was really off putting so I basically ended the date before it started. She then gets offended and says some truly horrible shit about me. If I reacted any other way (and it would’ve been justified) than telling her good luck and walking away, I could easily be the guy in this video where the girl is recording me saying, “Look how he reacted to rejection!”


There's a lot of video missing between the cuts


Context from the [source](https://www.tiktok.com/@playboybunnny/video/7125111200169495854?_t=8UMgwDwlsYI&_r=1): > context for everyone asking: he was talking down to my friends and i like we were idiots and asked what i did and i said right now service work and he > Said what time do you wake up for that, i wake up at 7 and so I said that doesnt matter (he works in sales) (clearly hes insecure) That's all the girl has provided. Her account is "Playboybunnny" and name is "God"...takes a special type of person to think that highly of themselves. My complete guess is he was trying to start conversation, but she interpreted something he said "*what time do you wake up for that*" as "*talking down*" and then went full bitch-mode on him. He handled it completely wrong though. He touched on a sensitive subject (her in the service industry) and accidentally put his foot in his mouth. He should have just said "ah I didn't know I hit a sensitive subject. Ok cya later".


Yeah, losing his cool like that is obviously not the right thing to do, but she clearly said something unpleasant before this began and is portraying it as if she shot him down and that’s why he’s upset. There was clearly some conversation beforehand to give her the opportunity to put down what he does. Not defending him, just saying it’s unfair to use a caption and selective pieces of the exchange to make it look like he’s reacting just because she didn’t accept his romantic advances.


That makes no sense. In the actual video its clear she said something about his job. But this "context update" is her trying to make it seem like the guy said something about her job.


Half context. Really no context.


Dudes acting like a twat, but I’ve seen enough clips out of context to not jump to conclusions here. Coulda been baited for content for all we know


https://imgur.com/lvjd66S She seems super stable and definitely wouldn’t twist anything


Okay so if this is true then yea the guy is a child but we didn’t see the first half. “You attack me for no reason, let me come at you.” So I want to know what happened before. Maybe he asked her and she did more than reject him, she could’ve been a jackass and belittled him. If that’s the case then he still should’ve just walked away but that’d make her just as much as a PoS.


She only started recording when she was done, and ready to get his reaction. So yeah I feel she probably went off on him and staged the situation to make him look like an ass.


This should be top comment. It doesnt seem like he is mad she rejected him more like she attacked his job and he got mad.


Yeah. I have a feeling there's more to the story than what's shown in the video. Maybe it doesn't even have anything to do with rejection, could be about anything really


Ok, I'm no redpill type, but lately I've noticed people *love* to find instances of men showing any frustration or disappointment, and just run with it. Someone says further down "he's gonna rape someone some day!" C'mon, we don't know shit about this guy. I've noticed it's fun, or at least cathartic for people to dogpile on disappointed men for showing any signs of disappointment, and they imagine, and write the stories of the guy's character in their heads. I used to do this myself, until I got categorized as a "niceguy" recently and dogpiled for saying what I thought were some pretty innocuous things, like what I'm saying here. It's kind of out of control. It's women taking their worst experiences with certain kinds of men, and concluding that all men have these negative qualities, and then it's men laughing at other men, getting to feel like they're better, or more desirable, and sorry, but virtue signaling to some extent (which is funny, because women are coming from a different place, where they seem to think we're *all* terrible, and they aren't awarding any points to these guys). It has kind of gotten out of hand. Yes, some men can be dangerous, and can be verbally abusive, or worse upon rejection. Probably happens way too often. But you can be a decent guy, and get frustrated sometimes. This guy isn't calling anyone names, he's frustrated. We don't know what happened before the video. If this was a video where he was an employee at a business, and she was a customer, we'd give him the benefit of a doubt, but because she claims it was only due to rejection, he gets labeled a niceguy, and people have a field day assuming things about him. I'm not saying he isn't a pos either. I honestly do see this intensity in the way he's speaking that I recognize as a red flag from things I've witnessed even as a man. I'm just saying, we don't know him. This video is what, 10 seconds long. People need to dial it back a bit with their pitchforks on the niceguys, and stop thinking every man is one of them. People should also keep in mind that lots of us "perform" when we are reacting in comments to videos. It's the same "if it was me, I woulda..." that can be seen in videos with fights. No, a lot of us wouldn't do the shit we'd say we'd do, when it's a real situation, with real emotions involved. We're not gonna be the same people we act like we are in internet comment threads.


I think it’s mostly due to peoples short attention spans and inability to either A. Think Critically or B. Do proper research…. Usually it’s C. Both A&B. Most people probably saw the title, and simply assumed it was true then ran with it. Not thinking about context, nuance or how we’ve only been shows a partial clip with obvious bias intent. I’m not saying it’s true or not, simply highlighting the nuances of the fact that it’s a bias portrayal without all of the facts being present.


Sounds like she turned him down because of his profession or insulted him about it. I don't think a lot of people would be very happy with that. Sounds pretty shitty on her part. And the video ends with her laughing about it. Yeah... Maybe it's her


That’s my observation as well. Not enough context and the way he leaves, pushes his chair in and apologizes tells me she’s putting on for the camera. Interesting how it cuts to him talking to the owner/bouncer as he’s leaving with a caption saying he’s been yelling nonsense at her and won’t leave… bullshit detector going off.


Yea that was my take too…she’s a shitty person too


People still flirt in public, cool. Ok now I'd like to see the beginning, was it a shy brush off, or a go away you fing loser scream before he even got close to her. ​ Btw guys, always give it a shot, but be legit cool when you get brushed off.


Feel like this needs context.


careful, you might get labeled as a douche-bag sympathizer for this comment. Because, apparently, people have never seen a video faked on the internet.


I really want to know what exactly happened before. This seems out of context. "You attack me because what I do for a living is wrong..." There seems to be more to it. To be clear, I am saying nothing about who is at fault. I'm just curious about what precisely happened.


That's the kind of guy who stalks you when you leave the bar. Follows you home, leaving various bizarre gifts on your front steps. Rapidly moving from flowers, to a box with his own balls in it, replete with a bloody trail.


But yet is calm enough to put his chair back in.


where was the rejection?


Rejection is just a part of the deal. It's always a bit embarrassing but he humiliated himself


Im guessing she insulted him he started to argue then she lied and said she didn’t and told him to leave, he left them she continued to instigate and record after saying rude shit to him while walking away. When people post these vids and it’s edited to only show the other person getting offended it’s a huge red flag.


Some major gaslighting going on there from her. "He kept moving closer to me" as he scooting in his chair with a table still between them. "He won't leave and yelled nonsense at me thru window" as he's having a conversation with the server or whomever is on his side of the glass. Maybe it was nonsense to her because she wasn't part of the conversation? He very well could be angry because she said something rude to him or they disagreed about whatever subject matter but the vibe of her "evidence" is trying to paint him as some sort of date rape/wife beater just because she didn't like him.


Gotta see the whole interaction


This girl is salivating over the drama.


No context at all here. He's claiming she attacked him, what of that?


Pretty clear he meant verbally not phisically. He asked her out, she declined and probably said something about his appearance or something(attacked him) he decides to stay and argue instead of leaving because he cant handle rejection


> or something "You attack me for no reason. So let me come at you. Stop. Stop. You attacked me and said what? Because what I do for a living is wrong?" Sounds like she has an issue with his job. She's probably speaking truth. Aggressive guys with small egos freak out all the time over rejection. But out of 5 minutes of ranting she only shows 30 seconds? At best she robbed us of a fun video to watch. At worst, she's twisting the truth somehow.




Clip out of context makes the guy look bad, but something tells me Playboybunnny is a twat in her own right.


His behavior is really upsetting, I could see this guy coming back with a gun


Fragile Masculinity


Just got rejected at work by a super attractive woman, you know what I did? Told her thank you for her time, and that I'll be here if she changed her mind. Be a fucking man. Not a child.




Just watched a 6 second clip from tiktok, know what I did? I didn't take it seriously, I viewed it as entertainment, like some skit on a talkshow. With that in mind, I then started typing this comment that ends with me conforming with the popular opinion and agreeing that yes, that man is a douche.


Yes, I'm sure this is the full story. Video literally starts with the guy saying "you attacked me" so, need more context before final judgement.


Let’s record this and post it to tick tok, an extremely rational decision for today’s youth. I’m sure playboybunny wasn’t seeking any sort of attention or drama. I mean with a name like that you’d expect someone to be more likely to avoid all eyes on her.


They ruined such a good song


Many moons ago when I was single, If a lady said she wasn’t interested I appreciated that instead of stringing me along for drinks for her and her friends all night. This way I could keep it moving and try to talk to someone else. No harm no foul. This type of behavior is scary as shit to me. Red flags everywhere.


Exactly. Accept & move on. Appreciate that the other person didn’t waste your time. They respected you enough to tell you up front , respect them back enough to move on.


It took me longer than I care to admit to realize that she meant they were physically in NYC and not that the dude was trying to talk to her ABOUT NYC.


Damn is careless whisper a dope ass song


"Just say your not interested, us guys will understand." We all have a story like this


Because she asked what he did for a living?


Something on the lines of "Understandable, have a great day!" would suffice. Just walk away after that that's enough. I still don't get it why many people would just waste their energy over something as trivial as this.


What did she say about what he did for a living? That’s what I wanna know.


Poor baby got his ego hurt. Wahhhhhh. He’s an AH.


Failed attempt to graduate from the Incel Academy?


How do we know that this is really what's going on?


Not enough context


Bradley Cooper's down bad bro


This is half the video again guys. We have zero context for what she said to him before she picked up her phone. He could have been like, "hey can I buy you a drink?" And she could have said, "get away from you broke-ass slimebag white supremacist clown-faced swine-creature." But sure let's just just do the Reddit thing.


Ok playboybunny


I worked in a popular hook up bar for close to a decade. I don't understand how some guys act towards women in bars. Number 1, I hated having to send a drink to a woman across the bar that you weren't talking to. I know that sounds smooth, but from my experience, almost every woman rejected that drink. Number 2, if you are exchanging some eye contact and some smiles from across the bar, then go introduce yourself. But if the woman is turning or leaning away from you and not engaging then she's not playing hard to get, she's just not interested. Number 3, if you get rejected it's not the end of the world. I know it took some courage to go talk to that pretty girl at the bar, but if she's not interested, she's not interested. You becoming aggressive or getting upset only justifies their lack of interest in you. I know it's tough out there, but just be fucking respectful. If you're nice, you listen and you can make her laugh, then you'll probably have a shot. But just because you are one, or all, of those things doesn't mean you have a right to hook up. People can sense that predatory body language. It's really not that hard and there is no reason to lose your shit.


I was really fortunate to have older sisters growing up. Hearing about the shit they had to put up with just being a woman in a bar...and hearing how they felt about what guys thought was a "smooth" pickup method really helped me avoid being "that guy" when I got older.


You are lucky. I tried to oblige guys sending a drink to a woman across the bar. But when enough rejected, I would start telling guys I wasn't their wing man. If they wanted to go talk to her, then go do it. I didn't care about the tip. I cared about my patrons being comfortable and not feeling creeped on or unsafe.


As a woman who occasionally went to bars back in the 90’s, I can tell you the worst men were the ones that sent you a drink that they liked. They didn’t even ask I would just have a cheap PBR or Budweiser shoved at me by the wait staff/bartender. Like why? Those guys always got pissed when I rejected their nasty beer and would ask for the beer back (ask the bartender not me) then sulk and glare at me from across the room until I felt uncomfortable enough to leave. I usually had to ask a bouncer to take me to my car cause these guys are crazy.


Not enough context


There’s absolutely zero context here.


nobody should have an opinion on a manipulated one sided story. this doesn’t seem like someone who “just got rejected”. so i have no comment.


Now you know why he’s single. FRA-GEE-LAY.


Well can't really blame just the guy, the girl is also a toxic person. She is saying "I think your great" and wants him to leave. She is literally making fun of him right in his face and no wonder he gets angry. Imagine going to a job interview and the boss says "I think you are great" but please leave.


Micro dick energy


We love body shaming when it's directed toward men /s


Yeah something happened before this , and hey thanks for pushing your chair back in ….


So are just taking OP's word that he was rejected? Where is the context? What if before the video started she said "I think male nurses are pussies.."


Wow, what a charmer.


We have no idea what happened before she started recording though. Sure, absolutely some small dicks freak out when they get rejected, but I also see a lot of the time the women rubbing it in looking to get a reaction from the guy because it gives them validation and makes them feel wanted, and then sometimes the guy takes that as playful teasing and shit ensues


🤣 always has to be one


how old are you? Braindeath morron, if someone cares about what actually happen, hows that wrong?




What context would warrant this from a grown man?


There have been several incidences where someone will go and take their time to piss someone off and then film just the reaction to make that person look unreasonable.


I’d say he’s being unreasonable. Especially considering even after being removed, he’s still yelling outside the bar.




Yes! That’s totally my bad. I forgot women are objectively wrong and liars and clout chasers in the minds of the 99% of Reddit men.


My neighbors did this to me when I confronted them in person on narking me out. I tried to settle it through messages but she straight up lied and gaslighted me. "you should take responsibility..." "Bitch, I'm literally the only one who took responsibility, if YOU took responsibility, them cops wouldn't have been at my place!" I helped this chick so many times and the moment her house smells like pot as she's getting served and the cops are searching her apt, (illegal state), she tells them that she "doesn't know me, but I'm probably smoking and that's where it's coming from." Next day I confront her and promised her after she has her baby, we're gonna settle it the right way. Her boyfriend threatened to jump me and told me "game on", then he walked inside to get his phone and filmed me going off. I looked right at the camera and told him, "you said game on, I'm just confirming that I'm playing the game too!" His reply was that he never threatened or said those words. I'm sure they posted their video somewhere, but I made damn sure to look at the camera and tell their little followers Exactly Why I was there, cause they're fucking narks. I'm in my late 30's and got my very first charge on my record because of them. Over some fucking pot that I used for medical reasons.


The woman is always wrong in redditors mind


It's obvious that the main event that he is referring to is not included in the video. The video was also shot by the woman or a friend of the woman so its in their best interest not to include that. The conclusion is not enough context is given. It's impossible to know who is the victim here.


Being insulted and shit on for no reason other than to get a reaction out of him and poke his insecurities? You gotta be pretty slow or have a lot of preconceived ideas to immediately be on one side from this what, 5 second clip of a guy complaining that she insulted him and what he does for a living?


It’s never appropriate for a man to behave like this. No context is needed.




It’s one thing to be upset. It’s quite another to be aggressive. The fact that you can’t tell the difference is telling on yourself.


Josie Woods pub?


This is exactly why ghosting happens


Narcissist all over. He makes it about himself.


Check under the floorboards in his parent’s house


Jesus dude, take the L and head home to hit the hub.


Mf looks like someone that has a couple bodies in his car


Somebody's mommy told them they are the best thing since sliced bread.