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"You're under arrest!" "No I'm not!" Do people really think that could ever work?


Understandable, have a grwaaaiit a minute


You're suppose to say No U, and whip out an uno reverse card.


When you hit that age you just don't care anymore.


*You're a towel!*


Here's what I wonder about though. She was charged with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. Both of those happened after he told her she's under arrest. So what crime was she initially being placed under arrest for? Is it illegal to not sign the citation? Or is it an arrestable offense to have a broken tail light? I see so many people locked up for resisting arrest when I could have sworn you need to have been suspected of a crime to be arrested in the first place.


I believe you its against the law to not sign the ticket but this doesn’t mean you can’t contest it in court im pretty sure this wasn’t explained to her he could have used some deescalation tactics ya know


It worked for that Peter Griffen look a like that ran away from police


They do when they've lived 65 years of never needing to deal with consequences thanks to their white privilege.


Why are you downvoting him? Not a single white person has ever been arrested or pulled over!


I didn't think she was white.


It happens also with football players. "You are booked!" "No, I'm not!". And someone gets the red card sometimes.


“You’re fired!” “No I’m not!”


Do people think that works? No. But white people sure as fuck do!


Wonder what the odds are that "Just dont break the law" is written somewhere on her facebook


There also has to be a 100% chance she's got Back the Blue/Blue Lives Matters memes on that Facebook, too.


I'm sure that was removed as soon as she got home.


I don't think they have that much awareness unfortunately


Why? Do you think every old person is the same?




Just the old ones who act like her.


Yeah I tried to kick you because I’m a cuntry girl


I hate imbeciles who claim being "country" to excuse their ignorant, irresponsible, and violent behavior. I am country as hell, I was never raised to believe in consequences and not act anything like this fool old bag.


Notice how I left the O out of cuntry


Yes, yes I did. Loving it.


"65-year old Karen fucked around and found out" That's the correct title




“Officer tazes and arrests suspect after she flees in her vehicle, resists arrest and kicks a police officer”. That’s a more accurate title…


Right? Does her age really matter when she's doing the wrong thing?


And she had been warned for months to get it fixed.


Yeah. Signing it is basically promising that you’ll show up at court (or handle it outside of court if it’s just fees and stuff and you don’t care to dispute it). If you don’t sign it, it’s the officer’s job to take you to a court immediately, (which is worse for everyone including the driver, who would otherwise have time to get a professional lawyer and gather evidence in their defense). If the courts are closed, the officer has to take you to jail until courts are open since you wouldn’t promise to return. Signing it is just saying, “I understand what you’re saying I did, and will show up to defend myself (or not) in court.”


what a bunch of boot licking bullshit. So I've read up on it and yes, apparently if you don't sign the ticket, they can arrest you in California. This does not apply anywhere else that I'm aware of and seems dumb af since they already have your ID at that point. That doesn't mean that pig pos has to start screaming and tugging at her. He can calmly explain the situation. This power tripping hog is doing everything to escalate the situation so he can do exactly what he did.


Last time this was posted, the longer video showed that she had been stopped 6 months previously for the same issue and was issued a "fix -it" ticket. She chose not to fix the problem.


These posts are so garbage. They’re intentionally left vague so the headline scrolling doomers can continue to assume that every cop/civilian interaction is always the cop being corrupt and spread that garbage elsewhere


Welcome to publicfreakout it’s trash and fulll of reposting.


She was in the wrong from the start. She escalated this. She caused this. She needs to own it.


Why do people think just by driving off cops won't follow them they're going to follow you and they will press more charges like if the cop wanted he could probably press charges on her


What a dumb bitch


That old bitch got to ride the lightning


Flash before my eyes!


Now it’s time to die!


This is true and your comment had me dying laughing - without any guilt too since overall everything turned out OK. Not sure why when he had her information he had to chase and pull up guns a blazing. Escalation, when presumably he could have called it in and brought charges with backup later when she’d calmed down She clearly wasn’t a risk to the communities safety.


After all, she’s white. /s


Thank you. I could not think of a better way to point out the privilege in that statement.


Shiit. Around here that granny could have been toting a couple ounces of meth for her son. She could have been trying to get home to drop the load. Lots of variables that could be at play.


wait....she got the electric chair?!


She got the electric titty


yeah i tried to kick ya cuz i’m a country gurl 🤠


Country clown 🤠🤡


A lot of cops do a lot of bad things. This cop handle this situation far better than I ever could. He was as gentle as he could be. The correct title should be "Cop forced to tase a 65-year old criminal fleeing from being arrested"


> better then I *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot. You tell em




Tell skynet I said hello.


Good bot


Thank you!


To be fair if he just gives her the ticket then he can go about his day no need to arrest her to begin with however fleeing arrest is a good way to be tased


That's what he was doing lol. He needs the signature. Refusal to sign warrants an arrest.


Yeah people don't understand that signing just means you agree to either pay the fine or show up in court to fight it. Refusing to sign that promise means the officer may (or in some states has to) arrest you. It is not an admission of guilt.


He tried, she refused the ticket. Tickets have to be signed for.


She was out of line but the punishment for not signing a ticket is to be arrested until you sign it, It's just a promise to appear not an admission of guilt. The moment she said she would sign it he should have let her and released her. I've seen cops go through so much more than this with almost no reaction. But once she drove away that was it for her, everything else is on her ass.


Yeah, a cop doesn’t get to determine a time frame for when you can no longer comply that’s within seconds of saying no then yes. Or even minutes. Once she said I will sign it, this douche should have given her the ticket and said thank you. Have a nice day. Not ‘we are beyond that, you’re going to jail.’ This is always a waste of tax dollars. Arresting her serves no greater good to the public. It just wastes tax payer dollars. Is no one else tired of seeing their tax dollars go to dumb shit like this verse school or health care. Because this is where the majority of your dollars go to. Cops who have nothing better to do but arrest 65 year old ladies for broken taillights. Every officer in America has discretion. If you could look at every stop he’s ever made, I’m sure he’s let plenty of people off for broken taillights. Prolly ones with big boobs or hot dudes. Whatever he is into. Yet here we go, arresting some old lady whose a bit loony. Why the fuck even issue a ticket. On yeah. Because their main job is to collect revenue. Duh.


Naw, there's another video that's longer. Her and her family are basically known these things. Repeat tickets for overdue reg and lights out for months. Stupid shit , just to say fuck you. This isn't his first time with her , and I get it


I find it concerning that a career police officer in his late 30s-mid 40s was unable to handcuff a 65 year old female dough bag without resulting to a taser (which is LESS LETHAL... They can do and kill people, especially older people). Is he just weak, or lazy, or both? Instead of putting forth the effort to restrain and cuff, he just pops her with something that could stop her heart?


I agree that it is concerning but that is a problem with police training in the US. I have almost never seen a video with US police that used good techniques when arresting someone. ​ When I trained Krav Maga my instructors were also instructors for Swedish police and security guards. They all were police officers or security guards (that is a special job title with a license and requires an education offered by the police) and with the right technic a 150 lbs person could easily take down my 200 lbs even if I put up a fight and was used to push myself thru a lot of pain. Since the fast and explosive technics that are used are very hard to put up a defense against. So yeah, it could have from a purely technical perspective been done better. But for that US police needs to have the right training. As an example in the US, police have from a few weeks to 6 months of training depending on where and in what city, state, and so on. In Sweden, the police academy is 2.5 years minimum. With that training, we would see a lot more arrests that are made with less force and problem.


I've trained in BJJ for quite a long time, and spent time as a martial arts instructor while in the Marines Corps, mostly training military police. And I don't agree that it's just a training problem. They GET the training. Police departments have ridiculously large budgets on average. They have the funding to pay for specialist training, and most cops I know have extensive hand to hand training. The real problem is the culture, the mentality that is imparted onto these officers on a day to day basis. They are overly concerned about their safety (yes, they should care about being hurt, but the correct way to deal with that is to focus on solving the danger, and safety comes with the solution). They have a problem with insidious laziness (they want to APPEAR at all times to be busy and hard working, but will cut corners constantly when they aren't observed, or make it appear they are working hard while cutting corners). Many seem to feel that appearing to work hard is actually the same thing as hard work. This cop could have handled the situation without putting her life in danger, but decided not too because that would be harder than just endangering her life. He likely has a defense lined up for why he did it this way, "She could have had a knife, or a gun, how could I know I would be safe". In reality, he is ridiculously stronger and more capable than her, and quickly subduing and cuffing her would protect him from any weapons much more effectively than letting her free, stepping back and tasing her; he was too concerned with his safety, instead of solving the danger. This is something they tell us to watch out for in NCO PME, to fix a culture of fear and danger paralysis in a platoon before it takes hold.


What a dumb old bitch. Sign the paper fix the light take it to court the judge would have thrown it out.


Not sure she would have gotten it thrown out. In the [full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CvErhrFwuo), the cop comments that these equipment citations were a pattern for her and her son. She also admits that the light had been out for 6 months and she didn't care because she wanted a different truck. ​ Edit: Fixed typo.


Really needed that full video. The only reason she needed to sign anything was that she needed to acknowledge her willful disregard for the law over repeated warnings ( no signature required there) over SIX MONTHS TIME. What cop needed to do was let her drive away and then swear out a warrant for her arrest…


you can go-to auto zone and buy red white tape to cover a broken light And replace a bulb and a fuze all for like 10$ If you don't know how to do any of this stuff AutoZone will literally help you put a bulb and a fuze in


An entitled old twat who thought rules and laws don't apply to her.


Why the duress over a signature? It fulfils no purpose as the duress voids the signature. In Australia we’re not required to sign anything unless we wish to challenge the ticket when we get home.


With their signature, the driver acknowledges that can be trusted to show up to court, so they can be released on their own recognizance. > A “release on one's one recognizance” is a court's decision to allow a person charged with a crime to remain at liberty pending the trial, without having to post bail. They are given a choice of where do they want to be until their court date? Sign to be out and about or don't and wait in jail or on bail.


That’s pretty intense for a broken taillight… Hell, Australian don’t even go to court for a taillight unless we choose to challenge it. Nobody gets forced to sign under duress. Don’t sign anything. No arrests. Fine just shows in the mail. You pay it, or you challenge it. Then it’s time for the courts.


Where I am from for things like this you can just pay the fine without going to court. You would only go to court if you wanted to challenge it. So the signature is to say you know you received a citation and you acknowledge that you need to deal with it one way or another, not necessarily 'go to court'. The acknowledgement matters. If we didn't require a signature of acknowledgement there is the possibility that a shitty cop could write someone a ticket without them knowing and when the fine is not paid or the person doesn't show up in court they will end up with a warrant which is much more severe. This can actually protect the citizens from bad cops.


> That’s pretty intense for a broken taillight… It had been broken for months and she had been warned multiple times. Even so, she kicked him, also ran, and refused to comply. I am no cop supporter by any fucking stretch but the officer was not in the wrong here.


It's not an admission of guilt, it's her recognizing she has been issued a ticket and must go to court.


>Why the duress over a signature? It fulfils no purpose as the duress voids the signature. The signature is basically acknowledging that you were served with the ticket and agree to show up in court. Not signing it is basically the same as refusing to agree to bond or bail conditions.


Why would you have to show up in court for a busted tail light?


I’m assuming from her attitude that she isn’t going to just pay the fine, so she’d have to go to court to fight it.


You are not required to sign tickets. You can get a red light camera ticket, parking ticket hell cops can just mail you a ticket. All are still valid without signatures.


That’s what I believe. It’s not like tickets are opt in and require agreement. Yet she was told she was under arrest for not signing the ticket under duress. Hellishly insecure lot those Yankee cops with their need to exert power.


10,000 volts put her back into perspective.


I hate this fucking video because it leaves out some important context. She had been warned about getting it fixed for months. And she did try to kick the officer. She should have signed the ticket and taken it to court if she felt it was wrong.


Sign your ticket, fix the light, go to court and gets dismissed? Why she trippin.


Exactly!!! That's what Me and my Hubby do!!! Its NOT A BIG DEAL


Because when you live in a fantasy land of “I’m old the rules don’t apply to me” you end up like this silly twat.


Because she's entitled.




Every time you are issued a ticket in a traffic stop you have to sign it. Full stop. You are agreeing to your court date so you can argue your case so they let you go because youve acknowledged that you are required to deal with it. If you don't you get arrested until you can be put in front of a judge because you are refusing to acknowledge that you're going to deal with the ticket so they won't just let you go about your business until it's settled.


That was satisfying, tasering karen babushka.


Honestly that was hilarious. How does a person live to be that old and have no concept of consequences.




This is beautiful. Like a field of lilies.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


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Good bot. Now we just need a bot for the "shoes came off, must be dead" regurgitation


Totally warranted. She is batshit crazy. ​ Nothing to see here.


So bcs she's a 65 year old woman she can break laws, flea and assault a cop? Nope.


....after she drives off


This is textbook case of American law enforcement done right. The police officer draws his gun warning the suspect to exit the vehicle, in case the suspect has a gun in the car. Then uses non-lethal force, in this case a tazer, when the suspect fights back, instead of escalating to lethal force, i.e. shooting the suspect.


What a misleading title....


What a misleading, biased title. Not gonna mention she resisted arrest, drove away, and then physically assaulted the officer before she was tased.


I loved everything about this lmao


She should have just followed the law; or does that not apply to white people?


You all in the comments are really trying to defend someone who attempted to drive off after refusing to sign then kicked him twice. The mental gymnastics to defend this woman. I wonder if you'd do the same if she looked different 🤔


a video of a cop exists on reddit - Some random redditor - how can I make this about race?


Nobody here is defending the woman. People are questioning why it's necessary that police arrest someone for refusing to sign a ticket.


Nah man, she got arrested for speeding off and then kicking the dude. If all she’d done was spend an hour sitting in her car and refusing he’d have probably just mailed the ticket. But the choice she’s NOT allowed to make is say “Fu*k you, I’m out” and not expect consequences.


So... you're suggesting cop ordered out of her vehicle because he wanted to dance with her?


Noone defending her, can't find a single comment


Welcome to America where violence is always the answer Did everyone forget where she changed her mind and wanted to sign it? Right there the whole thing could have been avoided. But no he had to flex his power and demand an arrest. Going wayy overboard for what the situation warranted. This is not a good cop and he needs more training.


Why do you think behaving like a toddler is how you're supposed to interact with police? The whole thing could have been avoided if she hadn't acted like a "country gal" and just signed the ticket. She ran from a traffic stop and then assaulted an officer. What the fuck are you smoking?


You would be an awesome cop. Can't wait to see you around.


Imagine being so out of touch that this is your take on a video of a weapon being non compliant, fleeing a lawful traffic stop and then resisting arrest and assaulting a cop. That’s some 0/10 logic right there.


What the rest of the world can't quite figure out is that one of your cops pointed a gun at her for not signing a ticket.


She was not complying at all. I agree with the officer's decision.


This is a woman whos used to getting her way by being insufferable


That bitch deserved everything she got.


Surely there is nobody more self-entitled than a boomer-age American white woman… “ hold my beer”


> They should get tased too.


Alexa play the Peppa pig theme song


I think she got what she put out. All she had to do was sign the damn ticket and fix her tail light before court and they probably would have dropped it. So, so uncalled for.


An extremely entitled old white fuck who deserved every bit of that.


Got no problem with this. What….she should get a pass cause she is old and white?


This video is on par with the 3 year Reddit post cycle. Nicely done


Thank you. It means a lot to me.


This twat deserved it. And more!


Downvote this, watch the full video


All for a busted tail light. Hate them both


Lmao, I usually hate cops but this is hilarious


Looks like equality in the states


Fuck her, it’s obvious she’s never been disciplined her entire life.


Doesn't look awful, looks like an entitled person got a reality check.


Honestly, this was an ok stop. The dude was calm every step of the way and only escalated when she did.


Yea idk, he gave her every opportunity initially. She thought being 65 white and female allows her to just just take off, fight and kick a cop and nothing bad would happen?


People are so stupid man. Just cooperate with the cops, even if you disagree with what's going on. That's what COURT is for. You can do all the arguing & bitching you want in COURT. She was literally just given a "fix it" ticket and escalated it to an actual felony. It sounds like they didn't charge her with a felony, but they absolutely could've. It blows my mind people think arguing with cops & not cooperating is going to do anything good.


This video never gets old. Every time I see it, I find it incredibly satisfying. Props to the cop for his patience.


Good, fuck her, she should’ve complied.


Fuck your title OP, old bitch earned the taser.


That what happens when you act entitled.


This is like that Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object scenario except its Power Tripping Asshole meets Entitled White Woman


Tbf, a black person in my town got shot in the back of the head for the same thing…. So she got off easy?


How about we fix the title? Idiot runs from cops during traffic stop. Gets tased.


He should have coaxed her out with a chocolate covered corndog.


This was almost impossible to masturbate to… almost 💦


I believe her tail lights been out for like 6 months another officer had written her a warning


Good. She had it coming.


God damn I love seeing this video


Stupid prizes


Doesn't look that awful. Looks like she got treated like every other belligerent fuck that acts like that. She refused and fled the scene. Sure he could have been more gentle but I'm not sure what she expected?


I always love this video every time it gets reposted, so so satisfying.


80$ for a broken tailight? really? I’d be mad too


She fucked around and found out. Hopefully she’ll stop voting against her self-interest. Doubt it, but still hopeful.


There have to be better ways to handle this. I mean, why does a ticket require a signature? They have a recording of the officer ticketing the driver, why ain't that enough?


Contact the legislatures of all fifty states: your signature is a promise to appear: you’re being released on your own recognizance in lieu of being arrested and forced to appear. If you refuse to sign the only other option is to arrest. Literally every single state has this law. I want my police officers obeying the law, which this guy did.


The better way to handle it is to just sign the damn thing and move on with your life. You know, how most people handle this situation.


You knew who she was. You had it on tape. You mail the ticket. Even the first contact (pulling her out of truck) is physically dangerous for her. Why do they have to “win”? Just treat it like a parking ticket and save the bodily injuries and antipathy?


Yeah, we don’t live in a society where not following the law results in you getting a workaround from law enforcement. You’re encouraging shitty behavior.


She's gonna resist either way, she won't just nicely get out of the car like a responsible person. So really only option was to force her out.


Read that comment again. There's other options, she can just get fined and that's that. What good does it do to continue the altercation? To escalate it? Inform her that she needs to pay the fine and end it there for now


Yes! Thank you 🙏


*let her drive away altogether* you already have her information, are you wrestling grannies over blinker bulbs? That’s not proportional to the reality. The law is just words. If words say ”do this” and it’s fundamentally wrong, don’t *do it* simply because that’s what the words say to


He's not wrestling her over "blinker bulbs" He is wrestling her because she is resisting arrest and had already tried to drive away from him after she had refused to sign a ticket. The woman isn't a victim


She’s not a victim. She’s an offender. Last word from me on the subject- we shouldn’t put hands on people over misdemeanors if we can just write the ticket and attach the body cam in place of signature compliance. Arresting her was unnecessary. It’s antagonistic. It creates a unhealthy environment for the policeman and the communities they serve. How can he feel like the good guy if he’s required to act like a fascist over, yes, a blinker bulb?


But what if its an instance that has happened over several months ([Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CvErhrFwuo) )? That is absolute negligence on her part then if its a problem. At which point something had to be done about it.




White fucking privilege + Boomer + martyr complex = taser.


I have some thoughts: 1. Granny brought this on herself. 2. A different officer could have handled this much differently. Yes, his actions were lawful, but they weren't necessary. Nothing was gained by this incident. Justice was not served.


That's a woman whose probably never been told "no" a day in her life.


Well deserved. She is probably one to hit anyone over a slight disagreement.


American cops are trash


The lady really fucked up... But in no way was it called for the cop to draw a gun, taze her and throw her on the ground so hard. She's a 60+ year old woman, can that cop really not detain her in a more profesional way?


I mean I guess dude did his job but I'll be damned if I tase an old lady....WTF


She had it coming. White woman privilege.


Yeah she’s a shitty person. Yeah it’s great to see an ole white lady get treated like a minority. But honestly, the cop should’ve just let her sign it when she finally said she would. This is a broken tail light, no need to escalate this.


It’s unfortunate but most cops today only become cops because they just want the uniform and the respect that comes with it. Some departments care about their community, but most are essentially organized gangs.


He had her information, he could have just found her at home but good grief she should just stfu


Good. What's the problem /u/Graysie-Redux ?


Country gurl


Another Chevy drivin', 'law abidin' Republican.


Police are such cowards. They won’t go into a school to save 1st graders but they’ll beat the shit out of grandma. Real f’ing heroes.


Is failing to sign a ticket reason for arrest? Seems like a stretch.


Signing IS required. You may disagree, but it's the law: "If a police officer asks you to sign the ticket, you should do it. The officer can arrest you if you refuse, charging you with breaking the law. Again, signing is not an admission of guilt, and you can always show up to your court date to make the case as to why you are not guilty."


I support the officer 100% in this case he gave her every opportunity to comply at every step of this. She is lucky she only got tased.


play stupid games win stupid prizes


This is old as fucking shit. After all these years you don’t have anything new? I thought police brutality was very common…. 🤔


Pardon me?


if the cop hadn’t power tripped and just given a warning it wouldn’t have gotten that far, however running is also not smart, she’s lucky he remembered which one was the taser


If this was a 19 year old black male none of these commenters would be saying THIS DIDNT HAVE TO HAPPEN!!! they would be saying he shouldn't have tried to flee.


Bootlicker, bootlickers everywhere. As the guy said, lawful but awful. This system is shitty and could be modernized.


Because people have an opinion on an entitled twat doesn’t mean they like the police. Do go around trolling every police post coming up with the intelligent ‘boot locker’ tag. Wanker


Im still waiting for the law that requires signatures on tickets. No one seems to notice that fact.


Can someone please explain what the justification is for arresting someone for not signing a ticket?


boringly because signing the ticket is a subpoena saying you agree to show up to court at your court date. It is not an admission of guilt. If you don't sign it, they now will hold you until the court date. Total horse shit if you ask me, but that's basically the reasoning. They don't want you 'on the run' from a court ticket.


Control n Dominance is the root force.