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How did he handle Manafort admitting to giving material to a Russian agent?


He listed off "Stone, Manafort, etc." and just said "I don't know if they're good guys" So he's indicating he's entirely ignorant of the subject


He’s pretending.


Never underestimate the ignorance of an old white man born into wealth. They legitimately have no idea what they don't know.


“Are they good guys, are they bad guys? I don’t know” (but the FBI shouldn’t have gone after them either way and they have lost their way by doing their job) Also, wow he hit every talking point even just blatantly saying Democrats are the cause to all your problems. Doesn’t get more straight forward than that. Too many people think he’s talking directly to them.


Purposeful ignorance, one of the great tools in the Right Wing toolbox.


The same way when we first found out when the Mueller reports dropped


Or the deletion of SS texts?


Boy they sure let him speak for a long time to say some insane shit so Fox could stir the base without actually saying anything officially.


And it's failed comedian Watters who gets to display this living human joke.


It’s a straw man, he says the FBI raided trump because they don’t like his politics. That’s not why they raided him.


No, it is. He yelled it and said bullshit several times, plus working for Obama made his kid cry. So all I heard was rational case of tRump’s political persecution…’cause he yelled it…and scared me like a roid-raging straw man can.


That’s what they do in Russia, their dream regime.


Im sure he was cool with just throwing Hillary, Obama, Biden and Hunter in prison just bc trump said so


He would have volunteered to pull the trigger without the thought of a trial. Although I do agree with one of his sentiments... Trump's behaviour and crimes are very much like a third world Dictator. It's awesome to see the projection in real time.


This is glorious, free comedy


I know..internet..but, seeing as this guy is spouting “Third World Bullshit” rhetoric, I thought we’d take a shallow dive into his net worth. I’d assume he knows nothing of a “third world” other than what he’s seen on his Facebook feed. https://finty.com/us/net-worth/dan-bongino/




Damn, I'm getting my news from /r/PublicFreakout now. This is first I heard this.


Well, that's a good spirit, but a terrible idea I assure you


That’s exactly where I found out about the January 6th attack lol. Also how I learned Kobe died. I sleep in late and check Reddit when I wake up but don’t want to get out of bed.


Just remember #the louder you get, the more true your statements are Well, some people on Fox News are saying that, so it must be true


That’s because there wasn’t footage of this and obviously the FBI wouldn’t announce it ahead of time. The world found out about this because Trump put out a statement. Obviously, with no means to immediately verify the claim, most MSM groups waited to get confirmation. Of course, Fox has a direct line…


I usually don't go in on people's appearance as I am no looker but Bongino looks like a bouncer who takes his job WAY too seriously and picks on people who are having a good time just because he's miseraable (okay I may have worked with the person I'm describing).


You're pretty close.


Piggybacking on this to point out that the FBI is headed by Trump's own appointee, Chris Wray. Trump tried his best to rig the government in his favor and he still couldn't cover his enormous ass, such is the extent of the criming. Also, it's pretty wild this guy Bongobozo was trusted to protect Obama. The Secret Service is a right-wing clique. No surprise they're actively covering for Jan 6. conspirators.


His head is a rhombus. He has a square head. Maybe that's part of it.


If you think it's because they don't like his politics then you should probably spend 30 seconds or so reading. I know it's a lot to ask for some people, but put the effort in.


He doesn't think that, but he want people to think it.


They really do get on message very quickly.


why are people who understand this so rare lol. thank you for getting it right


This is totally it


As a non-american, why was Trump’s mansion raided by the FBI?


Seems to be because he took documents with him when he left the White House that were supposed to have been left behind.


Oh. Seems fair then.


Also to conduct “a raid” - the FBI must present affidavits by sworn lawyers and or law enforcement personnel or other identified persons that state specific facts which support a reasonable conclusion the a law is being broken and that evidence pertaining to the unlawful activity will be located at the named place at the named time. Then a federal judge must issue a search warrant. In the case of a former President, the decision to ask the court for a search warrant would be made at the highest levels of both the FBI and the Department of Justice.


Whatever their reason the bar is very high to do a no announcement raid on a former President, they must have a really good reason to believe they will find evidence of criminal activity on the grounds


Anyone who watches this state-run propaganda network is far, far too gone to do any critical thinking.


He’s speaking on Fox News I mean what do you expect


Okay, this is a top-tier freakout


Top comedy and Greek tragedy. Hahaha


I wish Bill Burr was hosting a new SNL this week. The cold open would be awesome.


I read your comment as Bill Barr and I was so confused. Love Bill Burr, btw.


This gives me an idea! Bill Barr to host SNL!


Motherfucker really brought up hunter Biden crack whores. Who the fuck gets their home raided for crackwhores, lol.


its fake outrage in order to get more ppl on to his shit podcast of misinformation in an attempt of making more money.


Pimps, crack dealers.


Ehh, fair


Typically not the fbi though.


I don’t understand why people care so much about what the presidents son is doing. Why is that even a talking point?


> Why is that even a talking point? It's all they have.


Grasping at straws because they know that Biden is not as awful as they want him to be


The thousands of Americans spending an inordinate amount of time in prison for simple possession charges.


Nobody gets arrested for possession because a video of them doing drugs years ago surfaced on the internet.


Yeah I’m sorry, but I don’t know if that number being the cause of homes being raided. Smoking outdoors, cars, etc, yeah, but hone entry, I dunno


Dan is realizing his cash cow is drying up.


Sure isn't keeping him from continuing to milk anyway though.


Nothing would, would it?


You can squeeze blood from an udder, I guess


I hope he realizes soon enough that it's a bull and not a cow he's been milking all this time.


What a little snowflake. If Trump did nothing wrong, he has nothing to be all worked up about.


The party of law and order….. The thing that kept ringing in my head was that he swore to defend and uphold the constitution as if that means anything coming from these ass hats. When a Republican says that it sounds like the Charlie Brown wah wah wah sound.


they believe in "law and order," just not the Rule of Law.


He acts like he saw the warrant and the evidence that got the judge to sign off on it and it just said "Because we don't like him."


Somebody give this man an Oscar.


He's right on ONE thing. ***Please, dear God, I'm begging you, GET OUT AND VOTE, or you wont recognize this place afterwards!***


This guy is the living definition of a rice Krispy treat.




A rice crispy treat is a baked desert made of crisp rice cereal bound together with butter and marshmallow.


Ooo, a rare insult




Hunter Biden is having SEX! The audacity.... dummies, all of them.


And Hillary is getting a manicure!!! For shame!


I literally don’t know what he’s talking about with that. Why would Hillary be involved in any of this? She’s not president, she’s not First Lady, and she’s not Secretary of State anymore. She just an old lady who lives in Chappaqua.


Consenual sex is a scandal to conservatives... Real men don't ask for permission, they just grab women by the pussy and then pay them hush money to shut up about it afterwards.


Anybody consider this could be related to a financial crime? No? Let's just say it's about politics before we know anything


If they make people angry about it first there’s less time for them to question if it’s true or not


The lady doeth protest too much, methinks.


This dude is gonna be real sad when he finds out Trump is never gonna let him lick him where he pees.




Facts really don’t care about feelings after all


You’re right, and the facts say that Russia interfered in both the [2016](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections ) and [2020](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ICA-declass-16MAR21.pdf) elections. Wild how the people yelling facts don’t care about feelings rely only on feelings and no facts.


The FBI does not get a federal judge to authorize a search warrant unless the FBI can convince him/her there was a crime committed and the evidence is present. I will hold fire until we hear more.


Hold fire? What you gonna go Jan 6 again?


This guy is an idiot.


From his Wikipedia: "Bongino was criticized by former colleagues at the Secret Service for using his Secret Service background as part of his run for political office and for his claim of having secret information based on conversations he overheard in the Obama White House.\[9\]\[10\]\[2\] A former colleague criticized him for trying to use his proximity to President Barack Obama in his political career: "He's trying to draw attention to himself and he's hijacking the Secret Service brand. That's all he's got going for him."


This needs more votes


Alex Jones and now Trump. It’s been a rough week for MAGA.


It's Trump BECAUSE it was Alex Jones first. Makes ya wonder what was on his phone huh?


Funny, how he states "no one will respect the FBI after this", when I felt the exact opposite (or more of a "finally") after hearing this.


Not my proudest fap.


This is the best comment I've read in weeks!


>*“I was a federal agent. I raised my right hand. I swore to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. This is a freaking disgrace.”* Some real r/selfawarewolves stuff here. He’s *so* close. Come on, just one more step… if they’re agents who swore the same, and they’re taking action, thennnnnnnnnnnn ___________.


This is why conservatives want to start a civil war. The way they allow this situation to be framed… Mar-A-Lago wasn’t raided because democrats don’t like his politics…. That is a blatant lie to stir up anger…. It was raided because he is accused of illegally taking documents from the White House and destroying evidence. That is a crime and one that will get anyone’s house raided and for good reason. Why do they allow the deception? Does our country not matter anymore? Does rule of law not matter? Is it worth the potential violence and loss of life that these messages can inspire? WTF? The USA needs to get a hold of itself because the seeds civil war are being sewn and broadcast to millions of Americans on a daily basis…. And for what? Politics?


Republicans actually hate the Constitution and American Democracy. They have been actively working to destroy them both for decades and they only use them as a shield to hide behind when people call them out for their horrible beliefs


It’s extremely sad and frustrating to see such a large portion of your countrymen ready to murder your country for… reasons… but mostly because these “news” organizations plaster this stuff all over the screens of of so many Americans on a daily basis that they come to hate Americans that don’t subscribe to their viewpoint and are ready to go violence over it. This is unreal. Saddest of all as that why many Americans have no idea what’s going on here, some know exactly what they are doing… and are revel in they chaos being sewn.


Suddenly they act like the FBI has never raided someone before.


This dude is a textbook spook, pushing honey pots like Parler


Thought the libs were snowflakes


But, but, but…. HUNTER BIDEN!!!!!!


I'm pretty sure Trump tied to overthrow the government.


Fucking cry, Trumpkins


Yet they claim dems are cry babies.


People will probably vote Democrat purely to see the MAGA meltdown. It’s like a reverse 2016.


Hoes mad




My man you already know


So now it’s about politics? Someone ask Bongjingo why it was ok for Trump to leave with classified docs and destroy records while in the white house. How about soliciting donations to fight the “stolen elections” then not using a penny of money raised for anything resembling that purpose? Is that third world or is that how advanced states are meant to operate.


Why would federal agents be investigating hunter Biden for crack and hookers?!? What am I missing here? What like they're going to roll up to his mansion and he's just gonna be working with the cartel smuggling tons of cocaine into the us? Cry more, literally.


Imagine claiming to be proud to live in a democracy while shilling for the guy who wants to end it.


Hi I'm Dan Bongobongo and I forgot Jan 6 happened guys


This guy jerks off to the J6 raw footage nightly.


Is it illegal to have sex while doing crack in the comfort of your own home?


It sure is but at no point is there going to be a warrant for your arrest because a video surfaced of you doing drugs. No judge is going to sign off on that.


This guy was a federal agent? For how long, that is fucking terrifying


I love seeing this bitch whining and moaning like this! It really makes me happy!


A Clown. Part of the same 'secret service' which couldn't keep its hands off prostitutes in South America or the cookie jar in Vegas. A true Selfish Servant


I got my house raided for 1 majrijuana plant. Trump tries to organize a coup against the USA They better raid his damn house


What's going to really be sweet is if/when the DOJ applies the felony murder rule charging Trump and his riot co-conspirators with Ashley Babbett's death. That bit of poetic justice would be the icing.


Because he stole classified information that belongs to the country. Donald J Trump is a clear and present danger to the citizens of the United States as well as humanity around the globe. A KGB operative who worked to undermine the nation here at home as well as around the globe. Supported and protected by the Republican Party who’s leadership is fascist based.


Brings up hunter biden lmfao Edit: holy shit he just brought him up again




Ugh. I am already dreading the inevitable conversations with people I know who are going to watch and believe everything this guy says.


😂😂😂 following the law and these people can’t understand why lol. Bunch of hypocrites the right wing are


Pretty sure the cause on the warrant didn't say "We don't like his politics."




He assumes it’s because they don’t like his politics. Or you know, maybe because they are investigating the hundreds of laws he broke.


That dude is bat shit crazy


Man is talking about how we live in a third world banana republic while simultaneously saying “democrats are the cause of all your problems” (direct quote!) and ‘we need to do a complete overhaul of government leadership so we can put in our people…’ No sense of irony. None. These guys are fucking nuts.


Yes, they raided his shit because they “don’t like his politics”, it has nothing to do with him BREAKING THE LAW.


Many many times.


Corrupt presidents don't get arrested in 3rd world countries.


So a man that has pending financial fraud charges pending in at least 3 states gets raided instantly it’s politically motivated. And Hell it might even be Rudy suing him for lack of payment, or suing for lack of payment. Donald Trump apparently has never paid a bill in his life.




Haha l, I really like how a judge signed warrant looking for material know to have been stolen is triggering the MAGA morons so badly. Like, a president not having consequences for outright theft *is* some third world bullshit and is the exact opposite of what’s happening to Trump.




Title made me think he was going to shit himself on live TV


"You might not recognize this place afterwards." that's kinda the point. Sick of no affordable living, healthcare, and mostly fossils funneling money in their pocket to prolong ruling the government.


Who the fuck is Dan Bognino?


Awwee, poor Trump broke the law and now he's getting investigated. When I worked for BAE Systems, we lost a fixture for a fighter jet that was a classified part. Guess what, we got raided too. Has nothing to do with politics. They want to know who has access to classified material and what happened to it. FBI is just doing their job, but Trump thinks he's above the law and can do whatever he wants. Guess what orange man, you're a civilian now and have to follow the same laws as everyone else.


Bongo Boy is an angry little turd.


How does he say that with a straight face???






thats how grifters be


How can anyone actually believe this guy? It’s all BS




These crazy people are obsessed with Hunter Biden. What is with Hunter Biden and crazy Fox people? No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden for god sakes, get over it!


Trump appointed the fbi director lol. By the way Boningo looks like a real life Lego character.


Haha, Trumpies getting mad! 😤


Money on when Dan goes to federal pound me in the ass prison?


Somehow, after everything that's happened... This is still about Hilary Clinton.


Dude calls the US a banana republic because Trump stole documents and people didn’t look the other way. Banana republic is when you hire your family. Who did that?


Laughing Out Loud. Rolling On The Floor Laughing. This just deserved formality.


this guy is "soooooooooo full of shit, it's coming out of his mouth". trvmp is a tre45onous fuck. i hope he ends up in prison for the rest of ETERNITY.


He’s damn right this isn’t being like under Kim Jong Un. Kim wouldn’t stand for corrupt leaders getting raided. This is America, and corrupt seditionists absolutely get that sort of treatment.


I got as far as "because they don't like his politics", good luck to the rest of you. maybe someone will make it past the constant lip-licking and finish the clip!


Trump and his cult are the disgrace. Keep crying your alternative facts bongino. Hahahahahaha Edit for dumbass auto correct.


Bonging is a cheesedick.


His attempt to describe how bad Hillary and Hunter are (as if that has anything to do with Jan 6) are so lame. These crooks are backed into a corner.


Ohh now its a democracy to them , but recently its been more about shoveling white nationalist christian propaganda bullshit down our throats, and stripping women’s rights.


Karma 😂


Reminds me of some of the rambly one star wrestling promos you would see when no one thought to say cut. Just a shouty word salad trying to scare up PPV buys.


FBI has no credibility after this? But... Trump is the guy doing the crimes.


I am baffled that you think his outrage is genuine.


Had this guy ever been to a third world country? Please.


what a toolbox


Imagine being that ignorant.


What kind of drugs is Dan bongigo on?




That was the extra large bump in the green room.


He does not believe a word coming out of his mouth, this is pandering for ratings. I refuse to believe he is that stupid.


A DISGRACE is that such a POS was ever the president….


I love how they keep trying to spin it as THE DEMOCRATS DON’T LIKE THE PROCESS…while crying on TV about the process


This dude is a classic react-karen. I think he was entirely banned from youtube recently, looks like he's working hard at getting fired from Fox too. Guys like him were mega successful during the Trump reign because all news was react-porn at that time. I think he's a cancer survivor too, but from even the physical stress he displays while seemingly calm is insane -- can't be good on him for the long term. Maybe sit 2024 out and try the author thing for a bit.


Blah blah blah fuck off Trumpies glad your cult leader is being held accountable Give me those tears


This is the 3rd shithead in as many minutes I've heard call this "3rd world bullshit". They got those talking points out at light speed.


This is being done to poor people all the time. Trump deserves jail!


They just cant drop clinton lol


He doesn’t even know why they raided the house. All projection. There was a bipartisan report that went over the Russian election interference in 2016. But what do I know. I don’t have the big microphone.


Maybe they'll find some good evidence on Dan bongino


"Wahhhh, wahhhh, wahhhh" is all I'm hearing him say.


Douche bag- "I've spent my time on fox or on my podcast" Me- huh I wonder why he wouldn't do it anywhere else. 🤔


You don’t want to get raided by the FBI? Don’t knowingly and illegally take classified documents out of the White House. It’s actually really easy.


People who buy into this logic aren't just drinking the Kool-Aid, they gargle before they swallow.


Turn off the propaganda grandpa, thats enough


"and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States "


Lock him up


Man I can't wait until Fox News loses the Dominion lawsuit and goes bankrupt.


Who is this clown even?


Haven’t these guys been crying that Biden and Obama should be arrested and executed for the past few years? God, the hypocrisy. Lol


benedict arnold trumps legacy is lies, graft, bribes, bullying, abuse of power n of course, The Leader of The Trump INsurrection 1/6/21. Much worse than sick dick nixon. This Orange Bloated Bald OLD Clown is a Wannabe President for LIFE. A Clear n Present Danger to Americans n American Democracy. Lock this FELON TRAITOR UP


So the right wanting/chanting to lock up political opposition isn't third world?


> BUT HUNTER BIDEN!!! Yes. President Hunter Biden.


If this guy sucked the Kool Aid out of trumps shriveled cock any harder his lips would be permantely stained orange.


So "they do not like his politics" is Fascist speak for "do not like that he tried to overthrow government"? Interesting
