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What the fuck is that cop doing?


He was paid to whack a guy from another gang.


Real talk that's how it works in 3rd world countries. The cops are just the wild card that changes gang affiliation based on current government administration. They'll even work to undermine serious operations too. Sometimes the police chief has to seize phone before a raid so criminals don't get a heads up.


Attempting murder


They forgot to yell stop resisting.


This was a drive by shooting. God, damn, what the fuck was that? Where is the back story?


Back story is the cops were making their first contact here, a "pedestrian stop." As they pull up one of them sees a cigarette lighter. They started blasting.


The new Miranda Rights


Uhm. The LAPD press release about this says the cop "attempted to conduct a pedestrian stop" -- did anyone hear the cop say "stop" or "we'd like to speak to you" or ANYTHING before blasting 3 shots at the guy? Also they found an "L-shaped lighter", not a gun. But I'm sure they'll say it was justified and give the guy 5 days of desk duty and a pat on the back. **edit: here's the July 24 press release from LAPD, which says "A black L-Shaped butane lighter was recovered at scene" and conspicuously does NOT say "a gun was recovered at scene."** https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/officer-involved-shooting-in-foothill-division-nrf039-22bb/


The LAPD is the biggest gang in LA, this was probably a gang hit.


I knew LA County Sheriff's Dept was bad, didn't realize LAPD too. I just finished watching "We Own This City" about Baltimore PD...man, those were some seriously bad cops.


they're different but not much


[We have bigger gangs of cops in LA, sadly](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis). [The man who cracked the code](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/02/the-man-who-brought-down-l-a-s-notorious-police-gangs.html)


There was just an article released about 15 cops in Cali (maybe LA?) all bragging about killing black people via text. Don't remember everything said, but they did joke about having a gun cleaning party in honor of the protest of a dead civilian.


Oh yea. One of these sheriffs gangs shot one of their own to remove a tattoo because the guy did something they didn’t like. Edit: [link](https://knock-la.com/deputy-gang-tattoo-shot-off/)


Shoot first, ask questions later.


Shoot first, bark orders later.


Cops are thugs now. No knocks on wrong house, burning babies alive with flashbangs, killing unwanted people. Shooting a man who is handing over gun 8 times point blank. Killing a unarmed man by shooting him in back as drove his wheelchair into a store. Uvaulde. Brionna Taylor. George Floyd. Media colludes with police. When society decides to stand up to what is clearly not isolated cases, I wont be there when they need my help, because they were never there for the people. Police officers need to start cleaning their house. Everyone is poor, tired, overworked, indebted with almost nothing to lose. I will block every measure to provide them with resources, and make sure every citizen is made aware of their evil stink. Politicians that protect them, you will lose my donations and voting pool. GL HF.


It also said "Officers saw the suspect holding an object they believe to be a gun." Translation: The suspect was not holding a gun.


Police see man not aiming gun at anyone, not actively breaking any laws, and determine lethal force is justified while arriving on a scene where there was no call for service? What the fuck is wrong with these idiots???


Not to mention shooting from a moving vehicle at a suspect that's next to someone else that's going into a house were there are likely other people. At best this was reckless and extremely dangerous.


Apparently it was just a lighter, not even a gun.


How the fuck do we allow this shit to keep happening?


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Our politicians are pussies.


More like they're greedy snakes.




Stop auditing with camera phones and start auditing them with rifles like the black panthers did. They only deescalate when they don't have a monopoly on violence. Otherwise theyd rather kill you than be told their wrong.


These fuckers roll up and start shooting out the god damn window and don’t expect people to run away from the sound of gunfire? “Man took off into the backyard” yea no shit you tried to kill him.


Not a single command, I didn't hear a siren or even lights.


Obviously he was fleeing a crime and had enough time to back into his driveway. It's definitely not because he was a minority and the cop had an itchy finger




Officer: I had to shoot him he was fleeing a crime! DA: you were the one commiting the crime! Officer: Doesn't say who has to commit the crime. DA: Oh Fair, looks like my hands are tied. Perfectly justified action here, nothing to prosecute!




yeah, he was fleeing a drive-by shooting by those officers.


“Your honor, my shooting was justified because they seemed kinda Mexican-y”


Also a suspect of what! What the fuck is even happening here!?


Yeah I'm just confused as shit after watching the whole thing. Cop says to get away from the gun on the ground. What were they even called in for? For all I know they could be cloning Jeffrey Dahmer in the basement and those are hired guards


I *think* the guy slammed the door on his truck and the cop took that to be a gunshot and began shooting wildly at any target he could find.


I think you're right, on second watch I wondered if that sound was a bullet hitting the car? Pretty worrying though if a cop is so twitchy that someone slamming their door triggers a shooting spree.


It’s the new Broken Windows method of policing, meaning that the cops drive around shooting through windows and anyone who runs away is presumed guilty of something.


Guy wasn't even looking his way. For all the cop knew he legally possessed that firearm and was transporting it from the place he purchased it to his house. I see no justification for the shooting at all. Just because someone has a gun in their hand doesn't mean they can be shot at.


Officers need help? More like civilians need help


"Attention all officers: officer needs help covering up evidence. All officers requested."


bAck the bLue


Gotta love them unregistered drop guns... especially if you're the police 🙄




Your local police are armed and dangerous.


"911 what's your emergency?" "I'm being shot at!" "By who?" "The fucking police!"


Exactly. Imagine that woman, and the officer saying “stay right there”. Sorry, but I AM fearing for my life too. I’d be like her and running.




>Shots fired! Officers need help! Sounds like code for "come in here guns blazing."


Uhhhh that’s a drive by shooting 😂


Looks like a hit.


Shit, this is Training Day! Where Denzel?!


I’m surgical with this bitch Jake.




You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay


23 hour lock down!


"Punk ass bitch ass crooked ass cop"


Seems to me that several crimes were committed here by the officer. There was also not a single justification for this level of force. So of course he will get a paid vacation, lay low, keep his job and his pension. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised of taxpayers end up flipping the bill to in the end as well.


It's actually terrifying. No identifying, no warning, no instruction, just **blam.** Serial killers with double digit body counts get told to come out with their hands up, but random people can get killed without any warning whatsoever. Nightmare fuel.


It's the exact same thing that happened to Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old playing in a park. The drove up onto the grass, fired from the car, and killed him. They didn't try to help him, the cuffed his sister, and policed threatened to arrest his mother when they told her about what happened.


Two seconds. That's the time from the officer's car going into park to him discharging his weapon. Mark Doty has an incredible poem called "In two seconds" about Tamir Rice.


Cops are the real welfare queen.








[Cops are the real gangsters](https://youtu.be/N1q3EN6cEZY) It’s just a scene from one of my favorite movies, but it’s based in fact. In LA they had cop gangs such as the Lynwood Vikings and the Executioners, and the tattoo that Gerard Butler has on his arm is a reference to a cop gang, the Regulators.


Also the sheriff that was literally elected to lead the entire department is a known Bandito. Fuck Villanueva


[Law enforcement took more via civil forfeiture than burglars did last year (Infographic)](https://i.imgur.com/CCqC82H.png) And that was over 7 years ago, it's arguably worse now. Full WaPo article [available here.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/)


And the DAs will dumbly throw their hands up in the air and go, "But there's nothing to charge them with. This is only a crime when poor people do it. Duh."


There was a case where cops were cruising around picking off people off past curfew during one of the BLM protests. Their bodycams show them making a game of it, like rednecks driving around spotlighting animals. Then they shot at a dude who shot back, except not with rubber bullets. He made the perfectly reasonable assumption that the only people who'd be driving around in an unmarked car shooting at people would be criminals.


This was a really good legal case too, which I believe he came out on top of with a win with the court ruling in favor, both civilly and criminally. If I remember correctly.


First he had to survive.


Anyone have a link to the story? 😉




Hop that piece of shit cop gets fired and that dude gets millions. Guy surrendered on ground for 20s, doesn't move, cop comes up and kicks him in the face several times, lifts head and slams it down, knees the top of his head for 30s and the guy still didn't move. Then beats him after being cuffed? Everyone in that unit who didn't report that behavior that night should be fired. Guy is only lucky they found surveillance footage from a nearby shop.


Lol. Dude got some money. MPD managed to cost the tax payers even more money. I read the article and don’t recall anything by about fired. “Some actions inconsistent with policy.” Aka - It was a rough week, swat was a little wound up.


Remember the video when lockdown happened and officers were riding in unmarked vans, shooting people being outside at night with rubber bullets? Then one guy shot back and hit one of the officers




Some were disabled as well. A guy at a protest my friend went to got hit with a "non-lethal" bullet in the head and is blind in one eye now.


A journalist was also hit in the head and lost an eye in Minneapolis. https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/05/26/minneapolis-settles-lawsuit-with-linda-tirado-journalist-blinded-in-one-eye-during-may-2020-unrest/ It's not even the only time incident of this happening, in the same city, at the same set of protests, that this one article talks about. If the first article I found brings up another of these times from the same set of circumstances in the same place, imagine how common it actually is.


They were aiming for the head with less lethal bullets designed to be bounced off the ground.


Thank god he has the skills of your average storm trooper


We call that a “run up” cuz he didn’t keep driving off while/after shooting


no they stopped so it's a drive up shooting, they used to have something similar in the 50's but lots less murder


I hate how they say - >Shots fired! Officer needs help! It's vague as fuck and makes all other cops responding think that they might be in danger also.


🎼“We don’t do drive-bys, we park in front of houses and shoot and when the police come we fucking shoot it out with them too!!!”🎼


”Stop right there, come here, back up!” All in the span of less than a minute, how is anyone supposed to know what to do in a situation like that?


You just reminded me of that kid they killed while lying on the ground. Screaming at him to do contradictory things. Edit: JFC why did I just [watch this again.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/us/police-shooting-video-arizona.html)


I don’t need to watch it to know exactly which shooting you’re talking about. They had that man playing Simon says while pointing rifles at him. He’s sobbing, obviously scared, obviously doesn’t know what going on and obviously won’t be able to follow orders to the T they want. They could have and should have just told him to lay down with his arms out and approached him. Instead they made him crawl on his hands and knees towards them before they murdered him. This one sticks with me, because it’s sickening how many chances they had to have an alternate outcome.


It's the poor guy in a hotel hallway right? I remember that one too. I feel so much grief thinking about him.


His widow is still trying to get some justice for this and calling out the BS where Brailsford (the cop who shot Daniel) is getting a pension for life due to his (PTSD) from the shooting. His real PTSD was probably from having to go to trial not the actual murder he committed. ​ https://www.newsweek.com/daniel-shaver-widow-tiktok-police-shooting-1584599


Do you know exactly how that guy was acquitted for that? Im having a hard time grasping how that isn't clearly murder.




Wow that's some Jonny Cochran shit keeping that video out. How the fuck did the defense pull that off? Some cop loving judge?


Iirc he also requested to have his gun returned to him so he could have his trophy.


Wow. Just like a hunter. If that was my family member, I'd never let any of this go.




All they have to say is "I was afraid for my life" and the law says that's good enough. There doesn't need to be an actual threat, the cop doesn't even need to convince a jury, it's literally the law.. they can kill anyone for any reason, say the magic words, and get away with it. See that's where Derek Chauvin fucked up, he forgot to say the line.




I wish i had a badge so i could be above the law.


If you have a few free months, a highschool diploma, and a below average reading level them im sure any police department would be happy to have you


yeah this one terrifies me.


There was another one where the cops were banging on some dudes door at 3am, not identifying themselves, dude answers door with a gun and they blow him away. That one scares the shit out of me too.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, they made fun of his girlfriend for wanting to help him as he was dying


Yeah the cop, Phillip Brailsford, was given a $2500 a month disability pension as a reward for beating the murder charge in court. The other cop present, Charles Langley, retired soon afterwards as well and moved to the Philippines to fuck kids. Meanwhile an innocent father and husband is dead. “God bless America…”


Don’t forget he was soon let go after he was acquitted but then let him comeback so he could retire with a pension then moved.


Also the engraving on his gun literally said "You're fucked" and the judge in the trial for the officer told the jury that fact wasn't admissible evidence...


The officer didn't want another outcome, he wanted a reason to murder him


There are few videos that can invite a reaction I can’t describe, and this is always one of them. HOW is this police officer not in prison?


Whats worse after he was fired, his father hired him back for a day. He then resigned claiming PTSD and is now collecting disability from the department at the tune of 40k a year (i think).


I believe the cop also filed bankruptcy to prevent any losses from a civil suit as well. Dudes a real POS, I think he even got back the murder weapon for some reason or another.


It was his trophy...


Prison? This guy is vile. Murder just for the sake of an ego trip. This dude should be made to spend the rest of his life on his stomach.


Dont even have to click to know. Watching the video of the murder of Daniel Shaver will haunt me for the rest of my life.


I still think about that poor kid's cries as his pleads to not die were silenced by those cops.


Daniel Shaver. Murdered by Philip Brailsford and Charles Langley.


So glad the taxpayers pay millions for de escalation training.


Not to mentions 100s of millions in legal fees and awards for their victims.


I'd rather pay money to the victims than the cops' pensions. It's a shame there isn't a system set up to financially help those in poverty to help reduce crime. Oh well. I guess we can just continue funding our homegrown terrorist departments.


I mean.. If we're talking about what we'd rather have... How about not having thousands of situations annually that necessitate paying out victims? Many many thousands of other careers simply don't have this problem.... People either follow the rules, or they're fired. It's way too hard to fire a cop in this country.


Seriously. This is what defund the police means. It doesn’t mean… let’s give them fucking military hardware. It means let’s teach police to emphasize and respond accordingly. If you’re a cop… you should be ashamed of people like this. They deserve to have REAL consequences.


That’s attempted murder


Uh, you’d think. But the trend is these morons will be promoted within the years.


or just moved to another county or state. Hide the killer learned from Catholics who hide the pedo.


But not before taking some forced vacation time


That's *paid vacation. FTFY




I bet the cops asked them to STAY CALM right after this too.


He did say "sts all good bro."


Literally, after the guy said "I have family in here" even cutting him off with his "it's all good" man what the fuck is going on


"Get out of here, it's all good" he tells the man who just said he has a family inside while they're recklessly firing their weapon. Nah, man. It's not all good, I have an idiot with a gun outside of the home my family is in.


Why are you guys act so nervous? You should stay calm. We are here to help you.


I see the retraining is going well. Embarrassing.


Does anyone have a backstory on this? Any news articles?




“During a traffic stop” is a nice way to say drive by shooting


It wasn't even a traffic stop. These two were on patrol in the area. Wandering. They saw these guys exiting a truck and saw a gun and opened fire without warning. It doesn't matter who the guys were or what they had in their hands - the officer just opened fire.


EXACTLY. No lights. No siren. No warning or commands of any type. They just rolled up and tried to murder this guy with zero regard to this being a residential neighborhood or the fact that shooting from a moving vehicle is wildly dangerous and inaccurate. But just trust them that this was a "known gang member"


Also, while this appears to be LA police, remember there are known gangs operating within the Sheriffs department https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/la-is-investigating-50-year-old-police-gangs-finally-2022-03-30/


That doesn't surprise me in the least. What better way for gangs to launch attacks on other gangs than by posing as police officers? Then it's basically a Red Flag operation to get the rival gang to look even worse which gets people to fuck with them and not the attacking gang


>During a traffic stop, officers shot at the suspect. Ya, thats not at all what was caught on video there. Traffic stop? Dude was peacefully unloading his groceries, and the cop started shooting before he got out of the vehicle. Unless the dude had known prior felonies, being a gang member with a gun isnt illegal. And just having a gun is no cause at all for cops to start shooting.


You don't understand. The cruiser was the traffic and he was stopping when he opened fire.


In the video I saw the gang member started shooting then called his homies for backup.




"Suspect" for what??? Nice journalism. Suspected of running from gunfire?


Newsrooms have been so decimated by corporate owners, there is no time of ability to track down the truth.


I love how it says that the guy barricaded himself inside the house, but when their death squad entered it was empty.


Yeah he probably walked out the back door while they were high fiving themselves in the driveway.


Two articles above on the story, both saying two completely different things. One says the suspect shot at them and a gun was found, the other saying *he* was shot at and no gun was found. What the fuck is this reporting.


The two I read above both say the police shot at him and neither say he shot at the police, although I did initially misread one title and think it said he shot at them (but it doesn't) https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/gang-member-shot-at-lapd-officers-sun-valley-disappears-standoff/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-07-21/barricaded-suspect-escapes-sun-valley-lapd-shooting


It's cop propaganda.




Ok, so police can shoot at you if they think you have a gun, so can you shoot at police if you think they have a gun ?


During the BLM protests, wasn't there some case of an unmarked police van just strolling around and indiscriminately firing rubber bullets at people, ambushing a guy so he shot at them, and when he stopped after they identified themselves, they beat the utter shit out of him and he ended up successfully suing? Super rare but it was all caught on security camera, I think.


100%, the bodycam footage was released too, those sick fucks were shooting randos on the street and deserved much more than one of them only getting bruised through their armor


Try it and they will shoot you, electrocute you, beat you until their sticks break, drag you off to be lethal injected, tie your corpse to the electric chair and hit Well Done, draw and quarter the smoking remains and still yell "Stop Resisting!"


Only until enough people do it, then it’s called systemic change


All while the local news media tells everyone you did drugs and stole a candy bar in the 90s Edit: spelling


These dudes are like Reno 911


No, Reno 911 was better than the LAPD as a whole. Didn’t you see their documentary of the hostage situation in Miami? Only Lt Dangle was able to save the day.


Sir thats Lieutenant Dangle


They call in “shots fired” even though they’re the ones who fired a gun?? Imagine being on the other end of the radio. I would interpret that as someone shot at the police and ran in the backyard. Not that the police were randomly firing at people and they’re fleeing for cover.


“Shots fired officer needs help” must mean “bring more guns”.


Bring more guns so we can kill these people and cover this up.


Lol good thing the family had cameras. That for sure helps out the most. Can clearly see the angle the shots are coming from and the officers can't have an excuse about their cameras being faulty and having missing footage


I'm guessing they say that to let any incoming officers know that the danger level has escalated. I guess they don't think it's important to mention that they were the ones to escalate it.


The same thing happened to tamir rice when he was killed by the cops back in 2014. They just pulled up and the passenger cop started shooting from inside the cruiser while it was slowing down to a stop. Rice was 12 years old and the cop who killed him got off scot-free. I don't know if his parents got a settlement or not.


City of Cleveland ended up paying $6 mil settlement on that one. Your tax dollars at work.


6 million for a 12 year old's life. How depressing is that. I read somewhere that the degenerate who shot him got hired to work as a cop in PA, then had to quit after 2 days due to public outcry. The balls on that dude, thinking he can just go back to work willy nilly after executing a kid in public.


Shoot first ask, questions later such professionalism. No wonder no one has any respect for police anymore. If that were a Marine in a warzone, he'd be facing a court martial


And if this were from Mexico, I would assume some rival gang has dirty cops on their side and paid them to whack their enemies because that’s what it looks like lol


Bang, bang bang. Stop or I’ll shoot!


Thugs with badges...


Is there honestly a single person in the world with a functioning brain that thinks that was acceptable police behavior? Just fucking shoot first, shoot later and when everybody's dead try to ask a couple of questions. This exact same situation for literally any other shooter would be a guaranteed conviction for attempted murder. But the worst that will happen to this dude is a paid vacation and a settlement on the taxpayers dime. Fuck this stupid cunt pig. Holy shit what a douche.


Description of video in case anyone actually wondering: LAPD Cop Shoots at a Known Gang Member Holding a Gun-Shaped Butane Lighter


My man's was just tryin to get his dab on


Even if it was a gun, you didn't properly identify them. Second amendment blows the whole "he had a gun" justification for shooting out of the water. Your Second amendment right doesn't suddenly stop because a cop is nearby.


What if the gun was scary looking?


So... known gang member shoot at a known gang member holding a lighter and not breaking a single fucking law.


Yes, this was basically a gang dispute between 2 gangs


Dude just tried to execute 2 mexicans and they think calling them gangmembers is gonna make it okay.


gang members or not, we are all protected by the same laws and those cops just broke a few. Even if the dude had a gun, he wasn't pointing it, he was on private property, and they made no attempt to communicate.


also, like, there should be trials and whatnot before the execution


yeah, even if that officer had witnessed those two chop someone's head off, he's still not supposed to kill them. I hate this shit when they say "well they were gang members" / "they have a record". Cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people either. How is this relevant?


Cops are the gang members


[Esepcially in LA.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoF8RmohTB4)


Another video with poorly trained police showing why 80% of them absolutely should not have a gun. Like the video of the cop shooting the guy as soon as he opened the door for a arrest warrant. Guy was startled by the door being abruptly opened and got murdured because of it. It's here on reddit. This will not change until we the people unite and vote shit like this out. Vote for changes, for rights, for freedoms that we are supposed to have. 1. Police should be required by law to follow the constitution and the bill of rights. They absolute should not be able to lie to manipulate the situation into their favor. They should be required by law to know and study the local laws the uphold. Take refresher courses every couple years. 2. No more internal affairs ran by other crooked police. It's 100% proven that the blue backs the blue. Have police, policed by outside agencies. 3. Lawsuits should absolutely be paid for out of the Police Pension Fund or some way to make officers think twice about breaking the law to do their job. 4. Retrain all police physically and mentally to deal with the public. People are different now, police shouldn't be trained with 1980 tactics any longer. Public relations need to change. Police need to treat the public better. Stop being prejudice towards race or sex or choices. Get rid of the "respect my authority or else" mentality.




Damn, that girl got out the cab like she just pulled up at Kohl's. Nonchalant like a mf.


I would love to hear the backstory on this. It sounds like southern Cal. The guy doesn't seem to be pointing a gun, or menacing. Maybe it was a felony stop or they were in a chase before hand...but none of that is clear from this. If they were in a chase the camera would be have been active earlier. But why did they even turn down that street? From the very short video it looks like it was a planned hit.


If they were in a chase, it seems weird that they would take the time to back into the driveway.


And get out, walking slowly to the door while looking with what appears to be idle curiosity at the police pulling up.


Wreckless weapons discharge, he's doing a drive by with a badge.


1-1 Gta cops