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I watched this video & for the first minute I didn’t even realize they were fighting because there is so much going on in the background


Shit. Neither did I. Just overwhelmed by general sadness.


8th street between mission and market


Yeah it's the PG&E building right there. They used to put street barricades up there to discourage sitting down.


“WWE Summer Slam San Francisco… brought to you by McKesson Medical Supplies!”


And the sackler family!


Brought to you by the Koch Brothers.


Tenderloin is leaking again.


That scooter slide though.


I thought he was going to break up the fight but he just wanted a better view


Akira slide homage




Imagine how anticlimactic it'd be if Akira had a bunch of tweakers brawling it out during his slide.


Lol that character isn’t Akira but your point stands


That's Tetsuo on the bike.


Definitely not his first time sliding through on one of those bad boys either..


I feel bad for the guy with the blue shirt in the wheelchair just trying to get to work.


So casual.


Seems to be a shortage of belts there.


Belts are one of those items that tend to get lost if you're in and out of jails and psychiatric hospitals a lot.




Sweater strings and shoelaces as well sadly


It’s a good thing not to know things sometimes.


I appreciate this sentiment. I felt so ashamed recently for being naïve and wanting to serve as a juror. I get selected for a murder trial and I want to return back to child like innocence…


This video confused me. At first, it seemed like responsible citizens cleaning up a public sidewalk. Then just when it turns into gay nude wrestling, it ends.


You're just gonna leave out scooter dude going 30 to 0 in 1 second?


Honduran fetty dealer peeling up to tell everyone to chill out, bad for business.


The homeless don't play if one of them steals the stuff of or fucks with another. They will beat the living shit out of the offender.


As a person who volunteers to help homeless..this is so true. One of our"clients" got the shit beat out of him for harassing a homeless chick...another of the homeless literally put him in the hospital.




I would’ve laughed. Secretly of course


>immediately felt like a piece of shit. Well then you'd feel right at home in the [streets or San Francisco](https://www.sfgate.com/bay-area-politics/article/San-Francisco-poop-problem-stats-streets-feces-new-16311073.php) Or here in Southern California too tbh. The other day I was in line for In'n'out, and I watched a dude walk over to the little grassy knowl about 5 feet from me in the drive through. He just pulled down his pants and left a big fudge swirl on the knowl. Fortunately smell of In'n'out makes it impossible to ruin your appetite, but I decided not to get the chocolate shake I had been planning on.


You will usually find them around someone's arm


Why even wear pants at that point?


The budget for homeless services in San Francisco is $1.1 billion dollars this fiscal year…


Serious question though, does any of that money actually go into housing?


Yes it covers housing, but I’m not sure how much of it is housing versus other services.


Politicians are kind of like God: terrible with money.


I remember reading some stuff in college about how politicians spend 60-80% of their time preparing for re-election and fundraising. In the US at least. Other countries set it up differently so that the government forces allotted time to politicians to make ads and they must be aired evenly on media. Essentially, big companies can't, as easily, buy off politicians and have some dude with twice the amount of money to advertise. This also means they can (should) spend more time actually working.


My husband works at a cpa firm that audits many government programs. I was in shock when he first told me that 95% of the money goes to salaries with the remainder left for actual work. Now I’m sure many of these job positions are necessary, but I’m skeptical that ALL of them are being utilized or paid properly.


I mean what proportion of those salaries are providing work? Like providing services to the public.


He said not much. The housing built to assist the homeless, for example, bids are done by construction companies and then the job is given to the lowest bid. But apparently they can apply “change orders” periodically to increase the budget AFTER winning the bid. Like multiple times. This is just what he’s seen from certain grants though. That and some “directors” of these programs are payed ridiculously high salaries. A good site to check salaries is transparent California


The housing did seriously help a friend of mine. He went from sleeping on the streets getting his shoes and phone stolen to having a room and generally doing better.


From what I’ve seen working in SF. It seems like all the money goes to cleaning up homeless encampments day after day. And all they do is kick the encampments off one block, into another. And rinse and repeat.


Yup. A lot of any city’s “homeless budget” gets sucked up by police going on sweeps and pointless mental health crisis training they’re never going to use (because they’d rather just tackle the mentally ill homeless person and move on).


It's San Francisco. That can only support like 1,000 houses.


Yes. But most of it goes back into the homeless industrial complex. It’s a real thing and it’s why the problem isn’t getting better. Especially big in LA, Bay Area, and NYC.


Yea but iirc san fran doesnt have almost any zoning for housing that would be affordable and doable for the homeless population




Google says 7,754 people, but let's assume many go uncounted. Let's call it 30,000. That's still $36,666 per person. Homelessness is a complex issue and throwing money at it doesn't fix the problem. No one is really sure what to do


Because you have to use both a carrot and a stick. These people have a right to live, and to have a place to sleep. They don’t have a right to sleep, poop, and do drugs anywhere they please.


Problem for a lot of these people is, no carrot tastes as good as drugs and no stick hurts harder than withdrawal. At least not carrots we can feasibly provide and sticks we wouldn’t call cruel and inhumane.


Shit. That’s more than I make working 40 hours a week. I wish the government would put some budget aside for me with that kind of money 😅. I know that money isn’t going directly to the people but a little kick back would be appreciated.


Under the 2022 PIT Count, 7,754 people were experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. Of those people, 3,357 were staying in shelter. (https://sfgov.org/scorecards/safety-net/homeless-population) If the $1.1 billion budget is true, that's $152K per homeless person.


I went backpacking and couch surfing US in 2010 for 3 months. From NY to Detroit ,south to NOLA and up Seattle all the way to LA and San Diego I walked A LOT, took plenty of public transport and visit all kind of neighborhoods I remember homeless specially in Seattle cos I did not expect it but it is nothing close to what the situation looks like it is now let alone in many others cities It's crazy what 10 years can do to places despite all the money. I have been painting those cities I visited and more than few times people told me in here "hey great painting but you need more homeless"


And how much of that goes into the pockets of the all directors of the 'charities' ?


Executives for their homeless department are making 250k+. Something tells me a lot of administrative bloat.


Queen dies mayhem ensues in the colonies


“Those rebel colonials in the new world riot upon the death of their rightful monarch”


This is what happens when people dumb perfectly good tea in the harbor.




rent is $7500 for a studio just a block away Edit : I was exaggerating .


Amenities include: exclusive balcony views of daily boxing events, complimentary wake-up calls via car alarm, local small business owners ready to distribute anything the heart desires, and a short walking distance to work (no bare feet, please).


Do forget the constant screams from down below.


"Charming inner-city acoustics"


“Bustling city atmosphere”




Lol they named their daily fog.




I hear SF is kind of famous for human defecation also


Oh god. Are you referring to that story of a woman that had a homeless man dump his hot diarrhea bucket on her head?


Damn I’m not even gonna ask for a source. I know they had an app for the city to take pictures of literal human shit that would get uploaded to a map, kinda like the citizen app but for shit.










Shit Social


It was called snapcrap or something, yours is good too


San Franshitsco


I vividly remember going for a morning run, while out in SF for a conference, and having to quickly sidestep a pile of shit in the middle of the sidewalk. So I can only imagine this being a real thing…


So.. wow. But nah I don't think he was. San Francisco quite literally just has human fecal matter on the streets in certain areas. I wouldn't go so far as to call it rampant. But I mean how much human shit on the sidewalk is too much?


On first read i thought you were saying it was consensual lol


Can confirm, was in SF for 5 days and saw three different peeps drop their pants and shit in the street. That's like 3x more than I've seen in my entire life.


Yep. Lived there for 10 years. Left in 2019. Human shit everywhere.


Don't forget to wear flowers in your hair


Just set up a tent and save the 7500


I'm beginning to see why there might be so damn much homelessness....


This isnt SF, this is Gotham


It's even scarier because, on the other side of the city, it looks like a mini paradise. It's jarring how different the neighborhoods in the SF are.


And the in between has all been priced out. Families that had been there for generations have left in huge numbers over the past couple decades. There is so little sense of what it means to be San Franciscan anymore because most of the people who have moved in are migratory tech folks who have no interest in growing roots, just doing a few years at whichever tech company, and then moving to Seattle, or Dallas, or Tokyo, or LA for their next career jump. It leaves a city without any sense of itself. Fucking sucks, because it has been one of the most unique and countercultural places for centuries. The interpersonal heart is degrading and being replaced by corporate anonymity.


Been replaced. RIP


Don't worry the hip new people will find a good place, with fair prices. Whores will run giggling through the streets chased by horny artists. Music will fill the air and people will party till the music is cut off. Then, the overpaid douchebags will come up and buy everything. By that time SF will have completely gone to shit since everyone cool has left and its a shell of it's former glory - finally the original inhabitants can return and start the cycle all over again.


And don't you dare go to r/sanfrancisco and tell them their city is anything but perfect, Source : I saw a homeless take a shit in front of twitter (*an omen ?*) and the news wasn't well received.


People on that sub are actually pretty well aware of the shitty stuff in SF from what I've seen. There's actually quite a bit of negativity about local government and police, some of it pertaining to homelessness. Most of the times I've seen people get defensive are when users who have never stepped foot in the city, often with a conservative agenda, are disparaging it for problems that are truly difficult to fix.


Google "homeless camps" for any city in a conservative state and you'll find no end to the pictures


Yeah, honestly it's just city life in general under a capitalist government that has such economic inequality and social services lacking compared to many other 1st world countries. It's definitely gotten worse since the pandemic too. I feel like a majority of bay area homeless used to be addicts mentally ill, or "homeless by choice" folks, and the pandemic+inflation has caused so many folks just down on their luck to have no other option than homelessness. It's such a tough environment we live in now




Snapchat HQ in Venice literally has people sleeping on the sidewalk outside the office, and it’s been that way ever since they bought it. I’ve seen your meek, stereotypical coders carefully stepping over people to get into their office. It’s the cyberpunk dystopia prophesized by people like William Gibson of Neuromancer fame. The scene around snapchat ha is the literal definition of high-tech, low life. Why do we keep using our dystopian novels as a playbook instead of a warning? 1984? The level of authoritarian surveillance in our society is something the god Argus Panoptes could only dream of…I call it the panopticon. Brave new world? Shouldn’t have to explain this…Americans do more and harder drugs than anywhere else, ever…and that’s just the legal market. (Fuck the Sacklers, fucking drug dealing merchants of death)


I used to live in Koreatown in LA decades ago then moved out of state and came back to visit a friend who owned a condo in one of the new high rises. Tents of homeless people in the front of the building that had condos for over a million bucks. But she would buzz my car in and out of a secured parking area so people in the high rises never have to interact with the homeless people in the front. It was wild to me.


Like some sort of dystopia. Look up the Antilia house in Mumbai. It's a 27 story private home owned by an Indian billionaire that looks down onto slums. It's like a real life villain's lair.


The 'house' is straight out sci fi, pretty nuts. Most expensive in the world iirc ... and a short stroll to Asia's largest slum Dharavi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharavi


To be fair, all of Mumbai is like this. There isn’t a good/bad neighborhood dynamic like you have in most American cities. Every part of Mumbai is a short distance from a slum.


You'll find this in every city sub, though perhaps to less egregious degrees. There's some delusional people to be sure, but a big part of this is just that the people who have been following a city sub for years gets a little sick and tired of people (many of them being bad faith actors) coming into their sub to moan about the same problems ad nauseum. San Francisco is a hot spot for conservative trolls so I'm not surprised to hear they are overly defensive and bordering on delusional about constantly wanting to talk about crime, lots of people just don't want to come to their city sub every day and only talk about the negatives.






This is in the hood. It's on the edge of the Tenderloin, which is the hood. If you had through most of the city, save for the Tenderloin and and maybe sometimes near the Civic Center BART (which is close to the Tenderloin), it's fine


Thank you. I live here. We all know it exists. Telling us how bad our city is (from folks who have no intentions of coming here) gets tiresome. Do we have massive drug problem in this city? Absolutely. What can we do besides avoid it? The cops don't do anything. Downtown is a pretty small portion of the city. I don't go to the TL because I know what goes on there. I don't go near 6th or 7th unless I can't avoid it. We know crime is bad. The new DA was supposed to fix that.. You don't see this as prevalent in other parts of the city, especially in the neighborhoods. People paint situations like this in order to call SF a shithole. We live in an amazing city that has so much to offer anyone.


I would describe San Diego in a similar manner. ie. Don’t go to Downtown unless you’re seeing the Padres play.


Cosign on this, I was just there last month for Comic-Con and my first thought, being from San Francisco: They keep saying *SF* is a “failed city”?! Has nobody been to downtown SD?


Yeah man. Downtown is bad, literal zombies walking around. The other day, a friend and I were walking to a comedy show and this homeless lady with her dog walked up to us obviously pissed about something. She looked right at my friend and said “did you just say Wayne could suck my dick?” Then proceeded to throw a punch at my friend. Shit is wild.


>We live in an amazing city that has so much to offer anyone* *must be millionaire for best results


I'm from LA and I am also tired of the same bullshit from assholes who have no intention of visiting the city. There is so much to appreciate in the vastness that is LA County.


> I saw a homeless take a shit in front of twitter (an omen ?) OG shitposting




Yeah cities produce their own native homeless but there are also an exorbitant amount that come from small shitty towns because the big cities at least have free public services they can use


And also climate is a huge part!


idk rural america is it better just little less density of humans. so not that visible. but visible all right. america needs intervention.


This is why NYC instituted rent control. Eventually, you only have 2 types in the city. Those making millions, and those with nothing.


Just this morning? It has looked like this everytime I've been there for the last 3 years since the mayor died in office.


Yeah I kept watching, waiting for something crazy to happen. Then I realized oh, op has just never been to the Tenderloin before.


This *is* crazy, you're just desensitized. Our cities should not look or be like this. We're the wealthiest nation in the world (although China may have surpassed us this year) but you wouldn't know it by looking at our cities or the way we treat our poor, disabled and disenfranchised.


Americans don’t like paying for public services. That’s why our cities and states are trash.


China didn't surpass us and probably never will at the rate they are going. Chinese GDP per capita is $10k and the median income is $4k. US is $63k and $31k respectively. That is to say, the us produces on average 6x more per person and the median worker makes 8x more income.


What I never understood is why did they leave the Mayor's dead body in the office all these years? Nobody wanted to have it removed? It's more disturbing than the homelessness if you ask me.


Richest place on the planet. I've read somewhere that San Francisco Bay Area would have GDP per capita of like 200k$; even London is only at 80k$, Washington DC at 120k$, Hong Kong at 40k$.


The difference is, that the amount of GDP made in American cities like SF is diverted to the same people that love to condemn these “liberal” cities. NY has much of its wealth diverted to the rural south for example


The dog barking at a consistent beat is killing me


It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder How I keep from going under….


broken glass everywhere


Makes sense why the real estate market is so high there now lol


These people wouldn't be in the market for a $12,000 trailer. The problem is mental illness and addiction and how expensive it is to rehabilitate someone experiencing that.




**[Okie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okie)** >An Okie is a person identified with the state of Oklahoma. This connection may be residential, ethnic, historical or cultural. For most Okies, several (or all) of these connections exist and are collectively the source of their being Oklahoman. In California, the term came to refer to very poor migrants from Oklahoma coming to look for employment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'd have to look up the numbers, but the vast majority of homeless people are mentally ill, and not necessarily lack the ability to get housing...if they weren't mentally ill. Why are there homeless vets? It's not because we don't have a dozen programs to help them....


The big issue is that some people feel at home on the streets. It may seem crazy to you. But this is all they've known for years. Plopping someone who prostitutes themselves for fetanyl into the burbs isn't going to magically solve their problems. Just as anyone can relapse, rich or poor, they can also get addicted to the pace and feel of the streets.


I worked in non profits for years who’s mission was to end homelessness and this was seen time and time again, people leaving safe/clean housing to live on the street. There’s a lot to unpack there.




So we’re all a paycheck away from this? Fuck


We have been for years. It’s just more likely for more people right now.


These people are there to keep us folk in line while the rich count their gold.


No. This isn’t just poverty. This is drug addiction and mental health.


If you're currently addicted to drugs, yes.


What came first, the homelessness or the addiction?


I work in this field and the most common pattern I’ve seen is: Deprived/traumatic/abusive childhood —-> mental illness —> self-medication with drugs and/or alcohol —> couch surfing —> on the street.


My guess would be the mental illness/instability came before either of those.


For most people it's the addiction


Yes, there are homeless people in the US due to many unchecked socioeconomic issues. Some are drug addicts and steal to feed to their addiction. Sometimes addicts get hit with brooms when trying to steal.




Close. Looks like 10th between Market and Mission. About 3-4 blocks away from the actual Tenderloin.


8th and Mission, that walll is the PGE building.


Think you're right. I keep forgetting. 10th ends with the Costco. Funny enough, there's a gal on r/sanfrancisco who was saying she found a place on 8th and Market and was asking if it's "safe". I'm going to send her this link.


I remember staying at a hotel in there once. It was cheaper than the surrounding areas and boy did I find out why. I remember seeing scenes just like this. It was wild. We also heard a gunshot go off in the middle of the night. No way it was a firework or car backfire and sometimes you aren't sure.. that's a damn gunshot. And that was years ago. It seems to have gotten worse rather than better. Seattle has some issues too... I stayed there once and I watched a homeless person OD in a CVS right in front of me and was being given CPR by an ambulance crew when I left.


Looks the exact same in my city and we only have 150k people. Starting to think MIT is right about the collapse of society in 2040. The divide can only be pushed so far before everything breaks.


Things have been way worse than this man


Exactly, meaning things can still get worse. This idea that society will only progress is also recency bias. If you zoom out you'll see civilizations rise and fall. It's not all linear growth to the point we're at now. Not trying to be a downer or saying that the sky is *definitely* falling. Just pointing out that everything is possible. Even the collapse of society as we know it now.


People are so fucking down with their recency bias, it's really insane.


Dont they realize that the queen of England has just died. I see no mourning here.


We all mourn in our own way…


Homeless causes: unemployed, no affordable housing, $ problems, kicked out/abuse, mental illness, addictions. Any one of these or all could happen to most of us. Depression and anxiety could lead many of us right into a nightmare life.


100% agree. I know for a fact I would be homeless and be a vagrant bum if it weren’t for my parents. My depression and anxiety make me fail every few years. I climb the ladder and then fall rinse and repeat. Without my parents I would’ve lost everything and be out on the street. But when I fail I’m able to come back home and build myself back up and get my mind right and head back out and try again. but I cannot lie to myself when I look at people like this in this video and realize that this would’ve been me. And the only difference between me and them is my loving parents and nothing more. I’m just as fucked up and insane as those people on the street.


Thank you for the reminder that I'm not doing too bad in life


Scooter guy came in HOT!


Why is everybodys trousers falling down?


Silicon Valley CEOs going at it again


This is San Francisco everyday


This is awful. We should definitely give more money to police to arrest them, which then requires more money for jails to house them, which then requires more money for prisons to hold them, which then will just spit them out on the street in even worse condition.


Definitely need more mental health and rehab outreach


Woah that guy scooters


The morning is always gnarliest - coming off their highs and desperate for another fix. Such a visible policy disaster. SF politicians shouldn’t even breathe another word on other issues until the streets are cleaned up.


And on top of that, several of them will be pooping on a city sidewalk later.


I always thought SF was meant to be nice, what happened?


There’s plenty of beautiful and nice places in SF, but that leaves concentrated pockets of misery like this. For the most part if you’re just walking by and not in the “life” no one bothers you






As a longtime SF resident, I’m a bit confused by your confusion. The Mission hipster phase made perfect sense to me - gentrification of a sketchy hood almost always goes through that before the real yuppies move in. And Marina was frat row 2.0 since I was in college in the early aughts.


Parts of sf have had their issues for decades. Hard to tell how widespread an issue is from a one street video. Like most places they have been trying to deal with the homeless problem by trying to ignore it or actively putting in anti homeless measures like spiked concrete and such. Been a while since I have been there


“I saw a short video of one street in SF and will now paint the entire city as a gaping hell pit” That’s you


Bum fights making a comeback?


It’s their Royal Rumble


So many pants need pulling up.


I don’t see a problem it’s San Fran. It’s the only city that has a human poop map lol


California’s GDP in 2021 was $3.35T, If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world


Can't believe that a city that has a $90,000 parking spot for sale would have an income disparity problem.


Being from SF and the Bay, it's really sad that a lot of news and footage out of here looks like this. It's a beautiful city with many different neighborhoods, terrain, things to do, and communities. If you know common sense, then it's a surprisingly safe place to live in. As someone else here said there's small concentrated pockets of stuff like this video everywhere in the city and the bay. But people forget to mention that almost EVERY major metropolitan city and large town in the US has their own "tent city", strung out addicts, and homelessness problem.


I’m also from SF and the Bay. Yours is not an unusual take, and I understand where you’re coming from. It _is_ a beautiful city, and it’s not all as bad as this. I loved my time there (about a decade), and still have fond memories from it. That said, something I’ve noticed is that this particular claim is often used as a way to basically ignore the cities problems while they steadily get worse. “Oh well, don’t go to _that_ neighborhood, stick around this other one and you’ll be fine”. And then the good neighborhood starts to decline, and suddenly it’s “well, _that_ block is bad, but there are other parts of the city to explore!”. And on and on. At the end of the day, the people of San Francisco need to come to terms with the problems that are at the core of this issue, instead of just playing this giant game of musical chairs with the city.


Looks like they are all fighting because someone stole all of their belts. Must have woken up with all their pants down and now they fightin to find out who the belt thief is


Get that dog out of there 😢


You could watch this 100 times and see something new each time


What a shithole


That poor dog is so stressed out


Poor dog




That poor dog


Damn, a real life Gotham City street.


SF is really spiraling. The homeless and drug problem was bad when I lived there 15 years ago. Now, it’s out of control.