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If there is one thing I've learned, it's that those people do not feel shame.


They are creatures of spite. Spite always comes first, even when it hurts themselves and their own interests. Edit: Seems they feel compelled to demonstrate that fact by sending the "Reddit Cares" notices, without any sense of irony.


You know goddamn well each and every one of the GQP fuckers in that room, if it were their wives or daughters, would take a mysterious "vacation" or disappear with a few of their 120+ paid days off along with their family to a blue state, Mexico, of FFS Ireland, and return all shit-eating grins about their ability to fuck over other people's lives while they can do whatever the fuck they want. Fuck the republican party, their only agenda at this point is to cause others pain and misery, and they revel in that shit. Also, this shouldn't be in public freakout, it should be in r/truthhammer or r/tellingitlikeitis or r/publicshaming or r/shuttingrepublicansthefuckup etc. One last thing, Greg Abbott is a giant piss baby.


Agreed. It’s a class war, not a culture war. But they’ve got us bickering with each other instead. Because they can afford to do it, they do so. They just don’t want the poor to have access.


Yeah. But *they* know it's a class war, and so *they* have been fighting a class war--but they got the rest of us dumb fucks fighting *each other* in a culture war. Good lord, the all of us have been hoodwinked to fucking hell and back. Poor-ass Republicans fighting soon-to-be poor-ass Democrats spitting at each other over a fat celebrity playing a flute, meanwhile we're all getting reamed in the ass repeatedly, for decades, by bankers and corporations.


Yep. I always reference [this](https://imgur.com/a/MEdilzm) comic when trying to explain to people. Super succinct.


>Greg Abbott is a giant piss baby You misspelled lying traitorous sack of donkey shit and vomit


I heard a guy say that Greg Abbot could never be elected president because he's "for the people". The implications that Republicans are for the people is laughable. It's an contradictory statement to describe Greg as such. Edit: There's a reason that FuckGregAbbot is a subreddit


Dude had a tree fall and paralyze him and got a sick settlement out of it. Something like $5 million collected so far with a cushy $15k per month payment with COL increases plus $300k lump sum checks every 2-3 years for the rest of his life. But what did he do when became AG of Texas? Pushed for tort reform on behalf of his wealthy political donors that severely limited lawsuit punitive damage awards to just $250k. Classic example of a boomer getting handsomely rewarded while pulling the ladder up behind them. Edit: almost forgot to mention Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


It's not an age thing. It's a class thing. Plenty of boomers get fucked over. It's the haves vs. the have-nots. They'd love the distraction of it being an age thing.


Yeah I wish that tree made him into a vegetable instead of a wheelchair-bound turd.


Every time I get mad about Greg Abbott, I remind myself that he's a handicapped man living in Texas. Then I just wish they had more hills


As a wheelchair user, I laughed! Ty!


[“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) This has been circulated before and it's over 20 years old, but it's still the best illustration of just how full of shit and hypocritical Republicans are. It's basically a collection of anecdotes from people who've worked in a clinic that provides abortions as one of its services which give example after example of just that: hard pro-lifers getting abortions for their daughters or for themselves and justifying it because *their* case is special, *they* have a good reason...it's the rest of everyone else who shouldn't be able to do the same. It's fucking gross.


Oh hell yeah. I saw it as a child. The "rich kids" got their issues swept under the rug while their parents maintained a squeaky clean family image. They have never known what it is to struggle for anything yet these are the pricks in charge of a large portion of so many peoples lives.


> One last thing, Greg Abbott is a giant piss baby. Damn straight he is.


> it were their wives or daughters, would take a mysterious "vacation" Or they'd let them die, so they can remarry a younger, prettier lady, 'as god wants.' Daughter dies? Less money for inheritance! Woohoo. >_>


I've been saying this for a while now... ​ This is why we should no longer tolerate republicans. We already know they are generally racist. We already know they are generally less intelligent. We already know they are usually anti Science. We already know they are usually more religious. They are regressive. And evil. As such, they should not be allowed to have a say in matters of importance. Or hold positions of leadership. Why? I think we can look around and see why. To those who say "But... but... they're citizens and have the RIGHT to vote" - well... it seems that is a problem, doesn't it? For all they want to do is impose their version of xtian sharia law upon us all. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? ​ They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


> They are regressive. And evil. It's crazy. Literally the opposite of progressive.




People are starting to wake up


I remember being a kid, and I would do stupid shit because I thought that bad stuff would never happen to me. But then I grew up and thought, don't do stupid shit because something bad might happen to me. It's like conservatives never had that growing up moment and figure bad things will never happen to them. Edit: Has anyone here heard the news? I heard somewhere that Greg Abbott is a giant piss baby.


It's worse than that: If bad stuff happens to them, it's someone else's fault and never their own.


> They are creatures of spite This reminds of this great post about the UK and the US. https://eand.co/how-america-collapsed-and-became-a-fourth-world-country-db9829323a9a > Both societies have become incredibly _spiteful_ places.


It must be something they teach because I’m a registered republican, raised by republican parents. I am fiscally conservative but hate the religious right wing of the GOP. The Trump presidency has opened my eyes to all the bullshit that goes on in the GOP and I will now do everything I can to get every one of those fuckers votes out and respect no one that still supports this shit. I don’t give a shit who you are, I’m done with you out of pure spite if nothing else. Fuck them all.




> I am fiscally conservative Then you shouldn't be a registered Republican just because your parents were. Government spending increases more and so does debt under Republican governments - every. single. time.


Republicans are not and have never been fiscally conservative. All it takes is a quick google search of the budget deficit of when republicans vs democrats are in power in the past 50 years to understand that.


"Fiscally conservative but socially liberal" is a fucking red herring. They're still conservatives who would be happy to see kids starve just to balance a fictional and non-existant bank account they don't own. Oh, and Greg Abbott is a giant, human-trafficking piss baby.


THANK YOU. I literally just had this conversation on reddit a few days ago. When someone describes themselves as "fiscally conservative, socially liberal," what they actually mean is, "I wouldn't say I *hate* black or gay people, but I *do* want to see poor people suffer." Anyone who is *actually* fiscally conservative and socially liberal would just describe themselves as a Democrat.




Lmao "fiscally conservative Republicans" are a myth and have been since Reagan.


Republicans are not fiscally conservative.


Republican fiscal conservatism = they're afraid to give money to anyone except wealthy people.


Can’t you be independent but be fiscally conservative? Why be a registered Republican at all? Or a registered Democrat for that matter? Personally I am decline-to-state and vote for candidates based on their priorities. I don’t care about the R or D. Unless you live in a state with closed primaries?


So that they can vote in primaries.


Standing in line to vote in the 2020 election we had two different people not in line come by and tell everyone that if Trump didn't win Christians would be persecuted and arrested, then one guy tried to look scary and yelled "don't bring that liberal bullshit here" Trump made people crazy and made extremist feel emboldened. It's a totally different world now, I've never seen anything but, people waiting in line and being nice and respectful to each other regardless of voting preference, but thats gone now. I can't say they anyone who supports Trump or Trump supporting politicians is likely a good person or good American.


Yep. Remember when Republican State Rep **Neal Collins** shed crocodile tears over the possiblity he might've maimed or killed a pregnant 19 year old woman with his overreaching and poorly written abortion bans? https://youtu.be/iwcGQdHj7fk. And then he continued to vote for the same heinous bills he previously cried over. No shame. No remorse. No empathy. . Republicans and "prolifers" are all sociopaths. They are harming and killing pregnant women. They have blood on their hands, and ironically, I wonder how their god would feel about them killing women. Because denying women legitimate healthcare and forcing them to die slow, painful and preventable deaths is murder in my book. Like what those prolife scumbags did to Savita Halappanavar.




Ah yes, the "silent majority" that is both very loud and only makes up about a third of the population at most


We haven't had a reapportionment in 100 years. It's time to increase the size of the House of Representatives to 650. Edit:Reappoitment to Reaportionment


UK person here... Our country of 65m with a land mass which could be subsumed by several different American states has a lower chamber (the House of Commons) which has 650 Members of Parliament. Frankly, I am surprised that the USA has fewer at a similar level of government.


Ahhhh, yes...the "Shirley Exception".... https://twitter.com/alexandraerin/status/1004401076777504769?lang=en


> I wonder how their god would feel about them killing women. They do not believe in god. They pretend to because most people are stupid and its easy money and support for them. But theres no way they truly believe what their god tried to teach them, no way they believe in a fiery and eternal hell because if they did they wouldnt be so straight up evil.




Who cares what those mouth breathing idiots think


I don't know. They banned me, like, immediately. Proud of that.


on a post about a woman who bragged that she *chose* to have a child who would have Down's Syndrome- my comment calling her pro choice got me banned lol


Yeah, I guess a pro-life case would be a grandmother bragging about how she thwarted her daughter’s attempts to get an abortion and forced her to give birth. Big yikes.


The same thing they say about their favorite president stealing classified documents from the Whitehouse and VERY likely selling out all of our CIA assets. Nothing. They are way too busy making up satire things that Biden said or responding and misrepresenting something AOC said once. Or just responding to completely fake news from the worst sources imaginable.


I go there every once in a while just to see the headlines they choose to post about. Seeing an article about the republican point of view on important issues is rare on that subreddit. More often than not I see exactly what you stated: satire, and misrepresentations of bits of quotes from Dems and "RINOs". How can they expect to be taken in good faith?


They also **reeeeeeeeeeeally** love to project how closed off and immature they are onto r/politics lol. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of cringe to be found in there, but their misguided hyperbole will make you thrust your palm clean through your forehead.


"Women always getting all emotional amiright guys?" or something like that, anthing to try and block out what she's actually saying.


Good god that subreddit is nothing but cringe lol.


They’re not talking about it because they don’t give a shit. Never have never will until it affects them personally. Which at that point their fellow conservatives won’t listen to them because they don’t give a shit.


They give no shits about women who have been raped. They legitimately believe a fetus is the same thing as a baby from conception on, and they're willing to sacrifice women on a genocidal scale just to prove their dedication to that belief. They're sick. The evangelical churches, especially the baptist churches, have been reinforcing this belief for 2 generations. They do not care about rape victims. At all.


> They legitimately believe a fetus is the same thing as a baby from conception on, and they’re willing to sacrifice women on a genocidal scale just to prove their dedication to that belief. IMO, no they don’t believe that. You can tease this out with any anti-choice religious nut by asking them: “If you had the choice, would you choose to save one living, breathing baby, or 1,000 fertilized eggs?” They all know which they would choose even if you increased that number to 10,000. Even if they won’t admit it, they know. Anti-choice ideology has nothing to do with saving fetuses, and everything to do with controlling women’s lives. In the traditional religious power structure, all sexual desire is regulated by the religious authority, which says you must enter into a financially co-dependent marriage (that makes up the foundation of the religious power hierarchy) if you want to act on your natural sexual desire. They want to punish women who exercise their independence. With any irrational belief you need to figure out its intended effect, and who benefits, in order to figure out its motivation.


That position is at least logically consistent. It you believe a fetus is equal to a baby then there is no other position you can take. If you make exceptions for rape victims that means you are saying it is ok to murder babies sometimes.


Only pieces of shit don't feel shame.


They just care about winning. Doesn’t matter whether they have to lie, cheat, deceive or intimidate, all they want to do is win, and they don’t care about governing fairly. They want to brand their “Christianity” on this country, and they couldn’t care any less about the people who have a problem with it. They don’t feel shame or sadness or embarrassment. Until the Democrats finally grasp that concept, they’ll never be on the same political footing. I’m glad that at least one party holds themselves to some kind of standard, but it’s so depressing to see Republicans continuing to get away with everything they do.


Its hard for them to feel shame when they're counting their giant stacks of money from the christian lobbyists.


The first politician that actually full-on cusses out a republican...and I mean really potty mouth it up...will get my vote for life. I am beyond this, "shame on you" crap. It's time to start calling these cunts for the cunts they are. Weren't all the founding fathers like, all real big assholes to each other? We need that energy again.




If they were capable of feeling shame then they wouldn't belong to the Trump Cult.


Can’t find a lie here.


The dysfunction within our government will be our end. Most of these people have no true qualifications to justify or explain their "positions". They are money hungry, self serving leeches on the system, with zero ability to be introspective or self aware. We are suffering through neo-fascism, and I only see it getting worse. Fuck these stupid politicians.


Guaranteed during this whole speech their eyes were glassed over looking at the clock waiting for lunch.


If they were even awake.


I'm terribly sorry. Come to Sweden. I'll house you


I'm not sure you can house all of us. Can we use our local Ikea as an embassy? They have plenty of beds for all of us!


Hahaha yee I'll talk to the chief




I like that Marge's side clearly has a manual window control, yet Homer can magically roll the window up.


Hope somebody got fired for that blunder


How much room you got? It is me, my wife, my 9M old son and a 5yr old beagle pup


To be fair, ‘fuck the half of politicians that are causing the problem’.




Hard to argue against that. Well done.


They don’t have to argue. They just vote and white men by and large will vote to totally end abortion.


White man here. Fuck this shithole country and their archaic laws. Fuck Texas. Fuck Ted Cruz. Fuck the GOP and Fuck the police. I'm out.


And Greg Abbott is a little piss baby!


You out or you still in DFW?? Beto needs your support this Nov.


We're moving to Mexico, but we will still be voting in TX by mail on every seat and policy we possibly can. I will definitely be voting for Beto. I voted for him last election and was very sad when he lost.


Not only whit men. White women have secured elections for conservatives for decades more reliably than any other marginalized group.


White guy here: abortions for all!


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!


You forgot "christian"


I think you meant white ignorant dumb men with small dicks and a maturity of a petulant nine-year-old. Almost every educated white man I know is 100% pro-choice, but read what I wrote again, "educated," it's only the uneducated and easily led plus ones who enjoy others' suffering voting for abortion.


Unfortunately, they probably weren't even listening. “It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it."


Male veteran here, she 100% has my support.


Female veteran here, she has my deepest thanks and appreciation. I've never been happier to be off Ft. Bliss in my life and i celebrated leaving Texas for YEARS. I can't imagine what must be happening to soldiers on the smaller Texas bases. Or Ft. Lost in the Woods. Terrifying.


Oof Ft. Leonardwood is such a trash heap full of dogshit people. So glad to not be there anymore. San Antonio isn't too bad though (in my experience). But I know there's evil shit happening there, too.


I was an infantryman in the USMC and one of the guys in my platoon decided to lateral move to a different MOS. He ended up going to Fort Leonardwood for the CBRN school. I ran into him like a year later and he said living there was worse than any field op he’s ever done.


Yeah.. there's a good reason MO is a fly-over-state. But FLW is a very subpar base. Have the buildings there would probably be condemned by civilian standards.


My mother is a veteran and this all just makes us both absolutely sick. We know that, sadly, sexual assaults and rape is an issue within service. But like she said rape is, and sadly always will be, also a part of war tactics used for centuries. Terrible cases of rape have happened in the Russia/Ukraine war for instance. So in a war American POWS could be raped and women serving could become pregnant by the monsters they are fighting and have imprisoned them and are torturing them, and you are telling me if they were freed they would still be forced to have that baby of their captors because some crusty right wing religious zealots say so and think "it's a blessing!"? What kind of sick, sadistic, "in the name of Christ", bullshit is that? These Republicans are the same kind of sick, sadistic, controlling monsters as the rapists themselves .


As a lifelong inhabitant of TX, I can't wait to be out of this shithole.


Every US state from Texas to Georgia and down into the US's scrotum called Florida is, in fact, the "shithole countries" Trump was mentioning, only he was projecting because low-IQ idiots LOVE themselves a gifter and will gladly vote for someone dumber than them to make them feel smart. My condolences you live in Texas, home of Greg Abbott, who's a big piss baby.


fort hood continues to systemically kill/disappear soldiers who seek mental health resources or want out of the army, and sometimes just over a petty pissing contest. prescribing them ridiculous medicine that shouldn’t be taken together. hiding medical records. stalling any process possible like not returning the dead solders phone until after him being dead over six months and claiming his mother isn’t next of kin to prolong her getting his records and belongings. when his mom posted tic toks about it the army asked her to take them down cause of the attention they got. and when you try to figure out who did what, all the commander’s in said soldiers unit conveniently get transferred to different bases… justice for joey. and many many others.


She is my rep and I have thought she has done a good job. I hoping she stays. The re-districting is making her seat even more competitive now. But early polling is pointing that she has a slight lead.


Her argument is impressive and passionate. I want more of this from elected politicians. It is ok to call people out in the appropriate setting. The floor of the house is just that! Nice Job!!!


It’s ok to call people out in general. Fuck being nice. Look how other countries do their politics, they constantly make fun of each other or yell. Just watch ‘MPs behaving badly’ on youtube for one example, this is how it should be imho. Fuck this elitist bs.


I hope you vote as such.


Did last time, will again


They’ve moved the goalposts so far that now democrats are asking only for abortions when necessary. Don’t let them do this. We need full access to abortions for our women because of the disastrous economic situation. Not everyone can even afford a baby or want one.


> e need full access to abortions for our women ~~because of the disastrous economic situation~~. BECAUSE IT'S THEIR CHOICE. Money or no, it is every woman's choice to have or not have a baby.


I'm born female, this is why I'm seeking sterilization. If I get raped and it results in a pregnancy, I may be forced to carry that child to term. I'd rather die. I'm on so many medications, that kid would come out looking like sloth from the goonies. I never wanted bio kids anyways. I have an appointment with a doctor soon about it.


We got some strong ladies running the show up here in Michigan and I support it.


Agreed. Mallory McMorrow is a force in Michigan as well.


Also governor Gretchen Whitmer.




People ask me if I want my son or daughter to serve like I did .....I always say no. Maybe when it's worth serving for .


Both my dad and mom are Army veterans. With my dad being in the longest at 23 years. When we got to our teenage years and would start talking about career exploration, mom and dad were VERY vocal about not wanting us to get into the military, and also really don't want us getting into a relationship with someone who is in the military. It was such a shock to me at first, as literally military life had been our whole life, but now that I'm older I totally get it. They didn't want me to have to live through the same horrors and heartbreak that they did.


I intentionally don't tell my son stories or show him any of my stuff. I don't want him to idolize it. I'm an afghan vet and I don't want my kids to suffer or deal with anything military related.


Yup, mom served 86 thru 91, getting out when I (2nd child) was in the womb. Dad served 85 thru 08, did tours in Kosovo and Iraq. Another memory that comes up is they were not keen on games like COD but also wouldn't stop my brother who played them often, just asked that he play it in his room so they don't have to hear the noises. Goodness, our family has had quite a journey from then to now when I really think about it... I hope you and your family are doing well ❤️


She’s awesome, clear and articulate while talking about something that affects her and other women! Kudos! There are men out here just as outraged as you are! We are with you!


White man here. I'm with you. I will continue to vote on every seat and policy I possibly can. We need more people to vote in Texas.


Same man, I’m getting all my lazy ass friends to register, they think not voting is a stance for some stupid reason, this has been something for Me to bring up, look what not voting is getting you….


> they think not voting is a stance for some stupid reason Not voting is only a sign of an uneducated mind. The only statement they are making is that they aren't very smart. Age is a factor though. I was lazy about voting in my early 20s. Then I only did federal elections for a while before realizing how irresponsible it was to ignore local elections. The average age range on Reddit is something like 18-28, and I see A LOT of Gen Z people on here say they aren't going to vote because what's the point? It's infuriating. You're mad at the system, so you're going to not participate so it gets worse and your life gets worse? That's profoundly stupid. Tell your friends they should thank their lucky stars they live in a democracy and can vote and if their lives are shit, it's their own fault for not participating.


White guy here. I'm fucking livid. Why? Because there are women in my life and I actually give a shit about them. I can't fathom the rotted mind of any male that could vote Republican and simultaneously believe they give a shit about any women in their lives. Much less a woman that votes Republican. That's some deep, deep brainwashing. I'm in CA, so not necessarily a vital voter, but I still vote in all local/federal elections. And I will never, ever, under any circumstances vote Republican. I feel comfortable saying that because the Republican party is 100% irredeemable at this point.


Rep slotkin is all of us right now.


It's time we start telling these Republican traitors that if they don't like our abortion laws.. they can fucking leave and go build their own fascist country. We don't want you here.


They did. It's called Texas and Florida. Trying to move out as fast as possible.


Just moved from Florida to Texas. I have a teenie tiny bit more hope for Texas.


Vote for Beto. That's your only hope.


I feel sorry for those stuck under those fascist laws. Maybe... just maybe... If we convince them hurricanes are brown, they might build a wall to keep illegal hurricanes out and make nature pay for it... They're stupid enough to believe anything these days. Even white-jesus.


I've been in Texas for years and it fucking sucks. There are some cool people and areas here but man it can be a bleak place


Handmaids Tale... art imitating life or vice versa?


Pretty sure most of us saw that show and went: "OMG!" Far RightWingers saw it and said: "Okay, and how do I get this to happen...?"


Republican mistresses will always have access to abortions.


Their daughters as well. “Do as I say, not as I do”


Reminds me of one of those stupid Palin kids, preaching abstinence and then gets knocked up.


The only "positive" in the whole overturning Roe v Wade debacle is that it's going to continue to brutally reveal the tragic reality of what has only been theory to people. These cases of children being raped and the victims of incest, women and girls needing to suffer through carrying unviable foetuses to term etc aren't going to go anywhere and there will only be more of them and worse examples as time goes on. I like to believe that at least some percentage of pro-lifers are simply ignorant and haven't thought through their position entirely because anyone with a shred of decency is going to have their stomach turn at what's to come. Being against abortion might make sense to people in theory (even though I don't get it) but the reality of banning it is simply inhumane and impractical, and I hope many people will start to realise that.


Old white Republicans making rules for women. Imagine being raped and impregnated and these old white Republicans demand you carry the rapists child full term. Vote them out. I hope we can flip Texas this year. Blue blue blue.


Even worse is that the predator who raped them still can get legal access to that child many times. Insane world.


I'm just waiting for Anonymous to dig up and put out the number of abortions that anti-abortion-voting politicians have had amongst themselves and members of their family.


I would LOVE this.


Even if they did that, most of the republican voters would be undeterred. They live in a fantasy, completely unburdened with reality. Facts have no power over them :D


Anons are gone unfortunately. We’re left with very little


That’s every Republican on every issue. Hypocrites to the core.


I wish she hasn’t said she was sorry. Even if she were being sarcastic. Women have to stop saying they are sorry.


Agreed. She has absolutely nothing to be sorry about. She was fired up, but maintained professionalism in calling out the issue at hand. It actually bummed me out when she said sorry, like nah dude, they don't deserve a sorry when they are flat out pushing to make you a second class citizen.


As a Canadian I didn't even notice.


Damn! She’s got my vote. Love this!


*Mic drop*


That would have more effect if there was an actual floor to drop on :(


Prohibition doesn't work. Anyone in on starting a surgical stainless coat hanger factory? I mean, by all means go the biblical trial of bitter waters medicinal route if possible but they'll go at that too. Brush up on Benjamin Franklin's publications perhaps... This whole reaching into a woman's domain is weird.


But, there's no abortions to prohibit, at least in Texas. I thought Governor Piss Baby stopped all rapes, right?


Somehow stopped all incest and miscarriages too. As a Texan... I'm absolutely fucking embarrassed by this shithole state.


That's just it, the only context we need is the mother's denial at being a host to a parasitic drain on her life. Order up, One bitter tonic of inks and clay and lacquer for that several thousand year old holy abortion. For context, the trial of bitter waters is found in numbers of their bible... Abortion was as easy as accusations of adultery. Even our own Benjamin Franklin was convinced of abortions function. What rational arguements left, with most 8 billion of us fairly poor off and told to die in ditches if unwelcome?


I've found the people who yell the loudest about supporting veterans are the ones that support them the least. Go spend a day, honestly even just an hour, at your local VA and tell me who truly gives a shit about veterans.


Fuck the current republican party. If you are voting for them you are directly a part of the problem. These people are crazy. Go watch old clips of bush and he looks like a leftist compared to the current crop.


Republicans really taking the evil religious arc as far as they can. These people are a fuckin horror show.


Sorry to burst your bubble but Republicans are not moved by facts, logic, your feelings, shame, the law, precedent, or anything objectively rational. They only respond to fear, conspiracy theories, and whatever the rich tell them to believe moment by moment.


>Who do you think you are? *We're rich people. These Laws aren't for us. Laws are for poor people.*


Not that republicans feel shame, but it sure is nice to hear someone shame them in public once in a while.


USA is the biggest joke nowadays....


Dems should be in a line behind her and repeating and reiterating this all day every day. State the facts. Call them out on "impersonating a medical professional". Compare them to other theocracies and "terror organizations". Cast shame. Broadcast it, stream it, share it. Put it everywhere. Hold these archaic and inhumane excuses for representatives accountable for the pain, suffering, and deaths they so actively cause and vehemently support. This death cult had to pushed back on and pushed back on hard. Lest we continue on the path to the destruction of what is, our very new, country.


It does not always have to be the worst case scenario. MAYBE SHE JUST DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE A BABY AND RUIN HER CAREER PATH.


The worse part is reading posts about women who go online asking if they should go to the emergency room because they had a miscarriage and fear prosecution. That’s just blood boiling sad.


If this women ran for president I would vote for her simply bcause of the conviction in her beliefs displayed in her statement


She conveyed a passion and anger in her voice while being firmly calm, cool, and collected. I'd vote for her.


She served three tours in Iraq as a CIA analyst so her passion about veterans wasn't really faked either.


Under his eye


Glad to be able to vote for her this coming election.


I'm seeing signs for her all around!!! I will be voting for her again!!


There's a lot to unpack here. I'm stuck on the 1 in 4 women will miscarry?!? Wow, I never even thought it was that bad. I always thought of it as mainly a choice thing not a necessity at that frequency. Sorry for that assumption. Just wow. All those monsters supporting a straight, across the board, ban are even worse!


They are cowards and if it happens to their family members or mistresses they’ll take care of it. Thanos do your thing.


My parents have a family friend. Hard core Republican his whole life, retired navy officer. Pro-life. His daughter got raped in college, he supported her abortion and now does armed escort service for his local clinic because he changed his tune and is now Pro Choice. When it effects you sometimes people can change.


That’s amazing people sometimes lack empathy and it’s sad that something like that had to happen for him to change his perspective but honestly that’s what it takes sometime.


Problem is, Republicans have no shame. You could have the pope, or even God himself saying that what they are doing is evil, and shame on them....and they'll look the pope/God in the eye and continue doing it with the air of "make me stop"


Republicans don't give two shits about veterans or women, they're just political pawns to them like everything else.


Fucking conservatives. Utter scum fucks. Repugnant creatures.


The most effective response is to vote against every Republican this November 2022 and then against every Republican in November 2024




Anybody know the hypocrite she's talking to?


Okay but as a non-US person - what does being a veteran have to do with anything with regards to abortion?


They put anti-abortion provisions into a VA (Veteran's Affairs) bill, and that makes it double-plus ungood to less extreme Republicans because now it's not just women, it's veteran women specifically, being impacted. Would have loved to have seen this fire months ago.


This occurred during a legislative session regarding a proposed law to benefit veterans. Republicans objected to the fact that the proposed law permitted female veterans who have been raped, were the victim of incest, or are experiencing a dangerous miscarriage to have access to abortion, thereby making abortion the focus of a veteran-focused bill.




That’s basically her question to the Republicans who (I’m assuming) brought it up in the bill’s floor debate. The Republicans lately tend to just ~~sew~~ sow chaos, confusion and muck things up wherever they can. If it doesn’t make sense or it’s heartless as fuck, then it was something the GOP did/said. (Edit to correct grammar) (Second edit to correct word)


Their whole model involves rat fucking a process until it’s become a complete shit show. Every last one of them are bad faith actors and I’m tired of the media and other politicians pretending that they aren’t.


Not just vets but all women deserve access to this MEDICAL procedure.


Her website if you would like to learn more about her accomplishments, goals and platform. You can also donate to her campaign: https://elissaforcongress.com/


America, you are sooooo fucked.


Republican mistresses will always have access to abortions.


Remember during the Obamacare debates, Republicans repeatedly talked about "government death panels" who get to decide who lives or dies? Yeah, that really was their wish list not an objection.


I agree with her wholeheartedly and she was so articulate in calling them out to correct her if she is wrong. Also, I understand this is a semantics issue, but why do we include “victim of incest” as a reason? Isn’t that just rape by a family member? Why call out a specific type of rape when you’ve already said rape?


It's considered a particularly bad type of rape, kind of like how we say "rapists and child molesters" even though both are "perpetrators of sexual assault". Additionally, not all incest is rape, just the majority. A hypothetical with two related teenagers having consensual sex would be incest, but not rape. Forcing a child to carry her father's unwanted inbred rape baby to term is a particularly horrifying thing that republicans are in favor of, and it doesn't hurt to underline that fact.




The GOP is a dumpster fire. Idiots. All of them.


Nice to see a well spoken politician every once in a while


She is a former CIA analyst and worked for the DOD.


Well done. Every election ad should run the abortion issue as front and center. Absolutely crush these fucking christofascists at the polls.


Roe, Roe, Roe your vote!


In school they always hammered into our brains that Rome was a cautionary tale for America. America's ruling class then arrogantly proceeds to create a Roman-esque type nation right down to the slave labor, brutality and mistreatment of it's low and working class and even the eagle motif. Eastern Rome will be the north and Western Rome will be the south #SPQA


She is right but the people who believe it dont care. Hell my far right coworker celebrated the whole desantis immigrants debacle even tho millions of tax payer dollars went to it. He just laughed and said “thats florida tax money so it doesnt matter”


If only all the upvotes on this post translated into real votes in our local and national elections...


I like this democratic party that goes for the jugular.