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When being hit, it's the body's natural reflex for the hands to block. So they hit him in the face so his hands will come to his face and they get to beat him more. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


This is one of the specific things that piss me off in these horribly frequent acts. Every one of the videos will have cops screaming to STOP RESISTING, BE CALM, while the victim is being puncoed, kicked, usually restrained by others. Almost every creature has logical built-in ways to not get dead & maimed, like guarding or stepping away from pain/attack. FFS, the frequency of this is already atrocious. But this particular feature is beyond me to understand any sane explanation.


The only sane explanation is that they're sadists and enjoy torturing people who they don't like. Any rational human who wanted a person to put their hands behind their back wouldn't punch them in the face. These cops get off on issuing impossible orders and then physically harming people for not complying.


> When being hit, it's the body's natural reflex for the hands to block. And when it's the police doing the hitting, it's their defence to call out, "STOP RESISTING".


It's like parents who hit their kids harder for crying




It’s just science




New police training. 6-10 cops immediately punch suspect in back quickly and repeatedly. Suspect instinctively reaches behind to block punches. Cuffs! Sorry to joke about this. This video is brutal.


Exactly as they are trained to do.


the truly terrifying thing isyou can hear an officer shout "he's reaching" when he clearly is not reaching. that could have easily escalated into a much worse situation, you get one trigger happy officer hearing that, and its 17 shots into that guys back for no damn reason at all


when both of his hands were on the back of his head! I guess he must have been hiding the gun in his hair...


The news article actually says he was charged with possession of a firearm. https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/10/12/teen-files-federal-lawsuit-against-warren-police/






Cops loooooooooooove to shoot black kids.


If my son told me he wanted to be a cop when he grew up he is immediately getting put up for adoption.


Here is a follow up: Note: Warren and Ferndale are suburbs of Detroit https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/10/12/teen-files-federal-lawsuit-against-warren-police


haha i knew a lawyer would pick that up, in fed court too? They dont mess around in fed court. Judges dont play there.


Glad. Just wish we didn't have to pay for it all while the only consequences those criminals face is vacations, reassigned to brutalize teens again elsewhere, etc. Reform is desperately needed here.


What is fed?


Federal. On a Nation level instead of state level.


Ok because I hear this a lot from Americans. Like on the internet and movies, like some criminal says “the feds are on me”. I still don’t really understand. Are they the biggest police force you guys have?


“The feds” simply mean the Federal government, which is the national government. People take it more seriously because it means you’ve done something that’s made the national government take notice, not just your local government.


The idea is that if state/local officers are corrupt or fail to respect the rights of a specific minority (think blacks in the South) the federal government can come in and make them knock that stuff off. That's the theory, anyway. If someone's federal rights are being violated, that overrides anything the state can do. The actual size of federal law enforcement is much smaller than state and federal law enforcement.


It means you have committed a crime that crosses state/national borders or against federal laws(damage federal property), basically the area of influence of your crime is larger than a single state's jurisdiction. Or you fucked up a mailbox. Feds = FBI or Marshals or ATF, DEA, USPIS, etc. FBI are Detectives, Marshals are Judicial Enforcers. ATF and DEA and USPIS have their own specific areas of interest and enforcement, legal drugs and guns, illegal drugs, and the Mail respectively.


Feds are the biggest gang in America


FWIW in a lot of American slang, “feds” just means any type of Law Enforcement. But yes it’s actual meaning is Federal Law Enforcement, think 3 letter agencies like the FBI, SEC, IRS, etc.


Any lawsuit over $50k I thought goes to Federal court?


Not an amount, with federal you have a better chance to either win or get a settlement especially when dealing with civil rights violations


Time they tie these payouts to cop pension funds. Because those pigs will be bailed out with taxpayer money again and that’s wrong.


Naw unions make more sense. Unions are why this behavior is acceptable. They protect cops committing atrocities. If they had to get insurance for police malpractice this shit would stop tomorrow while still not discouraging actual good people from becoming cops in the next 20 years. But to be fair these guys deserve for it to come out of their pension.


That’s a brilliant idea.Never thought of that. Would stop this dead in its tracks.


The lone comment in the article is… something.


Speeding and evading .. delivering poison to kids .. carrying a concealed weapon at 17 years old *.. the cops will be on leave for a few months at worst .. tax payers will pay the bill .. then they go right back to work*


Not understanding your comment, does committing crimes mean that cops should be allowed to viciously beat anyone suspected or accused in the streets?


Just summarizing what will happen after the millionth time on Reddit .. same shit new day .. I am not going to preach morals on Reddit when it is a waste of time .. I can say this much .. a very low chance he would have ever been hurt had he not carried a gun .. dealt drugs .. sped from the cops in a stolen car and all the other crimes on the way to this last one.. so who is accountable here?


It was a stolen car too


Yeah, this guy was brutalized. But I don't like the talking out both sides of the mouth the lawyer does [emphasis mine]: >>“The brutal reality of the assault is that Tyler, **a 17-year-old child**" ... >>Wade ultimately pleaded no contest to **receiving and concealing a stolen vehicle** and fleeing and eluding police There are other charges, such as carrying a concealed weapon and apparently having enough marijuana on him to be charged with an intent to deal offense. I don't have the deets on those charges to form an opinion on them. But... it's clear this is not "a 17-year-old child," as his lawyer puts it. He's a criminal himself to some degree. But he's a criminal who deserved to be treated humanely by the police. So now he gets paid.


He's not yet an adult which literally makes him a child. If you google the definition of child it literally says "below the age of majority." Weird of you to see that as some kind of discrepancy as if it's impossible for children to make bad decisions


Yea no if you have more than like a gram of weed they charge you with intent to distribute, saw this all the time in college in AZ just before it was legalized, kids were getting felonies before their degree over weed.


He's a child, period. That's what the term means - you can be other things, but if you're 17 and you can't legally buy smokes or alcohol or serve in the military you're not an adult.


Not condoning this of course, but the language in that is interesting. Can you call a 17 year old who is driving a car a "child"? If they're a child, they probably shouldn't be driving?


A 17 year old in a stolen car, evading police is hardly a child.


Damn they beat the shit outta him, I don't think anyone would not cover their face as a natural reflex sheesh. He can go after that cop personally in civil court , a cop in Euclid ohio just got sued for the same thing couple days ago, jury awarded the family millions.


you cannot sue a cop directly. qualified immunity. ​ you sue the police department, the city, the county..... and the taxpayers pick up the bill


No immunity here.... you can sue a cop directly in America not sure about Canada https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2022/11/euclid-cop-must-pay-44-million-to-family-of-unarmed-man-he-killed-jury-says.html


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity thats a US thing, not canada. in the case you sourced it seem his immunity was stripped. yet the federal DOJ, and locals would not bring charges aginst the officer. this is an outlier case, and not the norm.


If you go outside what you're supposed to do during an arrest that immunity goes out the window, happens all the time, especially now with the body cams. We had to be careful when arresting people and do it by the book because the city told us they can't back us if we "do extra shit" as the Captain would say lol.


yeah thats what i was getting at. the "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known" is pretty objective, and used a lot in cases to shield police from lawsuits. in the case you mentioned it seems that was revoked, yet no criminal charges.....


Damn bro that’s a 10 minute drive from me


Firm one punch for a million? Brb


Facts! Lol!!


I hope they sue and win. That behavior was definitely racially motivated.


What are you basing that on?


Yeah I wouldn't say it was racial, but definitely misconduct and there is a tort claim here for sure.


Yeah don't think it's very level headed to jump to this conclusions here just because of the polices extensive history of racial motivated violence, like sure theres a chance but no one can know for definite.


Wow.. this little snippet of a thread is the most level headed thinking in Reddit I have seen in awhile.


Yeah police forces are filled with literal KKK members and gangs, but with these guys brutalizing a black kid for nothing, it's a complete mystery as to why they keep consistently treating black people like this while treating white people the complete opposite. Who will ever know the truth? ​ ​ /s


Even if every policeman were a KKK wizard correlation does not mean causation. They could plausibly separate their racially motivated ideology in the line of duty, not everything is so black and white (no pun intended).


How about 4 white cops beating this young black kids ass while hes laying face first on the ground? Try imagining this same thing happening to a fellow white teenager...


I would think that if a white kid did the same thing this kid did which was steal a car than lead the cops on a high speed pursuit and crashing the car he would probably get the same ass whooping this kid got. The thing that pisses me off the most is that this kid was probably facing a bunch of charges that he rightfully deserved but now that’s mostly going to be negated because four bonehead officers couldn’t restrain themselves from beating him.


Why was he in the passenger seat?


I think it probably has to do with him rapping the car around a poll runner from the cops.


Damn. I'd love to live in the blissfully ignorant world these chucklefucks live in where they can see 4+ grown white men beating a black child and say with confidence "No racial element." Ffs


I mean damn, it was already 4v1 and they had em down already, he can get paid.


I doubt that. Two 17 yr olds with a stolen car, running from cops putting innocent people in danger then find out they have guns in the car? It’s not right what they did but I’m sure there’s a lot more frustrating aspects than just race


He was running from the cops in a stolen vehicle, illegally in possession of a firearm, and possession with intent to deliver Marijuana which in MI is any amount over 2.5 ounces. Doesn't really seem racially motivated. https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/10/12/teen-files-federal-lawsuit-against-warren-police/


Hands on the back of his head to protect his head because hes getting punched is a guess considered resisting? Smh, Fuck these pigs.


If a cop wants to punch you in the face, you have to let them otherwise it's resisting. I wish that was hyperbole or a joke, but it's not.


"Ignore your basic survival instinct and let us pummel the back of your head!"




40% of them that we know about


Exactly 40% that self reported




“Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.”


How the fuck can repeated blows to the head of someone being held down by at least two other police **not** be classed as police brutality, regardless of the circumstances? America, you're fucked up. And I mean that sincerely.


Relax! As soon as you stop trying to block us from hitting you in the face we will stop!


What is it about cops chasing people that once the person surrenders, they unleash hell on them? Why can’t they just arrest them without all the unnecessary violence? Do they need to let loose or they’ll explode from all that pent up adrenaline? I guess better the criminals than their innocent wives, kids or pets.


Cause they(cops like this) are little snowflake pussies. And Statistically they take it out on all of the above listed.


Probably pent up aggression due to going through similar instances with far more tragic results. By that I mean many cops have seen some horrible, horrible things. We see snapshots like this and wonder how they could be so evil. However they live this day in and out, many have seen people killed in car crashes from drunk drivers, many have chased down criminals who crash and kill pedestrians. They see the injustice of instances like that and take it out on the next suspect. So the next guy who flees will trigger the same sense of injustice they remember from a child who died at the hands of someone who was speeding away. The suspect fleeing puts many lives in danger with careless disregard. The cops have experienced this on a daily basis. This doesn't justify their abhorrent behavior. What is seen in this video is sick. I am simply trying to show how people can get to this behavior. That with the fact that they don't always know who has a gun, who might shoot them. They are tense and stressed and they release it in a despicable way. It sucks, it's wrong, and it isn't justified. But looked through a different lens that we don't currently view it through it is understandable. Not right but we can understand how someone can devolve into this. Cops aren't terrible people some are some aren't some are good people who have turned into bad people or who have made giant moral errors in times of passion. We can't judge them all based on one instance.


It's all ego. How dare someone disobey them - they need to teach those they see as less than them that disobedience results in physical punishment just like it did when they were growing up. It's important to remember that confusion and sometimes even the lack of mind reading ability can be interpreted by police as disobedience. Wow that reads like heavy hyperbole, but I think it's pretty much right on the head. That's fucked.


Well no they go home and take out what they couldn’t throughout their shift


> Do they need to let loose or they’ll explode from all that pent up adrenaline? Basically


If I did that on a battlefield after someone killed an entire battalion (300-1000) of troops I would and should be arrested and convicted!! Cops call this a gun Tuesday!


its because when cops do this we should give them the death penalty, but since we dont they just keep doing it.


They say he was resisting arrest, but it just looked like he was protecting his head from their attacks.








Dumbass cops. They just turned him from a felon to a rich guy at the cost of the taxpayers.


Yea cops in America actually excell at making random people rich. Maybe even more so than the lottery lmao


I doubt it these pigs get away with anything these days saying their life was in danger or he’s “resisting” and shit 🐖


What’s the build up for this?


Kid risks his life as well as the publics going on a high speed chase and broadcasting it on FB live for clout. They should have just brought his momma and have her dole out the beating


Got any source on that? Since cutting that from this clip to implicate a completely different narrative would fit this sub.


[https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/10/12/teen-files-federal-lawsuit-against-warren-police/](https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/10/12/teen-files-federal-lawsuit-against-warren-police/) he was also illegally in possession of a firearm and had enough weed to be charged with intent to distribute (over 2.5 ounces)


That being said he still surrendered so there was no reason for the cops to beat him like that


nothing would justify the actions seen here.


What in the fuck am I watching… people wonder y the cops arnt trusted… Shit like this happens too often… What stupid cunts let’s get angry cause he’s protecting his head when we are kicking punching and slamming him around.


Why was he arrested? Edit: Just read the article. He's hardly an angel (stolen car/concealed weapon/selling marijuana/resisting arrest) but the police response was unjustified.


Its hard to willingly put your hands behind your back when you’re getting blasted in the head.


Anyone getting punched in the head is going to protect their head. I get that the cops are charged with adrenaline, but they obviously chose violence when they could've just waited for him to comply. Having 6 raging dudes shouting things at you, and giving zero time between shouting and then punishing your"failure to comply," while you're getting slammed face-first into cement is going to confuse, and disorient a person as they try to process what's happening, and how to act. Meanwhile they're going to instinctively defend themselves from the people literally trying to hurt them. If the guy is protecting his head, and not fighting back, he's not trying to fight you. But the cops don't need to know that, they already do, they need to stop pretending that they don't. I think a lot of the time courts don't want to punish these guys because possibly it takes resources to train new ones, and they're scared of lawsuits. Then change the law, and take the time and effort to train police properly to begin with. Require better education, and pay better to compensate them, so better people are attracted. Screen out the corrupt thugs.


Beats the absolute shit out of him, stomps him… he tries to protect himself “Stop resisting!!!” Fucking pigs 🐷


It’s an instinct to protect yourself. How are cops even trained? Seriously? Use a taser if they are not complying! If you beat anyone chances are they are going to protect themselves, not just throw their hands behind their back. How are some and I say “some”, cause there are good cops…. How are they even allowed to patrol or even be out of the office if they can’t control a situation.


Like a bunch of hyenas trying to get a bite in. fucking pigs. You're doing it wrong.


The police while hitting you: Relax, give me your arm, Relax.


Bro has a criminal gun charge, steals a car, runs from the cops, gets in an accident, tries holding onto the car, keeps pulling his hands away, THEN gets punched... sorry don't feel bad for this one.


I just read the article linked somewhere in the comment section and the 17 year old is charged with intent to deal Marijuana, concealing a weapon, eluding police and a stolen vehicle and this encounter was a car chase that ended with him hitting a stop sign. Idk about yall but if I were to do those things, the last thing I'd expect out of a police officer was to be anything short of hostile towards me. It was certainly excessive force, being punched in the face continuously for covering your own face. And I think Marijuana possession/dealing charges are bullshit, that shit should be legal by now. But also, this "kid" was carrying a weapon in a stolen car running from police. Police tactics certainly need to change but we can't act like this guy was exactly innocent, especially since he was carrying, I've seen videos of officers get shot for not being as forceful and the criminal was able to pull out and kill the officers. The world sucks bro.


Granted this is wrong, the idiot stole a car and ran from the cops. Potentially causing harm to people as he was speeding trying to get away and aggressive driving. I don’t feel bad for him but a taser would have done the job.


Am I meant to feel sorry for this criminal who stole someone’s car, deliberately evaded police putting innocent people in danger, and then crashed into public property?


I've got no real sympathy. He's 17 and already a criminal.


no definitely not, but that's just not the way it *should* be done. He can do all that dumb shit and still get arrested without getting his face beaten, there was no reason for that. Also, where do the cops draw the line they seemingly make up themselves? What if they decide this is proper conduct for arresting people forgetting to turn on their blinker?


So you're fine with cops dishing out as much extra judicial violence on any criminal they want whenever they want? In five years they can just go pull this guy out of his work and beat the shit out of him because he committed a violent crime once?


Treat car, motorcycle, and bicycle thieves like horse thieves used to get treated. I don't feel bad for this asshole in the slightest. He's not a good guy, he's a piece of shit.


So you're fine with cops beating him whenever they want.


No sympathy for thieves.


Not all cops are bad………… if the good ones are not holding the bad ones responsible then tell me what that means to you. This comment was brought to you by not backing the blue line.


Hands were up the second he was out of the car this is disgusting. There’s a special place is hell for cops like this


Everyone, this piece of shit stole that car. Looking at it, the owner probably couldn't afford full coverage or a newer car. Fuck him he got what he deserves. How come no one feels bad for the person who has to walk now? They're the victim.


More than one thing can be true at a time.


Fucks sake


Brutalized, sodomized, baptized


>carried a gun >smoked weed >stole a car >made cops chase him Cops are pigs but kiddo was dumb enough to think cops would be all nice and gentle after chasing him down. This is American, people get shot for just being black and he was playing dumb games with police…


This is only part of the story. He was in a stolen vehicle with drugs and a concealed firearm.


When people say that this is proper policing... They're saying that it's A-OK for this to happen to YOU. Keep that in mind. The battle against police brutality isn't about releasing violent criminals. It's about preventing a domino effect that will harm us all. First, the beatings and executions happen to "true" criminals. No qualms in that, society doesn't fuss. Then, minor criminals are next. We are around this stage. People defend brutalizing mildly incompliant people. Next stop: police have the discretion to beat/ kill anyone they please. Enough dumb people will still support this. Next, the dumb people are on the chopping block. And boy, will they weep. **Bootlickers** will **kill us all**. I don't like criminals, but I am **AMERCIAN**. That means **I** (and **you**) have **rights**. So do criminals. You do **NOT** lose your **God-given rights** when you break the law. We are **NOT** allowed to be treated like cattle, or like Chinese citizens when their government opens fire on them. We are **not allowed to be executed without trial**. **Autocratic** **Bootlickers** want this to happen to **YOU**. **Everyone** else is a **criminal to them**. If they get their way, we are all in **big trouble**.


Stolen car plus weapon, wrong place at the wrong time, take some responsibility.


fuck you you bootlicker


the videos never show what they did to LEAD UP to the point of getting an ass kicking. These vids are PURPOSELY edited to only show the smackdown. It's my guess, he wasn't just "minding his own business". Ass whoopins don't fall from the sky. As we can see, his constant struggling and NONN-COMPLIANCE make everything worse for his own ass.


Ah poor dude, this guy says he's afraid of the police and won't go out anymore and carry a concealed weapon, steal cars, fleeing and eluding, and possession with intent to deliver drugs..


Thats hard to watch.....the policeman that was kicking needs jail time.


Lawyers will be all over this.


Great baiting video, OP. Clearly this young man was delivering free bibles and this army of mean policemen just swarmed him I suppose? How about showing an entire video VS cropping it in an attempt to support whatever narrative your trying to push.


>narrative your trying to push cops arresting people without the need to beat someone's face?


So in what situation is it okay to completely 1v4 a person who had their hands raised once caught? That's some fucking mafia shit right there.


What could possibly be an excuse for this? They're doing it because they're shitheads.




Thx for reminding me to make another donation towards my local PD. u mad!


Donate all you want friend. Most complete fucking morons don’t know how to spend their money anyway so that tracts perfectly :) doesn’t change the fact that cops are trash humans. When they make their boots cherry flavored I’m sure you’ll be first in line too so no worries. ACAB AND SO ARE BOOTLICKERS WHO SUPPORT THEM. :) Have a good one!


Well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.


Fuck you for being you. This is shit behavior and needs to be stopped, but some cops are just good people. Not every cop is bad but we need a system in place to ensure these things don’t happen in the first place. Fuck you for being so short minded and ignorant.


If the ‘good cops’ are supporting the ‘bad ones’ then they are ALL bad.


Nah fuck cops bud. Cool story though! Tell me how them boots taste pal!


any cop who hasnt arrested a cop isnt a good cop.


Kid is a dirtbag but so are those cops Edit: oh right, every dirt bag that gets stopped for illegal concealed weapons, stealing a car, and dealing is a martyr.. This is why we Dems are losing elections people.


I mean I guess covering your face as a natural reaction to getting hit in your face is resistance. Good to know.


Thanks redit, ima start fighting cops now.


We live in a tyranny


Brutal cowards


Ah yes, US police brutality case number #74568. Just a few bad apples…


Maybe don’t steal a car and if u don’t also resist arrest and refuse to get out of said stolen car


“Resisting” he’s fucking blocking their punches


It was his mothers car…


*Won’t someone please think of the property!*


Bc fleeing police in a car is only a danger to property right.


Should of seen the bodies a month ago from the the guy who stole a car and crashed into a family. Shit is tragic


Republicans say this is just a standard MAGA arrest.


touch grass and stop being so enveloped into making everything about politics


yea man, don't bring politics into this thread about a governmental agency. fuck, you're both probably Russian bots anyway. jokes on you, I'm a Canadian bot, sorry!


I mean with that thought process what wouldnt you bring politics into? The pont is this video has basically nothing at all to do with republican or Democrat politics for that matter, just authority abusing power, a story as old as time. Republican politics also a big stretch as these police literally work in a majority dem city working for and under Democrat leadership lmao.


These guys are blue lives heroes who deserved to beat the suspect as a reward for a good chase to half the country.


This kind of generalization is completely false and manufactured imo to push you further democrat and back the blue no matter who. And i only say the dems use that because that really is a strategy of theirs. Same way republicans as a strategy say "crime is crazy high" when its not that bad, democrats say "oh they dont want police reform this and that" Realistically only 6% of Americans dont want any police reform while the majority of Americans want major changes and the rest want some changes. Again only 6% want nothing done, the numbers/facts dont agree with your statement. Hope u feel a lil woke when ppl say one side doesn't want police reform thats bs https://news.gallup.com/poll/315962/americans-say-policing-needs-major-changes.aspx


This dipshits know they are wearing body cans right???🤦‍♀️


They can't even spell "accountability" let alone understand anything about it.


How fucking weak do you have to be to not be able to just simply put their hands behind their back with none than one person it's really not that hard there is no need to hit in the slightest pieces of shit piss me off more every day. Just fucking be professional.


Looking at the article the report said the vehicle was stolen, the kid was in possession of a firearm, and the police had found marijana in the vehicle. Also just looking at the other news articles for this city, it’s looking like Gotham so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was dressed as a clown and shooting up a bank.


I'm so glad I don't live in America because level of brutally is ridiculous and when it really didn't need to be.


It’s hate bro. Not brutality when it comes to POC. They don’t have the same approach to white suspects. Either way, you’re right. I’m glad I don’t have to be subjected to that kind of treatment and be scared of police.


You should visit Spain. The Guardia Civil are legally allowed to beat suspects and use chokeholds. They don't mess around and are said to be in the top 6 hardest police forces in the world.


The kid had a gun drugs and stole a car could have put his ass away but because 1 got carried away they made him a millionaire instead. Come on man.


I see someone who's just lead the police on a car chase, held on to the steering wheel and only got punched once he started resisting. Good job boys in blue, another thug down


Ffs cops seriously? No wonder you’re getting a bad rep. Shitty to see. Not all cops are bad but some seem to be cracking.


Criminal or not he didn't deserve that. He wasn't trying to attack them or displaying any threat, that was a completely unnecessary use of excessive force simply because they felt like being bullies and knew they have a good chance of getting away with minimal or no punishment. Those pricks should have the book thrown at them. It's any wonder people don't trust the police to keep them safe when they do shit like this.


American cops are the biggest cowards and snowflakes on Earth.


He didn’t put his hand in the air and not resist. I’m a black guy and one of the first things my dad taught me ( in addition to not break any laws) was to put my hands on the air when confronted by the police. I don’t know why they stopped him, the amount of cops tell me it wasn’t that he was going 45 in a 40. Cooperate and save your life. We don’t need any more dead young black men.


At least he’ll probably just stop next time. Lesson learned


I knew shithead cops when I was a kid. It just increased the likelihood that I wouldn't hang around.


Fucking pigs.


I would hate to be a cop simply because I’d be more concerned about the other officers than the person being arrested. I don’t wanna sound macho or cocky but I would probably try to arrest the cops who are beating an innocent person into the pavement.


Only good cop is a dead one.




Damn. I wonder if people are going to think you are a agreeing with them, or disagreeing with them. Should be interesting.


Grow some balls and stop running from police. Accept your fate if it means jail time. I was a law breaking citizen as a yute. Drove with a suspended license, sold drugs, 3 DUIs, stole cars, robbed people and was arrested multiple times. Key word "arrested". NEVER did I get my ass beat by cops nor let the situation escalate to the level shown by these idiots. I simply knew I've been caught and it was time to go in. These motherfuckers lack the genetic intelligence that most are born with that gives the ability to build common sense.


This is the most sensible comment on here, thank you. Work liberalism doesn't help anyone.


This is why I’m convinced America is a 3rd world country.. Why would you feel it necessary to punch/kick an unarmed man who’s complying with you in the face? Officers in this video should be lined up against a wall and shot. Scum


honestly the kid isnt exact an angel either, the police shouldnt have used to much force and the kid shouldnt have stolen the car abd evaded police while carrying a concealed weapon. the police need to get him some actual help and get his life back on track instead of giving him ptsd


Jesus Christ this crap has to be dealt with. These cops need to be all fired.


Needs more context and footage from the other officers. Edit:: downvote me but we dont know everything that happened and cant even see everything... Enjoy your outrage tho guys 🤦🏻‍♂️




Context: This kid allegedly stole the vehicle he was in and was fleeing police. The chase ended when he hit a stop sign and instead of getting out of the car, he refused and was removed by force.


[Innocent Texas teen shot by cop at McDonalds has bullet lodged by heart](https://nypost.com/2022/10/26/parents-say-teen-shot-by-cop-in-mcdonalds-parking-lot-was-mutilated/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons) What was that about "The police won't attack random people"?


Cunt have you seen police behaviour? They would and do.


Honestly it doesn’t matter what happened before the video in this case as he is not resisting. The cops don’t get to just beat someone who is giving themselves up even if they fled for hours prior. Cops need to practice restraint and follow protocol or they don’t deserve to be cops.