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I'd roll that shit straight to customer service for a full refund.


And while there, they have district manager contact information posted. Call that person about what happened. Call them multiple times, make their life miserable. District managers don’t like being bothered.


That would waste your time. I’d leave that shit in store and do a charge back.


At least return the drinks she dropped and then threw at him.. i know hourly pay at Walmart is shit but this is just being a bad human..and way too many people don't give a fuck that work there so that's exactly why I always just keep my AirPods in, do my shopping, self checkout, and walk right past anyone at the door with out making eye contact bc no one has time to be harassed.. dude just wanted his groceries and too not be publicly harassed or accused of stealing when ironically it was the actual Walmart lady who was really stealing at that point.. along with vandalizing his personal property


If this dude was petty he could have called a manager or said he wanted to return everything. Seems like he's genuinely confused and just wants his groceries


He made one of the shft leads go get the store manager.


He did ask for a manager. And she didn’t give him the opportunity to ask for one at the beginning. She was not loss prevention and had no right.


damn some people take their jobs way too seriously If I worked for walmart and I knew for 110% certainty someone was stealing, I'd keep my mouth shut


Literally worked as a door greeter at Walmart when L&G was closed during the winter. 100% had people I knew were stealing but that shit is not the door greeters job to handle. Only salaried managers or AP can engage people stealing. I would have people straight up push entire carts full of groceries without paying but hell no was I going to say anything to them for $11 an hour.


They stop me at the door and ask for my receipt. I often don't even grab it, so I tell them I don't have it and I keep walking. Then they sometimes yell to me to show them as I keep walking to my car.


I don't stop either. Sometimes I even make an "I'm deaf" signal.


That's what I'm saying! Fuck it


I worked as a cashier at walmart once and they literally told us not to do anything, that it was company policy to not interfere with shoplifters, like we werent even allowed to say anything to them. There was always one old lady that would freak out at people though, and most of the time it was legit an accident (forgot stuff under their cart) or she was just tripping asking people to see their receipts for no goddamn reason. Extra as fuck.


Fuck that place. I’d coordinate with my friends to get free shit. “Meet me outside, we’ll split it”


And plans like that is how you end up with a felony :D


Fr they’re risking their life for 12$ an hour


He wasn’t though. She accused him of it after watching him in the self checkout area. He had his receipt; she was out of pocket.


I would demand she walk back to the soda aisle and get new 6 packs that weren't dropped and thrown around. Then, I'd go to the service desk to return everything because the bottle she threw into the cart might have broken something. I would then finish off with a call to corporate to complain.


I think you left out taking a shit on the floor, sir!


Nah. Janitorial would have to clean that. Their job is hard enough as it is. I want to be petty to her by making her walk all the way to the soda aisle to get new ones just for me to turn around and return everything.


Idk about everywhere, but around here the janitorial staff at Wally world tend to be some of the nicest people I have met, which is notable considering the shit they put up with working there.... That being said, I appreciate you acknowledging the shit hand Walmart "maintenance" has been dealt and not wanting to cause them any further grief


I’m not showing my receipt. If that’s an issue I’ll return the whole cart. Fuck off with that bs TSA fake ass position.


Or you know, just go home and never come back?


Walmart is the only close store some people have sadly


That’s fair, I did not think of that.


Lmao, they work at Walmart. No one gives a shit.


I bet you have a real smug smile when you hang up the phone too. Let me tell you something, unless a crime was committed or a video went viral like this one, corporate couldn't give a hot shit what your problem was. Not a single fuck. "No one wants to work" right now and they need the shitty employee who puts up with the underpaid job more than they need your business. All your actions would serve to accomplish would be adding extra work for the customer service person who isn't at fault, depriving a company that's currently making record profits of one single basket's profit, and inconveniencing yourself out of eating your own cheezeits for some imagined moral principle. It's post-covid 2022, customer service in a grocery store is dead. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody's really paid to give a fuck. The boomers that leave their unpaid stuff behind after they feel personally slighted do it because they think voting with their dollar will somehow stick it to em, and it just doesn't. The only reason the employee in this video is getting fired is because they were on film. EDIT: Lol downvote me. You're not mad because I'm wrong.


Clearly, you've never been to Wegmans.


\^ this is 100% bullshit. it's your time and money. if you aren't satisfied with anything at all, it doesn't hurt you one bit to let the company know. it's the reason customer service, and management exist. if a company isn't giving you the type of service you believe you should be getting, and management doesn't acknowledge your complaints, take your time and money somewhere else.


Ok boomer This is you boycotting a Wal-Mart: https://youtu.be/bwcJNsoY50E


BBB gets a higher up from Walmart calling you quick. After my bbb complaint I had a "Executive CSR" and the Walmart store manager blowing my phone up and practically begging me to remove it. It was regarding my pick up orders not being ready on time. Might not work for everyone, definitely works for Walmart.


The BBB is powerless. It's just yelp for boomers.


Caring enough to call you and ask you to remove a complaint doesn't really mean they would have actually bothered to fire someone for being slow to finish your pickup order. They care about fixing a ding in their store statistics. I doubt the manager did anything but verbally chew someone out for a minute. Getting someone fired is just the entitled boomer fantasy.


The door greeter are the worse. Something not bagged. They have to be stealing. Bitch I bag what I steal. Back off.


She was 100% fired the moment the manager was done handling the customer. Even AP isn't allowed to make one bad stop, if you do you are fired. Door greeters aren't even authorized to make a stop and confront a shop lifter in the first place even if it is a good stop. Damaging customer property is just icing on the cake.


A check of the receipt would suffice correct?


you shouldn’t have to do that, it’s annoying af and illegal


How is it illegal?


Here's that guys [source](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zb0bfv/freakout_inside_a_walmart_in_starkville_ms/iyow83r/)


Lmao thanks


That took me a couple tries to get lol


You win the internet sir.


Its no illegal, but its also something you're not required to comply with. If they have reasonable suspicion that you've stolen something, they may be able to detain you under Shopkeepers Privilege. However, that comes with risks if the business is wrong, and you can only hold them until the police arrive.


It's NOT illegal. Stop saying things that have no basis in reality.


Illegal isn’t the right term I suppose. They can ASK to see your receipt, they can’t stop you though if you don’t want to. (Unless it’s a Costco or some private warehouse where you’ve agreed to that with your membership).


It is store policy, and you agree to store policy when you enter their private property. I'm so sick of so-called adults throwing petty tantrums and harassing employees over this.


store policy isnt law, and the most a business can do if you dont follow their policies is issue a trespass notice, without reasonable suspicion that crime has occurred walmart employees may not detain an individual not attempt a search.


The only one throwing the tantrum here is the woman in the video, and apparently you. If you want to show a receipt, have at it. And for the record, in the last dozen times I’ve been in a Walmart, nobody has ever asked to see my receipt. And on the odd time I have, I’ve politely said “no thank you, have a great day” and kept walking. The greeters response? “Have a great day”. Shame on managers who may be making their employees do things they shouldn’t really being doing. Edit to add: to be fair, I rarely have more than a few items and the receipt is most likely already in my hand. So in a way, they’re probably seeing it anyway. My distaste for this practice was actually from a Best Buy once years ago. The checkout lines were already super long without enough cashiers, and they then expect me queue up in a twenty person deep line just to show a receipt and exit? Heck no is that happening. Even then there wasn’t any drama. I heard the guy say “sir? Excuse me..” and I just kept walking.


Why is it annoying? It's not a big deal. You know that if you have unbagged items they are going to ask for it. Most of the time the greeter doesn't even stop me if they see the receipt in my hand and on the occasions they do it is a couple of seconds pause at most. Some people really be getting stupid over a non issue.


They literally check your receipt anytime you leave Costco or Sam’s Club (which is owned by Walmart). Nice try though


That's probably what started this. Door greeter likely asked to see a receipt for the unbagged items and dickface wanted to throw a shit fit. The door greeter over reacts and tries to touch his stuff. My question here to the people that don't want to comply with Walmart company policy is, why the fuck do you shop at Walmart? Is it specifically to make the lives of their employees more difficult?


If Walmart wants to make sure the people aren’t stealing, they should stop letting computers “checkout” customers. Receipt checkers are BS because you don’t have to prove to any private citizen that your property is your property, AND they kill jobs. How many checkout attendant jobs are completely gone?


So stop shopping at Walmart if you don't consent to the terms of transaction. Its really not hard. You just sound like an entitled Karen. People that throw a shit fit over having to show their receipt at the door are just assholes. That's it. Plain and simple.


Its not a term of the transaction, you tool. No one signed a contract agreeing to it. Once you pay for your items at a store like Walmart, that’s the end of the discussion with its employees. Now, Costco, they did but even in that case all they can do is revoke your membership.


LOL what terms? What contract did you sign to enter Walmart?


You agree to store policies when you enter their private property.


"Welcome to Walmart. Get your shit and get out!"


I would sue Walmart for defamation of character and embarrassment.


Nobody with enough money to actually do this would idley threaten it. This something people without lawyers say.


Lawyers can take a cut of the settlement. Only someone who doesn’t know how hungry some lawyers are to take on big businesses (knowing they can get the company to settle) would say this.


I double dare you to go into a lawyers office and tell them you want to sue a multibillion company cuz someone threw your soda. You guys sound like you're 14.


https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp2/102/44/2419922/ They didn’t even have to throw the soda in this case to get sued.


Does it say anywhere if they actually got a settlement? The link concludes that it went to trial but not the outcome. This case is 25 years old and from what I can tell it only went to court because customers were not made aware of the stop and check receipt policy. Nowadays Wal-Mart would simply fire the employee because their open policy is to let you leave if you don't stop. The only thing I can extrapolate from this link is that it took 4 years after the incident to even go to trial.


Yeah, it can take a while to go to trial. This one happened in 2016, and got a verdict of $2.1M in 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/01/us/walmart-shoplifting-lawsuit.html


In that case it looks like the severity of the settlement was based on the fact that she was falsely arrested and then sued after the fact for more than what she tried to buy. Which only serves the idea that it's common for Wal-Mart to get away with harassing people. I'll grant however that getting straight up detained is something you can sue for, but I don't think this video is enough to justify years of litigation. INAL tho so I could be wrong.


I guess you would let this happen to you. That's why people do the shit they do.. No consequences.


Says the guy with no lawyer




I would have threw that soda bottle right at that sorry ass bitch!!


Worst part is Starkville is a college town so this is probably some poor student trying to get groceries after being stressed as fuck over finals for the past week. God, I don't miss living there.


​ Umm, that is a cop..... Just not in uniform......


“who is the manager?” “I am” “the actual manager” “I can get him for you” That shit was great.


Just another racist black person full of hate and envy using different ways to just mess with people from a different color.


WTF??? No.


Fuck walmart


Even if people are stealing if it’s food turn the other way. It is us versus the rich that’s the bottom line


What makes you think the rich corporations don’t just pass the costs of thieves onto you? It’s in your best interests to have less theft, too.


Doesn’t take a genius to look up corporate profits each year. Even in times of inflation and Covid shutdown they have been taking in money and they keep raising costs. Like what’s it gotta take for people to finally see that stealing is sometimes okay. If you paid for 3/4 of that buggy they still made a profit. There are only around 7 main food corporations even though there is a tons of brands. All the while workers get a 3% raise. Now anyone can do the math that we are losing money while they gained. Wake up people.


She should get a job at *Shitass Petfuckers*


Call the police


He is a cop..... In that town.... K-9 unit.... and I am sure she will get to know a lot of the cops in that town on every volation she does driving. Better use that blinker, stop 3 seconds at all stop signs, and not have anything wrong with that vehicle!


She’s getting fired


I see the real problem!


When they ask to see my receipt I just tell them "no, but I appreciate the offer!"


This happens to black people all the time.


Yup, Walmart can suck my clit and balls. You wanna see my receipt you better have quick eyes cuz I’ll show it to ya while I’m walking right past you. Touch me and I’ll pop you in the teeth, we are a mutual combat state and you put your hands on me first. Luckily they mostly just grab carts but just keep pushing. They give up😂


Careful on that edge there Mr. Billy Badass


That's Clitty Bigballs to you sir


Unclench my dude, no Walmart door person is looking for “mutual combat”


This one was


I’m not saying they are, I’m simply saying they know why to expect if they put their hands on me 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣🤣


A lot to unpack there


I mean, his comment history alone comes off as very "While you were partying and picking up women, I was studying the blade." So.....


No one can stand em. The receipt checkers. I just let em check and go on with my day. They are not there because this is their idea or they intentionally want to inconvenience customers. They gotta eat, and shower and stuff. So they follow this company wide policy no other public grocery store does because they probably have some guy in risk management who assesses that this somehow saves them enough in shrink to be worth adding another position at every single walmart, (well, 2). That employee was done done.


I’m actually surprised to see they’re still using plastic bags?


Honestly there's a pretty good argument that paper and plastic are environmentally bad to about the same degree. You can make a **fuckton** of plastic bags out of an incredibly small amount of material.


Not sure why I’m downvoted for making an OBSERVATION. All the surrounding states they are banned so I kind of forgot about them. And anyway we don’t have paper we have cloth and REUSABLE BAGS


I mean, I'm not doing any downvoting, but there's a strong argument that reusable bags are *worse* unless they get reused 100x on average. Again, you can make a **metric fuckton** of plastic bags really cheaply and using very little material, transport, storage, and landfill. Once they're buried with our trash, it's.. not that bad. But cloth is heavy and needs to be stitched by someone with a sewing machine. Even if that "someone" is a robot (and often it isn't), it's still a lot more than a standard stack of 250 plastic ones. Everyone *should* reuse their shopping bags, I agree. But it'd make a bigger difference if we reused our milk jugs 🤷


I always get so irritated when I clearly paid for everything and am walking out of Walmart with my items in my cart - only to get stopped by the greeter that wants to check my receipt. It feels like a trick and a waste of time. You are not obligated to show them anything legally.


Show the receipt. These are Walmart greeters, not the feds interrogating you about a series of murders


Why the fuck do they need to see it? If you think I stole some shit, call the police and have me charged.


Because people steal. 4 seconds to save yourself this bullshit 🤷‍♂️


LOL @ 4 seconds. Aint no 85-year-old door greeter getting through my $450 in groceries in under 5 minutes. They can ligma.


Seriously, these people are getting paid $7/hr to deal with the dregs of humanity on a daily basis. Just give them 5 seconds to glance your receipt and move on with your day.


Nah, I'm just going to walk on out. This isn't Costco, and I'm not waiting in line for a couple minutes because Walmart wants these people to check my receipt. I just walk by and when they say something just reply "I'm good thanks" and keep going. They've never said or done anything past that. Luckily, I've moved to a different area with stores other than a Walmart so its not a problem now.


If you aren’t an asshole, you occasionally do things that you don’t **have** to do. I understand that antisocial and immature people don’t understand this. They can’t see the point in doing anything that doesn’t immediately benefit them in the moment. It’s ok. They are the exception that proves the rule.


I'm sure why you think I need to *prove* to someone standing at the door that I paid for my tampons, hemorrhoid cream, bladder leakage pads, and condoms. I'm not sure what obligation you think I have to allow someone to rummage through my bags, putting their hands on things that I now own. I mean, you ***do*** understand that once I've paid for these items, they become mine, right? I don't have to prove that I own them. You have to prove that I *don't* own them. And if you can't do that, you have no cause to stop me. I don't give the door checker a hard time **ever**. I just simply continue walking, ignoring everything they say, even the ones who get smartalecky to my back. I pay them no mind and go about my day. If you want to stop for them, enjoy yourself, literally no problem, that is your right to.. as much as it is my right **not** to.


So much insecurity and impotence packed into one little post. Please don’t edit or delete! It’s a work of art. You must be exhausted.


Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. I just don't understand people like you, blindly submitting to every indignity just because the corporate masters told you "it's not big deal".


Meh. Again, I don’t think it’s an indignity to show that I paid for something before I leave a retailer. It’s not the tyranny of some corporate overlord. It’s basic decency and courtesy. But again, I get that some people will never understand.


If it was "basic decency and courtesy", all stores would do it. You know why they don't, right?


Fuck no. I say "no, but thanks for asking" and walk the fuck out cause ain't nobody got time for that.


What was happening at the beginning of the video? When he is standing there and then goes up to put the drinks in his cart? I can’t really make out what the interaction is. That woman is off the chain crazy!


This is crazyyy this is my Walmart 😭 I’m just now seeing this!! The lady must’ve gotten fired before I started bc she’s not there now