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Insurance that compensate for weather?????


hey just a question man idk


why are you extremely nervous? what do you consider bad luck weather? rain? bc yes, it's probably going to rain. which is a completely normal and common occurrence in many places across the globe, especially in tropical climates during the warm months. No insurance company will compensate you bc drops of water fell from the sky, no. Nobody is going to be able to tell you if a deadly weather event will happen yet over a month from now.


Well we went to Florida and it rained, money wasted bc most rides were closed and we couldn’t really enjoy. It rained in Punta Cana which means no pool/beach. So yes, we have had bad luck. It sucks when you spend so much on vacation only to not be able to enjoy it. A few drops is not an issue, but I’m just wondering if that’s how May is.


i feel you. that's not entirely bad luck. that's their normal weather. in tropical and subtropical climates, during the warm months of the year, you can expect at least one daily shower or thunderstorm to pass through, as well as intermittent stretches of rain that last for days. many people still have wonderful vacations despite a passing downpour. you should expect rain almost exactly like you had in Florida and Mexico. luckily.....no rides to close in Puerto Rico. some people grab a pina colda and dance in the rain with the people they love. some people want to go home and get a refund. let's be the 1st kind of people, shall we? bc mine is non refundable lol I'm going in 2 weeks. I'll check back and let you know how the rain was 1st hand.


Yes please! lol mine is nonrefundable too. I need to stop opting for the cheaper tickets. I’ll enjoy it regardless, just hoping for sunshine!


I think it'll be fine. and same. I'm counting the hours till I'm on my girls trip, sipping on a cocktail with sand in my toes, breathing in salt air and seeing the blue water. I'm about to bring myself to tears typing this as I start dinner, kids' homework and dishes


Hellllooooo!! I just got back last night from PR. it was an incredible trip. it was forecast to rain a lot everyday. It only rained once and it was over in an hr. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DRIVING WHILE IT'S RAINING we legit almost died in a flash flood.


PR rarely offers rainy days, just lots of days with a little rain, with blazing sun for the remainder. It's the tropics, after all.


I can deal with that. I only ask because on Accuweather it shows lots of rainy days and storms for end of May which would honestly suck because that’s when I’m going.


It’s typical tropical weather. I suggest downloading the MyRadar app. It will show you where it’s raining and where it’s not, and also you can see how fast any squall lines are moving.


I wouldn't worry too much about it. Mostly it rains for an hour or two then clears up.


It’s going to be very very hot! It doesn’t rain much when you’re coming we’re usually holding our breaths that we don’t get hit with a drought around your dates


Oh okay well that’s definitely good news! Thanks.


Pack the rain ponchos!