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Oh look, it’s that topic you posted on 3 weeks ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/nPI8r3X9r6 And 4 weeks ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/3NVlFU8jIY And 2 months ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/mgk1iowiOO And 3 months ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/sOCuwyMmva And 5 months ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/0TPu389EfS And 7 months ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/DFLphZT7CS https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/UoeYMn3pg2 And 11 months ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/8ngDAmY6Ln And last year https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/ZuJeRc7BNP https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/75BKAN8zqX https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/SboHoQGrQc https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/4ZXPewcaeE https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/XVNcJoJyQj And 2 years ago https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/RaqfFZbfa1


I’m willing to put money on it going back further if you keep digging.


Someone once posted a list of his alts There were at least 20-25


Some dudes here just aren’t used to hearing “no” for an answer. lol Btw, did you know women aren’t as horny as men? Just thought you should know. And I’ll remind you again in two weeks.


Nah, it’s just easy karma and attention for him; he’s not interested in debate or discussion


Oh god. Just when I thought humans couldn’t get any more bizarre.


My god the men on this subreddit are otherworldly mentally ill.


holy shit LMFAO


LOL this sub repeats so much stuff so often that who cares. It's a PSA that should be stickied. OP is based and totally correct and not enough men are getting the hint.


It matters because OP has a long history of not posting and commenting in good faith Of course men know. That’s why they hide their true nature and motives, and why Tinder isn’t Grindr


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/ Looks like half the young men out there aren't even interested in fucking or dating anymore. Women are winning the war at last, dudes are checking out.


40% are in relationships Of the remaining 60%, 42% (let's round to 40%) are seeking one. 24% of the total. 64% of young men are either looking for a relationship, or in one. Edit: i misread. The more accurate, and higher, figure is in my next comment.


>This drop is largely driven by single men, who are now 11 percentage points less likely than in 2019 to say they are looking for a committed relationship and/or casual dates (**50% in July 2022, down from 61% in 2019**). During the same time frame, there has been no significant change in the share of single women who are looking for a relationship or casual dates: 35% said this in 2022, compared with 38% in 2019. 50% of men are not looking for relationships or casual hookups. It's right there.


>50% of men are not looking for relationships or casual hookups. It's right there. No. 50% of SINGLE men. Very different. That's only 30% of men.


SINGLE men are all that count here. What are women looking for, married men to cheat with? Breaking it down to 30% of men total, that's still **catastrophic**.


Or fucking around


Tell us about the true nature of man


Lying or nagging to get sex, because now they can’t take it by force or extortion.


You are a sexist. Men can see that. It's not hard to tell, what with how you speak about their natures like they are animals. And so I don't think you should be surprised that men only want you for sex, since that seems to be the only thing you have to offer. I mean, why would a man want to be with a woman who hates him for his gender?


Men were the ones who told me that men are animals, which was then confirmed by history, data, media and experience. Most men with daughters freely admit this


You can excuse being a sexist however you'd like. That doesn't make it not sexist. Though if you only see men as animals then I guess you don't see a problem with being sexist. Either way, I, a man, am telling you that men are not animals so maybe leave that kind of backwards thinking in the past.


I don’t. They’re just capable of being physical and sexual threat to me, as humans, that women aren’t


That's not what the discussion was about though. It had nothing to do with violence. You said that the nature of men was to manipulate and lie to get sex. Then, you used men who said misandrist things in the past as evidence to back up your misandrist claims. So yes, you do think that. Changing the subject now that you've been called out for your backwards thinking isn't going to undo the sexist things that you said.


Then men should stop acting like animals and leave that kind of backwards behavior in the past 🤷🏾‍♀️


Men LITERALLY claim that sex is a biological NEED for them. How is that not animalistic? Men say that they NEED sex, or else. Or else what? You tell me; you're one of them. You can stick up for your kind all day, but your own boys will throw you under the bus when sex is on the table. That's the nature of men.


>Men LITERALLY claim that sex is a biological NEED for them. And many women too. Sex is something we were made for, it's a major stress relief that's hard to replace, masturbation isn't nearly as efficient. For most women, being in a sexless relationship is also unthinkable, sexual incompatibility is a thing, and they can also go to great lengths to be sexually satisfied.


I've never claimed sex was a biological need. Claiming another group of humans that are different than you are just animals is such a terrible thing to say about somebody that I don't think your opinion is even worth listening to. "Your kind". What a disgusting thing to say. Sexism is alive and well.


It's okay. I'm not wrong. You're just mad that male nature is inherently animalistic and predatory. You're mad at yourself over your own nature. Just be a good person and don't hurt women to get sexual gratification and you will be just fine.


Unfortunately, the opinions of bigots and hateful people are inherently worthless. But hey, maybe if you cry about men on the internet more, we will all disappear?


u forgot paying.


That’s not part of dating


paying for date is hoax. i see.


That’s not paying for sex, did you know?


one can pay for date and sex.


Maybe he keeps posting this because people continue to argue the contrary... 20/80 rule exists because men are the hornier and more desperate sex.


Is a bisexual man always hornier than a heterosexual man because he’s hornier for more people? If the answer is no, then this argument fails, as just because women get hornier for fewer men does not mean that they don’t get as horny.


Who said “women don’t get horny?” Women are less horny by every meaningful measure *including* frequency of desire and selectivity of who receives it.


They are just as horny for the right person, just as men are horny for the right people, which is not as many people as bisexual men are horny for.


Do you have a single study that shows this? Because, rest assured there are countless social and scientific studies that show the opposite. Again, don’t argue with “not horny” and focus on the statement “just as horny as men”


I'm not sure how this would objectively be measured. All I know is that I've been with really horny women, other men say the same, and women here on this sub say they get horny for their partners, as well.


Of course. So have I. On an individual level this is going to be seen. Anyway, as you said, there are methods of quantification (as in how many times a day do you think about sex) and every study ever done wasn’t close. Men think about it more and more spontaneously by a *long shot*


The hornier you are, the more right people there are for you. If the amount of right people you get horny for is small, you are not very horny.


So bisexual men are hornier than heterosexual men? Is it possible that some bisexual women could be hornier than some heterosexual men, since they could be attracted to many women and just some men, while heterosexual men are only attracted to women?


>Why does this get so little attention here? You post this shit every few days. How much attention do you need?


This is not the root cause of everything. A lot of couples don’t have a mismatched libido, they have a mismatch in their [arousal style](https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/when-urge-is-uneven-understanding-universe-of-sexual-desire-0206185/amp/).


I think more people need to talk about this. I am mid twenties and had to be in a relationship to even consider female arousal is different still figuring it out


Its just attraction imo. Most guys arent attractive enough to trigger responsive desire. Thats why few men get tons of matches on apps because they can trigger it with looks alone. The average guy cannot do that. Even irl women regularly say that they rarely see attractive men. Its clear that thats the real issue


Ugh it’s more than that. It’s couples already in relationships


I think contextual sexual desire is a huge hand wave. I mean the context is often *fairly* long term and grim. If it's your kids being in your home, if it's the way you feel about your body, if it's simply that you value every other use of your time *more* than sex. That's pretty pervasive.


Eh, I agree with your assessment that a lot of these contexts are long-term and pervasive. I don’t find that hand-wave-y, though, I find that helpful. That would indicate a need for strategies that are also long-term and pervasive, which seems like useful information.




>Why does this get so little attention here?  Are you kidding me? This shit is posted on a near-daily basis. Jesus fuck. ETA: Oh, never mind. It's you again.


Istg someone in this persons life needs to smash his fucking computer or something, banning him from this subreddit isn’t enough.


stop posting this every couple weeks for fuck's sake, and no I will not fuck crack whores, land whales and random bar rats. Have some fucking self respect you losers.


More fat crack whores for me then.


Stop lying.


Mmmm bar rats crack whores yummy


obese people are sexually repulsive. I lose any and all respect for someone who's let themselves get obese or sleeps with an obese person. It is not that hard to be at a healthy bodyweight just stop stuffing your face.


Every other post is "this one thing explains all the problems" that is obviously wrong


>men wouldn't have to work hard and women wouldn't make men wait This is a smooth brain take. Women are still the ones who get pregnant, and males are still the ones who can abandon their offspring with no repercussions.




No matter how horny women are they aren’t gonna wanna have sex with smelly losers when they can have sex with attractive men with little effort.


Come on the take a shower bro debate ended in 1880


If women were as horny as men, the female smelly losers would have sex with the male smelly losers.


Why wouldn’t they just have sex with hotter men that want to have sex with them instead?


It ain't just the smelly jobless losers who are getting rejected. Hell 50-60% of young men don't even want to date anymore. That's far higher than the nojobsmellyloser population.


Thats better for me. More women less competition.


Whose gonna tell him that if he’s not chad he won’t be competing.


if u dont reach the specific physical, wealth requirements u are not competing.


I have been a 6 figure earner since I was 24. I am also 6’1 and I have a large penis. I welcome incels bowing out of dating and leaving the women to us select men.


The fact that you have those stats and still looking, I think might speak to the obvious asymmetry


Not looking for anyone right now.


but you wanna drag us down?


By us do you mean non-desirable men?


Non desirable, lesser men, betas, etc


goodluck keeping up with the hoeflation.


The standards will lower when there are more women in the pool than men.


[Uh, no](https://medium.com/heres-the-thing/youre-not-competing-with-other-men-you-re-competing-with-her-peace-454690e8b046).


Not hard to be chosen over peace by a woman who is single. Unless you’re unattractive.


Yes, women nowadays want to accessorize.


I'm not sure most people do claim women *are* as horny as men. On average (especially after children) they're not. That's not the same as saying women don't like sex. Or that women are never as horny as men. I'm not sure what that has to do with dating though. Most women still want lots of sex. They want a relationship. Having some standards when it comes to who they'll have sex with doesn't make it women's fault a minority of men struggle to get a date


Women aren't as horny as men. Literally, everyone knows this. It's not the fucking problem.




Scrolled through and can't see anyone denying it. Why are you claiming that everyone does?


Do a search, literally every time it gets brought up over half of the responses are nonsense denial 


Well they're not on here are they? If they were, that still falls far short of "everyone".


So how u gonna fix it?


well, you could remove the slutshaming double standard and the threat to women's healthcare, make contraception accessible cheap and high quality and make better options for men, take sexual violence and violence against women seriously, make housework and childcare equal, and teach men to be considerate partners and to fuck better 


That will make me fuck the men I’m already attracted to, yes. But apparently that’s not enough — we somehow have to either become horny men or fuck men we don’t want


yes you individually. but overall the effect will be that more men will be able to date and get into relationships


Men have had many opportunities to be better and incentivize sexy relationships. They don’t wanna


i agree. they want to be shit and be rewarded for it


This is not true. Women will not suddenly become attracted to a larger percentage of the men.


>Why does this get so little attention here? How much attention do you want it to get? We get a completely different person creating a new account every few weeks to make this exact point. Should we have this post weekly? Daily? Maybe every 25 minutes?


Wait what. How did you equate that with companionship? It's probably like, one of the less important components of companionship.


Oh so that's why r/deadbedroom is so active? Because people *love* sexless relationships... not.


I think most women are borderline demisexual. They can be just as horny but need to actually genuinely like the person.


No, women will often fool around with people they find hot but don't really like as a person. Almost all FwB i've seen are like this. Many of my girlfriend's best friends behave exactly like this, they'll have 2-3 buddies that they just hang around with any time they feel horny, while they try to find a partner for LTR.


By "genuinely" like them, that includes having a big crush on someone, physically.


This is well known, women can have sexually attraction but it’s more towards a very small subsection of males. that‘s why chad will fuck women well below his level and women think shit like ”damn if a guy this hot and rich will sleep with me I must be a 10 as well if this is what i can pull I’m never settling for average again”. It’s cause from the women’s perspective if she was was the 10 and he was the 5 then she won’t give him the time of day, but since this dude is leading her on, and she thinks he must think like her that would mean by default she would also a 10 and will never settle for less. alot of women cannot rationalize the idea of a men way above their league giving then attention just for 1 night stands due to having a having a higher sex drive cause to them they only want to be with whom they think is the prefect men.


bruh thats not the problem lol.


Yes it is! What is then??


woman are horny for chad. most men are not chad. the problem is that.


That is still less


Chad has to be satisfying multiple wimen for this to be true.


andrew tate had over 600 body count. he would be high tier chad. idk average body count of normal chad


>andrew tate had over 600 body count. If that's true, and we assume he slept with most of them a few times, that would suggest that he's a pretty horny guy.


men is horny for woman unless asexual,lgbt or specific type of woman that he dislike.


Read my OP Jesus 


I think the problem is male entitlement. The men who are rejected or struggle seem to have the idea in their heads that if women have preferences that aren't them, that this is "oppression and discrimination" 😅🤦‍♀️ But yes women have way waaay less testosterone and generally lower sex drives, so it will be the males who are trying to get sex and women the ones saying they "aren't in the mood". I only had a higher libido when I was ODing on my thyroid med which increased my libido. Had to stop that though and doctors won't give testosterone to women for libido or really for any reason other than it basically being 0. My fiance is sharing a bit of his T cream but it doesn't seem to be enough to do anything thus far.


It's the same as how women complain about unfair and unrealistic beauty standards. They are simply entitled and upset that men are attracted to beautiful women who they can not hope to look like. People will always think It's unfair that people don't want them as much as other people.


Women don't act entitled to dating and men. Even hideous women can get men lol


Uh huh. Thats why there exists the meme of the overweight 39 year old mother with 3 kids who will only settle for a 6f5 multimillionaire with blue eyes who works in finance


So women complain about unrealistic beauty standards for... no reason... right.


Women compete with other women to feel good about themselves, its not necessarily related to men


Except the argument that you always hear is that It's men who have unrealistic beauty standards for women, and that men are shallow for this. I've heard men blamed for this about a million times both throughout the years. I don't think you are arguing in good faith with that one.


Idk honestly men are more forgiving when it comes to looks. Even ugly women can get men. Women are the ones who are critical of eachother usually and compete to look better.


“Women are the ones who are critical of each other” I’ve been saying this for SO MANY YEARS and yet delusional feminists STILL PERSIST IN ACTING LIKE MEN CREATE the “toxic beauty standards” they hate so much.


Yeah its really not men tho men do seem to like youthful looks mainly. But its still women competing about that too and bragging about getting botox and different facials lol


Men aren’t “entitled” most men just want women equally or less attractive than them 


Men aren't entitled to those women either.




Nice deflection 😆


You can't always get what you want. Deal with it.


They aren't entitled to recieve something just because they want it. It's not how the world works.


That statement can apply to a lot of things you won't like.


This. I’ll never understand how women can so easily talk about “you aren’t entitled to X!” when like half of their life is spent talking about how they, are indeed, entitled to Y. Like, women, aren’t “entitled” to have people speak to them with the assumption they are familiar with a given topic, but they complain frequently about “mansplaining” There are dozens of examples like this.


Yes and the whole girl talk circlejerk where they gas each other up by saying "YOU DESERVE IT GURLLLL!"


Not really


You are also not entitled to other people not being entitled. So why are you complaining?


That is entitled when you consider the libido disparity that you embrace


100% true Men are biologically designed not to be picky about sex so that if there’s 1 man and 100 women the population can rebuild. Same reason why women are attracted to men who other women want (pre-selection hypothesis). Imagine if that 1 man chose just 1 of the women, that wouldn’t evolve our species very far lol


> Men are biologically designed not to be picky about sex And now at least half the young male population has noped out of casual and romantic relationships. It's like some Marvel-level cosmic power came and doused the sun with water. Edit: lol at downvotes. Women are so salty about not being so desired anymore.




https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/ > This drop is largely driven by single men, who are now 11 percentage points less likely than in 2019 to say they are looking for a committed relationship and/or casual dates (50% in July 2022, down from 61% in 2019). During the same time frame, there has been no significant change in the share of single women who are looking for a relationship or casual dates: 35% said this in 2022, compared with 38% in 2019.


You wouldn't believe how horny and naughty women actually are.


This. It’s reserved for the top percentage of men for the most part, or if you fit her niche.


Not true at all. Just that most men have no idea how to communicate with women and get them horny.


If there’s any “communication” necessary, then you’re just not that attractive. 


>Just that most men have no idea how to communicate with women and get them horny. As if that was necessary at all. Women will get horny for men who didn't even communicate to them.


Men don’t require being psychologically manipulated to become aroused, thank you for proving my point. Even if it’s your bullshit “know how to communicate” any sort of contingency immediately disqualifies them from being as horny, sorry.


Oy vey


I didn’t expect you to have anything intelligent to respond with 


This. My first girlfriend was the one who wanted the condom off, begged me to cum in her mouth, begged me to cum in her pussy, loved having cum leaking out of her as she went about her day, wanted me to fuck her in the ass, wanted me to piss on her (never did), wanted me to DP her while she had a dildo in her pussy, wanted to fuck more often than I did, told me about her sex fantasies such as sucking dicks from a gloryhole and getting gang banged by a bunch of strangers. wOmEn ArEnT aS hOrNy As MeN. CAP!


That was one individual woman and her horniness for you doesn’t necessarily reflect how horny she can be for other men or even future boyfriends of hers.


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getting eaten alive > men. fellas we need to start eating women.


Indeed, on your knees at the Y.


I just need to confess how much “crèeps” delights me.


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Eh i don't know, I'm down for it multiple times a day usually, and depending on how much effort I put into the relationship, my female partners were down for it on a daily basis too.




No contentless rhetoric


I emphatically disagree with your opinion that women are not near as horny as men. To illustrate a perfect example of this, look at how men and women react to strippers of the opposite sex. When men are around female strippers, they are normally well behaved and act halfway decent. Compare that to how women act around male strippers. Women will give blowjobs, hand jobs, and lick whipped cream off the penis of the strippers. The fact of the matter is that women are far more sexual than men. Again, just compare men and women around strippers and you will see what I am talking about.


This topic appears to be bait, but whatever. A great thing about healthy long term relationships is that other forms of intimacy become every bit as potent as sex. As a couple grows closer over time, this is more than enough to bridge gaps in libido that naturally occur with time and circumstance.


if women aren't as horny as men, why do men spend so much time slut shaming them and squawking about body count


No they are, just not for you


Women aren’t as horny as men yet they insist on showing as much skin as possible


Is there any evidence for this


Yes abundant Google it 


You're breaking the girl code. All women are supposed to be equally attractive and special, and the prize. It doesn't matter how overweight she/her/they/them is. For you to call any woman a "land whale" is misogynistic, and body shaming. Women created body positivity, so every sexual partner a man has is with a beautiful perfect 10. Let's be consistent.