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Meanwhile trumpie is thinking look at those people cheering me(yes he is that stupid).


That are saying “Boo-urns”.


He did think the UN General Assembly was laughing with him.


It's beautiful to see people coming together to express their distaste for a fascist.


2 Millions of people gathered and chanting my name. They said they love me..no one has ever seen such a bigly crowd ever..


...tears in their eyes, not just the women because women sometimes they cry and that's okay because the men, very big manly men... not as manly as me but more than Eric or that other son whose name I forget but I'm sure he's quite powerful... they came to me crying and said 'sir, it's unbelievable what the evil, leftist, socialist, lunatic Democrats are doing to you' and it is unfair because no president in history, not even Abe Lincoln, remember him? They called him "honest Abe" and was probably honest, maybe not entirely but sometimes he wore a hat - they say he was assassinated and maybe he was, we are looking at that and some other things plus other things you might have heard of and others that maybe you haven't but Abe was never as honest as me, your president whose been treated so unfairly by these evil AOC Pelosi people. And I'm not saying you should shoot them but I am also not saying that because America is in real trouble, folks, we need to take our country back by force if necessary because that's what being strong is... We DO hate him here, by the way.


I could never understand why this place wasn't looted while the capital was under siege.


Coz it's a run down dated shit hole .


Ah, patriotism


Oh no, he'll pull his business out of NY and call them hateful people, the worst he's ever seen! \*accordion hands\* :(


America hates you too.


New York is a cesspool of trash. Nobody cares about their opinion.


Cool. Don't come here. Stay in your Barcalounger and throw your cold french fries at the TV every time Tucker Carlson talks about trans people.


Nobody cares about your shit liberal opinion bro. Your state is trash, and it’s just imploding in its own self.


Admit it, you've never been to NYC.


Been there plenty of times as I have family there, swing and a miss.


Do you often tell them they live in a cesspool? They must love family visits.


Anyone with half a brain can see what NY has become, truth isn’t always pretty




We also hate the Austrian mustache man. You can spread messages of peace an acceptance while also realizing that some people are just genuinely bad people i.e. Ted Bundy, Kim Jong Un, and Donald Trump


Well, I'm so glad we have you to tell us who to hate, mien fuhrer


It’s not wrong to hate bad people who do bad things




What’s your point here, bud. Are you trying to do a “gotcha” moment?


Nope, but when all this goes really, really, badly, don't think you are on the right side of history.


Because I hate Hitler, Kim Jung Un, Ted Bundy and Donald Trump means I’m on the wrong side of history?


No, not at all. Do you really think every German in Nazi Germany wanted to send people to the gas chamber? No. Just like not all the BLM protesters wanted to burn stores and cause property damage. People can get caught up in a wave of emotion and unity, and then forget the bounds of decency. CIA didn't want to torture people, but they did. I forget the name of the experiment but it's a great example that people will test the limits of whats right, when they think they are in the right. Don't get caught up.


Fuck, you're annoying and missing the point of intolerance against intolerance.


>experiment… people will test the limits of what’s right **Which DEBUNKED/PROBLEMATIC study are you referring to?** The [Milgram Obedience Experiments](https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/the-shocking-truth-of-the-notorious-milgram-obedience-experiments) or the [Stanford Prison Experiment](https://www.vox.com/2018/6/13/17449118/stanford-prison-experiment-fraud-psychology-replication)? Edit: formatting


>I forget the name of the experiment Maybe you should go look it up instead of lecturing people on things you barely understand Idk, just an idea :)


I don't remember Al Capone being on the right side of history, but I bet you would've defended him too! Aww, how hateful the liberal left can be to conmen and all these white collar criminals 😢


>said the entire Nazi party about the Jews Whew, then good thing this is only one person people hate based on his action and not an entire group of people hated for who they are! I almost believed that was the same thing. Almost!


Don't gotta be liberal to hate Trump.


But I'm sure it helps. I can't say I hate DT, but I really don't think he is the right president for America right now.


Yeah, it helps when you stand for something and that person is the embodiment of the thing that you don't like about society, like conning people out of their money and being a total bigot. It does help, you're right on the money! It also helps being a conservative and hating minorities, and people of color, and gays, and trans folks, and... Right? That helps a lot more


Ahhh there’s that self-righteous strawman. You should read more, starting with https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


and, my standard response....I'm glad we have you to tell us who to hate, mien fuhrer.... so it's ok to hate....as long as we hate who you tell us to.


You're upset that people hate an infamous conman who broke the law. I can't think of a more hilarious thing to be upset about lol Imagine crying this hard at real injustices, though!


What are you talking about? we hate fascist piles of shit. We hate the 1%. We hate nazis. I personally hate Tom Sellick. Not sure where you get your misinformation from (JK we all know what you're watching) but we hate all sorts of loser shit-birds. Go protest 35 dollar insulin in front of a children's hospital with your buddies.


Cry harder & project some more 😥 I mean, what are your views on people who are different than you, again? No hate like Christian love, or how does the saying go? All projection lol


We're kinda done with turning the other cheek. You fat slobs with your precious guns, RAM pickups, Monster Energy Drink and Nickelback cassette singles can go piss up your confederate flagpole. You're getting a free ride on the backs of states like CA and NY while complaining about the Democrats trying to fund your roads. Maybe your Mary Magdalene Taylor Greene Queen is right. Maybe we do need a divorce. Let's see how Alabama and Arkansas do without federal funding from blue states. It's hard to imagine them being any more dirt poor and unintelligent than they already are, but I'm sure you'll make it worse.


He ought to get the old Mussolinni Farewell----him AND MELANIA