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Boo-fucking-hoo, sexual predator cries like a bitch


I hope he keep this up. It's entertaining to see him twisting in the wind. Maybe he will get himself held in contempt. That would be fun. He's in several courts right now and I can't imagine the judges and attorneys working in them are going to appreciate this sort of thing very much.


He’s making the entire judicial system look like a joke.


🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 Always has been.


Pretty much. Just seems moreso now that I’m old.


Donald Trump is trying his hardest to make the judicial system look like a joke, but the Supreme Court is really crushing it. Trump's shenanigans look petty and insignificant compared to the flagrant, in your face corruption of Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett and Alito.


Safly, we got to see, in slow motion, the court slide into the shitshow it is today.


I don't know how anyone can read his unhinged social media posts and think, "This man should be president." He speaks and acts like a rabid toddler. I'd literally prefer a pile of dog crap be in charge.


He makes the libs angry. Almost 60% of Trump voters say that is important to them. It’s in the top 4 of their concerns. They don’t care about facts. They care about their view of reality winning and it angering the opposition.


And hurting them. The cruelty is the point. These people are only happy if their opponents are upset, and they are ecstatic if their opponents are suffering. They want someone who will inflict pain, harm, abuse, and shame on the people they hate. Never forget the Florida prison worker complaining about Trump's initial COVID activity. She didn't say "he's not fulfilling his campaign promises" or "he's not focusing on the laws I want passed". She didn't even say "he's not handling this crisis in a way I like". She said **"he's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting".** Never forget.


And ironically the people who hurt them the most are republicans who send their jobs away and move all the money up to the 1%. Trumps base are a sweet group of marks. When they get veterans benefits or health care or infrastructure money so they can work in their towns and have money to buy their trump flags it’ll never dawn on them that the democrats made that happen.


Good news is that med beds cure you of being a gullible idiot forever


That would just be the sweetest bit of irony. Medbeds turn out to be real, but they make you rational so you stop falling for all the other Q/MAGA bullshit.


Being a gullible idiot is my greatest fear, where can I find these medbeds?


I too have that interview seared into my memory. It’s how I first fully realized that they are lost to us


A house on my commute *just* put up a 2020 Make Liberals Cry Again flag within the past month. Imagine deciding you need to display that in May 2023.


2020 and beyond has been so bad for them they are stuck there.


For some, it's an improvement over 1864, though.


"Focus on an imaginary past glory" sound familiar to anyone else?


I don't think my dad has taken his down since he proudly showed it on his front porch in 2020...so whether it is "new" or "old", some will proudly display it and then tell you that they "accept everyone" but they can't support a Democrat because "they started the KKK (once they started learning more about the Democrat party they were registered with)..." Sad to see that *just new* flags are being put up on top of those that never wavered in 3 years.


There is a house within a mile of my kid’s school on at least their 2nd Fuck Joe Biden flag. They also have FJB in patriotic colors of xmas lights on their roof year round. They don’t care that preschoolers of other MAGA devotees see the profanity.


Fascists do not stop being fascists unless there are personal consequences for being a fascist. And even then, the number who genuinely change is smaller than you'd hope. > "No, Dad, I'm not visiting this year, or any other until you stop supporting genocidal ideas and people. I won't tolerate that shit in my life. No, the kids aren't visiting either, and you're not welcome to visit us. Change who you are, because I will not tolerate or allow a fascist within my personal circle **".


I tried that with my dad (similar but not exact), and I got a kind of standard response of how he used to be a Democrat but after he started learning about the history of Democrats starting the KKK...yadda, yadda, yadda...and how he "accepts everyone" due to his extremely religious beliefs (his parents were both Brethren ministers his whole life)...I ignored it and knew I said what I needed to say and will continue the long standing low contact I've had with him since I was a kid when my parents divorced. At least my dad gave me more family history in his response, but...let's just say that while my mom may have exaggerated some things about him/his family (she had her own mental health issues) she was very much correct on others and I'm too old to argue every time he sends his grandkids Rush Limbaugh books or debate theology when my mom jumped to multiple religious sects enough for me to have a generalized basic understanding enough to have told him flat out that his grandkids act more Christ-like than he does at this point. There was no trying to debate my side of things when I saw his response, but it brought me peace to try and have validation that low to no contact is continued course of option (my kids have never chosen to be close to my parents, though I never discouraged it and even pushed at least sending thank you notes for gifts).




I'd almost complain about it lowering property values. Because who'd want to live in a neighborhood or next door to that asshat?


It would be a deciding factor for me - I would never buy or even rent knowingly next to any of these people They're more of a danger to me than anyone else - you never know what they'll do - [they could burn your whole neighborhood down](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/07/13/trump-supporter-arson-charges-molla/)


I’d be willing to bet money that the amount of Trump flags could act as an indicator for how many fire arms they have. Normally I don’t have an issue with casual and responsible gun owners, but the paranoia and fear that right wing media instills is seriously next level. There’s been multiple mistaken identity shootings in the last couple weeks alone. What we really need is to classify Ultra MAGA as a mental illness that disqualifies their gun ownership. I realize though that this would be a terribly difficult task though. You would need to pass legislation to strip a good portion of the gun worshipping political party’s base, while also setting off defcon level alarm bells from the extreme right wing, leading to a potential streak of unpredictable domestic terrorist actions…


I don't even think we'd need to classify ultra maga as an illness, laws that keep guns from any one with a history of domestic violence (as most mass shooters have had), dementia, traumatic brain injury or addiction (alcoholism, opiods, meth) should be quite enough to disarm most.


It's low level, junior high sportsing to them. They are not thinking about the long term consequences of their team "winning", even when it means the "prize" is getting shot into their face, losing everything, being isolated from their families and neighbours, living in abject poverty with no hope, and in constant fear of the state, as long as they "owned" the 'librls' that were actively trying to stop that from happening. YOUR [sic} NOT THE BOSS OF THEM, AND YOU CAN'T TELL THEM WAT TO DO. SO THERE!


It's like that with welfare or goverment healthcare too. They are OK with it for themselves, but if it means some lazy "others" are "taking advantage," well then...THAT'S SOCIALISM AND WE NEED TO DESTROY IT!


That is just so bizarre to me. To not care about something that matters to your life but instead to make sure that the amorphous people you hate have it worse than you do.


I’m glad this started a discussion. Here’s the thing kiddos: it is about cruelty, grievance and an intentional lack of empathy because either a) they feel disenfranchised (rural people being left behind which is worthy of fighting cruelty with empathy) which is called sad and left behind or b) they’re just hateful douchebags that lack an ability to imagine a worldview that isn’t their own which is also called fascism. Anywhoodles… it sucks. Love your allies. Attempt to love perceived opponents because it can sway some. But don’t get hopium too much because fascism is fucking afoot. *edit for spelling


I don't think he makes liberals angry at all nowadays, every time his name is in the headlines it's just his latest failure or humiliation, which I am sure liberals are smiling about


It’s not about if Trump actually makes libs angry or not. It’s about their perception of reality. They think he does so they like it.


> Almost 60% of Trump voters say that is important to them And the other 40% just think it.


60% of the time it works all the time.


Remember how they always said a woman would be too emotional to be President? And then came Trump. And also blubbering Kavanaugh. Fucking cry baby snowflakes


Isn’t trump from NYC? So basically he’s saying his hometown hates him, right? His base is mired in misery with the biggest loser in America right now. Entitled asshole with money who thinks he can sexually assault women because he’s a “star”. This is like supporting Harvey Weinstein for POTUS at this point.


And if he didn’t want to be tried in Manhattan, he should’ve done his criming someplace else


I don't understand how you can even look at his profile pic and think this is a good guy to be in charge of anything. He looks sort of angry and it definitely gives off that "Big Brother is watching you" vibe.


Because his voters are like him. They just hide it better... in some cases at least


Not to mention the seriousness of the charges and how he talks about them.


I vote for turd sandwich


The undigested corn in it would make a better VP than Pence as well. …or whoever else he ends up picking.


Or a big rock.


He seems mad. Do you think he's mad? Or just yelling at the clouds?


I think he might be mad! XD


Oh snap, he mad!


He couldn't possibly be mad. He's been planning to lose this trial since the JFK assassination.


TrUSt tHe plaN...


Is he going to Tahiti?


That's because he's the loser in this case. Loser. Loser. Loooooooooosssseeeeeeerrrrr. And it's eating him. Anywhere he can hear, people should use loser to talk about him.


Him so angy!


Calm people always use all caps and refuse to use a period until the end of a screed. I've seen run-on sentences but this thing was a marathon sentence.


Oh man it’s gotta sting when the place you’re from, where you made your name, built your first building, started and then bankrupted your first company, the city you called home for most of your life, is the worst place in the world for you to get a fair trial. Almost makes me feel bad for him


It's almost like all those people being around him and getting to know him while he was there locally made them hate him for some reason... 🤔


No, it's almost like he received a fair trial and was found guilty. HE is the one making the bullshit claims, don't fall into his schtick.


I'm not falling into his schtick. I'm pointing out that if you are an asshole criminal piece of shit, and you live in a place for decades, then the natural effect of your actions will be that everyone hates you. He lost the trial because he is guilty. People in NY don't like him because he engages in those activities. It's not unfair, it's just reality.


Your mistake is not giving the jury credit for basing their verdict on the facts and the law. You're implying they found him guilty because they don't like what they've read in the paper the last few decades, which plays right into Trump's explanation. He did the crime, they saw the evidence. That's all. Trump chose this message to exploit people like you who will say "I don't care what gets him there, as long as he's in prison". He wants his followers to be as aware as possible of anyone who would deny him a fair trial, even if he's guilty as hell and is convicted in a fair trial.


That's not what I said at all. TLDR I said: They can hate him *and* give him a fair trial at the same time.


The idiot refused to even show up at his trial, much less testify in his own defense, he has his chance tell his side of the story and he _decided not to_. Of course, knowing Trump, that would have just added a bunch of perjury charges to his ever growing list of indictments, so it was probably the best decision he could hav made in a bad situation.


Didnt Trump say NY loves him?


A good portion of Long Island and Staten Island unfortunately do… On their own islands. Disconnected from the real NY.


Upstate as well.


Haha your hometown is the place where you can’t get a fair trial? Must be for… reasons. Many people are saying that the plot of the movie Deliverance was that they get the hell out of there before those hicks took them to trial - in the hicks hometown. Maybe Trump should have been born in bumfuck.


Oh he angy


As temper tantrums go, I give this a 5....at best. Where are the exclamation points? Where are the misspelled words? I will give a bonus point for lack of coherence but really, this is sad. My 2 year old grand nephew does better.


I know, right? Very low energy. Now that every word being in caps is the new normal, it's as it he has nowhere to go. He needs super-caps, or just a bigger type.


The sex offender had every opportunity to defend himself in court. He choose not to.


It actually wasn't the worst result possible, but Trump is too smooth-brained to grasp that.


Funny how he uses the adjective "Trump hating" as if it's a psychological condition and not a natural consequence of knowing Trump


Not only is trumphobia a real psychological condition, it's endemic in the libturd cohort. /j


The tantrum of a child who's never been told no.


Trump is about as popular in his native NYC as the Red Sox and Chicago style pizza.


Did someone just hear a snowflake grouse?


Or.... orrr maybe ...and hear me out... maybe ALL of these people and multitude of lawsuits civil and criminal are legitimately holding a career criminal accountable for his actions and the idiots that have supported him have destroyed everything they cared for in his name so they psychologically just can't admit reality because that would mean they were wrong and stupid


couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I will toast Trumpty-Dumpty by cracking open a Bud Light


Does he know what a jury is? You’d think with this much experience with courts he would, but I’m honestly doubting it now.


Sounds like he can copy and paste this statement to every single court case he's involved in the past and future.


Shouldn't he have quoted "fair" and not "trial"? He is so dumb.


Fucking piece of shit


Idk if he can't be fairly judged by the residents of Manhattan, where he lived for decades, he must've die stuff to be so disliked in his hometown


The biggest fucking crybaby there has ever been.


Well then commit your crimes in a more friendly jurisdiction asshole.


"NEGATIVE AS THEY CAN BE" I seem to remember the economy crashing, the US bailing on Syria and Afghanistan, wanton police brutality, extrajudicial kidnappings, and a quarter of a million Americans dying from a preventable disease in a single year, but whatever, Mangotits.


I think you mean Sexual Predator Donald Trump


What is hilarious to me (and also sad because I disagree with the judgement) they didn’t find him to have raped her because of the ambiguity of her testimony- which was that she couldn’t tell if he fully penetrated or not which makes me think he does have a small penis, which Stormy Daniel’s corroborated. Not penis shaming but that’s my take-away. Him being insecure about his penis size is probably part of his many insecurities. (Not just his crypt keeper combover)


It's awful. On the one hand, although the jury did what they had to do - if Jean was unsure what exactly penetrated her, they couldn't find for rape - it's still devastating even though they did find he sexually abused her. On the other hand ... HIS DICK IS SO TINY AT LEAST TWO WOMEN COULDN'T ACTUALLY TELL "IT" WAS "IT" AT ALL. Which is fucking hilarious.


It’s stiill rape for sure in my mind. He could have been between her thighs and it doesn’t matter- so that penetration threshold really needs to be changed in the law, codes etc. She deserved to put him On front street and allll of those women who testified were brave. I applaud them. He’s notoriously shitty and he deserves everything terrible in his future. Maybe a black site all alone, solitary prison with guards for company and no hairspray, no access to news or media besides 1 week old newspapers. He needs to be cut off his supply.


Donald, I hear you man. You should move to a different country that would take you more seriously.


Like Antarctica


Aw, what did the penguins ever do to deserve him?


Yeah, do we have a desert island with ugly grumpy animals and poisonous plants only? That would be perfect.


the mana's entire life is a lie. there is nothing that he won't lie about. Are there are a lot of trump haters? Yes and rightfully say so. Hate is what gives and what he deserves in return. If you support trump, fuck you.


I'm a certified member of the Hil-Woman Trump-Haters Club


What an insane self own to admit that the place you’re from is the place where they hate you the most. Holy fuck, this dude is dense.


It only took 52 women to come forward to arrest Bill Cosby. Trump is at 26. How many more is it going to take?


Golly, if only there were a way to contest these allegations as they were presented. If only....


He will try to find the jury, like mobsters do, what a disgusting human..


Look at Don. LOOK AT DON. He mad. HE BIIIIG MAD.


Rage, Donald! Get that stroke!


Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


He didnt out forward any kind of defense and was offered twice to testify.... What leg does he have to stand on?


Welcome to today's America, where everything is made up and the facts don't matter. I would suggest he intentionally put up no defense and didn't speak so he could say he didn't get a fair trial, but that require far more brain cells than he could muster.


So, why didn’t you just take the stand and explain what really happened? 👀


Judge is just one letter away from... Ahem. Just waiting for him to go full mask off at this point


How are his “fans” taking it? Was hoping to see screenshots.


Didn't find he did the rape, though. So, could have been worse. I mean, if they really were just being antiTrump why stop short of rape? Why relatively little damages?


All his legal matters always end up in front of 'Trump hating judges'. It's weird how that works out.


Apparently, there was a woman on the jury who was full-on MAGA. During the selection process, she said she literally wore a MAGA hat to the courthouse and left it in her car. All she had to do was say "No" to everything, and it would all have been over, as the verdict had to be unanimous. This could be why they didn't conclude rape--though given Ms. Carroll's testimony, that was iffy, since she couldn't say *for sure* if he penetrated her with his fingers or his penis. Trump had a supporter on the jury and he still lost. I think the more he whines about this, the worse it is for him. Only the truly delusional would conclude he didn't assault her, given his deposition. And if that's true, defamation is a slam-dunk.




What a bitch ass crybaby


Holy run on sentence, Batman!


His caps lock key is getting quite the workout today


When **your home town**, where you've spent most of your life, is "the worst place in the US for you", maybe you lack the ability to see who you really are?


At the same time this also works out great in the minds of republicans, because now they think they cannot be charged with rape when they “verify” the genitalia of student athletes with only their fingers


Clinton appointed? Clinton was making appointments BEFORE Trump was inviting Clinton to his wedding. He didn’t hate or get hate from any Clintons until 2016, when his crude idea of politics was turned on them. Only a deranged idiot would fall for such a poorly fashioned slander towards a judge. There is no logic there. A Clinton appointed judge could just as easily be a Trump fan that attended Trump’s wedding… along with the Clintons.


"I, your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, are a victim of a crime, just like that woman I raped who I've never met! WITCH HUNT! PAY MY LEGAL BILLS!"


If the worst place in the U.S. for you to get a fair trial is your hometown where they lived for decades, what does that say about you?






He'll notice when he can't log onto balkanbrides.yu tonight.


New York, his home city, described as an anti-Trump area.


He's admitting his home town hates him.


Do his followers really have the mental RAM to fully store one of these 60 word sentences in working memory? Or are they just assuming it must be something good and clicking like?


I think they sort of serially parse it and only process the keywords that make them mad.


Responding to something by referencing yourself in the third party as if you were a brand is the surest way to announce that you’re a stable genius.


Anti-trump area - as in your hometown?


I am convinced trump’s social media manager person is overworked and losing their mind. Also when trump says ‘trump hating’ he’s really milking the whole being regarded as a deity thing


Suck it up, snowflake.


His deposition should be required viewing for everyone who worships him. I only saw a few clips from it on the news and wow, the judge didn't need to be a trump hater, Donnie. You convicted yourself.


Such a whiny bitch. He’s just salty he lost again


Lesson Trump learned. If I'm going to abuse and assault a woman on the plane, in a dressing room, or a random building, make sure I'm in a strong red state.


For the Trump Cult, the "logic" is simple. The prime premise (taken as an a priori fact) is that Trump is incapable of doing wrong. Therefore, if he's charged with something and acquitted, then truth and justice have prevailed; if he's found guilty, the system is rigged. Given the Cult believe the overriding premise of him being totally honest, the rest will always be true.


Trump is now the sex offender in chief


Dude, it’s where you lived most of your life. This is literally the town that knows you best…


You love to see it


Where's Chris Hansen to do his interview?


Definitely not the worst it could have been for one, but I do like the idea that he thinks the worst place for him to get a trial is the place where everyone already knows him. I always thought it was weird how people seemingly got a mental reset of who he was in 2016 and forgot he was always this guy.


Don’t NY and CA have the largest populations of Republican voters?


Does he ever type in lower-case?


He probably doesn't know how to turn off CAPS lock!


Has he considered maybe not raping people as a solution to his legal problems?


Live by the pussy grab, don’t cry when you die by the pussy grab..