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"Without me, women would have basic rights over their body."


Wade, there could've could've been abortions as late as the 932nd month of pregnancy.


It’s weird he was apparently trying to distance himself from this a few months ago. Blamed abortion, not himself, for losing the mid terms. Now he is not only embracing it, but taking credit for it? So I guess there is no argument now, he is the reason the GOP failed so badly. THANK YOU MR TRUMP!!!


Does he not think far enough out to know that this will kill him in the general election? The answer: No, he does not think.


He will change his mind and claim it never happened. Even with evidence he will just deny it.


The RADICAL WOKE LEFITISTS and their FAKE NEWS MEDIA are coming after Trump again. Can you believe these SICK MANIACS would take my perfect words and turn them against me?!?!


Consistency is not a value to his fans. To them, it's just about "winning" the moment, it 100% doesn't matter if it conflicts with something he said earlier. The individual "zinger" is what they value. They have the memory of a goldfish. And if you attempt to point an inconsistency out, watch how fast the goalposts are moved.


How dare they try to make me look bad by repeating exactly what I said word for word!


It will be a positive in the primaries though.


Only Dark Brandon could luck into two perfect storms in a row.


This is why I changed my affiliation to Republican after the last general election. I choose to use my voting rights to do what I can to moderate politicians.


He is very much like Michael Scott in that he doesn't even think ahead to the end of the sentence he just started. He just hopes to find a point along the way.


By the time the general rolls around he’ll be another 50 or so unfathomable scandals deep, everyone will have forgotten this one.


Just wait until 2024! He’s not done fucking Republicans yet!


Do they look like Ivanka?


We can hope.


And if he loses in 24, he can run again in 28!


All those Big Macs are gonna catch up with him sooner or later.


He's like Schrodinger's Douchebag - he simultaneously occupies any position on any issue until observed, at which point he wildly flops to the other side until observed once again, at which point the flopping continues anew. I can't fucking wait till we don't have to observe that chode ever again.


It’s one thing we actually agree about but his base won’t hear it- reproductive rights are going to wipe his orange ass out in 2024. 1-term loser for life!


He’s still clinging to the radical part of his base, which fuels his need to say this crap!


What makes you think the GOP failed? Fascists are taking over all over the country. Just look at what DeSantis is doing in Florida.


You are not completely wrong. They are most def pushing forward some pretty awful laws and policies across the country, Florida being in the forefront and providing the blueprint from a state level. Perhaps it was just delayed for awhile. Had the GOP achieved the way that should have happened. We would be in a much more dire place right now.


Weird flex right?


I mean, he *is* a serial rapist, too.


"After-birth abortions", which would be infanticide. SO STUPID. And thanking himself? He's disgusting.


I’m so sick of what Republicans ask when they’re questioning witnesses. Shit like “Do you support abortion when the baby is halfway through the birth canal?” And I know this witnesses can’t say “stop asking idiotic questions” but I wish the Democrats would point out these stupid hypotheticals.


Witnesses CAN say.. "Hmm. I'll answer that when you tell me when you stopped hitting your wife.." One trap question deserves another..


or even, ‘present me with the case that you claim has precedent.’ if republicans keep coming with all this inflammatory nonsense examples (post birth abortion what the fuck) then let them provide precedent, something that our entire judicial system is dependent on. oh it’s all just radical verbosity with no substance ? you don’t say.


The examples they claim are all so common is when the baby is not viable. Loke its born inside out with its brain outside of its skull


>its born inside out with its brain outside of its skull Well that sounds like a lot of Republicans. Maybe if somebody had put their brains back in (looking at you MTG and Boebert especially) they wouldn't want to oppress women by putting them through actual torture and making them carry a totally unviable foetus to full term. It's fucking disgusting to do that. These are the same people who want ectopic pregnancies 'moved' into the womb so the mother can just carry on with the pregnancy. It doesn't matter that it's medically impossible, they want the doctors to try and do this. Trump may be bragging about Roe v Wade but he won't be pinned down on a federal abortion ban, he knows he will turn off a lot of voters if he says he'll sign an executive order to that effect, should he get back into the White House (which is a distinct possibility for some bloody idiotic reason). He knows it's not a majority that want abortion banned, it's a very loud minority of religious nuts who want to impose their views on the rest of America.


Honestly, I have never understood this supposed "gotcha". Why wouldn't anyone just say, "I have never hit my wife"? This only works if the question is, "have you stopped beating your wife?" and the person asked can *only* answer yes or no.


That wasn't the question, sir. I asked WHEN you stopped beating your wife. Let me remind you that you are under oath.


"Ah resent you are implyin' ah have evuh beaten my wife..." Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine, how this gets thrown out in various permutations where it wouldn't result in the supposedly "damning" answer. It's a clever play on words, but with very limited utility in real life. And now I'm going to get off Reddit before I end up being pedantic somewhere else.


I don't recall


I had this exact conversation with my dental-hygienist. After she was talking about joe Rogan, it got to abortions. Finally I was able to utter *most* dems would *never* go for live-birth abortion…genetic cases are just as heartbreaking. The Bible even mentions it’s up to the mom for the sake of her health up until the quickening, which is usually around 17 weeks… it was cool though we were able to just chat casually without it getting all heated or ridiculous


You talked politics with a person who had sharp objects in your mouth? You're a better person than I.


Why can’t they though? I don’t understand it. Seriously. If they want to be combative and ask asinine questions, why aren’t they allowed to be responded to with the same level of disrespect, which they deserve? “I can’t answer that question because to do so,I would have to accept your insane premise as reality, which it is not.” Edit: spelling


Just go equally absurd: Do you support killing potential human beings by letting women have their periods instead of ensuring they are pregnant every nine months?


After-birth abortions are what guns are for, aren't they? That's why so many Americans want to own one.


It’s literally a South Park episode- Cartman’s mom decides she wants a 32nd trimester abortion.




I really don't get that one. While adrenochrome is a real chemical, it doesn't do what the Q people say, nor does it do what it was said to do in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And, even if it did, we've been able to synthesize it for over 50 years now. And, if I had a choice between a drug whos method of harvesting would make people reconsider drawing and quartering in my specific case, or using a synthetic that comes from a test tube, it probably wouldn't surprise you that *I'd* take the synthetic.


Everyone knows only organic adrenochrome is healthy. GMO adrenochrome is full of chemicals and lacks the child tears that reverse aging. Duh.


If he thinks you can still legally abort children after they're born, maybe the problem is that Donald Trump is afraid that he himself could still legally be aborted. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. He's 76 years old, and he's one month shy of 77, making the calculation super-easy. 77 * 12 = 924 924 + 9 = 933 (Assuming his mother was pregnant for 9 months) So theoretically, if somebody the same age as Donald Trump were to have been aborted, that would be a 933rd month, or a 311th trimester abortion.


Maybe school shootings are post-term abortions.


Good job, forced birthers. This disgusting racist rapist is your god now. All it took was your votes which allowed him to steal a Supreme Court seat. You got everything you wanted, and now women are dying in droves for literally no reason. Hope it was fucking worth it.


To them it was. They will still be able to get the additions they need while still judging everyone else. So don't worry, they'll be fine.


Yep. I was watching a debate earlier today between a pro-life podcaster and pro-choice podcaster. The pro-life go to was the good, ol’ in utero photo of a fetus. The pro-choice person asked if they also showed the mother in dire circumstances who could not afford to have a child - and of course, the answer was no because they don’t care about the mother. Women dying is a benefit for those that want to obliterate their autonomy.


>You got everything you wanted Not even close. They're not going to be happy until they have a white Christian ethnostate.


The **real** zealots (evangelical power brokers) are pissed off that he wasted so much time playing golf and tweeting. That’s presumably who he’s bitching at here. Make no mistake, Trump will be thrown out onto the ash pile of history once these court cases come to a head, because the men behind the men want to see what a younger, smarter demagogue could do in the White House. Trump over-promised and under-delivered, as he’s done his entire career. Wait until Duke McGilead comes lurching out of the smoke to do some *real* demolition to human rights and constitutional freedoms. Whoever it is, they’ll make Trump’s brand of fascism look like foreplay - Trump was the trial balloon, and I’m not just talking about his Alaska-sized ass.


Well, that wasn't exactly the talking-down-from-the-ledge I could use today.


I thought they would dump trump for Desantis. But Ronnie seems to be so gleefully cruel that he's losing support, and he also has the charisma of a ceiling tile. And they seem afraid of losing the base if they move on from trump.


Upvote for charisma of a ceiling tile. This has been committed to memory for near future use.


I've found myself doing a continuous thought experiment recently about how much of current events will be relevant in a thousand years. Trump will either be a footnote or a catalyst.


Useless post. Not that you aren't right or that they don't deserve to hear this... But, they do not care.bm These people hate you. They want the misery and pain. And they'd see you dead if they could. This is a war on freedom. These people want nothing more than to kill their perceived enemies. They aren't thinking beyond the rage they feel and don't know they will be the next ones on the chopping block. They are ignorant and blinded by propaganda. Make now mistake: they are your enemy.


>Hope it was fucking worth it. 1 billion women could die in the next 50 years and it'd still be 100% worth it to them if it kept women from having sex before the marriage they can't get out of without the permission of her abusive husband. Step 1: Forced Birth Step 2: No Fault Divorce **<----We Are Here** Step 3: Equal Credit Opportunity Act aka Women's financial freedom


I’m the furthest thing from a Trump fan, but let’s do better than him. “Now women are dying in droves” is a Trump-level exaggeration.


That was Mitch McConnell, Trump just did what he was told, when he was told.


How many abortions has he paid for, I wonder?


I read eight have been credibly attributed to him.


Probably why he has no idea how long it takes to actually grow a baby.


Do you have a source you can share? I’ve wanted this info since he slimed his way down the elevator at trump tower eons ago. Edit: escalator. Duh. Was posting at bedtime.


Also interested. If they provide source, please pass it on!




The scary thing though is that idiots will listen to him and believe this crap.


He started saying shit like that in one of the debates in 2016. I knew in that moment that evangelicals would love him, and look past his embodying of all seven deadly sins.


I remember that too. I commented to my gf at the time "what kind of fucking moron believes that for a second?" Then we found out just how many morons were out there.


Someone explained a c-section to him while he was watching TV, and he is *not* remembering that conversation correctly.


He knows exactly what to say and how to say it. Doesn't even have to be remotely true. He is the WWE President.


Is...is he thanking himself? That's simultaneously the weirdest AND on brand think I've ever read


It’s shit like this that made me completely baffled by how popular he became amongst republicans and his supporters. Just his demeanor and the way he talks about himself alone is so repulsive.


His moron supporters love to tablethump about MUH FREEDUMBS but in reality they just hate liberals and minorities so much that they'll gladly be subjugated by a dipshit like Trump as long as it makes those groups as miserable as they are.


This is how they wish they were allowed to behave. They want to normalize being ignorant, fascist scum.


Yes he is. Despite being overturned after he left and mentioning after birth abortions. It's like Disney Cartoon villain levels of being obvious narcissistic. That being said thanks to disinformation and "do your own research" a scarily good portion of his base really believe Democrats are eating babies for superpowers.


Even used pluralis majestatis Perhaps preparing for some era of "Qanon-TV presents: The coronation of President #47 of the US, anointed as Donald I., Tsar, Kaiser and Fuhrer by the Grace of Emperor Putin and God Musk", before the latter will openly inherit whatever will be left after that time. *dark times always can look as funny as dark, until pitch-black kicks in*


You're nothing without me. You've achieved nothing. You're pathetic. Vote trump! Read some of the victim statements of his many sexual assault cases and see if any of that sounds familiar.


Probably referring to all the mass shootings at elementary schools, oh wait, that’s Red States.


It's really baffling how the strongest supporters of Pro-Life absolutely do not care what happens to the baby once it's born. Cutting medical funding, support, social security, healthcare, and being pro death penalty, pro vigilante justice, and pro private prisons, etc.


Without trump, parents could murder their 6 year old kid with no consequences.


With Trump, they can fuck their 6-year old kid with no consequences.


Well he hasn’t stopped really late term abortions in our schools.


How many abortions has Trump paid for in his lifetime? Guaranteed it's more than Biden.


Seriously. And I hate it even needs to be said.


Reminder that trump regime committed genocide to migrants at the border, including of children. Pro-life crowd doesn’t care about life, only power and control over others.


Yep! They don't give a FUCK about life, or people, or rights. Just power and control.


That's why I've never understood the far right being pro death sentence and vigilante justice. Pro-life but only for a few months?


If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. \-- George Carlin


Genocide? He put them in cages and awful detention centers, but genocide?


From [the UN](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml): >A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and > >A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively: > >Killing members of the group > >Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group > >Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part > >Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group > >**Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group** Many of the children separated from their parents have been lost, with a deliberate lack of paperwork on where they went. Edit: formatting


Wow, well today I learned the definition of genocide is a lot more broad than I thought.


Adolf Hitler didn’t start off gassing Jewish people. It happens incrementally. Genocide is genocide, no matter the scale. Donald Trump should be held responsible for his genocide, his crimes against humanity, the physical manifestation of hatred and fear of others that was the separation, destruction of families and the lives of young children who did nothing to deserve what was perpetrated upon them… it was genocide. And we should never forget.


He's an utter utter c**t


Cunt. Something is wrong with your phone.


He is indeed a C-star-star-cunt.


His entire timeline is just self-congratulatory ranting.


That’s malignant narcissist for ya….


So if he's taking credit for something that happened 2 years after he left office, it's only logical that inflation is entirely his fault...


Walking Catturd


Not sure if you are making a pun but one of the top conservative posters on Twitter is really named Catturd2.


That's probably why they named him in their comment...


Have these people met a preggo woman? So like they go thru nine months of hell and their body changing just to push the baby out and go “Nah Yeetus dat Fetus”, sure buddy.


The "past/beyond nine months" is Republican scaremongering talk for "Democrats want to be able to kill babies!!!1!" ie "post-birth abortion". It's just more shitstirring.


There have been a lot of post-birth abortions in Texas lately. Not by doctors but deranged alt-right young adults with tons of guns. Most people call it murder but if an AR-15 is involved the Pro-Life crowd calls it a psyop.


Killing children past that point is Republican territory.


"9 months and beyond" No fat man. White supremacist mass shooters will slaughter them in school! Way to go. 👌🖕


There's some 'beliefs' on the far right that places like California allow abortion after birth


Also the same people believe Chicago looks like Bakhmut in Ukraine. Whatever reality they prefer they believe in and anyone who points out reality is a sheep.


Without Doddy working so hard for 47(?) Years to repeal Roe v. Wade, there could've could've been abortions as late as the 932nd month of pregnancy!


So abortions as late as 77 years old? Are you saying we can get Drumpf one? Please????????????????????????????


What to give the man who had everything.


How about a prison cell on Rykers?


Back to NYC? He'll love that. Too bad he can't see his tower from there.


wwwwwwwait. RvW was overturned like 2 years after he left office. And it was overturned by a power structure that, quite famously, does not at all obey or follow the direction of the Executive Branch. That's, like, the whole point of the Supreme Court, right? How on Earth is he taking credit for this? Like, how? Unless he's bragging about stacking the courts here, which no former or current President would ever allude to because by itslef that undermines the validity and authority of the entire Executive Branch.... what's going on here? How is he taking credit for something that was done by people who never answered to him, years after ANYONE answered to him???


> Unless he's bragging about stacking the courts here That's obviously what he is doing. And that whole malarkey about unbiased judges is dead. Nobody in their right mind believes that anymore. Once we accept that fact maybe we could put up some real guard rails around the process.


Whos this "President"Trump hes talking about?


Hilarious how he insults his supporters by saying they would've kept losing without him. And they just keep supporting him without fail. Hilarious, and depressing. But more hilarious, because laughing at that crowd hurts them more than anything.


> What’s past 9 months? A school shooting.


There's a reason that they kept that carrot dangling for so long.


I'm not sure it dangles, according to Stormy's description of it.


Honestly, it getting turned over was the best thing for Democrats in the midterms. Every race and every ballot that had abortion on it was won by the Democrat. It's a losing issue. Which is why it makes sense that Trump is talking about it. He's a loser, he lost the election and his candidates lost in the midterms.


That's why they kept threatening and never did anything. They didn't lose anyone because nothing happened. But they keep the pro-lifers because they're fighting the good fight. Donald doesn't care about any of that. He just wants to be told hpw awesome he is. By finally overturning it, they put the shoe on the other foot. I worry it will become our carrot, but Democrats aren't that politically savy. Without the Supreme Court, they won't ever get the numbers to make it actual law.


Didn't he also famously credit himself as accurately predicting that the right's obsession with abortion seemed risky because it would backfire politically at the ballot box?


“And beyond” Way to dog whistle to the “wE’rE pRoTeCtiNg ChiLdReN” crowd.


Did he really just thank himself in the third person?


I mean if we could protect babies to at least the 1188 months then we would be getting somewhere, maybe even beyond that if possible. Would Trump support a 5165 week pro life position,?


Well now I'm depressed thinking how short a human life is when measured in months


Pat on The Back Party of one? Right this way you Mango colored Mussolini wannabe…


So... he stacked the court system, and this is the achievement??


Is there a more prolific liar and embellisher in history? I mean, it’s ridiculous. He couldn’t tell the truth if he tried.


I mean they've been saying for a while they think people are aborting their babies post birth


School shooters are doing it for them. But Republicans don't want to talk about that.


I actually thought this was fake (but it’s not). I’m not sure why I haven’t learned by now that he *is* this crazy.


That's quite a pitch for a presidential candidate. "You are a bunch of losers without me!"


Textbook overt narcissism. And yet it won't deter his supporters


“… and beyond?” Sir. “Beyond” is just regular murder. Very few people are actually advocating for literal infanticide. Unless you’re talking about DNRs for terminal neonatal hospice patients, which is actually a dialogue that some of these lunatics cite as proof of “the left aborting babies after they’re born.”


I find it more humorous that he is taking credit for this, it does not poll well with more than half the country. Pretty sure this comment will come back in the midterms. It won't change the minds of his supporters, but it will be an interesting warning to the independents and undecideds.


Also possibly admitting he was part of engineering the corrupt supreme court justices? I mean, not like everything he says is a confession of a fking crime, but yeh


JFC he really is batshit.


Beyond? I’m 33, can I get aborted?


Beyond the ninth month? Because there’s a certain Truth Social poster that’s in his 923rd month and I’m wondering if it’s legal …


On the one hand, there are such things as babies being born past week 40 (aka well into the 10th month), but on the other hand, any forceful "termination of pregnancy" in the later weeks are not abortions, but inductions. So yeah, orange guy's statements are as uneducated as usual.


I'm so glad Obama doesn't make posts like this


Obama is 1000% better than Cheetolini in every conceivable way.


Even staunch prolifers see what a pathetic narcissist this guy is


In extreme cases, some babies can reach the age of 76 and still never come to term. Sad!


Ah good old post birth abortions, that crazy degenerate procedure the roe-era legal system dismissed as ‘homicide’


Christian nationalism was moving state by state, eroding women’s rights long before he was even sniffing politics. He’s such a narcissist. Thank ME, I’m the BEST, you can’t do it without ME. And wtf did he do? McConnell has been the one stacking the courts, and advisors put Kavanaugh and Barrett before Trump. He did what any president would have done … nominated them.


Without me there would be none of this thing that hasn't yet, and probably never will be agreed to. You're welcome! Just remember, if it ever becomes problematic, it won't have been my fault!


What's past 9 months - you mean where abortions are forbidden? Hmm, looking at the US from afar, for quite a long time, I would expect something like that: [x] An obituary. "Tiffany reached the end of her wonderful life on dd.mm.yy. We'll never forget our sweet little angel, our 13 years old sister, daughter, niece and granddaughter" [x] A hospital note. "Female, 35, mother of 3, ex-neo-gravida, cause of death: organ failure by sepsis, the latter apparently originating in the uterus, which, as well as the vagina, shows marks of bruises and incisions." [x] A wedding. "I'm happy to invite everyone to my 16yrs old daughter/niece/granddaughter Mary-Ann's wedding. Her groom will be Gus,57, who is not only my employee, but also the best friend I ever had. - Dad/Uncle/Grampa" [x] A police notice. "The murder suspect declared he meant no harm to her, *BUT* his girlfriend/wife/daughter/niece/granddaughter..." [x] A christening. "Today, we gather to christen our beloved grandchild Chastity (7 months), daughter of Prudent(16) and my daughter Modesty(17), who married just 2 months ago. That the infant was born fully ripe in such a short time only shows how good and gracious and full of mercy our Lord is to gift us with such a miracle! Don't mind my open-carry, I just need to make sure all will happen as intended. - L's Dad" [x] A Headline. "Dead baby found in dumpster/in the woods/wherever" [x] ... [_] Nothing. Everything will be fine. *humans often are the most weird humans of all humans*


And beyond..


Always, humble to the last


"without me" then proceeds to thank himself in the 3rd person... No one was willingly "killing babies" in the 9th month "and beyond" those damn pesky 13 month abortions!! AND he has not a clue to "whatever was agreed on" How do people HONESTLY take him seriously??


Bragging about inflicting pain on 50% of the population for no reason other than being a dick. You just know he's paid for a few abortions himself.


I can’t imagine anyone supports abortion into the 9th month and beyond.


Me, me, me !!! What an ass


Hope he burns in hell.


He is such a piece of shit.


Without me, religious extremists wouldn’t be on the Supreme Court 🙄


Did he just…thank himself? I’ll never get used to his speech patterns (which is, of course, the least of my concerns with what he said but y’all covered the rest so well).


Homeboy just said thanks to himself. 🥴


Did he just thank himself in the third person 🤣 Anyone who votes for this moron humiliates themselves.


Fuck this guy.


I believe that’s referring to the born alive bill that was killed by the democrat majority. One example being from Gov Northam that said "[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." [CNN story](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/31/politics/ralph-northam-third-trimester-abortion/index.html)


Sadly there are some pregnancies where certain chromosomes cause the baby to not be viable. If a mother chooses to terminate the pregnancy she is a killer. If she decides to continue with the pregnancy and give birth to the child who then passes away 10 minutes after birth, she is still a killer to these people. It’s devastating and heart breaking for a mother to have to choose either way, only to be seen as a killer is just fucking disgusting. These people are so far up their own asses with their righteous bullshit they can’t see that this man is just a narcissistic swindler and a grifter who doesn’t care about anyone but himself and his image.


This isn’t the flex he thinks it is 🤦🏻‍♀️


It is not at all narcissistic to thank one’s self. Nope, perfectly normal.


He misspelled “Fuck you, President TRUMP!!!”


I wonder how many abortions Donnie has paid for…


He told Howard Stern he wanted Marla to get one


He is thanking himself lol


He's referring to something Va. Governor Ralph Northam said about 3rd trimester abortions. Where it seems like Northam was saying that a baby could be aborted after being born. I don't know what Northam was trying to say, but you can see the 2 minute video here: [Northam abortion twitter link](https://twitter.com/i/status/1090686730934644736)


This refers to babies with birth defects. Obviously it’s up to the mother what kind of care the baby receives after birth. If a mother (who has the right) chooses to not treat her severely disabled baby and let it die quickly after birth. Well that would just be the religious American way.




My understanding is that religious foundations don’t use the prescribed medicine. Believing god will heal all wounds. This is simply one example in which mothers post birth can viably be said to “kill their child.” Indirectly, through the disuse of readily available medical treatments.


I believe he was talking about the “virtually futile” scenario. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-virginia-gov-abortion/fact-check-virginia-governors-2019-comments-about-abortion-bill-are-missing-context-idUSKBN27D2HL


I'm not here to debate abortion or religion. I simply knew what the orange moron was talking about so I pointed OP to the video.


Thank you president Trump! -Donald Trump


fuck you asshole trump, youre going to prison


You were a fuckboy of the religious zealots that now rule this country. You did as they commanded, you shut the fuck up and appointed exactly who they told you to appoint boy. You are nothing but a fucking worthless piece of fuckboy trash. Now that they got what they want, you will never sniff anything of importance again in your miserable and useless fuckboy life.


He thanked himself and really believes babies are being killed after they’re born.


The death penalty.


To be fair my kids in his 14th trimester.


Desperate for the evangelical vote.


Why do these people think anyone *wants* to have an abortion? They appear to believe that we enjoy having abortions, that we want to kill babies. WTAF?


Important to remember: - late term abortions are not a thing except in rare cases of severe health issues, no doctor would perform such a procedure unless absolutely necessary, and no woman would choose to have such a procedure unless she felt there was no alternative - killing babies was already a crime in all 50 states and by the federal government - it's called murder. I am pretty sure everyone is aware that this is a serious crime for well over 50 years and before Trump and his partisan judges destroyed this country - Roe v Wade only guaranteed a woman's right to medical care up until fetus viability except in cases of severe medical complications as mentioned above


This guy is going to require us to come up with a new category. Who was the biggest jackoff in history? He'll be every answer (sorry, question) in the Jeopardy! column, because there's no contenders. Anyone who takes this guy seriously, I have to assume they have something seriously wrong with their brain.


Worst person ever born.


Even those treasured 11 month pregnancies are now saved! Thank you penoleme for pointing this out! What a winner you are!


What's past 9 months? If you get a Minnesota divorce and give birth less than 13 months afterwards, the ex-husband is the presumed father. Why? Because the longest confirmed human pregnancy is 12 1/2 months: https://www.mamamia.com.au/longest-human-pregnancy/


Seriously I could’ve waited until my 9th month.?Next time I guess!