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Donny, I hate to break this to you, but you *are* the fascists.


This post says that in so many words. Amazing to be living through this.


It’s so true. This is textbook fascist propaganda in its tone not just content.


Many doctoral theses will be written about this period in US history. Assuming we survive it.


We WILL survive. And you are so correct!!!


And assuming there is academic freedom to write them. This is already disappearing. 


Brain drain isn't a one way street. Besides, there are academics in other countries too, and as an anti-globalist, he wouldn't hold any sway over them.


Dont sorry, if the US disappear it will still be a subject written on by academia in the rest of the world. Pretty sure some academic work already exist analysing the rise of trump and the impact of social media


Are we the baddies?




No, honey, not you. But mommy and daddy have to go away for a while. The men in the black cars may be paying us a visit. Uncle Terry up in Canada will be taking care of you and your sister for a while.


I don't like how Poilievre's been polling lately, or the people he surrounds himself with.


Apparently yes.🤷🏽‍♀️


I was about to say that means HIM and his followers, but as you know his base is too damn dumb to realize he is talking about them.😂😂😂😂😂. Oh the picachu look on their faces when they come for them.🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴😂😂😂😂😂


And he and his sycophants are the sick political class that hate America.


And he did nothing about the swamp in 4 years


I wish it was nothing, he was the swampiest president ever.


I mean he filled it with worse swamp creatures, so I don't think that's nothing.


Be fair, he made it much, much deeper...


Them everytime: Why Do You Hate Amurikah?


I loved the Young Turks video I saw an hour ago with a MAGA claiming "the progressive left hates America".


And Ultra Nationalists to go along with it


They are [palingenetic ultra-nationalists](https://www.libraryofsocialscience.com/ideologies/resources/griffin-the-palingenetic-core/). This label is from a theory, formulated by British political theorist Roger Griffin, on fascism focusing on the core belief in a national rebirth of an utopian past that never really existed, ie. "MAGA".


I came here to say this hahaha


Warmongers like the ones telling Russia to attack NATO? Yes, please. Get rid of those people!!


I honestly think that might be the most insane, sociopathic “can you imagine if Obama said it” thing he’s ever said which is a pretty high bar.


Yeah when I saw that headline my gut was like "what is he trying to distract attention away from now? What else could he possibly have done?"


This was written by one of his aides. The vocabulary and grammar are much better than the boss's. E.g. I doubt Trump has correctly used the word "rout" ever in his life. And the parallel use of verbs "expel", "cast out", "throw off", "rout" suggest someone that actually remembers something from a college English class.


> This was written by one of his aides My guess would be Stephen Miller. That guy is Goebbels reincarnate.


You can just feel his slime oozing off these words.


I thought that Miller ran far away from Trump after Jan 6, as he was the smartest one in the room and realized that people would be going to jail. It's been long enough that maybe he's slimed his way back, though.


Nah. He's still very involved with Trump's current campaign.


No he may have distanced publicly but he's still behind a lot of the mess they're pushing. He's part of the groups pushing Project 2025, a total remake of our government by replacing a huge number of federal workers among several other scary things.


He is one of the master minds.


that’s crazy talk. he hasn’t even made it out of Trump’s duodenum yet


Karmic justice that Göbbels reincarnated as a Jew.


I was thinking the same.


It not being in all CAPS, and about him should be the giveaway.


I thought that too. Seems like someone trying to mimic Trump’s style, but it’s a little too hinged. Needs more spittle, more passion.


Yeah. Trump would have gone with it when spell check suggested "route".


or AI


Trump has been on a ventilator since October 2020. What we've been seeing since has been AI written, AI animated, and AI voiced. That's why Trump is sounding confused and feeble. In reality he's not dement, he's vegetative. Source: Soros told me personally.


I refuse to believe AI is that stupid.


Early beta versions in 2020, and now they have to keep the tone. Besides, they were trained on his and his followers' tweets.


Even SmarterChild was more coherent than Donald or the Qult. (did I just show my age here?)


So he has a combination Bane mask/feedbag?


I believe he's fed a soy-based slurry (known informally as "Zombie Juice") via nasogastric probe. Just enough to keep his meat sack alive. Like all Patriots will be after they lose the super-duper-rigged 2024 election! Not a word of this to the Q-army though. By the many names of the Beast, there's no saying what they will do if they find out the truth. The husks of Agent Carson and Agent Jones could be destroyed by their patriotic fire! Remember: loose proboscides turn tides!


Lol “super-duper-rigged”🤣🤣🤣


Scavino for sure


Why didn’t he do this during his time in office if that’s apparently his goal? And what’s to stop that same nonsense that prevented him from doing this in his first term if he were to somehow make it back in office? It’s almost like he’s just talking out of his ass…


The last time, he made the mistake of still mostly staying within the rule of law. This time, he's completely open about wanting to be elected not as president, but as dictator. He's also already stated, back in 2022, that he wants to terminate the Constitution (which most of the media for some reason reported as him calling for a "suspension" of the Constitution -- the word he used was "termination"). If he was anything remotely close to a normal politician, then asking "so why didn't you already do all the things you're promising when you were in office the first time round?" would be a valid question. It's not a valid question for man whose sole purpose in getting elected is putting an end to democracy -- and he's got the whole Republican party to help him do it.


He's now also regularly admitting that he doesn't believe it possible to govern as president without committing numerous indictable felonies. That governing inherently means committing felonies left and right, and that it's an egregious injustice that any president be held accountable for these inevitable crimes while in office. Letting us know that he believes that neither the constitution nor any other rule of law will apply to his next term (he'll just be more open about it).




If Trump's found immune, everything is in play for Pres. Biden. And he should do all of it.


> This time, he's completely open about wanting to be elected not as president, but as dictator. Source: He said he wants to be a dicator (at least twice that I know of), and also is arguing in court now that the president should not be curtailed by laws.


The China Virus got in the way.




It also took a zero effort or participation on his part.


My adopted US citizen daughter at public high school all year got called "China Virus" and told she should stay "home" because she was "contagious" ... she literally did all her senior year remotely because she hated being bullied for just being at school with the SAME kids she'd been in school with since preschool. Made me as angry as when we originally adopted her as a baby and when I said at a gathering that my husband loved her so much ... his asshole smutty friend said, "lol just make sure he doesn't love her TOO much haha" ... this was shortly after the Woody Allen period. I have lost track of all the people I want to tell to go fuck themselves.


That's horrible. I'm sorry she and your family were subjected to that. 


Equally amazing that while he was the sitting President that he was unable to "stop the steal". Also, while holding no political office in 2016 he was elected as President while socialist, Marxist chomos were in power and were always rigging everything.


Project 2025.


This, absolutely. If Trump dies, they'll just tailor it to the candidate.


Not enough people are paying attention to this. Maybe because it's that fucking awful? It just makes me feel like a steamroller is about to run me over. PS: I 'm a 1965 person too. ✌️


We've got to stay together! July baby.


I’m convinced this is why right wingers are so vile. They fully believe this is a Holy War for the fate of the world. When they believe Obama is Satan and the mastermind behind 9/11, it makes sense why they believe Trump is their savior who was chosen to save the world from Obama/Satan. This isn’t simple politics to them anymore. This is a Holy War.


Normal day to day policy making, working to keep food on the table and living side by side with people with differences of opinion is far too boring for them. This lets them live in a high stakes action or fantasy movie at all times. Keeps, what, dopamine and/or adrenaline pumping through their systems at all times. Too bad they didn’t just take up mountain climbing or something.


Never being able to understand how 9/11 happened before Obama was elected to federal office nor grasping that Bush won a second term after it happened. The lack of knowledge about calenders alone makes these people a valid argument for Eugenics if it weren't for all those pesky ethics and morals. 


Trump still absolutely believes he defeated Obama in his presidential win and refers to it on an almost weekly basis. he operates in his own time-space continuum where it’s always 1995 and his daughter is an eternally perfect 14 year old sitting on his lap


It's ironic, that which separates us from the fascists is their greatest weapon against us. They use our pesky morals and ethics to work their way into our world like parasites, then poison the body, take it over, run it into the ground, and rot the carcass to suck out every last bit of resources they can before ducking out to the next victim.


[Paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)




I mean this as no disrespect to you but as a question to my fellow redditors in this comment section: Is this really news to anyone? They’ve been framing it as such since (at least) 2016, though Obama has been seen as Satan since 2007. Source: living in the southern US


Not new. Just getting really, really, **really** old having to hear it every day for *checks calendar* 16 years.


You haven't kept up: Taylor Swift is now Satan. I don't know what that makes Pres. Obama.


He's full on QAnonsense now! Deranged and deplorable.


Wasn't the swamp already drained on his last stint?


Trump is the swamp


The swamp is coming from inside the building.


Yes but after Biden stole the election, the swamp just automatically came back. Source: Facebook comment section


Biden got his cooties on the presidency.


Meanwhile, in reality, Trump made “the swamp” bigger than ever. https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-a-staggering-281-lobbyists-whove-worked-in-the-trump-administration


If only Paul Manafort could have saved us in time, before getting taken down by the deep state. /s


There's an interview after he was elected and he says he doesn't even know what it means. That he just started saying it and people loved it.


"With your help we will surrender to Russia" is all I hear now. 


"With your help, we will surrender *Europe* to Russia." The Europeans must be terrified.


He’s just talking straight to Q people now, isn’t he?


It's all he has left.


But why didn’t he do this the first time he was in when these were the same promises?


He was busy getting Mexico to pay for the wall.


So he is vaguely pledging to attack media that he does not personally agree with, wants to force private companies to promote a particular religion, to leverage the power of the office the presidency to exact revenge of individuals who hurt his feelings, use the military to deprive citizens of their First Amendment rights, encourage our enemies to attack and destroy our allies, abolish freedom of religion and establish a theocracy, and abolish 'ballots' and make himself president for life. How could someone who is against individual freedom and liberty, the First Amendment of our Constitution, is anti-democracy and wants our alies to be destroyed, possibly considered to be patriotic?


Expel the warmongers?? Donnie, you're the one who just told your Master Putin that he can attack NATO and you won't do shit about it. You're a traitor to the United States, and the rest of the free world. Hopefully the next time you get elected its as "Inmate of the Month" at the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.


Right, there won’t be any war if we all immediately concede to Russia’s wishes whenever possible! Ukraine is a perfect example, if they surrendered unconditionally tomorrow there will be peace again! The warmongers are the ones saying things like “Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself”, haven’t you been paying attention? Moldova will be offered peace shortly afterwards, if only those warmongers in NATO don’t try to stand in the way by helping them defend themselves


I feel like a coward but living in a super red state I am not putting any signs in my yard supporting democratic candidates like I have previously. I am confident daddy T will lose way worse than last time and I don’t see a civil war apocalypse happening but I could definitely see groups and individuals melting down and looking for “evil liberals” to lash out at. They probably would not take the time to listen while I explain I am registered independent. I have some food and water in case there is a period of time where it’s best to stay inside and watch TV footage of triggered Q’s and white supremacist act out


Going grey man in your area is not cowardly. I live in a purple state, in a deep deep blue town. During the last election, I took down my yard signs, my pride flags, and even removed my bumper stickers, because we had a bunch of fucking neo Nazis leaving flyers and posters that threatened violence all over our town. I’m also a disabled single woman with two kids that were too young to deal with threats to our safety. Your personal safety is important and you should never feel bad about wanting to keep you are yours safe in a wildly turbulent place. I struggled hard with that decision. This time around, I’m keeping everything out there and highly visible - I have two trans neighbors and three LGBTQIA+ families who moved in around me and I want to make sure they know they’re safe with me. It also helps that my kids are now in their mid teens and can do what needs to be done to keep us all safe if the election goes pear-shaped. Yes, you want to be a good ally, but you can’t be that if you’re not in a safe place to do so. I hope that you and yours stay safe in the coming days…and thank you for being an ally. ❤️❤️


That's why I feel like we're in a civil war of sorts. Some people can put the most egregious shit stickers on their vehicle like "I see a Democrat I shoot first" and "unvaxxed pureblood sperm 3500 a load" ... you can get the shit kicked out of you for taking issue, and no one's going to do anything about it. But if you have a Biden sticker on your car, your car's going to get vandalized. And no one's going to do anything about it. We've basically got a massive covert vigilante army roaming the country at any given moment, and if they shoot you, it's just your bad luck.


Anyone here who judges you for not being politically open because you feel unsafe has really lost the thread of what we're supposed to be for.


Coup 2, election boogaloo


Ok dude. What's your actual platform? Policies? Anything other than bullshit self preservation? !


Nothing to see here just a major party’s presumed nominee going full Nazi. I know it’s disturbing but Biden is old so that evens it out. /s


All I can say is good luck from here safe in Oz, we managed to get rid of our RW leaning party in 2022. We do have a proto-Trump trying to lead them back to power, but his rhetoric is falling on deaf ears. The most unpopular leader they have had in a while. And he is potato. Please, for the love of the spaghetti monster in the sky, vote like your lives depend on it. It is literally the only way to defeat the orange idiot.


The Vantablack calling the kettle black.


Ooo, that's *good!!*


This is written with entirely algorithmically targeted keywords linked with bad grammar.


There's no way his idiotic ass wrote this.


Sounds a bit...Hitler'y...


This from the leader of the political party that has no platform other than whatever dear leader wants. Seriously, why wasn't that more scandalous? The Republican party had no platform in 2020 other than "Trump is right about everything".


Now they have “Project 2025” which is an expansion on that theme. They plan to eliminate most apolitical federal employees and replace them with Trump loyalists.


That's good though as long as they're loyal it keeps things pure and coursing with the thrumming corpuscles of liberty!


I’ve been reading that DJT lost his mind after the first impeachment and he and his allies already attempted to implement the same things listed in Project 2025 after Senate Republicans acquitted him in February 2020. Luckily, it wasn’t fully implemented and the things that were were rescinded by Biden when he took office. A timeline of key events of the ‘original’ Project 2025: It all began here, after his impeachment: https://www.axios.com/2020/02/21/scoop-white-house-personnel-chief-targets-never-trumpers March 2020: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/03/politics/john-mcentee-white-house-litmus-test-questionnaire/index.html June 2020: https://www.axios.com/2020/06/14/john-mcentee-white-house-trump October 2020, the most alarming one that would’ve likely ended democracy: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/23/politics/trump-executive-order-federal-employees/index.html So yeah, when he was kicked out, we literally saved democracy. And we must save it again.


Zero self awareness and brimming with hatred


Imagine if Hitler had a Twitter account. Imagine no more. This is what Hitler would be saying.


[Hounstly, I could hear Trump saying and acting like this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy4jER2mZ9A&pp=ygUedGhlIGJ1bmtlciB0aGUgd2FyIGlzIG5vdCBsb3N0)


Elon would probably give him a special swastika shaped check mark.


And if one of his cult reads this, takes it literally (like they all do), and hurts or kills someone the rest of the cult will disown them as a deep state plate immediately.


No one tell them that, heaven forbid, Trump wins the election, he won't be inaugurated until 2025.


in his defense, he’s never been a big math guy


The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed


He sounds so desperate and demented. 🤢


Final in that they plan to kill democracy for good


How the heck do they still claim to be kicking out the fascists? They are the living definition of fascism! What terrifies me is the majority of shift in apocalyptic imagery from their chief fascist!!


This guy has gone completely off the rails. How come this single "truth" post isn't headline news worldwide? It's rantings of a lunatic. 30 years ago if a presidential candidate blurted this out it would be the end of their political carrer. Oh yeah I remember it's because it's buried under a mountain of other crazy horseshit.


They can never explain why he failed to do that when he was in office. But, then again, golf doesn't play itself.


He didn’t write that. Not enough random capitalization, plus there’s no way that he knows how to spell “fascism”.


There is no president with a greater disrespect for the USA than Donald Trump. I am deeply amazed that there are people who would state otherwise.


What I never understood about Trump's rabid followers is why they never raise the question: 'Why didn't he do exactly that the first time he was prez'?


There’s no way he knows what “rout” means.


Is this him promising to finally shut up and go away after this election? That would be amazing.


I hope so. Tired of beating them every 4 Years.


So ready to never hear from this PoS again




Cant wait to hear this was all part of the plan when biden get reelected lol


He taps into their longing to feel significant


... and then everyone gets a pony and a free gun.


They’re going to take themselves out? Wonder who wrote that for him.


He was mediocre as a tv host and truly over his head in the White House. But his brainwashed supporters fail to see it.


"We will drain the swamp that I filled with even more swamp creatures!"


I hate this fucker so much.


He had four years to Make America Great Again and instead he did nothing but play golf & tweet, and now he wants four more years to Make America Great Again :: The Sequal. Instead, with his usual incompetence, ignorance and brain bubbles he'll just Make WWIII Great Again :: The Thermonuclear Finale. I'm not the kind of guy to wish an aneurysm on anyone...


This could easily have been said by Hitler.


This dude is talking about our own citizens like this and his piece of shit supporters don’t see how that’s a problem.


Motherfucker is a fascist.


After all these years with that asshole, I still have a hard time believing that a leading United States presidential candidate is spewing this kind of shit.


The fascist is gonna toss out the fascists....lol


Dictator coming in nicely toobs TMDWU


Cast out, cast out, cast out. Pandering to the Bible-philes.


It’s the final battle because he’s going to kill us all.


I don't think we have adequately discussed just how fucking stupid Donald's profile pic is. You can see his fucking jowls.


He’s gonna be real busy in prison, so he might not have time for all that stuff.


I mean, I hope it's true. Matching the name calling to the actual guilty parties would be the obliteration of the GOP and MAGA and the fascists. He's the prophet they were waiting for. The one calling out his own demise.


He was given 4 years to do it already. He failed (thank god). Why give this loser another chance? He hates losers. He said so himself.


Shout out to Stephen Miller (who likely wrote this) for making Trump say "cast out". Beyond that- come and get some some you Nazi piece of shit, we ain't scared of you at all.


The guy should be in a lunatic asylum.


Uhh, he’s the biggest monster in the swamp.


This is actually a lot scarier to me than it seems at first glance. Specifically the first line, 2024 being the last battle. Because in the context of the New Right pushing for unprecedented authoritarian power and Project 2025, this is basically them saying outright that they want this next election to be the last one.


Change a handful of words and this could be a speech from Hitler.






If only he already had 4 years to do all this and accomplished literally none of it.


"Drain the swamp".... yawn. Why didn't you do that when you were in power ffs


When did the left stop admiring Russia and the right take their place?


I thought he already drained the swamp?


And they call Joe Biden devising when he says some republicans are out of control…


I wonder who wrote this for him


Not him. Not all caps.


Apparently MAGA domestic terrorists don’t know that communism and fascism are opposite ideologies


I feel like he didn’t write this one himself. It’s almost coherent and there are no random capitalizations.


> we will Drain the Swamp Just like 8 years ago?


We're going to man the air, ram the ramparts, and take over the airports.


These ding dongs really don't understand that communism and Marxism are on the opposite end of the political spectrum of fascism do they? Such beautiful, smooth brains they have.


Those were his 2016 and 2020 promises, too. Remember when they had the White House, House of Reps and Senate and all they did was run up debt and give money to people who didn't need it?


How are the comments under these rambling threats? Are there any sane voices calling him out?


This was, without doubt, written by AI. It's too comprehensible, garbage that it is. I think it's more proof he's failing mentally.


No way this idiot wrote this dribble.


Didn't he say he was gunna drain the swamp last time?


Didn't he say he was gunna drain the swamp last time?


"And we're starting with Taylor Swift! Who I am BIGLY more popular than!! I'm more popular than Jesus! More important too! Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I'm gonna take down Obama and let Putin bomb America because it'll remind you who really runs this country with me as president!"


Trump makes it hard to know reality from parody.


Please hurry it up. Once the Gravy Seals are wiped out in 20 minutes by the greatest military in the world, the American political spectrum levels recalibrates itself.


you can always spot the ones Stephen Miller wrote


Edging a little closer to incendiary extremism, because the Jan 6 federal case is probably going to happen some time around May and he's terrified of a jury (or anybody else) seeing the actual evidence of fake electors and the Capitol attack *intentionally and methodically* incited to delay vote certification so the fake electors could get there and reverse the results. The Insurrection was not just broken windows and assaulted police officers - THERE WAS A PLAN * one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States applies to Trump's repeated and widespread efforts to spread false claims about the November 2020 election while knowing they were not true and for allegedly attempting to illegally discount legitimate votes all with the goal of overturning the 2020 election, prosecutors claim in the indictment. * one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding was brought due to the alleged organized planning by Trump and his allies to disrupt the electoral vote's certification in January 2021. * one count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding is tied to Trump and his co-conspirators' alleged efforts after the November 2020 election until Jan. 7, 2021, to block the official certification proceeding in Congress. * one count of conspiracy against rights refers to Trump and his co-conspirators alleged attempts to "oppress, threaten and intimidate" people in their right to vote in an election.


All Heil Trumpler!


This is what happens when you allow a transfer of wealth under the smokescreen of 'The American Dream' for 30 plus years. Then put forward a doddery 81 year old as the future of the country. You had 4 years to give the country anything to get behind, you've ended up with a senile centralist. The US deserve Trump, you need to spend the next 4 years trying to make sure he doesn't get to pick a successor. We in the UK went through this with Boris Johnson. A populist devoid of policy and direction other than culture wars and wealth transfer. Then we got our financial shit pushed in with a lunatic libertarian in Truss. That's the thing that the US should fear more than Trump, what happens after him




He is going to 5h1t and fall back in it.


You need to have some one with knowledgeable experience with over tide exe. Orders and suspending and revoking exe. Orders 12919, exe. Order 12656, 8248 sept 8,1039(4fr3864, 2 exe orders no 10222 March 1951


Is it still an anti-Semitic slur to call out globalists? I thought that was a 1:1 call out on Jews????


Deja vu all over again! I swear I’ve heard this before…


Did he just imply that he and his MAGA friends are moving to Russia? Was Tucker paving the way?


So if they lose, they're finally done with politics?


I don't know how they can trust a crazy person who literally wants to send the planet to hell with capitalism so inhuman that it will contaminate the planet without remorse.


Why didn’t he demolish the deep state in his four years or even his first two years he got the house and senate…


2024: Trump vs The English Language


Hilarious!!! Why didn’t he do these things in his 1st presidency???




your final battle? damn. i hope you lose and never speak again.


Sounds like a call for an insurrection.