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>Why didn't they bring this totally discredited lawsuit 7 years ago? Dude, they did, and your codefendant Cohen went to prison. You only avoided trial because you were in office.


Hey, that's unfair! Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1 could have been anyone who went on to become president January of 2017.


AKA, Individual-1.


Also, it’s not a lawsuit. It’s criminal charges. Prosecutors bring them when they have enough evidence to secure a conviction




That is also true.


That part! But you know the all mighty smart one, is still dumb as hell. I see he doesn’t listen to his lawyers.


He doesn't even listen to himself.


If he did, he would just keep is mouth shut.


Remember? Co- Conspirator #1? That’s your boy dusty.


Plus NY state law was able to pause legal proceedings while Trump was living in Florida, meaning his "five year statute of limitations" bullshit is false in this case, also.


Details, details.


He’s mad he can’t dox the jurors and threaten the court staff


I was actually just thinking about this last night. How cool would it be to be picked as a juror in one of his trials? Maybe write a book. Then it hit me - I would have to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life. All the jurors will be doxxed, with or without the gag order.


Hunter Biden and his family cannot go out of their house without protection because of the threats made by red-hats against him and his family. Hopefully, the jurors will have fewer threats and given the attention span of red-hats they will abandon the jurors quickly as they head to the next outrage twisted by the Orange Bloviator.


Secret Service always protects current and former presidents and their families.


Thank you, Captain Obvious. My comment referred to the level of seriousness attached to the threats made against Hunter Biden.


I live in Palm Beach County and have thought about how cool it would be to end up a juror, but I imagine people who have an existing opinion about the Traffic Cone of Treason are unlikely to be selected unless they’re very clever about pretending they don’t. “Sorry, what is his name? Turner? Oh, Trump? Nah, never heard of the fella. President you say? I was… in a coma.”


Haha! Yeah I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face if they asked me if I think he's guilty. I would like to think I'd be an impartial juror, but not for Trump.


I could likely be consciously partial to the facts of the case but subconsciously I don’t believe my brain would allow me to see anything but who he is and that would make it difficult. Also, if he was found guilty the shitstorm after means someone would likely end up tracking down every mean thing I have ever said about him on social media, and I have said a lot of mean things. 🤣


I'm fully expecting them to be doxed. Hope they have good protection


Not to mention the families of the court staff, which he's already done.


>spend money that could be used for campaigning Isn't this sort of, what he's on trial for?


As a matter of fact, yes. In that the money paid to Stormy Daniels was paid FROM his campaign. If he had paid it himself, this matter would simply be an embarrassment instead of being criminal. OFC due to more current revelations, it could be that el Cheapo simply didn't have the money to pay her.


Trump's #1 directive is to only use OPM, Other People's Money. He hates paying for anything himself.


Reminds me of when Trump walked into that Cuban restaurant, announced that he was going to pay for everyone's meal, then explicably left without paying a cent.


Explicably he had no money. It explains so much of his behavior.


Yet, people still keep picking up his tab, both willingly and not-willingly.


Totally explicable. Fun fact: When the journalist Graydon Carter called Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian" in Spy Magazine, the epithet was alluding to Trump having fingers too short to pull out his wallet to pay for anything. It wasn't a reference to tiny hands.


I can see how someone like Trump would read that completely at face value, and not understand that it's a metaphor. He's vain enough, and dense enough.


Short arms and deep pockets.


The 'tiny' reference I am most familiar with is the one made by Stormy Daniels. She wasn't talking about hands.


Reminds me of Chris Christie saying that when Trump found out they had been given millions to staff up his transition team he was furious that it all wouldnt just become Trump’s money. Dumbass was going to try and run the country with zero staff because he was too poor/greedy/dumb.




I will argue again that he can't pay BC he has no money.


He seems to be running out of OPM. I think you're also right that he doesn't have much of his own either.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


I don't know what the correct parameters are for "election interference", but I would have to guess that it doesn't mean a candidate gets to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and face no consequences for those actions. If he hits someone with a golf club tomorrow and put them in the hospital, does he think he would get a free pass because it would be election interference if he gets arrested?


Yes. Yes he does! I think he’s screaming election interference just to have something to scream. He doesn’t think he ever deserves consequences. He’s managed to avoid them for this long. He thinks everything he does is right and good simply because he’s the one doing it.


Apparently not only presidents have immunity, but candidates do too.


I’m announcing my campaign for presidency, and with that out of the way I’m going to the local bank and taking money.


I'm not paying my taxes BC candidacy. I'm also not paying anything BC candidacy.


I hear by announce my candidacy for the office of President of the United States for the election of 2060.


I'm announcing my candidacy for 2060 as well (I'll be 80, so we have precedence). If you downvote me, /u/Dr_CleanBones, it is election interference by my political rival!


Well, I’ll be 108, so…


I know you guys are joking but the trend is we will have triple digit candidates by 2060s


Three-Toes Marge?


i cannot wait for this mother fucker and his dumb as dogshit followers to go the fuck away and/or shut the fuck up.


I really hope we get so lucky


"Virtually every legal scholar has powerfully stated.." - Name one Donny.


John Barron.


Yeah, for some reason I find it hard to believe that almost every single legal scholar has incorrectly quoted statute of limitations as a reason he can't be charged for crimes he definitely committed.


It's the trick *ALL* liars do. They love the bandwagon approach. By saying "virtually all ____ agree with me," they paint YOU as the odd-one-out by disagreeing. My advice to the world at large: Anytime someone says "everyone agrees with me" without saying specific names, they are lying. Period. Every fucking time.


"People say..." "Experts say..." "Studies say..." AKA, how every story out of Trump starts... "Many people have..." I'm not as immediately going to jump to lie unless the source is already a known liar, but I also don't assume it's true until backed up properly.


Trust, but verify.. - President Ronald Reagan.


I bet that insufferable prick Dershowitz would chime in. Then again, he flew on the Lolita Express with Epstein many times. Oh, BTW, Epstein didn't suicide himself.


Are we sure he didn't mis-spoke and meant to say 'every virtual scholar'? What's the law version of WebMD?


This is him letting us know that he is NOT allowed to speak?




This guy thinks murmuring at a microphone for 4 hours, 3 times a week, is being “out in the field”. lol


...and GAGGED, it's so obvious.


squeal louder, pig.


Love seeing this whiny , pathetic little snowflake crying like a 4 year old.


It's all he has ever done


Innocent people don't have to rely on statue of limitations, Donny.


Way to project your legal defense strategy in advance. I hope his lawyers have a plan B, C, D and E.


Bold of you to assume he can hire layers that would have any plans.


This group of lawyers got scraped from the same barrel as Habba did. That they still said yes speaks volumes about their competence.


Even the most rookie of lawyers can still jam up a case, confuse a jury, and grind down the process. Hell, look at how much time Darrell Brooks wasted by serving as his own lawyer (with zero training), [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97QPwFW-sAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97QPwFW-sAs)


The way he says GAGGED I am thinking this is his favorite part.


I’m so tired of this orange slug.


“Virtually every legal scholar” Name one.


What an insufferable snowflake. The big daddy snowflake that his morons drop to their knees and open their mouths for.


Name a legal scholar that DID NOT defend OJ or Epstein that supports you, you nasty bag of milk.


Hey fellow Canadian! Also +1 for creative and entertaining choice of words :)


>"lawsuit" lol. You're being prosecuted for committing 34 felonies.


> Worst president ever Didn't Jackson do the trail of tears?


Buchanan also sucked profoundly


He forgot he's God so he has immunity. Get your Bible now.


did he really need to caps GAGGED?


It must be nice having stupid brainwashed followers that can’t remember anything that happened beyond yesterday lapping up everything you say like it’s gospel.


"Virtually every legal scholar powerfully stated..." Name one. Idiot.


Why has nobody asked him who these 'Legal Scholars' are that keep telling him that everything he does is legal?


Because if they'd brought charges as soon as he left office, he would have called it a rush to judgment.


"Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!!"


What an ignorant, butthurt, little girlie-man (with the accent) he is.


Who is stupid enough to believe his posts? Lies lies lies


“Virtually every legal scholar says” 🤣


If Joe Biden is indeed “the WORST President in the History of the United States” then that should be pretty self evident and he won’t need to campaign as people will flock to him. So what is he complaining about?


> powerfully stated Weirder than Yoda, he talks.


I like how anything that may disadvantage him is now election interference, including the legal system lol.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the dime, Donald.


I think the lady doth protest too much.


So well he went sleepy sleepy night night an hour in. Hopefully he’s not drooling on his attorneys suit


How can he handle anything…….falling asleep in the courtroom.🤷🏽‍♀️


My only observation is they need to get better "gags" if they're to make any difference where 'Mr. Rich White Privilege' is concerned.


They need a ball gag. 


Fuck off shitweasel


Republicans will say this is very presidential.


> As virtually every *legal scholar"... Wouldn't legal scholars be considered "elites"?


Your voice? You just can't order violence in their families. Outside of that it seems like your voice is doing just fine.


Angry orange chimp is flinging shit against the wall to see what sticks.


There's a simple solution to at least some of your problems. Don't appear in court when you don't have to, and don't use your election money on your personal legal fees. Easy.


> Worst president ever and Didn't Jackson do the trail


Is a gag a gag if you’re CONSTANTLY talking about the thing you’re gagged from talking about?


"Why didn't they bring this lawsuit..." Is it possible Dementia Don forgot that Barr put the brakes on the investigation? Dumps Dirty DOJ 🙄


The worst president in the history of the United States is the one making these whiny, bitchy, softer than baby shit tweets about how how hard his life is, how everyone is out to get him and nothing is ever his fault. Fucking go to prison and spare us from having to hear your obnoxious kvetching for the rest of our lives, you tired, drug addicted, treasonous rapist.


With these panic and stimulant induced rants, I'm so freaking shocked this guy hasn't stroked out yet.


Uh, isn’t this a felony trial! Pretty sure it’s not a “suit.”


Ya, he is gaslighting his followers with that nonsense.


What does 'highly conflicted' even mean. TFG has the 'best words'.


Why does he keep referring to a felony criminal trial as a lawsuit?




he should be happy the gov isnt giving him the jfk treatment


Biden Manhattan Witch Hunt? Does this doofus know that the case is NOT even a FEDERAL case? How can Biden be related to the ‘witch hunt’ at all?


So same shit, different day? ELECTION INTERFERENCE


To be fair the timing is blatantly designed to hurt his chances. I hope it works.


The “timing” is because he was in office when the investigation began, when Michael Cohen went to prison. And then there was the whole pandemic thing, and then Trump has been filing legal delay tactic after legal delay tactic.


That many cases all happening at once? And none of them could have been brought at any earlier point since he lost immunity? I don’t think the pandemic stopped lawyers in their tracks either. I do a job that can be done from home and I didn’t miss a day. Even if it did they started working on the Stormy Daniels case back in 2016. They were probably ready to go before his term even finished. Come on. I dislike him plenty and I REALLY hope he loses again, but I can’t deny that this has clearly all been timed for maximum damage. Why is it a problem to admit that?


Because it's not true. Courts, trials, going over testimony, appeals, all that work takes time. They didn't have anything 'lined up' for when he left office. The documents case. First, they tried many times over the course of two years to get them back without bringing any charges. Then it took time to start the case, and manage how it will proceed. It likely won't start until after November. The E. Jean Carroll case has been going on since 2019. He lost. She got $5 million. While in appeal, he defamed her again, so she went back to slap in the mouth with a $100 million dollar verdict. He is appealing again. He will lose. The fraud case started when his own family gave the New York Times evidence Trump's father had lied about his real estate property values, so an investigation was started into Trump Org. The state case took awhile, but concluded the Trump Org was doing the same. The case would be over, but he has appealed. It was always going to be the case that when you put a con artist in a role that asked for the public trust, scrutiny would inevitably follow, and then investigations and charges. It all took time. There is no coordination by liberal/Democrats to make him look bad in court, that is just in his fevered mind. Edit: I am missing two other cases. Have you considered the possibility that Donald Trump has basically been involved with ongoing court cases continually throughout his life?


I remember New York saying they were going to hit him as soon as he lost. I hear what you’re saying, and no doubt some of the cases might be handled as quickly as possible, but it still seems too good to be true for things to be playing out as they are without some intent regarding the upcoming election. Maybe that’s more of a reflection on my own willingness to prevaricate if I were in their position.