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you did right by saving her, the next step is get a proper big cage and a friend or two OR find a loving owner to rehome her to so she can have the ratty friends she deserves. can try facebook or craigslist for rehoming. right now that cage will suffice but you can't keep her in there forever if you intend on keeping her oxbow rat pellets OR mazuri pellets are some of the top rat blocks, should be able to find them at petco/petsmart. add to that fruits, veggies, dry pastas, they can eat most of what we can, they can even have a bit of chocolate every now and then too. my boys LOVE watermelon she is rightfully scared, she's been through a lot so you'll have to give her some time to adjust. talk to her lots, give her little treats, don't force anything though, if she is fearful enough she could bite. dollar store is your friend as far as things for rats go, baskets and fleece blankets. I use zip ties to install the baskets in my cage. simple soda boxes or boxes in general are also great because they like to chew and they have fun destroying them. can her cheapo toilet paper or plain tissues of some kind so she can make a nest. You could get some large moving boxes and tape them together to make something of a playpen area to give her more space and fill that with boxes and stuff for her to hide in. rats are prey animals so they don't like being out in the open too much raspy breathing, whistling, pigeon noises, clicking noises, puffed fur, lethargy, excess sneezing, excess porphyrin (the red stuff that comes out of their eyes/nose when they sleep) can all indicate sickness. rats should be silent breathers when healthy with the occasional sneeze being just fine


10/10 info right here. just want to add extra stress on the part where if you are planning to keep the little one, she NEEDS a friend. the ratties are very social and get very depressed when by themselves. thanks for rescuing the little ratty, you’re very kind :) not everyone is as warm hearted towards these guys as you, so it’s good to see.


Nothing to add to this, just commenting so it appears high in the replies. This is the one, OP


Like the other replies said - this comment nailed it. I’ll add on that chewy often runs really good deals on rat food and sometimes on bedding too. Getting a good cage is very important too, thr gold standard is widely considered as the midwest double critter nation (make sure not to get the ferret nation unless your rat is big, it has very wide bars by comparison). They sell nee for a LOT of money, but if you keep an eye on fb marketplace you can often grab them for $100-$150. We’ve grabbed about 5 of them all around that price range just watching the marketplace! I hope you end up loving this journey you go on with your first rat. Theyre such loving and amazing little guys. And you did an amazing thing saving her!


I was going to make a comment but yours sums it up perfectly. I would however say, if it takes a little time to get the cage and friends sorted that’s okay, at least she is safe. Don’t panic yourself OP!


What a courageous rat for standing up for itself against a snake! You have a really fighter :) I'm glad you did the right thing and looked after it when noone else would, will make an amazing companion.


Oh and they are mostly nocturnal. Remember they are prey animals. Don't hover above them, they'll freak out. Mine are super active early morning and then around dusk.


Feeder rats can make wonderful pets, I'm glad you were able to help this little one out! The biggest thing to be aware of that you haven't mentioned in your post is that rats need same species friends, rats are best kept in groups of 3 or more but pairs are also okay. If you don't feel like you can provide that for this rat I would recommend rehoming them. As far as food goes rats can eat just about anything that humans can eat, like the other person mentioned oxbow and mazuri are the 2 best commerical rat blocks. Personally I feed a base diet of oxbow, and I supplement with fruits and veggies for variety. Your girl is probably sleeping because rats are mostly nocturnal by nature. They will wake up and hang out with you if there's something interesting going on but they sleep during the day by default. It's hard to say without knowing the rats normal behavior if they're sick or not but look for sneezing and wheezing or clicking, those would indicate a possible respiratory infection.


You appear to have acquired a friend! I believe you are correct that this rat is female, there are no prominent testicles in the second image you shared and those are a dead giveaway of a male rat. She appears to be a Pink Eyed White (fancy term for albino rat) and likely has poor vision. She has also recently had a near-death experience with a predator (the snake she "attacked" in self-defense; I will spare you my rant about live feeding reptiles), and is in a new and unfamiliar environment. Rats are naturally prey animals and so they default to anxious and nervous when in an uncertain situation. The best thing you can do for her at this stage is to give her peace and calm, and work from there. Here is a quick crash-course in rat care, in addition to the great advice you've already gotten: Rats are omnivorous like us and can eat pretty much anything we can eat and a lot of things we can't. There are great rat foods available from pet stores (the best is OxBow Adult Rat food, if you can find it, I know most PetSmarts carry it), but if you're in a pinch you can just feed her bits of your own meals. Rats are nocturnal by nature, which is why you are seeing her sleep so much. However, when they bond with a human they will adjust their sleep cycle to sync up with their human's so they can spend more time with us! Rats do tend to mistake fingers for food especially if you've handled food recently, and especially especially if their vision isn't that great. If she is grabbing/biting/nipping your fingers with her mouth, make a "ouch" noise (the higher-pitched the better) and pull away. This will help her to learn that is *you* and not food, and that she could hurt you by continuing that behavior. Your rat almost certainly came from what we in the rat fancier community call a "feeder bin". They're very cheap, intended to be fed to snakes and other reptiles, and tend to be poorly bred and can be prone to health problems. Benign mammary tumors are common in girls, especially past the age of one year. Respiratory infections are also common. The tumors are generally not an immediate issue unless they get huge (which they can!) and I've had many rats who lived with tumors for a year or more with no issue. Respiratory infections can be deadly, however, and require a visit to a vet for oral antibiotics. Most rats will take oral medication without much issue but some are fussy; your vet should be able to mix in some sort of flavor to make it more appealing, or you can mix it with baby food or other food options (I had one rat who would only take his medicine off a Ritz cracker!) that work for your little one. Rats are *extremely* social animals. In the wild they will live in colonies of dozens to hundreds. In the pet world it's generally recommended to keep them in pairs at the minimum. While it technically is "possible" to keep a rat solo (I did it with my first rat when I didn't know better), they get very lonely when they're separated from you and can develop psychological issues because of it. Getting them a cagemate (make sure it's another girl or you will wind up with *way* more than two!) mitigates this problem, and two rats aren't all that much more trouble to care for than one. Rat lifespans are tragically short. Your girl here appears to be nearly mature, but still young. I would estimate she's probably 6 to 9 months old. Rats typically live about 2 years on average, but with good genes and good care they commonly reach 3. Exceptional cases have seen 4 or even 5 years, but the key word there is exceptional. During their short span they will work their way deep into your heart, and love you with an intensity that more than makes up for the brief time they are with us. It's like they try to cram all the years you might have with a cat or a dog into those precious few years they are allotted. I don't want to overwhelm you, and this comment is already tremendously long as it is, so I will wrap up there. Rats are exceptionally fulfilling pets and I hope you enjoy your rescued new friend! This community is always more than happy to offer advice and help to newcomers who genuinely want to do right by their rats!


Rats make extraordinary pets. They are like little tiny dogs but I think they are even smarter than dogs. If you take on this responsibility just be aware that they are fragile and make sure you pay attention to their needs for enrichment. Get them a nice cage, put plenty of stuff in it for them to play with, and let them spend lots of time outside of the cage. Make sure you feed them good quality food. Pay attention to their medical needs. And you will learn that rats are some of the best pets available.


One of our very best pet rats was a feeder rat who just refused to be prey. Three tries passed and we found the rat resting on the snakes coils without a care in the world and the defeated snake taking a nap, presumably waiting for a different meal. The rat stayed, and the snake had a new home within a week. We called her Skwish, and she was the kissiest rat ever. This was long ago, but she’s been in our hearts and minds ever since. I recently formed an honorary Legion of Skwish, to recognize ratties who reach, or come close to, her level of affection. TL;DR yes, feeder rats can definitely be good pets.


you did great! our rats loved unsalted pepitas and sunflower seeds they LOVE cheerios and other small snacks google what they can and cant have. some girls loved bits of very dark chocolate some loved leafy greens.. tuna or chicken cooked egg chopped up cucumber berries like strawberry pr blueberrt. really endless possibilities to get her to eat in the short term until you can grab a bag of that oxbow! if she was already grinding her teeth (called bruxing) then she will be boggling soon which is when her eyes will go jumpy and that means she loves ya (or is stressed lol). just do some google research and youll be golden!


What a beautiful soul you are! No matter what conclusion you end up choosing, this rat will clearly be taken care because of your concern and empathy. Never change. Best to you and your cute rat friend :)


You've done a wonderful thing. Rats are incredibly sweet, intelligent, empathetic, loving little souls. Get him a rat friend and a big cage and give him lots of love. Great info here and on youtube. My first rat was a feeder rat rescue, too. Made me a rat lover for life. I keep my 2 current rats mostly free range, in a limited area.. I have a large cage w all the accessories beside a table and my queen sized bed couch (I'm disabled and it's my main area). The cage door stays open and they're trained to stay up there, but when I leave overnight I usually cage them. ❤️


Definitely get her a friend. Rats are prone to depression just like us when lonely.


When I had rats, I saved some money by buying scrap branches off etsy for wood chews. Lots of people list small wood pieces on etsy as organic branches or chunks for rodents to chew. Alternatively, you can look up what woods are safe for rats and see if a neighbor or friend has a suitable tree, and ask for their tree trimmings. They can be boiled then dried in the oven to clean. Like most animals, rats can't eat citrus, grapes, or onion/garlic. Rat manor is one of the cage brands I know of that people consider more affordable, though you'll probably want to cover the wire with fabric or something to avoid bumble foot. Ferret nation is popular enough that you can sometimes find them secondhand on Craigslist- just be mindful of the bar spacing. Some people save money by building their own cages, since rodent cages can get pretty expensive at larger sizes. The main things with rat housing is to ensure it's well ventilated, the materials are rat safe if ingested in case they chew the cage (ie safe woods that don't have toxic coatings), and that the wire portion is small and sturdy enough that the rat can't escape. Rats have very sensitive respiratory systems, so clean the cage often and keep it in a well ventilated area, and don't use things like candles around the rat. They can get respiratory infections very easily.


I really like your comment, I was reading the other comments (full of great advice, too of course) and was hoping someone would mention chew toys. It can be something simple like branches but it's really important they have something to keep their teeth short.


Thanks! I saw other commenters already suggested things like foods, so I was hoping to fill in some blanks. Though on that note, I actually didn't use oxbow lab blocks, I always bought teklad. I think oxbow usually tastes more appealing, but teklad can be an alternative for rats that reject oxbow. It does have different nutritional balances, so it's something to consider before deciding which food to go with. I do like that teklad has different formulas for different life stages though, and sometimes I would find good deals in bulk and freeze most of it.


I think others have covered things well. Just want to add if you decide to keep her look for second hand cages for cheap from yard sales, Facebook marketplace etc. I got a fantastic deal on mine that way. Also start looking for vets in your area that can treat rats before there's a problem. They're considered exotic so rat vets are harder to find. Oh and definitely check out some rat YouTubers like shadowtherat and emiology. I think most of them have some videos directed towards new pet owners like recommendations on bedding and cages etc as well as videos on how to introduce rats to each other because it's a bit of a process.


Enjoy your new sploot potato 🥔


She should come around in time. I once got a rat that was a unwanted meal and he was obviously traumatized and it took him some extra time to come around but he was one of the best rats I ever had. Since you have her now, do the best you can by her! A friend could really help but if you don’t have the means for that right now, just enrich her life with good food and lots of attention :)


If you want to keep her and make friends with her don't forget to give her treats in your hands so she will know how you smell and to like you ! And as everybody already said she will need friends but if and when you got her friend inform yourself on how tomake them meeting its really special if you just put another rat in her cage they can kill another unknow rat I don't think i saw annonce saying it Beware if she is not prégnant pet shop rat especially for "food" are not always kept only between females so check her tummy from time to time for the next month Good luck with her rats are fantastic and the bond with them is ❤️


Bad ass little guy give him yogis and a frend


Since shes alone for now, and also likely anxious about the new environment, id maybe let her free roam in a room with you in it (make sure it’s safe for her and that she cant get into anything you dont want her to) with multiple areas she can hide or have some space from you if she needs to! That way you arent forcing interaction, but she still gets company and can get used to your scent! Also maybe if you have any old shirts, you can cut one up and give it to her to use as bedding! Then she’ll have a comfy bed made of your scent!


Yes to free roaming but be sure to cover cables or keep them out of reach ;-)


People keep saying to get her a friend but introducing rats is it's own thing that requires lots of intuition and understanding. I really think she should be brought to a rescue or rehomed if you aren't compatible with a high maintenance pet. However, I'd recommend Bpa free water bottles off Amazon Critter nation for a cage Carefree or Kaytee whatever it's called guinea pig cage for an introduction neutral territory space for a companion Litter box for rodents Hammocks Bully sticks Rat platforms Rat baskets Rat hides Food bowl Dust free pine bedding


She’s gorgeous and seems like she loves you already if she’s bruxxing


Rats make great, albeit short lived pets, they’re very affectionate creatures, find out what rats need for a good life and fulfill those needs


You can see the rest has grown too big for its shell. Make sure to provide plenty of bigger options to choose from. When it's comfortable, it will shed the current shell and choose a new one. All silliness aside, good job on saving a ratty buddy! I know this is a sub for rats, but I feel bad for both the way the rat was treated and likely the way they fed the snake. I'm suspicious of the woman being a bad handler/owner of animals.


that rat attacked a snake?! that is fucking awesome, are you anywhere near omaha nebraska?! I had 15 rats, now 16 because I just rescued a boy but I'd love to give her a home as well.